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tiny 2 0 official intermediary named | |
c a net/minecraft/class_1442 net/minecraft/util/Formatting | |
f Z A field_5480 modifier | |
f Ljava/lang/String; B field_5481 stringValue | |
f I C field_9145 colorIndex | |
f [La; D field_5482 field_1072 | |
f La; a field_5483 BLACK | |
f La; b field_5484 DARK_BLUE | |
f La; c field_5485 DARK_GREEN | |
f La; d field_5486 DARK_AQUA | |
f La; e field_5487 DARK_RED | |
f La; f field_5488 DARK_PURPLE | |
f La; g field_5489 GOLD | |
f La; h field_5490 GRAY | |
f La; i field_5491 DARK_GRAY | |
f La; j field_5492 BLUE | |
f La; k field_5493 GREEN | |
f La; l field_5494 AQUA | |
f La; m field_5495 RED | |
f La; n field_5496 LIGHT_PURPLE | |
f La; o field_5497 YELLOW | |
f La; p field_5498 WHITE | |
f La; q field_5499 OBFUSCATED | |
f La; r field_5500 BOLD | |
f La; s field_5501 STRIKETHROUGH | |
f La; t field_5502 UNDERLINE | |
f La; u field_5503 ITALIC | |
f La; v field_5504 RESET | |
f Ljava/util/Map; w field_5506 BY_NAME | |
f Ljava/util/regex/Pattern; x field_5507 FORMATTING_CODE_PATTERN | |
f Ljava/lang/String; y field_9146 name | |
f C z field_5508 code | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IC)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 code | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ICZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 code | |
p 4 modifier | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;CI)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
p 4 code | |
p 5 colorIndex | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;CZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
p 4 code | |
p 5 modifier | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;CZI)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
p 4 code | |
p 5 modifier | |
p 6 colorIndex | |
m (I)La; a method_8433 byColorIndex | |
p 0 colorIndex | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_5488 strip | |
p 0 string | |
m (ZZ)Ljava/util/Collection; a method_4704 getNames | |
p 0 colors | |
p 1 modifiers | |
m ()I b method_8434 getColorIndex | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)La; b method_4706 byName | |
p 0 name | |
m ()Z c method_4705 isModifier | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; c method_8435 sanitize | |
p 0 name | |
m ()Z d method_4707 isColor | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; e method_4708 getName | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)La; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[La; values values values | |
c aa net/minecraft/class_3155 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/CuredZombieVillagerCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15551 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15552 handlers | |
m (Loq;Ladt;Lady;)V a method_14093 trigger | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 zombie | |
p 3 villager | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14094 method_8829 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Laa$b; b method_14095 conditionsFromJson | |
c aa$a net/minecraft/class_3155$class_3156 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/CuredZombieVillagerCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15553 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15554 conditions | |
m (Lnp;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 file | |
m ()Z a method_14096 isEmpty | |
m (Loq;Ladt;Lady;)V a method_14097 handle | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 entity | |
p 3 villager | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14098 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14099 removeCondition | |
c aa$b net/minecraft/class_3155$class_3157 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/CuredZombieVillagerCriterion$Conditions | |
f Laj; a field_15555 zombie | |
f Laj; b field_15556 villager | |
m (Laj;Laj;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 zombie | |
p 2 villager | |
m (Loq;Ladt;Lady;)Z a method_14100 matches | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 zombie | |
p 3 villager | |
c aaa net/minecraft/class_946 net/minecraft/entity/passive/MooshroomEntity | |
m (Lry;)V c method_13502 method_0_10400 | |
m (Lvd;)Laaa; c method_4520 createChild | |
c aab net/minecraft/class_947 net/minecraft/entity/passive/CatEntity | |
f Lmy; bB field_14612 CAT_VARIANT | |
f Lws; bC field_11976 field_6808 | |
f Lyl; bD field_3705 temptGoal | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13503 method_0_10401 | |
m (Lvd;)Laab; b method_4521 createChild | |
m ()I dt method_2858 getCatType | |
m (I)V g method_2857 setCatType | |
p 1 variant | |
c aac net/minecraft/class_3158 net/minecraft/entity/passive/ParrotEntity | |
f F bB field_15557 flapProgress | |
f F bC field_15558 maxWingDeviation | |
f F bD field_15559 prevMaxWingDeviation | |
f F bE field_15560 prevFlapProgress | |
f F bF field_15561 flapSpeed | |
f Lmy; bG field_15562 VARIANT | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; bH field_15563 field_6821 | |
f Lain; bI field_15564 COOKIE | |
f Ljava/util/Set; bJ field_15565 TAMING_INGREDIENTS | |
f Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/Int2ObjectMap; bK field_15566 field_6822 | |
f Z bL field_15567 songPlaying | |
f Let; bM field_15568 songSource | |
m ()Z a method_14101 method_6581 | |
m (Lamu;Lvg;)V a method_14102 playMobSound | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Lqe; a method_14103 getRandomSound | |
m (Lamu;Lvg;)Z b method_14104 imitateNearbyMob | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)F b method_14105 getSoundPitch | |
m ()Z dt method_14106 isSongPlaying | |
m ()I du method_14107 getVariant | |
m ()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/Int2ObjectMap; dv method_14108 method_6588 | |
m ()V dx method_14109 flapWings | |
m (I)Lqe; g method_14110 method_6586 | |
m (I)V m method_14111 setVariant | |
c aac$1 net/minecraft/class_3158$1 net/minecraft/entity/passive/ParrotEntity$1 | |
m (Lvq;)Z a method_14112 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c aad net/minecraft/class_948 net/minecraft/entity/passive/PigEntity | |
f Z bB field_14617 field_6814 | |
f I bC field_14613 field_6812 | |
f I bD field_14614 field_6813 | |
f Lmy; bx field_14615 SADDLED | |
f Lmy; by field_15485 BOOST_TIME | |
f Ljava/util/Set; bz field_14616 field_6817 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13504 method_0_10402 | |
m (Lvd;)Laad; b method_4522 createChild | |
m ()Z dl method_2860 isSaddled | |
m ()Z dm method_13117 method_6577 | |
m (Z)V p method_2859 setSaddled | |
c aae net/minecraft/class_3033 net/minecraft/entity/passive/PolarBearEntity | |
f I bB field_15031 warningSoundCooldown | |
f Lmy; bx field_15032 WARNING | |
f F by field_15033 lastWarningAnimationProgress | |
f F bz field_15034 warningAnimationProgress | |
m ()V dl method_13505 playWarningSound | |
m ()Z dm method_13506 isWarning | |
m (Z)V p method_13507 setWarning | |
m (F)F r method_13508 getWarningAnimationProgress | |
c aae$1 net/minecraft/class_3033$1 net/minecraft/entity/passive/PolarBearEntity$1 | |
c aae$a net/minecraft/class_3033$class_3034 net/minecraft/entity/passive/PolarBearEntity$ProtectBabiesGoal | |
f Laae; i field_15035 field_6841 | |
c aae$b net/minecraft/class_3033$class_3035 net/minecraft/entity/passive/PolarBearEntity$PolarBearEntityData | |
f Z a field_15036 field_6842 | |
c aae$c net/minecraft/class_3033$class_3036 net/minecraft/entity/passive/PolarBearEntity$PolarBearRevengeGoal | |
f Laae; a field_15037 field_6843 | |
c aae$d net/minecraft/class_3033$class_3037 net/minecraft/entity/passive/PolarBearEntity$AttackGoal | |
f Laae; h field_15038 field_6844 | |
c aae$e net/minecraft/class_3033$class_3038 net/minecraft/entity/passive/PolarBearEntity$PolarBearEscapeDangerGoal | |
f Laae; f field_15039 field_6845 | |
c aaf net/minecraft/class_2623 net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity | |
f Z bB field_11981 lastOnGround | |
f I bC field_11982 ticksUntilJump | |
f I bD field_11984 moreCarrotTicks | |
f Lmy; bx field_14618 RABBIT_TYPE | |
f I by field_11978 jumpTicks | |
f I bz field_11979 jumpDuration | |
m (DD)V a method_11073 lookTowards | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 z | |
m (Laaf;)Z a method_11075 method_6609 | |
m (Lain;)Z a method_11076 isBreedingItem | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13509 method_0_10403 | |
m (Laaf;)Lwo; b method_13118 method_6604 | |
m (Lvd;)Laaf; b method_11079 createChild | |
m (D)V c method_11078 setSpeed | |
p 1 speed | |
m (Laaf;)Z c method_13119 method_6612 | |
m ()V dl method_13120 startJump | |
m ()Lqe; dm method_13121 getJumpSound | |
m ()I dn method_11083 getRabbitType | |
m ()V do method_11085 method_0_7596 | |
m ()V dp method_11086 enableJump | |
m ()V dt method_11087 disableJump | |
m ()V du method_11088 doScheduleJump | |
m ()V dv method_11089 scheduleJump | |
m ()I dw method_13122 method_0_9904 | |
m ()Z dx method_11090 wantsCarrots | |
m (I)V g method_11092 setRabbitType | |
p 1 type | |
m (F)F r method_11091 getJumpProgress | |
p 1 delta | |
c aaf$a net/minecraft/class_2623$class_2624 net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity$RabbitAttackGoal | |
m (Laaf;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 rabbit | |
c aaf$b net/minecraft/class_2623$class_2626 net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity$FleeGoal | |
f Laaf; c field_11996 rabbit | |
m (Laaf;Ljava/lang/Class;FDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 rabbit | |
p 2 fleeFromType | |
p 3 distance | |
p 4 slowSpeed | |
p 6 fastSpeed | |
c aaf$c net/minecraft/class_2623$class_2627 net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity$RabbitData | |
f I a field_11997 type | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 type | |
c aaf$d net/minecraft/class_2623$class_2628 net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity$RabbitJumpControl | |
f Laaf; b field_11998 field_6857 | |
f Laaf; c field_11999 rabbit | |
f Z d field_12000 field_6856 | |
m (Laaf;Laaf;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 rabbit | |
m (Z)V a method_11097 method_6623 | |
m ()Z c method_11098 isActive | |
m ()Z d method_11099 method_6625 | |
c aaf$e net/minecraft/class_2623$class_2629 net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity$RabbitMoveControl | |
f Laaf; i field_12001 rabbit | |
f D j field_14619 rabbitSpeed | |
m (Laaf;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 rabbit | |
c aaf$f net/minecraft/class_2623$class_2630 net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity$EscapeDangerGoal | |
f Laaf; f field_12002 rabbit | |
m (Laaf;D)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 rabbit | |
p 2 speed | |
c aaf$g net/minecraft/class_2623$class_2631 net/minecraft/entity/passive/RabbitEntity$EatCarrotCropGoal | |
f Laaf; c field_12003 rabbit | |
f Z d field_12004 wantsCarrots | |
f Z e field_12005 hasTarget | |
m (Laaf;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 rabbit | |
c aag net/minecraft/class_949 net/minecraft/entity/passive/SheepEntity | |
f I bB field_3707 eatGrassTimer | |
f Lwx; bC field_3708 eatGrassGoal | |
f Lmy; bx field_14620 COLOR | |
f Lafy; by field_5369 field_6866 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; bz field_12006 COLORS | |
m (Lahs;)[F a method_11101 getRgbColor | |
p 0 color | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Lahs; a method_11100 generateDefaultColor | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13510 method_0_10404 | |
m (Lzv;Lzv;)Lahs; a method_4524 getChildColor | |
m (Lahs;)V b method_11102 setColor | |
m (Lvd;)Laag; b method_4525 createChild | |
m (Lahs;)[F c method_14113 getDyedColor | |
m ()Lahs; dl method_11103 getColor | |
m ()Z dm method_2867 isSheared | |
m (Z)V p method_2863 setSheared | |
m (F)F r method_2864 getNeckAngle | |
m (F)F s method_2865 getHeadAngle | |
c aag$1 net/minecraft/class_949$1 net/minecraft/entity/passive/SheepEntity$1 | |
f Laag; a field_5370 field_6871 | |
c aag$2 net/minecraft/class_949$2 net/minecraft/entity/passive/SheepEntity$2 | |
f [I a field_14621 field_6872 | |
c aah net/minecraft/class_3159 net/minecraft/entity/passive/TameableShoulderEntity | |
f I bB field_15569 ticks | |
m ()Z dw method_14114 isReadyToSitOnPlayer | |
m (Laed;)Z g method_14115 method_6627 | |
c aai net/minecraft/class_950 net/minecraft/entity/passive/SnowGolemEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_14622 SNOW_GOLEM_FLAGS | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13511 method_0_10405 | |
m (Z)V a method_13123 setHasPumpkin | |
m ()Z p method_13124 hasPumpkin | |
c aaj net/minecraft/class_951 net/minecraft/entity/passive/SquidEntity | |
f F a field_3716 tiltAngle | |
f F b field_3717 prevTiltAngle | |
f F bA field_3715 swimVelocityScale | |
f F bB field_3709 thrustTimerSpeed | |
f F bC field_3710 turningSpeed | |
f F bD field_3711 swimX | |
f F bE field_3712 swimY | |
f F bF field_3713 swimZ | |
f F bv field_3719 prevRollAngle | |
f F bw field_3720 thrustTimer | |
f F bx field_3721 prevThrustTimer | |
f F by field_3722 tentacleAngle | |
f F bz field_3714 prevTentacleAngle | |
f F c field_3718 rollAngle | |
m (Laaj;)Z a method_11104 method_6668 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13512 method_0_10406 | |
m (FFF)V b method_11105 setSwimmingVector | |
m ()Z p method_11106 hasSwimmingVector | |
c aaj$a net/minecraft/class_951$class_2632 net/minecraft/entity/passive/SquidEntity$SwimGoal | |
f Laaj; a field_12007 squid | |
m (Laaj;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 squid | |
c aak net/minecraft/class_952 net/minecraft/entity/passive/IronGolemEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_14623 IRON_GOLEM_FLAGS | |
f Lzo; b field_3723 field_6761 | |
f I bx field_3725 attackTicksLeft | |
f I by field_3726 lookingAtVillagerTicksLeft | |
f I c field_3724 field_6760 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13513 method_0_10407 | |
m (Z)V a method_2868 setLookingAtVillager | |
p 1 lookingAtVillager | |
m ()I dl method_2871 getAttackTicksLeft | |
m ()I dm method_2872 getLookingAtVillagerTicks | |
m ()Z dn method_2873 isPlayerCreated | |
m ()Lzo; p method_2870 method_6500 | |
m (Z)V p method_2869 setPlayerCreated | |
p 1 playerCreated | |
c aak$1 net/minecraft/class_952$1 net/minecraft/entity/passive/IronGolemEntity$1 | |
f Laak; a field_14624 field_0_9977 | |
m (Lvq;)Z a method_13125 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c aal net/minecraft/class_953 net/minecraft/entity/mob/WaterCreatureEntity | |
c aam net/minecraft/class_954 net/minecraft/entity/passive/WolfEntity | |
f Lmy; bB field_14625 WOLF_HEALTH | |
f Lmy; bC field_14626 BEGGING | |
f Lmy; bD field_14627 COLLAR_COLOR | |
f F bE field_3727 begAnimationProgress | |
f F bF field_3728 lastBegAnimationProgress | |
f Z bG field_3729 furWet | |
f Z bH field_3730 canShakeWaterOff | |
f F bI field_3731 shakeProgress | |
f F bJ field_3732 lastShakeProgress | |
m (Laam;)Ljava/util/Random; a method_13960 method_6716 | |
m (Lahs;)V a method_11110 setCollarColor | |
p 1 color | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13514 method_0_10408 | |
m (Lvd;)Laam; b method_4527 createChild | |
m ()Z dt method_2881 isFurWet | |
m ()F du method_2882 getTailAngle | |
m ()Z dv method_2874 isAngry | |
m ()Lahs; dw method_11111 getCollarColor | |
m ()Z dx method_2875 isBegging | |
m (FF)F h method_2876 getShakeAnimationProgress | |
m (F)F r method_2879 getFurWetBrightnessMultiplier | |
m (F)F s method_2880 getBegAnimationProgress | |
m (Z)V s method_2877 setAngry | |
p 1 angry | |
m (Z)V t method_2878 setBegging | |
p 1 begging | |
c aam$1 net/minecraft/class_954$1 net/minecraft/entity/passive/WolfEntity$1 | |
f Laam; a field_12014 field_0_7974 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_11112 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c aam$a net/minecraft/class_954$class_3134 net/minecraft/entity/passive/WolfEntity$AvoidLlamaGoal | |
f Laam; c field_15486 field_6953 | |
f Laam; d field_15487 wolf | |
m (Laas;)Z a method_13961 isScaredOf | |
c aan net/minecraft/class_3135 net/minecraft/entity/passive/AbstractDonkeyEntity | |
f Lmy; bH field_15488 CHEST | |
m (Lry;Ljava/lang/Class;)V b method_13962 method_0_10502 | |
m ()Z dm method_13963 hasChest | |
m ()V dp method_13964 playAddChestSound | |
m ()I dt method_13965 getInventoryColumns | |
m (Z)V q method_13966 setHasChest | |
c aao net/minecraft/class_3136 net/minecraft/entity/passive/AbstractHorseEntity | |
f Z bB field_15489 inAir | |
f Lagg; bC field_15490 field_6962 | |
f I bD field_15491 temper | |
f F bE field_15492 jumpStrength | |
f Z bF field_15493 playExtraHorseSounds | |
f I bG field_15494 soundTicks | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; bH field_15495 field_6956 | |
f Lmy; bI field_15496 HORSE_FLAGS | |
f Lmy; bJ field_15497 OWNER_UUID | |
f I bK field_15498 eatingGrassTicks | |
f I bL field_15499 eatingTicks | |
f I bM field_15500 angryTicks | |
f Z bN field_15501 jumping | |
f F bO field_15502 eatingGrassAnimationProgress | |
f F bP field_15503 lastEatingGrassAnimationProgress | |
f F bQ field_15504 angryAnimationProgress | |
f F bR field_15505 lastAngryAnimationProgress | |
f F bS field_15506 eatingAnimationProgress | |
f F bT field_15507 lastEatingAnimationProgress | |
f Lwc; bx field_15508 JUMP_STRENGTH | |
f I by field_15509 tailWagTicks | |
f I bz field_15510 field_6958 | |
m (Laty;)V a method_13967 playWalkSound | |
m (Lvd;Laao;)V a method_13968 setChildAttributes | |
m (Lvg;D)Laao; a method_13969 method_6756 | |
m (Laed;Laip;)Z b method_13970 receiveFood | |
m (Ljava/util/UUID;)V b method_13971 setOwnerUuid | |
m (IZ)V c method_13972 setHorseFlag | |
m (Laed;)V c method_14000 method_6722 | |
m (Lry;Ljava/lang/Class;)V c method_13973 method_0_10508 | |
m ()Z dA method_13996 isBred | |
m ()I dB method_13997 getTemper | |
m ()V dC method_13998 onChestedStatusChanged | |
m ()V dD method_6244 updateSaddle | |
m ()D dE method_13999 getJumpStrength | |
m ()Z dF method_13974 method_6765 | |
m ()Z dG method_13975 method_6725 | |
m ()I dH method_13976 getMaxTemper | |
m ()V dI method_13977 walkToParent | |
m ()Z dJ method_13978 eatsGrass | |
m ()V dK method_13979 playAngrySound | |
m ()Z dL method_13980 canBreed | |
m ()F dM method_13981 getChildHealthBonus | |
m ()D dN method_13982 getChildJumpStrengthBonus | |
m ()D dO method_13983 getChildMovementSpeedBonus | |
m ()Z dP method_13984 hasArmorSlot | |
m ()V dl method_13986 playEatingAnimation | |
m ()V dm method_13988 wagTail | |
m ()I dn method_13987 getInventorySize | |
m ()Lqe; do method_13132 getAngrySound | |
m ()V dp method_13989 setEating | |
m ()V dt method_13985 updateAnger | |
m ()Z du method_13990 isTame | |
m ()Ljava/util/UUID; dv method_13991 getOwnerUuid | |
m ()F dw method_13992 method_6770 | |
m ()Z dx method_13993 isInAir | |
m ()Z dy method_13994 isEatingGrass | |
m ()Z dz method_13995 isAngry | |
m (Laip;)Z f method_14001 isHorseArmor | |
m (I)Z g method_14002 getHorseFlag | |
m (Laed;)V g method_14003 putPlayerOnBack | |
m (Laed;)Z h method_14004 bondWithPlayer | |
m (I)V m method_14005 setTemper | |
m (I)I n method_14006 addTemper | |
m (F)F r method_14008 getEatingGrassAnimationProgress | |
m (Z)V r method_14007 setTame | |
m (F)F s method_14010 getAngryAnimationProgress | |
m (Z)V s method_14009 setInAir | |
m (F)F t method_14012 getEatingAnimationProgress | |
m (Z)V t method_14011 setBred | |
m (Z)V u method_14013 setSaddled | |
m (Z)V v method_14014 setEatingGrass | |
m (Z)V w method_14015 setAngry | |
m (Z)V x method_14016 spawnPlayerReactionParticles | |
c aao$1 net/minecraft/class_3136$1 net/minecraft/entity/passive/AbstractHorseEntity$1 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_14017 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c aap net/minecraft/class_3137 net/minecraft/entity/passive/DonkeyEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_14018 method_0_10518 | |
c aaq net/minecraft/class_1712 net/minecraft/entity/passive/HorseEntity | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; bH field_14628 HORSE_ARMOR_BONUS_ID | |
f Lmy; bI field_14631 VARIANT | |
f Lmy; bJ field_14633 field_6993 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; bK field_6907 HORSE_TEX | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; bL field_6879 HORSE_TEX_ID | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; bM field_6880 HORSE_MARKING_TEX | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; bN field_6881 HORSE_MARKING_TEX_ID | |
f Ljava/lang/String; bO field_6895 textureLocation | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; bP field_6896 textureLayers | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13515 method_0_10519 | |
m ()V dQ method_6245 clearTextureInfo | |
m ()V dR method_6246 initTextureInfo | |
m ()I dl method_6236 getHorseVariant | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; dm method_6272 getTextureLocation | |
m ()[Ljava/lang/String; dp method_6273 getTextureLayers | |
m ()Laar; dt method_13131 method_6786 | |
m (Laip;)V g method_8390 setArmorTypeFromStack | |
m ()V method_6244 method_6244 updateSaddle | |
m (I)V o method_6293 setHorseVariant | |
p 1 variant | |
c aaq$a net/minecraft/class_1712$class_1714 net/minecraft/entity/passive/HorseEntity$HorseData | |
f I a field_6909 variant | |
c aar net/minecraft/class_2976 net/minecraft/class_1497 | |
f Laar; a field_14638 NONE | |
f Laar; b field_14639 IRON | |
f Laar; c field_14640 GOLD | |
f Laar; d field_14641 DIAMOND | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_14642 field_6983 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_14643 field_6984 | |
f I g field_14644 field_6978 | |
f [Laar; h field_14645 field_6981 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 bonus | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 bonus | |
p 4 name | |
m ()I a method_13134 method_6778 | |
m (I)Laar; a method_13135 method_6781 | |
m (Lain;)Laar; a method_13136 method_6777 | |
m (Laip;)Laar; a method_13137 method_6779 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_13138 method_6780 | |
m (Lain;)Z b method_13139 method_6782 | |
m ()I c method_13140 method_6776 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_13141 method_6775 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laar; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laar; values values values | |
c aas net/minecraft/class_3138 net/minecraft/entity/passive/LlamaEntity | |
f Lmy; bH field_15511 STRENGTH | |
f Lmy; bI field_15512 CARPET_COLOR | |
f Lmy; bJ field_15513 VARIANT | |
f Z bK field_15514 spit | |
f Laas; bL field_15515 following | |
f Laas; bM field_15516 follower | |
m (Laas;)V a method_14020 follow | |
m (Laas;Z)V a method_14021 method_6795 | |
m (Lahs;)V a method_14019 setCarpetColor | |
m (Laas;)Z b method_14023 method_6801 | |
m (Lvd;)Laas; b method_14022 createChild | |
m ()I dQ method_14024 getStrength | |
m ()I dR method_14025 getVariant | |
m ()Z dS method_14026 isTrader | |
m ()Lahs; dT method_14027 getCarpetColor | |
m ()V dU method_14028 stopFollowing | |
m ()Z dV method_14029 hasFollower | |
m ()Z dW method_14030 isFollowing | |
m ()Laas; dX method_14031 getFollowing | |
m ()V dY method_14032 initializeStrength | |
m (Lvp;)V e method_14033 spitAt | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Laip;)V g method_14034 method_0_10747 | |
m (I)V o method_14035 setVariant | |
p 1 variant | |
m (I)V p method_14036 setStrength | |
p 1 strength | |
m (Z)V y method_14037 setSpit | |
c aas$1 net/minecraft/class_3138$1 net/minecraft/entity/passive/LlamaEntity$1 | |
c aas$a net/minecraft/class_3138$class_3139 net/minecraft/entity/passive/LlamaEntity$ChaseWolvesGoal | |
c aas$b net/minecraft/class_3138$class_3140 net/minecraft/entity/passive/LlamaEntity$LlamaData | |
f I a field_15517 variant | |
c aas$c net/minecraft/class_3138$class_3141 net/minecraft/entity/passive/LlamaEntity$SpitRevengeGoal | |
c aat net/minecraft/class_3142 net/minecraft/entity/passive/MuleEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_14038 method_0_10528 | |
c aau net/minecraft/class_3143 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SkeletonHorseEntity | |
f Laav; bH field_15518 trapTriggerGoal | |
f Z bI field_15519 trapped | |
f I bJ field_15520 trapTime | |
m (Lry;)V a method_14039 method_0_10529 | |
m ()Z dl method_14040 isTrapped | |
m (Z)V p method_14041 setTrapped | |
c aav net/minecraft/class_2978 net/minecraft/entity/ai/goal/SkeletonHorseTrapTriggerGoal | |
f Laau; a field_15521 skeletonHorse | |
m (Laaq;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 horse | |
m (Lua;)Laao; a method_14042 getHorse | |
m (Lua;Laao;)Ladk; a method_13156 getSkeleton | |
c aaw net/minecraft/class_3144 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ZombieHorseEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_14043 method_0_10532 | |
c ab net/minecraft/class_3160 net/minecraft/predicate/DamagePredicate | |
f Lab; a field_15570 ANY | |
f Las; b field_15571 field_9523 | |
f Las; c field_15572 field_9524 | |
f Laj; d field_15573 sourceEntity | |
f Ljava/lang/Boolean; e field_15574 blocked | |
f Lac; f field_15575 type | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)Lab; a method_14116 fromJson | |
m (Loq;Lur;FFZ)Z a method_14117 test | |
c aba net/minecraft/class_1409 net/minecraft/class_1509 | |
m ()Lamu; a method_4530 method_6815 | |
m (Labb;Lur;F)Z a method_2896 method_6816 | |
p 1 multipart | |
p 2 source | |
p 3 angry | |
c abb net/minecraft/class_957 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/EnderDragonPart | |
f Laba; a field_3735 field_7007 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_3736 name | |
m (Laba;Ljava/lang/String;FF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 owner | |
p 2 name | |
p 3 width | |
p 4 height | |
c abc net/minecraft/class_958 net/minecraft/entity/decoration/EndCrystalEntity | |
f I a field_3737 endCrystalAge | |
f Lmy; b field_14659 BEAM_TARGET | |
f Lmy; c field_14660 SHOW_BOTTOM | |
m (Lamu;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (Let;)V a method_13157 setBeamTarget | |
p 1 beamTarget | |
m (Lur;)V a method_13158 crystalDestroyed | |
p 1 source | |
m (Z)V a method_13159 setShowBottom | |
p 1 showBottom | |
m ()Let; j method_13160 getBeamTarget | |
m ()Z k method_13161 shouldShowBottom | |
c abd net/minecraft/class_959 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/EnderDragonEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_14661 PHASE_TYPE | |
f [[D b field_3753 segmentCircularBuffer | |
f Labb; bA field_3749 tail2 | |
f Labb; bB field_3750 tail3 | |
f Labb; bC field_3739 rightWing | |
f Labb; bD field_3740 leftWing | |
f F bE field_3741 prevWingPosition | |
f F bF field_3743 wingPosition | |
f Z bG field_3745 slowedDownByBlock | |
f I bH field_3746 ticksSinceDeath | |
f Labc; bI field_3747 connectedCrystal | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; bJ field_14662 LOGGER | |
f Layr; bK field_14663 fight | |
f Labu; bL field_14664 phaseManager | |
f I bM field_14665 ticksUntilNextGrowl | |
f I bN field_14666 damageDuringSitting | |
f [Lbej; bO field_14667 pathNodes | |
f [I bP field_14668 pathNodeConnections | |
f Lbeg; bQ field_14669 pathHeap | |
f [Labb; bv field_3755 parts | |
f Labb; bw field_3756 head | |
f Labb; bx field_14670 neck | |
f Labb; by field_3757 body | |
f Labb; bz field_3758 tail1 | |
f I c field_3754 latestSegment | |
m (F)Lbhe; a method_13162 getRotationVectorFromPhase | |
m (I)V a method_13163 awardExperience | |
m (IF)[D a method_2898 getSegmentProperties | |
p 1 segmentNumber | |
p 2 tickDelta | |
m (IILbej;)Lbel; a method_13164 findPath | |
m (I[D[D)F a method_13165 getChangeInNeckPitch | |
m (Labc;Let;Lur;)V a method_13167 crystalDestroyed | |
m (Lbej;Lbej;)Lbel; a method_13166 getPathOfAllPredecessors | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)V a method_2901 launchLivingEntities | |
p 1 entities | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13516 method_0_10410 | |
m (Lbhb;)Z b method_2900 destroyBlocks | |
p 1 area | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)V b method_2903 damageLivingEntities | |
p 1 entities | |
m (D)F c method_2902 wrapYawChange | |
p 1 yawDegrees | |
m ()Labu; de method_13168 getPhaseManager | |
m ()Layr; df method_13169 getFight | |
m ()V dg method_2905 tickWithEndCrystals | |
c Things to do every tick related to end crystals. The Ender Dragon:\n\n* Disconnects from its crystal if it is removed\n* If it is connected to a crystal, then heals every 10 ticks\n* With a 1 in 10 chance each tick, searches for the nearest crystal and connects to it if present | |
m (Lur;F)Z e method_6302 parentDamage | |
m (DDD)I k method_13170 getNearestPathNodeIndex | |
m ()I p method_13171 getNearestPathNodeIndex | |
m (F)F q method_13172 method_6820 | |
c abf net/minecraft/class_2979 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/AbstractPhase | |
f Labd; a field_14671 dragon | |
m (Labd;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 dragon | |
c abg net/minecraft/class_2980 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/AbstractSittingPhase | |
c abh net/minecraft/class_2981 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/ChargingPlayerPhase | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b field_14672 LOGGER | |
f Lbhe; c field_14673 pathTarget | |
f I d field_14674 chargingTicks | |
m (Lbhe;)V a method_13173 setPathTarget | |
c abi net/minecraft/class_2982 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/DyingPhase | |
f Lbhe; b field_14675 target | |
f I c field_14676 ticks | |
c abj net/minecraft/class_2983 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/HoldingPatternPhase | |
f Lbel; b field_14677 path | |
f Lbhe; c field_14678 pathTarget | |
f Z d field_14679 shouldFindNewPath | |
m (Laed;)V a method_13174 strafePlayer | |
m ()V j method_13175 tickInRange | |
m ()V k method_13176 followPath | |
c abk net/minecraft/class_2984 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/HoverPhase | |
f Lbhe; b field_14680 target | |
c abl net/minecraft/class_2985 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/LandingApproachPhase | |
f Lbel; b field_14681 path | |
f Lbhe; c field_14682 pathTarget | |
m ()V j method_13177 updatePath | |
m ()V k method_13178 followPath | |
c abm net/minecraft/class_2986 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/LandingPhase | |
f Lbhe; b field_14683 target | |
c abn net/minecraft/class_2987 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/Phase | |
m ()Z a method_13179 isSittingOrHovering | |
m (Labb;Lur;F)F a method_13180 method_6852 | |
m (Labc;Let;Lur;Laed;)V a method_13181 crystalDestroyed | |
m ()V b method_13182 clientTick | |
m ()V c method_13183 serverTick | |
m ()V d method_13184 beginPhase | |
m ()V e method_13185 endPhase | |
m ()F f method_13186 getMaxYAcceleration | |
m ()Lbhe; g method_13187 getPathTarget | |
m ()F h method_13188 getYawAcceleration | |
m ()Labt; i method_13189 getType | |
c abo net/minecraft/class_2988 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/SittingAttackingPhase | |
f I b field_14684 ticks | |
c abp net/minecraft/class_2989 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/SittingFlamingPhase | |
f I b field_14685 ticks | |
f I c field_14686 timesRun | |
f Lve; d field_14687 dragonBreathEntity | |
m ()V j method_13190 reset | |
c abq net/minecraft/class_2990 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/SittingScanningPhase | |
f I b field_14688 ticks | |
c abr net/minecraft/class_2991 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/StrafePlayerPhase | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b field_14689 LOGGER | |
f I c field_14690 seenTargetTimes | |
f Lbel; d field_14691 path | |
f Lbhe; e field_14692 pathTarget | |
f Lvp; f field_14693 target | |
f Z g field_14694 shouldFindNewPath | |
m (Lvp;)V a method_13191 setTargetEntity | |
m ()V j method_13192 updatePath | |
m ()V k method_13193 followPath | |
c abs net/minecraft/class_2992 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/TakeoffPhase | |
f Z b field_14695 shouldFindNewPath | |
f Lbel; c field_14696 path | |
f Lbhe; d field_14697 pathTarget | |
m ()V j method_13194 updatePath | |
m ()V k method_13195 followPath | |
c abt net/minecraft/class_2993 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/PhaseType | |
f Labt; a field_14698 HOLDING_PATTERN | |
f Labt; b field_14699 STRAFE_PLAYER | |
f Labt; c field_14700 LANDING_APPROACH | |
f Labt; d field_14701 LANDING | |
f Labt; e field_14702 TAKEOFF | |
f Labt; f field_14703 SITTING_FLAMING | |
f Labt; g field_14704 SITTING_SCANNING | |
f Labt; h field_14705 SITTING_ATTACKING | |
f Labt; i field_14706 CHARGING_PLAYER | |
f Labt; j field_14707 DYING | |
f Labt; k field_14708 HOVER | |
f [Labt; l field_14709 types | |
f Ljava/lang/Class; m field_14710 phaseClass | |
f I n field_14711 id | |
f Ljava/lang/String; o field_14712 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/reflect/Constructor; a method_13196 getConstructor | |
m (I)Labt; a method_13197 getFromId | |
m (Labd;)Labn; a method_13199 create | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Labt; a method_13198 register | |
m ()I b method_13200 getTypeId | |
m ()I c method_13201 count | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c abu net/minecraft/class_2994 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/phase/PhaseManager | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_14713 LOGGER | |
f Labd; b field_14714 dragon | |
f [Labn; c field_14715 phases | |
f Labn; d field_14716 current | |
m ()Labn; a method_13202 getCurrent | |
m (Labt;)V a method_13203 setPhase | |
m (Labt;)Labn; b method_13204 create | |
c abx net/minecraft/class_1410 net/minecraft/entity/boss/WitherEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_14717 TRACKED_ENTITY_ID_1 | |
f Lmy; b field_14719 TRACKED_ENTITY_ID_2 | |
f [F bA field_5373 sideHeadYaws | |
f [F bB field_5374 prevSideHeadPitches | |
f [F bC field_5375 prevSideHeadYaws | |
f [I bD field_5376 skullCooldowns | |
f [I bE field_5377 chargedSkullCooldowns | |
f I bF field_5378 blockBreakingCooldown | |
f Lom; bG field_14718 bossBar | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; bH field_12015 field_7086 | |
f [Lmy; bx field_14720 field_7087 | |
f Lmy; by field_14721 INVUL_TIMER | |
f [F bz field_5372 sideHeadPitches | |
f Lmy; c field_14722 TRACKED_ENTITY_ID_3 | |
m (I)F a method_4532 getHeadYaw | |
p 1 headIndex | |
m (IDDDZ)V a method_4533 shootSkullAt | |
p 1 headIndex | |
p 2 targetX | |
p 4 targetY | |
p 6 targetZ | |
p 8 charged | |
m (II)V a method_4536 setTrackedEntityId | |
p 1 headIndex | |
p 2 id | |
m (ILvp;)V a method_6303 shootSkullAt | |
p 1 headIndex | |
p 2 target | |
m (Laow;)Z a method_11114 method_6883 | |
p 0 block | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13517 method_0_10411 | |
m (FFF)F b method_4535 getNextAngle | |
p 1 prevAngle | |
p 2 desiredAngle | |
p 3 maxDifference | |
m (I)F c method_4540 getHeadPitch | |
p 1 headIndex | |
m ()I dm method_4538 getInvulnerableTimer | |
m ()Z dn method_4539 method_6872 | |
m (I)V g method_4541 setInvulTimer | |
p 1 time | |
m (I)I m method_4542 getTrackedEntityId | |
p 1 headIndex | |
m (I)D n method_4543 getHeadX | |
p 1 headIndex | |
m (I)D o method_4544 getHeadY | |
p 1 headIndex | |
m ()V p method_4537 onSummoned | |
m (I)D p method_4545 getHeadZ | |
p 1 headIndex | |
c abx$1 net/minecraft/class_1410$1 net/minecraft/entity/boss/WitherEntity$1 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_11115 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c abx$a net/minecraft/class_1410$class_2995 net/minecraft/entity/boss/WitherEntity$DescendAtHalfHealthGoal | |
f Labx; a field_14723 field_7096 | |
c abz net/minecraft/class_2636 net/minecraft/entity/decoration/ArmorStandEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_14724 ARMOR_STAND_FLAGS | |
f Lmy; b field_14725 TRACKER_HEAD_ROTATION | |
f Z bA field_12031 invisible | |
f I bB field_12018 disabledSlots | |
f Z bC field_12019 field_7109 | |
f Lfn; bD field_12020 headRotation | |
f Lfn; bE field_12021 bodyRotation | |
f Lfn; bF field_12022 leftArmRotation | |
f Lfn; bG field_12023 rightArmRotation | |
f Lfn; bH field_12024 leftLegRotation | |
f Lfn; bI field_12025 rightLegRotation | |
f Lfn; br field_12016 DEFAULT_HEAD_ROTATION | |
f Lfn; bs field_12017 DEFAULT_BODY_ROTATION | |
f Lfn; bt field_12026 DEFAULT_LEFT_ARM_ROTATION | |
f Lfn; bu field_12027 DEFAULT_RIGHT_ARM_ROTATION | |
f Lfn; bv field_12028 DEFAULT_LEFT_LEG_ROTATION | |
f Lfn; bw field_12029 DEFAULT_RIGHT_LEG_ROTATION | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; bx field_14726 field_7102 | |
f Lfi; by field_15522 heldItems | |
f Lfi; bz field_15523 armorItems | |
f Lmy; c field_14729 TRACKER_BODY_ROTATION | |
f Lmy; d field_14730 TRACKER_LEFT_ARM_ROTATION | |
f Lmy; e field_14731 TRACKER_RIGHT_ARM_ROTATION | |
f Lmy; f field_14732 TRACKER_LEFT_LEG_ROTATION | |
f Lmy; g field_14733 TRACKER_RIGHT_LEG_ROTATION | |
f J h field_12032 lastHitTime | |
m (Lamu;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m ()Lfn; A method_11144 getRightLegRotation | |
m ()Lfy; C method_11145 poseToNbt | |
m ()V D method_11116 spawnBreakParticles | |
m ()V E method_11117 method_6924 | |
m ()V F method_11118 method_6908 | |
m ()V H method_14044 playBreakSound | |
m (BIZ)B a method_13205 setBitField | |
m (F)V a method_11119 method_6905 | |
p 1 damage | |
m (Laed;Lvl;Laip;Lub;)V a method_13206 method_6904 | |
m (Lbhe;)Lvl; a method_14045 getSlotFromPosition | |
m (Lfn;)V a method_11120 setHeadRotation | |
p 1 head | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13518 method_0_10412 | |
m (Z)V a method_11122 method_6899 | |
m (Lfn;)V b method_11123 setBodyRotation | |
p 1 bodyAngle | |
m (Lfn;)V c method_11124 setLeftArmRotation | |
p 1 leftArmAngle | |
m (Lvl;)Z c method_13207 isSlotDisabled | |
m (Lfn;)V d method_11125 setRightArmRotation | |
p 1 rightArmAngle | |
m (Lfn;)V e method_11126 setLeftLegRotation | |
p 1 leftLegAngle | |
m (Lfn;)V f method_11127 setRightLegRotation | |
p 1 rightLegAngle | |
m (Lfy;)V g method_11128 readPoseNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Z)V m method_11129 setSmall | |
p 1 value | |
m (Z)V n method_11131 setShowArms | |
p 1 value | |
m (Z)V o method_11132 setHideBasePlate | |
p 1 value | |
m ()Z p method_11133 isSmall | |
m (Z)V p method_11134 setMarker | |
p 1 value | |
m ()Z r method_11136 shouldShowArms | |
m ()Z s method_11137 shouldHideBasePlate | |
m ()Z t method_11138 isMarker | |
m ()Lfn; u method_11139 getHeadRotation | |
m ()Lfn; w method_11140 getBodyRotation | |
m ()Lfn; x method_11141 getLeftArmRotation | |
m ()Lfn; y method_11142 getRightArmRotation | |
m ()Lfn; z method_11143 getLeftLegRotation | |
c abz$1 net/minecraft/class_2636$1 net/minecraft/entity/decoration/ArmorStandEntity$1 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_13208 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c abz$2 net/minecraft/class_2636$2 net/minecraft/entity/decoration/ArmorStandEntity$2 | |
f [I a field_14734 field_7128 | |
c ac net/minecraft/class_3161 net/minecraft/predicate/entity/DamageSourcePredicate | |
f Lac; a field_15576 EMPTY | |
f Ljava/lang/Boolean; b field_15577 isProjectile | |
f Ljava/lang/Boolean; c field_15578 isExplosion | |
f Ljava/lang/Boolean; d field_15579 bypassesArmor | |
f Ljava/lang/Boolean; e field_15580 bypassesInvulnerability | |
f Ljava/lang/Boolean; f field_15581 bypassesMagic | |
f Ljava/lang/Boolean; g field_15582 isFire | |
f Ljava/lang/Boolean; h field_15583 isMagic | |
f Laj; i field_15584 directEntity | |
f Laj; j field_15585 sourceEntity | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)Lac; a method_14118 fromJson | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean; a method_14119 getBoolean | |
m (Loq;Lur;)Z a method_14120 test | |
c aca net/minecraft/class_1396 net/minecraft/entity/decoration/AbstractDecorationEntity | |
f Let; a field_12033 attachmentPos | |
f Lfa; b field_12034 facing | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; c field_14735 field_7098 | |
f I d field_5332 obstructionCheckCounter | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (I)D a method_11146 method_6893 | |
m (Lfa;)V a method_11147 setFacing | |
p 1 direction | |
m (Lvg;)V a method_6101 onBreak | |
p 1 entity | |
m ()V j method_11149 updateAttachmentPosition | |
m ()Z k method_4461 canStayAttached | |
m ()I l method_4462 getWidthPixels | |
m ()I n method_4463 getHeightPixels | |
m ()V p method_13209 onPlace | |
m ()Let; q method_11148 getDecorationBlockPos | |
c aca$1 net/minecraft/class_1396$1 net/minecraft/entity/decoration/AbstractDecorationEntity$1 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_13210 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c aca$2 net/minecraft/class_1396$2 net/minecraft/entity/decoration/AbstractDecorationEntity$2 | |
f [I a field_14736 field_7101 | |
c acb net/minecraft/class_1397 net/minecraft/entity/decoration/ItemFrameEntity | |
f Lmy; c field_14737 ITEM_STACK | |
f Lmy; d field_14738 ROTATION | |
f F e field_5333 itemDropChance | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 facing | |
m (I)V a method_4467 setRotation | |
p 1 value | |
m (IZ)V a method_11150 setRotation | |
p 1 value | |
p 2 update | |
m (Laip;)V a method_4466 setHeldItemStack | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;Z)V a method_11151 setHeldItemStack | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 update | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13519 method_0_10413 | |
m (Laip;)V b method_6102 removeFromFrame | |
p 1 map | |
m (Lvg;Z)V b method_8368 dropHeldStack | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 alwaysDrop | |
m ()Laip; r method_4468 getHeldItemStack | |
m ()I s method_4469 getRotation | |
m ()I t method_11152 getComparatorPower | |
c acc net/minecraft/class_1698 net/minecraft/entity/decoration/LeashKnotEntity | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Lacc; a method_11153 method_6931 | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Lacc; b method_11154 getOrCreate | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 pos | |
c acd net/minecraft/class_874 net/minecraft/entity/decoration/painting/PaintingEntity | |
f Lacd$a; c field_3380 field_7134 | |
m (Lamu;IIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 tileX | |
p 3 tileY | |
p 4 tileZ | |
p 5 rotation | |
m (Lamu;IIIILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 tileX | |
p 3 tileY | |
p 4 tileZ | |
p 6 motive | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 direction | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 direction | |
p 4 motive | |
c acd$a net/minecraft/class_874$class_876 net/minecraft/entity/decoration/painting/PaintingEntity$class_1535 | |
f I A field_3414 field_0_8029 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; B field_3383 field_0_8030 | |
f I C field_3384 field_7151 | |
f I D field_3385 field_7139 | |
f I E field_3386 field_7148 | |
f I F field_3387 field_7137 | |
f [Lacd$a; G field_3388 field_0_8035 | |
f Lacd$a; a field_3389 KEBAB | |
f Lacd$a; b field_3390 AZTEC | |
f Lacd$a; c field_3391 ALBAN | |
f Lacd$a; d field_3392 AZTEC_2 | |
f Lacd$a; e field_3393 BOMB | |
f Lacd$a; f field_3394 PLANT | |
f Lacd$a; g field_3395 WASTELAND | |
f Lacd$a; h field_3396 POOL | |
f Lacd$a; i field_3397 COURBET | |
f Lacd$a; j field_3398 SEA | |
f Lacd$a; k field_3399 SUNSET | |
f Lacd$a; l field_3400 CREEBET | |
f Lacd$a; m field_3401 WANDERER | |
f Lacd$a; n field_3402 GRAHAM | |
f Lacd$a; o field_3403 MATCH | |
f Lacd$a; p field_3404 BUST | |
f Lacd$a; q field_3405 STAGE | |
f Lacd$a; r field_3406 VOID | |
f Lacd$a; s field_3407 SKULL_AND_ROSES | |
f Lacd$a; t field_5347 WITHER | |
f Lacd$a; u field_3408 FIGHTERS | |
f Lacd$a; v field_3409 POINTER | |
f Lacd$a; w field_3410 PIGSCENE | |
f Lacd$a; x field_3411 BURNING_SKULL | |
f Lacd$a; y field_3412 SKELETON | |
f Lacd$a; z field_3413 DONKEY_KONG | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;IIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
p 4 width | |
p 5 height | |
p 6 textureX | |
p 7 textureY | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lacd$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lacd$a; values values values | |
c acf net/minecraft/class_993 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/FishingBobberEntity | |
f Lvg; a field_4063 hookedEntity | |
f I at field_9112 fishTravelCountdown | |
f F au field_9108 fishAngle | |
f Lacf$a; av field_15524 state | |
f I aw field_15525 luckOfTheSeaLevel | |
f I ax field_15526 lureLevel | |
f Lmy; b field_14739 HOOK_ENTITY_ID | |
f Z c field_4068 stuckOnBlock | |
f I d field_4069 removalTimer | |
f Laed; e field_4062 owner | |
f I f field_4070 selfHitTimer | |
f I g field_9110 hookCountdown | |
f I h field_9111 waitCountdown | |
m (Lamu;DDDLaed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 player | |
m (Lamu;Laed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 player | |
m (Lamu;Laed;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 thrower | |
p 3 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 7 z | |
m (I)V a method_14046 method_6955 | |
p 1 level | |
m (Laed;)V a method_14047 method_6950 | |
p 1 thrower | |
m (Let;)V a method_14048 tickFishingLogic | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_13520 method_6948 | |
p 1 entity | |
m (I)V c method_14049 method_6956 | |
p 1 level | |
m ()I j method_3231 method_6957 | |
m ()V k method_13211 pullHookedEntity | |
m ()Laed; l method_14050 getPlayerOwner | |
m ()V n method_14051 method_6953 | |
m ()Z p method_14052 removeIfInvalid | |
m ()V q method_14053 smoothenMovement | |
m ()V r method_14054 checkForCollision | |
m ()V s method_14055 updateHookedEntityId | |
c acf$a net/minecraft/class_993$class_3145 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/FishingBobberEntity$State | |
f Lacf$a; a field_15527 FLYING | |
f Lacf$a; b field_15528 HOOKED_IN_ENTITY | |
f Lacf$a; c field_15529 BOBBING | |
f [Lacf$a; d field_15530 field_7181 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lacf$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lacf$a; values values values | |
c ach net/minecraft/class_960 net/minecraft/class_1539 | |
c aci net/minecraft/class_961 net/minecraft/entity/LightningEntity | |
f J a field_3874 seed | |
f I b field_3875 ambientTick | |
f I c field_3876 remainingActions | |
f Z d field_14740 cosmetic | |
m (Lamu;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (Lamu;DDDZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 cosmetic | |
c ack net/minecraft/class_963 net/minecraft/entity/FallingBlockEntity | |
f I a field_3890 timeFalling | |
f F at field_5382 fallHurtAmount | |
f Z b field_3891 dropItem | |
f Lfy; c field_6142 blockEntityData | |
f Lmy; d field_14741 BLOCK_POS | |
f Lawt; e field_12035 field_7188 | |
f Z f field_5379 destroyedOnLanding | |
f Z g field_5380 hurtEntities | |
f I h field_5381 fallHurtMax | |
m (Lamu;DDDLawt;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 prevX | |
p 4 prevY | |
p 6 prevZ | |
p 8 block | |
m (Let;)V a method_13212 setFallingBlockPos | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13521 method_0_10414 | |
m (Z)V a method_4546 setHurtEntities | |
p 1 hurtEntities | |
m ()Let; j method_13213 getFallingBlockPos | |
m ()Lamu; k method_3056 getWorldClient | |
m ()Lawt; l method_8396 method_6962 | |
c acl net/minecraft/class_964 net/minecraft/entity/ItemEntity | |
f F a field_3895 uniqueOffset | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b field_9120 field_0_8117 | |
f Lmy; c field_14742 STACK | |
f I d field_3893 itemAge | |
f I e field_3894 pickupDelay | |
f I f field_3896 health | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_9121 field_7200 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_9122 field_7205 | |
m (Lamu;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (Lamu;DDDLaip;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 stack | |
m (I)V a method_11156 setPickupDelay | |
p 1 pickupDelay | |
m (Lacl;)Z a method_3057 method_6972 | |
p 1 other | |
m (Laip;)V a method_4547 setStack | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13522 method_0_10415 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V d method_8397 method_6984 | |
p 1 owner | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V e method_8398 method_6981 | |
p 1 thrower | |
m ()V j method_3058 setCreativeDespawnTime | |
m ()Laip; k method_8399 getStack | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; l method_8400 method_6986 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; n method_8401 method_6978 | |
m ()I p method_11157 getItemAge | |
m ()V q method_11158 setToDefaultPickupDelay | |
m ()V r method_11159 resetPickupDelay | |
m ()V s method_11160 setPickupDelayInfinite | |
m ()Z t method_11161 cannotPickup | |
m ()V v method_11162 setCovetedItem | |
m ()V w method_11163 setDespawnImmediately | |
m ()V x method_4549 tryMerge | |
c acm net/minecraft/class_966 net/minecraft/entity/TntEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_14743 FUSE | |
f Lvp; b field_6910 causingEntity | |
f I c field_3913 fuseTimer | |
m (Lamu;DDDLvp;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 igniter | |
m (I)V a method_13214 setFuse | |
p 1 fuse | |
m ()Lvp; j method_5440 method_6970 | |
m ()I k method_13215 getFuse | |
m ()I l method_13216 getFuseTimer | |
m ()V n method_3069 explode | |
c aco net/minecraft/class_3162 net/minecraft/entity/mob/IllagerEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_15586 field_7206 | |
m (I)Z a method_14121 method_6991 | |
m (IZ)V a method_14122 method_6992 | |
m ()Laco$a; p method_14123 getState | |
c aco$a net/minecraft/class_3162$class_3163 net/minecraft/entity/mob/IllagerEntity$State | |
f Laco$a; a field_15587 CROSSED | |
f Laco$a; b field_15588 ATTACKING | |
f Laco$a; c field_15589 SPELLCASTING | |
f Laco$a; d field_15590 BOW_AND_ARROW | |
f [Laco$a; e field_15591 field_7209 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laco$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laco$a; values values values | |
c acp net/minecraft/class_3146 net/minecraft/entity/mob/AbstractSkeletonEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_15531 field_7222 | |
f Lye; b field_15532 bowAttackGoal | |
f Lxo; c field_15533 meleeAttackGoal | |
m (F)Laeh; a method_14056 method_6996 | |
m ()Z dl method_14059 method_6999 | |
m ()V dm method_14058 updateAttackType | |
m ()Lqe; p method_14060 getStepSound | |
c acp$1 net/minecraft/class_3146$1 net/minecraft/entity/mob/AbstractSkeletonEntity$1 | |
