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Created May 26, 2021 20:12
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Get the effective network share access for a specific domain user. Identify which ACL entry/rule matches for the given or current user.
Function Get-EffectiveNetworkShareAccess {
This script will identify why a certain user has access to a network share.
This script will identify why a certain user has access to a network share.
Name: Get-EffectiveNetworkShareAccess
Author: Tijme Gommers
Version: 1.0
DateCreated: 05/26/2021
The UNC path to the network share
The Account to check the effective access for
Get-EffectiveNetworkShareAccess \\\SYSVOL
Get-EffectiveNetworkShareAccess -Share \\\SYSVOL -Account tijme
Mandatory = $True,
HelpMessage = "Specify the UNC path to the network share",
ValueFromPipeline = $True,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
Position = 0
)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Share,
Mandatory = $False,
HelpMessage = "Specify the Account to check the access for",
Position = 1
)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Account
Begin {
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Account') -eq $False) {
$AccountObject = Get-ADUser $env:UserName
$DomainObject = Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser
} else {
$AccountObject = Get-ADUser $Account
$DomainObject = Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser
$Account = $AccountObject.SamAccountName
$Domain = $DomainObject.Name
$ShareOwner = Get-ACL $Share | TG-GetUserFromOwner
$ShareACL = Get-ACL $Share | ForEach-Object { $_.Access }
Write-Host "[-] Checking effective ACL's for account '$Account' on share '$Share'."
Process {
foreach ($ShareAC in $ShareACL) {
if ($ShareAC.IdentityReference -like "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM") { continue }
if ($ShareAC.IdentityReference -like "BUILTIN\Administrators") { continue }
if ($ShareAC.IdentityReference -like "CREATOR OWNER") {
if ($ShareOwner -eq $Account) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] The user '$Account' is the owner of the share."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] The owner has the ACL: $($ShareAC.FileSystemRights)"
if ($ShareAC.IdentityReference -like "Everyone") {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] The user '$($Account)' is member of the group 'Everyone'."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] The group 'Everyone' has the ACL: $($ShareAC.FileSystemRights)."
if ($ShareAC.IdentityReference -like "NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users") {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] The user '$($Account)' is member of the group 'NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users'."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] The group 'NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users' has the ACL: $($ShareAC.FileSystemRights)."
if ($ShareAC.IdentityReference -like "BUILTIN\Users") {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] The user '$($Account)' is member of the group 'BUILTIN\Users'."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] The group 'BUILTIN\Users' has the ACL: $($ShareAC.FileSystemRights)."
$ACAccountWithDomain = $ShareAC.IdentityReference.ToString().ToLower()
$ACAccountWithoutDomain = $ACAccountWithDomain.replace("$($DomainObject.Name.ToLower())\", "")
if ($ACAccountWithDomain.StartsWith($DomainObject.Name.ToLower())) {
if ($ACAccountWithoutDomain -like $AccountObject.SamAccountName) {
try {
$retrievedUser = Get-ADUser $ACAccountWithoutDomain
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] $Account has an account specific ACL: $($ShareAC.FileSystemRights)"
} catch {
try {
$retrievedGroup = Get-ADGroup $ACAccountWithoutDomain -Properties Members
TG-FindAccountInGroupRecursively -Account $AccountObject -Root $retrievedGroup -Level 0 -AC $ShareAC
} catch {
End {
Write-Host "[-] Done!"
Function TG-GetUserFromOwner {
This script tries to find an ADUser based on the Owner attribute of the given ACL.
This script tries to find an ADUser based on the Owner attribute of the given ACL.
Name: TG-GetUserFromOwner
Author: Tijme Gommers (@tijme)
Version: 1.0
DateCreated: 05/26/2021
The Owner string of a Get-ACL (ACL) object
Mandatory = $True,
HelpMessage = "Specify the Owner to get the ADUser object for",
ValueFromPipeline = $True,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
Position = 0
)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Owner
Process {
try {
$Owner = $Owner.Split("\")
$DomainName = $Owner[0]
$Account = $Owner[1]
} catch {
$DomainController = Get-ADDomainController -DomainName $DomainName -Discover -ErrorAction Stop
Get-ADUser -Identity $Account -Server $DomainController -ErrorAction Stop
Function TG-FindAccountInGroupRecursively {
This script identifies if the given account is (recursively) part of the given group.
This script identifies if the given account is (recursively) part of the given group.
Name: TG-FindAccountInGroupRecursively
Author: Tijme Gommers (@tijme)
Version: 1.0
DateCreated: 05/26/2021
The ADUser to identify in the given group
The ADGroup to search in
The current level of recursion (root is 0)
The Access Control List configured on the root of the current group
TG-FindAccountInGroupRecursively -Account $ADUser -Root $ADGroup -Level 0 -AC ACLObject
Mandatory = $True,
HelpMessage = "The ADUser to identify in the given group",
Position = 0
)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Account,
Mandatory = $True,
HelpMessage = "The ADGroup to search in",
Position = 1
)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Root,
Mandatory = $True,
HelpMessage = "The current level of recursion",
Position = 2
)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [int] $Level,
Mandatory = $True,
HelpMessage = "The Access Control List configured for the root of the current group",
Position = 3
)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $AC
if ($Level -eq 0) {
$Indent = ""
Write-Host "[-] Parsing domain group '$($Root.Name)'..."
} else {
$Indent = " " * ($Level * 4)
Write-Host "[-] $Indent Parsing member/sub group '$($Root.Name)'..."
if ($Root.Name -like "Domain Users") {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] $Indent $Indent The user '$($Account.SamAccountName)' is member of the group '$($Root.Name)'."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] $Indent $Indent The group '$($Root.Name)' has the ACL: $($AC.FileSystemRights)."
$usersInGroup = Get-ADGroupMember $Root | select SamAccountName
foreach ($user in $usersInGroup) {
if ($user.SamAccountName -like $Account.Name.ToLower()) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] $Indent $Indent The user '$($Account.SamAccountName)' is member of the group '$($Root.Name)'."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "[+] $Indent $Indent The group '$($Root.Name)' has the ACL: $($AC.FileSystemRights)."
foreach ($member in $Root.Members) {
try {
$group = Get-ADGroup $member
TG-FindAccountInGroupRecursively -Account $Account -Root $group -Level $($Level+1) -AC $AC
} catch {
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