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Created February 11, 2011 23:26
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module KataRomanCalculator
import Test.HUnit
import qualified Data.String.Utils as StringUtils
data RomanNumeral = RomanNumeral String
deriving (Show, Eq)
strip n (RomanNumeral s) = (RomanNumeral (drop n s))
romanValueMap :: [(String,Integer)]
romanValueMap = [ ("M", 1000),
("CM", 900),
("D", 500),
("CD", 400),
("C", 100),
("XC", 90),
("L", 50),
("XL", 40),
("X", 10),
("V", 5),
("IV", 4),
("I", 1)
valueRomanMap = map (\(a,b) -> (b,a)) romanValueMap
convertHelper :: RomanNumeral -> [(String,Integer)] -> Integer
convertHelper r@(RomanNumeral s) ((romanStr,romanValue):rMap)
| null s = 0
| StringUtils.startswith romanStr s =
romanValue + convertHelper (strip (length romanStr) r) romanValueMap
| otherwise = convertHelper r rMap
convert :: RomanNumeral -> Integer
convert r@(RomanNumeral s) =
convertHelper r romanValueMap
-- | StringUtils.startswith "IX" s = 9 + (convert $ strip 2 r)
-- | StringUtils.startswith "IV" s = 4 + (convert $ strip 2 r)
-- | StringUtils.startswith "I" s = 1 + (convert $ strip 1 r)
toRomanHelper :: Integer -> [(Integer, String)] -> String
toRomanHelper n ((romanValue,romanStr):rMap)
| n == 0 = ""
| n >= romanValue = romanStr ++ (toRomanHelper (n - romanValue) valueRomanMap)
| otherwise = toRomanHelper n rMap
toRoman :: Integer -> RomanNumeral
toRoman n =
RomanNumeral $ toRomanHelper n valueRomanMap
romanAdd :: RomanNumeral -> RomanNumeral -> RomanNumeral
romanAdd n1 n2 =
-- convert to int
toRoman $ (convert n1) + (convert n2)
-- convert to roman
checkToRoman name a e =
TestCase (assertEqual name e (toRoman a))
checkConvert name a e =
TestCase (assertEqual name e (convert a))
checkAdd name a1 a2 e =
TestCase (assertEqual name e (romanAdd a1 a2))
toRomanTests =
[ checkToRoman "1 is I"
1 (RomanNumeral "I"),
checkToRoman "2 is II"
2 (RomanNumeral "II"),
checkToRoman "8 is VIII"
8 (RomanNumeral "VIII"),
checkToRoman "14 is XIV"
14 (RomanNumeral "XIV")
convertTests =
[ -- I is 1!
checkConvert "I is 1"
(RomanNumeral "I") 1,
checkConvert "II is 2"
(RomanNumeral "II") 2,
checkConvert "VIII is 8"
(RomanNumeral "VIII") 8,
checkConvert "XIV is 14"
(RomanNumeral "XIV") 14
addTests =
[ -- I + I = II
checkAdd "one and one is two"
(RomanNumeral "I") (RomanNumeral "I") (RomanNumeral "II") ,
-- IV + I = V
checkAdd "four and one is five"
(RomanNumeral "IV") (RomanNumeral "I") (RomanNumeral "V"),
checkAdd "XX + II = XXII"
(RomanNumeral "XX") (RomanNumeral "II") (RomanNumeral "XXII"),
checkAdd "II + II = IV"
(RomanNumeral "II") (RomanNumeral "II") (RomanNumeral "IV"),
checkAdd "D + D = M"
(RomanNumeral "D") (RomanNumeral "D") (RomanNumeral "M")
runTests = runTestTT (TestList (toRomanTests ++ convertTests ++ addTests))
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