f Lacp; h field_15534 field_7223 | |
c acq net/minecraft/class_967 net/minecraft/entity/mob/BlazeEntity | |
f F a field_3914 eyeOffset | |
f I b field_3915 eyeOffsetCooldown | |
f Lmy; c field_14744 BLAZE_FLAGS | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13523 method_0_10416 | |
m (Z)V a method_3070 setFireActive | |
p 1 value | |
m ()Z p method_3071 isFireActive | |
c acq$a net/minecraft/class_967$class_2639 net/minecraft/entity/mob/BlazeEntity$ShootFireballGoal | |
f Lacq; a field_12050 blaze | |
f I b field_12051 fireballsFired | |
f I c field_12052 fireballCooldown | |
m (Lacq;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 blaze | |
m ()D f method_14061 getFollowRange | |
c acr net/minecraft/class_968 net/minecraft/entity/mob/CaveSpiderEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13524 method_0_10417 | |
c acs net/minecraft/class_969 net/minecraft/entity/mob/CreeperEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_14745 FUSE_SPEED | |
f Lmy; b field_14746 CHARGED | |
f I bA field_5387 explosionRadius | |
f I bB field_12053 headsDropped | |
f I bx field_3918 lastFuseTime | |
f I by field_3917 currentFuseTime | |
f I bz field_5386 fuseTime | |
f Lmy; c field_14747 IGNITED | |
m (F)F a method_3073 getClientFuseTime | |
p 1 timeDelta | |
m (I)V a method_3072 setFuseSpeed | |
p 1 value | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13525 method_0_10418 | |
m ()I dm method_3075 getFuseSpeed | |
m ()Z dn method_8403 isIgnited | |
m ()V do method_8404 ignite | |
m ()Z dp method_2608 shouldDropHead | |
m ()V dq method_11175 onHeadDropped | |
m ()V dr method_8405 explode | |
m ()V ds method_14062 spawnEffectsCloud | |
m ()Z p method_3074 isCharged | |
c act net/minecraft/class_3147 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ElderGuardianEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_14063 method_0_10537 | |
m ()V dm method_14064 straightenTail | |
c act$1 net/minecraft/class_3147$1 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ElderGuardianEntity$1 | |
f Lact; a field_15535 field_0_8205 | |
m (Loq;)Z a method_11208 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c acu net/minecraft/class_970 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EndermanEntity | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; a field_6911 ATTACKING_SPEED_BOOST_ID | |
f Lwe; b field_6912 ATTACKING_SPEED_BOOST | |
f I bA field_14751 ageWhenTargetSet | |
f Lmy; bx field_14748 CARRIED_BLOCK | |
f Lmy; by field_14749 ANGRY | |
f I bz field_14750 lastAngrySoundAge | |
f Ljava/util/Set; c field_12054 field_0_8177 | |
m (Lacu;Laed;)Z a method_11177 method_7031 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13526 method_0_10419 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_3078 teleportTo | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Lawt;)V b method_11176 method_7032 | |
p 1 block | |
m ()Z dm method_3082 teleportRandomly | |
m ()Lawt; dn method_11179 method_7027 | |
m ()Z do method_3085 isAngry | |
m ()Ljava/util/Set; dp method_11181 method_0_7819 | |
m (Laed;)Z f method_3079 isPlayerStaring | |
p 1 player | |
m (DDD)Z k method_3081 teleportTo | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m ()V p method_13217 playAngrySound | |
c acu$1 net/minecraft/class_970$1 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EndermanEntity$1 | |
f Lacu; a field_12055 field_0_8178 | |
m (Lacv;)Z a method_11182 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c acu$a net/minecraft/class_970$class_2640 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EndermanEntity$PlaceBlockGoal | |
f Lacu; a field_12056 enderman | |
m (Lacu;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Lamu;Let;Laow;Lawt;Lawt;)Z a method_11183 method_7033 | |
c acu$b net/minecraft/class_970$class_2641 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EndermanEntity$TeleportTowardsPlayerGoal | |
f Lacu; i field_14752 enderman | |
f Laed; j field_12057 targetPlayer | |
f I k field_12058 lookAtPlayerWarmup | |
f I l field_12059 ticksSinceUnseenTeleport | |
m (Lacu;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 enderman | |
m (Lacu$b;)Lacu; a method_13218 method_0_9341 | |
c acu$b$1 net/minecraft/class_970$class_2641$1 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EndermanEntity$TeleportTowardsPlayerGoal$1 | |
f Lacu$b; a field_14753 field_0_9978 | |
m (Laed;)Z a method_13219 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c acu$c net/minecraft/class_970$class_2642 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EndermanEntity$PickUpBlockGoal | |
f Lacu; a field_12061 enderman | |
m (Lacu;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 enderman | |
c acv net/minecraft/class_2643 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EndermiteEntity | |
f I a field_12062 lifeTime | |
f Z b field_12063 playerSpawned | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13527 method_0_10420 | |
m (Z)V a method_11184 setPlayerSpawned | |
p 1 playerSpawned | |
m ()Z p method_11185 isPlayerSpawned | |
c Returns whether this endermite was spawned from an ender pearl thrown by a player. | |
c acw net/minecraft/class_971 net/minecraft/entity/mob/Monster | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; d field_12064 field_7270 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; e field_12065 field_7271 | |
c acw$1 net/minecraft/class_971$1 net/minecraft/entity/mob/Monster$1 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_11186 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c acw$2 net/minecraft/class_971$2 net/minecraft/entity/mob/Monster$2 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_11187 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c acx net/minecraft/class_3148 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EvokerEntity | |
f Laag; c field_15538 wololoTarget | |
m (Laag;)V a method_14067 setWololoTarget | |
m (Lacx;)Laag; a method_14074 method_7042 | |
m (Lacx;Laag;)V a method_14070 method_7035 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_14066 method_0_10786 | |
m (Lacx;)Ljava/util/Random; b method_14081 method_7040 | |
m (Lacx;)Ljava/util/Random; c method_14078 method_7037 | |
m (Lacx;)Ljava/util/Random; d method_14079 method_7043 | |
m ()Laag; dq method_14076 getWololoTarget | |
m (Lacx;)Ljava/util/Random; e method_14080 method_7041 | |
m (Lacx;)Ljava/util/Random; f method_14077 method_7038 | |
c acx$1 net/minecraft/class_3148$1 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EvokerEntity$1 | |
c acx$a net/minecraft/class_3148$class_3149 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EvokerEntity$ConjureFangsGoal | |
f Lacx; a field_15540 field_7265 | |
m (DDDDFI)V a method_14083 conjureFangs | |
c acx$b net/minecraft/class_3148$class_3150 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EvokerEntity$LookAtTargetOrWololoTarget | |
f Lacx; a field_15541 field_7266 | |
c acx$c net/minecraft/class_3148$class_3151 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EvokerEntity$SummonVexGoal | |
f Lacx; a field_15542 field_7267 | |
c acx$d net/minecraft/class_3148$class_3153 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EvokerEntity$WololoGoal | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a field_15546 field_7269 | |
f Lacx; b field_15547 field_7268 | |
c acx$d$1 net/minecraft/class_3148$class_3153$1 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EvokerEntity$WololoGoal$1 | |
f Lacx$d; a field_15548 field_0_11960 | |
m (Laag;)Z a method_14090 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c acy net/minecraft/class_972 net/minecraft/entity/mob/GhastEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_14754 SHOOTING | |
f I b field_5389 fireballStrength | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13528 method_0_10421 | |
m (Z)V a method_11188 setShooting | |
p 1 shooting | |
m ()I de method_11189 getFireballStrength | |
m ()Z p method_6308 isShooting | |
c acy$a net/minecraft/class_972$class_2644 net/minecraft/entity/mob/GhastEntity$LookAtTargetGoal | |
f Lacy; a field_12066 ghast | |
m (Lacy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 ghast | |
c acy$b net/minecraft/class_972$class_2645 net/minecraft/entity/mob/GhastEntity$GhastMoveControl | |
f Lacy; i field_12067 ghast | |
f I j field_12068 collisionCheckCooldown | |
m (Lacy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 ghast | |
m (DDDD)Z b method_11190 method_7051 | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 7 steps | |
c acy$c net/minecraft/class_972$class_2646 net/minecraft/entity/mob/GhastEntity$ShootFireballGoal | |
f I a field_12069 cooldown | |
f Lacy; b field_12070 ghast | |
m (Lacy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 ghast | |
c acy$d net/minecraft/class_972$class_2647 net/minecraft/entity/mob/GhastEntity$FlyRandomlyGoal | |
f Lacy; a field_12071 ghast | |
m (Lacy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 ghast | |
c acz net/minecraft/class_973 net/minecraft/entity/mob/GiantEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13529 method_0_10422 | |
c ad net/minecraft/class_3164 net/minecraft/predicate/entity/DistancePredicate | |
f Lad; a field_15592 ANY | |
f Las; b field_15593 field_9554 | |
f Las; c field_15594 field_9555 | |
f Las; d field_15595 field_9552 | |
f Las; e field_15596 field_9557 | |
f Las; f field_15597 field_9556 | |
m (Las;Las;Las;Las;Las;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 horizontal | |
p 5 absolute | |
m (DDDDDD)Z a method_14124 test | |
p 1 x0 | |
p 3 y0 | |
p 5 z0 | |
p 7 x1 | |
p 9 y1 | |
p 11 z1 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)Lad; a method_14125 fromJson | |
p 0 element | |
c ada net/minecraft/class_2648 net/minecraft/entity/mob/GuardianEntity | |
f F a field_12072 tailAngle | |
f F b field_12073 prevTailAngle | |
f Lmy; bA field_15549 SPIKES_RETRACTED | |
f Lmy; bB field_14756 BEAM_TARGET_ID | |
f Lvp; bC field_12076 cachedBeamTarget | |
f I bD field_12077 beamTicks | |
f Z bE field_12078 flopping | |
f F bx field_12074 spikesExtension | |
f F by field_12075 prevSpikesExtension | |
f Lyc; bz field_12079 wanderGoal | |
f F c field_12080 spikesExtensionRate | |
m (F)F a method_11191 getTailAngle | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (I)V a method_11198 setBeamTarget | |
p 1 progress | |
m (Lada;I)V a method_11195 method_7059 | |
m (Lada;Z)V a method_11196 method_7056 | |
m (Z)V a method_11204 setSpikesRetracted | |
p 1 retracted | |
m (Lry;)V c method_13530 method_0_10423 | |
m ()Lqe; dn method_14091 getFlopSound | |
m ()Z do method_11205 areSpikesRetracted | |
m ()Z dp method_11202 hasBeamTarget | |
m ()Lvp; dq method_11203 getBeamTarget | |
m ()I p method_11199 getWarmupTime | |
m (F)F r method_11206 getSpikesExtension | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (F)F s method_11207 getBeamProgress | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
c ada$a net/minecraft/class_2648$class_2649 net/minecraft/entity/mob/GuardianEntity$FireBeamGoal | |
f Lada; a field_12082 guardian | |
f I b field_12083 beamTicks | |
f Z c field_15550 elder | |
m (Lada;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 guardian | |
c ada$b net/minecraft/class_2648$class_2650 net/minecraft/entity/mob/GuardianEntity$GuardianTargetPredicate | |
f Lada; a field_12084 owner | |
m (Lada;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 guardin | |
m (Lvp;)Z a method_11209 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c ada$c net/minecraft/class_2648$class_2651 net/minecraft/entity/mob/GuardianEntity$GuardianMoveControl | |
f Lada; i field_12085 guardian | |
m (Lada;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 guardian | |
c adb net/minecraft/class_3154 net/minecraft/entity/mob/HuskEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_14092 method_0_10539 | |
c adc net/minecraft/class_3165 net/minecraft/entity/mob/IllusionerEntity | |
f [[Lbhe; bx field_15598 mirrorCopyOffsets | |
f I c field_15599 mirrorSpellTimer | |
m (F)[Lbhe; a method_14126 getMirrorCopyOffsets | |
m ()Z dl method_14127 method_7067 | |
m (F)Laeh; r method_14128 method_7066 | |
c adc$1 net/minecraft/class_3165$1 net/minecraft/entity/mob/IllusionerEntity$1 | |
c adc$a net/minecraft/class_3165$class_3166 net/minecraft/entity/mob/IllusionerEntity$BlindTargetGoal | |
f Ladc; a field_15600 field_7299 | |
f I b field_15601 targetId | |
c adc$b net/minecraft/class_3165$class_3167 net/minecraft/entity/mob/IllusionerEntity$GiveInvisibilityGoal | |
f Ladc; a field_15602 field_7300 | |
c add net/minecraft/class_974 net/minecraft/entity/mob/MagmaCubeEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13531 method_0_10424 | |
c ade net/minecraft/class_975 net/minecraft/entity/mob/HostileEntity | |
m (Laed;)Z c method_14129 isAngryAt | |
m ()Z s_ method_3087 method_7075 | |
c adf net/minecraft/class_976 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ZombifiedPiglinEntity | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; b field_6914 ATTACKING_SPEED_BOOST_ID | |
f I bx field_3931 anger | |
f I by field_3932 angrySoundDelay | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; bz field_12086 angerTarget | |
f Lwe; c field_6915 ATTACKING_SPEED_BOOST | |
m (Ladf;Lvg;)V a method_11210 method_7078 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13533 method_0_10426 | |
m (Lvg;)V a method_3088 method_7077 | |
m ()Z dp method_11211 isAngry | |
c adf$a net/minecraft/class_976$class_2652 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ZombifiedPiglinEntity$FollowPlayerIfAngryGoal | |
c adf$b net/minecraft/class_976$class_2653 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ZombifiedPiglinEntity$AvoidZombiesGoal | |
c adg net/minecraft/class_1413 net/minecraft/entity/ai/RangedAttackMob | |
m (Lvp;F)V a method_4552 attack | |
p 1 target | |
p 2 pullProgress | |
m (Z)V p method_14057 method_7106 | |
c adh net/minecraft/class_1715 net/minecraft/entity/attribute/EntityAttributes | |
f Lwc; a field_6917 MAX_HEALTH | |
f Lwc; b field_6918 FOLLOW_RANGE | |
f Lwc; c field_6919 KNOCKBACK_RESISTANCE | |
f Lwc; d field_6920 MOVEMENT_SPEED | |
f Lwc; e field_15603 FLYING_SPEED | |
f Lwc; f field_6921 ATTACK_DAMAGE | |
f Lwc; g field_14757 ATTACK_SPEED | |
f Lwc; h field_14758 ARMOR | |
f Lwc; i field_14759 ARMOR_TOUGHNESS | |
f Lwc; j field_14760 LUCK | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; k field_9126 LOGGER | |
m (Lfy;)Lwe; a method_6309 createFromTag | |
p 0 nbt | |
m (Lwd;)Lfy; a method_6310 toTag | |
p 0 instance | |
m (Lwd;Lfy;)V a method_6311 fromTag | |
p 0 instance | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Lwe;)Lfy; a method_6312 toTag | |
p 0 modifier | |
m (Lwg;)Lge; a method_6313 toTag | |
p 0 container | |
m (Lwg;Lge;)V a method_8413 fromTag | |
p 0 container | |
p 1 nbt | |
c adi net/minecraft/class_2996 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ShulkerEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_14761 ATTACHED_FACE | |
f Lmy; b field_14764 ATTACHED_BLOCK | |
f Lwe; bA field_14766 COVERED_ARMOR_BONUS | |
f F bB field_14767 prevOpenProgress | |
f F bC field_14768 openProgress | |
f Let; bD field_14762 prevAttachedBlock | |
f I bE field_14763 teleportLerpTimer | |
f Lmy; bx field_15060 COLOR | |
f Lahs; by field_15061 field_0_11962 | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; bz field_14765 COVERED_ARMOR_BONUS_ID | |
f Lmy; c field_14769 PEEK_AMOUNT | |
m (F)F a method_13220 getOpenProgress | |
m (I)V a method_13221 setPeekAmount | |
m (Ladi;)Ljava/util/Random; a method_13222 method_7118 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13534 method_0_10427 | |
m (Ladi;)Ljava/util/Random; b method_13223 method_7112 | |
m (Ladi;)Ljava/util/Random; c method_13224 method_7114 | |
m (Ladi;)Ljava/util/Random; d method_13225 method_7126 | |
m ()Lfa; dl method_13226 getAttachedFace | |
m ()Let; dm method_13227 getAttachedBlock | |
m ()I dn method_13228 getPeekAmount | |
m ()I do method_13229 getTeleportLerpTimer | |
m ()Let; dp method_13230 getPrevAttachedBlock | |
m ()Z dq method_13231 hasAttachedBlock | |
m ()Lahs; dr method_13573 getColor | |
m ()Z ds method_13232 isClosed | |
m (Ladi;)Ljava/util/Random; e method_13233 method_7128 | |
m (Let;)V g method_13234 setAttachedBlock | |
m ()Z p method_13235 tryTeleport | |
c adi$1 net/minecraft/class_2996$1 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ShulkerEntity$1 | |
f [I a field_14770 field_7349 | |
c adi$a net/minecraft/class_2996$class_2997 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ShulkerEntity$ShootBulletGoal | |
f Ladi; a field_14771 field_7348 | |
f I b field_14772 counter | |
c adi$b net/minecraft/class_2996$class_2998 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ShulkerEntity$ShulkerBodyControl | |
f Ladi; a field_14773 field_7350 | |
c adi$c net/minecraft/class_2996$class_2999 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ShulkerEntity$TargetOtherTeamGoal | |
c adi$c$1 net/minecraft/class_2996$class_2999$1 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ShulkerEntity$TargetOtherTeamGoal$1 | |
m (Lvp;)Z a method_13236 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c adi$d net/minecraft/class_2996$class_3000 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ShulkerEntity$TargetPlayerGoal | |
f Ladi; i field_14774 field_7351 | |
c adi$e net/minecraft/class_2996$class_3001 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ShulkerEntity$PeekGoal | |
f Ladi; a field_14775 field_7353 | |
f I b field_14776 counter | |
c adj net/minecraft/class_977 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SilverfishEntity | |
f Ladj$b; a field_12087 callForHelpGoal | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13535 method_0_10428 | |
c adj$a net/minecraft/class_977$class_2654 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SilverfishEntity$WanderAndInfestGoal | |
f Lfa; h field_12089 direction | |
f Z i field_12090 canInfest | |
m (Ladj;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 silverfish | |
c adj$b net/minecraft/class_977$class_2655 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SilverfishEntity$CallForHelpGoal | |
f Ladj; a field_12091 silverfish | |
f I b field_12092 delay | |
m (Ladj;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 silverfish | |
m ()V f method_11212 onHurt | |
c adk net/minecraft/class_978 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SkeletonEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13537 method_0_10540 | |
c adl net/minecraft/class_979 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SlimeEntity | |
f F a field_3936 targetStretch | |
f F b field_3937 stretch | |
f Lmy; bv field_14781 SLIME_SIZE | |
f Z bw field_12093 onGroundLastTick | |
f F c field_3938 lastStretch | |
m (IZ)V a method_3089 setSize | |
m (Lry;)V c method_13547 method_0_10434 | |
m ()Ladl; de method_3091 method_0_7867 | |
m ()I df method_3092 getTicksUntilNextJump | |
m ()V dg method_3093 updateStretch | |
m ()Z dh method_3094 canAttack | |
m ()I di method_3095 getDamageAmount | |
m ()Lqe; dj method_13240 getSquishSound | |
m ()Lqe; dk method_13241 getJumpSound | |
m ()I dl method_3098 getSize | |
m ()Z dm method_13242 isSmall | |
m ()Z dn method_3099 makesJumpSound | |
m (Lvp;)V e method_11213 damage | |
m ()Lfj; p method_11214 method_7162 | |
c adl$a net/minecraft/class_979$class_2656 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SlimeEntity$FaceTowardTargetGoal | |
f Ladl; a field_12094 slime | |
f I b field_12095 ticksLeft | |
m (Ladl;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 slime | |
c adl$b net/minecraft/class_979$class_2657 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SlimeEntity$SwimmingGoal | |
f Ladl; a field_12096 slime | |
m (Ladl;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 slime | |
c adl$c net/minecraft/class_979$class_2658 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SlimeEntity$MoveGoal | |
f Ladl; a field_12097 slime | |
m (Ladl;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 slime | |
c adl$d net/minecraft/class_979$class_2659 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SlimeEntity$SlimeMoveControl | |
f F i field_12098 targetYaw | |
f I j field_12099 ticksUntilJump | |
f Ladl; k field_12100 slime | |
f Z l field_12101 jumpOften | |
m (Ladl;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 slime | |
m (D)V a method_11215 move | |
p 1 speed | |
m (FZ)V a method_11216 look | |
p 1 targetYaw | |
p 2 jumpOften | |
c adl$e net/minecraft/class_979$class_2660 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SlimeEntity$RandomLookGoal | |
f Ladl; a field_12102 slime | |
f F b field_12103 targetYaw | |
f I c field_12104 timer | |
m (Ladl;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 slime | |
c adm net/minecraft/class_3168 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SpellcastingIllagerEntity | |
f I b field_15604 spellTicks | |
f Ladm$a; bx field_15605 spell | |
f Lmy; c field_15606 SPELL | |
m (Ladm$a;)V a method_14130 setSpell | |
m (Ladm;)Lze; a method_14131 method_7141 | |
m ()Lqe; dm method_14132 getCastSpellSound | |
m ()Z dn method_14133 isSpellcasting | |
m ()Ladm$a; do method_14134 getSpell | |
m ()I dp method_14135 getSpellTicks | |
c adm$a net/minecraft/class_3168$class_3169 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SpellcastingIllagerEntity$Spell | |
f Ladm$a; a field_15607 NONE | |
f Ladm$a; b field_15608 SUMMON_VEX | |
f Ladm$a; c field_15609 FANGS | |
f Ladm$a; d field_15610 WOLOLO | |
f Ladm$a; e field_15611 DISAPPEAR | |
f Ladm$a; f field_15612 BLINDNESS | |
f I g field_15613 id | |
f [D h field_15614 particleVelocity | |
f [Ladm$a; i field_15615 field_7376 | |
m (I)Ladm$a; a method_14136 byId | |
m (Ladm$a;)I a method_14137 method_7143 | |
m (Ladm$a;)[D b method_14138 method_7145 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ladm$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Ladm$a; values values values | |
c adm$b net/minecraft/class_3168$class_3170 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SpellcastingIllagerEntity$LookAtTargetGoal | |
f Ladm; b field_15616 field_7383 | |
c adm$c net/minecraft/class_3168$class_3152 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SpellcastingIllagerEntity$CastSpellGoal | |
f I c field_15543 spellCooldown | |
f I d field_15544 startTime | |
f Ladm; e field_15617 field_7386 | |
m ()I f method_14084 getSpellTicks | |
m ()I i method_14085 startTimeDelay | |
m ()V j method_14086 castSpell | |
m ()Lqe; k method_14087 getSoundPrepare | |
m ()Ladm$a; l method_14139 getSpell | |
m ()I m method_14089 getInitialCooldown | |
m ()V method_2746 method_2746 tick | |
m ()V method_2747 method_2747 start | |
c adn net/minecraft/class_980 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SpiderEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_14782 SPIDER_FLAGS | |
m (Z)V a method_3100 setClimbingWall | |
m (Lry;)V c method_13548 method_0_10435 | |
m ()Z p method_3102 isClimbingWall | |
c adn$a net/minecraft/class_980$class_2661 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SpiderEntity$AttackGoal | |
c adn$b net/minecraft/class_980$class_1716 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SpiderEntity$SpiderData | |
f Luz; a field_14783 effect | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)V a method_6315 setEffect | |
p 1 random | |
c adn$c net/minecraft/class_980$class_2662 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SpiderEntity$TargetGoal | |
c ado net/minecraft/class_3041 net/minecraft/entity/mob/StrayEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13574 method_0_10541 | |
c adp net/minecraft/class_3042 net/minecraft/entity/mob/VexEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_15062 VEX_FLAGS | |
f Lvq; b field_15063 owner | |
f Z bx field_15064 alive | |
f I by field_15065 lifeTicks | |
f Let; c field_15066 bounds | |
m (I)V a method_13575 setLifeTicks | |
m (IZ)V a method_13576 setVexFlag | |
m (Ladp;)Ljava/util/Random; a method_13577 method_7183 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13578 method_0_10782 | |
m (Lvq;)V a method_13579 setOwner | |
m (Z)V a method_13580 setCharging | |
m (Ladp;)Lwq; b method_13582 method_7174 | |
m (I)Z c method_13581 areFlagsSet | |
m (Ladp;)Lwq; c method_13583 method_7175 | |
m (Ladp;)Ljava/util/Random; d method_13584 method_7190 | |
m ()Let; dm method_13585 getBounds | |
m ()Z dn method_13586 isCharging | |
m (Ladp;)Ljava/util/Random; e method_13587 method_7187 | |
m (Ladp;)Ljava/util/Random; f method_13588 method_7179 | |
m (Ladp;)Ljava/util/Random; g method_13589 method_7180 | |
m (Let;)V g method_13590 setBounds | |
m (Ladp;)Lwq; h method_13591 method_7191 | |
m (Ladp;)Lvq; i method_13592 method_7185 | |
m ()Lvq; p method_13593 method_7182 | |
c adp$a net/minecraft/class_3042$class_3043 net/minecraft/entity/mob/VexEntity$ChargeTargetGoal | |
f Ladp; a field_15067 field_7412 | |
c adp$b net/minecraft/class_3042$class_3044 net/minecraft/entity/mob/VexEntity$TrackOwnerTargetGoal | |
f Ladp; a field_15068 field_7413 | |
c adp$c net/minecraft/class_3042$class_3045 net/minecraft/entity/mob/VexEntity$VexMoveControl | |
f Ladp; i field_15069 field_7414 | |
c adp$d net/minecraft/class_3042$class_3046 net/minecraft/entity/mob/VexEntity$LookAtTargetGoal | |
f Ladp; a field_15070 field_7415 | |
c adq net/minecraft/class_3047 net/minecraft/entity/mob/VindicatorEntity | |
f Z b field_15072 johnny | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; c field_15073 field_7405 | |
m (Ladq;)Z a method_13596 method_7173 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13597 method_0_10783 | |
m (Z)V a method_13598 method_7171 | |
m ()Z dm method_13600 method_7169 | |
m ()Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; dn method_13599 method_7172 | |
c adq$1 net/minecraft/class_3047$1 net/minecraft/entity/mob/VindicatorEntity$1 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_13601 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c adq$a net/minecraft/class_3047$class_3048 net/minecraft/entity/mob/VindicatorEntity$TargetGoal | |
c adr net/minecraft/class_1414 net/minecraft/entity/mob/WitchEntity | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; a field_6923 DRINKING_SPEED_PENALTY_MODIFIER_ID | |
f I bx field_5393 drinkTimeLeft | |
f Lmy; c field_14784 DRINKING | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13549 method_0_10436 | |
m (Z)V a method_4556 setDrinking | |
m ()Z p method_13243 isDrinking | |
c ads net/minecraft/class_3049 net/minecraft/entity/mob/WitherSkeletonEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13602 method_0_10542 | |
c adt net/minecraft/class_982 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ZombieEntity | |
f Lwc; a field_6925 SPAWN_REINFORCEMENTS | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; b field_6926 BABY_SPEED_ID | |
f Lwu; bA field_9128 breakDoorsGoal | |
f Z bB field_9129 canBreakDoors | |
f F bC field_9130 field_7435 | |
f F bD field_9131 field_7436 | |
f Lmy; bx field_14785 BABY | |
f Lmy; by field_14786 ZOMBIE_TYPE | |
f Lmy; bz field_14788 field_7431 | |
f Lwe; c field_6927 BABY_SPEED_BONUS | |
m (F)V a method_8414 method_7219 | |
p 1 multi | |
m (Z)V a method_13246 method_0_9211 | |
m (Lry;)V c method_13551 method_0_10437 | |
m ()Lqe; dm method_13603 getStepSound | |
m ()Laip; dn method_13604 getSkull | |
m ()V do method_11217 initCustomGoals | |
m ()Z dq method_13247 method_7204 | |
m ()Z dr method_8416 canBreakDoors | |
m ()Z p method_13605 burnsInDaylight | |
m (Z)V p method_8415 setCanBreakDoors | |
p 1 canBreakDoors | |
m (Z)V q method_4559 method_7217 | |
p 1 baby | |
m (Z)V r method_8417 method_7214 | |
p 1 isBaby | |
c adt$1 net/minecraft/class_982$1 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ZombieEntity$1 | |
c adt$a net/minecraft/class_982$class_1718 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ZombieEntity$ZombieData | |
f Z a field_15074 baby | |
f Ladt; b field_6930 field_7438 | |
c adu net/minecraft/class_3050 net/minecraft/entity/mob/ZombieVillagerEntity | |
f Lmy; b field_15075 CONVERTING | |
f I bx field_15076 conversionTimer | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; by field_15618 converter | |
f Lmy; c field_15077 VILLAGER_DATA | |
m (I)V a method_13606 method_7195 | |
m (Ljava/util/UUID;I)V a method_13608 setConverting | |
p 1 uuid | |
p 2 delay | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13607 method_0_10457 | |
m ()I dp method_13609 method_7196 | |
m ()Z ds method_13610 isConverting | |
m ()V dt method_13611 method_7197 | |
m ()I du method_13612 getConversionRate | |
c adw net/minecraft/class_983 net/minecraft/village/SimpleMerchant | |
f Lagj; a field_3942 merchantInventory | |
f Laed; b field_3943 player | |
f Lamh; c field_3944 offers | |
f Lhh; d field_12105 field_7440 | |
m (Laed;Lhh;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 name | |
c adx net/minecraft/class_984 net/minecraft/entity/Npc | |
c ady net/minecraft/class_985 net/minecraft/entity/passive/VillagerEntity | |
f I bA field_3951 field_7446 | |
f Z bB field_3952 field_7457 | |
f Z bC field_3953 field_7455 | |
f Laed; bD field_3954 field_7461 | |
f Lamh; bE field_3955 field_7448 | |
f I bF field_3956 field_7444 | |
f Z bG field_3948 field_7453 | |
f Z bH field_12109 field_7452 | |
f I bI field_3949 field_7462 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; bJ field_5395 field_7454 | |
f I bK field_12110 field_7459 | |
f I bL field_12111 field_7460 | |
f Z bM field_5396 field_7449 | |
f Z bN field_12106 field_7447 | |
f Luk; bO field_12107 field_7458 | |
f [[[[Lady$f; bP field_12108 field_7456 | |
f Lzo; bx field_3950 field_7451 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; by field_15078 field_7450 | |
f Lmy; bz field_14789 VILLAGER_DATA | |
m (Lamu;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 profession | |
m (Lain;)Z a method_11219 method_7227 | |
p 1 item | |
m (Lfj;)V a method_11218 method_7233 | |
p 1 particleType | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13564 method_0_10442 | |
m (Lua;Lvs;Z)Lvs; a method_13613 method_7240 | |
m (Lvd;)Lady; b method_4565 createChild | |
m ()I dl method_3115 method_7231 | |
m ()Z dm method_3116 method_7241 | |
m ()Z dn method_3117 method_7236 | |
m ()Z do method_3118 method_7235 | |
m ()V dp method_4567 method_7238 | |
m ()Luk; dq method_11220 method_7242 | |
m ()Z dr method_11221 method_7224 | |
m ()Z ds method_11222 wantsToStartBreeding | |
m ()Z dt method_11223 canBreed | |
m ()Z du method_11224 method_7244 | |
m ()Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; dv method_13614 method_7229 | |
m ()V dw method_11225 method_7230 | |
m ()V dx method_11226 method_7237 | |
m (I)V g method_3108 method_7221 | |
p 1 professon | |
m (I)Z m method_11229 method_7228 | |
m (Z)V p method_3113 method_7226 | |
m (Z)V q method_3114 method_7220 | |
m (Z)Z r method_11227 method_7245 | |
m (Z)V s method_11228 method_7243 | |
c ady$1 net/minecraft/class_985$1 net/minecraft/entity/passive/VillagerEntity$1 | |
c ady$a net/minecraft/class_985$class_2663 net/minecraft/entity/passive/VillagerEntity$class_1651 | |
f Lain; a field_12112 field_7471 | |
f Lady$g; b field_12113 field_7472 | |
m (Lain;Lady$g;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 item | |
p 2 cost | |
c ady$b net/minecraft/class_985$class_2664 net/minecraft/entity/passive/VillagerEntity$class_1648 | |
c ady$c net/minecraft/class_985$class_2665 net/minecraft/entity/passive/VillagerEntity$class_1649 | |
f Laip; a field_12114 field_7465 | |
f Lady$g; b field_12115 field_7466 | |
m (Lain;Lady$g;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 item | |
p 2 cost | |
c ady$d net/minecraft/class_985$class_2666 net/minecraft/entity/passive/VillagerEntity$class_1650 | |
f Laip; a field_12116 field_7467 | |
f Lady$g; b field_12117 field_7469 | |
f Laip; c field_12118 field_7468 | |
f Lady$g; d field_12119 field_7470 | |
m (Lain;Lady$g;Lain;Lady$g;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 item1 | |
c ady$e net/minecraft/class_985$class_2667 net/minecraft/entity/passive/VillagerEntity$class_1647 | |
f Laip; a field_12120 field_7463 | |
f Lady$g; b field_12121 field_7464 | |
m (Lain;Lady$g;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 item | |
p 2 cost | |
m (Laip;Lady$g;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 item | |
p 2 cost | |
c ady$f net/minecraft/class_985$class_2668 net/minecraft/entity/passive/VillagerEntity$class_1652 | |
m (Lamf;Lamh;Ljava/util/Random;)V a method_11230 method_7246 | |
c ady$g net/minecraft/class_985$class_2669 net/minecraft/entity/passive/VillagerEntity$class_1653 | |
m (II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 count1 | |
p 2 count2 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)I a method_11231 method_7247 | |
p 1 random | |
c ady$h net/minecraft/class_985$class_3051 net/minecraft/entity/passive/VillagerEntity$class_1654 | |
f Lady$g; a field_15079 field_7475 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_15080 field_7474 | |
f Lbeu$a; c field_15081 field_7473 | |
c ae net/minecraft/class_3171 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/EffectsChangedCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15619 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15620 handlers | |
m (Loq;)V a method_14140 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14141 method_8861 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lae$b; b method_14142 conditionsFromJson | |
c ae$a net/minecraft/class_3171$class_3172 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/EffectsChangedCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15621 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15622 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14143 isEmpty | |
m (Loq;)V a method_14144 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14145 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14146 removeCondition | |
c ae$b net/minecraft/class_3171$class_3173 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/EffectsChangedCriterion$Conditions | |
f Lat; a field_15623 effects | |
m (Loq;)Z a method_14147 matches | |
c aeb net/minecraft/class_986 net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerAbilities | |
f Z a field_3957 invulnerable | |
f Z b field_3958 flying | |
f Z c field_3959 allowFlying | |
f Z d field_3960 creativeMode | |
f Z e field_3961 allowModifyWorld | |
f F f field_3962 flySpeed | |
f F g field_3963 walkSpeed | |
m ()F a method_3119 getFlySpeed | |
m (F)V a method_3120 setFlySpeed | |
p 1 flySpeed | |
m (Lfy;)V a method_3121 writeNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
m ()F b method_3122 getWalkSpeed | |
m (F)V b method_4568 setWalkSpeed | |
p 1 walkSpeed | |
m (Lfy;)V b method_3123 readNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
c aec net/minecraft/class_987 net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerInventory | |
f Lfi; a field_15082 main | |
f Lfi; b field_15083 armor | |
f Lfi; c field_15084 offHand | |
f I d field_3966 selectedSlot | |
f Laed; e field_3967 player | |
f Ljava/util/List; f field_15085 combinedInventory | |
f Laip; g field_3970 cursorStack | |
f I h field_15624 changeCount | |
m (Laed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 player | |
m (F)V a method_6316 damageArmor | |
p 1 armor | |
m (Laec;)V a method_3132 clone | |
p 1 inventory | |
m (Laef;Z)V a method_14148 method_7387 | |
m (Lain;IILfy;)I a method_11232 method_7369 | |
m (Laip;)V a method_13250 addPickBlock | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z a method_13251 canStackAddMore | |
m (Lamu;Laip;)V a method_14149 offerOrDrop | |
m (Lawt;)F a method_13252 method_7370 | |
m (Lge;)Lge; a method_3126 writeNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Laip;)I b method_13253 getSlotWithStack | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z b method_13254 areItemsEqual | |
m (Lawt;)Z b method_13255 method_7383 | |
m (Lge;)V b method_3131 readNbt | |
m (ILaip;)Z c method_14150 insertStack | |
m (Laip;)I c method_14151 indexOf | |
m (I)V d method_13256 swapSlotWithHotbar | |
m (ILaip;)I d method_14152 addStack | |
m (Laip;)I d method_3138 getOccupiedSlotWithRoomForStack | |
m (I)Z e method_13258 isValidHotbarIndex | |
m (Laip;)Z e method_3129 insertStack | |
p 1 itemStack | |
m (I)V f method_3134 method_7373 | |
m (Laip;)V f method_13257 removeOne | |
m (I)Laip; g method_3141 getArmorStack | |
p 1 slot | |
m (Laip;)V g method_3133 setCursorStack | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;)Z h method_3136 contains | |
p 1 stack | |
m ()Laip; i method_3142 getMainHandStack | |
m (Laip;)I i method_3140 addStack | |
m ()I j method_3144 getHotbarSize | |
m ()I k method_3146 getEmptySlot | |
m ()I l method_13259 getSwappableHotbarSlot | |
m ()V n method_3147 updateItems | |
m ()V o method_3149 dropAll | |
m ()I p method_14153 getChangeCount | |
m ()Laip; q method_3150 getCursorStack | |
c aec$1 net/minecraft/class_987$1 net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerInventory$1 | |
f Laip; a field_6157 field_0_8304 | |
f Laec; b field_6158 field_0_8305 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_5441 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c aed net/minecraft/class_988 net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_14792 ABSORPTION_AMOUNT | |
f Lmy; b field_14793 SCORE | |
f I bA field_3974 abilityResyncCountdown | |
f F bB field_3977 prevStrideDistance | |
f F bC field_3978 strideDistance | |
f I bD field_3984 experiencePickUpDelay | |
f D bE field_3985 prevCapeX | |
f D bF field_3986 prevCapeY | |
f D bG field_3987 prevCapeZ | |
f D bH field_3988 capeX | |
f D bI field_3989 capeY | |
f D bJ field_3990 capeZ | |
f Z bK field_3991 field_7492 | |
f Let; bL field_3992 field_7519 | |
f F bM field_3993 field_7516 | |
f F bN field_3994 field_7497 | |
f Laeb; bO field_3998 abilities | |
f I bP field_4002 experienceLevel | |
f I bQ field_4003 totalExperience | |
f F bR field_4004 experienceProgress | |
f I bS field_12123 enchantmentTableSeed | |
f F bT field_4006 field_7509 | |
f Lacf; bU field_4007 fishHook | |
f Laip; bV field_14794 selectedItem | |
f Laio; bW field_14795 itemCooldownManager | |
f Lmy; br field_14796 PLAYER_MODEL_PARTS | |
f Lmy; bs field_14797 MAIN_ARM | |
f Lmy; bt field_15625 LEFT_SHOULDER_ENTITY | |
f Lmy; bu field_15626 RIGHT_SHOULDER_ENTITY | |
f Laec; bv field_3999 inventory | |
f Lagm; bw field_3971 enderChestInventory | |
f Lafr; bx field_4000 field_7498 | |
f Lafr; by field_3972 currentScreenHandler | |
f Lafp; bz field_3973 hungerManager | |
f I c field_3980 sleepTimer | |
f F cx field_4009 field_7485 | |
f Let; d field_4001 spawnPosition | |
f Z e field_5398 spawnForced | |
f I f field_5399 lastPlayedLevelUpSoundTime | |
f Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; g field_9132 gameProfile | |
f Z h field_12122 reducedDebugInfo | |
m (Lamu;Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 profile | |
m (F)V a method_3210 addExhaustion | |
p 1 exhaustion | |
m (I)V a method_3151 addExperienceLevels | |
p 1 xp | |
m (Laao;Ltv;)V a method_6317 openHorseInventory | |
m (Lacl;)Laip; a method_3164 method_7314 | |
m (Laed;)Z a method_5444 shouldDamagePlayer | |
p 1 player | |
m (Laee;)Z a method_11241 isPartVisible | |
p 1 modelPart | |
m (Laip;I)V a method_3172 applyEnchantmentCosts | |
m (Laip;Lub;)V a method_3201 useBook | |
m (Laip;Z)Lacl; a method_3176 dropItem | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;ZZ)Lacl; a method_3167 dropItem | |
p 1 stack | |
p 3 incrementStats | |
m (Lamf;)V a method_3168 method_7307 | |
p 1 trader | |
m (Lamj;)V a method_8426 openCommandBlockMinecartScreen | |
p 1 executor | |
m (Lams;)V a method_3170 setGameMode | |
p 1 gamemode | |
m (Lamu;Let;Z)Let; a method_11233 method_7288 | |
m (Lavm;)V a method_13260 openCommandBlockScreen | |
m (Lawc;)V a method_11234 openEditSignScreen | |
p 1 sign | |
m (Lawe;)V a method_13565 openStructureBlockScreen | |
m (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Ljava/util/UUID; a method_8427 getUuidFromProfile | |
p 0 profile | |
m (Let;)Laed$a; a method_11235 method_7269 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;Lfa;)Z a method_13615 isWithinSleepingRange | |
m (Let;Lfa;Laip;)Z a method_11236 canPlaceOn | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 direction | |
p 3 stack | |
m (Lfa;)V a method_11237 method_7312 | |
m (Lhh;Z)V a method_8428 sendMessage | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 actionBar | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)V a method_14154 method_7254 | |
p 1 recipes | |
m (Lqo;)V a method_11238 resetStat | |
p 1 stat | |
m (Lqo;I)V a method_3159 increaseStat | |
p 1 stat | |
p 2 amount | |
m (Ltv;)V a method_3160 method_7347 | |
p 1 inventory | |
m (Luc;)V a method_11239 method_7301 | |
p 1 screenHandlerFactory | |
m (Lug;)Z a method_11240 method_7354 | |
p 1 screenLock | |
m (Lvg;)V a method_3175 addCritParticles | |
p 1 target | |
m (Lvg;Lub;)Lud; a method_13616 interact | |
m (Lvo;)V a method_13264 setMainArm | |
m (Z)Lacl; a method_4580 dropSelectedItem | |
p 1 dropAll | |
m (ZZZ)V a method_3171 wakeUp | |
p 3 setSpawn | |
m ([Lnf;)V a method_14155 unlockRecipes | |
m (Lawt;)F b method_13261 method_7351 | |
m (Let;Z)V b method_4573 setPlayerSpawn | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 spawnForced | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)V b method_14156 method_7333 | |
m (Lqo;)V b method_3158 incrementStat | |
p 1 stat | |
m (Lvg;)V b method_3200 addEnchantedHitParticles | |
p 1 target | |
m (I)V c method_4581 setScore | |
p 1 score | |
m (Laip;)Z c method_13617 giveItemStack | |
m (Lawt;)Z c method_13265 method_7305 | |
m (Lry;)V c method_13566 method_0_10443 | |
m (Lvg;)V c method_3218 collideWithEntity | |
p 1 entity | |
m ()V cT method_13266 updatePose | |
m ()I cU method_3177 getScore | |
m ()V cV method_13618 vanishCursedItems | |
m ()F cW method_4575 method_7309 | |
m ()V cX method_13267 spawnSweepAttackParticles | |
m ()V cY method_3181 requestRespawn | |
m ()Z cZ method_11243 isMainPlayer | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/UUID; d method_11242 getOfflinePlayerUuid | |
p 0 nickname | |
m ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; da method_8429 getGameProfile | |
m ()F db method_3183 method_7319 | |
m ()Z dc method_3184 canResetTimeBySleeping | |
m ()I dd method_3185 getSleepTimer | |
m ()Let; de method_3186 getSpawnPosition | |
m ()Z df method_4576 isSpawnForced | |
m ()I dg method_11244 getEnchantmentTableSeed | |
m ()I dh method_3187 getNextLevelExperience | |
m ()Lafp; di method_3188 getHungerManager | |
m ()Z dj method_3189 canFoodHeal | |
m ()Z dk method_11245 canModifyBlocks | |
m ()Lagm; dl method_3190 getEnderChestInventory | |
m ()V dm method_14157 dropShoulderEntities | |
m ()Lbhk; dn method_5445 getScoreboard | |
m ()Z do method_11246 hasReducedDebugInfo | |
m ()Lfy; dp method_14158 getShoulderEntityLeft | |
m ()Lfy; dq method_14159 getShoulderEntityRight | |
m ()F dr method_13268 getAttackCooldownProgressPerTick | |
m ()V ds method_13269 resetLastAttackedTicks | |
m ()Laio; dt method_13270 getItemCooldownManager | |
m ()F du method_13271 getLuck | |
m ()Z dv method_13567 isCreativeLevelTwoOp | |
m (Lvg;)V f method_3216 attack | |
m (I)V g method_4582 addScore | |
p 1 score | |
m (Lfy;)Z g method_14160 addShoulderEntity | |
m (Lfy;)V h method_14161 setShoulderEntityLeft | |
m (Lfy;)V i method_14162 setShoulderEntityRight | |
m (Lfy;)V j method_14163 updateShoulderEntity | |
m (DDD)V k method_3209 increaseTravelMotionStats | |
m (Lfy;)V k method_14164 dropShoulderEntity | |
m ()Laio; l method_13272 createCooldownManager | |
m (DDD)V l method_3212 increaseRidingMotionStats | |
m (I)V m method_3220 addExperience | |
p 1 experience | |
m (Z)V m method_13619 disableShield | |
m (Lvg;I)V method_3162 method_3162 method_3162 | |
p 1 entity | |
m ()V method_3217 method_3217 useItem | |
m (F)F n method_13275 getAttackCooldownProgress | |
m (Z)Z n method_3205 canConsume | |
p 1 ignoreHunger | |
m (Z)V o method_11248 setReducedDebugInfo | |
p 1 reducedDebugInfo | |
m ()V p method_3208 closeHandledScreen | |
m ()V r method_13274 updateCapeAngles | |
m ()Z s method_3213 method_7275 | |
m ()V w method_3219 sendAbilitiesUpdate | |
m ()Z y method_11249 method_7325 | |
m ()Z z method_13273 isCreative | |
c aed$1 net/minecraft/class_988$1 net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity$1 | |
c aed$2 net/minecraft/class_988$2 net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity$2 | |
f [I a field_15059 field_7533 | |
c aed$a net/minecraft/class_988$class_989 net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity$SleepFailureReason | |
f Laed$a; a field_4014 OK | |
f Laed$a; b field_4015 NOT_POSSIBLE_HERE | |
f Laed$a; c field_4016 NOT_POSSIBLE_NOW | |
f Laed$a; d field_4017 TOO_FAR_AWAY | |
f Laed$a; e field_4018 OTHER_PROBLEM | |
f Laed$a; f field_4019 NOT_SAFE | |
f [Laed$a; g field_4020 field_7526 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laed$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laed$a; values values values | |
c aed$b net/minecraft/class_988$class_2157 net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity$class_1659 | |
f Laed$b; a field_9134 FULL | |
f Laed$b; b field_9135 SYSTEM | |
f Laed$b; c field_9136 HIDDEN | |
f [Laed$b; d field_9137 field_7534 | |
f I e field_9138 field_7535 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_9139 field_7540 | |
f [Laed$b; g field_9140 field_7537 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
m ()I a method_8430 method_7362 | |
m (I)Laed$b; a method_8431 method_7360 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_8432 method_7359 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laed$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laed$b; values values values | |
c aed$c net/minecraft/class_988$class_3174 net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerEntity$class_1660 | |
f Laed; a field_15627 field_7541 | |
m (Lade;)Z a method_14165 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c aee net/minecraft/class_2670 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/PlayerModelPart | |
f Laee; a field_12125 CAPE | |
f Laee; b field_12126 JACKET | |
f Laee; c field_12127 LEFT_SLEEVE | |
f Laee; d field_12128 RIGHT_SLEEVE | |
f Laee; e field_12129 LEFT_PANTS_LEG | |
f Laee; f field_12130 RIGHT_PANTS_LEG | |
f Laee; g field_12131 HAT | |
f I h field_12132 id | |
f I i field_12133 bitFlag | |
f Ljava/lang/String; j field_12134 name | |
f Lhh; k field_12135 optionName | |
f [Laee; l field_12136 field_7562 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
m ()I a method_11250 getBitFlag | |
m ()I b method_11251 method_7431 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_11252 getName | |
m ()Lhh; d method_11253 getOptionName | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laee; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laee; values values values | |
c aef net/minecraft/class_3175 net/minecraft/recipe/RecipeMatcher | |
f Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/Int2IntMap; a field_15628 inputs | |
m ()V a method_14166 clear | |
m (I)Z a method_14167 contains | |
m (II)I a method_14168 consume | |
m (Laef;II)V a method_14169 method_7412 | |
m (Laip;)V a method_14170 addUnenchantedInput | |
m (Lakt;ILit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;)I a method_14171 countCrafts | |
m (Lakt;Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;)Z a method_14172 match | |
m (Lakt;Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;I)Z a method_14173 match | |
m (I)Laip; b method_14174 getStackFromId | |
m (II)V b method_14175 addInput | |
m (Laip;)I b method_14176 getItemId | |
m (Lakt;Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;)I b method_14177 countCrafts | |
c aef$a net/minecraft/class_3175$class_3176 net/minecraft/recipe/RecipeMatcher$Matcher | |
f Laef; a field_15629 field_7554 | |
f Lakt; b field_15630 recipe | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_15631 ingredients | |
f I d field_15632 totalIngredients | |
f [I e field_15633 requiredItems | |
f I f field_15634 totalRequiredItems | |
f Ljava/util/BitSet; g field_15635 requirementsMatrix | |
f Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList; h field_15636 ingredientItemLookup | |
m ()[I a method_14178 createItemRequirementList | |
m (I)Z a method_14179 checkRequirements | |
m (ILit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;)Z a method_14180 match | |
m (Lakq;)Z a method_14181 method_0_11930 | |
m (ZI)V a method_14182 addRequirement | |
m (ZII)Z a method_14183 needsRequirement | |
m ()I b method_14184 getMaximumCrafts | |
m (I)Z b method_14185 getRequirement | |
m (ILit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;)I b method_14186 countCrafts | |
m (ZI)Z b method_14187 isRequirementUnfulfilled | |
m (ZII)Z b method_14188 checkRequirement | |
m (I)V c method_14189 unfulfillRequirement | |
m (ZI)I c method_14190 getRequirementIndex | |
m (ZII)V c method_14191 flipRequirement | |
m (I)I d method_14192 getRequirementIndex | |
m (ZII)I d method_14193 getRequirementIndex | |
c aeh net/minecraft/class_990 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/PersistentProjectileEntity | |
f Z a field_4032 inGround | |
f I aA field_4024 punch | |
f I at field_4028 field_7582 | |
f I au field_4029 field_7583 | |
f Laow; av field_9141 field_7586 | |
f I aw field_4031 field_0_8381 | |
f I ax field_4033 life | |
f I ay field_4022 flyingTick | |
f D az field_4023 damage | |
f I b field_14798 inGroundTime | |
f Laeh$a; c field_14799 pickupType | |
f I d field_4025 shake | |
f Lvg; e field_4026 field_7587 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; f field_14800 field_7581 | |
f Lmy; g field_14801 PROJECTILE_FLAGS | |
f I h field_4027 field_7585 | |
m (Lamu;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (Lamu;Lvp;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 owner | |
m (Lamu;Lvp;F)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
m (Lamu;Lvp;Lvp;FF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
m (I)V a method_3222 setPunch | |
p 1 punch | |
m (Lbhc;)V a method_13276 onHit | |
p 1 result | |
m (Lbhe;Lbhe;)Lvg; a method_13277 method_7434 | |
p 1 currentPosition | |
p 2 nextPosition | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13568 method_0_10444 | |
m (Lry;Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_13569 method_0_10445 | |
m (Lvg;FFFFF)V a method_13278 method_7437 | |
m (Lvp;)V a method_13279 onHit | |
p 1 target | |
m (Lvp;F)V a method_13620 applyEnchantmentEffects | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 damageModifier | |
