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Last active September 23, 2022 22:42
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sixcols= colorblind_pal()(6)
case_counts <- read_csv("")
aggregated <- case_counts %>%
filter(`Case Status` == "Confirmed",
!(District %in% c("At the border", "Unknown"))) %>%
mutate(Age=case_when(`Age group` == "90+" ~ "70+",
`Age group` == "80 to 89" ~ "70+",
`Age group` == "70 to 79" ~ "70+",
TRUE ~ `Age group`)) %>%
group_by(Date = `Report Date`,Infections = `Infection status`, Age) %>%
summarise(Cases = sum(`Number of cases reported`), .groups="drop")
zeros <- expand.grid(Date = unique(aggregated$Date),
Infections = unique(aggregated$Infections),
Age = unique(aggregated$Age),
Cases = 0)
aggregated <- bind_rows(aggregated, zeros) %>%
arrange(Date, Age, Infections, desc(Cases)) %>%
group_by(Date, Age,Infections) %>%
slice(1) %>%
ages_June_2022 = "Age,Population
0 to 9,625490
10 to 19,655720
20 to 29,679450
30 to 39,733760
40 to 49,631220
50 to 59,654040
60 to 69,561800
statsNZpop <- read.csv(text=ages_June_2022)
withPrior <- aggregated %>%
arrange(Infections, Age, Date) %>%
group_by(Infections, Age) %>%
mutate(Sum28 = roll_sumr(Cases,28),
Sum90 = roll_sumr(Cases,89),
SumAll = cumsum(Cases),
population_under90 = Sum90-Sum28,
population_ninetyplus= SumAll - Sum90) %>%
# Assuming 3rd infections relatively rare,
# the per date pool of first infections is the best
# approximation to "can be reinfected"
first <- withPrior %>%
filter(Infections == "First") %>%
select(Date, Age, SumAll, population_under90, population_ninetyplus)
rates <- withPrior %>%
select(Date, Infections, Age, Cases) %>%
inner_join(first,by = c("Date", "Age")) %>%
inner_join(statsNZpop, by = "Age") %>%
mutate(infectable = case_when(Infections == "First" ~ Population - SumAll,
Infections == "Reinfection" ~ population_ninetyplus,
TRUE ~ population_under90),
rate = Cases/infectable) %>%
arrange(Age, Infections, Date) %>%
group_by(Age, Infections) %>%
mutate(seven_day_rate = roll_meanr(rate,7)) %>%
rates %>%
arrange(Date, Age, Infections) %>%
group_by(Date, Age) %>%
mutate(primary = seven_day_rate[1],
Infections = ifelse(Infections == "Reinfection",
"Reinfection (90 days +)",
Infections)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(percentage = 100 *seven_day_rate/ primary) %>%
filter(Infections != "First", Date >= ymd("2022-05-01")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=Date, y=percentage, colour=Infections)) +
geom_smooth(method="gam") +
facet_wrap(~Age, ncol=4) +
scale_colour_manual(values=sixcols) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position="top") +
labs(title="GAM smoothed NZ Reinfections as percentage of current 7 day rate of first infection",
subtitle="Rates based on uninfected population for first infections,
infected population within time window for reinfections\n",
caption= "@thoughtfulnz Sources:MoH Github case counts, StatsNZ population estimates")
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