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Last active February 18, 2025 18:38
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Godot Zoom and Pan, smooth & cursor-centric Camera2D motion
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense or CC0
extends Node2D
# Smooth panning and precise zooming for Camera2D
# Usage: This script may be placed on a child node
# of a Camera2D or on a Camera2D itself.
# Suggestion: Change and/or set up the three Input Actions,
# otherwise the mouse will fall back to hard-wired mouse
# buttons and you will miss out on alternative bindings,
# deadzones, and other nice things from the project InputMap.
class_name CameraZoomAndPan
@onready var camera : Camera2D = $".." if ($".." is Camera2D) else self
#region Exported Parameters
@export_range(1, 20, 0.01) var maxZoom : float = 5.0
@export_range(0.01, 1, 0.01) var minZoom : float = 0.1
@export_range(0.01, 0.2, 0.01) var zoomStepRatio : float = 0.1
@export var panAction : String = "camera>pan"
@export var zoomInAction : String = "camera>zoom+"
@export var zoomOutAction : String = "camera>zoom-"
@export var zoomToCursor: bool = true
@export_enum("Auto", "Always", "Never") var useFallbackButtons: String = "Auto"
@export var panButton : MouseButton = MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE
@export var zoomInButton : MouseButton = MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_UP
@export var zoomOutButton : MouseButton = MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN
@export_range(0, 0.99, 0.01) var panSmoothing : float = 0.5:
panSmoothing = pow(new_value, slider_exponent)
return panSmoothing
@export_range(0, 0.99, 0.01) var zoomSmoothing : float = 0.5:
zoomSmoothing = pow(new_value, slider_exponent)
return zoomSmoothing
# To make the sliders be pleasantly non-linear
const slider_exponent : float = 0.25
# To make the smoothing ratios framerate-independent
const referenceFPS : float = 120.0
#region State Initialization
@onready var zoom_goal := camera.zoom
@onready var position_goal := camera.position
var fallback_mouse_pan : bool
var fallback_mouse_zoom_in : bool
var fallback_mouse_zoom_out : bool
var last_mouse : Vector2
var zoom_mouse : Vector2
func _ready() -> void:
# We need to do manually re-assign the editor-serialized values
# because the initial editor value doesn't go through the setter
panSmoothing = panSmoothing
zoomSmoothing = zoomSmoothing
# If the actions aren't defined and mouse fallback is enabled,
# use the default mouse buttons
var actions = InputMap.get_actions()
var always = useFallbackButtons == "Always"
var never = useFallbackButtons == "Never"
fallback_mouse_pan = not never and (always or (panAction not in actions))
fallback_mouse_zoom_in = not never and (always or (zoomInAction not in actions))
fallback_mouse_zoom_out = not never and (always or (zoomOutAction not in actions))
if not always and (fallback_mouse_pan or fallback_mouse_zoom_in or fallback_mouse_zoom_out):
prints("CameraZoomAndPan: Mouse Fallbacks for Actions in effect!",
panAction + "=" + str(fallback_mouse_pan),
zoomInAction + "=" + str(fallback_mouse_zoom_in),
zoomOutAction + "=" + str(fallback_mouse_zoom_out))
printt("CameraZoomAndPan: TIP - set up all three of the following InputActions:", panAction, zoomInAction, zoomOutAction)
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
# Calculate FIR / invExp kernels for smoothing
var k_pan := pow(panSmoothing, referenceFPS * delta)
var k_zoom := pow(zoomSmoothing, referenceFPS * delta)
var mouse_pre_zoom := to_local(get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse().basis_xform(zoom_mouse))
camera.zoom = camera.zoom * k_zoom + (1.0-k_zoom) * zoom_goal
var mouse_post_zoom := to_local(get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse().basis_xform(zoom_mouse))
var zoom_position_offset := (mouse_pre_zoom - mouse_post_zoom) if zoomToCursor else Vector2.ZERO
position_goal += zoom_position_offset
camera.position = camera.position * k_pan + (1.0-k_pan) * position_goal + zoom_position_offset
func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if not event is InputEventMouse and not event is InputEventAction:
var current_mouse := get_local_mouse_position()
if Input.is_action_pressed(panAction) or (fallback_mouse_pan and Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(panButton)):
position_goal += (last_mouse - current_mouse)
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(zoomInAction) or (fallback_mouse_zoom_in and Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(zoomInButton)):
zoom_goal *= 1.0 / (1.0-zoomStepRatio)
zoom_mouse = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
zoom_mouse -= get_viewport_rect().size * 0.5
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(zoomOutAction) or (fallback_mouse_zoom_out and Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(zoomOutButton)):
zoom_goal *= (1.0-zoomStepRatio)
zoom_mouse = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
zoom_mouse -= get_viewport_rect().size * 0.5
zoom_goal = zoom_goal.clamp(minZoom * Vector2.ONE, maxZoom * Vector2.ONE)
last_mouse = current_mouse
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thygrrr commented Mar 10, 2024