m (Z)V a method_3226 method_7455 | |
p 1 critical | |
m (D)V c method_3223 setDamage | |
p 1 damage | |
m ()Laip; j method_13280 asItemStack | |
m ()D k method_3225 getDamage | |
m ()Z n method_3227 isCritical | |
c aeh$1 net/minecraft/class_990$1 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/PersistentProjectileEntity$1 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_13281 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c aeh$a net/minecraft/class_990$class_3002 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/PersistentProjectileEntity$PickupPermission | |
f Laeh$a; a field_14802 DISALLOWED | |
f Laeh$a; b field_14803 ALLOWED | |
f Laeh$a; c field_14804 CREATIVE_ONLY | |
f [Laeh$a; d field_14805 field_7591 | |
m (I)Laeh$a; a method_13282 fromOrdinal | |
p 0 ordinal | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laeh$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laeh$a; values values values | |
c aei net/minecraft/class_3003 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/DragonFireballEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13570 method_0_10446 | |
c aej net/minecraft/class_3052 net/minecraft/entity/mob/EvokerFangsEntity | |
f I a field_15086 warmup | |
f Z b field_15087 startedAttack | |
f I c field_15088 ticksLeft | |
f Z d field_15089 playingAnimation | |
f Lvp; e field_15090 owner | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; f field_15091 ownerUuid | |
m (Lamu;DDDFILvp;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 yaw | |
p 9 warmup | |
p 10 owner | |
m (F)F a method_13621 getAnimationProgress | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (Lvp;)V a method_13622 setOwner | |
p 1 owner | |
m (Lvp;)V c method_13623 damage | |
p 1 target | |
m ()Lvp; j method_13624 method_7470 | |
c aek net/minecraft/class_991 net/minecraft/entity/EyeOfEnderEntity | |
f D a field_4035 targetX | |
f D b field_4036 targetY | |
f D c field_4037 targetZ | |
f I d field_4038 lifespan | |
f Z e field_4039 dropsItem | |
m (Lamu;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (Let;)V a method_11254 initTargetPos | |
c Sets where the eye will fly towards.\nIf close enough, it will fly directly towards it, otherwise, it will fly upwards, in the direction of the BlockPos.\n\n@param pos the block the eye of ender is drawn towards | |
p 1 pos | |
c ael net/minecraft/class_992 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/ExplosiveProjectileEntity | |
f Lvp; a field_6931 owner | |
f D b field_4042 powerX | |
f D c field_4043 powerY | |
f D d field_4044 powerZ | |
f I e field_4050 life | |
f I f field_4041 ticks | |
m (Lamu;DDDDDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 powerX | |
p 10 powerY | |
p 12 powerZ | |
m (Lamu;Lvp;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 target | |
p 3 directionX | |
p 5 directionY | |
p 7 directionZ | |
m (Lbhc;)V a method_3229 onCollision | |
p 1 hitResult | |
m (Lry;Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_13571 method_0_10447 | |
m ()Lfj; j method_13283 method_7467 | |
m ()Z k method_13284 isBurning | |
m ()F l method_4584 getDrag | |
c aem net/minecraft/class_1415 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/FireworkRocketEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_14806 ITEM | |
f Lmy; b field_15092 SHOOTER_ENTITY_ID | |
f I c field_5401 life | |
f I d field_5402 lifeTime | |
f Lvp; e field_15093 shooter | |
m (Lamu;DDDLaip;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 item | |
m (Lamu;Laip;Lvp;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 item | |
p 3 shooter | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13572 method_0_10342 | |
m ()Z j method_13625 wasShotByEntity | |
m ()V k method_13626 explode | |
c aen net/minecraft/class_1416 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/FireballEntity | |
f I e field_5403 explosionPower | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13291 method_0_10343 | |
c aeo net/minecraft/class_3053 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/LlamaSpitEntity | |
f Laas; a field_15094 owner | |
f Lfy; b field_15095 tag | |
m (Lamu;DDDDDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 velocityX | |
p 10 velocityY | |
p 12 velocityZ | |
m (Lamu;Laas;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 owner | |
m (Lbhc;)V a method_13627 method_7481 | |
p 1 result | |
m (Lbhe;Lbhe;)Lvg; a method_13628 method_7480 | |
p 1 vec1 | |
p 2 vec2 | |
m ()V j method_13629 readTag | |
c aep net/minecraft/class_1417 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/ProjectileEntity | |
m (DDDFF)V c method_3233 setVelocity | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 7 speed | |
p 8 divergence | |
c aeq net/minecraft/class_3004 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/ProjectileUtil | |
m (Lvg;F)V a method_13285 setRotationFromVelocity | |
p 0 entity | |
p 1 delta | |
m (Lvg;ZZLvg;)Lbhc; a method_13286 method_7482 | |
c aer net/minecraft/class_3005 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/ShulkerBulletEntity | |
f Lvp; a field_14807 owner | |
f Let; at field_14808 ownerPos | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; au field_14809 targetUuid | |
f Let; av field_14810 targetPos | |
f Lvg; b field_14811 target | |
f Lfa; c field_14812 direction | |
f I d field_14813 stepCount | |
f D e field_14814 targetX | |
f D f field_14815 targetY | |
f D g field_14816 targetZ | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; h field_14817 ownerUuid | |
m (Lamu;DDDDDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 velocityX | |
p 10 velocityY | |
p 12 velocityZ | |
m (Lamu;Lvp;Lvg;Lfa$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 owner | |
p 3 target | |
m (Lbhc;)V a method_13287 method_7488 | |
p 1 result | |
m (Lfa$a;)V a method_13288 changeTargetDirection | |
m (Lfa;)V a method_13289 setDirection | |
p 1 direction | |
c aes net/minecraft/class_994 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/SmallFireballEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13292 method_0_10344 | |
c aet net/minecraft/class_995 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/thrown/SnowballEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13293 method_0_10345 | |
c aeu net/minecraft/class_3006 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/SpectralArrowEntity | |
f I f field_14818 duration | |
m (Lry;)V c method_13294 method_0_10346 | |
c aev net/minecraft/class_996 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/thrown/ThrownEntity | |
f Z a field_4071 inGround | |
f Ljava/lang/String; at field_5404 field_7644 | |
f I au field_4078 field_0_8411 | |
f I av field_4079 field_0_8403 | |
f I aw field_14819 field_7638 | |
f I b field_4072 shake | |
f Lvp; c field_6932 owner | |
f Lvg; d field_14820 field_7637 | |
f I e field_4074 blockX | |
f I f field_4075 blockY | |
f I g field_4076 blockZ | |
f Laow; h field_9143 field_0_8408 | |
m (Lamu;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (Lamu;Lvp;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 owner | |
m (Lbhc;)V a method_3232 onCollision | |
p 1 result | |
m (Lry;Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_13295 method_0_10347 | |
m (Lvg;FFFFF)V a method_13290 method_7489 | |
p 1 user | |
p 2 pitch | |
p 3 yaw | |
p 4 roll | |
p 5 modifierZ | |
p 6 modifierXYZ | |
m ()F j method_3236 getGravity | |
m ()Lvp; k method_4585 getOwner | |
c aew net/minecraft/class_997 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/thrown/EggEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13296 method_0_10348 | |
c aex net/minecraft/class_998 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/thrown/EnderPearlEntity | |
f Lvp; e field_12137 owner | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13297 method_0_10349 | |
c aey net/minecraft/class_999 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/thrown/ExperienceBottleEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13298 method_0_10350 | |
c aez net/minecraft/class_1000 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/thrown/PotionEntity | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; e field_15096 field_7653 | |
f Lmy; f field_12206 ITEM_STACK | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; g field_12207 LOGGER | |
m (Lamu;DDDI)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 id | |
m (Lamu;DDDLaip;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 stack | |
m (Lamu;Lvp;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 entity | |
p 3 id | |
m (Lamu;Lvp;Laip;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 entity | |
p 3 stack | |
m (Laip;)V a method_11315 setItemStack | |
p 1 item | |
m (Laip;Lakg;)V a method_13630 applyLingeringPotion | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 potion | |
m (Lbhc;Ljava/util/List;)V a method_13631 method_7498 | |
p 1 result | |
p 2 effects | |
m (Let;Lfa;)V a method_14194 extinguishFire | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 direction | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13299 method_0_10351 | |
m (Lvp;)Z a method_13632 method_0_10845 | |
m (Lvp;)Z c method_13633 doesWaterHurt | |
p 0 entity | |
m ()Laip; l method_11317 method_7495 | |
m ()V n method_13634 applyWater | |
m ()Z p method_11318 isLingering | |
c aez$1 net/minecraft/class_1000$1 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/thrown/PotionEntity$1 | |
m (Lvp;)Z a method_13635 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c af net/minecraft/class_3177 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/EnchantedItemCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15637 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15638 handlers | |
m (Loq;Laip;I)V a method_14195 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14196 method_8871 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Laf$b; b method_14197 conditionsFromJson | |
c af$a net/minecraft/class_3177$class_3178 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/EnchantedItemCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15639 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15640 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14198 isEmpty | |
m (Laip;I)V a method_14199 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14200 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14201 removeCondition | |
c af$b net/minecraft/class_3177$class_3179 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/EnchantedItemCriterion$Conditions | |
f Lan; a field_15641 item | |
f Las; b field_15642 field_9568 | |
m (Laip;I)Z a method_14202 matches | |
c afa net/minecraft/class_2675 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/ArrowEntity | |
f Z at field_15097 colorSet | |
f Lmy; f field_12208 COLOR | |
f Lakg; g field_12209 potion | |
f Ljava/util/Set; h field_12210 effects | |
m (Laip;)V a method_11319 initFromStack | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Lva;)V a method_11320 addEffect | |
p 1 effect | |
m (Laip;)I b method_13636 getCustomPotionColor | |
p 0 stack | |
m (I)V c method_11321 spawnParticles | |
p 1 amount | |
m (Lry;)V c method_13300 method_0_10352 | |
m (I)V d method_13637 setColor | |
p 1 color | |
m ()I p method_11322 getColor | |
m ()V q method_13638 initColor | |
c afb net/minecraft/class_1418 net/minecraft/entity/projectile/WitherSkullEntity | |
f Lmy; e field_12211 CHARGED | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13301 method_0_10353 | |
m (Z)V a method_4588 setCharged | |
p 1 charged | |
m ()Z n method_4587 isCharged | |
c afd net/minecraft/class_962 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/BoatEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_12221 DAMAGE_WOBBLE_TICKS | |
f Z aA field_12212 pressingBack | |
f Z aB field_12213 pressingRight | |
f Z aC field_12214 pressingForward | |
f Z aD field_12215 pressingLeft | |
f D aE field_12216 waterLevel | |
f F aF field_12217 nearbySlipperiness | |
f Lafd$a; aG field_12218 location | |
f Lafd$a; aH field_12219 lastLocation | |
f D aI field_12220 fallVelocity | |
f F at field_12222 yawVelocity | |
f I au field_12223 field_7708 | |
f D av field_3885 y | |
f D aw field_12224 boatYaw | |
f D ax field_12225 boatPitch | |
f D ay field_3884 z | |
f D az field_12226 x | |
f Lmy; b field_12227 DAMAGE_WOBBLE_SIDE | |
f Lmy; c field_12228 DAMAGE_WOBBLE_STRENGTH | |
f Lmy; d field_12229 BOAT_TYPE | |
f [Lmy; e field_12230 field_7687 | |
f [F f field_12231 paddlePhases | |
f F g field_12232 velocityDecay | |
f F h field_12233 ticksUnderwater | |
m (Lamu;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (F)V a method_6304 setDamageWobbleStrength | |
p 1 wobbleStrength | |
m (I)Z a method_11323 isPaddleMoving | |
p 1 paddle | |
m (IF)F a method_11324 interpolatePaddlePhase | |
p 1 paddle | |
p 2 tickDelta | |
m (Lafd$b;)V a method_11325 setBoatType | |
p 1 type | |
m (Lvg;)V a method_11327 copyEntityData | |
p 1 entity | |
m (ZZ)V a method_11328 setPaddleMovings | |
p 1 leftMoving | |
p 2 rightMoving | |
m (ZZZZ)V a method_11329 setInputs | |
p 1 pressingLeft | |
p 2 pressingRight | |
p 3 pressingForward | |
p 4 pressingBack | |
m (I)V c method_3050 setDamageWobbleTicks | |
p 1 wobbleTicks | |
m (I)V d method_3051 setDamageWobbleSide | |
p 1 side | |
m ()Lain; j method_11331 asItem | |
m ()Lqe; k method_14203 getPaddleSoundEvent | |
m ()F l method_11332 getWaterHeightBelow | |
m ()F n method_11333 getNearbySlipperiness | |
m ()F p method_6305 getDamageWobbleStrength | |
m ()I q method_3054 getDamageWobbleTicks | |
m ()I r method_3055 getDamageWobbleSide | |
m ()Lafd$b; s method_11334 getBoatType | |
m ()V t method_11335 updatePositionAndRotation | |
m ()Lafd$a; u method_11336 checkLocation | |
m ()Z v method_11337 checkBoatInWater | |
m ()Lafd$a; w method_11338 getUnderWaterLocation | |
m ()V x method_11339 updateVelocity | |
m ()V y method_11340 updatePaddles | |
c afd$1 net/minecraft/class_962$1 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/BoatEntity$1 | |
f [I a field_12234 field_7722 | |
f [I b field_15643 field_7721 | |
c afd$a net/minecraft/class_962$class_2676 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/BoatEntity$Location | |
f Lafd$a; a field_12235 IN_WATER | |
f Lafd$a; b field_12236 UNDER_WATER | |
f Lafd$a; c field_12237 UNDER_FLOWING_WATER | |
f Lafd$a; d field_12238 ON_LAND | |
f Lafd$a; e field_12239 IN_AIR | |
f [Lafd$a; f field_12240 field_7715 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lafd$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lafd$a; values values values | |
c afd$b net/minecraft/class_962$class_2677 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/BoatEntity$Type | |
f Lafd$b; a field_12241 OAK | |
f Lafd$b; b field_12242 SPRUCE | |
f Lafd$b; c field_12243 BIRCH | |
f Lafd$b; d field_12244 JUNGLE | |
f Lafd$b; e field_12245 ACACIA | |
f Lafd$b; f field_12246 DARK_OAK | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_12247 name | |
f I h field_12248 field_0_11237 | |
f [Lafd$b; i field_12249 field_7724 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 woodType | |
p 4 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_11341 getName | |
m (I)Lafd$b; a method_11342 getType | |
p 0 type | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lafd$b; a method_11343 getType | |
p 0 name | |
m ()I b method_11344 method_7560 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lafd$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lafd$b; values values values | |
c afe net/minecraft/class_965 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/AbstractMinecartEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_12250 DAMAGE_WOBBLE_TICKS | |
f D aA field_3902 clientYVelocity | |
f D aB field_3903 clientZVelocity | |
f I at field_3910 clientInterpolationSteps | |
f D au field_3911 clientX | |
f D av field_3912 clientY | |
f D aw field_3898 clientZ | |
f D ax field_3899 clientYaw | |
f D ay field_3900 clientPitch | |
f D az field_3901 clientXVelocity | |
f Lmy; b field_12251 DAMAGE_WOBBLE_SIDE | |
f Lmy; c field_12252 DAMAGE_WOBBLE_STRENGTH | |
f Lmy; d field_12253 CUSTOM_BLOCK_ID | |
f Lmy; e field_12254 CUSTOM_BLOCK_OFFSET | |
f Lmy; f field_12255 CUSTOM_BLOCK_PRESENT | |
f Z g field_3908 yawFlipped | |
f [[[I h field_3909 field_7664 | |
m (Lamu;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m ()Z A method_5426 hasCustomBlock | |
m (DDDD)Lbhe; a method_3060 snapPositionToRailWithOffset | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 7 offset | |
m (F)V a method_6306 setDamageWobbleStrength | |
p 1 damageWobbleStrength | |
m (IIIZ)V a method_5409 onActivatorRail | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 powered | |
m (Lamu;DDDLafe$a;)Lafe; a method_11164 create | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 7 type | |
m (Let;Lawt;)V a method_11166 method_7513 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 state | |
m (Lry;Ljava/lang/Class;)V a method_13639 method_0_10354 | |
m (Lur;)V a method_5412 dropItems | |
p 1 damageSource | |
m (Z)V a method_5413 setCustomBlockPresent | |
p 1 present | |
m (Lawt;)V b method_11165 method_7527 | |
p 1 state | |
m (I)V d method_3064 setDamageWobbleTicks | |
p 1 wobbleTicks | |
m (I)V e method_3066 setDamageWobbleSide | |
p 1 wobbleSide | |
m (I)V f method_5420 setCustomBlockOffset | |
p 1 offset | |
m (DDD)Lbhe; j method_3059 snapPositionToRail | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m ()D p method_11167 getMaxSpeed | |
m ()V q method_11168 moveOffRail | |
m ()V r method_5415 applySlowdown | |
m ()F s method_6307 getDamageWobbleStrength | |
m ()I t method_3067 getDamageWobbleTicks | |
m ()I u method_3068 getDamageWobbleSide | |
m ()Lafe$a; v method_11169 getMinecartType | |
m ()Lawt; w method_11170 method_7519 | |
m ()Lawt; x method_11171 method_7517 | |
m ()I y method_5424 getBlockOffset | |
m ()I z method_5425 getDefaultBlockOffset | |
c afe$1 net/minecraft/class_965$1 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/AbstractMinecartEntity$1 | |
f [I a field_12036 field_7683 | |
f [I b field_12037 field_7682 | |
c afe$a net/minecraft/class_965$class_2638 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/AbstractMinecartEntity$Type | |
f Lafe$a; a field_12038 RIDEABLE | |
f Lafe$a; b field_12039 CHEST | |
f Lafe$a; c field_12040 FURNACE | |
f Lafe$a; d field_12041 TNT | |
f Lafe$a; e field_12042 SPAWNER | |
f Lafe$a; f field_12043 HOPPER | |
f Lafe$a; g field_12044 COMMAND_BLOCK | |
f Ljava/util/Map; h field_12045 field_7676 | |
f I i field_12046 field_7672 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; j field_12047 field_0_8146 | |
f [Lafe$a; k field_12048 field_7673 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
m ()I a method_11172 method_7530 | |
m (I)Lafe$a; a method_11173 method_7529 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_11174 method_0_7783 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lafe$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lafe$a; values values values | |
c aff net/minecraft/class_1573 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/ChestMinecartEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13303 method_0_10355 | |
c afg net/minecraft/class_2155 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/CommandBlockMinecartEntity | |
f Lmy; a field_12256 COMMAND | |
f Lmy; b field_12257 LAST_OUTPUT | |
f Lamj; c field_9123 commandExecutor | |
f I d field_9124 lastExecuted | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13304 method_0_10356 | |
m ()Lamj; j method_8402 getCommandExecutor | |
m ()Lmy; k method_11345 method_7568 | |
m ()Lmy; l method_11346 method_7566 | |
c afg$1 net/minecraft/class_2155$1 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/CommandBlockMinecartEntity$1 | |
f Lafg; a field_9125 field_7745 | |
c afg$2 net/minecraft/class_2155$2 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/CommandBlockMinecartEntity$2 | |
c afh net/minecraft/class_1574 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/StorageMinecartEntity | |
f Lfi; a field_15098 inventory | |
f Z b field_6145 field_7733 | |
f Lnf; c field_12258 lootTableId | |
f J d field_12259 lootSeed | |
m (Lnf;J)V a method_11347 setLootTable | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 lootSeed | |
m (Lry;Ljava/lang/Class;)V b method_13640 method_0_10357 | |
m (Laed;)V f method_11348 generateLoot | |
p 1 player | |
c afi net/minecraft/class_1575 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/FurnaceMinecartEntity | |
f D a field_6146 pushX | |
f D b field_6147 pushZ | |
f Lmy; c field_12260 LIT | |
f I d field_6148 fuel | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13306 method_0_10358 | |
m ()Z j method_5428 isLit | |
m (Z)V l method_5429 setLit | |
p 1 lit | |
c afj net/minecraft/class_1576 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/HopperMinecartEntity | |
f Z a field_6149 enabled | |
f I b field_6150 transferCooldown | |
f Let; c field_12049 currentBlockPos | |
m ()Z C method_5432 isEnabled | |
m ()Z H method_5430 canOperate | |
m ()Z J method_5431 isCoolingDown | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13307 method_0_10359 | |
m (I)V g method_5434 setTransferCooldown | |
p 1 cooldown | |
m (Z)V l method_5433 setEnabled | |
p 1 enabled | |
c afk net/minecraft/class_1577 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/MinecartEntity | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13308 method_0_10360 | |
c afl net/minecraft/class_1578 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/SpawnerMinecartEntity | |
f Lamk; a field_6151 logic | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13309 method_0_10361 | |
c afl$1 net/minecraft/class_1578$1 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/SpawnerMinecartEntity$1 | |
f Lafl; a field_6152 field_7747 | |
c afl$2 net/minecraft/class_1578$2 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/SpawnerMinecartEntity$2 | |
c afm net/minecraft/class_1580 net/minecraft/entity/vehicle/TntMinecartEntity | |
f I a field_6153 fuseTicks | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13310 method_0_10362 | |
m (D)V c method_5437 explode | |
p 1 velocity | |
m ()V j method_5438 prime | |
m ()I k method_5439 getFuseTicks | |
m ()Z l method_5436 isPrimed | |
c afp net/minecraft/class_1001 net/minecraft/entity/player/HungerManager | |
f I a field_4081 foodLevel | |
f F b field_4082 saturationLevel | |
f F c field_4083 exhaustion | |
f I d field_4084 foodTickTimer | |
f I e field_4085 prevFoodLevel | |
m ()I a method_3238 getFoodLevel | |
m (F)V a method_3239 addExhaustion | |
p 1 exhaustion | |
m (I)V a method_3240 setFoodLevel | |
p 1 foodLevel | |
m (IF)V a method_3241 add | |
p 1 food | |
p 2 saturationModifier | |
m (Laed;)V a method_3243 update | |
p 1 player | |
m (Laij;Laip;)V a method_3244 method_7579 | |
p 1 food | |
p 2 stack | |
m (Lfy;)V a method_3242 readNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (F)V b method_3246 setSaturationLevel | |
p 1 saturationLevel | |
m (Lfy;)V b method_3247 writeNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
m ()Z c method_3248 isNotFull | |
m ()F e method_3249 getSaturationLevel | |
c afr net/minecraft/class_1002 net/minecraft/screen/ScreenHandler | |
f S a field_4090 actionId | |
f Lfi; b field_15099 trackedStacks | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_4087 slots | |
f I d field_4088 syncId | |
f Ljava/util/List; e field_4089 listeners | |
f I f field_6159 quickCraftButton | |
f I g field_6160 quickCraftStage | |
f Ljava/util/Set; h field_6161 quickCraftSlots | |
f Ljava/util/Set; i field_4091 restrictedPlayers | |
m ()Lfi; a method_13641 getStacks | |
m (I)Lagr; a method_3251 getSlot | |
p 1 index | |
m (IILafw;Laed;)Laip; a method_3252 onSlotClick | |
m (ILaed;)Z a method_11255 shouldQuickCraftContinue | |
p 1 player | |
m (ILaip;)V a method_3253 setStackInSlot | |
p 1 slot | |
p 2 stack | |
m (Laec;)S a method_3256 getNextActionId | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
m (Laed;)Z a method_3269 canUse | |
p 1 player | |
m (Laed;I)Z a method_3258 onButtonClick | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 id | |
m (Laed;Lamu;Ltv;)V a method_14204 dropInventory | |
m (Laed;Z)V a method_3259 setPlayerRestriction | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 unrestricted | |
m (Lafx;)V a method_3260 addListener | |
p 1 listener | |
m (Lagr;)Lagr; a method_3261 addSlot | |
p 1 slot | |
m (Lagr;Laip;Z)Z a method_5448 canInsertItemIntoSlot | |
p 0 slot | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;IIZ)Z a method_3262 insertItem | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 startIndex | |
p 3 endIndex | |
p 4 fromLast | |
m (Laip;Lagr;)Z a method_5449 canInsertIntoSlot | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 slot | |
m (Lamu;Laed;Lafy;Lagn;)V a method_14205 method_7599 | |
m (Lavj;)I a method_11256 calculateComparatorOutput | |
p 0 entity | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)V a method_13642 updateSlotStacks | |
m (Ljava/util/Set;ILaip;I)V a method_5447 calculateStackSize | |
p 0 slots | |
p 1 rmode | |
p 2 stack | |
p 3 stackSize | |
m (Ltv;)V a method_3254 onContentChanged | |
p 1 inventory | |
m (Ltv;I)Lagr; a method_3255 method_7598 | |
m ()V b method_3264 sendContentUpdates | |
c Sends updates to listeners if any properties or slot stacks have changed. | |
m (I)I b method_5450 unpackQuickCraftButton | |
p 0 clickData | |
m (II)V b method_3266 setProperty | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 value | |
m (Laed;)V b method_3257 onClosed | |
p 1 player | |
m (Laed;I)Laip; b method_3265 quickMove | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 invSlot | |
m (Lafx;)V b method_4589 removeListener | |
p 1 listener | |
m (Lagr;)Z b method_5452 canInsertIntoSlot | |
p 1 slot | |
m (Ltv;)I b method_5451 calculateComparatorOutput | |
p 0 inventory | |
m (I)I c method_5453 unpackQuickCraftStage | |
p 0 clickData | |
m (Laed;)Z c method_3268 isNotRestricted | |
p 1 player | |
m ()V d method_5454 endQuickCraft | |
m (II)I d method_5456 packQuickCraftData | |
p 0 buttonId | |
p 1 quickCraftStage | |
c afs net/minecraft/class_1421 net/minecraft/screen/AnvilScreenHandler | |
f I a field_5413 field_7772 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; f field_9144 LOGGER | |
f Ltv; g field_5414 result | |
f Ltv; h field_5415 inventory | |
f Lamu; i field_5416 field_7777 | |
f Let; j field_12138 field_7770 | |
f I k field_5420 repairItemUsage | |
f Ljava/lang/String; l field_5421 newItemName | |
f Laed; m field_5422 player | |
m (Laec;Lamu;Laed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 player | |
m (Laec;Lamu;Let;Laed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 player | |
m (Lafs;)Ltv; a method_4594 method_7627 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_4593 setNewItemName | |
p 1 customName | |
m (Lafs;)I b method_4595 method_7626 | |
m ()V e method_4596 updateResult | |
c afs$1 net/minecraft/class_1421$1 net/minecraft/screen/AnvilScreenHandler$1 | |
f Lafs; a field_5423 field_7778 | |
c afs$2 net/minecraft/class_1421$2 net/minecraft/screen/AnvilScreenHandler$2 | |
f Lamu; a field_5424 field_7779 | |
f Let; b field_12139 field_7780 | |
f Lafs; c field_5428 field_7781 | |
c afs$3 net/minecraft/class_1421$3 net/minecraft/screen/AnvilScreenHandler$3 | |
f [I a field_12261 field_7782 | |
c aft net/minecraft/class_1419 net/minecraft/screen/BeaconScreenHandler | |
f Ltv; a field_12140 field_7767 | |
f Laft$a; f field_5407 field_7766 | |
m (Ltv;Ltv;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 paymentInventory | |
m ()Ltv; e method_11257 method_7624 | |
c aft$a net/minecraft/class_1419$class_1420 net/minecraft/screen/BeaconScreenHandler$PaymentSlot | |
f Laft; a field_5411 field_7768 | |
m (Laft;Ltv;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 inventory | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 x | |
p 5 y | |
c afu net/minecraft/class_1003 net/minecraft/screen/BrewingStandScreenHandler | |
f Ltv; a field_12141 inventory | |
f Lagr; f field_4093 ingredientSlot | |
f I g field_4094 field_7786 | |
f I h field_12262 field_7785 | |
m (Laec;Ltv;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 inventory | |
c afu$a net/minecraft/class_1003$class_2678 net/minecraft/screen/BrewingStandScreenHandler$FuelSlot | |
m (Laip;)Z b_ method_11350 matches | |
c afu$b net/minecraft/class_1003$class_1004 net/minecraft/screen/BrewingStandScreenHandler$IngredientSlot | |
m (Lafu;Ltv;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 inventory | |
p 3 invSlot | |
p 4 xPosition | |
p 5 yPosition | |
c afu$c net/minecraft/class_1003$class_1005 net/minecraft/screen/BrewingStandScreenHandler$PotionSlot | |
m (Laed;Ltv;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 inventory | |
p 3 invSlot | |
p 4 xPosition | |
p 5 yPosition | |
m (Laip;)Z c_ method_6338 matches | |
p 0 stack | |
c afv net/minecraft/class_1008 net/minecraft/screen/GenericContainerScreenHandler | |
f Ltv; a field_4097 field_7784 | |
f I f field_4098 field_7783 | |
m (Ltv;Ltv;Laed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 inventory | |
p 2 playerInventory | |
p 3 player | |
m ()Ltv; e method_4591 getInventory | |
c afw net/minecraft/class_2679 net/minecraft/screen/slot/SlotActionType | |
f Lafw; a field_12263 PICKUP | |
f Lafw; b field_12264 QUICK_MOVE | |
f Lafw; c field_12265 SWAP | |
f Lafw; d field_12266 CLONE | |
f Lafw; e field_12267 THROW | |
f Lafw; f field_12268 QUICK_CRAFT | |
f Lafw; g field_12269 PICKUP_ALL | |
f [Lafw; h field_12270 field_7792 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lafw; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lafw; values values values | |
c afx net/minecraft/class_1006 net/minecraft/screen/ScreenHandlerListener | |
m (Lafr;II)V a method_3271 onPropertyUpdate | |
p 1 handler | |
p 2 propertyId | |
p 3 value | |
m (Lafr;ILaip;)V a method_3272 onSlotUpdate | |
p 1 handler | |
p 2 slotId | |
p 3 stack | |
m (Lafr;Lfi;)V a method_13643 onHandlerRegistered | |
m (Lafr;Ltv;)V a method_11258 method_7632 | |
p 1 handler | |
p 2 inventory | |
c afy net/minecraft/class_1011 net/minecraft/inventory/CraftingInventory | |
f Lfi; a field_15100 stacks | |
f I b field_4104 width | |
f I c field_12142 height | |
f Lafr; d field_4105 handler | |
m (Laef;)V a method_14206 method_7683 | |
m (II)Laip; c method_3280 method_0_8113 | |
m ()I i method_11259 method_5440 | |
m ()I j method_11260 method_5446 | |
c afz net/minecraft/class_1012 net/minecraft/screen/CraftingScreenHandler | |
f Lafy; a field_4106 input | |
f Lagn; f field_15644 result | |
f Lamu; g field_4108 field_7799 | |
f Let; h field_12143 field_7798 | |
f Laed; i field_15645 player | |
m (Laec;Lamu;Let;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
c ag net/minecraft/class_3180 net/minecraft/predicate/item/EnchantmentPredicate | |
f Lag; a field_15646 ANY | |
f Lalk; b field_15647 enchantment | |
f Las; c field_15648 field_9570 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)Lag; a method_14207 deserialize | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)Z a method_14208 test | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)[Lag; b method_14209 deserializeAll | |
c aga net/minecraft/class_1027 net/minecraft/screen/Generic3x3ContainerScreenHandler | |
f Ltv; a field_12144 inventory | |
m (Ltv;Ltv;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 inventory | |
c agb net/minecraft/class_1013 net/minecraft/screen/EnchantmentScreenHandler | |
f Ltv; a field_4112 inventory | |
f I f field_12145 field_7807 | |
f [I g field_4114 enchantmentPower | |
f [I h field_12146 enchantmentId | |
f [I i field_12271 enchantmentLevel | |
f Lamu; j field_4115 field_7814 | |
f Let; k field_12147 field_7813 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; l field_4119 random | |
m (Laec;Lamu;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 world | |
m (Laec;Lamu;Let;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Laip;II)Ljava/util/List; a method_11261 generateEnchantments | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 modifier | |
m (Lafx;)V c method_11351 method_7639 | |
m ()I e method_11262 getLapisCount | |
c agb$1 net/minecraft/class_1013$1 net/minecraft/screen/EnchantmentScreenHandler$1 | |
f Lagb; a field_4120 field_7815 | |
c agb$2 net/minecraft/class_1013$2 net/minecraft/screen/EnchantmentScreenHandler$2 | |
f Lagb; a field_4121 field_7816 | |
c agb$3 net/minecraft/class_1013$3 net/minecraft/screen/EnchantmentScreenHandler$3 | |
f Lagb; a field_12148 field_7817 | |
c agc net/minecraft/class_2671 net/minecraft/screen/slot/FurnaceFuelSlot | |
m (Laip;)Z d_ method_11263 isBucket | |
p 0 stack | |
c agd net/minecraft/class_1016 net/minecraft/screen/AbstractFurnaceScreenHandler | |
f Ltv; a field_12149 inventory | |
f I f field_4123 field_7821 | |
f I g field_12150 field_7823 | |
f I h field_12151 field_7820 | |
f I i field_12152 field_7825 | |
m (Laec;Ltv;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 inventory | |
c age net/minecraft/class_1017 net/minecraft/screen/slot/FurnaceOutputSlot | |
f Laed; a field_4126 player | |
f I b field_4127 amount | |
m (Laed;Ltv;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 inventory | |
p 3 invSlot | |
p 4 xPosition | |
p 5 yPosition | |
c agf net/minecraft/class_1582 net/minecraft/screen/HopperScreenHandler | |
f Ltv; a field_6162 inventory | |
m (Laec;Ltv;Laed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 inventory | |
p 3 player | |
c agg net/minecraft/class_1719 net/minecraft/class_1721 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 name | |
p 2 id | |
c agh net/minecraft/class_1720 net/minecraft/screen/HorseScreenHandler | |
f Ltv; a field_6933 inventory | |
f Laao; f field_15101 entity | |
m (Ltv;Ltv;Laaq;Laed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 inventory | |
p 2 playerInventory | |
p 3 horse | |
p 4 player | |
c agh$1 net/minecraft/class_1720$1 net/minecraft/screen/HorseScreenHandler$1 | |
f Laao; a field_15102 field_7838 | |
f Lagh; b field_6935 field_7839 | |
c agh$2 net/minecraft/class_1720$2 net/minecraft/screen/HorseScreenHandler$2 | |
f Laao; a field_15103 field_7840 | |
f Lagh; b field_6937 field_7841 | |
c agi net/minecraft/class_1018 net/minecraft/screen/PlayerScreenHandler | |
f Lafy; a field_4128 craftingInput | |
f Lagn; f field_15649 craftingResult | |
f Z g field_4130 onServer | |
f [Lvl; h field_12272 EQUIPMENT_SLOT_ORDER | |
f Laed; i field_5412 owner | |
m (Laec;ZLaed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 inventory | |
p 2 onServer | |
p 3 owner | |
c agi$1 net/minecraft/class_1018$1 net/minecraft/screen/PlayerScreenHandler$1 | |
f Lvl; a field_12273 field_7834 | |
f Lagi; b field_4132 field_7833 | |
c agi$2 net/minecraft/class_1018$2 net/minecraft/screen/PlayerScreenHandler$2 | |
f Lagi; a field_12274 field_7835 | |
c agj net/minecraft/class_1020 net/minecraft/village/MerchantInventory | |
f Lamf; a field_4133 merchant | |
f Lfi; b field_15104 inventory | |
f Laed; c field_4135 field_7846 | |
f Lamg; d field_4136 tradeOffer | |
f I e field_4137 offerIndex | |
m (Laed;Lamf;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 trader | |
m (I)V d method_3281 setOfferIndex | |
m (I)Z e method_3282 needsOfferUpdate | |
p 1 slot | |
m ()V i method_3283 updateOffers | |
m ()Lamg; j method_3284 getTradeOffer | |
c agk net/minecraft/class_1021 net/minecraft/screen/MerchantScreenHandler | |
f Lamf; a field_4138 merchant | |
f Lagj; f field_4139 merchantInventory | |
f Lamu; g field_4140 field_7862 | |
m (Laec;Lamf;Lamu;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 trader | |
p 3 world | |
m (I)V d method_3285 setRecipeIndex | |
p 1 index | |
m ()Lagj; e method_3286 method_7651 | |
c agl net/minecraft/class_1022 net/minecraft/screen/slot/TradeOutputSlot | |
f Lagj; a field_4141 merchantInventory | |
f Laed; b field_4142 player | |
f I c field_4143 amount | |
f Lamf; h field_4144 merchant | |
m (Laed;Lamf;Lagj;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 trader | |
p 3 traderInventory | |
p 4 index | |
p 5 x | |
p 6 y | |
m (Lamg;Laip;Laip;)Z a method_3287 method_7649 | |
p 1 offer | |
p 2 first | |
p 3 second | |
c agm net/minecraft/class_1023 net/minecraft/inventory/EnderChestInventory | |
f Lavs; a field_4145 activeBlockEntity | |
m (Lavs;)V a method_3288 setActiveBlockEntity | |
m (Lge;)V a method_3289 method_7659 | |
p 1 nbtList | |
m ()Lge; i method_3290 method_7660 | |
c agn net/minecraft/class_1024 net/minecraft/inventory/CraftingResultInventory | |
f Lfi; a field_15105 stacks | |
f Lakt; b field_15650 lastRecipe | |
m (Lakt;)V a method_14210 method_7662 | |
m ()Lakt; i method_14211 method_7663 | |
c ago net/minecraft/class_1025 net/minecraft/screen/slot/CraftingResultSlot | |
f Lafy; a field_12153 input | |
f Laed; b field_4148 player | |
f I c field_4149 amount | |
m (Laed;Lafy;Ltv;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 craftingInv | |
p 3 inventory | |
p 4 invSlot | |
p 5 xPosition | |
p 6 yPosition | |
c agp net/minecraft/class_3054 net/minecraft/screen/ShulkerBoxScreenHandler | |
f Ltv; a field_15106 inventory | |
c agq net/minecraft/class_3055 net/minecraft/screen/slot/ShulkerBoxSlot | |
c agr net/minecraft/class_1026 net/minecraft/screen/slot/Slot | |
f I a field_4150 index | |
f Ltv; d field_4151 inventory | |
f I e field_4152 id | |
f I f field_4153 x | |
f I g field_4154 y | |
m (Ltv;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 inventory | |
p 2 invSlot | |
p 3 xPosition | |
p 4 yPosition | |
m ()I a method_3291 getMaxItemCount | |
m (I)Laip; a method_3292 takeStack | |
p 1 amount | |
m (Laed;)Z a method_4597 canTakeItems | |
p 1 playerEntity | |
m (Laed;Laip;)Laip; a method_3298 onTakeItem | |
m (Laip;)Z a method_3294 canInsert | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;I)V a method_3295 onCrafted | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 amount | |
m (Laip;Laip;)V a method_3296 onQuickTransfer | |
p 1 originalItem | |
p 2 newItem | |
m (Ltv;I)Z a method_3293 method_7666 | |
p 1 inventory | |
p 2 slot | |
m ()Z b method_6319 isEnabled | |
m (I)V b method_13644 onTake | |
m (Laip;)I b method_11264 getMaxItemCount | |
p 1 stack | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_11265 getBackgroundSprite | |
m (Laip;)V c method_3300 onCrafted | |
p 1 stack | |
m ()Laip; d method_3299 getStack | |
m (Laip;)V d method_3302 setStackNoCallbacks | |
p 1 stack | |
m ()Z e method_3301 hasStack | |
m ()V f method_3303 markDirty | |
c agt net/minecraft/class_3056 net/minecraft/item/AirBlockItem | |
f Laow; a field_15107 block | |
c agu net/minecraft/class_1424 net/minecraft/class_0_2013 | |
c agv net/minecraft/class_1028 net/minecraft/item/ArmorItem | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; a field_6163 field_0_8513 | |
f Lfb; b field_6165 DISPENSER_BEHAVIOR | |
f Lvl; c field_12275 slot | |
f I d field_4157 protection | |
f F e field_12276 toughness | |
f I f field_4160 field_0_8516 | |
f [I n field_4158 field_0_8517 | |
f [Ljava/util/UUID; o field_12277 MODIFIERS | |
f Lagv$a; p field_4159 field_0_8519 | |
m (Lagv$a;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 material | |
p 2 materialId | |
p 3 slot | |
m ()Lvl; E_ method_11352 method_7685 | |
m (Laip;I)V a method_4600 method_0_8150 | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 color | |
m (Leu;Laip;)Laip; a method_11353 dispenseArmor | |
m (Laip;)I c method_4599 method_0_8149 | |
p 1 stack | |
m ()Lagv$a; d method_4602 method_7686 | |
m (Laip;)V d method_4601 method_0_8151 | |
p 1 stack | |
m ()[I e method_3304 method_0_8152 | |
m (Laip;)Z e_ method_4598 method_0_8153 | |
p 1 stack | |
c agv$1 net/minecraft/class_1028$1 net/minecraft/item/ArmorItem$1 | |
c agv$a net/minecraft/class_1028$class_1029 net/minecraft/item/ArmorItem$class_1740 | |
f Lagv$a; a field_12154 LEATHER | |
f Lagv$a; b field_4162 CHAIN | |
f Lagv$a; c field_4163 IRON | |
f Lagv$a; d field_4164 GOLD | |
f Lagv$a; e field_4165 DIAMOND | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_12155 field_7884 | |
f I g field_4166 field_7883 | |
f [I h field_4167 field_7893 | |
f I i field_4168 field_7896 | |
f Lqe; j field_12278 field_7886 | |
f F k field_12279 field_7894 | |
f [Lagv$a; l field_4169 field_7888 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I[II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
p 4 durability | |
p 5 protection | |
p 6 enchantability | |
m ()I a method_3305 method_7699 | |
m (Lvl;)I a method_11354 method_7696 | |
m ()Lqe; b method_11355 method_7698 | |
m (Lvl;)I b method_11356 method_7697 | |
m ()Lain; c method_6339 method_0_8157 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_11266 method_7694 | |
m ()F e method_11357 method_7700 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lagv$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lagv$a; values values values | |
c agw net/minecraft/class_2672 net/minecraft/item/ArmorStandItem | |
m (Labz;Ljava/util/Random;)V a method_11267 setRotations | |
p 1 armorStand | |
p 2 random | |
c agx net/minecraft/class_2680 net/minecraft/item/ArrowItem | |
m (Lamu;Laip;Lvp;)Laeh; a method_11358 createArrow | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 itemStack | |
c agy net/minecraft/class_1067 net/minecraft/item/AxeItem | |
f Ljava/util/Set; e field_6951 EFFECTIVE_BLOCKS | |
f [F f field_12280 field_0_9984 | |
f [F n field_12281 field_0_9985 | |
m (Lain$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 material | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/class_3561;FFLnet/minecraft/class_1069$class_3555;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 toolMaterial | |
p 4 settings | |
c agz net/minecraft/class_2673 net/minecraft/item/BannerItem | |
m (Lahs;Lge;)Laip; a method_13645 method_0_8161 | |
m (Laip;Ljava/util/List;)V a method_11359 appendBannerTooltip | |
m (Laip;)Lahs; c method_11268 method_7706 | |
c ah net/minecraft/class_3181 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/EnterBlockCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15651 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15652 handlers | |
m (Loq;Lawt;)V a method_14212 method_8885 | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14213 method_8884 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lah$b; b method_14214 conditionsFromJson | |
c ah$a net/minecraft/class_3181$class_3182 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/EnterBlockCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15653 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15654 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14215 isEmpty | |
m (Lawt;)V a method_14216 method_8888 | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14217 addConditon | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14218 removeCondition | |
c ah$b net/minecraft/class_3181$class_3183 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/EnterBlockCriterion$Conditions | |
f Laow; a field_15655 block | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15656 state | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_14219 method_8891 | |
c aha net/minecraft/class_1030 net/minecraft/class_0_2019 | |
c ahb net/minecraft/class_1096 net/minecraft/item/BlockItem | |
f Laow; a field_6952 block | |
m (Laow;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 block | |
m (Lamu;Laed;Let;Laip;)Z a method_11270 writeNbtToBlockEntity | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 itemStack | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;Laed;Laip;)Z a method_11269 method_0_8162 | |
m ()Laow; d method_11271 getBlock | |
c ahc net/minecraft/class_1097 net/minecraft/class_1818 | |
f Laow; a field_6953 field_8911 | |
m (Laow;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 block | |
c ahd net/minecraft/class_1031 net/minecraft/item/BoatItem | |
f Lafd$b; a field_12282 type | |
c ahe net/minecraft/class_1425 net/minecraft/item/BookItem | |
c ahf net/minecraft/class_1032 net/minecraft/item/GlassBottleItem | |
m (Laip;Laed;Laip;)Laip; a method_11360 fill | |
c ahf$1 net/minecraft/class_1032$1 net/minecraft/item/GlassBottleItem$1 | |
f Lahf; a field_12283 field_0_9724 | |
m (Lve;)Z a method_11361 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c ahg net/minecraft/class_1033 net/minecraft/item/BowItem | |
m (Laed;)Laip; a method_11362 method_0_8921 | |
m (I)F b method_11363 getPullProgress | |
m (Laip;)Z d method_11364 method_0_8923 | |
c ahg$1 net/minecraft/class_1033$1 net/minecraft/item/BowItem$1 | |
f Lahg; a field_12284 field_0_9596 | |
c ahg$2 net/minecraft/class_1033$2 net/minecraft/item/BowItem$2 | |
f Lahg; a field_12285 field_0_9597 | |
c ahh net/minecraft/class_1035 net/minecraft/item/StewItem | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 hungerPoints | |
c ahi net/minecraft/class_1036 net/minecraft/item/BucketItem | |
f Laow; a field_6954 field_7905 | |
m (Laow;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 fluid | |
m (Laed;Lamu;Let;)Z a method_11365 method_7731 | |
m (Laip;Laed;Lain;)Laip; a method_6341 getFilledStack | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 player | |
p 3 item | |
c ahj net/minecraft/class_1426 net/minecraft/item/OnAStickItem | |
c ahk net/minecraft/class_2681 net/minecraft/item/ChorusFruitItem | |
c ahl net/minecraft/class_2682 net/minecraft/item/ClockItem | |
c ahl$1 net/minecraft/class_2682$1 net/minecraft/item/ClockItem$1 | |
f D a field_12286 time | |
f D b field_12287 step | |
f J c field_12288 lastTick | |
f Lahl; d field_12289 field_7912 | |
m (Lamu;D)D a method_11366 getTime | |
c ahm net/minecraft/class_1038 net/minecraft/class_0_2029 | |
c ahn net/minecraft/class_2683 net/minecraft/item/CompassItem | |
c ahn$1 net/minecraft/class_2683$1 net/minecraft/item/CompassItem$1 | |
f D a field_12290 angle | |
f D b field_12291 step | |
f J c field_12292 lastTick | |
f Lahn; d field_12293 field_7909 | |
m (Lacb;)D a method_11369 getYaw | |
m (Lamu;D)D a method_11367 getAngle | |
m (Lamu;Lvg;)D a method_11368 method_7734 | |
c aho net/minecraft/class_1040 net/minecraft/item/NetworkSyncedItem | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Laed;)Lht; a method_3314 createSyncPacket | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 player | |
c ahp net/minecraft/class_1041 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup | |
f [Lahp; a field_4173 GROUPS | |
f Lahp; b field_4174 BUILDING_BLOCKS | |
f Lahp; c field_4175 DECORATIONS | |
f Lahp; d field_4176 REDSTONE | |
f Lahp; e field_4177 TRANSPORTATION | |
f Lahp; f field_4178 MISC | |
f Lahp; g field_4179 SEARCH | |
f Lahp; h field_4180 FOOD | |
f Lahp; i field_4181 TOOLS | |
f Lahp; j field_4182 COMBAT | |
f Lahp; k field_4183 BREWING | |
f Lahp; l field_4184 MATERIALS | |
f Lahp; m field_15657 HOTBAR | |
f Lahp; n field_4185 INVENTORY | |
f I o field_4186 index | |
f Ljava/lang/String; p field_4187 id | |
f Ljava/lang/String; q field_4188 texture | |
f Z r field_4189 scrollbar | |
f Z s field_4190 renderName | |
f [Lall; t field_6939 enchantments | |
f Laip; u field_6955 icon | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 index | |
p 2 id | |
m ()I a method_3315 getIndex | |
m (Lall;)Z a method_6321 containsEnchantments | |
p 1 target | |
m (Lfi;)V a method_13646 appendStacks | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lahp; a method_3316 setTexture | |
p 1 texture | |
m ([Lall;)Lahp; a method_6322 setEnchantments | |
p 1 targets | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_3318 getId | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_3319 getTranslationKey | |
m ()Laip; d method_6342 getIcon | |
m ()Laip; e method_13647 createIcon | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; f method_3322 getTexture | |
m ()Z g method_3323 shouldRenderName | |
m ()Lahp; h method_3324 hideName | |
m ()Z i method_3325 hasScrollbar | |
m ()Lahp; j method_3326 setNoScrollbar | |
m ()I k method_3327 getColumn | |
m ()Z l method_3328 isTopRow | |
m ()Z m method_14220 isSpecial | |
m ()[Lall; n method_6323 getEnchantments | |
c ahp$1 net/minecraft/class_1041$1 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup$1 | |
c ahp$10 net/minecraft/class_1041$10 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup$10 | |
c ahp$11 net/minecraft/class_1041$11 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup$11 | |
c ahp$12 net/minecraft/class_1041$12 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup$12 | |
c ahp$2 net/minecraft/class_1041$2 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup$2 | |
c ahp$3 net/minecraft/class_1041$3 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup$3 | |
c ahp$4 net/minecraft/class_1041$4 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup$4 | |
c ahp$5 net/minecraft/class_1041$5 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup$5 | |
c ahp$6 net/minecraft/class_1041$6 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup$6 | |
c ahp$7 net/minecraft/class_1041$7 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup$7 | |
c ahp$8 net/minecraft/class_1041$8 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup$8 | |
c ahp$9 net/minecraft/class_1041$9 net/minecraft/item/ItemGroup$9 | |
c ahq net/minecraft/class_1054 net/minecraft/item/MiningToolItem | |
f F a field_4191 miningSpeed | |
f F b field_6940 attackDamage | |
f F c field_12294 attackSpeed | |
f Lain$a; d field_4192 field_0_8556 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; e field_6956 effectiveBlocks | |
m (FLain$a;Ljava/util/Set;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 attackDamage | |
p 2 material | |
p 3 effectiveBlocks | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; h method_3329 method_0_8190 | |
c ahr net/minecraft/class_1055 net/minecraft/class_0_2034 | |
f Laow; a field_12156 field_0_8559 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;Laow;Z)V a method_11273 method_0_8191 | |
c ahs net/minecraft/class_2674 net/minecraft/util/DyeColor | |
f Lahs; a field_12157 WHITE | |
f Lahs; b field_12158 ORANGE | |
f Lahs; c field_12159 MAGENTA | |
f Lahs; d field_12160 LIGHT_BLUE | |
f Lahs; e field_12161 YELLOW | |
f Lahs; f field_12162 LIME | |
f Lahs; g field_12163 PINK | |
f Lahs; h field_12164 GRAY | |
f Lahs; i field_12165 SILVER | |
f Lahs; j field_12166 CYAN | |
f Lahs; k field_12167 PURPLE | |
f Lahs; l field_12168 BLUE | |
f Lahs; m field_12169 BROWN | |
f Lahs; n field_12170 GREEN | |
f Lahs; o field_12171 RED | |
f Lahs; p field_12172 BLACK | |
f [Lahs; q field_12173 VALUES | |
f [Lahs; r field_12174 field_0_8577 | |
f I s field_12175 id | |
f I t field_12176 field_0_8579 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; u field_12177 name | |
f Ljava/lang/String; v field_12178 field_0_8581 | |
