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Created January 15, 2024 03:25
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Visualizing react list items with vlsx from airbnb

Visualize most Used Libraries

i had a list of top libraries i use and listing them in a ul didn't look appealing enought , luckily i hda seen the tanstack website and their sponsors section wher they had this coool visualization of circles that vary in sizebased on how big a contributor they are..

We'll be using vlsx by the people at Airbnb

npm i @visx/hierarchy @visx/responsive 

In my case , my data will be in this shape

export interface ViewerLibraries {
  highlighted_library_stats: Record<string, string>;
  library_stats: Record<string, string>;
  framework_stats: Record<string, string>;

and we'll

  const languages = Object.entries(libs?.highlighted_library_stats ?? {})
  .map(([key, value]) => ({

// initialize the pack
  const pack = React.useMemo(
    () => ({
      children: languages,
      name: "root",
      radius: 0,
      distance: 0,

//  initialize the root
  const root = React.useMemo(
    () =>
        // d:{key:string;value:number}
        .sum((d: any) => {
          // // no("sum", d?.tier?.monthlyPriceInDollars)
          return 1 + d?.value;
        .sort((a, b) => (b.value ?? 0) - (a.value ?? 0)),

Then we'll map overthe items to display them in our components.

    <div className="w-full h-full flex flex-col items-center gap-2 pt-2">
      <div className="w-full">
          {({ width = 600 }) => {
            return width < 10 ? null : (
                  height: width,
                  position: "relative",
                    __html: `

              .spon-link {
                transition: all .2s ease;
                transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

              .spon-link:hover {
                z-index: 10;
                transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1.1);

              .spon-link:hover .spon-tooltip {
                opacity: 1;
                <Pack root={root} size={[width, width]} padding={width * 0.005}>
                  {(packData) => {
                    // // no(" ===== PACK DATA ======= ", packData);
                    const circles = packData.descendants().slice(1); // skip first layer
                    // // no("========= CIRCLES DESCENDANT ======== ", circles);
                    return (
                        {[...circles].reverse().map((circ, i) => {
                          const circle = circ as any as Circle;
                          const tooltipX = circle.x > width / 2 ? "left" : "right";
                          const tooltipY = circle.y > width / 2 ? "top" : "bottom";

                          return (
                                `spon-link ` + `absolute shadow-lg bg-white rounded-full z-0`
                                left: circle.x,
                                top: circle.y,
                                width: circle.r * 2,
                                height: circle.r * 2,
                                className={`absolute bg-no-repeat bg-center bg-contain rounded-full
                                    w-[95%] h-[95%] dark:w-[100.5%] dark:h-[100.5%]
                                    left-1/2 top-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2
                                }?v=3&s=${Math.round(circle.r * 2)}`}
                                  `spon-tooltip absolute text-sm
                              bg-gray-800 text-white p-2 pointer-events-none
                              transform opacity-0
                              shadow-xl rounded-lg
                              flex flex-col items-center

                                  tooltipX == "left"
                                    ? `left-1/4 -translate-x-full`
                                    : `right-1/4 translate-x-full`,
                                  tooltipY == "top"
                                    ? `top-1/4 -translate-y-full`
                                    : `bottom-1/4 translate-y-full`
                                <p className={`whitespace-nowrap font-bold`}>{}</p>

ℹ️ Info: the library types are a little off so we hade to typecast to the correct ones

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