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Created October 2, 2012 03:45
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3d racket drawing
#lang racket/gui
(require racket/flonum racket/fixnum)
;(require racket/require)
;(require (filtered-in
; (λ (name) (regexp-replace #rx"unsafe-" name ""))
; racket/unsafe/ops))
;(require (only-in racket/flonum flvector))
(define-syntax-rule (define-bin-op-stx name oper id)
(define-syntax name
(syntax-rules ()
[(name) id]
[(name a) (name id a)]
[(name a b) (oper a b)]
[(name a b . rst) (name (name a b) . rst)])))
(define-bin-op-stx f+ fl+ 0.0)
(define-bin-op-stx f- fl- 0.0)
(define-bin-op-stx f* fl* 1.0)
(define-bin-op-stx f/ fl/ 1.0)
(define-syntax-rule (sq x) (f* x x))
(define vec flvector)
(define-syntax-rule (v.x v) (flvector-ref v 0))
(define-syntax-rule (v.y v) (flvector-ref v 1))
(define-syntax-rule (v.z v) (flvector-ref v 2))
(define phi (f/ (f+ 1.0 (flsqrt 5.0)) 2.0))
(define -phi (f- 0.0 phi))
(define (icosahedron-faces v)
(vector (vector (vector-ref v 0) (vector-ref v 4) (vector-ref v 1))
(vector (vector-ref v 0) (vector-ref v 9) (vector-ref v 4))
(vector (vector-ref v 9) (vector-ref v 5) (vector-ref v 4))
(vector (vector-ref v 4) (vector-ref v 5) (vector-ref v 8))
(vector (vector-ref v 4) (vector-ref v 8) (vector-ref v 1))
(vector (vector-ref v 8) (vector-ref v 10) (vector-ref v 1))
(vector (vector-ref v 8) (vector-ref v 3) (vector-ref v 10))
(vector (vector-ref v 5) (vector-ref v 3) (vector-ref v 8))
(vector (vector-ref v 5) (vector-ref v 2) (vector-ref v 3))
(vector (vector-ref v 2) (vector-ref v 7) (vector-ref v 3))
(vector (vector-ref v 7) (vector-ref v 10) (vector-ref v 3))
(vector (vector-ref v 7) (vector-ref v 6) (vector-ref v 10))
(vector (vector-ref v 7) (vector-ref v 11) (vector-ref v 6))
(vector (vector-ref v 11) (vector-ref v 0) (vector-ref v 6))
(vector (vector-ref v 0) (vector-ref v 1) (vector-ref v 6))
(vector (vector-ref v 6) (vector-ref v 1) (vector-ref v 10))
(vector (vector-ref v 9) (vector-ref v 0) (vector-ref v 11))
(vector (vector-ref v 9) (vector-ref v 11) (vector-ref v 2))
(vector (vector-ref v 9) (vector-ref v 2) (vector-ref v 5))
(vector (vector-ref v 7) (vector-ref v 2) (vector-ref v 11))))
(define icosahedron
(flvector -1.0 0.0 phi)
(flvector 1.0 0.0 phi)
(flvector -1.0 0.0 -phi)
(flvector 1.0 0.0 -phi)
(flvector 0.0 phi 1.0)
(flvector 0.0 phi -1.0)
(flvector 0.0 -phi 1.0)
(flvector 0.0 -phi -1.0)
(flvector phi 1.0 0.0)
(flvector -phi 1.0 0.0)
(flvector phi -1.0 0.0)
(flvector -phi -1.0 0.0)))
(define pi 3.141592653589793238462643383279)
(define *size* 600.0)
(define *x-rot-speed* (f/ pi 240.0))
(define *y-rot-speed* (f/ pi 360.0))
(define *scale* 120.0)
(define *camera-angle* (vec 0.0 0.0 0.0))
(define *camera-pos* (vec 0.0 0.0 15.0))
(define *view-pos* (vec 0.0 0.0 10.0))
(define *light-point* (vec 0.0 0.0 15.0))
(define *face-color* (vec 200.0 0.0 0.0))
(define (offset-polyhedron v x y z)
(vector-map (lambda (n)
(vec (f+ (v.x n) x) (f+ (v.y n) y) (f+ (v.z n) z)))
(define (rotate-3d p theta phi psi)
(let ([x (v.x p)]
[y (v.y p)]
[z (v.z p)]
[sint (flsin theta)]
[cost (flcos theta)]
[sinph (flsin phi)]
[cosph (flcos phi)]
[sinps (flsin psi)]
[cosps (flcos psi)])
(vec (f+ (f* cost cosps x)
(f* (f- (f* sinph sint cosps) (f* cosph sinps)) y)
(f* (f+ (f* cosph sint cosps) (f* sinph sinps)) z))
(f+ (f* cost sinps x)
(f* (f+ (f* sinph sint sinps) (f* cosph cosps)) y)
(f* (f- (f* cosph sint sinps) (f* sinph cosps)) z))
(f+ (f* (f- sint) x)
(f* sinph cost y)
(f* cosph cost z)))))
(define (vector- v1 v2)
(vec (f- (v.x v1) (v.y v2)) (f- (v.y v1) (v.y v2)) (f- (v.z v1) (v.z v2))))
(define (dot v1 v2)
(f+ (f* (v.x v1) (v.x v2)) (f* (v.y v1) (v.y v2)) (f* (v.z v1) (v.z v2))))
(define (vector-abs v)
