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Created October 1, 2018 13:15
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horse_names = []
horse_finish_times = []
def register_horse(horse_name, horse_number):
horse = [horse_number, horse_name]
print("Registered horse")
def record_race_data(horse_number, finish_time):
horse = [horse_number, finish_time]
print("Recorded horse finish time")
def calculate_race_winner():
lowest_time = 10000
horse_number = 0
for i in range(0, len(horse_names)):
finish_time = horse_finish_times[i][1]
if finish_time < lowest_time:
lowest_time = finish_time
horse_number = horse_finish_times[i][0]
fastest_horse_number = horse_number
print("Fastest horse is {}".format(fastest_horse_number))
return fastest_horse_number
def display_times():
for i in range(0, len(horse_names)):
print("Number: {} Name: {} Finish Time: {}".format(horse_names[i][0], horse_names[i][1], horse_finish_times[i][1]))
def print_horse_name(horse_number):
# print horse name given a horse number
for i in range(0, len(horse_names)):
current_horse_number = horse_names[i][0]
if current_horse_number == horse_number:
print("Horse with number {} is {}".format(horse_number, horse_names[i][1]))
def get_horse_number():
horse_number = ""
while horse_number == "":
horse_number = input("Horse Number: ")
horse_number = int(horse_number)
except ValueError:
print("Please enter the horse number correctly.")
horse_number = ""
return horse_number
def get_horse_finish_time():
horse_number = ""
while horse_number == "":
horse_number = input("Horse Finish Time: ")
horse_number = int(horse_number)
except ValueError:
print("Please enter the horse finish time correctly.")
horse_number = ""
return horse_number
def main():
horse_count = 3
for i in range(0, horse_count):
horse_number = get_horse_number()
horse_name = input("Horse Name: ")
register_horse(horse_name, horse_number)
for i in range(0, horse_count):
horse_number = get_horse_number()
horse_finish_time = get_horse_finish_time()
record_race_data(horse_number, horse_finish_time)
fastest_horse_number = calculate_race_winner()
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