f I w field_15658 field_7956 | |
f [F x field_15659 colorComponents | |
f La; y field_12180 field_0_8583 | |
f [Lahs; z field_12181 field_7953 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IIILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 idSwapped | |
p 5 name | |
p 6 translationKey | |
p 7 color | |
p 8 formatting | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IIILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lbda;La;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 colorSwapped | |
p 5 name | |
p 6 translationKey | |
p 7 color | |
p 8 formatting | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;ILbda;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 translationKey | |
p 5 color | |
p 6 materialColor | |
p 7 idSwapped | |
m ()I a method_11274 getId | |
m (I)Lahs; a method_11275 method_0_8193 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()I b method_11276 getFireworkColor | |
m (I)Lahs; b method_11277 byId | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_14221 getName | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_11278 method_0_8196 | |
m ()I e method_14222 getColorSwapped | |
m ()[F f method_14223 getColorComponents | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lahs; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lahs; values values values | |
c aht net/minecraft/class_1056 net/minecraft/item/DyeItem | |
f [I a field_4197 field_7968 | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Let;)Z a method_11281 method_0_8199 | |
p 0 stack | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;I)V a method_11280 method_0_8198 | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 i | |
c ahu net/minecraft/class_1037 net/minecraft/class_0_2038 | |
c ahv net/minecraft/class_1057 net/minecraft/item/EggItem | |
c ahw net/minecraft/class_2684 net/minecraft/item/ElytraItem | |
m (Laip;)Z d method_11370 isUsable | |
c ahw$1 net/minecraft/class_2684$1 net/minecraft/item/ElytraItem$1 | |
f Lahw; a field_12295 field_0_10299 | |
c ahx net/minecraft/class_1427 net/minecraft/item/EmptyMapItem | |
c ahy net/minecraft/class_1428 net/minecraft/item/EnchantedBookItem | |
m (Laip;Laln;)V a method_4607 addEnchantment | |
p 0 stack | |
p 1 itemStack | |
p 2 info | |
m (Laln;)Laip; a method_4609 forEnchantment | |
p 1 info | |
m (Laip;)Lge; h method_4611 getEnchantmentNbt | |
p 0 stack | |
c ahz net/minecraft/class_2685 net/minecraft/item/EndCrystalItem | |
c ai net/minecraft/class_3184 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/EntityHurtPlayerCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15660 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15661 handlers | |
m (Loq;Lur;FFZ)V a method_14224 handle | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14225 method_8900 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lai$b; b method_14226 conditionsFromJson | |
c ai$a net/minecraft/class_3184$class_3185 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/EntityHurtPlayerCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15662 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15663 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14227 isEmpty | |
m (Loq;Lur;FFZ)V a method_14228 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14229 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14230 removeCondition | |
c ai$b net/minecraft/class_3184$class_3186 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/EntityHurtPlayerCriterion$Conditions | |
f Lab; a field_15664 damage | |
m (Loq;Lur;FFZ)Z a method_14231 matches | |
c aia net/minecraft/class_1058 net/minecraft/item/EnderEyeItem | |
c aib net/minecraft/class_1059 net/minecraft/item/EnderPearlItem | |
c aic net/minecraft/class_1060 net/minecraft/item/ExperienceBottleItem | |
c aid net/minecraft/class_1062 net/minecraft/item/FireChargeItem | |
c aie net/minecraft/class_1429 net/minecraft/item/FireworkStarItem | |
m (Laip;Ljava/lang/String;)Lgn; a method_4613 method_0_8207 | |
p 0 stack | |
p 1 name | |
m (Lfy;Ljava/util/List;)V a method_4612 appendFireworkTooltip | |
p 0 nbt | |
p 1 list | |
c aif net/minecraft/class_1430 net/minecraft/item/FireworkRocketItem | |
c aig net/minecraft/class_1732 net/minecraft/class_1783 | |
f Z b field_6957 field_7980 | |
m (Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 cooked | |
c aig$a net/minecraft/class_1732$class_1733 net/minecraft/class_1783$class_1784 | |
f Laig$a; a field_6958 COD | |
f Laig$a; b field_6959 SALMON | |
f Laig$a; c field_6960 CLOWNFISH | |
f Laig$a; d field_6961 PUFFERFISH | |
f Ljava/util/Map; e field_6962 field_0_8591 | |
f I f field_6963 field_0_8592 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_6964 field_0_8593 | |
f I h field_6967 field_7987 | |
f F i field_6968 field_7982 | |
f I j field_6969 field_7985 | |
f F k field_6970 field_7990 | |
f Z l field_6971 field_7983 | |
f [Laig$a; m field_6972 field_7988 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;IF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 hungerPoints | |
p 6 saturation | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;IFIF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 uncookedHungerPoints | |
p 6 uncookedSaturation | |
p 7 cookedHungerPoints | |
p 8 cookedSaturation | |
m ()I a method_6348 method_0_8208 | |
m (I)Laig$a; a method_6349 method_0_8209 | |
p 0 id | |
m (Laip;)Laig$a; a method_6350 method_7821 | |
p 0 itemStack | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_6352 method_0_8211 | |
m ()I c method_6353 method_7820 | |
m ()F d method_6354 method_7822 | |
m ()I e method_6355 method_7818 | |
m ()F f method_6356 method_7823 | |
m ()Z g method_6359 method_7819 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laig$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laig$a; values values values | |
c aih net/minecraft/class_1063 net/minecraft/item/FishingRodItem | |
c aih$1 net/minecraft/class_1063$1 net/minecraft/item/FishingRodItem$1 | |
f Laih; a field_12296 field_0_8903 | |
c aii net/minecraft/class_1064 net/minecraft/item/FlintAndSteelItem | |
c aij net/minecraft/class_1065 net/minecraft/class_1789 | |
f I a field_4198 field_0_8600 | |
f I b field_4199 field_7997 | |
f F c field_4202 field_7993 | |
f Z d field_4200 field_7996 | |
f Z e field_4201 field_7995 | |
f Lva; f field_12297 field_7992 | |
f F n field_4206 field_7998 | |
m (IFZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 hungerPoints | |
p 2 saturation | |
p 3 meat | |
m (IZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 hungerPoints | |
p 2 cookable | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Laed;)V a method_3336 method_7831 | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 player | |
m (Lva;F)Laij; a method_11371 method_7830 | |
m ()Z g method_3339 method_7833 | |
m ()Laij; h method_3340 method_7829 | |
m (Laip;)I h method_6360 method_7832 | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;)F i method_6361 method_7827 | |
p 1 stack | |
c aik net/minecraft/class_1066 net/minecraft/class_0_2053 | |
c ail net/minecraft/class_1431 net/minecraft/item/DecorationItem | |
f Ljava/lang/Class; a field_5429 field_7999 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 clazz | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)Laca; a method_11282 method_7835 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 dir | |
c aim net/minecraft/class_1068 net/minecraft/item/HoeItem | |
f Lain$a; a field_4208 field_0_8610 | |
f F b field_12298 attackSpeed | |
m (Lain$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 material | |
m (Laip;Laed;Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V a method_11372 method_0_8224 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; g method_3341 method_0_8225 | |
c aim$1 net/minecraft/class_1068$1 net/minecraft/item/HoeItem$1 | |
f [I a field_12182 field_0_8611 | |
c ain net/minecraft/class_1069 net/minecraft/item/Item | |
c The Item class provides useful methods and fields for creation of Items.\n All items extend the Item class.\n The Item class also registers all items.\n@see net.minecraft.item.Items | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_12183 BLOCK_ITEMS | |
c A map containing all BlockItems, with their corresponding Block and Item variants | |
f Laiq; b field_12299 DAMAGED_PROPERTY_GETTER | |
f Laiq; c field_12300 DAMAGE_PROPERTY_GETTER | |
f Laiq; d field_12301 LEFTHANDED_PROPERTY_GETTER | |
f Laiq; e field_12302 COOLDOWN_PROPERTY_GETTER | |
f Lfm; f field_12303 field_8015 | |
f Lfh; g field_6973 field_0_8616 | |
c The Registry where all items get registered to. | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; h field_6947 ATTACK_DAMAGE_MODIFIER_ID | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; i field_12304 ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER_ID | |
f Ljava/util/Random; j field_4342 RANDOM | |
f I k field_4309 maxCount | |
c The maximum stack size of an item | |
f Z l field_4311 field_0_8620 | |
c Sets whether the item is handheld | |
f Z m field_4312 field_0_8621 | |
c Sets whether the item has durability | |
f Lahp; n field_4247 group | |
c The Item's ItemGroup | |
f I o field_4296 maxDamage | |
c The maximum durability of an Item | |
f Lain; p field_4341 recipeRemainder | |
c The item's recipe remainder. Used by Buckets and potions.\n@see net.minecraft.item.PotionItem\n@see net.minecraft.item.BucketItem | |
f Ljava/lang/String; q field_4314 translationKey | |
c The Item's translation key. | |
m ()V <init> <init> <init> | |
c Sets the max stack size of an Item to 64 | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/class_1069$class_3555;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 settings | |
m ()Z D_ method_3372 method_0_8285 | |
c Returns whether the item is supposed to look as handheld. | |
m ()Z F_ method_3390 method_0_8263 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_3342 getTranslationKey | |
c Returns the translation key of the current Item\n@return Translation key | |
m (I)I a method_3363 method_0_8227 | |
p 1 i | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;Lain;)V a method_11284 method_0_8228 | |
c Overloaded method that registers an Item to the registry | |
p 0 id | |
c The Item Id | |
p 1 name | |
c The Item's name | |
p 2 item | |
c The item to be registered | |
m (ILnf;Lain;)V a method_11285 method_0_8229 | |
c Registers an item to the registry | |
p 0 id | |
c The Item Id | |
p 1 name | |
c The Item's identifier | |
p 2 item | |
c The Item to be registered | |
m (Laed;Lamu;Let;Lub;Lfa;FFF)Lud; a method_3355 method_7884 | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 hand | |
p 5 direction | |
p 6 x | |
p 7 y | |
p 8 z | |
m (Lahp;)Z a method_14232 isIn | |
p 1 group | |
m (Lahp;Lfi;)V a method_14233 appendStacks | |
p 1 group | |
p 2 stacks | |
m (Lain;)I a method_6364 getRawId | |
c Returns a numeric id for an Item\n@return Numeric Id | |
p 0 item | |
m (Laip;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_3371 method_0_8266 | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;Laed;Lvp;Lub;)Z a method_3353 useOnEntity | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z a method_4615 canRepair | |
c Returns whether the item can be repaired via an anvil or crafting table. | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 ingredient | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Lawt;Let;Lvp;)Z a method_3356 method_7879 | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Ljava/util/List;Lakb;)V a method_14234 appendTooltip | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 tooltip | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Lvg;IZ)V a method_3357 inventoryTick | |
c Runs every tick when the item is in an inventory. | |
p 1 stack | |
c The item in an ItemStack form | |
p 2 world | |
c The world where the item is ticking | |
p 3 entity | |
c The entity whose inventory contains the item | |
p 4 slot | |
c The slot in which the item is placed | |
p 5 selected | |
c Whether the item is currently selected by the entity | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Lvp;)Laip; a method_3367 finishUsing | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 entity | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Lvp;I)V a method_3359 onStoppedUsing | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 entity | |
m (Laip;Lawt;)F a method_3351 method_7865 | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 state | |
m (Laip;Lvp;Lvp;)Z a method_3354 postHit | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 entity1 | |
p 3 entity2 | |
m (Lamu;Laed;Lub;)Lue; a method_13649 use | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 player | |
p 3 hand | |
m (Lamu;Laed;Z)Lbhc; a method_3360 method_7872 | |
c Returns the HitResult for an item when the player's arm is swung while holding the item.\n@return HitResult | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the item is in | |
p 2 player | |
c The player holding the item | |
p 3 liquid | |
m (Laow;)Lain; a method_6363 fromBlock | |
c Returns a BlockItem from a block\n@return Block | |
p 0 block | |
m (Laow;Lain;)V a method_11286 method_0_8232 | |
c Registers a BlockItem to the registry | |
p 0 block | |
c The Block | |
p 1 blockItem | |
c The BlockItem | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_3346 method_7856 | |
m (Lfy;)Z a method_11287 postProcessNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Lnf;)Laiq; a method_11374 getPropertyGetter | |
p 1 identifier | |
m (Lnf;Laiq;)V a method_11375 addPropertyGetter | |
p 1 identifier | |
p 2 itemPropertyGetter | |
m (Lvl;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap; a method_6326 getAttributeModifiers | |
m (Z)Lain; a method_3361 method_0_8248 | |
c Sets the current item as unbreakable.\n@return The current Item | |
p 1 unbreakable | |
c Unbreakable | |
m ()Lahp; b method_3398 getGroup | |
c Returns the itemgroup that the item is in | |
m (Lahp;)Lain; b method_3348 method_0_8234 | |
c Sets the itemgroup that the current item should be in\n@return The current Item | |
p 1 group | |
c The ItemGroup | |
m (Lain;)Lain; b method_3349 method_0_8258 | |
c Sets the item's recipe remainder\n@return The current Item | |
p 1 recipeRemainder | |
m (Laip;)Ljava/lang/String; b method_3383 method_7864 | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Laed;)V b method_3375 onCraft | |
c Runs when the item is crafted | |
p 1 stack | |
c The item in an ItemStack form | |
p 2 world | |
c The world where the crafting happened | |
p 3 player | |
c The player who crafted the item | |
m (Laow;)V b method_11288 method_0_8256 | |
c Overloaded method that registers a BlockItem to the registry | |
p 0 block | |
c The block | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lain; b method_6325 method_0_8260 | |
c Returns an Item from its name or its numeric Id as a String\n@return Item | |
p 0 id | |
m ()I c method_3362 getEnchantability | |
c Returns the enchantability of an Item.\nUsed by tools and armor\n@see net.minecraft.item.ToolItem\n@see net.minecraft.item.ArmorItem\n@return Enchantability | |
m (I)Lain; c method_6366 byRawId | |
c Returns an Item for its numeric Id\n@return Item | |
p 0 id | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lain; c method_6365 method_0_8257 | |
c Sets the current item's translation key.\n@return The current Item | |
p 1 translationKey | |
c Translation key | |
m (I)Lain; d method_3373 method_0_8255 | |
c Sets the max stack size of the Item\n@return The current Item | |
p 1 count | |
c Maximum stack size | |
m (I)Lain; e method_3376 method_0_8259 | |
c Sets the maximum durability of the current Item.\n@return The current Item | |
p 1 damage | |
c Maximum durability | |
m (Laip;)I e method_3350 getMaxUseTime | |
p 1 stack | |
m ()Z f method_3388 method_7842 | |
m (Laip;)Lakc; f method_3366 getUseAction | |
c Returns the UseAction for an item when the item is used.\nUsed by food, potions, bows, etc.\n@see net.minecraft.item.BowItem\n@see net.minecraft.item.PotionItem | |
p 1 stack | |
c The ItemStack that was used | |
m (Laip;)Z f_ method_3374 hasGlint | |
c Returns whether the current item has an enchantment glint.\nUsed by enchanted golden apples and enchanted items.\n@see net.minecraft.item.GoldenAppleItem | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;)Laje; g method_3377 getRarity | |
c Returns the rarity of the current Item.\nUsed by golden apples, enchanted items and potions.\n@see net.minecraft.item.GoldenAppleItem\n@see net.minecraft.item.PotionItem\n@return The rarity of the ItemStack | |
p 1 stack | |
c The item in an ItemStack form | |
m (Laip;)Z g_ method_3385 isEnchantable | |
c Returns whether the current item can have enchantments.\nIt does this by verifying that the item's maximum stack size is 1 and the item can break. | |
p 1 stack | |
m ()Z i method_11376 hasPropertyGetters | |
m ()I j method_3382 getMaxCount | |
c Returns the max stack size of an Item\n@return Max stack Size | |
m (Laip;)Ljava/lang/String; j method_3379 getTranslationKey | |
c Returns the translated name of an ItemStack\n@return Translated name\n@see net.minecraft.util.CommonI18n | |
p 1 stack | |
c The ItemStack | |
m ()Z k method_3384 method_0_8274 | |
c Returns whether the item is unbreakable\n@return Whether the item is unbreakable | |
m ()I l method_3386 getMaxDamage | |
c Returns the maximum durability of the current Item.\n@return Max Durability | |
m ()Z m method_3387 isDamageable | |
c Returns whether the current item is damageable. Used by tools, armor, bows, etc.\n@see net.minecraft.item.ToolItem\n@see net.minecraft.item.BowItem\n@see net.minecraft.item.ArmorItem | |
m ()Lain; n method_3389 method_0_8279 | |
c Sets the item to look as handheld.\n@return The current Item | |
m ()Z p method_3391 isNbtSynced | |
m ()Lain; q method_3392 getRecipeRemainder | |
c Returns the current Item's recipe remainder\n@return recipeRemainder | |
m ()Z r method_3393 hasRecipeRemainder | |
m ()Z s method_4616 method_0_8283 | |
m ()V t method_6368 method_0_8284 | |
c This is the main method in the Item class. Both Items and BlockItems get registered here.\nThe Item Ids starts from 256. The fields in the class Items can not be accessed before this method is called.\n@see net.minecraft.item.Items | |
m ()Laip; u method_13650 getDefaultStack | |
c ain$1 net/minecraft/class_1069$1 net/minecraft/item/Item$1 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$10 net/minecraft/class_1069$10 net/minecraft/item/Item$10 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$11 net/minecraft/class_1069$11 net/minecraft/item/Item$11 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$12 net/minecraft/class_1069$12 net/minecraft/item/Item$12 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$13 net/minecraft/class_1069$13 net/minecraft/item/Item$13 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$14 net/minecraft/class_1069$14 net/minecraft/item/Item$14 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$15 net/minecraft/class_1069$15 net/minecraft/item/Item$15 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$16 net/minecraft/class_1069$16 net/minecraft/item/Item$16 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$17 net/minecraft/class_1069$17 net/minecraft/item/Item$17 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$18 net/minecraft/class_1069$18 net/minecraft/item/Item$18 | |
c ain$19 net/minecraft/class_1069$19 net/minecraft/item/Item$19 | |
c ain$2 net/minecraft/class_1069$2 net/minecraft/item/Item$2 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$20 net/minecraft/class_1069$20 net/minecraft/item/Item$20 | |
c ain$21 net/minecraft/class_1069$21 net/minecraft/item/Item$21 | |
c ain$3 net/minecraft/class_1069$3 net/minecraft/item/Item$3 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$4 net/minecraft/class_1069$4 net/minecraft/item/Item$4 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$5 net/minecraft/class_1069$5 net/minecraft/item/Item$5 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$6 net/minecraft/class_1069$6 net/minecraft/item/Item$6 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$7 net/minecraft/class_1069$7 net/minecraft/item/Item$7 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$8 net/minecraft/class_1069$8 net/minecraft/item/Item$8 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 stack | |
c ain$9 net/minecraft/class_1069$9 net/minecraft/item/Item$9 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
p 1 item | |
c ain$a net/minecraft/class_1069$class_1070 net/minecraft/item/Item$class_1834 | |
c The ToolMaterialType enum is the basis for all tool materials. It stores useful information about the tool such as it's enchantability, maximum durability and mining level.\nAll ToolItem constructors require one argument as a ToolMaterialType.\n@see net.minecraft.item.ToolItem | |
f Lain$a; a field_4365 WOOD | |
c | |
f Lain$a; b field_4366 STONE | |
c | |
f Lain$a; c field_4367 IRON | |
c | |
f Lain$a; d field_12305 DIAMOND | |
f Lain$a; e field_4369 GOLD | |
c | |
f I f field_4370 field_8925 | |
c The mining level of the tool | |
f I g field_4371 field_8924 | |
c The maximum durability of the tool | |
f F h field_4372 field_8932 | |
c The mining speed multiplier of the tool | |
f F i field_6948 field_8931 | |
c The attack multiplier for the tool | |
f I j field_4374 field_8933 | |
c The tool's enchantability | |
f [Lain$a; k field_4375 field_8926 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IIIFFI)V <init> <init> <init> | |
c Enum constructor | |
p 3 miningLevel | |
p 4 maxDurability | |
p 5 speedMultiplier | |
p 6 attackMultiplier | |
p 7 enchantability | |
m ()I a method_3399 method_8025 | |
c Getter for maxDurability | |
m ()F b method_3400 method_8027 | |
c Getter for SpeedMultiplier | |
m ()F c method_3401 method_8028 | |
c Getter for attackMultiplier | |
m ()I d method_3402 method_8024 | |
c Getter for miningLevel | |
m ()I e method_3403 method_8026 | |
c Getter for enchantability | |
m ()Lain; f method_6370 method_0_8308 | |
c Returns the repair ingredient of the tool material. Currently, this is hardcoded.\n@return Repair Ingredient | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lain$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lain$a; values values values | |
c aio net/minecraft/class_2686 net/minecraft/entity/player/ItemCooldownManager | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_12306 entries | |
f I b field_12307 tick | |
m ()V a method_11381 update | |
m (Lain;)Z a method_11382 isCoolingDown | |
m (Lain;F)F a method_11383 getCooldownProgress | |
m (Lain;I)V a method_11384 set | |
m (Lain;)V b method_11385 remove | |
m (Lain;I)V b method_11386 onCooldownUpdate | |
m (Lain;)V c method_11387 onCooldownUpdate | |
c aio$1 net/minecraft/class_2686$1 net/minecraft/entity/player/ItemCooldownManager$1 | |
c aio$a net/minecraft/class_2686$class_2687 net/minecraft/entity/player/ItemCooldownManager$Entry | |
f I a field_12308 startTick | |
f I b field_12309 endTick | |
f Laio; c field_12310 field_8026 | |
c aip net/minecraft/class_1071 net/minecraft/item/ItemStack | |
f Laip; a field_15108 EMPTY | |
f Ljava/text/DecimalFormat; b field_6949 MODIFIER_FORMAT | |
f I c field_4376 count | |
f I d field_4377 bobbingAnimationTime | |
f Lain; e field_6974 item | |
f Lfy; f field_4379 nbt | |
f Z g field_15109 empty | |
f I h field_4380 field_0_8640 | |
f Lacb; i field_5446 frame | |
f Laow; j field_12184 field_8039 | |
f Z k field_12185 lastDestroyResult | |
f Laow; l field_12186 field_8032 | |
f Z m field_12187 lastPlaceOnResult | |
m (III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 count | |
p 3 damage | |
m (Lain;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 item | |
m (Lain;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 item | |
p 2 count | |
m (Lain;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 item | |
p 2 count | |
p 3 damage | |
m (Laow;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 block | |
m (Laow;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 block | |
p 2 count | |
m (Laow;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 block | |
p 2 count | |
p 3 damage | |
m (Lfy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 tag | |
m ()Lacb; A method_4627 getFrame | |
m ()I B method_4618 getRepairCost | |
m ()Lhh; C method_6371 toHoverableText | |
m ()I D method_13651 getBobbingAnimationTime | |
m ()I E method_13652 getCount | |
m ()V F method_13653 updateEmptyState | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_3404 getTranslationKey | |
m (I)Laip; a method_3405 split | |
p 1 amount | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Loq;)Z a method_5464 damage | |
p 2 rand | |
p 3 player | |
m (ILvp;)V a method_6328 method_7956 | |
p 1 amount | |
p 2 entity | |
m (Lacb;)V a method_4619 setFrame | |
p 1 itemFrame | |
m (Laed;Lakb;)Ljava/util/List; a method_14235 getTooltip | |
m (Laed;Lamu;Let;Lub;Lfa;FFF)Lud; a method_11394 method_7981 | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 hand | |
p 5 direction | |
p 6 x | |
p 7 y | |
p 8 z | |
m (Laed;Lvp;Lub;)Z a method_6329 useOnEntity | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 entity | |
p 3 hand | |
m (Laip;)Z a method_3414 isItemEqual_7962 | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z a method_3415 areNbtEqual | |
p 0 left | |
p 1 right | |
m (Lalk;I)V a method_3416 addEnchantment | |
p 1 enchantment | |
p 2 level | |
m (Lamu;Laed;I)V a method_3420 onCraft | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 player | |
p 3 amount | |
m (Lamu;Laed;Lub;)Lue; a method_11390 use | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 player | |
p 3 hand | |
m (Lamu;Lawt;Let;Laed;)V a method_11306 method_7952 | |
m (Lamu;Lvg;IZ)V a method_3418 inventoryTick | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 entity | |
p 3 slot | |
p 4 selected | |
m (Lamu;Lvp;)Laip; a method_11388 finishUsing | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 entity | |
m (Lamu;Lvp;I)V a method_11389 onStoppedUsing | |
m (Laow;)Z a method_11309 method_7940 | |
p 1 block | |
m (Lawt;)F a method_11391 method_7924 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lfy;)Lfy; a method_3424 writeNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lgn;)V a method_3409 setSubNbt | |
p 1 key | |
p 2 nbt | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lwe;Lvl;)V a method_11392 addAttributeModifier | |
p 1 attributeName | |
p 2 modifier | |
p 3 slot | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13311 method_0_10363 | |
m (Lvl;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap; a method_11393 getAttributeModifiers | |
p 1 slot | |
m (Lvp;Laed;)V a method_3412 postHit | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 attacker | |
m ()Z b method_13654 isEmpty | |
m (I)V b method_3422 method_0_8334 | |
p 1 damage | |
m (Laip;)Z b method_11395 isItemEqual_7929 | |
p 1 other | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z b method_3426 areEqual | |
p 0 left | |
p 1 right | |
m (Laow;)Z b method_11312 method_7944 | |
p 1 block | |
m (Lawt;)Z b method_11396 method_7951 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lfy;)V b method_3433 setNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
m ()Lain; c method_3421 getItem | |
m (I)V c method_4621 setRepairCost | |
p 1 cost | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z c method_11311 areItemsEqual_7984 | |
p 0 left | |
p 1 right | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lfy; c method_13655 getOrCreateSubNbt | |
m ()I d method_3432 getMaxCount | |
m (I)V d method_13656 setBobbingAnimationTime | |
m (Laip;)Z d method_3434 isEqual | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z d method_11397 areItemsEqual_7987 | |
p 0 stack0 | |
p 1 stack1 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lfy; d method_13657 getSubNbt | |
m ()Z e method_3435 isStackable | |
m (I)V e method_13658 setCount | |
p 1 count | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V e method_13659 removeSubNbt | |
m ()Z f method_3436 isDamageable | |
m (I)V f method_13660 increment | |
p 1 amount | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laip; f method_13661 method_0_10598 | |
m ()Z g method_3437 method_0_8353 | |
m (I)V g method_13662 decrement | |
p 1 amount | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laip; g method_6373 method_7977 | |
p 1 name | |
m ()Z h method_3438 isDamaged | |
m ()I i method_3439 method_0_8355 | |
m ()I j method_3440 method_0_8356 | |
m ()I k method_3441 getMaxDamage | |
m ()Laip; l method_3442 copy | |
m ()I m method_3443 getMaxUseTime | |
m ()Lakc; n method_3444 getUseAction | |
m ()Z o method_3445 hasNbt | |
m ()Lfy; p method_3446 getNbt | |
m ()Lge; q method_3447 getEnchantments | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; r method_4623 method_7964 | |
m ()V s method_6330 removeCustomName | |
m ()Z t method_4624 hasCustomName | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m ()Z u method_3449 hasGlint | |
m ()Laje; v method_3450 getRarity | |
m ()Z w method_3451 isEnchantable | |
m ()Z x method_3452 hasEnchantments | |
m ()Z y method_4625 method_0_8371 | |
m ()Z z method_4626 isInFrame | |
c aiq net/minecraft/class_2688 net/minecraft/client/item/ModelPredicateProvider | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Lvp;)F a method_11398 method_0_8435 | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 entity | |
c air net/minecraft/class_1734 net/minecraft/item/Items | |
f Lain; A field_7143 DIAMOND_AXE | |
f Lain; B field_7144 STICK | |
f Lain; C field_7145 BOWL | |
f Lain; D field_6975 MUSHROOM_STEW | |
f Lain; E field_6976 GOLDEN_SWORD | |
f Lain; F field_6977 GOLDEN_SHOVEL | |
f Lain; G field_6978 GOLDEN_PICKAXE | |
f Lain; H field_6979 GOLDEN_AXE | |
f Lain; I field_6980 STRING | |
f Lain; J field_6981 FEATHER | |
f Lain; K field_6982 GUNPOWDER | |
f Lain; L field_6983 WOODEN_HOE | |
f Lain; M field_6984 STONE_HOE | |
f Lain; N field_6985 IRON_HOE | |
f Lain; O field_6986 DIAMOND_HOE | |
f Lain; P field_6987 GOLDEN_HOE | |
f Lain; Q field_6988 WHEAT_SEEDS | |
f Lain; R field_6989 WHEAT | |
f Lain; S field_6990 BREAD | |
f Lagv; T field_6991 field_8267 | |
f Lagv; U field_6992 field_8577 | |
f Lagv; V field_6993 field_8570 | |
f Lagv; W field_6994 field_8370 | |
f Lagv; X field_6995 field_8283 | |
f Lagv; Y field_6996 field_8873 | |
f Lagv; Z field_6997 field_8218 | |
f Lain; a field_15110 AIR | |
f Lain; aA field_7046 WATER_BUCKET | |
f Lain; aB field_7047 LAVA_BUCKET | |
f Lain; aC field_7048 MINECART | |
f Lain; aD field_7049 SADDLE | |
f Lain; aE field_7050 IRON_DOOR | |
f Lain; aF field_7051 REDSTONE | |
f Lain; aG field_7052 SNOWBALL | |
f Lain; aH field_7053 BOAT | |
f Lain; aI field_12311 SPRUCE_BOAT | |
f Lain; aJ field_12312 BIRCH_BOAT | |
f Lain; aK field_12313 JUNGLE_BOAT | |
f Lain; aL field_12314 ACACIA_BOAT | |
f Lain; aM field_12315 DARK_OAK_BOAT | |
f Lain; aN field_7001 LEATHER | |
f Lain; aO field_7002 MILK_BUCKET | |
f Lain; aP field_7003 BRICK | |
f Lain; aQ field_7004 CLAY_BALL | |
f Lain; aR field_7005 REEDS | |
f Lain; aS field_7006 PAPER | |
f Lain; aT field_7007 BOOK | |
f Lain; aU field_7008 SLIME_BALL | |
f Lain; aV field_7009 CHEST_MINECART | |
f Lain; aW field_7010 FURNACE_MINECART | |
f Lain; aX field_7011 EGG | |
f Lain; aY field_7012 COMPASS | |
f Laih; aZ field_7014 field_8378 | |
f Lagv; aa field_6998 field_8313 | |
f Lagv; ab field_6999 field_8743 | |
f Lagv; ac field_7000 field_8523 | |
f Lagv; ad field_7028 field_8396 | |
f Lagv; ae field_7029 field_8660 | |
f Lagv; af field_7030 field_8805 | |
f Lagv; ag field_7031 field_8058 | |
f Lagv; ah field_7032 field_8348 | |
f Lagv; ai field_7033 field_8285 | |
f Lagv; aj field_7034 field_8862 | |
f Lagv; ak field_7035 field_8678 | |
f Lagv; al field_7036 field_8416 | |
f Lagv; am field_7037 field_8753 | |
f Lain; an field_7038 FLINT | |
f Lain; ao field_7039 PORKCHOP | |
f Lain; ap field_7040 COOKED_PORKCHOP | |
f Lain; aq field_7041 PAINTING | |
f Lain; ar field_7042 GOLDEN_APPLE | |
f Lain; as field_7043 SIGN | |
f Lain; at field_12189 WOODEN_DOOR | |
f Lain; au field_12190 SPRUCE_DOOR | |
f Lain; av field_12191 BIRCH_DOOR | |
f Lain; aw field_12192 JUNGLE_DOOR | |
f Lain; ax field_12193 ACACIA_DOOR | |
f Lain; ay field_12194 DARK_OAK_DOOR | |
f Lain; az field_7045 BUCKET | |
f Lain; b field_7013 IRON_SHOVEL | |
f Lain; bA field_12201 RABBIT_HIDE | |
f Lain; bB field_7088 ROTTEN_FLESH | |
f Lain; bC field_7089 ENDER_PEARL | |
f Lain; bD field_7090 BLAZE_ROD | |
f Lain; bE field_7091 GHAST_TEAR | |
f Lain; bF field_7092 GOLD_NUGGET | |
f Lain; bG field_7093 NETHER_WART | |
f Lajd; bH field_7094 field_8574 | |
f Lajd; bI field_12316 field_8436 | |
f Lajd; bJ field_12317 field_8150 | |
f Lain; bK field_7095 GLASS_BOTTLE | |
f Lain; bL field_12318 DRAGON_BREATH | |
f Lain; bM field_7096 SPIDER_EYE | |
f Lain; bN field_7097 FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE | |
f Lain; bO field_7098 BLAZE_POWDER | |
f Lain; bP field_7099 MAGMA_CREAM | |
f Lain; bQ field_7100 BREWING_STAND | |
f Lain; bR field_7101 CAULDRON | |
f Lain; bS field_7102 ENDER_EYE | |
f Lain; bT field_7103 SPECKLED_MELON | |
f Lain; bU field_7104 SPAWN_EGG | |
f Lain; bV field_7105 EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE | |
f Lain; bW field_7106 FIRE_CHARGE | |
f Lain; bX field_7054 WRITABLE_BOOK | |
f Lain; bY field_7055 WRITTEN_BOOK | |
f Lain; bZ field_7056 EMERALD | |
f Lain; ba field_7015 CLOCK | |
f Lain; bb field_7016 GLOWSTONE_DUST | |
f Lain; bc field_7017 FISH | |
f Lain; bd field_12188 COOKED_FISH | |
f Lain; be field_7019 DYE | |
f Lain; bf field_7020 BONE | |
f Lain; bg field_7021 SUGAR | |
f Lain; bh field_7022 CAKE | |
f Lain; bi field_7023 BED | |
f Lain; bj field_7024 REPEATER | |
f Lain; bk field_7025 COOKIE | |
f Laiw; bl field_7026 field_8204 | |
f Lajl; bm field_7027 field_8868 | |
f Lain; bn field_7081 MELON | |
f Lain; bo field_7082 PUMPKIN_SEEDS | |
f Lain; bp field_7083 MELON_SEEDS | |
f Lain; bq field_7084 BEEF | |
f Lain; br field_7085 COOKED_BEEF | |
f Lain; bs field_7086 CHICKEN | |
f Lain; bt field_7087 COOKED_CHICKEN | |
f Lain; bu field_12195 MUTTON | |
f Lain; bv field_12196 COOKED_MUTTON | |
f Lain; bw field_12197 RABBIT | |
f Lain; bx field_12198 COOKED_RABBIT | |
f Lain; by field_12199 RABBIT_STEW | |
f Lain; bz field_12200 RABBIT_FOOT | |
f Lain; c field_7066 IRON_PICKAXE | |
f Lain; cA field_7110 COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART | |
f Lain; cB field_7111 RECORD_13 | |
f Lain; cC field_7112 RECORD_CAT | |
f Lain; cD field_7113 RECORD_BLOCKS | |
f Lain; cE field_7114 RECORD_CHIRP | |
f Lain; cF field_7115 RECORD_FAR | |
f Lain; cG field_7116 RECORD_MALL | |
f Lain; cH field_7117 RECORD_MELLOHI | |
f Lain; cI field_7118 RECORD_STAL | |
f Lain; cJ field_7119 RECORD_STRAD | |
f Lain; cK field_7120 RECORD_WARD | |
f Lain; cL field_7121 RECORD_11 | |
f Lain; cM field_7122 RECORD_WAIT | |
f Lain; cN field_12202 PRISMARINE_SHARD | |
f Lain; cO field_12203 PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS | |
f Lain; cP field_12204 BANNER | |
f Lain; cQ field_12319 END_CRYSTAL | |
f Lain; cR field_12320 SHIELD | |
f Lain; cS field_12321 ELYTRA | |
f Lain; cT field_12322 CHORUS_FRUIT | |
f Lain; cU field_12323 CHORUS_FRUIT_POPPED | |
f Lain; cV field_12324 BEETROOT_SEEDS | |
f Lain; cW field_12325 BEETROOT | |
f Lain; cX field_12326 BEETROOT_SOUP | |
f Lain; cY field_15111 TOTEM_OF_UNDYING | |
f Lain; cZ field_15112 SHULKER_SHELL | |
f Lain; ca field_7057 ITEM_FRAME | |
f Lain; cb field_7058 FLOWER_POT | |
f Lain; cc field_7059 CARROT | |
f Lain; cd field_7060 POTATO | |
f Lain; ce field_7061 BAKED_POTATO | |
f Lain; cf field_7062 POISONOUS_POTATO | |
f Lahx; cg field_7063 field_8895 | |
f Lain; ch field_7064 GOLDEN_CARROT | |
f Lain; ci field_7065 SKULL | |
f Lain; cj field_7067 CARROT_ON_A_STICK | |
f Lain; ck field_7068 NETHER_STAR | |
f Lain; cl field_7069 PUMPKIN_PIE | |
f Lain; cm field_7070 FIREWORKS | |
f Lain; cn field_7071 FIREWORK_CHARGE | |
f Lain; co field_15665 ENCHANTED_BOOK | |
f Lain; cp field_7073 COMPARATOR | |
f Lain; cq field_7074 NETHERBRICK | |
f Lain; cr field_7075 QUARTZ | |
f Lain; cs field_7076 TNT_MINECART | |
f Lain; ct field_7077 HOPPER_MINECART | |
f Lagw; cu field_12205 field_8694 | |
f Lain; cv field_7078 IRON_HORSE_ARMOR | |
f Lain; cw field_7079 GOLDEN_HORSE_ARMOR | |
f Lain; cx field_7080 DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR | |
f Lain; cy field_7108 LEAD | |
f Lain; cz field_7109 NAME_TAG | |
f Lain; d field_7107 IRON_AXE | |
f Lain; da field_15113 IRON_NUGGET | |
f Lain; db field_15666 KNOWLEDGE_BOOK | |
f Lain; e field_7123 FLINT_AND_STEEL | |
f Lain; f field_7124 APPLE | |
f Lahg; g field_7125 field_8102 | |
f Lain; h field_7126 ARROW | |
f Lain; i field_12327 SPECTRAL_ARROW | |
f Lain; j field_12328 TIPPED_ARROW | |
f Lain; k field_7127 COAL | |
f Lain; l field_7128 DIAMOND | |
f Lain; m field_7129 IRON_INGOT | |
f Lain; n field_7130 GOLD_INGOT | |
f Lain; o field_7131 IRON_SWORD | |
f Lain; p field_7132 WOODEN_SWORD | |
f Lain; q field_7133 WOODEN_SHOVEL | |
f Lain; r field_7134 WOODEN_PICKAXE | |
f Lain; s field_7135 WOODEN_AXE | |
f Lain; t field_7136 STONE_SWORD | |
f Lain; u field_7137 STONE_SHOVEL | |
f Lain; v field_7138 STONE_PICKAXE | |
f Lain; w field_7139 STONE_AXE | |
f Lain; x field_7140 DIAMOND_SWORD | |
f Lain; y field_7141 DIAMOND_SHOVEL | |
f Lain; z field_7142 DIAMOND_PICKAXE | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lain; a method_11313 method_0_8374 | |
p 0 id | |
c ais net/minecraft/class_3187 net/minecraft/item/KnowledgeBookItem | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_15667 LOGGER | |
c ait net/minecraft/class_1724 net/minecraft/item/LeadItem | |
m (Laed;Lamu;Let;)Z a method_11314 attachHeldMobsToBlock | |
p 0 player | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
c aiu net/minecraft/class_1072 net/minecraft/class_0_4 | |
f Larr; b field_7146 field_0_31 | |
m (Larr;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 blockl | |
c aiv net/minecraft/class_2689 net/minecraft/item/LingeringPotionItem | |
c aiw net/minecraft/class_1073 net/minecraft/item/FilledMapItem | |
m (ILamu;)Lbev; a method_3455 method_0_12 | |
p 0 i | |
p 1 world | |
m (Laip;Lamu;)Lbev; a method_3453 method_8001 | |
p 1 itemStack | |
p 2 world | |
m (Laip;Lamu;I)V a method_11399 scale | |
m (Lamu;DDBZZ)Laip; a method_13663 method_8005 | |
m (Lamu;Laip;)V a method_13664 fillExplorationMap | |
m (Lamu;Lvg;Lbev;)V a method_3454 updateColors | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 entity | |
p 3 state | |
m (Laip;Lamu;)V b method_11400 method_0_9185 | |
m (Laip;)I h method_13665 getMapColor | |
c aix net/minecraft/class_1074 net/minecraft/item/MilkBucketItem | |
c aiy net/minecraft/class_1075 net/minecraft/item/MinecartItem | |
f Lfb; a field_6203 DISPENSER_BEHAVIOR | |
f Lafe$a; b field_9147 type | |
m (Lafe$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 type | |
m (Laiy;)Lafe$a; a method_8436 method_8006 | |
c aiy$1 net/minecraft/class_1075$1 net/minecraft/item/MinecartItem$1 | |
f Lex; b field_5296 defaultBehavior | |
c aiz net/minecraft/class_1102 net/minecraft/class_0_8 | |
f Laow; b field_9148 field_0_35 | |
f Laiz$a; c field_15114 field_0_36 | |
m (Laow;Laow;Lcom/google/common/base/Function;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 block | |
p 2 variantBlock | |
p 3 nameFunction | |
c aiz$1 net/minecraft/class_1102$1 net/minecraft/class_0_8$1 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; a field_9150 field_0_37 | |
c aiz$a net/minecraft/class_1102$class_3057 net/minecraft/class_0_8$class_0_2455 | |
m (Laip;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_8437 method_0_16 | |
c aj net/minecraft/class_3188 net/minecraft/predicate/entity/EntityPredicate | |
f Laj; a field_15668 ANY | |
f Lnf; b field_15669 field_9595 | |
f Lad; c field_15670 distance | |
f Laq; d field_15671 location | |
f Lat; e field_15672 effects | |
f Lau; f field_15673 nbt | |
m (Lnf;Lad;Laq;Lat;Lau;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 type | |
p 2 distance | |
p 3 location | |
p 4 effects | |
p 5 nbt | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)Laj; a method_14236 fromJson | |
p 0 element | |
m (Loq;Lvg;)Z a method_14237 test | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 entity | |
c aja net/minecraft/class_1725 net/minecraft/item/NameTagItem | |
c ajb net/minecraft/class_1078 net/minecraft/item/PickaxeItem | |
f Ljava/util/Set; e field_7147 EFFECTIVE_BLOCKS | |
m (Lain$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 material | |
c ajc net/minecraft/class_1079 net/minecraft/class_0_11 | |
c ajd net/minecraft/class_1080 net/minecraft/item/PotionItem | |
c aje net/minecraft/class_1081 net/minecraft/util/Rarity | |
f Laje; a field_9152 COMMON | |
f Laje; b field_9153 UNCOMMON | |
f Laje; c field_9154 RARE | |
f Laje; d field_9155 EPIC | |
f La; e field_7148 formatting | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_4390 field_0_46 | |
f [Laje; g field_4391 field_8905 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 4 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILa;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 formatting | |
p 4 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laje; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laje; values values values | |
c ajf net/minecraft/class_1082 net/minecraft/item/MusicDiscItem | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_5449 MUSIC_DISCS | |
f Lqe; b field_12330 sound | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_12331 field_0_48 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 recordType | |
m (Lqe;)Lajf; a method_11401 bySound | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; g method_4631 method_8011 | |
m ()Lqe; h method_11402 getSound | |
c ajg net/minecraft/class_1083 net/minecraft/class_0_15 | |
c ajh net/minecraft/class_1084 net/minecraft/item/SaddleItem | |
c aji net/minecraft/class_1432 net/minecraft/class_1815 | |
f Laow; b field_7149 field_8909 | |
f Laow; c field_7150 field_0_51 | |
m (IFLaow;Laow;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 hungerPoints | |
p 2 saturation | |
c ajj net/minecraft/class_1087 net/minecraft/item/VerticallyAttachableBlockItem | |
f Laow; a field_7151 wallBlock | |
f Laow; b field_7152 field_0_53 | |
m (III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 plantId | |
p 3 soilId | |
c ajk net/minecraft/class_2690 net/minecraft/server/network/ServerItemCooldownManager | |
f Loq; a field_12332 player | |
c ajl net/minecraft/class_1089 net/minecraft/item/ShearsItem | |
c ajm net/minecraft/class_2691 net/minecraft/item/ShieldItem | |
c ajm$1 net/minecraft/class_2691$1 net/minecraft/item/ShieldItem$1 | |
f Lajm; a field_12333 field_0_9789 | |
c ajn net/minecraft/class_1090 net/minecraft/item/ShovelItem | |
f Ljava/util/Set; e field_7153 EFFECTIVE_BLOCKS | |
m (Lain$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 type | |
c ajo net/minecraft/class_3058 net/minecraft/item/OperatorOnlyBlockItem | |
c ajp net/minecraft/class_1091 net/minecraft/class_0_21 | |
c ajq net/minecraft/class_1077 net/minecraft/item/NetherStarItem | |
c ajr net/minecraft/class_1433 net/minecraft/item/SkullItem | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; a field_5452 field_0_55 | |
c ajs net/minecraft/class_1095 net/minecraft/class_0_24 | |
f Larf; b field_4399 field_0_56 | |
f Larf; c field_4400 field_0_57 | |
m (Laow;Larf;Larf;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 slabBlock | |
p 2 singleSlab | |
p 3 doubleSlab | |
m (Laed;Laip;Lamu;Let;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z a method_11404 method_0_24 | |
m (Laxj;Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Lawt; a method_11403 method_0_10012 | |
c ajt net/minecraft/class_1585 net/minecraft/class_0_25 | |
c aju net/minecraft/class_1093 net/minecraft/item/SnowballItem | |
c ajv net/minecraft/class_1076 net/minecraft/item/SpawnEggItem | |
m (Laip;Lnf;)V a method_11405 method_0_9127 | |
p 0 stack | |
p 1 entityId | |
m (Lamu;Laed;Laip;Lvg;)V a method_11406 method_0_9067 | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 stack | |
p 3 entity | |
m (Lamu;Let;)D a method_13666 method_0_10546 | |
m (Lamu;Lnf;DDD)Lvg; a method_4628 method_0_25 | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 entityId | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (Laip;)Lnf; h method_13667 method_0_9068 | |
p 0 stack | |
c ajw net/minecraft/class_2692 net/minecraft/item/SpectralArrowItem | |
c ajx net/minecraft/class_2693 net/minecraft/item/SplashPotionItem | |
c ajy net/minecraft/class_1101 net/minecraft/item/SwordItem | |
f F a field_6950 attackDamage | |
f Lain$a; b field_4411 field_0_59 | |
m (Lain$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 material | |
m ()F g method_4632 getAttackDamage | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; h method_3465 method_0_27 | |
c ajz net/minecraft/class_1039 net/minecraft/class_0_30 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; b field_4172 field_0_61 | |
m (Laow;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 coloredBlock | |
p 2 unbreakable | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;)Lajz; a method_3313 method_0_28 | |
p 1 names | |
c ak net/minecraft/class_3189 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/ImpossibleCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15674 ID | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14238 method_8948 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lak$a; b method_14239 conditionsFromJson | |
c ak$a net/minecraft/class_3189$class_3190 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/ImpossibleCriterion$Conditions | |
c aka net/minecraft/class_2694 net/minecraft/item/TippedArrowItem | |
c akb net/minecraft/class_3191 net/minecraft/client/item/TooltipContext | |
m ()Z a method_14240 isAdvanced | |
c akb$a net/minecraft/class_3191$class_3192 net/minecraft/client/item/TooltipContext$Default | |
f Lakb$a; a field_15675 NORMAL | |
f Lakb$a; b field_15676 ADVANCED | |
f Z c field_15677 advanced | |
f [Lakb$a; d field_15678 field_8937 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 advanced | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lakb$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lakb$a; values values values | |
c akc net/minecraft/class_1099 net/minecraft/util/UseAction | |
c | |
f Lakc; a field_9156 NONE | |
f Lakc; b field_9157 EAT | |
f Lakc; c field_9158 DRINK | |
f Lakc; d field_9159 BLOCK | |
f Lakc; e field_9160 BOW | |
f [Lakc; f field_4409 field_8948 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lakc; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lakc; values values values | |
c akd net/minecraft/class_1100 net/minecraft/item/PlaceableOnWaterItem | |
c ake net/minecraft/class_1103 net/minecraft/item/WritableBookItem | |
m (Lfy;)Z b method_6374 isValid | |
p 0 nbt | |
c akf net/minecraft/class_1104 net/minecraft/item/WrittenBookItem | |
m (Laip;Laed;)V a method_8439 method_8054 | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 player | |
m (Lfy;)Z b method_3467 isValid | |
p 0 nbt | |
m (Laip;)I h method_8440 getGeneration | |
p 0 stack | |
c akg net/minecraft/class_2695 net/minecraft/potion/Potion | |
f Ley; a field_12334 field_0_8917 | |
f Lnf; b field_12335 field_0_8918 | |
f I c field_12336 field_0_8919 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_12337 baseName | |
f Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList; e field_12338 effects | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;[Lva;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 effects | |
m ([Lva;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 effects | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; a method_11408 getEffects | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lakg; a method_11411 byId | |
p 0 id | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lakg;)V a method_11412 method_0_8444 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()V b method_11413 method_0_8446 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; b method_11414 finishTranslationKey | |
p 1 id | |
m ()Z c method_11415 hasInstantEffect | |
c akh net/minecraft/class_1105 net/minecraft/recipe/BrewingRecipeRegistry | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_12339 POTION_RECIPES | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_12340 ITEM_RECIPES | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_12341 POTION_TYPES | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; d field_12342 field_8958 | |
m ()V a method_11416 registerDefaults | |
m (Laip;)Z a method_11417 isValidIngredient | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z a method_11418 hasRecipe | |
m (Lajd;)V a method_14241 method_8080 | |
m (Lajd;Lain;Lajd;)V a method_11419 method_8071 | |
m (Lakg;Lain;Lakg;)V a method_14242 method_0_11745 | |
m (Lakg;Lakq;Lakg;)V a method_14243 method_8074 | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; b method_11422 method_0_8454 | |
m (Laip;)Z b method_11423 isItemRecipeIngredient | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z b method_11424 hasItemRecipe | |
m (Laip;)Z c method_11425 isPotionRecipeIngredient | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z c method_11426 hasPotionRecipe | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Laip; d method_11427 craft | |
c akh$1 net/minecraft/class_1105$1 net/minecraft/recipe/BrewingRecipeRegistry$1 | |
m (Laip;)Z a method_11428 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c akh$a net/minecraft/class_1105$class_2697 net/minecraft/recipe/BrewingRecipeRegistry$Recipe | |
f Ljava/lang/Object; a field_12345 input | |
f Lakq; b field_15679 ingredient | |
f Ljava/lang/Object; c field_12347 output | |
c aki net/minecraft/class_2698 net/minecraft/potion/PotionUtil | |
m (Laip;)Ljava/util/List; a method_11430 getPotionEffects | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Laip;Lakg;)Laip; a method_11431 setPotion | |
p 0 stack | |
p 1 potion | |
m (Laip;Ljava/util/Collection;)Laip; a method_11432 setCustomPotionEffects | |
p 0 stack | |
p 1 effects | |
m (Laip;Ljava/util/List;F)V a method_11433 buildTooltip | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Lakg;)I a method_11434 getColor | |
p 0 potion | |
m (Lakg;Ljava/util/Collection;)Ljava/util/List; a method_11435 getPotionEffects | |
p 0 potion | |
p 1 custom | |
m (Lfy;)Ljava/util/List; a method_11436 getPotionEffects | |
p 0 nbt | |
m (Lfy;Ljava/util/List;)V a method_11437 getCustomPotionEffects | |
p 0 nbt | |
m (Ljava/util/Collection;)I a method_11438 getColor | |
p 0 effects | |
