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Derrick J. Wippler thrawn01

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thrawn01 / wal.go
Created December 11, 2024 12:24
Solving the WAL problem domain
// Separating the WAL implementation hides the state complexity currently in *DB
// behind a simple problem domain -- Write and retrieve entries from the log.
// An additional benefit is this allows a user the option to write the WAL to
// local disk, or some other durable storage. While still maintaining the
// memtables in the object store.
w := wal.New(wal.Config{
// Store could be S3, or local file system depending on how the
// user wants slateDB to operate.
Store: NewTableStore(bucket, sstable.Config{}, "/path"),
Create partition {QueueName:queue-00188 StorageName:badger-0 ReadOnly:false Partition:0}
badger 2024/09/12 14:59:20 INFO: All 0 tables opened in 0s
badger 2024/09/12 14:59:20 INFO: Discard stats nextEmptySlot: 0
badger 2024/09/12 14:59:20 INFO: Set nextTxnTs to 0
runtime: newstack sp=0x17efc2f00 stack=[0xc0002b4000, 0xc0002b8000]
morebuf={pc:0x104e86b30 sp:0x17efc2f00 lr:0x0}
sched={pc:0x104f098c0 sp:0x17efc2f00 lr:0x104e86b30 ctxt:0x0}
runtime: gp=0xc0002f4700, goid=46424, gp->status=0x2
thrawn01 / smtp.go
Last active October 6, 2023 20:10
Basic SMTP Client
package main
import (
thrawn01 / main.go
Created September 18, 2023 16:14
HTTP gzip multipart form data client
package main
import (
thrawn01 / retry_test.go
Created September 11, 2023 16:32
retry package which can be used with clients that implement `duh`
package duh
import (
type DoThingRequest struct{}
type DoThingResponse struct{}
thrawn01 / search.go
Created August 1, 2023 15:00
Some golang code to search all commit hashes in a repo, including lost and unreachable hashes to find the string 'steve'.
package main
import (
thrawn01 / tag-daily-notes.go
Created July 23, 2023 15:42
Tag all daily notes with #daily-notes
// This code is used to re-tag my daily notes from front matter style to `#tag` style and add
// a #daily-notes tag to each note. I'm saving it here as it might be useful as a template for
// others or myself in the future.
package main
import (
thrawn01 / organize-daily-notes.go
Created July 23, 2023 15:39
Obsidian Script to Organize Daily Notes
/* This code organizes obsidian notes in format `` in the target directory into
the following folder structure `YYYY/MM Month/`
/2023/07 July/
/2023/08 August/
/2023/10 October/
package main


Everyone does it differently 😭 and most query string parsers don't support LHS or RHS parsing or building. Prefer RHS for clarity and simplicity of parsing. I don't like the - or + operators because It's easy to over look.

Options from different sources

  • ChatGPT /users?sort=email,asc
  • RHS Single Field /users?sort=email:ASC
  • RHS Multiple Fields /users?sort=email:asc,name:desc
  • RHS Multiple Fields Keyed /users?sort=email:asc&sort=name:desc
  • LHS /users?sort=[asc]email
  • LHS Multiple Fields /users?sort=[asc]email,[desc]name
thrawn01 /
Last active August 14, 2023 14:38
Fix This Code

This bit of code fetches 100 integers from an endpoint called which returns { "value": 2 } . The code makes 10 concurrent requests to the endpoint so we don't trigger a rate limit and then reports a list of which integers were even and which were odd.

How would you improve the following code? Feel free to rewrite as if this was production code. There are coding mistake and often just bad form in the code, please fix it!