(let ([x (v.x v)] [y (v.y v)] [z (v.z v)])
(flsqrt (f+ (sq x) (sq y) (sq z)))))
(define (normal f)
(let ([p1 (vector-ref f 0)] [p2 (vector-ref f 1)] [p3 (vector-ref f 2)])
(let ([p1x (v.x p1)] [p1y (v.y p1)] [p1z (v.z p1)]
[p2x (v.x p2)] [p2y (v.y p2)] [p2z (v.z p2)]
[p3x (v.x p3)] [p3y (v.y p3)] [p3z (v.z p3)])
(let ([v1x (f- p2x p1x)] [v1y (f- p2y p1y)] [v1z (f- p2z p1z)]
[v2x (f- p3x p1x)] [v2y (f- p3y p1y)] [v2z (f- p3z p1z)])
(vec (f- (f* v1y v2z) (f* v1z v2y))
(f- (f* v1z v2x) (f* v1x v2z))
(f- (f* v1x v2y) (f* v1y v2x)))))))
(define (unitize v)
(let ((dis (vector-abs v)))
(vec (f/ (v.x v) dis) (f/ (v.y v) dis) (f/ (v.z v) dis))))
(define (face-shade f)
(let ([dif (dot (unitize (normal f))
(unitize (vector- (barycenter f) *light-point*)))]
[facer (v.x *face-color*)]
[faceg (v.y *face-color*)]
[faceb (v.z *face-color*)])
(make-object color%
(fxabs (exact-round (f* facer dif)))
(fxabs (exact-round (f* faceb dif)))
(fxabs (exact-round (f* faceg dif))))))
(define (3d-project p)
(define (perspectiveproj a c thetv e)
(let ([cosx (flcos (v.x thetv))] [cosy (flcos (v.y thetv))] [cosz (flcos (v.z thetv))]
[sinx (flsin (v.x thetv))] [siny (flsin (v.y thetv))] [sinz (flsin (v.z thetv))]
[amcx (f- (v.x a) (v.x c))] [amcy (f- (v.y a) (v.y c))] [amcz (f- (v.z a) (v.z c))])
(let ([dx (f- (f* cosy (f+ (f* sinz amcy) (f* cosz amcx))) (f* sinz amcz))]
[dy (f+ (f* sinx (f+ (f* cosy amcz) (f* siny (f+ (f* sinz amcy) (f* cosz amcx)))))
(f* cosx (f- (f* cosz amcy) (f* sinz amcx))))]
[dz (f- (f* cosx (f+ (f* cosy amcz) (f* siny (f+ (f* sinz amcy) (f* cosz amcx)))))
(f* sinx (f- (f* cosz amcy) (f* sinz amcx))))])
(make-object point%
(f* (f- dx (v.x e)) (f/ (v.z e) dz) *scale*)
(f* (f- dy (v.y e)) (f/ (v.z e) dz) *scale*)))))
(perspectiveproj p *camera-pos* *camera-angle* *view-pos*))
(define (barycenter f)
(let-values ([(ll) (fx->fl (vector-length f))]
[(vx vy vz)
(for/fold ([xx 0.0] [yy 0.0] [zz 0.0]) ([p (in-vector f)])
(values (f+ xx (v.x p)) (f+ yy (v.y p)) (f+ zz (v.z p))))])
(vec (f/ vx ll) (f/ vy ll) (f/ vz ll))))
(define (prepare faces)
(for/vector ([face (in-vector faces)]
#:when (fl>= (dot (unitize (normal face))
(unitize (vector- (barycenter face) *camera-pos*)))
(cons (face-shade face)
(for/list ([v (in-vector face)]) (3d-project v)))))
(define (do-rotate vs thetaz thetay thetax)
(for/vector #:length (vector-length vs) ([e (in-vector vs)])
(rotate-3d e thetaz thetay thetax)))
(define cvs%
(class canvas% (super-new)
(inherit get-dc refresh suspend-flush resume-flush)
(define dc (get-dc))
(define ctr 0.0)
(define last-print (current-inexact-milliseconds))
(define last-print-ticks 0)
(define/public (tick)
(set! last-print-ticks (fx+ last-print-ticks 1))
(set! ctr (f+ ctr 1.0)))
(define/override (on-paint)
(when (fl> (f- (current-inexact-milliseconds) last-print) 1000.0)
(set! last-print (current-inexact-milliseconds))
(printf "~a fps~n" last-print-ticks)
(set! last-print-ticks 0))
(send dc erase)
(let ([drawable
(f* (f- *x-rot-speed*) ctr)
(f* *y-rot-speed* ctr)
(f* (f- *x-rot-speed*) ctr))
(flsin (f/ ctr 23.0)) (fltan (f/ ctr 33.0)) (flcos (f/ ctr 17.0)))))])
(for ([f (in-vector drawable)])
(send dc set-brush (new brush% [color (car f)]))
(send dc draw-polygon (cdr f) (f/ *size* 2.0) (f/ *size* 2.0))))
(define sema (make-semaphore 0))
(define timer #f)
(define frame
(class frame%
(define/augment (on-close)
(semaphore-post sema)
(send timer stop)
(inner (void) on-close))
(super-new)) "asdf"))
(define cvs (make-object cvs% frame))
(send* cvs
(min-width (exact-round *size*))
(min-height (exact-round *size*)))
(send frame show #t)
(set! timer
(make-object timer%
(lambda _ (send cvs tick) (send cvs refresh))
(void (yield sema))
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