m (Laip;)Ljava/util/List; b method_11439 getCustomPotionEffects | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Lfy;)Ljava/util/List; b method_11440 getCustomPotionEffects | |
p 0 nbt | |
m (Laip;)I c method_13668 getColor | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Lfy;)Lakg; c method_11442 getPotion | |
p 0 nbt | |
m (Laip;)Lakg; d method_11441 getPotion | |
p 0 stack | |
c akj net/minecraft/class_2699 net/minecraft/potion/Potions | |
f Lakg; A field_12348 LONG_POISON | |
f Lakg; B field_12349 STRONG_POISON | |
f Lakg; C field_12350 REGENERATION | |
f Lakg; D field_12351 LONG_REGENERATION | |
f Lakg; E field_12352 STRONG_REGENERATION | |
f Lakg; F field_12353 STRENGTH | |
f Lakg; G field_12354 LONG_STRENGTH | |
f Lakg; H field_12355 STRONG_STRENGTH | |
f Lakg; I field_12356 WEAKNESS | |
f Lakg; J field_12357 LONG_WEAKNESS | |
f Ljava/util/Set; K field_12358 field_0_9606 | |
f Lakg; a field_12359 EMPTY | |
f Lakg; b field_12360 WATER | |
f Lakg; c field_12361 MUNDANE | |
f Lakg; d field_12362 THICK | |
f Lakg; e field_12363 AWKWARD | |
f Lakg; f field_12364 NIGHT_VISION | |
f Lakg; g field_12365 LONG_NIGHT_VISION | |
f Lakg; h field_12366 INVISIBILITY | |
f Lakg; i field_12367 LONG_INVISIBILITY | |
f Lakg; j field_12368 LEAPING | |
f Lakg; k field_12369 LONG_LEAPING | |
f Lakg; l field_12370 STRONG_LEAPING | |
f Lakg; m field_12371 FIRE_RESISTANCE | |
f Lakg; n field_12372 LONG_FIRE_RESISTANCE | |
f Lakg; o field_12373 SWIFTNESS | |
f Lakg; p field_12374 LONG_SWIFTNESS | |
f Lakg; q field_12375 STRONG_SWIFTNESS | |
f Lakg; r field_12376 SLOWNESS | |
f Lakg; s field_12377 LONG_SLOWNESS | |
f Lakg; t field_12378 WATER_BREATHING | |
f Lakg; u field_12379 LONG_WATER_BREATHING | |
f Lakg; v field_12380 HEALING | |
f Lakg; w field_12381 STRONG_HEALING | |
f Lakg; x field_12382 HARMING | |
f Lakg; y field_12383 STRONG_HARMING | |
f Lakg; z field_12384 POISON | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lakg; a method_11443 method_0_8462 | |
p 0 id | |
c akl net/minecraft/class_1434 net/minecraft/recipe/ArmorDyeRecipe | |
c akm net/minecraft/class_2158 net/minecraft/class_0_38 | |
c akm$a net/minecraft/class_2158$class_2159 net/minecraft/class_0_38$class_1873 | |
m (Lafy;)Lavg; c method_8442 method_0_50 | |
c akm$b net/minecraft/class_2158$class_2160 net/minecraft/class_0_38$class_1848 | |
c akn net/minecraft/class_1736 net/minecraft/recipe/BookCloningRecipe | |
c ako net/minecraft/class_1435 net/minecraft/recipe/FireworkRocketRecipe | |
f Laip; a field_5455 field_0_88 | |
c akp net/minecraft/class_1110 net/minecraft/class_0_45 | |
f Lakp; a field_4430 field_0_89 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_4431 field_0_90 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; c field_4432 field_0_91 | |
m ()Lakp; a method_3487 method_0_53 | |
m (Lain;Laip;F)V a method_6375 method_0_55 | |
p 1 item | |
p 2 stack | |
p 3 xp | |
m (Laip;)Laip; a method_6376 method_0_56 | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z a method_6377 method_0_57 | |
p 1 stack1 | |
p 2 stack2 | |
m (Laip;Laip;F)V a method_6378 method_0_58 | |
p 1 original | |
p 2 product | |
p 3 xp | |
m (Laow;Laip;F)V a method_6379 method_0_54 | |
p 1 block | |
p 2 stack | |
p 3 xp | |
m ()Ljava/util/Map; b method_3489 method_0_59 | |
m (Laip;)F b method_6380 method_0_60 | |
p 1 stack | |
c akq net/minecraft/class_3193 net/minecraft/recipe/Ingredient | |
f Lakq; a field_15680 EMPTY | |
f [Laip; b field_15681 matchingStacks | |
f Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList; c field_15682 ids | |
m ()[Laip; a method_14244 getMatchingStacks | |
m (Lain;)Lakq; a method_14245 method_0_11747 | |
m (Laip;)Z a method_14246 apply | |
m ([Lain;)Lakq; a method_14247 method_8091 | |
m ([Laip;)Lakq; a method_14248 ofStacks | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
m ()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList; b method_14249 getMatchingItemIds | |
c akq$1 net/minecraft/class_3193$1 net/minecraft/recipe/Ingredient$1 | |
m (Laip;)Z method_14246 method_14246 apply | |
c akr net/minecraft/class_1436 net/minecraft/recipe/MapCloningRecipe | |
c aks net/minecraft/class_1437 net/minecraft/recipe/MapExtendingRecipe | |
m (Lbev;)Z a method_13669 matches | |
c akt net/minecraft/class_1114 net/minecraft/recipe/Recipe | |
m (II)Z a method_14250 fits | |
m (Lafy;)Laip; a method_3502 method_8116 | |
p 1 inventory | |
m (Lafy;Lamu;)Z a method_3500 method_8115 | |
p 1 inventory | |
p 2 world | |
m ()Laip; b method_3501 getOutput | |
m (Lafy;)Lfi; b method_13670 method_8111 | |
m ()Z c method_14251 isIgnoredInRecipeBook | |
m ()Lfi; d method_14252 getIngredients | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; e method_14253 getGroup | |
c aku net/minecraft/class_1112 net/minecraft/recipe/RecipeManager | |
f Lfh; a field_15683 field_0_94 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b field_15684 LOGGER | |
f I c field_15685 field_0_12841 | |
m ()Z a method_14254 method_0_11751 | |
m (I)Lakt; a method_14255 method_0_11688 | |
m (Lafy;Lamu;)Laip; a method_4640 method_8129 | |
p 1 inventory | |
p 2 world | |
m (Lakt;)I a method_14256 method_0_11689 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lakt; a method_14257 method_0_10977 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lakt;)V a method_14258 method_0_11752 | |
m (Lnf;)Lakt; a method_14259 method_8130 | |
m (Lnf;Lakt;)V a method_14260 method_8125 | |
m ()Z b method_14261 method_0_10980 | |
m (Lafy;Lamu;)Lakt; b method_14262 method_8132 | |
m (Lafy;Lamu;)Lfi; c method_13671 method_8128 | |
c akv net/minecraft/class_2161 net/minecraft/class_1864 | |
c akw net/minecraft/class_1115 net/minecraft/recipe/ShapedRecipe | |
f I a field_4438 width | |
f I b field_4439 height | |
f Lfi; c field_15686 input | |
f Laip; d field_4441 output | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_15687 group | |
m (II[Laip;Laip;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 4 result | |
m (Lafy;IIZ)Z a method_3503 matchesPattern | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonArray;)[Ljava/lang/String; a method_14263 getPattern | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)Lakq; a method_14264 method_0_11683 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lakw; a method_14265 method_0_10984 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Z)Laip; a method_14266 method_8155 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)I a method_14267 findFirstSymbol | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String; a method_14268 removePadding | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Map;II)Lfi; a method_14269 createPatternMatrix | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/util/Map; b method_14270 readSymbols | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)I b method_14271 findLastSymbol | |
m ()I f method_14272 getWidth | |
m ()I g method_14273 getHeight | |
c akx net/minecraft/class_1116 net/minecraft/recipe/ShapelessRecipe | |
f Laip; a field_4442 output | |
f Lfi; b field_15688 input | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_15689 group | |
m (Laip;Ljava/util/List;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 result | |
p 2 stacks | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonArray;)Lfi; a method_14274 method_0_10988 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lakx; a method_14275 method_0_10989 | |
c aky net/minecraft/class_2700 net/minecraft/class_0_2222 | |
c aky$a net/minecraft/class_2700$class_2701 net/minecraft/class_0_2222$class_1872 | |
c akz net/minecraft/class_3059 net/minecraft/class_0_2500 | |
c akz$a net/minecraft/class_3059$class_3060 net/minecraft/class_0_2500$class_1871 | |
c al net/minecraft/class_3194 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/InventoryChangedCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15690 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15691 handlers | |
m (Loq;Laec;)V a method_14276 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14277 method_8951 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lal$b; b method_14278 conditionsFromJson | |
c al$a net/minecraft/class_3194$class_3195 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/InventoryChangedCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15692 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15693 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14279 isEmpty | |
m (Laec;)V a method_14280 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14281 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14282 removeCondition | |
c al$b net/minecraft/class_3194$class_3196 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/InventoryChangedCriterion$Conditions | |
f Las; a field_15694 field_9629 | |
f Las; b field_15695 field_9630 | |
f Las; c field_15696 field_9631 | |
f [Lan; d field_15697 items | |
m (Laec;)Z a method_14283 matches | |
c ala net/minecraft/class_2702 net/minecraft/recipe/TippedArrowRecipe | |
c alc net/minecraft/class_1120 net/minecraft/enchantment/PowerEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
c ald net/minecraft/class_1121 net/minecraft/enchantment/FlameEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
c ale net/minecraft/class_1122 net/minecraft/enchantment/InfinityEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
c alf net/minecraft/class_1123 net/minecraft/enchantment/PunchEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
c alg net/minecraft/class_3061 net/minecraft/enchantment/BindingCurseEnchantment | |
c alh net/minecraft/class_1124 net/minecraft/enchantment/DamageEnchantment | |
f I a field_4452 typeIndex | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; e field_4448 TYPE_NAMES | |
f [I f field_4449 BASE_POWERS | |
f [I g field_4450 POWERS_PER_LEVEL | |
f [I h field_4451 MIN_MAX_POWER_DIFFERENCES | |
m (ILnf;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
p 4 typeIndex | |
c ali net/minecraft/class_1125 net/minecraft/enchantment/UnbreakingEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
m (Laip;ILjava/util/Random;)Z a method_4643 shouldPreventDamage | |
p 0 item | |
p 1 level | |
p 2 random | |
c alj net/minecraft/class_1126 net/minecraft/enchantment/EfficiencyEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentTYpe | |
c alk net/minecraft/class_1127 net/minecraft/enchantment/Enchantment | |
f [Lvl; a field_12386 slotTypes | |
f Lfh; b field_12387 field_0_116 | |
f Lall; c field_4477 target | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_4478 translationKey | |
f Lalk$a; e field_12388 rarity | |
m (ILnf;ILall;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
p 4 target | |
m (Lalk$a;Lall;[Lvl;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 rarity | |
p 2 target | |
p 3 wearableSlots | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_3507 getTranslationKey | |
m (I)I a method_3508 getMinPower | |
p 1 level | |
m (ILur;)I a method_3509 getProtectionAmount | |
p 1 level | |
p 2 source | |
m (ILvu;)F a method_5489 getAttackDamage | |
p 1 index | |
p 2 target | |
m (Laip;)Z a method_4644 isAcceptableItem | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Lalk;)Z a method_3511 canAccept | |
p 1 other | |
m (Lvp;)Ljava/util/List; a method_13673 method_8185 | |
m (Lvp;Lvg;I)V a method_6381 onTargetDamaged | |
p 1 livingEntity | |
p 2 entity | |
p 3 power | |
m ()I b method_3512 getMaxLevel | |
m (I)I b method_3513 method_8194 | |
p 1 level | |
m (Lalk;)I b method_11446 method_0_8464 | |
p 0 enchantment | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lalk; b method_8446 method_0_91 | |
p 0 name | |
m (Lvp;Lvg;I)V b method_6382 onUserDamaged | |
p 1 livingEntity | |
p 2 entity | |
p 3 power | |
m ()Z c method_11448 isTreasure | |
m (I)Lalk; c method_11447 byRawId | |
p 0 id | |
m (Lalk;)Z c method_13674 canCombine | |
p 1 other | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lalk; c method_3514 method_0_95 | |
p 1 translationKey | |
m ()Z d method_13675 isCursed | |
m (I)Ljava/lang/String; d method_3516 method_8179 | |
p 1 level | |
m ()Lalk$a; e method_3515 getRarity | |
m ()I f method_3517 getMinLevel | |
m ()V g method_11449 method_0_8465 | |
c alk$a net/minecraft/class_1127$class_2703 net/minecraft/enchantment/Enchantment$Rarity | |
f Lalk$a; a field_12389 COMMON | |
f Lalk$a; b field_12390 UNCOMMON | |
f Lalk$a; c field_12391 RARE | |
f Lalk$a; d field_12392 VERY_RARE | |
f I e field_12393 weight | |
f [Lalk$a; f field_12394 field_9092 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 chance | |
m ()I a method_11450 getWeight | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lalk$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lalk$a; values values values | |
c all net/minecraft/class_1128 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget | |
f Lall; a field_9177 ALL | |
f Lall; b field_9178 ARMOR | |
f Lall; c field_9179 ARMOR_FEET | |
f Lall; d field_9180 ARMOR_LEGS | |
f Lall; e field_12395 ARMOR_CHEST | |
f Lall; f field_9182 ARMOR_HEAD | |
f Lall; g field_9183 WEAPON | |
f Lall; h field_9184 DIGGER | |
f Lall; i field_9185 FISHING_ROD | |
f Lall; j field_9186 BREAKABLE | |
f Lall; k field_9187 BOW | |
f Lall; l field_15115 WEARABLE | |
f [Lall; m field_4488 field_9077 | |
m (Lain;)Z a method_6383 isAcceptableItem | |
p 1 item | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lall; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lall; values values values | |
c all$1 net/minecraft/class_1128$1 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget$1 | |
c all$10 net/minecraft/class_1128$10 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget$10 | |
c all$11 net/minecraft/class_1128$11 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget$11 | |
c all$12 net/minecraft/class_1128$12 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget$12 | |
c all$2 net/minecraft/class_1128$2 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget$2 | |
c all$3 net/minecraft/class_1128$3 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget$3 | |
c all$4 net/minecraft/class_1128$4 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget$4 | |
c all$5 net/minecraft/class_1128$5 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget$5 | |
c all$6 net/minecraft/class_1128$6 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget$6 | |
c all$7 net/minecraft/class_1128$7 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget$7 | |
c all$8 net/minecraft/class_1128$8 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget$8 | |
c all$9 net/minecraft/class_1128$9 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentTarget$9 | |
c alm net/minecraft/class_1129 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentHelper | |
f Lalm$e; a field_4490 field_0_157 | |
f Lalm$d; b field_4491 field_0_158 | |
f Lalm$b; c field_7159 field_0_159 | |
f Lalm$a; d field_7160 field_0_160 | |
m (ILaip;Z)Ljava/util/List; a method_11451 getPossibleEntries | |
c Gets all the possible entries for enchanting the {@code stack} at the\ngiven {@code power}. | |
p 0 power | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 treasureAllowed | |
m (Laip;)Ljava/util/Map; a method_4648 get | |
c Gets the enchantments on an item stack.\n\n<p>For enchanted books, it retrieves from the item stack's stored than\nregular enchantments.\n\n@see ItemStack#getEnchantments()\n@see net.minecraft.item.EnchantedBookItem#getEnchantmentTag(ItemStack) | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Laip;Lvu;)F a method_6384 getAttackDamage | |
p 0 stack | |
p 1 group | |
m (Lalk;Laip;)I a method_11452 getLevel | |
c Gets the level of an enchantment on an item stack. | |
p 0 enchantment | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Lalk;Lvp;)I a method_11453 getEquipmentLevel | |
c {@return the highest level of the passed enchantment in the enchantment's\napplicable equipment slots' item stacks}\n\n@param entity the entity whose equipment slots are checked\n@param enchantment the enchantment | |
p 0 enchantment | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Lalm$c;Laip;)V a method_3526 forEachEnchantment | |
p 0 consumer | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Lalm$c;Ljava/lang/Iterable;)V a method_11454 forEachEnchantment | |
p 0 consumer | |
p 1 stacks | |
m (Ljava/lang/Iterable;Lur;)I a method_11455 getProtectionAmount | |
p 0 stacks | |
p 1 source | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Laln;)V a method_11456 removeConflicts | |
c Remove entries conflicting with the picked entry from the possible\nentries.\n\n@param possibleEntries the possible entries\n@param pickedEntry the picked entry | |
p 0 possibleEntries | |
p 1 pickedEntry | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;Laip;)V a method_4645 set | |
c Sets the enchantments on an item stack.\n\n<p>For enchanted books, it sets the enchantments to the item stack's\nstored enchantments than regular enchantments.\n\n@see ItemStack#getEnchantments()\n@see net.minecraft.item.EnchantedBookItem#getEnchantmentTag(ItemStack) | |
p 0 enchantments | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;IILaip;)I a method_3521 calculateRequiredExperienceLevel | |
c {@return the required experience level for an enchanting option in the\nenchanting table's screen, or the enchantment screen}\n\n@param random the random, which guarantees consistent results with the same seed\n@param slotIndex the index of the enchanting option\n@param bookshelfCount the number of bookshelves\n@param stack the item stack to enchant | |
p 0 random | |
p 1 slotIndex | |
p 2 bookshelfCount | |
p 3 stack | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;Laip;IZ)Laip; a method_6385 enchant | |
c Enchants the {@code target} item stack and returns it.\n\n@param level the experience level\n@param treasureAllowed whether treasure enchantments may appear\n@param random the seed\n@param target the item stack to enchant | |
p 0 random | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 level | |
p 3 treasureAllowed | |
m (Lvp;)F a method_13676 getSweepingMultiplier | |
p 0 entity | |
m (Lvp;Lvg;)V a method_6386 onUserDamaged | |
p 0 user | |
p 1 attacker | |
m (Laip;)I b method_13677 getLuckOfTheSea | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Lalk;Lvp;)Laip; b method_5490 method_8204 | |
p 0 enchantment | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;Laip;IZ)Ljava/util/List; b method_11457 generateEnchantments | |
c Generate the enchantments for enchanting the {@code stack}. | |
p 0 random | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 level | |
p 3 treasureAllowed | |
m (Lvp;)I b method_5493 getKnockback | |
p 0 entity | |
m (Lvp;Lvg;)V b method_6388 onTargetDamaged | |
p 0 user | |
p 1 attacker | |
m (Laip;)I c method_13678 getLure | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Lvp;)I c method_5491 getFireAspect | |
p 0 entity | |
m (Laip;)Z d method_13679 hasBindingCurse | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Lvp;)I d method_11458 getRespiration | |
p 0 entity | |
m (Laip;)Z e method_13680 hasVanishingCurse | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Lvp;)I e method_11459 getDepthStrider | |
p 0 entity | |
m (Lvp;)I f method_11460 getEfficiency | |
p 0 entity | |
m (Lvp;)I g method_11461 getLooting | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Lvp;)Z h method_11462 hasAquaAffinity | |
p 0 entity | |
m (Lvp;)Z i method_13312 hasFrostWalker | |
p 0 entity | |
c alm$1 net/minecraft/class_1129$1 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentHelper$1 | |
c alm$a net/minecraft/class_1129$class_1737 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentHelper$class_0_68 | |
f Lvp; a field_7161 field_0_161 | |
f Lvg; b field_7162 field_0_162 | |
c alm$b net/minecraft/class_1129$class_1738 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentHelper$class_0_69 | |
f Lvp; a field_7163 field_0_163 | |
f Lvg; b field_7164 field_0_164 | |
c alm$c net/minecraft/class_1129$class_1131 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentHelper$Consumer | |
m (Lalk;I)V a method_3538 method_0_126 | |
p 1 enchantment | |
p 2 level | |
c alm$d net/minecraft/class_1129$class_1132 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentHelper$class_0_71 | |
f F a field_6227 field_0_165 | |
f Lvu; b field_7165 field_0_166 | |
c alm$e net/minecraft/class_1129$class_1133 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentHelper$class_0_72 | |
f I a field_4494 field_0_167 | |
f Lur; b field_4495 field_0_168 | |
c aln net/minecraft/class_1134 net/minecraft/enchantment/EnchantmentLevelEntry | |
c Represents an entry in an enchantments array, i.e. a pair between\nenchantment and level. This is also a weighted entry and is available\nfor the weighted picker to pick from a list.\n\n<p>This is usually used where multiple enchantment to level mappings can\nexist, such as in enchanting logic. In other cases, vanilla prefers\n{@code Map<Enchantment, Integer>} over {@code List<EnchantmentLevelEntry>}.\n\n<p>This class is immutable. It does not override hashCode or equals. | |
f Lalk; b field_4496 enchantment | |
f I c field_4497 level | |
m (II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 level | |
m (Lalk;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 enchantment | |
p 2 level | |
c alo net/minecraft/class_2704 net/minecraft/enchantment/Enchantments | |
f Lalk; A field_12421 LUCK_OF_THE_SEA | |
f Lalk; B field_12422 LURE | |
f Lalk; C field_12396 MENDING | |
f Lalk; D field_15116 VANISHING_CURSE | |
f Lalk; a field_12397 PROTECTION | |
f Lalk; b field_12398 FIRE_PROTECTION | |
f Lalk; c field_12399 FEATHER_FALLING | |
f Lalk; d field_12400 BLAST_PROTECTION | |
f Lalk; e field_12401 PROJECTILE_PROTECTION | |
f Lalk; f field_12402 RESPIRATION | |
f Lalk; g field_12403 AQUA_AFFINITY | |
f Lalk; h field_12404 THORNS | |
f Lalk; i field_12405 DEPTH_STRIDER | |
f Lalk; j field_12406 FROST_WALKER | |
f Lalk; k field_15117 BINDING_CURSE | |
f Lalk; l field_12407 SHARPNESS | |
f Lalk; m field_12408 SMITE | |
f Lalk; n field_12409 BANE_OF_ARTHROPODS | |
f Lalk; o field_12410 KNOCKBACK | |
f Lalk; p field_12411 FIRE_ASPECT | |
f Lalk; q field_12412 LOOTING | |
f Lalk; r field_15118 SWEEPING | |
f Lalk; s field_12413 EFFICIENCY | |
f Lalk; t field_12414 SILK_TOUCH | |
f Lalk; u field_12415 UNBREAKING | |
f Lalk; v field_12416 FORTUNE | |
f Lalk; w field_12417 POWER | |
f Lalk; x field_12418 PUNCH | |
f Lalk; y field_12419 FLAME | |
f Lalk; z field_12420 INFINITY | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lalk; a method_11463 method_0_8468 | |
p 0 id | |
c alp net/minecraft/class_1136 net/minecraft/enchantment/FireAspectEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
c alq net/minecraft/class_1739 net/minecraft/enchantment/LureEnchantment | |
c alr net/minecraft/class_2705 net/minecraft/enchantment/FrostWalkerEnchantment | |
m (Lvp;Lamu;Let;I)V a method_11464 freezeWater | |
c als net/minecraft/class_1137 net/minecraft/enchantment/KnockbackEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
c alt net/minecraft/class_1138 net/minecraft/enchantment/LuckEnchantment | |
c alu net/minecraft/class_2706 net/minecraft/enchantment/MendingEnchantment | |
c alv net/minecraft/class_1139 net/minecraft/enchantment/RespirationEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
c alw net/minecraft/class_1140 net/minecraft/enchantment/ProtectionEnchantment | |
f Lalw$a; a field_12423 protectionType | |
m (ILnf;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
p 4 protectionTypeId | |
m (Lalk$a;Lalw$a;[Lvl;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 rarity | |
p 2 protectionType | |
p 3 damageType | |
m (Lvp;D)D a method_11465 transformExplosionKnockback | |
m (Lvp;I)I a method_11466 transformFireDuration | |
c alw$a net/minecraft/class_1140$class_2707 net/minecraft/enchantment/ProtectionEnchantment$Type | |
f Lalw$a; a field_12424 ALL | |
f Lalw$a; b field_12425 FIRE | |
f Lalw$a; c field_12426 FALL | |
f Lalw$a; d field_12427 EXPLOSION | |
f Lalw$a; e field_12428 PROJECTILE | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_12429 name | |
f I g field_12430 basePower | |
f I h field_12431 powerPerLevel | |
f I i field_12432 field_0_9007 | |
f [Lalw$a; j field_12433 field_9136 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_11467 method_0_8469 | |
m ()I b method_11468 getBasePower | |
m ()I c method_11469 getPowerPerLevel | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lalw$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lalw$a; values values values | |
c alx net/minecraft/class_3062 net/minecraft/enchantment/SweepingEnchantment | |
m (I)F e method_13681 getMultiplier | |
c aly net/minecraft/class_1438 net/minecraft/enchantment/ThornsEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;)Z a method_4660 shouldDamageAttacker | |
p 0 level | |
p 1 random | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;)I b method_4662 getDamageAmount | |
p 0 level | |
p 1 random | |
c alz net/minecraft/class_1141 net/minecraft/enchantment/SilkTouchEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
c am net/minecraft/class_3197 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/ItemDurabilityChangedCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15698 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15699 handlers | |
m (Loq;Laip;I)V a method_14284 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14285 method_8961 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lam$b; b method_14286 conditionsFromJson | |
c am$a net/minecraft/class_3197$class_3198 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/ItemDurabilityChangedCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15700 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15701 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14287 isEmpty | |
m (Laip;I)V a method_14288 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14289 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14290 removeCondition | |
c am$b net/minecraft/class_3197$class_3199 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/ItemDurabilityChangedCriterion$Conditions | |
f Lan; a field_15702 item | |
f Las; b field_15703 field_9638 | |
f Las; c field_15704 field_9639 | |
m (Laip;I)Z a method_14291 matches | |
c ama net/minecraft/class_3063 net/minecraft/enchantment/VanishingCurseEnchantment | |
c amb net/minecraft/class_2163 net/minecraft/enchantment/DepthStriderEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
c amc net/minecraft/class_1142 net/minecraft/enchantment/AquaAffinityEnchantment | |
m (ILnf;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 identifier | |
p 3 enchantmentType | |
c amf net/minecraft/class_1143 net/minecraft/village/Merchant | |
m (Laip;)V a method_5501 onSellingItem | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Lamg;)V a method_3542 trade | |
p 1 offer | |
m (Lamh;)V a method_3543 setOffersFromServer | |
p 1 list | |
m (Laed;)V a_ method_3544 setCustomer | |
p 1 player | |
m (Laed;)Lamh; b_ method_3545 method_8264 | |
p 1 player | |
m ()Lhh; i_ method_6344 method_5797 | |
m ()Laed; t_ method_3546 getCustomer | |
m ()Lamu; u_ method_13682 getMerchantWorld | |
m ()Let; v_ method_13683 method_8263 | |
c amg net/minecraft/class_1144 net/minecraft/village/TradeOffer | |
f Laip; a field_4503 firstBuyItem | |
f Laip; b field_4504 secondBuyItem | |
f Laip; c field_4505 sellItem | |
f I d field_4506 uses | |
f I e field_5459 maxUses | |
f Z f field_9188 rewardingPlayerExperience | |
m (Laip;Lain;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 stack1 | |
p 2 result | |
m (Laip;Laip;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 stack1 | |
p 2 result | |
m (Laip;Laip;Laip;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 stack1 | |
p 2 stack2 | |
p 3 result | |
m (Laip;Laip;Laip;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 stack1 | |
p 2 stack2 | |
p 3 result | |
p 4 uses | |
p 5 maxUses | |
m (Lfy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 nbt | |
m ()Laip; a method_3547 getOriginalFirstBuyItem | |
m (I)V a method_4663 increaseSpecialPrice | |
p 1 uses | |
m (Lfy;)V a method_3548 method_8252 | |
p 1 nbt | |
m ()Laip; b method_3550 getSecondBuyItem | |
m ()Z c method_3552 method_8253 | |
m ()Laip; d method_3553 getSellItem | |
m ()I e method_8451 getUses | |
m ()I f method_8452 getMaxUses | |
m ()V g method_3555 use | |
m ()Z h method_4664 isDisabled | |
m ()V i method_4665 disable | |
m ()Z j method_8453 shouldRewardPlayerExperience | |
m ()Lfy; k method_3556 toNbt | |
c amh net/minecraft/class_1145 net/minecraft/village/TradeOfferList | |
m (Lfy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 nbt | |
m ()Lfy; a method_3557 toNbt | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z a method_8454 method_8269 | |
m (Laip;Laip;I)Lamg; a method_3561 getValidOffer | |
p 1 firstBuyItem | |
p 2 secondBuyItem | |
p 3 index | |
m (Lfy;)V a method_3558 method_8266 | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Lgy;)V a method_6392 toPacket | |
p 1 buffer | |
m (Lgy;)Lamh; b method_6393 fromPacket | |
p 0 byteBuf | |
c amj net/minecraft/class_1740 net/minecraft/world/CommandBlockExecutor | |
f Ljava/text/SimpleDateFormat; a field_7166 DATE_FORMAT | |
f J b field_15705 lastExecution | |
f Z c field_15706 updateLastExecution | |
f I d field_7167 successCount | |
f Z e field_7168 trackOutput | |
f Lhh; f field_7169 lastOutput | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_7170 command | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_7171 field_9162 | |
f Lbp; i field_9196 field_0_188 | |
m (I)V a method_11470 setSuccessCount | |
p 1 successCount | |
m (Laed;)Z a method_8455 interact | |
p 1 player | |
m (Lamu;)Z a method_14292 execute | |
m (Lfy;)Lfy; a method_6395 writeNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)V a method_6396 method_0_159 | |
p 1 byteBuf | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_6397 setCommand | |
p 1 command | |
m (Z)V a method_8456 setTrackOutput | |
p 1 trackOutput | |
m (Lfy;)V b method_6398 readNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Lhh;)V b method_6399 setLastOutput | |
p 1 lastOutput | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V b method_6400 method_8290 | |
p 1 name | |
m ()V i method_6401 markDirty | |
m ()I j method_6402 method_0_167 | |
m ()I k method_6403 getSuccessCount | |
m ()Lhh; l method_11471 getLastOutput | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; m method_6405 getCommand | |
m ()Z n method_8457 isTrackingOutput | |
m ()Lbp; o method_8458 method_0_172 | |
c amj$1 net/minecraft/class_1740$1 net/minecraft/world/CommandBlockExecutor$1 | |
f Lamj; a field_9197 field_0_189 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_8459 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c amj$2 net/minecraft/class_1740$2 net/minecraft/world/CommandBlockExecutor$2 | |
f Lamj; a field_9198 field_0_190 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_8460 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c amk net/minecraft/class_1586 net/minecraft/world/MobSpawnerLogic | |
f I a field_6212 spawnDelay | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_6215 spawnPotentials | |
f Lane; c field_12434 spawnEntry | |
f D d field_6213 field_9161 | |
f D e field_6214 field_9159 | |
f I f field_6217 minSpawnDelay | |
f I g field_6218 maxSpawnDelay | |
f I h field_6219 spawnCount | |
f Lvg; i field_6220 renderedEntity | |
f I j field_6221 maxNearbyEntities | |
f I k field_6222 requiredPlayerRange | |
f I l field_6223 spawnRange | |
m ()Lamu; a method_5469 getWorld | |
m (I)V a method_5470 sendStatus | |
p 1 status | |
m (Lane;)V a method_5474 setSpawnEntry | |
p 1 data | |
m (Lfy;)V a method_5471 fromTag | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Lnf;)V a method_13684 method_8274 | |
p 1 identifier | |
m ()Let; b method_5475 getPos | |
m (I)Z b method_5476 method_8275 | |
p 1 status | |
m (Lfy;)Lfy; b method_11472 writeNbt | |
p 1 tag | |
m ()V c method_5482 update | |
m ()Lvg; d method_11473 getRenderedEntity | |
m ()D e method_8463 method_8278 | |
m ()D f method_8464 method_8279 | |
m ()Lnf; g method_13685 getEntityId | |
m ()Z h method_5481 isPlayerInRange | |
m ()V i method_5485 updateSpawns | |
c aml net/minecraft/class_1166 net/minecraft/server/world/BlockEvent | |
f Let; a field_9199 pos | |
f Laow; b field_7172 block | |
f I c field_4611 type | |
f I d field_4612 data | |
m ()Let; a method_3811 getPos | |
m ()I b method_3813 getData | |
m ()I c method_3814 getType | |
m ()Laow; d method_3815 getBlock | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c amm net/minecraft/class_2165 net/minecraft/client/render/RenderLayer | |
c | |
f Lamm; a field_9200 SOLID | |
f Lamm; b field_9201 CUTOUT_MIPPED | |
f Lamm; c field_9202 CUTOUT | |
f Lamm; d field_9203 TRANSLUCENT | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_9204 name | |
f [Lamm; f field_9205 field_9176 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lamm; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lamm; values values values | |
c amn net/minecraft/class_1146 net/minecraft/util/math/ChunkPos | |
f I a field_4507 x | |
f I b field_4508 z | |
m (II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (Let;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 pos | |
m (II)J a method_3565 toLong | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 z | |
m (III)Let; a method_8467 toBlockPos | |
p 1 offsetX | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 offsetZ | |
m (Lvg;)D a method_11474 method_0_9186 | |
p 1 entity | |
m ()I c method_8468 getStartX | |
m ()I d method_8469 getStartZ | |
m ()I e method_8470 getEndX | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
p 1 obj | |
m ()I f method_8471 getEndZ | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c amp net/minecraft/class_1147 net/minecraft/world/explosion/Explosion | |
f Z a field_4509 createFire | |
f Z b field_5460 field_9184 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; c field_4517 random | |
f Lamu; d field_4518 world | |
f D e field_4510 x | |
f D f field_4511 y | |
f D g field_4512 z | |
f Lvg; h field_4513 entity | |
f F i field_4514 power | |
f Ljava/util/List; j field_4515 affectedBlocks | |
f Ljava/util/Map; k field_4519 affectedPlayers | |
m (Lamu;Lvg;DDDFLjava/util/List;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 entity | |
p 3 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 7 z | |
p 9 power | |
p 10 affectedBlocks | |
m (Lamu;Lvg;DDDFZZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 entity | |
p 3 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 7 z | |
p 9 power | |
p 10 createFire | |
p 11 destructive | |
m (Lamu;Lvg;DDDFZZLjava/util/List;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 entity | |
p 3 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 7 z | |
p 9 power | |
p 10 createFire | |
p 11 destructive | |
p 12 affectedBlocks | |
m ()V a method_3567 collectBlocksAndDamageEntities | |
m (Z)V a method_3568 affectWorld | |
p 1 showSmallParticles | |
m ()Ljava/util/Map; b method_3569 getAffectedPlayers | |
m ()Lvp; c method_5487 getCausingEntity | |
m ()V d method_8472 clearAffectedBlocks | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; e method_8473 getAffectedBlocks | |
c amq net/minecraft/class_1148 net/minecraft/client/color/world/FoliageColors | |
f [I a field_4520 colorMap | |
m ()I a method_3570 getSpruceColor | |
m (DD)I a method_3571 getColor | |
p 0 temperature | |
p 2 humidity | |
m ([I)V a method_3572 setColorMap | |
p 0 pixels | |
m ()I b method_3573 getBirchColor | |
m ()I c method_3574 getDefaultColor | |
c amr net/minecraft/class_1439 net/minecraft/world/GameRules | |
f Ljava/util/TreeMap; a field_5461 field_9196 | |
m ()Lfy; a method_4666 toNbt | |
m (Lfy;)V a method_4667 load | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_4668 method_0_221 | |
p 1 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lamr$b;)Z a method_8474 method_0_222 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_4672 method_8359 | |
p 1 rule | |
p 2 value | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lamr$b;)V a method_4669 method_0_224 | |
p 1 name | |
p 2 defaultValue | |
p 3 variableType | |
m ()[Ljava/lang/String; b method_4670 method_0_225 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z b method_4671 method_8355 | |
p 1 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)I c method_8475 method_8356 | |
p 1 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z e method_4673 method_0_228 | |
p 1 key | |
c amr$a net/minecraft/class_1439$class_1440 net/minecraft/world/GameRules$class_1929 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_5462 field_9199 | |
f Z b field_5463 field_9202 | |
f I c field_5464 field_9201 | |
f D d field_5465 field_9198 | |
f Lamr$b; e field_9206 field_9200 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lamr$b;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 defaultValue | |
p 2 type | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4675 method_8362 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_4676 method_8366 | |
p 1 value | |
m ()Z b method_4677 method_8365 | |
m ()I c method_8476 method_8363 | |
m ()Lamr$b; e method_8477 method_8364 | |
c amr$b net/minecraft/class_1439$class_2166 net/minecraft/world/GameRules$class_1931 | |
f Lamr$b; a field_9207 ANY_VALUE | |
f Lamr$b; b field_9208 BOOLEAN_VALUE | |
f Lamr$b; c field_9209 NUMERICAL_VALUE | |
f Lamr$b; d field_15707 FUNCTION | |
f [Lamr$b; e field_9210 field_9212 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lamr$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lamr$b; values values values | |
c ams net/minecraft/class_1157 net/minecraft/world/GameMode | |
f Lams; a field_4572 NOT_SET | |
f Lams; b field_4573 SURVIVAL | |
f Lams; c field_4574 CREATIVE | |
f Lams; d field_4575 ADVENTURE | |
f Lams; e field_9216 SPECTATOR | |
f I f field_4576 id | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_4577 name | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_12437 field_0_11238 | |
f [Lams; i field_4578 field_9222 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
m ()I a method_3763 getId | |
m (I)Lams; a method_3764 byId | |
p 0 gamemode | |
m (ILams;)Lams; a method_11494 byId | |
m (Laeb;)V a method_3766 setAbilities | |
p 1 abilities | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lams; a method_3765 byName | |
p 0 gamemode | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lams;)Lams; a method_11495 byName | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_3767 getName | |
m ()Z c method_3768 isBlockBreakingRestricted | |
m ()Z d method_3769 isCreative | |
m ()Z e method_3770 isSurvivalLike | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lams; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lams; values values values | |
c amt net/minecraft/class_1149 net/minecraft/client/color/world/GrassColors | |
f [I a field_4521 colorMap | |
m (DD)I a method_3575 getColor | |
p 0 temperature | |
p 2 humidity | |
m ([I)V a method_3576 setColorMap | |
p 0 map | |
c amu net/minecraft/class_1150 net/minecraft/world/World | |
f Lzq; A field_4525 field_9254 | |
f Lbfv; B field_12435 field_0_10423 | |
f Lns; C field_15708 field_0_12188 | |
f Lnt; D field_15709 field_0_13027 | |
f Lrl; E field_4527 field_9255 | |
f Lbhk; F field_5509 field_0_244 | |
f Z G field_4532 isClient | |
f Z H field_4528 field_0_247 | |
f Z I field_4529 field_0_248 | |
f [I J field_4531 field_0_249 | |
f J K field_4538 unusedWhite | |
f I L field_4546 ambientDarkness | |
f I M field_4553 ticksSinceLightning | |
f Ljava/util/Calendar; N field_5467 field_0_251 | |
f Z O field_4533 field_0_253 | |
f Laxn; P field_9211 border | |
f I a field_9212 field_9244 | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_4536 field_0_255 | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_4537 field_0_256 | |
f Z d field_4540 field_0_259 | |
f Ljava/util/List; e field_4541 field_0_260 | |
f Ljava/util/List; f field_4542 field_0_261 | |
f Ljava/util/List; g field_4543 field_0_262 | |
f Ljava/util/List; h field_9213 field_0_263 | |
f Ljava/util/List; i field_4544 field_9228 | |
f Ljava/util/List; j field_4545 field_0_265 | |
f Lrg; k field_9214 field_0_266 | |
f I l field_4547 lcgBlockSeed | |
f I m field_4548 lcgBlockSeedIncrement | |
f F n field_4549 rainGradientPrev | |
f F o field_4550 rainGradient | |
f F p field_4551 thunderGradientPrev | |
f F q field_4552 thunderGradient | |
f Ljava/util/Random; r field_4557 random | |
f Laym; s field_4558 dimension | |
f Lzf; t field_12436 field_9230 | |
f Ljava/util/List; u field_4559 field_9252 | |
f Laxr; v field_4560 field_9248 | |
f Lbfe; w field_4561 field_9243 | |
f Lbfd; x field_4522 properties | |
f Z y field_4523 field_0_279 | |
f Lbfm; z field_4524 field_0_280 | |
m (Lbfe;Lbfd;Laym;Lrl;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 handler | |
p 2 properties | |
p 3 dim | |
p 4 profiler | |
p 5 isClient | |
m (Lbfe;Ljava/lang/String;Lamx;Laym;Lrl;Lnet/minecraft/class_1555;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 saveHandler | |
p 2 levelName | |
p 3 levelInfo | |
p 4 dimension | |
p 5 profiler | |
p 6 logger | |
m (Lbfe;Ljava/lang/String;Laym;Lamx;Lrl;Lnet/minecraft/class_1555;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 saveHandler | |
p 3 dimension | |
p 5 profiler | |
p 6 logger | |
m (Let;)V A method_8479 method_8554 | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()Laxr; B method_3586 method_8398 | |
m (Let;)Z B method_8480 hasRain | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()Lanl; C method_3726 method_0_432 | |
m (Let;)Z C method_8481 hasHighHumidity | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()Z D method_3727 isDay | |
m (Let;)Lua; D method_8482 method_8404 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)Z E method_11475 isOutOfBuildLimitVertically | |
m ()I F method_4726 method_0_436 | |
m (Let;)Lavj; F method_11476 method_0_10153 | |
m ()F G method_5504 method_0_438 | |
m (Let;)Z G method_8484 method_0_246 | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; H method_3728 method_8431 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; I method_3729 getDebugString | |
m ()V J method_3731 method_8451 | |
m ()V K method_3594 initWeatherGradients | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; L method_3737 method_0_244 | |
m ()I M method_8483 method_8615 | |
m ()V O method_3577 disconnect | |
m ()V P method_3579 method_8468 | |
m ()J Q method_3581 method_8412 | |
m ()J R method_4678 getTime | |
m ()J S method_3583 getTimeOfDay | |
m ()Let; T method_3585 method_8395 | |
m ()Lbfe; U method_3587 method_8411 | |
m ()Lbfd; V method_3588 method_8401 | |
m ()Lamr; W method_4679 getGameRules | |
m ()Z X method_3589 isThundering | |
m ()Z Y method_3590 isRaining | |
m ()Lbfm; Z method_8485 method_0_259 | |
m (DDDD)Z a method_8526 method_8528 | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 7 maxDistance | |
m (DDDDDDLfy;)V a method_4681 addFireworkParticle | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 7 velocityX | |
p 9 velocityY | |
p 11 velocityZ | |
p 13 nbt | |
m (DDDDDLcom/google/common/base/Function;Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Laed; a method_11477 method_8439 | |
m (DDDDLcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Laed; a method_13686 method_8604 | |
m (DDDDZ)Laed; a method_11478 method_0_265 | |
m (DDDLqe;Lqg;FFZ)V a method_3648 playSound | |
m (F)I a method_3597 method_8533 | |
m (I)Lvg; a method_2133 getEntityById | |
p 1 id | |
m (IDDDDDD[I)V a method_13687 method_8494 | |
m (II)Laxw; a method_3688 method_0_271 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m (III)Ljava/util/Random; a method_3584 method_0_272 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
p 3 seed | |
m (IIII)V a method_3704 method_0_273 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
p 3 minY | |
p 4 maxY | |
m (IIIIIIZ)Z a method_8486 method_0_274 | |
p 1 minX | |
p 2 minY | |
p 3 minZ | |
p 4 maxX | |
p 5 maxY | |
p 6 maxZ | |
p 7 canBeEmpty | |
m (IILaxw;)V a method_3605 method_0_275 | |
p 3 chunk | |
m (IIZ)Z a method_8487 method_8612 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
p 3 canBeEmpty | |
m (ILet;I)V a method_4689 syncGlobalEvent | |
p 2 pos | |
m (IZDDDDDD[I)V a method_8488 method_8406 | |
p 1 id | |
m (J)V a method_4683 setTime | |
p 1 time | |
m (Laed;DDDLqe;Lqg;FF)V a method_11485 playSound | |
m (Laed;ILet;I)V a method_3639 method_8444 | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 eventId | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 data | |
m (Laed;Let;)Z a method_8517 canPlayerModifyAt | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Laed;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_8518 extinguishFire | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 direction | |
m (Laed;Let;Lqe;Lqg;FF)V a method_11486 method_8396 | |
m (Lamw;)V a method_3640 method_8521 | |
p 1 listener | |
m (Lamx;)V a method_3641 method_8414 | |
p 1 info | |
m (Lana;Let;)I a method_8490 method_0_283 | |
p 1 type | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lana;Let;I)V a method_8491 method_0_284 | |
p 1 type | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 level | |
m (Laow;Let;ZLfa;Lvg;)Z a method_8493 method_0_286 | |
p 1 block | |
p 2 pos | |
p 4 direction | |
p 5 entity | |
m (Lavj;)Z a method_8494 addBlockEntity | |
p 1 blockEntity | |
m (Laxw;Z)Ljava/util/List; a method_3643 method_0_289 | |
p 1 chunk | |
m (Lb;)Lc; a method_4684 addDetailsToCrashReport | |
p 1 report | |
m (Lbbg;)Z a method_8496 method_0_290 | |
p 1 box | |
m (Lbbg;Z)Ljava/util/List; a method_8497 method_0_291 | |
p 1 box | |
m (Lbhb;)Z a method_11488 method_0_9946 | |
m (Lbhb;Lbcz;)Z a method_3609 containsBlockWithMaterial | |
p 1 box | |
p 2 material | |
m (Lbhb;Lbcz;Lvg;)Z a method_3610 method_0_294 | |
p 1 box | |
p 2 material | |
p 3 entity | |
m (Lbhb;Lvg;)Z a method_3611 method_8611 | |
p 1 box | |
p 2 exclusion | |
m (Lbhe;Lbhb;)F a method_3612 method_8542 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 box | |
m (Lbhe;Lbhe;)Lbhc; a method_3613 method_8549 | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 end | |
m (Lbhe;Lbhe;Z)Lbhc; a method_3614 method_8418 | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 end | |
m (Lbhe;Lbhe;ZZZ)Lbhc; a method_3615 method_8531 | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 end | |
m (Let;)Z a method_11479 isValidHorizontally | |
m (Let;DD)Laed; a method_11480 method_8483 | |
m (Let;I)Z a method_8499 method_0_302 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 distance | |
m (Let;IZ)Z a method_8500 method_0_303 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 distance | |
p 3 canBeEmpty | |
m (Let;Lana;)I a method_8501 method_0_304 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 type | |
m (Let;Laow;)Z a method_8502 method_0_305 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 block | |
m (Let;Laow;I)V a method_3599 method_0_306 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 block | |
m (Let;Laow;II)V a method_4682 method_0_307 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 block | |
m (Let;Laow;Let;)V a method_8546 updateNeighbor | |
m (Let;Laow;Lfa;)V a method_8503 updateNeighborsExcept | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 sourceBlock | |
p 3 dir | |
m (Let;Laow;Z)V a method_8531 method_8408 | |
m (Let;Lavj;)V a method_8504 setBlockEntity | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 blockEntity | |
m (Let;Lawt;)Z a method_8505 method_8501 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 state | |
m (Let;Lawt;I)Z a method_8506 method_8652 | |
m (Let;Lawt;Lawt;I)V a method_11481 method_8413 | |
m (Let;Lawt;Ljava/util/Random;)V a method_11482 method_0_285 | |
m (Let;Let;)Z a method_8507 method_0_312 | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 end | |
m (Let;Let;Z)Z a method_8508 method_0_313 | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 end | |
p 3 canBeEmpty | |
m (Let;Lqe;)V a method_8509 method_8432 | |
m (Let;Z)Z a method_8510 method_0_315 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 canBeEmpty | |
m (Lfj;DDDDDD[I)V a method_8511 method_0_316 | |
p 1 type | |
m (Lfj;ZDDDDDD[I)V a method_8512 method_8466 | |
p 1 type | |
m (Lht;)V a method_11483 sendPacket | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;)I a method_3616 method_8545 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Lbhb;)Ljava/util/List; a method_3617 method_0_319 | |
p 1 except | |
p 2 box | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Lbhb;Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List; a method_8513 method_8390 | |
p 1 clazz | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 entityPredicate | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Lbhb;Lvg;)Lvg; a method_3618 method_8472 | |
p 1 entityClass | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 except | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List; a method_8514 method_8490 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Lbet; a method_3619 method_0_323 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laed; a method_3620 method_8434 | |
p 1 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lbet;)V a method_3623 method_0_325 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Let;Z)Let; a method_13688 method_8487 | |
m (Ljava/util/Collection;)V a method_8537 addBlockEntities | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_3686 method_8649 | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Lvg;B)V a method_3627 sendEntityStatus | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 status | |
m (Lvg;D)Laed; a method_3628 method_0_330 | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 maxDistance | |
m (Lvg;DD)Laed; a method_11484 method_8460 | |
m (Lvg;DDDFZ)Lamp; a method_3629 method_8437 | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 power | |
p 9 destructive | |
m (Lvg;DDDFZZ)Lamp; a method_3630 method_8454 | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 power | |
p 9 createFire | |
p 10 destructive | |
m (Lvg;F)Lbhe; a method_3631 method_8548 | |
m (Lvg;Lbhb;)Ljava/util/List; a method_3633 method_0_334 | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 box | |
m (Lvg;Lbhb;Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List; a method_8516 method_8333 | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 predicate | |
m (Lvg;Lbhb;ZLjava/util/List;)Z a method_13689 method_0_10873 | |
m (Lvg;Z)V a method_3636 method_8553 | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 bl | |
m (Z)Z a method_3644 method_14181 | |
m (ZZ)V a method_3645 setMobSpawnOptions | |
p 1 spawnAnimals | |
