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Created October 29, 2021 17:33
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The old "magic git submodule wrangling" script from imgui-rs.
use anyhow::Result;
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering::Relaxed},
/// "Automagic" submodule wrangling (sync, clean, fix, etc)
/// Ported from rustc's `` code, which runs something like this
/// automatically (even for `./ --help`)
/// (We only have one submodule, so the handling of multiple submodules is
/// pointless for us for now. However, I snarfed this from the xtask in my game
/// engine, which has several submodules, and we might have more later).
/// In theory this can loose local changes made within the submodule. This is
/// unlikely (I asked if this had caused issues within rustc and nobody who
/// replied had experienced it), but should be avoidable if you
/// 1. don't modify `.gitignore`d files in submodules unless those files don't
/// need to survive updates.
/// 2. don't add modifications to submodules when they're unsynchronized (e.g.
/// doing a `git pull` that needs to update the submodule, and making local
/// modifications to it before syncing it) I don't see a reason for we'd do
/// the first, and the 2nd seems particularly unlikely
/// The first won't be an issue for us, and shouldn't be an issue for other
/// projects unless they're doing fairly weird stuff. The second is hard to
/// imagine for us, since most updates to dear imgui are backwards incompatible,
/// so you'll probably notice you need to update them.
pub fn fixup_submodules() -> Result<()> {
// execute from workspace root
let _guard = xshell::pushd(&crate::project_root())?;
let mods = all_submodules()?;
for path in mods {
/// Same as `fixup_submodules` unless it's explicitly disabled by
/// setting `IMGUI_XTASK_NO_SUBMODULE_FIXUP` in the environment.
/// I don't know why you'd need this, but it seems safer to have than not. That
/// said, rustc (where we took our logic from) is way bigger, has a lot more dev
/// going on in submodules, and has no ability to disable the behavior.
pub fn autofix_submodules() {
if option_env!("IMGUI_XTASK_NO_SUBMODULE_FIXUP").is_none() {
if let Err(e) = fixup_submodules() {
eprintln!("Warning: failed to sync submodules: {:?}", e);
fn fix_submodule(rel_path: &Path) -> Result<()> {
let checked_out_hash = {
// would like to use `cmd` but need
let out = std::process::Command::new("git")
.args(&["rev-parse", "HEAD"])
if !out.status.success() {
"`git rev-parse HEAD` (from {}) failed with {:?}",
let recorded_hash = {
let out = std::process::Command::new("git")
.args(&["ls-tree", "HEAD"])
if !out.status.success() {
"`git ls-tree HEAD {}` failed with {:?}",
let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&out.stdout);
if stdout.trim().lines().count() != 1 {
anyhow::bail!("Weird output from git ls-tree: {:?}", stdout)
// stdout is in the format `mode kind hash\tfilename` and we want `hash`
// if the hashes are the same they're the same, we're good
if checked_out_hash == recorded_hash {
if crate::verbose() {
"Nothing to be done for {} ({:?} == {:?})",
return Ok(());
// otherwise, update the submodule
eprintln!("Updating submodule {}", rel_path.display());
// force it to sync
xshell::cmd!("git submodule -q sync {rel_path}")
// NB: rustc supports older version of `git`, and so retries
// without the --progress arg if running with it fails.
// enter the submodule and update, reset, and clean to
// force it to be fully in-sync. If you have unsaved changes,
// this will lose them (but they can be recovered from the reflog)
let _d = xshell::pushd(rel_path)?;
xshell::cmd!("git reset -q --hard")
xshell::cmd!("git clean -qdfx")
fn all_submodules() -> Result<Vec<PathBuf>> {
// use `--null` to get \0-separated output, which lets us handle weird shit
// like paths with `\n` in them.
let mut out = xshell::cmd!("git config --file .gitmodules --path --null --get-regexp path")
// trim the end so that split works.
while out.stdout.ends_with(b"\0") {
let mut pb = vec![];
for kv in out.stdout.split(|n| *n == 0).filter(|v| !v.is_empty()) {
if let Ok(v) = std::str::from_utf8(kv) {
// `v` is formatted like "{name}\n{path}", so discard everything up
// to (and including) the newline.
if let Some(path) = v.find('\n').map(|p| &v[(p + 1)..]) {
} else {
"warning: invalid format for gitmodule entry: {:?}",
} else {
"warning: ignoring invalid utf8 in: {:?}",
/// Note: This is to support older versions of git that don't have `--progress`.
/// I have no idea how old they are, or i'd make a decision on whether to support
/// it. Basically, we run `git submodule update --init --recursive --progress`,
/// and if it fails we omit the `--progress` flag from then on, and immediately
/// retry.
/// If we don't care about those git versions, this could just be
/// `xshell::cmd!("git submodule update --init --recursive --progress")`
fn git_submodule_update_init_recursive() -> Result<()> {
return if NO_PROGRESS_FLAG.load(Relaxed) {
} else if do_git_smu(true).is_err() {, Relaxed);
if crate::verbose() {
eprintln!(" retrying without `--progress` flag (old git?)");
} else {
static NO_PROGRESS_FLAG: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
fn do_git_smu(with_progress_flag: bool) -> Result<()> {
let flag = if with_progress_flag {
} else {
xshell::cmd!("git submodule update --init --recursive {flag...}")
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