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Last active March 16, 2020 20:28
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Protonet File API

Protonet File API

Protonet supports the WebDAV protocol. You can access it under the following URL:

The API expects XML and responds with XML. WebDAV provides you with all features necessary to work with the Protonet file system (create, delete, list files/folders, ...). There are libraries/clients for almost every programming language that simplify working with the webdav server.


WebDAV authorization is done via Basic Access Authorization. User name is the user's first and last name concatenated by a dot (eg. john.doe). Password is the user's password on your Protonet box.


List all files in the root directory:

curl --user 'john.doe:secretpassword' -X PROPFIND --upload-file - -H "Depth: 1" <<end
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<a:propfind xmlns:a="DAV:">


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