p 2 spawnMonsters | |
m ()I aa method_3771 method_0_260 | |
m ()I ab method_3591 getEffectiveHeight | |
m ()D ad method_3593 getHorizonHeight | |
m ()Ljava/util/Calendar; ae method_4680 method_0_263 | |
m ()Lbhk; af method_4711 getScoreboard | |
m ()Ltz; ag method_8519 method_0_344 | |
m ()I ah method_8520 method_8594 | |
m ()I ai method_8521 getTicksSinceLightning | |
m ()Lzq; ak method_8523 method_8557 | |
m ()Laxn; al method_8524 method_8621 | |
m ()Lbfv; am method_11487 method_0_9616 | |
m ()Lamu; b method_8525 method_8646 | |
m (F)F b method_3649 getAmbientLight | |
m (I)V b method_8527 method_8493 | |
p 1 seaLevel | |
m (II)Z b method_13690 method_0_10609 | |
m (IIIIII)V b method_3684 method_8489 | |
p 1 x1 | |
p 2 y1 | |
p 3 z1 | |
p 4 x2 | |
p 5 y2 | |
p 6 z2 | |
m (ILet;I)V b method_8528 spawnParticles | |
p 1 eventId | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 data | |
m (J)V b method_3657 method_8435 | |
p 1 time | |
m (Lamw;)V b method_3666 method_8415 | |
p 1 listener | |
m (Lana;Let;)I b method_8529 method_0_359 | |
p 1 type | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lavj;)V b method_3607 method_0_360 | |
p 1 blockEntity | |
m (Lbbg;Z)Z b method_8530 method_0_361 | |
p 1 box | |
p 2 canBeEmpty | |
m (Lbhb;)Z b method_3658 method_0_362 | |
p 1 box | |
m (Let;Laow;)Z b method_11489 method_8650 | |
m (Let;Laow;II)V b method_3653 method_0_365 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 block | |
m (Let;Laow;Let;)V b method_13691 method_0_10850 | |
m (Let;Laow;Z)V b method_13692 method_8452 | |
m (Let;Lavj;)V b method_8532 markDirty | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 blockEntity | |
m (Let;Let;)V b method_8533 method_8445 | |
p 1 pos1 | |
p 2 pos2 | |
m (Let;Lfa;)Z b method_8534 isEmittingRedstonePower | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 dir | |
m (Let;Z)Z b method_8535 method_8651 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 dropAsItem | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List; b method_8536 method_8498 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)I b method_3660 method_0_371 | |
m (Ljava/util/Collection;)V b method_3624 method_0_327 | |
p 1 collection | |
m (Ljava/util/UUID;)Laed; b method_6408 method_8420 | |
p 1 uuid | |
m (Lvg;)V b method_3626 method_8485 | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Lvg;D)Laed; b method_11490 method_0_9947 | |
m (Lvg;Lbhb;)Ljava/util/List; b method_3665 method_0_375 | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 box | |
m (F)F c method_3670 method_0_377 | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (I)V c method_8538 method_8417 | |
p 1 ambientDarkness | |
m (II)I c method_13313 method_0_10182 | |
m (ILet;I)V c method_3698 setBlockBreakingInfo | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lana;Let;)Z c method_8539 method_0_381 | |
p 1 type | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lavj;)Ljava/lang/String; c method_14293 method_8467 | |
m (Lbhb;)Z c method_3676 isAreaNotEmpty | |
p 1 box | |
m (Let;)Lawt; c method_8540 method_8495 | |
m (Let;Laow;)V c method_13693 method_0_10851 | |
m (Let;Laow;II)V c method_3654 addSyncedBlockEvent | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 block | |
p 3 type | |
p 4 data | |
m (Let;Lfa;)I c method_8542 getEmittedRedstonePower | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 dir | |
m (Let;Z)I c method_8543 method_0_387 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Ljava/util/Collection;)V c method_8544 method_8512 | |
p 1 entities | |
m (Lvg;)V c method_3663 method_8539 | |
p 1 entity | |
m ()V d method_3646 method_8441 | |
m (F)F d method_3687 getSkyAngleRadians | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (I)V d method_8545 setLightningTicksLeft | |
m (II)I d method_4690 method_0_354 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (Lbhb;)Z d method_3685 method_0_392 | |
p 1 box | |
m (Let;Laow;)V d method_8549 updateComparators | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 block | |
m (Let;Z)Z d method_8547 method_8515 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 defaultValue | |
m (Lvg;)Z d method_3677 method_8416 | |
p 1 entity | |
m ()V e method_3669 method_8448 | |
m (F)Lbhe; e method_3695 getCloudColor | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (II)Z e method_3671 method_0_379 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m (Lbhb;)Z e method_3692 doesAreaContainFireSource | |
p 1 box | |
m (Let;)Z e method_8548 method_0_398 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;Z)Z e method_8550 method_0_400 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lvg;)V e method_3693 method_8463 | |
p 1 entity | |
m (F)Lbhe; f method_3702 getFogColor | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (Let;)Laxw; f method_8551 getWorldChunk | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;Z)Z f method_8552 method_0_404 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lvg;)V f method_3700 method_8507 | |
p 1 entity | |
m (F)F g method_3707 getStarsBrightness | |
m (Let;)Z g method_8553 method_0_408 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lvg;)Z g method_13694 method_0_288 | |
m ()V h method_3694 setDefaultSpawnClient | |
m (F)F h method_3713 getThunderGradient | |
p 1 offset | |
m (Let;)Z h method_8555 method_0_416 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lvg;)V h method_3705 method_8552 | |
p 1 entity | |
m (F)V i method_6410 setThunderGradient | |
p 1 thunderGradient | |
m (Let;)Z i method_8556 method_0_418 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lvg;)V i method_3711 method_8443 | |
p 1 entity | |
m ()V j method_3701 method_0_410 | |
m (F)F j method_3715 getRainGradient | |
p 1 offset | |
m (Let;)I j method_8557 method_8624 | |
p 1 osarg | |
m ()V k method_3706 method_8429 | |
m (F)V k method_3717 setRainGradient | |
p 1 rainGradient | |
m (Let;)I k method_8558 method_0_422 | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()V l method_11491 method_8541 | |
m (Let;)Let; l method_8559 method_8598 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)V m method_8560 method_0_424 | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()Laxr; n method_3712 method_0_419 | |
m (Let;)F n method_8561 method_0_425 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)Let; p method_8562 method_0_428 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)Let; q method_8563 method_0_429 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)V s method_8564 removeBlockEntity | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()V t method_3722 method_8511 | |
m (Let;)Z t method_11492 method_8504 | |
m ()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer; u method_2146 method_8503 | |
m (Let;)Z u method_8566 method_0_433 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)Z v method_8567 method_0_435 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)Z w method_8568 method_0_437 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)I x method_8569 getReceivedStrongRedstonePower | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)Z y method_8570 isReceivingRedstonePower | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)I z method_8478 getReceivedRedstonePower | |
p 1 pos | |
c amu$1 net/minecraft/class_1150$1 net/minecraft/world/World$1 | |
f Let; a field_9215 field_0_281 | |
f Lamu; b field_7176 field_0_282 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_6412 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c amu$2 net/minecraft/class_1150$2 net/minecraft/world/World$2 | |
f Laow; a field_7177 field_0_283 | |
f Lamu; b field_4562 field_0_284 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_3740 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c amu$3 net/minecraft/class_1150$3 net/minecraft/world/World$3 | |
f Laow; a field_15119 field_0_12047 | |
f Lamu; b field_15120 field_0_12048 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_3741 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c amu$4 net/minecraft/class_1150$4 net/minecraft/world/World$4 | |
f Lamu; a field_4564 field_0_285 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_3742 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c amu$5 net/minecraft/class_1150$5 net/minecraft/world/World$5 | |
f Lamu; a field_15121 field_0_286 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_13695 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c amv net/minecraft/class_1154 net/minecraft/world/SessionLockException | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 message | |
c amw net/minecraft/class_1155 net/minecraft/class_1938 | |
m (IIIIII)V a method_3745 method_8571 | |
p 1 x1 | |
p 2 y1 | |
p 3 z1 | |
p 4 x2 | |
p 5 y2 | |
p 6 z2 | |
m (ILet;I)V a method_4692 method_8564 | |
p 2 pos | |
m (IZDDDDDD[I)V a method_3746 method_8568 | |
p 1 id | |
p 3 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 7 z | |
p 9 velocityX | |
p 11 velocityY | |
p 13 velocityZ | |
p 15 args | |
m (IZZDDDDDD[I)V a method_13696 method_8563 | |
m (Laed;ILet;I)V a method_3750 method_8567 | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 eventId | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Laed;Lqe;Lqg;DDDFF)V a method_3747 method_8572 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Lawt;I)V a method_11493 method_8570 | |
m (Let;)V a method_8574 method_0_456 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lqe;Let;)V a method_8572 method_8562 | |
m (Lvg;)V a method_3749 method_8561 | |
p 1 entity | |
m (ILet;I)V b method_8573 method_8569 | |
p 1 entityId | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 progress | |
m (Lvg;)V b method_3752 method_8566 | |
p 1 entity | |
c amx net/minecraft/class_1156 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelInfo | |
f J a field_4565 seed | |
f Lams; b field_4566 gameMode | |
f Z c field_4567 hardcore | |
f Z d field_4568 allowCommands | |
f Lamz; e field_4569 generatorType | |
f Z f field_4570 commands | |
f Z g field_4571 bonusChest | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_5469 field_9264 | |
m (JLamx$class_1157;ZZLamz;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 seed | |
p 3 gameMode | |
p 4 structures | |
p 5 hardcore | |
p 6 generatorType | |
m (Lbfd;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 levelProperties | |
m ()Lamx; a method_3753 setBonusChest | |
m (I)Lams; a method_3754 method_8580 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lamx; a method_4694 method_8579 | |
p 1 generatorOptions | |
m ()Lamx; b method_3755 enableCommands | |
m ()Z c method_3756 hasBonusChest | |
m ()J d method_3757 getSeed | |
m ()Lams; e method_3758 getGameMode | |
m ()Z f method_3759 areCommandsAllowed | |
m ()Z g method_3760 isHardcore | |
m ()Lamz; h method_3761 getGeneratorType | |
m ()Z i method_3762 allowCommands | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; j method_4695 method_8584 | |
c amy net/minecraft/class_1158 net/minecraft/class_0_105 | |
m ()Lamz; N method_8575 method_8527 | |
m (Let;Lfa;)I a method_8576 method_8596 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 direction | |
m (Let;)Lanh; b method_8577 method_0_481 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;I)I b method_8578 method_0_482 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 minBlockLight | |
m (Let;)Z d method_8579 method_8623 | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()Z method_3772 method_3772 isEmpty | |
m (Let;)Lawt; o method_8580 method_0_484 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)Lavj; r method_8581 method_8321 | |
p 1 pos | |
c amz net/minecraft/class_1160 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelGeneratorType | |
f [Lamz; a field_4579 TYPES | |
f Lamz; b field_4580 DEFAULT | |
f Lamz; c field_4581 FLAT | |
f Lamz; d field_4582 LARGE_BIOMES | |
f Lamz; e field_7178 AMPLIFIED | |
f Lamz; f field_9217 CUSTOMIZED | |
f Lamz; g field_9218 DEBUG_ALL_BLOCK_STATES | |
f Lamz; h field_4583 DEFAULT_1_1 | |
f I i field_5470 id | |
f Ljava/lang/String; j field_4584 name | |
f I k field_4585 version | |
f Z l field_4586 visible | |
f Z m field_4587 versioned | |
f Z n field_7179 info | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 name | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 name | |
p 3 version | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_3787 getName | |
m (I)Lamz; a method_3788 getTypeForVersion | |
p 1 version | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lamz; a method_3789 getTypeFromName | |
p 0 name | |
m (Z)Lamz; a method_3790 setVisible | |
p 1 visible | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_3791 getTranslationKey | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_6414 getInfoTranslationKey | |
m ()I d method_3792 getVersion | |
m ()Z e method_3793 isVisible | |
m ()Z f method_3794 isVersioned | |
m ()I g method_4697 getId | |
m ()Z h method_6415 hasInfo | |
m ()Lamz; i method_3795 setVersioned | |
m ()Lamz; j method_6416 setHasInfo | |
c an net/minecraft/class_3200 net/minecraft/predicate/item/ItemPredicate | |
f Lan; a field_15710 ANY | |
f Lain; b field_15711 item | |
f Ljava/lang/Integer; c field_15712 field_0_12147 | |
f Las; d field_15713 field_9641 | |
f Las; e field_15714 field_9646 | |
f [Lag; f field_15715 enchantments | |
f Lakg; g field_15716 potion | |
f Lau; h field_15717 nbt | |
m (Laip;)Z a method_14294 test | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)Lan; a method_14295 fromJson | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)[Lan; b method_14296 deserializeAll | |
c ana net/minecraft/class_1161 net/minecraft/world/LightType | |
f Lana; a field_9219 SKY | |
f Lana; b field_9220 BLOCK | |
f I c field_4590 value | |
f [Lana; d field_4591 field_9285 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 defaultValue | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lana; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lana; values values values | |
c anb net/minecraft/class_1162 net/minecraft/class_0_108 | |
f I a field_9221 field_0_321 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_9222 field_0_322 | |
m (Lamu;II)Let; a method_3799 method_0_499 | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m (Lamu;Lanh;IIIILjava/util/Random;)V a method_3800 method_0_500 | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 biome | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_11496 method_0_9890 | |
m (Loo;ZZZ)I a method_3796 method_0_501 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 spawnAnimals | |
p 3 spawnMonsters | |
m (Lvq$a;Lamu;Let;)Z a method_8582 method_0_502 | |
p 0 location | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
c anc net/minecraft/class_1163 net/minecraft/world/PortalForcer | |
f Loo; a field_5471 world | |
f Ljava/util/Random; b field_4594 random | |
f Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/Long2ObjectMap; c field_12438 field_9287 | |
m (Loo;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
m (J)V a method_4698 removeOldActivePortals | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_3803 createPortal | |
m (Lvg;F)V a method_8583 method_8655 | |
m (Lvg;F)Z b method_8584 usePortal | |
c anc$a net/minecraft/class_1163$class_1441 net/minecraft/world/PortalForcer$TicketInfo | |
f J b field_5474 lastUsedTime | |
f Lanc; c field_5475 field_9291 | |
m (Lanc;Let;J)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 vec | |
p 3 pos | |
c and net/minecraft/class_1164 net/minecraft/world/chunk/ChunkCache | |
f I a field_4595 minX | |
f I b field_4596 minZ | |
f [[Laxw; c field_4597 field_9305 | |
f Z d field_4598 empty | |
f Lamu; e field_4599 world | |
m (Lamu;Let;Let;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 minPos | |
p 3 maxPos | |
p 4 offset | |
m (Lana;Let;)I a method_8585 method_0_507 | |
p 1 type | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Let;Laxw$a;)Lavj; a method_13314 method_8673 | |
m ()Z ac method_3772 method_0_479 | |
m (Lana;Let;)I b method_8586 method_0_508 | |
p 1 type | |
p 2 pos | |
c ane net/minecraft/class_1587 net/minecraft/world/MobSpawnerEntry | |
f Lfy; b field_12439 entityNbt | |
m (ILfy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 weight | |
p 2 tag | |
m (Lfy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 tag | |
m ()Lfy; a method_5486 toNbt | |
m ()Lfy; b method_11497 getEntityNbt | |
c anf net/minecraft/class_1165 net/minecraft/world/ScheduledTick | |
f Let; a field_9223 pos | |
f J b field_4604 time | |
f I c field_5476 field_9320 | |
f J d field_4605 idCounter | |
f Laow; e field_7180 field_9317 | |
f J f field_4606 id | |
m (IIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 blockId | |
m (IIILaow;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 block | |
m (Let;Laow;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 block | |
m ()Laow; a method_6417 method_8683 | |
m (I)V a method_4701 method_0_510 | |
p 1 position | |
m (J)Lanf; a method_3808 method_0_511 | |
p 1 time | |
m (Lanf;)I a method_3809 compareTo | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)I compareTo compareTo compareTo | |
p 1 entry | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
p 1 object | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c ang net/minecraft/class_1169 net/minecraft/world/biome/BeachBiome | |
c anh net/minecraft/class_1170 net/minecraft/world/biome/Biome | |
f F A field_4621 scale | |
f F B field_4622 temperature | |
f F C field_4623 downfall | |
f I D field_4624 waterFogColor | |
f Z E field_4634 field_0_395 | |
f Z F field_4635 field_0_396 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; G field_12440 parent | |
f Lawt; a field_12441 field_0_9986 | |
f Lawt; b field_12442 field_0_9988 | |
f Lawt; c field_12443 field_0_9989 | |
f Lawt; d field_12444 field_0_9990 | |
f Lawt; e field_12445 field_0_9991 | |
f Lawt; f field_12446 field_0_9992 | |
f Lawt; g field_12447 field_0_9993 | |
f Lawt; h field_12448 field_0_9994 | |
f Lfd; i field_12449 PARENT_BIOME_ID_MAP | |
f Lbcq; j field_7200 TEMPERATURE_NOISE | |
f Lbcq; k field_7201 FOLIAGE_NOISE | |
f Lazq; l field_7202 field_0_378 | |
f Lbax; m field_4630 field_0_366 | |
f Lazh; n field_4631 field_0_367 | |
f Lbav; o field_4633 field_0_368 | |
f Lfh; p field_12450 field_0_11244 | |
f Lawt; q field_9225 field_0_382 | |
f Lawt; r field_9226 field_0_383 | |
f Lank; s field_4625 field_0_390 | |
f Ljava/util/List; t field_4626 field_0_391 | |
f Ljava/util/List; u field_4627 field_0_392 | |
f Ljava/util/List; v field_4628 field_0_393 | |
f Ljava/util/List; w field_5477 field_0_394 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; x field_7196 LOGGER | |
f Ljava/lang/String; y field_4660 field_0_11245 | |
f F z field_4620 depth | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
m (Lanh$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 settings | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/class_1170$class_3608;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 biomeBuilder | |
m ()Lank; a method_3817 method_0_513 | |
m (F)I a method_3818 getSkyColor | |
p 1 temperature | |
m (I)Lanh; a method_11498 method_0_10015 | |
p 0 id | |
m (ILanh;)Lanh; a method_11499 method_8720 | |
p 0 id | |
p 1 biome | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;Lanh;)V a method_11500 method_0_10016 | |
p 0 numId | |
p 1 stringId | |
p 2 biome | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Layw;IID)V a method_6420 method_0_519 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 chunkStorage | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Let;)V a method_3824 method_0_520 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Lanh;)I a method_11501 method_0_10017 | |
p 0 biome | |
m (Let;)F a method_8588 computeTemperature | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Lazg; a method_3822 method_0_525 | |
p 1 random | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;Let;)Laqr$a; a method_8589 method_0_526 | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lvr;)Ljava/util/List; a method_3823 getEntitySpawnList | |
p 1 category | |
m ()Z b method_11502 hasParent | |
m (I)Lanh; b method_6428 method_0_539 | |
p 0 id | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Layw;IID)V b method_8590 method_0_530 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 chunkStorage | |
m (Lanh;)Lanh; b method_11503 getModifiedBiome | |
p 0 biome | |
m (Let;)I b method_8591 getGrassColorAt | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Lazu; b method_3828 method_0_532 | |
p 1 random | |
m ()Z c method_3829 method_0_536 | |
m (Let;)I c method_8592 getFoliageColorAt | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()Z d method_3830 method_0_538 | |
m ()Z e method_3831 hasHighHumidity | |
m ()F f method_3832 getMaxSpawnChance | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Class; g method_6431 method_0_546 | |
m ()Lanh$b; h method_6432 getTemperatureGroup | |
m ()Z i method_11504 method_0_9783 | |
m ()F j method_11505 getDepth | |
m ()F k method_3835 getDownfall | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; l method_11506 getParent | |
m ()F m method_11507 getScale | |
m ()F n method_11508 getTemperature | |
m ()I o method_11509 getWaterFogColor | |
m ()Z p method_6429 method_0_544 | |
m ()V q method_11510 method_0_10025 | |
c anh$1 net/minecraft/class_1170$1 net/minecraft/world/biome/Biome$1 | |
f [I a field_9228 field_0_423 | |
c anh$a net/minecraft/class_1170$class_2708 net/minecraft/world/biome/Biome$class_0_2382 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_12451 field_0_11246 | |
f F b field_12452 field_0_11247 | |
f F c field_12453 field_0_11248 | |
f F d field_12454 field_0_11249 | |
f F e field_12455 field_0_11250 | |
f I f field_12456 field_0_11251 | |
f Z g field_12457 field_0_11252 | |
f Z h field_12458 field_0_11253 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_12459 field_0_11254 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 name | |
m ()Lanh$a; a method_11511 method_0_10026 | |
m (F)Lanh$a; a method_11512 method_0_10027 | |
p 1 temperature | |
m (I)Lanh$a; a method_11513 method_0_10028 | |
p 1 shade | |
m (Lanh$a;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_11514 method_0_10029 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lanh$a; a method_11515 method_0_10030 | |
p 1 parent | |
m ()Lanh$a; b method_11516 method_0_10031 | |
m (F)Lanh$a; b method_11517 method_0_10032 | |
p 1 downfall | |
m (Lanh$a;)F b method_11518 method_0_10033 | |
m (F)Lanh$a; c method_11519 method_0_10034 | |
p 1 baseHeightModifier | |
m (Lanh$a;)F c method_11520 method_0_10035 | |
m (F)Lanh$a; d method_11521 method_0_10036 | |
p 1 variationModifier | |
m (Lanh$a;)F d method_11522 method_0_10037 | |
m (Lanh$a;)F e method_11523 method_0_10038 | |
m (Lanh$a;)I f method_11524 method_0_10039 | |
m (Lanh$a;)Z g method_11525 method_0_10040 | |
m (Lanh$a;)Z h method_11526 method_0_10041 | |
m (Lanh$a;)Ljava/lang/String; i method_11527 method_0_10042 | |
c anh$b net/minecraft/class_1170$class_1743 net/minecraft/world/biome/Biome$TemperatureGroup | |
f Lanh$b; a field_7222 OCEAN | |
f Lanh$b; b field_7223 COLD | |
f Lanh$b; c field_7224 MEDIUM | |
f Lanh$b; d field_7225 WARM | |
f [Lanh$b; e field_7226 field_9376 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lanh$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lanh$b; values values values | |
c anh$c net/minecraft/class_1170$class_1171 net/minecraft/world/biome/Biome$SpawnEntry | |
f Ljava/lang/Class; b field_4662 field_9389 | |
f I c field_4663 field_9388 | |
f I d field_4664 field_9387 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 weight | |
p 3 minGroupSize | |
p 4 maxGroupSize | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c ani net/minecraft/class_1172 net/minecraft/class_1967 | |
f Lanl; a field_4665 field_9393 | |
f J b field_4666 field_0_442 | |
f Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/Long2ObjectMap; c field_12460 field_0_443 | |
f Ljava/util/List; d field_4668 field_0_444 | |
m ()V a method_3840 method_8768 | |
m (II)Lani$a; a method_3841 method_8767 | |
m (IILanh;)Lanh; a method_3843 method_8766 | |
m (Lani;)Lanl; a method_3842 method_8764 | |
m (II)[Lanh; b method_3844 method_8765 | |
c ani$a net/minecraft/class_1172$class_1173 net/minecraft/class_1967$class_1968 | |
f [Lanh; a field_4671 field_9396 | |
f I b field_4672 field_0_447 | |
f I c field_4673 field_0_448 | |
f J d field_4674 field_0_449 | |
f Lani; e field_4675 field_9395 | |
m (Lani;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 z | |
m (II)Lanh; a method_3845 method_8769 | |
c anj net/minecraft/class_2167 net/minecraft/client/color/world/BiomeColors | |
f Lanj$a; a field_9229 GRASS_COLOR | |
f Lanj$a; b field_9230 FOLIAGE_COLOR | |
f Lanj$a; c field_9231 WATER_FOG_COLOR | |
m (Lamy;Let;)I a method_8594 method_4962 | |
p 0 view | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lanj$a;)I a method_8595 method_4965 | |
p 0 view | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 provider | |
m (Lamy;Let;)I b method_8596 method_4966 | |
p 0 view | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lamy;Let;)I c method_8597 method_4961 | |
p 0 view | |
p 1 pos | |
c anj$1 net/minecraft/class_2167$1 net/minecraft/client/color/world/BiomeColors$1 | |
c anj$2 net/minecraft/class_2167$2 net/minecraft/client/color/world/BiomeColors$2 | |
c anj$3 net/minecraft/class_2167$3 net/minecraft/client/color/world/BiomeColors$3 | |
c anj$a net/minecraft/class_2167$class_2168 net/minecraft/client/color/world/BiomeColors$Provider | |
m (Lanh;Let;)I a method_8598 method_0_560 | |
p 1 biome | |
p 2 pos | |
c ank net/minecraft/class_1174 net/minecraft/class_0_123 | |
f F A field_14821 field_0_11480 | |
f I B field_4676 field_0_455 | |
f I C field_4677 field_0_456 | |
f I D field_4678 field_0_457 | |
f I E field_4679 field_0_458 | |
f I F field_4680 field_0_459 | |
f I G field_4681 field_0_460 | |
f I H field_4682 field_0_461 | |
f I I field_4683 field_0_462 | |
f I J field_4684 field_0_463 | |
f I K field_4685 field_0_464 | |
f Z L field_4686 field_0_465 | |
f Z a field_12461 field_0_9995 | |
f Let; b field_9232 field_0_468 | |
f Layx; c field_9233 field_0_469 | |
f Lazu; d field_4692 field_0_470 | |
f Lazu; e field_4693 field_0_471 | |
f Lazu; f field_4694 field_0_472 | |
f Lazu; g field_4695 field_0_473 | |
f Lazu; h field_4696 field_0_474 | |
f Lazu; i field_9234 field_0_475 | |
f Lazu; j field_9235 field_0_476 | |
f Lazu; k field_9236 field_0_477 | |
f Lazu; l field_4697 field_0_478 | |
f Lazu; m field_4698 field_0_479 | |
f Lazu; n field_4699 field_0_480 | |
f Lazu; o field_9237 field_0_481 | |
f Lazu; p field_9238 field_0_482 | |
f Lazu; q field_4702 field_0_483 | |
f Lazv; r field_7228 field_0_484 | |
f Lazu; s field_4705 field_0_485 | |
f Lazu; t field_4706 field_0_486 | |
f Lazu; u field_4707 field_0_487 | |
f Lazu; v field_4708 field_0_488 | |
f Lazu; w field_4709 field_0_489 | |
f Lazu; x field_4710 field_0_490 | |
f I y field_4711 field_0_491 | |
f I z field_4712 field_0_454 | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;)V a method_11528 method_0_561 | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;ILazu;II)V a method_11529 method_0_562 | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lanh;Let;)V a method_8599 method_0_563 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 biome | |
p 4 pos | |
m (Lanh;Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;)V a method_11530 method_14505 | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;ILazu;II)V b method_11531 method_0_565 | |
c anl net/minecraft/class_1178 net/minecraft/world/biome/source/BiomeSource | |
f Layx; a field_15122 field_0_12049 | |
f Lbdq; b field_12462 field_0_492 | |
f Lbdq; c field_12463 field_0_493 | |
f Lani; d field_12464 field_0_494 | |
f Ljava/util/List; e field_12465 SPAWN_BIOMES | |
m (Lanh;F)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 biome | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; a method_11532 getSpawnBiomes | |
m (FI)F a method_11533 method_0_567 | |
m (IIILjava/util/List;)Z a method_3854 method_0_568 | |
m (IIILjava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;)Let; a method_11534 locateBiome | |
m (Let;)Lanh; a method_11535 getBiome | |
m (Let;Lanh;)Lanh; a method_11536 method_0_571 | |
m ([Lanh;IIII)[Lanh; a method_11537 method_0_573 | |
m ([Lanh;IIIIZ)[Lanh; a method_11538 method_8760 | |
m ()V b method_11539 method_0_575 | |
m ([Lanh;IIII)[Lanh; b method_11540 method_8756 | |
m ()Z c method_13697 method_0_10853 | |
m ()Lanh; d method_13698 method_0_10854 | |
c anm net/minecraft/class_2709 net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeKeys | |
f Lanh; A field_12466 STONE_BEACH | |
f Lanh; B field_12467 COLD_BEACH | |
f Lanh; C field_12468 BIRCH_FOREST | |
f Lanh; D field_12469 BIRCH_FOREST_HILLS | |
f Lanh; E field_12470 ROOFED_FOREST | |
f Lanh; F field_12471 TAIGA_COLD | |
f Lanh; G field_12472 TAIGA_COLD_HILLS | |
f Lanh; H field_12473 REDWOOD_TAIGA | |
f Lanh; I field_12474 REDWOOD_TAIGA_HILLS | |
f Lanh; J field_12475 EXTREME_HILLS_WITH_TREES | |
f Lanh; K field_12476 SAVANNA | |
f Lanh; L field_12477 SAVANNA_ROCK | |
f Lanh; M field_12478 MESA | |
f Lanh; N field_12479 MESA_ROCK | |
f Lanh; O field_12480 MESA_CLEAR_ROCK | |
f Lanh; P field_12481 VOID | |
f Lanh; Q field_12482 MUTATED_PLAINS | |
f Lanh; R field_12483 MUTATED_DESERT | |
f Lanh; S field_12484 MUTATED_EXTREME_HILLS | |
f Lanh; T field_12485 MUTATED_FOREST | |
f Lanh; U field_12486 MUTATED_TAIGA | |
f Lanh; V field_12487 MUTATED_SWAMPLAND | |
f Lanh; W field_12488 MUTATED_ICE_FLATS | |
f Lanh; X field_12489 MUTATED_JUNGLE | |
f Lanh; Y field_12490 MUTATED_JUNGLE_EDGE | |
f Lanh; Z field_12491 MUTATED_BIRCH_FOREST | |
f Lanh; a field_12492 OCEAN | |
f Lanh; aa field_12493 MUTATED_BIRCH_FOREST_HILLS | |
f Lanh; ab field_12494 MUTATED_ROOFED_FOREST | |
f Lanh; ac field_12495 MUTATED_TAIGA_COLD | |
f Lanh; ad field_12496 MUTATED_REDWOOD_TAIGA | |
f Lanh; ae field_12497 MUTATED_REDWOOD_TAIGA_HILLS | |
f Lanh; af field_12498 MUTATED_EXTREME_HILLS_WITH_TREES | |
f Lanh; ag field_12499 MUTATED_SAVANNA | |
f Lanh; ah field_12500 MUTATED_SAVANNA_ROCK | |
f Lanh; ai field_12501 MUTATED_MESA | |
f Lanh; aj field_12502 MUTATED_MESA_ROCK | |
f Lanh; ak field_12503 MUTATED_MESA_CLEAR_ROCK | |
f Lanh; b field_12504 DEFAULT | |
f Lanh; c field_12505 PLAINS | |
f Lanh; d field_12506 DESERT | |
f Lanh; e field_12507 EXTREME_HILLS | |
f Lanh; f field_12508 FOREST | |
f Lanh; g field_12509 TAIGA | |
f Lanh; h field_12510 SWAMPLAND | |
f Lanh; i field_12511 RIVER | |
f Lanh; j field_12512 HELL | |
f Lanh; k field_12513 SKY | |
f Lanh; l field_12514 FROZEN_OCEAN | |
f Lanh; m field_12515 FROZEN_RIVER | |
f Lanh; n field_12516 ICE_FLATS | |
f Lanh; o field_12517 ICE_MOUNTAINS | |
f Lanh; p field_12518 MUSHROOM_ISLAND | |
f Lanh; q field_12519 MUSHROOM_ISLAND_SHORE | |
f Lanh; r field_12520 BEACHES | |
f Lanh; s field_12521 DESERT_HILLS | |
f Lanh; t field_12522 FOREST_HILLS | |
f Lanh; u field_12523 TAIGA_HILLS | |
f Lanh; v field_12524 SMALLER_EXTREME_HILLS | |
f Lanh; w field_12525 JUNGLE | |
f Lanh; x field_12526 JUNGLE_HILLS | |
f Lanh; y field_12527 JUNGLE_EDGE | |
f Lanh; z field_12528 DEEP_OCEAN | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lanh; a method_11541 method_0_10043 | |
p 0 biomeName | |
c ano net/minecraft/class_1176 net/minecraft/world/biome/DesertBiome | |
c anp net/minecraft/class_1177 net/minecraft/world/biome/MountainsBiome | |
f Lazu; x field_5478 field_0_497 | |
f Lbau; y field_7229 field_0_498 | |
f Lanp$a; z field_12529 field_0_11318 | |
m (IZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
c anp$a net/minecraft/class_1177$class_2710 net/minecraft/world/biome/MountainsBiome$class_0_2384 | |
f Lanp$a; a field_12530 NORMAL | |
f Lanp$a; b field_12531 EXTRA_TREES | |
f Lanp$a; c field_12532 MUTATED | |
f [Lanp$a; d field_12533 field_0_11322 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lanp$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lanp$a; values values values | |
c anq net/minecraft/class_2711 net/minecraft/world/biome/source/FixedBiomeSource | |
f Lanh; a field_12534 biome | |
c anr net/minecraft/class_1179 net/minecraft/world/biome/ForestBiome | |
f Lanr$a; A field_12535 field_0_11323 | |
f Lazi; x field_7234 field_0_505 | |
f Lazi; y field_7235 field_0_506 | |
f Lbap; z field_7236 field_0_507 | |
m (II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Let;I)V a method_11542 method_0_10044 | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Let;)V b method_11543 method_0_10045 | |
c anr$a net/minecraft/class_1179$class_2712 net/minecraft/world/biome/ForestBiome$class_0_2385 | |
f Lanr$a; a field_12536 NORMAL | |
f Lanr$a; b field_12537 FLOWER | |
f Lanr$a; c field_12538 BIRCH | |
f Lanr$a; d field_12539 ROOFED | |
f [Lanr$a; e field_12540 field_0_11328 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lanr$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lanr$a; values values values | |
c ans net/minecraft/class_1180 net/minecraft/world/biome/NetherWastesBiome | |
c ant net/minecraft/class_3007 net/minecraft/class_0_2408 | |
c anu net/minecraft/class_1181 net/minecraft/world/biome/SnowyTundraBiome | |
f Z x field_7240 field_0_511 | |
f Lbad; y field_7241 field_0_512 | |
f Lbac; z field_7242 field_0_513 | |
m (IZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
c anv net/minecraft/class_1182 net/minecraft/world/biome/JungleBiome | |
f Lawt; A field_9242 field_0_517 | |
f Z x field_7243 field_0_514 | |
f Lawt; y field_9240 field_0_515 | |
f Lawt; z field_9241 field_0_516 | |
m (IZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
c anw net/minecraft/class_1746 net/minecraft/world/biome/BadlandsBiome | |
f Lawt; A field_12542 field_0_9999 | |
f Lawt; B field_12543 field_0_10000 | |
f Lawt; C field_12544 field_0_10001 | |
f [Lawt; D field_9243 field_0_518 | |
f J E field_7245 field_0_519 | |
f Lbcq; F field_7246 field_0_520 | |
f Lbcq; G field_7247 field_0_521 | |
f Lbcq; H field_7248 field_0_522 | |
f Z I field_7249 field_0_523 | |
f Z J field_7250 field_0_524 | |
f Lawt; x field_12545 field_0_9996 | |
f Lawt; y field_12546 field_0_9997 | |
f Lawt; z field_12541 field_0_9998 | |
m (IZZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
m (III)Lawt; a method_6438 method_0_578 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m (J)V a method_6437 method_0_579 | |
p 1 seed | |
c anw$1 net/minecraft/class_1746$1 net/minecraft/world/biome/BadlandsBiome$1 | |
c anw$a net/minecraft/class_1746$class_3008 net/minecraft/world/biome/BadlandsBiome$class_0_2409 | |
f Lanw; M field_14822 field_0_11481 | |
c anx net/minecraft/class_1183 net/minecraft/world/biome/MushroomFieldsBiome | |
c any net/minecraft/class_2713 net/minecraft/world/biome/TallBirchForestBiome | |
c anz net/minecraft/class_1749 net/minecraft/world/biome/ShatteredSavannaBiome | |
c ao net/minecraft/class_3201 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/OnKilledCriterion | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_15718 handlers | |
f Lnf; b field_15719 id | |
m (Loq;Lvg;Lur;)V a method_14297 trigger | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lao$b; b method_14298 conditionsFromJson | |
c ao$a net/minecraft/class_3201$class_3202 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/OnKilledCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15720 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15721 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14299 isEmpty | |
m (Loq;Lvg;Lur;)V a method_14300 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14301 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14302 removeCondition | |
c ao$b net/minecraft/class_3201$class_3203 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/OnKilledCriterion$Conditions | |
f Laj; a field_15722 entity | |
f Lac; b field_15723 killingBlow | |
m (Loq;Lvg;Lur;)Z a method_14303 test | |
c aoa net/minecraft/class_1184 net/minecraft/world/biome/OceanBiome | |
c aob net/minecraft/class_1185 net/minecraft/world/biome/PlainsBiome | |
f Z x field_7252 field_0_526 | |
c aoc net/minecraft/class_1187 net/minecraft/world/biome/RiverBiome | |
c aod net/minecraft/class_1748 net/minecraft/world/biome/SavannaBiome | |
f Lbar; x field_7253 field_0_527 | |
c aoe net/minecraft/class_1750 net/minecraft/world/biome/StoneShoreBiome | |
c aof net/minecraft/class_1188 net/minecraft/world/biome/SwampBiome | |
f Lawt; x field_12547 field_0_10002 | |
c aog net/minecraft/class_1189 net/minecraft/world/biome/TaigaBiome | |
f Lbah; A field_7257 field_0_531 | |
f Lazj; B field_7258 field_0_532 | |
f Laog$a; C field_12548 field_0_11329 | |
f Lbam; x field_7254 field_0_528 | |
f Lbau; y field_7255 field_0_529 | |
f Lbah; z field_7256 field_0_530 | |
m (II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
c aog$a net/minecraft/class_1189$class_2714 net/minecraft/world/biome/TaigaBiome$class_0_2387 | |
f Laog$a; a field_12549 NORMAL | |
f Laog$a; b field_12550 MEGA | |
f Laog$a; c field_12551 MEGA_SPRUCE | |
f [Laog$a; d field_12552 field_0_11333 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laog$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laog$a; values values values | |
c aoh net/minecraft/class_1190 net/minecraft/world/biome/EndIslandsSmallBiome | |
c aoi net/minecraft/class_1191 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/EndSpikeFeature | |
f Lcom/google/common/cache/LoadingCache; M field_12553 CACHE | |
f Lbas; N field_12554 field_0_9010 | |
m (Lamu;)[Lbas$a; a method_11545 method_14506 | |
c aoi$1 net/minecraft/class_1191$1 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/EndSpikeFeature$1 | |
c aoi$a net/minecraft/class_1191$class_2715 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/EndSpikeFeature$SpikeCache | |
m (Ljava/lang/Long;)[Lbas$a; a method_11546 method_14507 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; load load load | |
c aoj net/minecraft/class_2716 net/minecraft/world/biome/VoidBiome | |
c aok net/minecraft/class_2717 net/minecraft/class_0_2259 | |
c aom net/minecraft/class_1751 net/minecraft/block/AirBlock | |
c aon net/minecraft/class_1299 net/minecraft/block/AnvilBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_9244 FACING | |
f Laxi; b field_9245 field_0_536 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12555 field_9892 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12556 field_9887 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; e field_12557 field_9890 | |
c aon$a net/minecraft/class_1299$class_2169 net/minecraft/block/AnvilBlock$class_2200 | |
f Lamu; a field_9246 field_9893 | |
f Let; b field_9247 field_9894 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
c aoo net/minecraft/class_2171 net/minecraft/block/AbstractSkullBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_9248 field_0_539 | |
f Laxi; b field_9249 field_0_540 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12558 field_0_10055 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Laip; c method_13699 method_0_9906 | |
c aoo$1 net/minecraft/class_2171$1 net/minecraft/block/AbstractSkullBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9250 field_10775 | |
c aoo$a net/minecraft/class_2171$class_2172 net/minecraft/block/AbstractSkullBlock$class_2411 | |
c aoo$b net/minecraft/class_2171$class_2173 net/minecraft/block/AbstractSkullBlock$class_2546 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12559 field_0_10056 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12560 field_0_10057 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12561 field_0_10058 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12562 field_0_10059 | |
c aop net/minecraft/class_2174 net/minecraft/block/BarrierBlock | |
c aoq net/minecraft/class_133 net/minecraft/class_0_153 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_8602 method_0_581 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8603 method_0_582 | |
c aor net/minecraft/class_1445 net/minecraft/block/AbstractPressurePlateBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_12563 field_9942 | |
f Lbhb; b field_12564 field_9943 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12565 BOX | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;I)V a method_11548 method_9433 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
p 4 output | |
m (Lawt;I)Lawt; a method_8605 method_9432 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 value | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_11549 method_9436 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V c method_11550 method_9438 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V d method_8608 updateNeighbors | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;)I e method_8610 getRedstoneOutput | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z i method_8611 method_0_590 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lawt;)I i method_8609 method_9435 | |
p 1 state | |
c aos net/minecraft/class_1446 net/minecraft/block/AbstractRailBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_12566 field_9958 | |
f Lbhb; b field_15123 field_9960 | |
f Z c field_5516 forbidCurves | |
m (Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 allowCurves | |
m (ZLnet/minecraft/class_197$class_3692;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 forbidCurves | |
p 2 builder | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Z)Lawt; a method_8612 method_0_591 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
p 4 forceUpdate | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;Laow;)V a method_8613 method_9477 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 neighbor | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8615 method_0_594 | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()Laxj; g method_8616 getShapeProperty | |
m (Lawt;)Z i method_8614 method_0_593 | |
p 0 state | |
c aos$1 net/minecraft/class_1446$1 net/minecraft/block/AbstractRailBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9251 field_11412 | |
c aos$a net/minecraft/class_1446$class_174 net/minecraft/block/AbstractRailBlock$class_2452 | |
f Laos; a field_5517 field_0_544 | |
f Lamu; b field_306 field_11409 | |
f Let; c field_9252 field_11410 | |
f Laos; d field_9253 field_11411 | |
f Lawt; e field_9254 field_11406 | |
f Z f field_310 field_0_549 | |
f Ljava/util/List; g field_311 field_11407 | |
m (Laos;Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 state | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; a method_11551 method_10457 | |
m (Laos$a;)Z a method_8617 method_10464 | |
p 1 other | |
m (Laos$b;)V a method_8618 method_10466 | |
p 1 shape | |
m (Let;)Z a method_8619 method_10456 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (ZZ)Laos$a; a method_8620 method_10459 | |
m ()I b method_363 method_10460 | |
m (Laos$a;)Z b method_367 method_10455 | |
m (Let;)Laos$a; b method_361 method_10458 | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()Lawt; c method_8621 method_10462 | |
m (Laos$a;)V c method_8622 method_0_605 | |
m (Let;)Z c method_8623 method_10463 | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()V d method_357 method_10467 | |
m (Let;)Z d method_8624 method_10465 | |
c aos$b net/minecraft/class_1446$class_2175 net/minecraft/block/AbstractRailBlock$class_2768 | |
f Laos$b; a field_9255 NORTH_SOUTH | |
f Laos$b; b field_9256 EAST_WEST | |
f Laos$b; c field_9257 ASCENDING_EAST | |
f Laos$b; d field_9258 ASCENDING_WEST | |
f Laos$b; e field_9259 ASCENDING_NORTH | |
f Laos$b; f field_9260 ASCENDING_SOUTH | |
f Laos$b; g field_9261 SOUTH_EAST | |
f Laos$b; h field_9262 SOUTH_WEST | |
f Laos$b; i field_9263 NORTH_WEST | |
f Laos$b; j field_9264 NORTH_EAST | |
f [Laos$b; k field_9265 field_0_561 | |
f I l field_9266 field_12675 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; m field_9267 field_12669 | |
f [Laos$b; n field_9268 field_12673 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
m ()I a method_8625 method_11896 | |
m (I)Laos$b; a method_8626 method_0_609 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Z c method_8627 method_11897 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laos$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laos$b; values values values | |
c aot net/minecraft/class_1300 net/minecraft/block/BeaconBlock | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V c method_8628 method_9463 | |
c aot$1 net/minecraft/class_1300$1 net/minecraft/block/BeaconBlock$1 | |
f Lamu; a field_9269 field_0_565 | |
f Let; b field_9270 field_0_566 | |
m ()V run run run | |
c aot$1$1 net/minecraft/class_1300$1$1 net/minecraft/block/BeaconBlock$1$1 | |
f Let; a field_9271 field_0_567 | |
f Laot$1; b field_9272 field_0_568 | |
m ()V run run run | |
c aou net/minecraft/class_109 net/minecraft/block/BedBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_9273 PART | |
f Laxf; b field_9274 OCCUPIED | |
f Lbhb; c field_12568 field_9965 | |
m (Lahs;Lnet/minecraft/class_197$class_3692;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 color | |
p 2 settings | |
m (Lamu;Let;I)Let; a method_8629 method_9484 | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 pos | |
m (I)Z b method_14304 method_0_11509 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8630 method_9486 | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Laed; c method_8631 method_9485 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
c aou$a net/minecraft/class_109$class_2176 net/minecraft/block/BedBlock$class_2742 | |
f Laou$a; a field_9275 HEAD | |
f Laou$a; b field_9276 FOOT | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_9277 field_12559 | |
f [Laou$a; d field_9278 field_12558 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laou$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laou$a; values values values | |
c aov net/minecraft/class_2718 net/minecraft/block/BeetrootsBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_12569 AGE | |
f [Lbhb; d field_12570 field_9961 | |
c aow net/minecraft/class_197 net/minecraft/block/Block | |
c The Block class provides useful methods and fields for creation of Blocks.\nAll blocks extend the Block class.\nThe Block class also registers all the blocks. | |
f Lawu; A field_9280 stateManager | |
c Stores the block's state manager | |
f Lnf; a field_9282 field_0_590 | |
c The Identifier for Air | |
f Lahp; b field_372 field_0_591 | |
f Lawt; c field_9281 field_10646 | |
c Stores the block's default state | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_425 translationKey | |
c Stores the block's translation key | |
f Ley; h field_9283 field_0_592 | |
c The Registry object to which all blocks get registered to | |
f Lfd; i field_9284 STATE_IDS | |
c A List of all blockstates, used by Debug worlds | |
f Lbhb; j field_12571 field_0_10066 | |
f Lbhb; k field_12572 field_0_10003 | |
f Z l field_7269 field_0_607 | |
c Specifies whether the current block is a full block | |
f I m field_7270 field_0_608 | |
c Stores the light opacity of the block | |
f Z n field_7271 field_0_609 | |
c Specifies whether the current block is transluscent | |
f I o field_7272 lightLevel | |
c Stores the block's luminescence | |
f Z p field_7273 field_0_611 | |
f F q field_467 hardness | |
c Stores the current block's hardness | |
f F r field_468 resistance | |
c Stores the current block's resistance | |
f Z s field_470 field_0_614 | |
c Specifies whether the current block is tracked for stats | |
f Z t field_471 randomTicks | |
c Specifies whether the current block ticks randomly | |
f Z u field_472 field_0_575 | |
c Specifies whether the current block has a block entity | |
f Laty; v field_12573 soundGroup | |
f F w field_480 field_0_583 | |
c Stores the current block's particles' gravity | |
f Lbcz; x field_481 material | |
c Stores the current block's material\n@see net.minecraft.block.Material | |
f Lbda; y field_9279 materialColor | |
c Stores the current block's material color\n@see net.minecraft.block.MaterialColor | |
f F z field_482 slipperiness | |
c Stores the current block's slipperiness\nUsed By Ice and Packed Ice | |
m (ILbcz;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 material | |
m (Lbcz;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
c Overloaded Block constructor that calls the other with the default material color | |
p 1 material | |
c The block's material | |
m (Lbcz;Lbda;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
c Block constructor which initializes all fields to their default values and assigns the material and material color to the specified parameters | |
p 1 material | |
c The block's material | |
p 2 color | |
c The block's material color | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/class_197$class_3692;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 settings | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_392 getTranslationKey | |
c Returns the block's translation key\n@return Translation Key | |
m (F)Laow; a method_6441 method_0_635 | |
c Sets the block's luminescence. Used in registering blocks.\n@return The current block | |
p 1 lightLevel | |
c The block's luminescence | |
m (I)Lawt; a method_8635 method_9605 | |
c Returns a blockstate of the current block from it's id\n@return The Default state | |
p 1 data | |
c The Blockstate's associated data value | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;Laow;)V a method_8636 method_0_638 | |
c Registers a block to the registry | |
p 0 id | |
c The block's Id | |
p 1 name | |
c The block's name | |
p 2 block | |
c The block object | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;)I a method_397 method_0_639 | |
c Returns the number bonus drops for a block when broken.\n@return Bonus drops for a block | |
p 1 id | |
c Id | |
p 2 rand | |
c Random object | |
m (ILnf;Laow;)V a method_8637 method_0_640 | |
c Registers a block to the registry | |
p 0 id | |
c The block's Id | |
p 1 identifier | |
c The block's Identifier | |
p 2 block | |
c The block object | |
m (Lahp;)Laow; a method_406 method_0_680 | |
c Sets the block's ItemGroup. Used in registering blocks.\n@return The current block | |
p 1 group | |
c The itemgroup that the block must be added to | |
m (Lahp;Lfi;)V a method_14305 appendStacks | |
p 1 group | |
p 2 stacks | |
m (Lain;)Laow; a method_6442 getBlockFromItem | |
c Returns a block by converting a blockitem to a block\n@return The block | |
p 0 item | |
c The item that must be converted to a block | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Ljava/util/List;Lakb;)V a method_14306 method_9568 | |
m (Lamp;)Z a method_4184 shouldDropItemsOnExplosion | |
c Returns whether the block should drop as an Item during an explosion.\n@return Whether the block should drop as an item during an explosion | |
