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Last active May 25, 2019 18:57
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Notification/observer helper for Swift. It allows you to e.g. only listen to (observe) a notification once.
// NotificationHelper.swift
// Raivo
// Created by Tijme Gommers on 24/05/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Tijme Gommers. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
/// A helper class for managing notifications/observers
/// Listen once
/// -----------
/// NotificationHelper.shared.listenOnce(to: .CKAccountChanged, {
/// print("iCloud account changed")
/// })
/// Listen and stop old listeners
/// -----------------------------
/// You can place this in e.g. a viewDidAppear method, and even though the listen method could be called
/// multiple times, it will only trigger once.
/// NotificationHelper.shared.listen(to: .CKAccountChanged, distinctBy: "AccountView") {
/// print("iCloud account changed")
/// }
class NotificationHelper {
/// The singleton instance for the NotificationHelper
public static let shared = NotificationHelper()
/// Keeps track of observers for notifications that only one observer may listen to
private var singleInstances: [String: NSObjectProtocol] = [:]
/// A private initializer to make sure this class can only be used as a singleton class
private init() {}
/// Observe a notification and stop the old listeners observing this notification
/// - Parameter to: Which notification to listen to
/// - Parameter distinctBy: Overwrite previous listeners with this name, to allow only one observer instance
/// - Parameter callback: A closure that is called when the notification is observed
public func listen(to: Notification.Name, distinctBy: String, _ callback: @escaping (() -> Void)) {
let key = to.rawValue + distinctBy
if singleInstances.keys.contains(key) {
singleInstances[key] = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: to, object: nil, queue: nil) { note in
/// Stop observing a notification that you're listening to
/// - Parameter notification: Which notification to stop listening to
/// - Parameter byDistinctName: The identifiable observer name to stop
public func discard(_ notification: Notification.Name, byDistinctName: String) {
let key = notification.rawValue + byDistinctName
if singleInstances.keys.contains(key) {
/// Observe a notification only once, then stop listening
/// - Parameter to: Which notification to listen to
/// - Parameter callback: A closure that is called when the notification is observed
public func listenOnce(to: Notification.Name, _ callback: @escaping (() -> Void)) {
var observer: NSObjectProtocol? = nil
observer = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: to, object: nil, queue: nil) { note in
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