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Yosys script to generate ECP5 PLLs on the fly
# yosys RPC frontend for generating ECP5 PLL modules on the fly
# Copyright (C) 2020 Austin Seipp
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>.
# usage:
# yosys> connect_rpc -exec python3 ./
# yosys> read_verilog test.v
# yosys> hierarchy
# and uses of the module `ECP5_PLL` in your design will be replaced by uses of
# the ECP5 PLL primitive with the given clock outputs, at the specified
# input/output frequencies. example:
# #( .IN_MHZ(25)
# , .OUT0_MHZ(50)
# , .OUT1_MHZ(30)
# , .OUT3_MHZ(100)
# ) pll
# ( .clkin(clkin)
# , .reset(1'b0)
# , .standby(1'b0)
# , .locked(locked)
# , .clkout0(clkout0)
# , .clkout1(clkout1)
# , .clkout3(clkout3)
# );
# [TODO] (aseipp):
# - phase settings
# - help message?
# - tighten up error handling
import json, sys, subprocess
def onoes(s):
print(json.dumps({ "error": s }))
# from
def map_parameter(parameter):
if parameter["type"] == "unsigned":
return int(parameter["value"], 2)
if parameter["type"] == "signed":
width = len(parameter["value"])
value = int(parameter["value"], 2)
if value & (1 << (width - 1)):
value = -((1 << width) - value)
return value
if parameter["type"] == "string":
return parameter["value"]
if parameter["type"] == "real":
return float(parameter["value"])
def check_output(params, n):
if f"\\OUT{str(n)}_MHZ" in params:
return map_parameter(params[f"\\OUT{str(n)}_MHZ"])
return None
def ecppll(modname, params):
out0 = check_output(params, 0)
out1 = check_output(params, 1)
out2 = check_output(params, 2)
out3 = check_output(params, 3)
if not "\\IN_MHZ" in params:
onoes(f"IN_MHZ parameter for {modname} must be specified")
if not out0 and not out1 and not out2 and not out3:
onoes(f"must specify at least one output PLL clock line")
infreq = map_parameter(params["\\IN_MHZ"])
clkargs = [ "--clkin", str(infreq) ]
if out0 != None: clkargs = clkargs + [ "--clkout0", str(out0) ]
if out1 != None: clkargs = clkargs + [ "--clkout1", str(out1) ]
if out2 != None: clkargs = clkargs + [ "--clkout2", str(out2) ]
if out3 != None: clkargs = clkargs + [ "--clkout3", str(out3) ]
cmd = [
"-f", "/dev/stderr",
"--reset", "--standby"
] + clkargs
# sys.stderr.write(json.dumps(cmd))
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
_, stderr = proc.communicate()
pll_module = stderr.decode('utf-8')
params = ""
ports0 = ""
ports1 = ""
for (n, x) in [ (0, out0), (1, out1), (2, out2), (3, out3) ]:
if x != None:
name = "clkout" + str(n)
params = params + "\n , parameter OUT" + str(n) + "_MHZ = " + str(x)
ports0 = ports0 + "\n , output " + name
ports1 = ports1 + "\n , ." + name + "(" + name + ")"
return pll_module + f"""
module {modname}
#( parameter IN_MHZ = {str(infreq)}
( input clkin
, input reset
, input standby
, output locked
pll pllinst
( .clkin(clkin)
, .reset(reset)
, .locked(locked)
, .standby(standby)
def derive(obj, cmdname):
if not "module" in obj:
onoes("invalid derive call (no 'module' key)")
modname = obj["module"]
if cmdname != modname:
raise Exception("ERROR: cmdname and modname should be the same!")
if not "parameters" in obj:
onoes("invalid derive call (no 'parameters' key)")
params = obj["parameters"]
source = ecppll(modname, params)
if False: # [NOTE] (aseipp): debugging
print(json.dumps({ "frontend": "verilog", "source": source }))
def main(modname):
while True:
line = sys.stdin.readline()
if not line: break
obj = json.loads(line)
if not "method" in obj:
print(json.dumps({ "error": "invalid input line given (no 'method' key)" }))
elif obj["method"] == "modules":
print(json.dumps({ "modules": [ modname ] }))
elif obj["method"] == "derive":
derive(obj, modname)
print(json.dumps({ "error": "'{}' is not a valid method".format(obj["method"]) }))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
modname = sys.argv[1]
modname = "ECP5_PLL"
// yosys -p 'connect_rpc -exec python3 ./; read_verilog test.v; hierarchy'
module top
( input wire clkin
, output wire locked
, output wire clkout0
#( .IN_MHZ(25)
, .OUT0_MHZ(50)
, .OUT1_MHZ(30)
, .OUT3_MHZ(100)
) pll
( .clkin(clkin)
, .reset(1'b0)
, .standby(1'b0)
, .locked(locked)
, .clkout0(clkout0)
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