p 1 explosion | |
c The explosion that caused the block to break | |
m (Lamu;)I a method_4789 method_9563 | |
c Returns the block's tick rate.\nDefault is 10.\n@return Tick rate | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
m (Lamu;Laed;Let;Lawt;Lavj;Laip;)V a method_8651 method_9556 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 player | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 state | |
p 5 blockEntity | |
p 6 stack | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z a method_8673 method_9558 | |
c Returns whether the current block can be placed at a certain {@code BlockPos}\n@return Whether the current block can be placed at a BlockPos | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;Laed;)V a method_420 method_9606 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 player | |
m (Lamu;Let;Laip;)V a method_8649 dropStack | |
c Runs when a block is broken | |
p 0 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 1 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 2 item | |
c Allows creating an ItemEntity | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lamp;)V a method_8639 onDestroyedByExplosion | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 explosion | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Laip; a method_8640 method_9574 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;FI)V a method_410 method_9565 | |
c Called when the block must be dropped as an item by {@code dropAsItem}, but luck is taken into consideration here. | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 state | |
c The block's BlockState | |
p 4 chance | |
c The chance (luck factor) | |
p 5 id | |
c Id | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Laed;)V a method_8644 method_9576 | |
c Runs when the block is broken by a player. | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 state | |
c The block's BlockState | |
p 4 player | |
c The player who broke the block | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Laed;Lub;Lfa;FFF)Z a method_421 method_9534 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
p 4 player | |
p 5 hand | |
p 6 direction | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Ljava/util/Random;)V a method_8643 method_9514 | |
c Runs when the block is updated | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 state | |
c The block's BlockState | |
p 4 rand | |
c Random object | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Lvg;)V a method_416 method_9548 | |
c Runs every time an entity collides with the block | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 state | |
c The block's BlockState | |
p 4 entity | |
c The entity that collided with the block | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Lvp;Laip;)V a method_419 method_9567 | |
c Runs when the block is placed by an entity | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 state | |
c The block's BlockState | |
p 4 placer | |
c The entity who placed the block | |
p 5 itemStack | |
c ItemStack instance | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;FFFILvp;)Lawt; a method_8645 method_0_656 | |
c Returns a BlockState from an id | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 dir | |
c The block's direction | |
p 7 id | |
p 8 entity | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lvg;)V a method_437 onSteppedOn | |
c Runs every time an entity steps on the Block.\nUsed by redstone ore to change it's state. | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 entity | |
c The entity who stepped on the block | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lvg;F)V a method_8647 onLandedUpon | |
c Runs when an entity falls on the block. | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 entity | |
c The entity who fell on the block | |
p 4 distance | |
c The relative height from which the entity fell | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lvg;Lbhe;)Lbhe; a method_8648 method_0_660 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 entity | |
p 4 velocity | |
m (Lamu;Lvg;)V a method_8650 method_9502 | |
c Sets the speed of an entity moving on the block | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 entity | |
c The entity that the speed must be changed for | |
m (Lamy;Lawt;Let;Lfa;)Lawr; a method_14307 method_9550 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 state | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 direction | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Z a method_8638 method_9500 | |
m (Laow;)I a method_6445 method_0_670 | |
c Returns a certain block's id\n@return Block id | |
p 0 block | |
c The block for which the id is returned | |
m (Laow;Laow;)Z a method_6443 method_0_671 | |
c Returns whether two blocks are equal.\n@return Whether two blocks are equal | |
p 0 one | |
p 1 two | |
m (Laty;)Laow; a method_401 method_0_669 | |
p 1 blockSoundGroup | |
m (Lawt;)Latj; a method_11552 method_9604 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lawt;Laed;Lamu;Let;)F a method_11557 method_9594 | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;)F a method_11561 method_9537 | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;II)Z a method_435 method_9592 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 type | |
p 5 data | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;Laow;Let;)V a method_8641 method_9612 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 block | |
p 5 neighborPos | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;Lbhb;Ljava/util/List;Lvg;Z)V a method_11553 method_0_649 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 entityBox | |
p 5 boxes | |
p 6 entity | |
p 7 isActualState | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;Lbhe;Lbhe;)Lbhc; a method_414 method_9509 | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;Ljava/util/Random;)V a method_8669 method_9496 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 random | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;)Lbhb; a method_8640 method_9549 | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_8654 method_0_668 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 view | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 direction | |
m (Lawt;Lary;)Lawt; a method_11555 method_9569 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 mirror | |
m (Lawt;Latm;)Lawt; a method_11556 method_9598 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 rotation | |
m (Lawt;Ljava/util/Random;I)Lain; a method_398 method_0_674 | |
c Returns the item that must be dropped when the block is broken\n@return The Item that drops after the block breaks | |
p 1 blockState | |
c The block's BlockState | |
p 2 random | |
c Random object | |
p 3 state | |
c State | |
m (Lawt;Lvg;)Z a method_13315 method_9523 | |
m (Lawt;Z)Z a method_400 method_9532 | |
c Returns whether entities can collide with the block\n@return Whether the block has collision | |
p 1 state | |
c The block's BlockState | |
p 2 bl | |
m (Let;Lbhb;Ljava/util/List;Lbhb;)V a method_11558 method_0_9425 | |
p 0 pos | |
p 1 entityBox | |
p 2 boxes | |
p 3 boxToAdd | |
m (Let;Lbhe;Lbhe;Lbhb;)Lbhc; a method_11559 method_0_9346 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)I a method_403 method_0_677 | |
c Returns the amount of items the block should drop on breaking without bonus rolls.\n@return Amount of items to be dropped | |
p 1 rand | |
c Random object | |
m (Lvg;)F a method_404 method_9520 | |
c Returns the block's blast resistance as per the entity provided.\n@return Blast Resistance | |
p 1 entity | |
c The entity that blast resistance must be calculated for | |
m (Z)Laow; a method_440 method_0_683 | |
c Sets whether the current block has random ticks. Used in registering blocks.\n@return The current block | |
p 1 tickRandomly | |
c Whether the current block should have random ticks | |
m (Lawt;)Z a_ method_13704 method_9589 | |
p 1 state | |
m ()Lawu; b method_8676 method_9515 | |
c Returns a new state manager with a property array.\n@return New state manager | |
m (F)Laow; b method_430 method_0_685 | |
c Sets the block's resistance. Used in registering blocks.\n@return The current block | |
p 1 resistance | |
c The block's resistance | |
m (Lamu;Let;I)V b method_8658 dropExperience | |
c Runs when the block is broken to drop experience.\nSince entities are being spawned, most of it only happens on a ServerWorld. | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 size | |
c Size | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V b method_8659 method_9536 | |
c Runs when the block is removed (by an entity or explosion). | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 state | |
c The block's BlockState | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;I)V b method_8660 method_0_689 | |
c Runs when the block must be dropped as an item.\nCalled when the block is broken or an enderman holding the block dies. | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 state | |
c The block's BlockState | |
p 4 id | |
c Id | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Ljava/util/Random;)V b method_8661 method_9588 | |
c Runs when the block is updated as per a schedule | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 state | |
c The block's BlockState | |
p 4 rand | |
c Random object | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)Z b method_8662 method_0_691 | |
c Returns whether blocks can be placed adjacent to it.\n@return Whether blocks can be placed adjacent to it | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 direction | |
c The block's direction | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Z b method_8663 method_9516 | |
p 1 view | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Laow;)Z b method_14308 method_9553 | |
m (Lawt;)Z b method_11560 method_9557 | |
p 1 blockState | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;)Lbhb; b method_11563 method_0_686 | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;)Lbhb; b method_11554 method_9529 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 view | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;Lfa;)I b method_8653 method_9524 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 direction | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laow; b method_6446 method_0_698 | |
c Returns a block from it's name\n@return The block | |
p 0 id | |
c The block's name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_480 method_9518 | |
c Translates and returns the translation key\n@return Translated name | |
m (F)Laow; c method_442 method_0_700 | |
c Sets the current block's strength. Used in registering blocks.\n@return The current block | |
p 1 strength | |
c The block's strength | |
m (I)Laow; c method_6448 method_0_701 | |
c Returns a certain block from its id\n@return The Block | |
p 0 id | |
c The id for which the Block is returned | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V c method_8668 method_9615 | |
c Runs when the block is placed (by a player or enderman). | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 state | |
c The block's BlockState | |
m (Laow;)Z c method_14309 cannotConnect | |
m (Lawt;)Z c method_11562 method_9526 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;)I c method_8686 method_9572 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;)Lbda; c method_8680 method_9602 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 view | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;Lfa;)I c method_8664 method_9603 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 direction | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laow; c method_433 method_0_708 | |
c Sets the block's localization key. Used in registering blocks.\n@return The Current block | |
p 1 key | |
c The Translation key | |
m ()Z d method_8678 canMobSpawnInside | |
c Returns whether mobs can spawn inside the block.\nUsed for Air.\n@return Whether mobs can spawn inside the block | |
m (I)Lawt; d method_8672 method_9531 | |
c Returns a BlockState from it's id\n@return The Blockstate | |
p 0 id | |
c The BlockState's id | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V d method_8674 method_9585 | |
c Runs when the block is broken by the player | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
p 3 state | |
c The block's BlockState | |
m (Laow;)Z d method_6447 method_0_695 | |
c Returns whether the current block and another block are equal\n@return Whether the current block and the other block are equal | |
p 1 block | |
c The other block | |
m (Lawt;)I d method_8655 method_0_672 | |
c Returns the metadata value for a certain BlockState\n@return Metadata value | |
p 1 state | |
c The BlockState | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;)Lawt; d method_8656 method_9559 | |
c Returns the current block's blockstate at a certain position\n@return state | |
p 1 state | |
c The original blockstate | |
p 2 view | |
c BlockView instance | |
p 3 pos | |
c The block's position | |
m (I)Laow; e method_6450 method_0_715 | |
c Sets the block's light opacity. Used in registering blocks.\n@return The current block | |
p 1 opacity | |
c The block's light opacity | |
m (Lawt;)I e method_8671 method_9593 | |
c Returns the data value for a blockstate\nThrows an {@code IllegalArmumentException} as this method does not work\n@return Zero | |
p 1 state | |
c The Blockstate | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;)I e method_11564 method_9546 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 view | |
p 3 pos | |
m ()Lamm; f method_8687 getRenderLayer | |
c Returns the appropriate RenderLayer for a block.\nOnly called on the client.\n@return The block's RenderLayer | |
m (Lawt;)F f method_11565 method_9575 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;)Lbhe; f method_13702 method_9540 | |
m (Lawt;)Z g method_11566 method_9506 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V h method_8685 rainTick | |
c Runs every tick when raining.\nUsed my cauldrons to randomly fill up when raining. | |
p 1 world | |
c The world that the block is placed in | |
p 2 pos | |
c The block's position | |
m (Lawt;)Lbdc; h method_11567 method_9527 | |
p 1 state | |
m ()Laow; j method_474 method_0_740 | |
c Sets the current block as unbreakable. Used in registering blocks.\nSetting the strength as -1 makes the block unbreakable. Used by barriers and command blocks.\n@return The current block | |
m (Lawt;)I j method_8677 method_9507 | |
c Returns a certain Block's id from a blockstate\n@return Block id | |
p 0 state | |
c The BlockState for which the id is returned | |
m ()Z k method_476 method_9542 | |
c Returns whether the current block has random ticks\n@return Whether the current block has random ticks | |
m (Lawt;)Z k method_11568 method_9561 | |
p 1 state | |
m ()Z l method_478 hasBlockEntity | |
c Returns whether the current block has a block entity\n@return Whether the current block has a block entity | |
m (Lawt;)Z l method_11569 method_0_731 | |
p 1 blockState | |
m ()Z m method_469 method_9530 | |
c Returns whether a block has collision, i.e. stops entities\n@return Whether a block has collision | |
m (Lawt;)I m method_11570 method_9505 | |
p 1 blockState | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lfa;)Z method_8665 method_8665 hasCollision | |
p 1 blockView | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 direction | |
m ()Z n method_475 method_0_623 | |
m (Lawt;)Z n method_11571 method_0_733 | |
p 1 blockState | |
m ()Z o method_481 method_0_624 | |
c Returns whether the current block should be tracked for stats\n@return Whether the current block should be tracked for stats | |
m (Lawt;)I o method_11572 method_0_734 | |
p 1 state | |
m ()Laow; p method_482 method_0_625 | |
c Disables tracking by stats for the current block. Used in registering blocks.\n@return The current block | |
m (Lawt;)Z p method_11573 method_0_735 | |
p 1 blockState | |
m ()Lahp; q method_483 method_0_626 | |
c Returns the block's ItemGroup.\nOnly called on the client.\n@return The Block's item group | |
m (Lawt;)Lbcz; q method_11574 method_9597 | |
p 1 state | |
m ()Z r method_4187 method_0_628 | |
m (Lawt;)Z r method_11575 method_9555 | |
p 1 state | |
m ()Lawu; s method_8632 getStateManager | |
c Returns the current state manager.\n@return The current state manager | |
m (Lawt;)Z s method_11576 method_9521 | |
p 1 state | |
m ()Lawt; t method_8633 method_9564 | |
c Returns the block's default BlockState.\n@return The block's default BlockState | |
m (Lawt;)Z t method_13703 method_9600 | |
p 1 state | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m ()Laow$a; u method_8634 method_9513 | |
c Returns the block's offset type.\nUsed by grass and flowers.\n@return The block's offset type | |
m (Lawt;)Laip; u method_8682 method_0_724 | |
c Creates and returns and ItemStack from a block.\n@return An ItemStack instance containing the block | |
p 1 state | |
c The block's BlockState | |
m ()Laty; v method_11578 method_0_9619 | |
m (Lawt;)Z v method_11577 method_9498 | |
p 1 state | |
m ()V w method_6457 method_0_633 | |
c Registers all blocks | |
m (Lawt;)V w method_8684 method_9590 | |
c Sets the block's default BlockState. | |
p 1 state | |
c The default state | |
c aow$1 net/minecraft/class_197$1 net/minecraft/block/Block$1 | |
f [I a field_12574 field_0_10004 | |
c aow$a net/minecraft/class_197$class_2177 net/minecraft/block/Block$OffsetType | |
f Laow$a; a field_9286 NONE | |
f Laow$a; b field_9287 XZ | |
f Laow$a; c field_9288 XYZ | |
f [Laow$a; d field_9289 field_10658 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laow$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laow$a; values values values | |
c aox net/minecraft/class_1752 net/minecraft/block/Blocks | |
f Laow; A field_7274 SANDSTONE | |
f Laow; B field_7275 NOTEBLOCK | |
f Laow; C field_7276 BED | |
f Laow; D field_7277 GOLDEN_RAIL | |
f Laow; E field_7278 DETECTOR_RAIL | |
f Lawj; F field_7279 field_0_628 | |
f Laow; G field_7280 WEB | |
f Laun; H field_7281 field_0_630 | |
f Lapu; I field_7282 field_0_631 | |
f Lawj; J field_7283 field_0_632 | |
f Lawk; K field_7284 field_0_633 | |
f Laow; L field_7285 WOOL | |
f Lawl; M field_7286 field_0_635 | |
f Laqr; N field_7287 field_0_636 | |
f Laqr; O field_7288 field_0_637 | |
f Lapc; P field_7289 field_0_638 | |
f Lapc; Q field_7290 field_0_639 | |
f Laow; R field_7291 GOLD_BLOCK | |
f Laow; S field_7292 IRON_BLOCK | |
f Larf; T field_7293 field_0_642 | |
f Larf; U field_7294 field_0_643 | |
f Laow; V field_7295 BRICK_BLOCK | |
f Laow; W field_7296 TNT | |
f Laow; X field_7297 BOOKSHELF | |
f Laow; Y field_7298 MOSSY_COBBLESTONE | |
f Laow; Z field_7299 OBSIDIAN | |
f Laow; a field_7312 AIR | |
f Laqa; aA field_14823 field_0_649 | |
f Laow; aB field_7349 WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE | |
f Laow; aC field_7350 REDSTONE_ORE | |
f Laow; aD field_7351 LIT_REDSTONE_ORE | |
f Laow; aE field_7352 UNLIT_REDSTONE_TORCH | |
f Laow; aF field_7300 REDSTONE_TORCH | |
f Laow; aG field_7301 STONE_BUTTON | |
f Laow; aH field_7302 SNOW_LAYER | |
f Laow; aI field_7303 ICE | |
f Laow; aJ field_7304 SNOW | |
f Lape; aK field_9290 field_0_659 | |
f Laow; aL field_7306 CLAY | |
f Lati; aM field_9291 field_0_662 | |
f Laow; aN field_7308 JUKEBOX | |
f Laow; aO field_9292 FENCE | |
f Laow; aP field_9293 SPRUCE_FENCE | |
f Laow; aQ field_9294 BIRCH_FENCE | |
f Laow; aR field_9295 JUNGLE_FENCE | |
f Laow; aS field_9296 DARK_OAK_FENCE | |
f Laow; aT field_9297 ACACIA_FENCE | |
f Laow; aU field_7310 PUMPKIN | |
f Laow; aV field_7311 NETHERRACK | |
f Laow; aW field_7313 SOUL_SAND | |
f Laow; aX field_7314 GLOWSTONE | |
f Lass; aY field_7315 field_0_674 | |
f Laow; aZ field_7316 LIT_PUMPKIN | |
f Laow; aa field_7327 TORCH | |
f Laqq; ab field_7328 field_0_677 | |
f Laow; ac field_7329 MOB_SPAWNER | |
f Laow; ad field_7330 OAK_STAIRS | |
f Lapi; ae field_7331 field_0_680 | |
f Latf; af field_7332 field_0_681 | |
f Laow; ag field_7333 DIAMOND_ORE | |
f Laow; ah field_7334 DIAMOND_BLOCK | |
f Laow; ai field_7335 CRAFTING_TABLE | |
f Laow; aj field_7336 WHEAT | |
f Laow; ak field_7337 FARMLAND | |
f Laow; al field_7338 FURNACE | |
f Laow; am field_7339 LIT_FURNACE | |
f Laow; an field_7340 STANDING_SIGN | |
f Laqa; ao field_14824 field_0_690 | |
f Laqa; ap field_14825 field_0_691 | |
f Laqa; aq field_14826 field_0_692 | |
f Laqa; ar field_14827 field_0_693 | |
f Laqa; as field_14828 field_0_694 | |
f Laqa; at field_14829 field_0_695 | |
f Laow; au field_7342 LADDER | |
f Laow; av field_7343 RAIL | |
f Laow; aw field_7344 STONE_STAIRS | |
f Laow; ax field_7345 WALL_SIGN | |
f Laow; ay field_7346 LEVER | |
f Laow; az field_7347 STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE | |
f Laow; b field_7365 STONE | |
f Laow; bA field_7391 NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS | |
f Laow; bB field_7392 NETHER_WART | |
f Laow; bC field_7393 ENCHANTING_TABLE | |
f Laow; bD field_7394 BREWING_STAND | |
f Laph; bE field_7395 field_0_706 | |
f Laow; bF field_7396 END_PORTAL | |
f Laow; bG field_7397 END_PORTAL_FRAME | |
f Laow; bH field_7398 END_STONE | |
f Laow; bI field_7399 DRAGON_EGG | |
f Laow; bJ field_7400 REDSTONE_LAMP | |
f Laow; bK field_7401 LIT_REDSTONE_LAMP | |
f Larf; bL field_7402 field_0_713 | |
f Larf; bM field_7403 field_0_715 | |
f Laow; bN field_7404 COCOA | |
f Laow; bO field_7405 SANDSTONE_STAIRS | |
f Laow; bP field_7353 EMERALD_ORE | |
f Laow; bQ field_7354 ENDER_CHEST | |
f Laut; bR field_7355 field_0_720 | |
f Laow; bS field_7356 TRIPWIRE | |
f Laow; bT field_7357 EMERALD_BLOCK | |
f Laow; bU field_7358 SPRUCE_STAIRS | |
f Laow; bV field_7359 BIRCH_STAIRS | |
f Laow; bW field_7360 JUNGLE_STAIRS | |
f Laow; bX field_7361 COMMAND_BLOCK | |
f Laot; bY field_7362 field_0_727 | |
f Laow; bZ field_7363 COBBLESTONE_WALL | |
f Laow; ba field_7317 CAKE | |
f Latk; bb field_7318 field_0_730 | |
f Latk; bc field_7319 field_0_731 | |
f Laow; bd field_7320 TRAPDOOR | |
f Laow; be field_7321 MONSTER_EGG | |
f Laow; bf field_7322 STONEBRICK | |
f Laow; bg field_7323 BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK | |
f Laow; bh field_7324 RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK | |
f Laow; bi field_7325 IRON_BARS | |
f Laow; bj field_7326 GLASS_PANE | |
f Laow; bk field_7380 MELON_BLOCK | |
f Laow; bl field_7381 PUMPKIN_STEM | |
f Laow; bm field_7382 MELON_STEM | |
f Laow; bn field_7383 VINE | |
f Laow; bo field_9304 FENCE_GATE | |
f Laow; bp field_9305 SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE | |
f Laow; bq field_9306 BIRCH_FENCE_GATE | |
f Laow; br field_9307 JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE | |
f Laow; bs field_9308 DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE | |
f Laow; bt field_9309 ACACIA_FENCE_GATE | |
f Laow; bu field_7385 BRICK_STAIRS | |
f Laow; bv field_7386 STONE_BRICK_STAIRS | |
f Lasc; bw field_7387 field_0_751 | |
f Laow; bx field_7388 WATERLILY | |
f Laow; by field_7389 NETHER_BRICK | |
f Laow; bz field_7390 NETHER_BRICK_FENCE | |
f Larb; c field_7406 field_0_767 | |
f Laow; cA field_7415 COAL_BLOCK | |
f Laow; cB field_7416 PACKED_ICE | |
f Laow; cC field_7417 ACACIA_STAIRS | |
f Laow; cD field_7418 DARK_OAK_STAIRS | |
f Laow; cE field_9310 SLIME | |
f Laqb; cF field_7419 field_0_760 | |
f Laua; cG field_7420 field_0_761 | |
f Laub; cH field_7421 field_0_762 | |
f Laow; cI field_9311 PRISMARINE | |
f Laow; cJ field_9312 SEA_LANTERN | |
f Laow; cK field_9313 STANDING_BANNER | |
f Laow; cL field_9314 WALL_BANNER | |
f Laow; cM field_9315 RED_SANDSTONE | |
f Laow; cN field_9316 RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS | |
f Larf; cO field_9317 field_0_770 | |
f Larf; cP field_9318 field_0_771 | |
f Laow; cQ field_12575 END_ROD | |
f Laow; cR field_12576 CHORUS_PLANT | |
f Laow; cS field_12577 CHORUS_FLOWER | |
f Laow; cT field_12578 PURPUR_BLOCK | |
f Laow; cU field_12579 PURPUR_PILLAR | |
f Laow; cV field_12580 PURPUR_STAIRS | |
f Larf; cW field_12581 field_0_9029 | |
f Larf; cX field_12582 field_0_9030 | |
f Laow; cY field_12583 END_BRICKS | |
f Laow; cZ field_12584 BEETROOTS | |
f Laow; ca field_7364 FLOWER_POT | |
f Laow; cb field_7366 CARROTS | |
f Laow; cc field_7367 POTATOES | |
f Laow; cd field_7368 WOODEN_BUTTON | |
f Latt; ce field_9319 field_0_776 | |
f Laow; cf field_7370 ANVIL | |
f Laow; cg field_7371 TRAPPED_CHEST | |
f Laow; ch field_7372 LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE | |
f Laow; ci field_7373 HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE | |
f Lapp; cj field_7374 field_0_781 | |
f Lapp; ck field_7375 field_0_782 | |
f Lapt; cl field_7376 field_0_783 | |
f Lapt; cm field_9320 field_0_784 | |
f Laow; cn field_7377 REDSTONE_BLOCK | |
f Laow; co field_7378 QUARTZ_ORE | |
f Larl; cp field_7379 field_0_787 | |
f Laow; cq field_7407 QUARTZ_BLOCK | |
f Laow; cr field_7408 QUARTZ_STAIRS | |
f Laow; cs field_7409 ACTIVATOR_RAIL | |
f Laow; ct field_7410 DROPPER | |
f Laow; cu field_7411 STAINED_HARDENED_CLAY | |
f Laow; cv field_9321 BARRIER | |
f Laow; cw field_9322 IRON_TRAPDOOR | |
f Laow; cx field_7412 HAY_BLOCK | |
f Laow; cy field_7413 CARPET | |
f Laow; cz field_7414 HARDENED_CLAY | |
f Laow; d field_7422 DIRT | |
f Laow; dA field_15124 BLACK_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; dB field_15724 WHITE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dC field_15725 ORANGE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dD field_15726 MAGENTA_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dE field_15727 LIGHT_BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dF field_15728 YELLOW_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dG field_15729 LIME_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dH field_15730 PINK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dI field_15731 GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dJ field_15732 SILVER_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dK field_15733 CYAN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dL field_15734 PURPLE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dM field_15735 BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dN field_15736 BROWN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dO field_15737 GREEN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dP field_15738 RED_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dQ field_15739 BLACK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA | |
f Laow; dR field_15740 CONCRETE | |
f Laow; dS field_15741 CONCRETE_POWDER | |
f Laow; dT field_12590 STRUCTURE_BLOCK | |
f Ljava/util/Set; dU field_12591 field_0_9607 | |
f Laow; da field_12585 GRASS_PATH | |
f Laow; db field_12586 END_GATEWAY | |
f Laow; dc field_12587 REPEATING_COMMAND_BLOCK | |
f Laow; dd field_12588 CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK | |
f Laow; de field_12589 FROSTED_ICE | |
f Laow; df field_14830 MAGMA | |
f Laow; dg field_14831 NETHER_WART_BLOCK | |
f Laow; dh field_14832 RED_NETHER_BRICK | |
f Laow; di field_14833 BONE_BLOCK | |
f Laow; dj field_14834 STRUCTURE_VOID | |
f Laow; dk field_15125 OBSERVER | |
f Laow; dl field_15126 WHITE_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; dm field_15127 ORANGE_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; dn field_15128 MAGENTA_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; do field_15129 LIGHT_BLUE_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; dp field_15130 YELLOW_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; dq field_15131 LIME_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; dr field_15132 PINK_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; ds field_15133 GRAY_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; dt field_15134 SILVER_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; du field_15135 CYAN_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; dv field_15136 PURPLE_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; dw field_15137 BLUE_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; dx field_15138 BROWN_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; dy field_15139 GREEN_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; dz field_15140 RED_SHULKER_BOX | |
f Laow; e field_7423 COBBLESTONE | |
f Laow; f field_7424 PLANKS | |
f Laow; g field_7425 SAPLING | |
f Laow; h field_7426 BEDROCK | |
f Laqe; i field_9323 field_0_803 | |
f Lauf; j field_9324 field_0_804 | |
f Laqe; k field_9325 field_0_805 | |
f Lauf; l field_9326 field_0_806 | |
f Latn; m field_7431 field_0_807 | |
f Laow; n field_7432 GRAVEL | |
f Laow; o field_7433 GOLD_ORE | |
f Laow; p field_7434 IRON_ORE | |
f Laow; q field_7435 COAL_ORE | |
f Laow; r field_7436 LOG | |
f Laow; s field_7437 LOG2 | |
f Larr; t field_7438 field_0_814 | |
f Larr; u field_7439 field_0_815 | |
f Laow; v field_7440 SPONGE | |
f Laow; w field_7441 GLASS | |
f Laow; x field_7442 LAPIS_ORE | |
f Laow; y field_7443 LAPIS_BLOCK | |
f Laow; z field_7444 DISPENSER | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laow; a method_8689 method_0_749 | |
p 0 id | |
c aoy net/minecraft/class_3009 net/minecraft/class_0_2410 | |
c aoz net/minecraft/class_1753 net/minecraft/block/Fertilizable | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Z)Z a method_6460 method_9651 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
p 4 bl | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Let;Lawt;)Z a method_6461 method_9650 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 state | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Let;Lawt;)V b method_6462 method_9652 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 state | |
c ap net/minecraft/class_3204 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/LevitationCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15742 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15743 handlers | |
m (Loq;Lbhe;I)V a method_14310 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14311 method_9007 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lap$b; b method_14312 conditionsFromJson | |
c ap$a net/minecraft/class_3204$class_3205 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/LevitationCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15744 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15745 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14313 isEmpty | |
m (Loq;Lbhe;I)V a method_14314 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14315 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14316 removeCondition | |
c ap$b net/minecraft/class_3204$class_3206 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/LevitationCriterion$Conditions | |
f Lad; a field_15746 distance | |
f Las; b field_15747 field_9676 | |
m (Loq;Lbhe;I)Z a method_14317 matches | |
c apa net/minecraft/class_110 net/minecraft/class_0_166 | |
c apb net/minecraft/class_111 net/minecraft/block/BrewingStandBlock | |
f [Laxf; a field_9327 BOTTLE_PROPERTIES | |
f Lbhb; b field_12592 field_0_10067 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12593 field_0_10068 | |
c apc net/minecraft/class_1754 net/minecraft/block/PlantBlock | |
f Lbhb; b field_12594 field_0_10069 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V e method_8690 method_0_754 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z f method_8691 method_0_755 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
m (Lawt;)Z x method_11579 method_9695 | |
c apd net/minecraft/class_114 net/minecraft/block/ButtonBlock | |
f Lbhb; B field_12595 field_10726 | |
f Lbhb; C field_12596 field_10730 | |
f Lbhb; D field_12597 field_10719 | |
f Lbhb; E field_12598 field_10724 | |
f Lbhb; F field_12599 field_10732 | |
f Lbhb; G field_12600 field_10718 | |
f Z I field_4999 wooden | |
f Laxf; a field_9329 POWERED | |
f Lbhb; b field_12601 field_10727 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12602 field_10716 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12603 field_10728 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12604 field_10715 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12605 field_10731 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12606 field_10720 | |
m (Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 wooden | |
m (ZLnet/minecraft/class_197$class_3692;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 wooden | |
p 2 builder | |
m (Laed;Lamu;Let;)V a method_11580 method_0_9620 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_8692 method_0_756 | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 dir | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_11581 method_0_9621 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)V c method_8693 method_9713 | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;)V d method_11582 method_9715 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z e method_8695 method_0_759 | |
c apd$1 net/minecraft/class_114$1 net/minecraft/block/ButtonBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9330 field_10733 | |
c ape net/minecraft/class_115 net/minecraft/block/CactusBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_9331 AGE | |
f Lbhb; b field_12607 field_10711 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12608 field_10710 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8697 method_0_761 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
c apf net/minecraft/class_116 net/minecraft/block/CakeBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_9332 BITES | |
f [Lbhb; b field_12609 field_10738 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8699 method_0_763 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Laed;)Z b method_8698 method_9719 | |
c apg net/minecraft/class_1301 net/minecraft/block/CarrotsBlock | |
f [Lbhb; a field_12610 field_10737 | |
c aph net/minecraft/class_117 net/minecraft/block/AbstractCauldronBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_9333 LEVEL | |
f Lbhb; b field_12611 field_0_10084 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12612 field_0_10085 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12613 field_0_10086 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12614 field_0_10087 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12615 field_0_10088 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;I)V a method_8700 method_9726 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
p 4 level | |
c api net/minecraft/class_118 net/minecraft/block/ChestBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_9334 FACING | |
f Lbhb; b field_12616 field_10767 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12617 field_10771 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12618 field_10773 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12619 field_10769 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12620 field_10774 | |
f Lapi$a; g field_12621 field_0_11099 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Z)Luh; a method_8702 method_9752 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Luh; c method_11583 method_0_10142 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z d method_8704 method_0_768 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z e method_8705 method_9756 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Lawt; e method_8701 method_0_765 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Lawt; f method_8703 method_0_767 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z i method_8706 method_9757 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z j method_8707 method_9754 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
c api$a net/minecraft/class_118$class_2719 net/minecraft/block/ChestBlock$class_0_2370 | |
f Lapi$a; a field_12622 BASIC | |
f Lapi$a; b field_12623 TRAP | |
f [Lapi$a; c field_12624 field_0_11102 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lapi$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lapi$a; values values values | |
c apj net/minecraft/class_2720 net/minecraft/block/ChorusFlowerBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_12625 AGE | |
m (Lapk;Lnet/minecraft/class_197$class_3692;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 plantBlock | |
p 2 settings | |
m (Lamu;Let;I)V a method_11584 grow | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 age | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_11585 method_9746 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Ljava/util/Random;I)V a method_11586 method_9744 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Ljava/util/Random;Let;II)V a method_11587 method_9748 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_11588 method_0_8488 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V c method_11589 die | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
c apk net/minecraft/class_2721 net/minecraft/block/ChorusPlantBlock | |
f Laxf; a field_12626 field_0_9041 | |
f Laxf; b field_12627 field_0_9042 | |
f Laxf; c field_12628 field_0_9037 | |
f Laxf; d field_12629 field_0_9038 | |
f Laxf; e field_12630 field_0_9039 | |
f Laxf; f field_12631 field_0_9040 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_11590 method_0_8489 | |
c apl net/minecraft/class_119 net/minecraft/class_0_175 | |
c apm net/minecraft/class_121 net/minecraft/block/CocoaBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_9335 AGE | |
f [Lbhb; b field_12632 field_10778 | |
f [Lbhb; c field_12633 field_10776 | |
f [Lbhb; d field_12634 field_10777 | |
f [Lbhb; e field_12635 field_10780 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z e method_8708 method_0_772 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V f method_8709 method_0_773 | |
c apm$1 net/minecraft/class_121$1 net/minecraft/block/CocoaBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9336 field_10781 | |
c apn net/minecraft/class_1591 net/minecraft/class_0_177 | |
f Laxh; a field_9337 field_0_833 | |
c apo net/minecraft/class_1302 net/minecraft/block/CommandBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_12636 FACING | |
f Laxf; b field_12637 CONDITIONAL | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; c field_15748 LOGGER | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;Lamj;Z)V a method_14318 method_9780 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 executor | |
p 5 hasCommand | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)V c method_14319 executeCommandChain | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 facing | |
c app net/minecraft/class_1447 net/minecraft/block/ComparatorBlock | |
f Laxf; a field_9339 field_0_835 | |
f Laxh; b field_9340 MODE | |
m (Lamu;Lfa;Let;)Lacb; a method_8710 getAttachedItemFrame | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 facing | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)I j method_8711 method_9773 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V k method_8712 method_9775 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
c app$1 net/minecraft/class_1447$1 net/minecraft/block/ComparatorBlock$1 | |
f Lfa; a field_9341 field_0_837 | |
f Lapp; b field_9342 field_0_838 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_8713 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c app$a net/minecraft/class_1447$class_2178 net/minecraft/block/ComparatorBlock$class_2747 | |
f Lapp$a; a field_9343 COMPARE | |
f Lapp$a; b field_9344 SUBTRACT | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_9345 field_12577 | |
f [Lapp$a; d field_9346 field_12579 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lapp$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lapp$a; values values values | |
c apq net/minecraft/class_3207 net/minecraft/block/StainedGlassBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_15749 field_0_12115 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z e method_14320 method_0_10889 | |
c apr net/minecraft/class_214 net/minecraft/block/CraftingTableBlock | |
c apr$a net/minecraft/class_214$class_2179 net/minecraft/block/CraftingTableBlock$class_2305 | |
f Lamu; a field_9347 field_10883 | |
f Let; b field_9348 field_10884 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
c aps net/minecraft/class_122 net/minecraft/block/CropBlock | |
f [Lbhb; a field_12638 field_10836 | |
f Laxi; c field_9349 AGE | |
m (Laow;Lamu;Let;)F a method_8714 method_9830 | |
m (I)Lawt; b method_11595 method_9828 | |
p 1 age | |
m (Lamu;)I b method_11593 getGrowthAmount | |
p 1 world | |
m ()Laxi; e method_11594 getAgeProperty | |
m ()I g method_11596 getMaxAge | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V g method_11597 method_9826 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
m ()Lain; h method_6469 method_9832 | |
m ()Lain; i method_6468 method_0_781 | |
m (Lawt;)I y method_11598 method_9829 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lawt;)Z z method_11599 method_9825 | |
p 1 state | |
c apt net/minecraft/class_1448 net/minecraft/block/DaylightDetectorBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_9350 POWER | |
f Lbhb; b field_12639 field_10898 | |
f Z c field_9351 field_0_847 | |
m (Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 inverted | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V c method_8716 method_9983 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
c apu net/minecraft/class_123 net/minecraft/block/DeadBushBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_12640 field_10910 | |
c apv net/minecraft/class_124 net/minecraft/block/DetectorRailBlock | |
f Laxh; d field_9353 SHAPE | |
f Laxf; e field_9352 POWERED | |
m (Lamu;Let;Ljava/lang/Class;[Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Ljava/util/List; a method_8717 method_10001 | |
m (Let;)Lbhb; a method_8718 getCartDetectionBox | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Z)V b method_11600 method_10003 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V e method_8719 method_10002 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
c apv$1 net/minecraft/class_124$1 net/minecraft/block/DetectorRailBlock$1 | |
m (Laos$b;)Z a method_8720 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c apv$2 net/minecraft/class_124$2 net/minecraft/block/DetectorRailBlock$2 | |
f [I a field_12641 field_10917 | |
f [I b field_12642 field_10916 | |
f [I c field_12643 field_10915 | |
c apw net/minecraft/class_1449 net/minecraft/block/AbstractRedstoneGateBlock | |
f Lbhb; c field_12644 field_10912 | |
f Z d field_5539 field_0_850 | |
m (Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 locked | |
m (Lawt;)Z A method_8734 method_0_803 | |
m (Lawt;)Z B method_11601 method_9989 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lawt;)Z C method_11602 method_9999 | |
p 0 state | |
m (Lawt;)Z D method_11603 method_0_796 | |
m (Lawt;)I E method_8735 method_0_804 | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lawt;)I a method_8721 method_9993 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lfa;)I a method_8724 method_9995 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8726 method_0_794 | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lawt;)Z b method_8722 method_9996 | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lawt;)I c method_8723 method_10000 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z e method_8727 method_9990 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)I f method_8729 method_9991 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V g method_8730 method_9998 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V h method_8731 method_9997 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z i method_8732 method_9988 | |
m (Lawt;)I x method_8725 method_9992 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lawt;)Lawt; y method_8728 method_0_797 | |
m (Lawt;)Lawt; z method_8733 method_0_802 | |
c apx net/minecraft/class_126 net/minecraft/block/FacingBlock | |
f Laxg; H field_9354 FACING | |
c apy net/minecraft/class_127 net/minecraft/class_0_190 | |
f Laxh; a field_9355 field_0_852 | |
f Laxf; b field_9356 field_0_853 | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
c apy$a net/minecraft/class_127$class_2180 net/minecraft/class_0_190$class_0_191 | |
f Lapy$a; a field_9357 DIRT | |
f Lapy$a; b field_9358 COARSE_DIRT | |
f Lapy$a; c field_9359 PODZOL | |
f [Lapy$a; d field_9360 field_0_857 | |
f I e field_9361 field_0_858 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_9362 field_0_859 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_9363 field_0_860 | |
f Lbda; h field_9364 field_0_861 | |
f [Lapy$a; i field_9365 field_0_862 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Lbda;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 color | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lbda;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 stateName | |
p 6 color | |
m ()I a method_8736 method_0_805 | |
m (I)Lapy$a; a method_8737 method_0_806 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_8738 method_0_807 | |
m ()Lbda; d method_8739 method_0_808 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lapy$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lapy$a; values values values | |
c apz net/minecraft/class_128 net/minecraft/block/DispenserBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_9367 FACING | |
f Laxf; b field_9368 TRIGGERED | |
f Lez; c field_9366 field_10919 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; d field_277 field_0_864 | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
m (Laip;)Lfb; a method_4770 getBehaviorForItem | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Leu;)Lfk; a method_4169 getOutputLocation | |
p 0 pointer | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V c method_8741 dispense | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V e method_8740 method_0_812 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
c aq net/minecraft/class_3208 net/minecraft/predicate/entity/LocationPredicate | |
f Laq; a field_15750 ANY | |
f Lanh; b field_15751 biome | |
f Las; c field_15752 field_9682 | |
f Las; d field_15753 field_9684 | |
f Las; e field_15754 field_9681 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_15755 field_0_12997 | |
f Layn; g field_15756 dimension | |
m (Las;Las;Las;Lanh;Ljava/lang/String;Layn;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 biome | |
p 5 feature | |
p 6 dimension | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)Laq; a method_14321 fromJson | |
p 0 element | |
m (Loo;DDD)Z a method_14322 test | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (Loo;FFF)Z a method_14323 test | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
c aqa net/minecraft/class_129 net/minecraft/block/DoorBlock | |
f Lbhb; B field_12645 field_10944 | |
f Lbhb; C field_12646 field_10943 | |
f Laxg; a field_9372 FACING | |
f Laxf; b field_9373 OPEN | |
f Laxh; c field_9369 HINGE | |
f Laxf; d field_9370 POWERED | |
f Laxh; e field_9371 HALF | |
f Lbhb; f field_12647 field_10942 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12648 field_10939 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Z)V a method_8742 setOpen | |
m (I)I b method_8743 method_0_815 | |
m (Lamy;Let;)I c method_8744 method_0_816 | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Z d method_8746 method_0_818 | |
m ()I e method_11604 getCloseSoundEventId | |
m (I)Lfa; f method_8745 method_0_817 | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Lfa; f method_8748 method_0_820 | |
m ()I g method_11605 getOpenSoundEventId | |
m (I)Z g method_8747 method_0_819 | |
m ()Lain; h method_8751 method_0_823 | |
m (I)Z i method_8749 method_0_821 | |
c aqa$1 net/minecraft/class_129$1 net/minecraft/block/DoorBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12649 field_10948 | |
c aqa$a net/minecraft/class_129$class_2181 net/minecraft/block/DoorBlock$class_0_194 | |
f Laqa$a; a field_9374 UPPER | |
f Laqa$a; b field_9375 LOWER | |
f [Laqa$a; c field_9376 field_0_874 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laqa$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laqa$a; values values values | |
c aqa$b net/minecraft/class_129$class_2182 net/minecraft/block/DoorBlock$class_2750 | |
f Laqa$b; a field_9377 LEFT | |
f Laqa$b; b field_9378 RIGHT | |
f [Laqa$b; c field_9379 field_12587 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laqa$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laqa$b; values values values | |
c aqb net/minecraft/class_1755 net/minecraft/class_0_196 | |
f Laxh; a field_9381 field_0_879 | |
f Laxh; c field_9382 field_0_880 | |
f Laxh; d field_9380 field_0_878 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Laqb$b;I)V a method_8752 method_0_825 | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lawt;)Laqb$b; a method_11606 method_0_827 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Laed;)Z b method_8753 method_0_826 | |
c aqb$a net/minecraft/class_1755$class_2183 net/minecraft/class_0_196$class_0_197 | |
f Laqb$a; a field_9383 UPPER | |
f Laqb$a; b field_9384 LOWER | |
f [Laqb$a; c field_9385 field_0_883 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laqb$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laqb$a; values values values | |
c aqb$b net/minecraft/class_1755$class_2184 net/minecraft/class_0_196$class_0_198 | |
f Laqb$b; a field_9386 SUNFLOWER | |
f Laqb$b; b field_9387 SYRINGA | |
f Laqb$b; c field_9388 GRASS | |
f Laqb$b; d field_9389 FERN | |
f Laqb$b; e field_9390 ROSE | |
f Laqb$b; f field_9391 PAEONIA | |
f [Laqb$b; g field_9392 field_0_890 | |
f I h field_9393 field_0_891 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_9394 field_0_892 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; j field_9395 field_0_893 | |
f [Laqb$b; k field_9396 field_0_894 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 translationKey | |
m ()I a method_8755 method_0_828 | |
m (I)Laqb$b; a method_8756 method_0_829 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_8757 method_0_830 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laqb$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laqb$b; values values values | |
c aqc net/minecraft/class_130 net/minecraft/block/DragonEggBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_12650 field_10950 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_8758 method_0_831 | |
p 1 world | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V c method_8759 method_10047 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
c aqd net/minecraft/class_1450 net/minecraft/block/DropperBlock | |
f Lfb; e field_5546 BEHAVIOR | |
c aqe net/minecraft/class_154 net/minecraft/class_0_201 | |
f I a field_289 field_0_896 | |
m (Lamu;Let;I)I a method_337 method_0_833 | |
