Commonly used as the size of an integer, and is capable of holding 216 (65,536) different values.
Size of addresses in IPv4 Size of an integer capable of holding 232 (4.2 Billion approx.) individual values
Equivelant to 1 "word" on 64-bit computers. Think x86-62 PCs and Mac Computers.
Roughly 1000 KiloBytes. A bit smaller than the size of a desktop background (1920 X 1080)
According to Ray Kurzweil, the size of a human's functional memory. Surely he's just guessing?
10 PB was in 2005 the estimated size of the [Library of Congress's] collection, including non-book materials.
15 EB was the estimated storage space at Google's data warehouse as of 2013.
Kind of a dumb name.