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Created June 18, 2012 22:20
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package Test;
use Moose;
sub get_template {
my $template =<<'END_TEMPLATE';
[%- USE assert -%]
<create staffapiid="[%- staffapiid -%]">
<!-- Begin Creator Properties -->
<fullname>[%- user.fullname -%]</fullname>
<email>[%- -%]</email>
<staffid>[%- -%]</staffid>
<!-- Begin Ticket Properties -->
<subject>[%- assert.ticket.subject -%]</subject>
<departmentid<[%- assert.ticket.departmentid -%]</departmentid>
<ticketstatusid>[%- ticket.statusid -%]</ticketstatusid>
<ticketpriorityid>[%- ticket.priorityid -%]</ticketpriorityid>
<tickettypeid>[%- ticket.typeid -%]</tickettypeid>
<ownerstaffid>[%- ticket.ownerstaffid -%]</ownerstaffid>
<emailqueueid>[%- ticket.emailqueueid -%]</emailqueueid>
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Template;
use Data::Dumper;
my %data = (
staffapiid => "1234",
ticket => {
subject => "test",
departmentid => '1',
statusid => '2',
priorityid => '3',
typeid => '4',
ownerstaffid => '5',
emailqueueid => '6',
user => {
id => "1234567",
fullname => "Bob Something",
email => '[email protected]',
print Dumper %data;
my $cfg = Test->new;
my $tt = Template->new;
my $template = $cfg->get_template();
print $tt->process(\$template, \%data) || $tt->error;
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