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This is a batched LSTM forward and backward pass
import numpy as np
import code
class LSTM:
def init(input_size, hidden_size, fancy_forget_bias_init = 3):
Initialize parameters of the LSTM (both weights and biases in one matrix)
One might way to have a positive fancy_forget_bias_init number (e.g. maybe even up to 5, in some papers)
# +1 for the biases, which will be the first row of WLSTM
WLSTM = np.random.randn(input_size + hidden_size + 1, 4 * hidden_size) / np.sqrt(input_size + hidden_size)
WLSTM[0,:] = 0 # initialize biases to zero
if fancy_forget_bias_init != 0:
# forget gates get little bit negative bias initially to encourage them to be turned off
# remember that due to Xavier initialization above, the raw output activations from gates before
# nonlinearity are zero mean and on order of standard deviation ~1
WLSTM[0,hidden_size:2*hidden_size] = fancy_forget_bias_init
return WLSTM
def forward(X, WLSTM, c0 = None, h0 = None):
X should be of shape (n,b,input_size), where n = length of sequence, b = batch size
n,b,input_size = X.shape
d = WLSTM.shape[1]/4 # hidden size
if c0 is None: c0 = np.zeros((b,d))
if h0 is None: h0 = np.zeros((b,d))
# Perform the LSTM forward pass with X as the input
xphpb = WLSTM.shape[0] # x plus h plus bias, lol
Hin = np.zeros((n, b, xphpb)) # input [1, xt, ht-1] to each tick of the LSTM
Hout = np.zeros((n, b, d)) # hidden representation of the LSTM (gated cell content)
IFOG = np.zeros((n, b, d * 4)) # input, forget, output, gate (IFOG)
IFOGf = np.zeros((n, b, d * 4)) # after nonlinearity
C = np.zeros((n, b, d)) # cell content
Ct = np.zeros((n, b, d)) # tanh of cell content
for t in xrange(n):
# concat [x,h] as input to the LSTM
prevh = Hout[t-1] if t > 0 else h0
Hin[t,:,0] = 1 # bias
Hin[t,:,1:input_size+1] = X[t]
Hin[t,:,input_size+1:] = prevh
# compute all gate activations. dots: (most work is this line)
IFOG[t] = Hin[t].dot(WLSTM)
# non-linearities
IFOGf[t,:,:3*d] = 1.0/(1.0+np.exp(-IFOG[t,:,:3*d])) # sigmoids; these are the gates
IFOGf[t,:,3*d:] = np.tanh(IFOG[t,:,3*d:]) # tanh
# compute the cell activation
prevc = C[t-1] if t > 0 else c0
C[t] = IFOGf[t,:,:d] * IFOGf[t,:,3*d:] + IFOGf[t,:,d:2*d] * prevc
Ct[t] = np.tanh(C[t])
Hout[t] = IFOGf[t,:,2*d:3*d] * Ct[t]
cache = {}
cache['WLSTM'] = WLSTM
cache['Hout'] = Hout
cache['IFOGf'] = IFOGf
cache['IFOG'] = IFOG
cache['C'] = C
cache['Ct'] = Ct
cache['Hin'] = Hin
cache['c0'] = c0
cache['h0'] = h0
# return C[t], as well so we can continue LSTM with prev state init if needed
return Hout, C[t], Hout[t], cache
def backward(dHout_in, cache, dcn = None, dhn = None):
WLSTM = cache['WLSTM']
Hout = cache['Hout']
IFOGf = cache['IFOGf']
IFOG = cache['IFOG']
C = cache['C']
Ct = cache['Ct']
Hin = cache['Hin']
c0 = cache['c0']
h0 = cache['h0']
n,b,d = Hout.shape
input_size = WLSTM.shape[0] - d - 1 # -1 due to bias
# backprop the LSTM
dIFOG = np.zeros(IFOG.shape)
dIFOGf = np.zeros(IFOGf.shape)
dWLSTM = np.zeros(WLSTM.shape)
dHin = np.zeros(Hin.shape)
dC = np.zeros(C.shape)
dX = np.zeros((n,b,input_size))
dh0 = np.zeros((b, d))
dc0 = np.zeros((b, d))
dHout = dHout_in.copy() # make a copy so we don't have any funny side effects
if dcn is not None: dC[n-1] += dcn.copy() # carry over gradients from later
if dhn is not None: dHout[n-1] += dhn.copy()
for t in reversed(xrange(n)):
tanhCt = Ct[t]
dIFOGf[t,:,2*d:3*d] = tanhCt * dHout[t]
# backprop tanh non-linearity first then continue backprop
dC[t] += (1-tanhCt**2) * (IFOGf[t,:,2*d:3*d] * dHout[t])
if t > 0:
dIFOGf[t,:,d:2*d] = C[t-1] * dC[t]
dC[t-1] += IFOGf[t,:,d:2*d] * dC[t]
dIFOGf[t,:,d:2*d] = c0 * dC[t]
dc0 = IFOGf[t,:,d:2*d] * dC[t]
dIFOGf[t,:,:d] = IFOGf[t,:,3*d:] * dC[t]
dIFOGf[t,:,3*d:] = IFOGf[t,:,:d] * dC[t]
# backprop activation functions
dIFOG[t,:,3*d:] = (1 - IFOGf[t,:,3*d:] ** 2) * dIFOGf[t,:,3*d:]
y = IFOGf[t,:,:3*d]
dIFOG[t,:,:3*d] = (y*(1.0-y)) * dIFOGf[t,:,:3*d]
# backprop matrix multiply
dWLSTM +=[t].transpose(), dIFOG[t])
dHin[t] = dIFOG[t].dot(WLSTM.transpose())
# backprop the identity transforms into Hin
dX[t] = dHin[t,:,1:input_size+1]
if t > 0:
dHout[t-1,:] += dHin[t,:,input_size+1:]
dh0 += dHin[t,:,input_size+1:]
return dX, dWLSTM, dc0, dh0
# -------------------
# -------------------
def checkSequentialMatchesBatch():
""" check LSTM I/O forward/backward interactions """
n,b,d = (5, 3, 4) # sequence length, batch size, hidden size
input_size = 10
WLSTM = LSTM.init(input_size, d) # input size, hidden size
X = np.random.randn(n,b,input_size)
h0 = np.random.randn(b,d)
c0 = np.random.randn(b,d)
# sequential forward
cprev = c0
hprev = h0
caches = [{} for t in xrange(n)]
Hcat = np.zeros((n,b,d))
for t in xrange(n):
xt = X[t:t+1]
_, cprev, hprev, cache = LSTM.forward(xt, WLSTM, cprev, hprev)
caches[t] = cache
Hcat[t] = hprev
# sanity check: perform batch forward to check that we get the same thing
H, _, _, batch_cache = LSTM.forward(X, WLSTM, c0, h0)
assert np.allclose(H, Hcat), 'Sequential and Batch forward don''t match!'
