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Created February 8, 2011 00:46
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module CuckooHash
import Data.Array
import Data.Maybe
data Cell a b = EmptyCell | Cell a b
deriving Show
type HashArray a b = Array Int (Cell a b)
data Hash a b =
[a -> Int] -- hash provider
(a -> Int) -- hash fn1
(a -> Int) -- hash fn2
(HashArray a b)
isEmpty EmptyCell = True
isEmpty _ = False
cellHasKey :: (Eq a) => a -> Cell a b -> Bool
cellHasKey k (Cell a b) = (k == a)
cellHasKey k (EmptyCell) = False
cellGetValue (Cell a b) = b
cellToPair (Cell a b) = (a,b)
hashArray (Hash _ _ _ arr) = arr
updateHashArray (Hash hp fn1 fn2 arr) arr' = (Hash hp fn1 fn2 arr')
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Hash a b) where
show (Hash fp f1 f2 arr) = show arr
emptyHash n prov fn1 fn2 = Hash prov fn1 fn2 (array (1,n) [(i,EmptyCell) | i <- [1..n]])
emptyHashFromProv n fp =
let [new_fn1,new_fn2] = take 2 fp
rest_prov = drop 2 fp
emptyHash n rest_prov new_fn1 new_fn2
-- hashSize has inefficient implementation
hashSize (Hash _ _ _ arr) = length $ elems arr
hashAsList :: (Hash a b) -> [(a,b)]
hashAsList h =
map cellToPair $ filter (not . isEmpty) $ elems (hashArray h)
hashCycle :: (Hash a b) -> (Hash a b)
hashCycle h@(Hash fp fn1 fn2 arr) =
let n = hashSize h
emptyHashFromProv n fp
hashInsert h k v = hashInsertHelper h k v []
-- generate insertion operations; if infinite loop detected raise an exception
hashInsertHelper :: (Eq a, Eq b) => (Hash a b) -> a -> b -> [(a,b)] -> (Hash a b)
hashInsertHelper h@(Hash fp fn1 fn2 arr) k v soFar
| (isEmpty $ (!) arr (fn1 k)) = updateHashArray h (arr//[(fn1 k, Cell k v)])
| (isEmpty $ (!) arr (fn2 k)) = updateHashArray h (arr//[(fn2 k, Cell k v)])
| otherwise = let Cell dk dv = (!) arr (fn1 k)
displacedHash = updateHashArray h (arr //[(fn1 k, Cell k v)])
if (elem (k,v) soFar) then
let all_kv_pairs = (k,v):(hashAsList h)
eh = hashCycle h
-- insert all values of h into an empty hash with new hash
-- functions new_fn1, new_fn2 and updated provider
foldr (\(k,v) -> \h -> hashInsert h k v) eh all_kv_pairs
hashInsertHelper displacedHash dk dv ((k,v) : soFar)
hashLookup :: (Eq a, Eq b) => (Hash a b) -> a -> Maybe b
hashLookup h@(Hash fp fn1 fn2 arr) k
| (cellHasKey k fn1cell) = Just $ cellGetValue fn1cell
| (cellHasKey k fn2cell) = Just $ cellGetValue fn2cell
| otherwise = Nothing
fn1cell = (!) arr (fn1 k)
fn2cell = (!) arr (fn2 k)
hashRemove :: (Eq a, Eq b) => (Hash a b) -> a -> (Hash a b)
hashRemove h@(Hash fp fn1 fn2 arr) k
| (cellHasKey k fn1cell) = updateHashArray h (arr//[(fn1 k, EmptyCell)])
| (cellHasKey k fn2cell) = updateHashArray h (arr//[(fn2 k, EmptyCell)])
| otherwise = h
fn1cell = (!) arr (fn1 k)
fn2cell = (!) arr (fn2 k)
module TestCuckoo
import CuckooHash
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Array
import Data.Maybe
import Test.QuickCheck
coprimes n = filter (\(a,b) -> a `mod` b == 1) [ (a,b) | a <- [ 2..n], b <- [2..n]]
primes = [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199 ]
-- Universal Hash:
decentHashFamily n = [ \x -> ((a * x + b) `mod` p) `mod` n | (a,b) <- (coprimes n), p <- primes]
-- Weakness here: two strings with same character value have same pre-hash number
stringToInteger :: String -> Int
stringToInteger s = foldr (+) 0 (map ord s)
stringHashFamily n = [ \s -> f (stringToInteger s) | f <- (decentHashFamily n)]
-- Random strings (needed to redefine b/c of QuickCheck 2.4)
instance Arbitrary Char where
arbitrary = choose ('\32', '\128')
coarbitrary c = variant (ord c `rem` 4)
-- Make a hash
stringListToHash :: [String] -> ([String], Hash String String)
stringListToHash sl =
let l = filter (\s -> length s > 0) $ nub sl
h = emptyHashFromProv 128 $ stringHashFamily 128
(l, foldr (\k -> \h -> hashInsert h k k) h l)
testInsertion :: [String] -> Bool
testInsertion sl =
let (l, constructedHash) = stringListToHash sl
-- assert each insertion is lookup-able the hash
all (\k -> isJust $ hashLookup constructedHash k) l
testRemoval :: [String] -> Bool
testRemoval sl =
let (l, constructedHash) = stringListToHash sl
-- assert that removing an element results in no lookup
all (\k -> isNothing $ (hashLookup (hashRemove constructedHash k) k)) l
main = do
quickCheck testInsertion
quickCheck testRemoval
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