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Forked from EderSantana/
Created May 18, 2016 06:03
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Keras plays catch - a single file Reinforcement Learning example

Code for Keras plays catch blog post




  1. Generate figures
  1. Make gif
ffmpeg -i %03d.png output.gif -vf fps=1

Alternatively, check cadurosar ipython notebook, there you should run cell 2 before cell 1.


  • Prior supervised learning and Keras knowledge
  • Python science stack (numpy, scipy, matplotlib) - Install Anaconda!
  • Theano or Tensorflow
  • Keras (last testest on commit b0303f03ff03)
  • ffmpeg (optional)


This code is released under MIT license. (Note that Deep Q-Learning has its own patent by Google)

import json
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense
from keras.optimizers import sgd
class Catch(object):
def __init__(self, grid_size=10):
self.grid_size = grid_size
def _update_state(self, action):
Input: action and states
Ouput: new states and reward
state = self.state
if action == 0: # left
action = -1
elif action == 1: # stay
action = 0
action = 1 # right
f0, f1, basket = state[0]
new_basket = min(max(1, basket + action), self.grid_size-1)
f0 += 1
out = np.asarray([f0, f1, new_basket])
out = out[np.newaxis]
assert len(out.shape) == 2
self.state = out
def _draw_state(self):
im_size = (self.grid_size,)*2
state = self.state[0]
canvas = np.zeros(im_size)
canvas[state[0], state[1]] = 1 # draw fruit
canvas[-1, state[2]-1:state[2] + 2] = 1 # draw basket
return canvas
def _get_reward(self):
fruit_row, fruit_col, basket = self.state[0]
if fruit_row == self.grid_size-1:
if abs(fruit_col - basket) <= 1:
return 1
return -1
return 0
def _is_over(self):
if self.state[0, 0] == self.grid_size-1:
return True
return False
def observe(self):
canvas = self._draw_state()
return canvas.reshape((1, -1))
def act(self, action):
reward = self._get_reward()
game_over = self._is_over()
return self.observe(), reward, game_over
def reset(self):
n = np.random.randint(0, self.grid_size-1, size=1)
m = np.random.randint(1, self.grid_size-2, size=1)
self.state = np.asarray([0, n, m])[np.newaxis]
class ExperienceReplay(object):
def __init__(self, max_memory=100, discount=.9):
self.max_memory = max_memory
self.memory = list() = discount
def remember(self, states, game_over):
# memory[i] = [[state_t, action_t, reward_t, state_t+1], game_over?]
self.memory.append([states, game_over])
if len(self.memory) > self.max_memory:
del self.memory[0]
def get_batch(self, model, batch_size=10):
len_memory = len(self.memory)
num_actions = model.output_shape[-1]
env_dim = self.memory[0][0][0].shape[1]
inputs = np.zeros((min(len_memory, batch_size), env_dim))
targets = np.zeros((inputs.shape[0], num_actions))
for i, idx in enumerate(np.random.randint(0, len_memory,
state_t, action_t, reward_t, state_tp1 = self.memory[idx][0]
game_over = self.memory[idx][1]
inputs[i:i+1] = state_t
# There should be no target values for actions not taken.
# Thou shalt not correct actions not taken #deep
targets[i] = model.predict(state_t)[0]
Q_sa = np.max(model.predict(state_tp1)[0])
if game_over: # if game_over is True
targets[i, action_t] = reward_t
# reward_t + gamma * max_a' Q(s', a')
targets[i, action_t] = reward_t + * Q_sa
return inputs, targets
if __name__ == "__main__":
# parameters
epsilon = .1 # exploration
num_actions = 3 # [move_left, stay, move_right]
epoch = 1000
max_memory = 500
hidden_size = 100
batch_size = 50
grid_size = 10
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(hidden_size, input_shape=(grid_size**2,), activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(hidden_size, activation='relu'))
model.compile(sgd(lr=.2), "mse")
# If you want to continue training from a previous model, just uncomment the line bellow
# model.load_weights("model.h5")
# Define environment/game
env = Catch(grid_size)
# Initialize experience replay object
exp_replay = ExperienceReplay(max_memory=max_memory)
# Train
win_cnt = 0
for e in range(epoch):
loss = 0.
game_over = False
# get initial input
input_t = env.observe()
while not game_over:
input_tm1 = input_t
# get next action
if np.random.rand() <= epsilon:
action = np.random.randint(0, num_actions, size=1)
q = model.predict(input_tm1)
action = np.argmax(q[0])
# apply action, get rewards and new state
input_t, reward, game_over = env.act(action)
if reward == 1:
win_cnt += 1
# store experience
exp_replay.remember([input_tm1, action, reward, input_t], game_over)
# adapt model
inputs, targets = exp_replay.get_batch(model, batch_size=batch_size)
loss += model.train_on_batch(inputs, targets)[0]
print("Epoch {:03d}/999 | Loss {:.4f} | Win count {}".format(e, loss, win_cnt))
# Save trained model weights and architecture, this will be used by the visualization code
model.save_weights("model.h5", overwrite=True)
with open("model.json", "w") as outfile:
json.dump(model.to_json(), outfile)
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from keras.models import model_from_json
from qlearn import Catch
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Make sure this grid size matches the value used fro training
grid_size = 10
with open("model.json", "r") as jfile:
model = model_from_json(json.load(jfile))
model.compile("sgd", "mse")
# Define environment, game
env = Catch(grid_size)
c = 0
for e in range(10):
loss = 0.
game_over = False
# get initial input
input_t = env.observe()
interpolation='none', cmap='gray')
plt.savefig("%03d.png" % c)
c += 1
while not game_over:
input_tm1 = input_t
# get next action
q = model.predict(input_tm1)
action = np.argmax(q[0])
# apply action, get rewards and new state
input_t, reward, game_over = env.act(action)
interpolation='none', cmap='gray')
plt.savefig("%03d.png" % c)
c += 1
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