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thygrrr commented Mar 10, 2024


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thygrrr commented Mar 10, 2024

Exercise for the reader: Perfectionists would instead of the inverse exponential smoothing use a critical spring, aka. SmoothDamp. It only plays a role when rapidly changing directions, but will subtly feel even more pleasant.

However, this would have diluted the Gist with a 3rd function and 4th function and at least two more state variables (especially since Godot does not support passing by reference)

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thygrrr commented Mar 10, 2024

Godot_v4 2 1-stable_mono_win64_Wrj11aAjj5

Added setting after recommendation by[email protected]

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thygrrr commented Mar 10, 2024

Here's a version with a simplistic SmoothDamp implementation. I lied about the exercise for the reader. Find your own motivation. 😺

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense or CC0
extends Node2D

# Smooth panning and precise zooming for Camera2D
# Usage: This script may be placed on a child node
# of a Camera2D or on a Camera2D itself.
# Suggestion: Change and/or set up the three Input Actions,
# otherwise the mouse will fall back to hard-wired mouse
# buttons and you will miss out on alternative bindings,
# deadzones, and other nice things from the project InputMap.
class_name CameraZoomAndPan

@onready var camera : Camera2D = $".." if ($".." is Camera2D) else self

#region exported Parameters
@export_range(1, 20, 0.01) var maxZoom : float = 5.0
@export_range(0.01, 1, 0.01) var minZoom : float = 0.1
@export_range(0.01, 0.2, 0.01) var zoomStepRatio : float = 0.1

@export var panAction : String = "camera>pan"
@export var zoomInAction : String = "camera>zoom+"
@export var zoomOutAction : String = "camera>zoom-"

@export var zoomToCursor: bool = true
@export_enum("Auto", "Always", "Never") var useFallbackButtons: String = "Auto"
@export var panButton : MouseButton = MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE
@export var zoomInButton : MouseButton = MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_UP
@export var zoomOutButton : MouseButton = MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN

@export_range(0, 0.4, 0.01) var panSmoothing : float = 0.2
@export_range(0, 0.4, 0.01) var zoomSmoothing : float = 0.2

#region State Initialization
@onready var zoom_goal := camera.zoom
@onready var position_goal := camera.position

var fallback_mouse_pan : bool
var fallback_mouse_zoom_in : bool
var fallback_mouse_zoom_out : bool
var last_mouse : Vector2
var zoom_mouse : Vector2

@onready var damped_pan: Array[Vector2] = [camera.position, Vector2.ZERO]
@onready var damped_zoom: Array[Vector2] = [camera.zoom, Vector2.ZERO]

func _ready() -> void:
	# If the actions aren't defined and mouse fallback is enabled,
	# use the default mouse buttons
	var actions = InputMap.get_actions()
	var always = useFallbackButtons == "Always"
	var never = useFallbackButtons == "Never"
	fallback_mouse_pan = not never and (always or (panAction not in actions))
	fallback_mouse_zoom_in = not never and (always or (zoomInAction not in actions))
	fallback_mouse_zoom_out = not never and (always or (zoomOutAction not in actions))