# eval loss
wrand = np.random.randn(*Hcat.shape)
loss = np.sum(Hcat * wrand)
dH = wrand
# get the batched version gradients
BdX, BdWLSTM, Bdc0, Bdh0 = LSTM.backward(dH, batch_cache)
# now perform sequential backward
dX = np.zeros_like(X)
dWLSTM = np.zeros_like(WLSTM)
dc0 = np.zeros_like(c0)
dh0 = np.zeros_like(h0)
dcnext = None
dhnext = None
for t in reversed(xrange(n)):
dht = dH[t].reshape(1, b, d)
dx, dWLSTMt, dcprev, dhprev = LSTM.backward(dht, caches[t], dcnext, dhnext)
dhnext = dhprev
dcnext = dcprev
dWLSTM += dWLSTMt # accumulate LSTM gradient
dX[t] = dx[0]
if t == 0:
dc0 = dcprev
dh0 = dhprev
# and make sure the gradients match
print 'Making sure batched version agrees with sequential version: (should all be True)'
print np.allclose(BdX, dX)
print np.allclose(BdWLSTM, dWLSTM)
print np.allclose(Bdc0, dc0)
print np.allclose(Bdh0, dh0)
def checkBatchGradient():
""" check that the batch gradient is correct """
# lets gradient check this beast
n,b,d = (5, 3, 4) # sequence length, batch size, hidden size
input_size = 10
WLSTM = LSTM.init(input_size, d) # input size, hidden size
X = np.random.randn(n,b,input_size)
h0 = np.random.randn(b,d)
c0 = np.random.randn(b,d)
# batch forward backward
H, Ct, Ht, cache = LSTM.forward(X, WLSTM, c0, h0)
wrand = np.random.randn(*H.shape)
loss = np.sum(H * wrand) # weighted sum is a nice hash to use I think
dH = wrand
dX, dWLSTM, dc0, dh0 = LSTM.backward(dH, cache)
def fwd():
h,_,_,_ = LSTM.forward(X, WLSTM, c0, h0)
return np.sum(h * wrand)
# now gradient check all
delta = 1e-5
rel_error_thr_warning = 1e-2
rel_error_thr_error = 1
tocheck = [X, WLSTM, c0, h0]
grads_analytic = [dX, dWLSTM, dc0, dh0]
names = ['X', 'WLSTM', 'c0', 'h0']
for j in xrange(len(tocheck)):
mat = tocheck[j]
dmat = grads_analytic[j]
name = names[j]
# gradcheck
for i in xrange(mat.size):
old_val = mat.flat[i]
mat.flat[i] = old_val + delta
loss0 = fwd()
mat.flat[i] = old_val - delta
loss1 = fwd()
mat.flat[i] = old_val
grad_analytic = dmat.flat[i]
grad_numerical = (loss0 - loss1) / (2 * delta)
if grad_numerical == 0 and grad_analytic == 0:
rel_error = 0 # both are zero, OK.
status = 'OK'
elif abs(grad_numerical) < 1e-7 and abs(grad_analytic) < 1e-7:
rel_error = 0 # not enough precision to check this
rel_error = abs(grad_analytic - grad_numerical) / abs(grad_numerical + grad_analytic)
status = 'OK'
if rel_error > rel_error_thr_warning: status = 'WARNING'
if rel_error > rel_error_thr_error: status = '!!!!! NOTOK'
# print stats
print '%s checking param %s index %s (val = %+8f), analytic = %+8f, numerical = %+8f, relative error = %+8f' \
% (status, name, `np.unravel_index(i, mat.shape)`, old_val, grad_analytic, grad_numerical, rel_error)
if __name__ == "__main__":
raw_input('check OK, press key to continue to gradient check')
print 'every line should start with OK. Have a nice day!'
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