	if not always and (fallback_mouse_pan or fallback_mouse_zoom_in or fallback_mouse_zoom_out):
		prints("CameraZoomAndPan: Mouse Fallbacks for Actions in effect!",
			panAction + "=" + str(fallback_mouse_pan),
			zoomInAction + "=" + str(fallback_mouse_zoom_in),
			zoomOutAction + "=" + str(fallback_mouse_zoom_out))
		printt("CameraZoomAndPan: TIP - set up all three of the following InputActions:",

func _process(delta: float) -> void:
	_SmoothDamp(damped_zoom, zoom_goal, zoomSmoothing, delta)

	# Zoom in and determine camera offset to keep
	# the view under the mouse cursor
	var mouse_pre_zoom := to_local(get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse().basis_xform(zoom_mouse))
	camera.zoom = damped_zoom[0]
	var mouse_post_zoom := to_local(get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse().basis_xform(zoom_mouse))

	var zoom_position_offset := (mouse_pre_zoom - mouse_post_zoom) if zoomToCursor else Vector2.ZERO

	position_goal += zoom_position_offset
	damped_pan[0] += zoom_position_offset

	_SmoothDamp(damped_pan, position_goal, panSmoothing, delta)
	camera.position = damped_pan[0]

func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
	if not event is InputEventMouse and not event is InputEventAction:

	var current_mouse := get_local_mouse_position()

	if Input.is_action_pressed(panAction) or (fallback_mouse_pan and Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(panButton)):
		position_goal += (last_mouse - current_mouse)

	if Input.is_action_just_pressed(zoomInAction) or (fallback_mouse_zoom_in and Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(zoomInButton)):
		zoom_goal *= 1.0 / (1.0-zoomStepRatio)
		zoom_mouse = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
		zoom_mouse -= get_viewport_rect().size * 0.5

	if Input.is_action_just_pressed(zoomOutAction) or (fallback_mouse_zoom_out and Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(zoomOutButton)):
		zoom_goal *= (1.0-zoomStepRatio)
		zoom_mouse = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
		zoom_mouse -= get_viewport_rect().size * 0.5

	zoom_goal = zoom_goal.clamp(minZoom * Vector2.ONE, maxZoom * Vector2.ONE)
	last_mouse = current_mouse

func _SmoothDamp(state: Array[Vector2], target : Vector2, smoothTime : float, deltaTime : float):
		# We speed up the spring to allow for nicer input values
		# and a behaviour closer to the "actual" time to come to rest
		smoothTime /= 2.0

		var current := state[0]
		var linear_velocity := state[1]

		if smoothTime == 0:
			state[0] = target
			state[1] = Vector2.ZERO

		var omega := 2.0 / smoothTime

		var x := omega * deltaTime;
		var expo := 1.0 / (1.0 + x + 0.48 * x * x + 0.235 * x * x * x);

		var change := current - target;
		var originalTo := target;

		# Optional: Clamp maxSpeed
		# var maxChange = maxSpeed * smoothTime;
		# change = clamp(change, -maxChange, maxChange);
		target = current - change;

		var temp := (linear_velocity + omega * change) * deltaTime
		linear_velocity = (linear_velocity - omega * temp) * expo
		var output := target + (change + temp) * expo

		# Prevent overshooting - FIXME
		# likely needs to treat all components separately
		if (originalTo.x > current.x) == (output.x > originalTo.x):
			output.x = originalTo.x
			linear_velocity.x = (output.x - originalTo.x) / deltaTime
		if (originalTo.y > current.y) == (output.y > originalTo.y):
			output.y = originalTo.y
			linear_velocity.y = (output.y - originalTo.y) / deltaTime

		state[0] = output
		state[1] = linear_velocity

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thygrrr commented Mar 10, 2024

Thou art as smooth as butter on a warm summer day...


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MrSmiler commented Feb 17, 2025

thank you for this code, I was going to ask you if it's possible could you also implement camera pan when we move mouse to edges like a RTS game ?

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