m (Lamu;Let;ILfa;)I a method_8760 method_0_834 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;I)V a method_8761 method_0_835 | |
m (Lamu;)I b method_11607 method_0_9911 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Ljava/util/Set; c method_8762 method_0_836 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V f method_8763 method_0_837 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z g method_8764 method_0_838 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z h method_8765 method_0_839 | |
c aqf net/minecraft/class_131 net/minecraft/block/EnchantingTableBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_12653 field_10951 | |
c aqg net/minecraft/class_2722 net/minecraft/block/EndGatewayBlock | |
c aqh net/minecraft/class_194 net/minecraft/block/EndPortalBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_12654 field_10959 | |
c aqi net/minecraft/class_195 net/minecraft/block/EndPortalFrameBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_9397 FACING | |
f Laxf; b field_9398 EYE | |
f Lbhb; c field_12655 field_10956 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12656 field_10953 | |
f Lawx; e field_12657 COMPLETED_FRAME | |
m ()Lawx; e method_11610 getCompletedFramePattern | |
c aqj net/minecraft/class_2723 net/minecraft/block/RodBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_12658 field_10971 | |
f Lbhb; b field_12659 field_10970 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12660 field_10969 | |
c aqj$1 net/minecraft/class_2723$1 net/minecraft/block/RodBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12661 field_10972 | |
c aqk net/minecraft/class_132 net/minecraft/block/EnderChestBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_9399 FACING | |
f Lbhb; b field_12662 field_10967 | |
c aql net/minecraft/class_1451 net/minecraft/class_0_206 | |
m (Lamu;I)Lavj; a method_309 method_10123 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 id | |
c aqm net/minecraft/class_1756 net/minecraft/block/FallingBlock | |
f Z f field_7453 field_11013 | |
m (Lack;)V a method_6481 configureFallingBlockEntity | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Lawt;)V a method_8766 method_10127 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 fallingBlockState | |
p 4 currentStateInPos | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V a_ method_13705 onDestroyedOnLanding | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_8768 tryStartFalling | |
m (Lawt;)Z x method_11611 method_10128 | |
m (Lawt;)I y method_13316 method_10130 | |
p 1 state | |
c aqn net/minecraft/class_134 net/minecraft/block/FarmlandBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_9400 MOISTURE | |
f Lbhb; b field_12663 field_11010 | |
f Lbhb; c field_15757 field_0_13251 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_13706 method_0_10551 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z c method_8769 method_10124 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z d method_8770 method_10126 | |
c aqn$1 net/minecraft/class_134$1 net/minecraft/block/FarmlandBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9401 field_0_902 | |
c aqo net/minecraft/class_136 net/minecraft/block/FenceBlock | |
f Lbhb; B field_12664 field_0_10118 | |
f Lbhb; C field_12665 field_0_10119 | |
f Lbhb; D field_12666 field_0_10120 | |
f Laxf; a field_9404 field_0_905 | |
f Laxf; b field_9405 field_0_906 | |
f Laxf; c field_9402 field_0_903 | |
f Laxf; d field_9403 field_0_904 | |
f [Lbhb; e field_12667 field_0_10121 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12668 field_0_10122 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12669 field_0_10123 | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_14324 method_10184 | |
m (Laow;)Z e method_14325 method_10185 | |
m (Lawt;)I x method_11612 method_0_9426 | |
c aqo$1 net/minecraft/class_136$1 net/minecraft/block/FenceBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12670 field_0_9048 | |
f [I b field_12671 field_0_9049 | |
c aqp net/minecraft/class_135 net/minecraft/block/FenceGateBlock | |
f Lbhb; B field_12672 field_11028 | |
f Lbhb; C field_12673 field_11019 | |
f Laxf; a field_9407 OPEN | |
f Laxf; b field_9408 POWERED | |
f Laxf; c field_9406 IN_WALL | |
f Lbhb; d field_12674 field_11022 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12675 field_11017 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12676 field_11025 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12677 field_11016 | |
c aqq net/minecraft/class_137 net/minecraft/block/FireBlock | |
f Ljava/util/Map; B field_9416 field_11091 | |
f Laxi; a field_9417 AGE | |
f Laxf; b field_9410 NORTH | |
f Laxf; c field_9411 EAST | |
f Laxf; d field_9412 SOUTH | |
f Laxf; e field_9413 WEST | |
f Laxf; f field_12678 UP | |
f Ljava/util/Map; g field_9415 field_11095 | |
m (Lamu;Let;ILjava/util/Random;I)V a method_8772 trySpreadingFire | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 spreadFactor | |
p 4 rand | |
p 5 currentAge | |
m (Laow;II)V a method_8773 registerFlammableBlock | |
p 1 block | |
p 2 flamability | |
p 3 disappearPercentage | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8776 isRainingAround | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z c method_8778 method_0_854 | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Z c method_8777 method_10193 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)I d method_8779 method_10194 | |
m ()V e method_6485 registerDefaultFlammables | |
m (Laow;)I e method_8774 method_10190 | |
m (Laow;)I f method_8775 method_10191 | |
c aqr net/minecraft/class_112 net/minecraft/class_0_212 | |
f Laxh; a field_9419 field_0_920 | |
m ()Laqr$b; e method_8780 method_0_857 | |
m ()Laxj; g method_8781 method_0_858 | |
c aqr$1 net/minecraft/class_112$1 net/minecraft/class_0_212$1 | |
f Laqr; a field_9420 field_0_921 | |
m (Laqr$a;)Z a method_8782 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c aqr$a net/minecraft/class_112$class_2185 net/minecraft/class_0_212$class_0_213 | |
f Laqr$a; a field_9421 DANDELION | |
f Laqr$a; b field_9422 POPPY | |
f Laqr$a; c field_9423 BLUE_ORCHID | |
f Laqr$a; d field_9424 ALLIUM | |
f Laqr$a; e field_9425 HOUSTONIA | |
f Laqr$a; f field_9426 RED_TULIP | |
f Laqr$a; g field_9427 ORANGE_TULIP | |
f Laqr$a; h field_9428 WHITE_TULIP | |
f Laqr$a; i field_9429 PINK_TULIP | |
f Laqr$a; j field_9430 OXEYE_DAISY | |
f [[Laqr$a; k field_9431 field_0_932 | |
f Laqr$b; l field_9432 field_0_933 | |
f I m field_9433 field_0_934 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; n field_9434 field_0_935 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; o field_9435 field_0_936 | |
f [Laqr$a; p field_9436 field_0_937 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILaqr$b;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 color | |
p 4 dataIndex | |
p 5 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILaqr$b;ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 color | |
p 4 dataIndex | |
p 5 id | |
p 6 name | |
m ()Laqr$b; a method_8783 method_0_860 | |
m (Laqr$b;)[Laqr$a; a method_8784 method_0_861 | |
p 0 color | |
m (Laqr$b;I)Laqr$a; a method_8785 method_0_862 | |
p 0 color | |
m ()I b method_8786 method_0_863 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_8787 method_0_864 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laqr$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laqr$a; values values values | |
c aqr$a$1 net/minecraft/class_112$class_2185$1 net/minecraft/class_0_212$class_0_213$1 | |
f Laqr$b; a field_9437 field_0_938 | |
m (Laqr$a;)Z a method_8788 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c aqr$b net/minecraft/class_112$class_2186 net/minecraft/class_0_212$class_0_214 | |
f Laqr$b; a field_9438 YELLOW | |
f Laqr$b; b field_9439 RED | |
f [Laqr$b; c field_9440 field_0_941 | |
m ()Laqr; a method_8789 method_0_866 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laqr$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laqr$b; values values values | |
c aqs net/minecraft/class_1303 net/minecraft/block/FlowerPotBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_9441 field_0_942 | |
f Laxh; b field_9442 field_0_943 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12679 field_11102 | |
m (Laip;)Z a method_13707 method_0_867 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Lavt; c method_8790 method_0_868 | |
c aqs$1 net/minecraft/class_1303$1 net/minecraft/block/FlowerPotBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9443 field_0_944 | |
f [I b field_9444 field_0_945 | |
c aqs$a net/minecraft/class_1303$class_2187 net/minecraft/block/FlowerPotBlock$class_0_216 | |
f Laqs$a; a field_9445 EMPTY | |
f Laqs$a; b field_9446 POPPY | |
f Laqs$a; c field_9447 BLUE_ORCHID | |
f Laqs$a; d field_9448 ALLIUM | |
f Laqs$a; e field_9449 HOUSTONIA | |
f Laqs$a; f field_9450 RED_TULIP | |
f Laqs$a; g field_9451 ORANGE_TULIP | |
f Laqs$a; h field_9452 WHITE_TULIP | |
f Laqs$a; i field_9453 PINK_TULIP | |
f Laqs$a; j field_9454 OXEYE_DAISY | |
f Laqs$a; k field_9455 DANDELION | |
f Laqs$a; l field_9456 OAK_SAPLING | |
f Laqs$a; m field_9457 SPRUCE_SAPLING | |
f Laqs$a; n field_9458 BIRCH_SAPLING | |
f Laqs$a; o field_9459 JUNGLE_SAPLING | |
f Laqs$a; p field_9460 ACACIA_SAPLING | |
f Laqs$a; q field_9461 DARK_OAK_SAPLING | |
f Laqs$a; r field_9462 MUSHROOM_RED | |
f Laqs$a; s field_9463 MUSHROOM_BROWN | |
f Laqs$a; t field_9464 DEAD_BUSH | |
f Laqs$a; u field_9465 FERN | |
f Laqs$a; v field_9466 CACTUS | |
f Ljava/lang/String; w field_9467 field_0_968 | |
f [Laqs$a; x field_9468 field_0_969 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laqs$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laqs$a; values values values | |
c aqt net/minecraft/class_2724 net/minecraft/block/FrostedIceBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_12680 AGE | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Ljava/util/Random;Z)V a method_11613 method_0_9583 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)I c method_11614 method_0_9584 | |
c aqu net/minecraft/class_2188 net/minecraft/class_0_217 | |
c aqv net/minecraft/class_2189 net/minecraft/class_0_219 | |
c aqw net/minecraft/class_2190 net/minecraft/class_0_220 | |
c aqx net/minecraft/class_138 net/minecraft/block/AbstractFurnaceBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_9469 FACING | |
f Z b field_281 field_0_972 | |
f Z c field_282 field_0_970 | |
m (ZLamu;Let;)V a method_8791 method_0_870 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V e method_8792 method_0_871 | |
c aqx$1 net/minecraft/class_138$1 net/minecraft/block/AbstractFurnaceBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9470 field_0_973 | |
c aqy net/minecraft/class_140 net/minecraft/block/GlassBlock | |
c aqz net/minecraft/class_3209 net/minecraft/block/GlazedTerracottaBlock | |
c ar net/minecraft/class_3210 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/LocationArrivalCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15758 id | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15759 handlers | |
m (Loq;)V a method_14326 trigger | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lar$b; b method_14327 conditionsFromJson | |
c ar$a net/minecraft/class_3210$class_3211 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/LocationArrivalCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15760 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15761 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14328 isEmpty | |
m (Loo;DDD)V a method_14329 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14330 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14331 removeCondition | |
c ar$b net/minecraft/class_3210$class_3212 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/LocationArrivalCriterion$Conditions | |
f Laq; a field_15762 location | |
m (Loo;DDD)Z a method_14332 matches | |
c ara net/minecraft/class_152 net/minecraft/class_0_223 | |
c arb net/minecraft/class_141 net/minecraft/block/SnowyBlock | |
f Laxf; a field_9471 SNOWY | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
c arc net/minecraft/class_2725 net/minecraft/block/DirtPathBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_12681 field_11106 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_13708 method_0_10820 | |
c arc$1 net/minecraft/class_2725$1 net/minecraft/block/DirtPathBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12682 field_11136 | |
c ard net/minecraft/class_142 net/minecraft/block/GravelBlock | |
c are net/minecraft/class_2191 net/minecraft/class_0_226 | |
c arf net/minecraft/class_143 net/minecraft/block/SlabBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_9472 TYPE | |
f Lbhb; b field_12683 field_11500 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12684 field_11499 | |
m (Laip;)Ljava/lang/Comparable; a method_11615 method_0_872 | |
m (I)Ljava/lang/String; b method_323 method_0_873 | |
m ()Z e method_8794 method_0_875 | |
m ()Laxj; g method_8795 method_0_876 | |
m (Lawt;)Z x method_11616 method_0_874 | |
c arf$a net/minecraft/class_143$class_2192 net/minecraft/block/SlabBlock$class_2771 | |
f Larf$a; a field_9473 TOP | |
f Larf$a; b field_9474 BOTTOM | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_9475 field_12678 | |
f [Larf$a; d field_9476 field_12680 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Larf$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Larf$a; values values values | |
c arg net/minecraft/class_2193 net/minecraft/class_0_229 | |
c arh net/minecraft/class_144 net/minecraft/block/TransparentBlock | |
f Z a field_284 field_0_980 | |
m (Lbcz;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 material | |
m (Lbcz;ZLbda;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 material | |
c ari net/minecraft/class_2194 net/minecraft/class_0_231 | |
c arj net/minecraft/class_1757 net/minecraft/class_0_232 | |
c ark net/minecraft/class_1592 net/minecraft/block/HayBlock | |
c arl net/minecraft/class_1452 net/minecraft/block/HopperBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_9477 FACING | |
f Laxf; b field_9478 ENABLED | |
f Lbhb; c field_12685 field_0_10132 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12686 field_0_10133 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12687 field_0_10134 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12688 field_0_10135 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12689 field_0_10136 | |
m (I)Lfa; b method_8796 method_0_877 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V e method_8797 method_10217 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
m (I)Z f method_4776 method_0_879 | |
c arl$1 net/minecraft/class_1452$1 net/minecraft/block/HopperBlock$1 | |
m (Lfa;)Z a method_8798 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c arm net/minecraft/class_2726 net/minecraft/block/HorizontalFacingBlock | |
f Laxg; D field_12690 FACING | |
c arn net/minecraft/class_147 net/minecraft/block/MushroomBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_9479 field_0_983 | |
f Laow; b field_9480 field_0_984 | |
m (Laow;Lnet/minecraft/class_197$class_3692;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 settings | |
c arn$1 net/minecraft/class_147$1 net/minecraft/block/MushroomBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9481 field_0_985 | |
f [I b field_12691 field_0_9051 | |
f [I c field_12692 field_0_9052 | |
c arn$a net/minecraft/class_147$class_2195 net/minecraft/block/MushroomBlock$class_0_236 | |
f Larn$a; a field_9482 NORTH_WEST | |
f Larn$a; b field_9483 NORTH | |
f Larn$a; c field_9484 NORTH_EAST | |
f Larn$a; d field_9485 WEST | |
f Larn$a; e field_9486 CENTER | |
f Larn$a; f field_9487 EAST | |
f Larn$a; g field_9488 SOUTH_WEST | |
f Larn$a; h field_9489 SOUTH | |
f Larn$a; i field_9490 SOUTH_EAST | |
f Larn$a; j field_9491 STEM | |
f Larn$a; k field_9492 ALL_INSIDE | |
f Larn$a; l field_9493 ALL_OUTSIDE | |
f Larn$a; m field_9494 ALL_STEM | |
f [Larn$a; n field_9495 field_0_999 | |
f I o field_9496 field_0_1000 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; p field_9497 field_0_1001 | |
f [Larn$a; q field_9498 field_0_1002 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
m ()I a method_8799 method_0_881 | |
m (I)Larn$a; a method_8800 method_0_882 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Larn$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Larn$a; values values values | |
c aro net/minecraft/class_148 net/minecraft/block/IceBlock | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_11617 method_10275 | |
c arp net/minecraft/class_175 net/minecraft/block/JukeboxBlock | |
f Laxf; a field_9499 HAS_RECORD | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Laip;)V a method_8801 method_10276 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13317 method_0_10365 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V e method_8802 method_10277 | |
c arp$a net/minecraft/class_175$class_176 net/minecraft/block/JukeboxBlock$class_2619 | |
f Laip; a field_15141 field_12031 | |
m ()Laip; a method_4782 method_11275 | |
m (Laip;)V a method_4783 method_11276 | |
c arq net/minecraft/class_149 net/minecraft/block/LadderBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_9500 FACING | |
f Lbhb; b field_12693 field_11255 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12694 field_11252 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12695 field_11254 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12696 field_11256 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_14333 method_10305 | |
c arq$1 net/minecraft/class_149$1 net/minecraft/block/LadderBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9501 field_11258 | |
c arr net/minecraft/class_150 net/minecraft/block/LeavesBlock | |
f Laxf; a field_9503 field_0_1010 | |
f Laxf; b field_9504 field_0_1011 | |
f Z c field_9502 fancy | |
f [I d field_287 field_0_1007 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;I)V a method_8804 method_0_888 | |
m (I)Lasr$a; b method_8805 method_0_889 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_8807 method_0_892 | |
m (Z)V b method_325 setRenderingMode | |
m (Lawt;)I x method_8806 method_0_891 | |
c art net/minecraft/class_151 net/minecraft/block/LeverBlock | |
f Lbhb; B field_12697 field_0_10141 | |
f Laxh; a field_9505 field_0_1012 | |
f Laxf; b field_9506 POWERED | |
f Lbhb; c field_12698 field_11267 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12699 field_11263 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12700 field_11260 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12701 field_11262 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12702 field_0_10146 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_8808 method_0_893 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z e method_8810 method_0_895 | |
c art$1 net/minecraft/class_151$1 net/minecraft/block/LeverBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9507 field_0_1014 | |
f [I b field_9508 field_0_1015 | |
f [I c field_12703 field_0_9053 | |
f [I d field_9509 field_0_1016 | |
c art$a net/minecraft/class_151$class_2196 net/minecraft/block/LeverBlock$class_0_243 | |
f Lart$a; a field_9510 DOWN_X | |
f Lart$a; b field_9511 EAST | |
f Lart$a; c field_9512 WEST | |
f Lart$a; d field_9513 SOUTH | |
f Lart$a; e field_9514 NORTH | |
f Lart$a; f field_9515 UP_Z | |
f Lart$a; g field_9516 UP_X | |
f Lart$a; h field_9517 DOWN_Z | |
f [Lart$a; i field_9518 field_0_1025 | |
f I j field_9519 field_0_1026 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; k field_9520 field_0_1027 | |
f Lfa; l field_9521 field_0_1028 | |
f [Lart$a; m field_9522 field_0_1029 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 direction | |
m ()I a method_8811 method_0_896 | |
m (I)Lart$a; a method_8812 method_0_897 | |
p 0 id | |
m (Lfa;Lfa;)Lart$a; a method_8813 method_0_898 | |
p 0 dir1 | |
p 1 dir2 | |
m ()Lfa; c method_8814 method_0_899 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lart$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lart$a; values values values | |
c aru net/minecraft/class_153 net/minecraft/block/FluidBlock | |
f Laxi; b field_9523 LEVEL | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lawt;)Lbhe; a method_8823 method_0_909 | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lbcz;Lawt;)F a method_11618 method_0_900 | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_8665 method_0_694 | |
m (Lbcz;)Laqe; a method_8816 method_0_901 | |
p 0 material | |
m (I)F b method_330 method_0_902 | |
p 0 height | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_11619 method_10318 | |
m (Lbcz;)Lauf; b method_8817 method_0_903 | |
p 0 material | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Z c method_8822 method_0_908 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z e method_8819 method_10316 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;)F g method_13709 method_0_10830 | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;)F h method_13710 method_0_10831 | |
m (Lawt;)I x method_11620 method_0_906 | |
m (Lawt;)I y method_11621 method_0_907 | |
c arv net/minecraft/class_206 net/minecraft/block/LogBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_9524 field_0_1031 | |
c arv$1 net/minecraft/class_206$1 net/minecraft/block/LogBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12704 field_0_9054 | |
f [I b field_12705 field_0_9055 | |
f [I c field_9525 field_0_1032 | |
c arv$a net/minecraft/class_206$class_2197 net/minecraft/block/LogBlock$class_0_246 | |
f Larv$a; a field_9526 X | |
f Larv$a; b field_9527 Y | |
f Larv$a; c field_9528 Z | |
f Larv$a; d field_9529 NONE | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_9530 field_0_1037 | |
f [Larv$a; f field_9531 field_0_1038 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m (Lfa$a;)Larv$a; a method_8824 method_0_910 | |
p 0 axis | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Larv$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Larv$a; values values values | |
c arw net/minecraft/class_3010 net/minecraft/block/MagmaBlock | |
c arx net/minecraft/class_157 net/minecraft/class_0_247 | |
c ary net/minecraft/class_2727 net/minecraft/util/BlockMirror | |
f Lary; a field_12706 NONE | |
f Lary; b field_12707 LEFT_RIGHT | |
f Lary; c field_12708 FRONT_BACK | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_12709 field_0_9665 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; e field_12710 field_0_9666 | |
f [Lary; f field_12711 field_11299 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m (II)I a method_11622 mirror | |
p 1 rotation | |
p 2 fullTurn | |
m (Lfa;)Latm; a method_11623 getRotation | |
p 1 direction | |
m (Lfa;)Lfa; b method_11624 apply | |
p 1 direction | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lary; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lary; values values values | |
c ary$1 net/minecraft/class_2727$1 net/minecraft/util/BlockMirror$1 | |
f [I a field_12712 field_11303 | |
c arz net/minecraft/class_159 net/minecraft/block/SpawnerBlock | |
c as net/minecraft/class_3213 net/minecraft/predicate/NumberRange | |
f Las; a field_15763 field_0_12160 | |
f Ljava/lang/Float; b field_15764 field_9702 | |
f Ljava/lang/Float; c field_15765 field_9699 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Float;Ljava/lang/Float;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 min | |
p 2 max | |
m (D)Z a method_14334 method_0_10949 | |
m (F)Z a method_14335 method_0_10950 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)Las; a method_14336 method_9039 | |
p 0 element | |
c asa net/minecraft/class_190 net/minecraft/block/InfestedBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_9532 field_0_1039 | |
m (Lawt;)Z x method_8825 method_10269 | |
c asa$1 net/minecraft/class_190$1 net/minecraft/block/InfestedBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9533 field_0_1040 | |
c asa$a net/minecraft/class_190$class_2198 net/minecraft/block/InfestedBlock$class_0_251 | |
f Lasa$a; a field_9534 STONE | |
f Lasa$a; b field_9535 COBBLESTONE | |
f Lasa$a; c field_9536 STONEBRICK | |
f Lasa$a; d field_9537 MOSSY_STONEBRICK | |
f Lasa$a; e field_9538 CRACKED_STONEBRICK | |
f Lasa$a; f field_9539 CHISELED_STONEBRICK | |
f [Lasa$a; g field_9540 field_0_1047 | |
f I h field_9541 field_0_1048 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_9542 field_0_1049 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; j field_9543 field_0_1050 | |
f [Lasa$a; k field_9544 field_0_1051 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 translationKey | |
m ()I a method_8826 method_0_914 | |
m (I)Lasa$a; a method_8827 method_0_915 | |
p 0 id | |
m (Lawt;)Lasa$a; a method_8828 method_0_916 | |
p 0 state | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_8829 method_0_917 | |
m ()Lawt; d method_8830 method_0_918 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lasa$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lasa$a; values values values | |
c asa$a$1 net/minecraft/class_190$class_2198$1 net/minecraft/block/InfestedBlock$class_0_251$1 | |
c asa$a$2 net/minecraft/class_190$class_2198$2 net/minecraft/block/InfestedBlock$class_0_251$2 | |
c asa$a$3 net/minecraft/class_190$class_2198$3 net/minecraft/block/InfestedBlock$class_0_251$3 | |
c asa$a$4 net/minecraft/class_190$class_2198$4 net/minecraft/block/InfestedBlock$class_0_251$4 | |
c asa$a$5 net/minecraft/class_190$class_2198$5 net/minecraft/block/InfestedBlock$class_0_251$5 | |
c asa$a$6 net/minecraft/class_190$class_2198$6 net/minecraft/block/InfestedBlock$class_0_251$6 | |
c asb net/minecraft/class_160 net/minecraft/block/MushroomPlantBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_12713 field_11304 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Ljava/util/Random;)Z c method_8832 method_10349 | |
c asc net/minecraft/class_162 net/minecraft/block/MyceliumBlock | |
f Laxf; a field_9545 field_0_1052 | |
c asd net/minecraft/class_2199 net/minecraft/class_0_254 | |
c ase net/minecraft/class_163 net/minecraft/block/NetherWartBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_9546 AGE | |
f [Lbhb; c field_12714 field_11305 | |
c asf net/minecraft/class_146 net/minecraft/class_0_256 | |
c asg net/minecraft/class_1758 net/minecraft/class_0_257 | |
f Laxh; e field_9547 field_0_1054 | |
c asg$1 net/minecraft/class_1758$1 net/minecraft/class_0_257$1 | |
m (Lasr$a;)Z a method_8833 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c ash net/minecraft/class_1759 net/minecraft/class_0_258 | |
f Laxh; b field_9548 field_0_1055 | |
c ash$1 net/minecraft/class_1759$1 net/minecraft/class_0_258$1 | |
m (Lasr$a;)Z a method_8834 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c ash$2 net/minecraft/class_1759$2 net/minecraft/class_0_258$2 | |
f [I a field_9549 field_0_1056 | |
f [I b field_9550 field_0_1057 | |
c asi net/minecraft/class_2200 net/minecraft/class_0_259 | |
f Laxf; d field_9552 field_0_1059 | |
f Laxh; e field_9551 field_0_1058 | |
c asi$a net/minecraft/class_2200$class_2201 net/minecraft/class_0_259$class_0_260 | |
f Lasi$a; a field_9553 RED_SANDSTONE | |
f [Lasi$a; b field_9554 field_0_1061 | |
f I c field_9555 field_0_1062 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_9556 field_0_1063 | |
f Lbda; e field_9557 field_0_1064 | |
f [Lasi$a; f field_9558 field_0_1065 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Lbda;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 color | |
m ()I a method_8835 method_0_922 | |
m (I)Lasi$a; a method_8836 method_0_923 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Lbda; c method_8837 method_0_924 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_8838 method_0_925 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lasi$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lasi$a; values values values | |
c asj net/minecraft/class_2728 net/minecraft/class_0_2388 | |
c ask net/minecraft/class_161 net/minecraft/block/NoteBlock | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_9559 field_0_1066 | |
m (I)Lqe; b method_8839 method_0_926 | |
c asl net/minecraft/class_3065 net/minecraft/block/ObserverBlock | |
f Laxf; a field_15142 POWERED | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;Laow;Let;)V b method_13711 method_0_10855 | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;)V d method_13712 method_10366 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V e method_13713 method_10365 | |
c asm net/minecraft/class_167 net/minecraft/class_0_262 | |
c asn net/minecraft/class_1760 net/minecraft/class_0_263 | |
f Laxh; e field_9560 field_0_1067 | |
c asn$1 net/minecraft/class_1760$1 net/minecraft/class_0_263$1 | |
m (Lasr$a;)Z a method_8840 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c aso net/minecraft/class_1761 net/minecraft/class_0_264 | |
f Laxh; b field_9561 field_0_1068 | |
c aso$1 net/minecraft/class_1761$1 net/minecraft/class_0_264$1 | |
m (Lasr$a;)Z a method_8841 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c aso$2 net/minecraft/class_1761$2 net/minecraft/class_0_264$2 | |
f [I a field_9562 field_0_1069 | |
f [I b field_9563 field_0_1070 | |
c asp net/minecraft/class_168 net/minecraft/block/ExperienceDroppingBlock | |
c asq net/minecraft/class_1762 net/minecraft/class_0_266 | |
c asr net/minecraft/class_213 net/minecraft/class_0_267 | |
f Laxh; a field_9564 field_0_1071 | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
c asr$a net/minecraft/class_213$class_2202 net/minecraft/class_0_267$class_0_268 | |
f Lasr$a; a field_9565 OAK | |
f Lasr$a; b field_9566 SPRUCE | |
f Lasr$a; c field_9567 BIRCH | |
f Lasr$a; d field_9568 JUNGLE | |
f Lasr$a; e field_9569 ACACIA | |
f Lasr$a; f field_9570 DARK_OAK | |
f [Lasr$a; g field_9571 field_0_1078 | |
f I h field_9572 field_0_1079 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_9573 field_0_1080 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; j field_9574 field_0_1081 | |
f Lbda; k field_9575 field_0_1082 | |
f [Lasr$a; l field_9576 field_0_1083 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Lbda;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 color | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lbda;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 oldName | |
p 6 color | |
m ()I a method_8842 method_0_929 | |
m (I)Lasr$a; a method_8843 method_0_930 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Lbda; c method_8844 method_0_931 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_8845 method_0_932 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lasr$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lasr$a; values values values | |
c ass net/minecraft/class_169 net/minecraft/block/NetherPortalBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_9577 AXIS | |
f Lbhb; b field_12715 field_11309 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12716 field_11308 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12717 field_0_10151 | |
m (Lfa$a;)I a method_8846 method_0_933 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8847 method_10352 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Lawx$b; c method_8848 method_10350 | |
c ass$1 net/minecraft/class_169$1 net/minecraft/block/NetherPortalBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12718 field_11320 | |
f [I b field_12719 field_11319 | |
c ass$a net/minecraft/class_169$class_1763 net/minecraft/block/NetherPortalBlock$AreaHelper | |
f Lamu; a field_7473 field_11318 | |
f Lfa$a; b field_9578 field_11317 | |
f Lfa; c field_9579 field_11314 | |
f Lfa; d field_9580 positiveDir | |
f I e field_7477 field_11313 | |
f Let; f field_7478 field_11316 | |
f I g field_7479 field_11312 | |
f I h field_7480 field_11311 | |
m ()I a method_8849 getHeight | |
m (Laow;)Z a method_6502 method_10359 | |
m (Lass$a;)I a method_6503 method_10364 | |
m (Let;Lfa;)I a method_8850 distanceToPortalEdge | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 dir | |
m ()I b method_8851 getWidth | |
m (Lass$a;)I b method_6505 method_0_941 | |
m ()I c method_6500 findHeight | |
m (Lass$a;)I c method_6507 method_0_943 | |
m ()Z d method_6504 method_10360 | |
m (Lass$a;)Lfa; d method_8852 method_10357 | |
m ()V e method_6506 method_10363 | |
m (Lass$a;)Let; e method_8853 method_10358 | |
c ast net/minecraft/class_1304 net/minecraft/block/PotatoesBlock | |
f [Lbhb; a field_12720 field_11357 | |
c asu net/minecraft/class_1453 net/minecraft/block/RedstoneBlock | |
c asv net/minecraft/class_1454 net/minecraft/block/PoweredRailBlock | |
f Laxh; d field_9582 SHAPE | |
f Laxf; e field_9581 POWERED | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;ZI)Z a method_8854 method_10413 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
p 4 boolean4 | |
p 5 distance | |
m (Lamu;Let;ZILaos$b;)Z a method_8855 method_10414 | |
c asv$1 net/minecraft/class_1454$1 net/minecraft/block/PoweredRailBlock$1 | |
m (Laos$b;)Z a method_8856 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c asv$2 net/minecraft/class_1454$2 net/minecraft/block/PoweredRailBlock$2 | |
f [I a field_9583 field_11368 | |
f [I b field_12721 field_11367 | |
f [I c field_12722 field_11366 | |
c asw net/minecraft/class_170 net/minecraft/block/PressurePlateBlock | |
f Laxf; d field_9584 POWERED | |
f Lasw$a; e field_298 type | |
c asw$1 net/minecraft/class_170$1 net/minecraft/block/PressurePlateBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9585 field_11360 | |
c asw$a net/minecraft/class_170$class_171 net/minecraft/block/PressurePlateBlock$ActivationRule | |
f Lasw$a; a field_9586 EVERYTHING | |
f Lasw$a; b field_9587 MOBS | |
f [Lasw$a; c field_302 field_11363 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lasw$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lasw$a; values values values | |
c asx net/minecraft/class_2203 net/minecraft/class_0_276 | |
f Laxh; a field_9590 field_0_1104 | |
f I b field_9591 field_0_1105 | |
f I c field_9588 field_0_1102 | |
f I d field_9589 field_0_1103 | |
c asx$a net/minecraft/class_2203$class_2204 net/minecraft/class_0_276$class_0_277 | |
f Lasx$a; a field_9592 ROUGH | |
f Lasx$a; b field_9593 BRICKS | |
f Lasx$a; c field_9594 DARK | |
f [Lasx$a; d field_9595 field_0_1109 | |
f I e field_9596 field_0_1110 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_9597 field_0_1111 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_9598 field_0_1112 | |
f [Lasx$a; h field_9599 field_0_1113 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 stateName | |
m ()I a method_8857 method_0_951 | |
m (I)Lasx$a; a method_8858 method_0_952 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_8859 method_0_953 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lasx$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lasx$a; values values values | |
c asy net/minecraft/class_172 net/minecraft/block/CarvedPumpkinBlock | |
f Lawx; a field_9603 snowGolemDispenserPattern | |
f Lawx; b field_9604 snowGolemPattern | |
f Lawx; c field_9600 ironGolemDispenserPattern | |
f Lawx; d field_9601 ironGolemPattern | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; e field_9602 field_10751 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8862 method_9733 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V c method_8863 trySpawnEntity | |
m ()Lawx; e method_8864 getSnowGolemDispenserPattern | |
m ()Lawx; g method_8865 getSnowGolemPattern | |
m ()Lawx; h method_8860 getIronGolemDispenserPattern | |
m ()Lawx; i method_8861 getIronGolemPattern | |
c asy$1 net/minecraft/class_172$1 net/minecraft/block/CarvedPumpkinBlock$1 | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_8866 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c asz net/minecraft/class_2729 net/minecraft/class_0_2086 | |
f Laxh; d field_12723 field_0_9060 | |
c asz$a net/minecraft/class_2729$class_2730 net/minecraft/class_0_2086$class_0_2087 | |
c asz$b net/minecraft/class_2729$class_2731 net/minecraft/class_0_2086$class_0_2088 | |
c asz$c net/minecraft/class_2729$class_2732 net/minecraft/class_0_2086$class_0_2089 | |
f Lasz$c; a field_12724 DEFAULT | |
f [Lasz$c; b field_12725 field_0_9062 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lasz$c; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lasz$c; values values values | |
c at net/minecraft/class_3214 net/minecraft/predicate/entity/EntityEffectPredicate | |
f Lat; a field_15766 EMPTY | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15767 effects | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)Lat; a method_14337 fromJson | |
p 0 element | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)Z a method_14338 test | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_14339 test | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Lvp;)Z a method_14340 test | |
p 1 entity | |
c at$a net/minecraft/class_3214$class_3215 net/minecraft/predicate/entity/EntityEffectPredicate$EffectData | |
f Las; a field_15768 field_9711 | |
f Las; b field_15769 field_9713 | |
f Ljava/lang/Boolean; c field_15770 ambient | |
f Ljava/lang/Boolean; d field_15771 visible | |
m (Las;Las;Ljava/lang/Boolean;Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 amplifier | |
p 2 duration | |
p 3 ambient | |
p 4 visible | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lat$a; a method_14341 fromJson | |
p 0 object | |
m (Lva;)Z a method_14342 test | |
p 1 instance | |
c ata net/minecraft/class_1455 net/minecraft/class_0_279 | |
f Laxh; a field_9605 field_0_1119 | |
c ata$1 net/minecraft/class_1455$1 net/minecraft/class_0_279$1 | |
f [I a field_9606 field_0_1120 | |
f [I b field_12726 field_0_9063 | |
f [I c field_12727 field_0_9064 | |
c ata$a net/minecraft/class_1455$class_2205 net/minecraft/class_0_279$class_0_280 | |
f Lata$a; a field_9607 DEFAULT | |
f Lata$a; b field_9608 CHISELED | |
f Lata$a; c field_9609 LINES_Y | |
f Lata$a; d field_9610 LINES_X | |
f Lata$a; e field_9611 LINES_Z | |
f [Lata$a; f field_9612 field_0_1126 | |
f I g field_9613 field_0_1127 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_9614 field_0_1128 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_9615 field_0_1129 | |
f [Lata$a; j field_9616 field_0_1130 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 stateName | |
m ()I a method_8867 method_0_961 | |
m (I)Lata$a; a method_8868 method_0_962 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lata$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lata$a; values values values | |
c atb net/minecraft/class_173 net/minecraft/block/RailBlock | |
f Laxh; d field_9617 SHAPE | |
c atb$1 net/minecraft/class_173$1 net/minecraft/block/RailBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12728 field_11372 | |
f [I b field_12729 field_11371 | |
f [I c field_12730 field_11370 | |
c atc net/minecraft/class_2206 net/minecraft/class_0_282 | |
c atd net/minecraft/class_2207 net/minecraft/class_0_284 | |
f Laxh; a field_9618 field_0_1132 | |
c atd$a net/minecraft/class_2207$class_2208 net/minecraft/class_0_284$class_0_285 | |
f Latd$a; a field_9619 DEFAULT | |
f Latd$a; b field_9620 CHISELED | |
f Latd$a; c field_9621 SMOOTH | |
f [Latd$a; d field_9622 field_0_1136 | |
f I e field_9623 field_0_1137 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_9624 field_0_1138 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_9625 field_0_1139 | |
f [Latd$a; h field_9626 field_0_1140 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 stateName | |
m ()I a method_8869 method_0_965 | |
m (I)Latd$a; a method_8870 method_0_966 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_8871 method_0_967 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Latd$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Latd$a; values values values | |
c ate net/minecraft/class_178 net/minecraft/block/RedstoneOreBlock | |
f Z a field_315 field_0_1141 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_8872 method_10441 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V c method_8873 spawnParticles | |
c atf net/minecraft/class_177 net/minecraft/block/RedstoneWireBlock | |
f Ljava/util/Set; B field_314 affectedNeighbors | |
f Laxh; a field_9630 WIRE_CONNECTION_NORTH | |
f Laxh; b field_9631 WIRE_CONNECTION_EAST | |
f Laxh; c field_9627 WIRE_CONNECTION_SOUTH | |
f Laxh; d field_9628 WIRE_CONNECTION_WEST | |
f Laxi; e field_9629 POWER | |
f [Lbhb; f field_12731 field_11433 | |
f Z g field_313 wiresGivePower | |
m (Lamu;Let;I)I a method_8874 method_10486 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Let;Lawt;)Lawt; a method_8875 method_10481 | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lfa;)Latf$a; a method_8878 method_10477 | |
m (Lawt;Lfa;)Z a method_8876 method_10482 | |
p 0 state | |
p 1 dir | |
m (I)I b method_8877 getWireColor | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_8881 updateNeighbors | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lfa;)Z b method_8879 method_10478 | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Z c method_8883 method_10483 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Lawt; e method_8882 method_10485 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
m (Lawt;)Z x method_8880 method_10484 | |
p 0 state | |
m (Lawt;)I y method_11625 method_10480 | |
c atf$1 net/minecraft/class_177$1 net/minecraft/block/RedstoneWireBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12732 field_11442 | |
f [I b field_12733 field_11441 | |
c atf$a net/minecraft/class_177$class_2209 net/minecraft/block/RedstoneWireBlock$class_2773 | |
f Latf$a; a field_9632 UP | |
f Latf$a; b field_9633 SIDE | |
f Latf$a; c field_9634 NONE | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_9635 field_12685 | |
f [Latf$a; e field_9636 field_12688 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Latf$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Latf$a; values values values | |
c atg net/minecraft/class_179 net/minecraft/block/RedstoneLampBlock | |
f Z a field_316 field_0_1154 | |
c ath net/minecraft/class_164 net/minecraft/block/RedstoneTorchBlock | |
f Z B field_292 field_0_1155 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; g field_293 BURNOUT_MAP | |
m (Lamu;Let;Z)Z a method_8884 isBurnedOut | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z g method_8885 method_10488 | |
c ath$a net/minecraft/class_164$class_166 net/minecraft/block/RedstoneTorchBlock$BurnoutEntry | |
f Let; a field_9637 pos | |
f J b field_297 time | |
c ati net/minecraft/class_180 net/minecraft/block/SugarCaneBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_9638 AGE | |
f Lbhb; b field_12734 field_11611 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8886 method_0_982 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z e method_8887 method_0_983 | |
c atj net/minecraft/class_2733 net/minecraft/block/BlockRenderType | |
f Latj; a field_12735 INVISIBLE | |
f Latj; b field_12736 LIQUID | |
f Latj; c field_12737 ENTITYBLOCK_ANIMATED | |
f Latj; d field_12738 MODEL | |
f [Latj; e field_12739 field_11457 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Latj; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Latj; values values values | |
c atk net/minecraft/class_125 net/minecraft/block/RepeaterBlock | |
f Laxf; a field_9639 LOCKED | |
f Laxi; b field_9640 DELAY | |
c atl net/minecraft/class_1595 net/minecraft/block/PillarBlock | |
f Laxh; c field_9641 AXIS | |
c atl$1 net/minecraft/class_1595$1 net/minecraft/block/PillarBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12740 field_11461 | |
f [I b field_12741 field_11460 | |
c atm net/minecraft/class_2734 net/minecraft/util/BlockRotation | |
f Latm; a field_12742 NONE | |
f Latm; b field_12743 CLOCKWISE_90 | |
f Latm; c field_12744 CLOCKWISE_180 | |
f Latm; d field_12745 COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_12746 field_0_9667 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; f field_12747 field_0_9668 | |
f [Latm; g field_12748 field_11466 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m (II)I a method_11626 rotate | |
p 1 rotation | |
p 2 fullTurn | |
m (Latm;)Latm; a method_11627 rotate | |
p 1 rotation | |
m (Lfa;)Lfa; a method_11628 rotate | |
p 1 direction | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Latm; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Latm; values values values | |
c atm$1 net/minecraft/class_2734$1 net/minecraft/util/BlockRotation$1 | |
f [I a field_12749 field_11468 | |
c atn net/minecraft/class_182 net/minecraft/block/SandBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_9642 field_0_1163 | |
c atn$a net/minecraft/class_182$class_2210 net/minecraft/block/SandBlock$class_0_296 | |
f Latn$a; a field_9643 SAND | |
f Latn$a; b field_9644 RED_SAND | |
f [Latn$a; c field_9645 field_0_1166 | |
f I d field_9646 field_0_1167 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_9647 field_0_1168 | |
f Lbda; f field_9648 field_0_1169 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_9649 field_0_1170 | |
f I h field_14835 field_0_11487 | |
f [Latn$a; i field_9650 field_0_1171 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lbda;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 translationKey | |
p 6 color | |
m ()I a method_13318 method_0_10184 | |
m (I)Latn$a; a method_8889 method_0_985 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()I b method_8888 method_0_984 | |
m ()Lbda; d method_8890 method_0_986 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; e method_8891 method_0_987 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Latn$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Latn$a; values values values | |
c ato net/minecraft/class_181 net/minecraft/class_0_297 | |
f Laxh; a field_9651 field_0_1172 | |
c ato$a net/minecraft/class_181$class_2211 net/minecraft/class_0_297$class_0_298 | |
f Lato$a; a field_9652 DEFAULT | |
f Lato$a; b field_9653 CHISELED | |
f Lato$a; c field_9654 SMOOTH | |
f [Lato$a; d field_9655 field_0_1176 | |
f I e field_9656 field_0_1177 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_9657 field_0_1178 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_9658 field_0_1179 | |
f [Lato$a; h field_9659 field_0_1180 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 stateName | |
m ()I a method_8892 method_0_988 | |
m (I)Lato$a; a method_8893 method_0_989 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_8894 method_0_990 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lato$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lato$a; values values values | |
c atp net/minecraft/class_183 net/minecraft/block/SaplingBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_9660 field_0_1181 | |
f Laxi; c field_9661 STAGE | |
f Lbhb; d field_12750 field_11478 | |
m (Lamu;Let;IILasr$a;)Z a method_8895 method_0_991 | |
p 5 woodType | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lasr$a;)Z a method_8896 method_0_992 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 blockPos | |
p 3 woodType | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Ljava/util/Random;)V c method_8897 method_10507 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 blockPos | |
p 3 blockState | |
p 4 random | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Ljava/util/Random;)V d method_8898 method_0_994 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 blockPos | |
p 3 blockState | |
p 4 random | |
c atp$1 net/minecraft/class_183$1 net/minecraft/block/SaplingBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9662 field_0_1183 | |
c atq net/minecraft/class_2212 net/minecraft/class_0_300 | |
c atr net/minecraft/class_3066 net/minecraft/block/ShulkerBoxBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_15143 FACING | |
f Lahs; b field_15144 color | |
m (Lahs;)Laow; a method_13714 get | |
m (Lahs;)Laip; b method_13715 getItemStack | |
m (Lain;)Lahs; b method_13716 getColor | |
m ()Lahs; e method_13718 getColor | |
m (Laow;)Lahs; e method_13717 getColor | |
c atr$1 net/minecraft/class_3066$1 net/minecraft/block/ShulkerBoxBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_15145 field_11497 | |
c ats net/minecraft/class_184 net/minecraft/block/AbstractSignBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_12751 field_11492 | |
c att net/minecraft/class_1305 net/minecraft/block/WitherSkullBlock | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; B field_9663 field_0_1184 | |
f Lawx; C field_9664 witherDispenserPattern | |
f Lawx; D field_9665 witherBossPattern | |
f Laxg; a field_9666 field_0_1187 | |
f Laxf; b field_9667 field_0_1188 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12752 field_0_10156 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12753 field_0_10157 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12754 field_0_10158 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12755 field_0_10159 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12756 field_0_10160 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawd;)V a method_8899 onPlaced | |
m (Lamu;Let;Laip;)Z b method_8900 canDispense | |
m ()Lawx; e method_8901 getWitherDispenserPattern | |
m ()Lawx; g method_8902 getWitherBossPattern | |
c att$1 net/minecraft/class_1305$1 net/minecraft/block/WitherSkullBlock$1 | |
m (Laww;)Z a method_8903 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c att$2 net/minecraft/class_1305$2 net/minecraft/block/WitherSkullBlock$2 | |
f [I a field_9668 field_0_1189 | |
c atu net/minecraft/class_2213 net/minecraft/block/SlimeBlock | |
c atv net/minecraft/class_186 net/minecraft/class_0_304 | |
c atw net/minecraft/class_202 net/minecraft/block/SnowBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_9669 LAYERS | |
f [Lbhb; b field_12757 field_11517 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z e method_8904 method_0_1001 | |
c atx net/minecraft/class_145 net/minecraft/block/SoulSandBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_12758 field_11521 | |
c aty net/minecraft/class_200 net/minecraft/sound/BlockSoundGroup | |
f Laty; a field_12759 WOOD | |
f Laty; b field_12760 GRAVEL | |
f Laty; c field_12761 GRASS | |
f Laty; d field_12762 STONE | |
f Laty; e field_12763 METAL | |
f Laty; f field_12764 GLASS | |
f Laty; g field_12765 WOOL | |
f Laty; h field_12766 SAND | |
f Laty; i field_12767 SNOW | |
f Laty; j field_12768 LADDER | |
f Laty; k field_12769 ANVIL | |
f Laty; l field_12770 SLIME | |
f F m field_507 volume | |
f F n field_508 pitch | |
f Lqe; o field_12771 breakSound | |
f Lqe; p field_506 stepSound | |
f Lqe; q field_12772 placeSound | |
f Lqe; r field_12773 hitSound | |
f Lqe; s field_12774 fallSound | |
m ()F a method_485 getVolume | |
m ()F b method_486 getPitch | |
m ()Lqe; c method_11629 getBreakSound | |
m ()Lqe; d method_484 getStepSound | |
m ()Lqe; e method_4194 getPlaceSound | |
m ()Lqe; f method_11630 getHitSound | |
m ()Lqe; g method_487 getFallSound | |
c atz net/minecraft/class_187 net/minecraft/block/SpongeBlock | |
f Laxf; a field_9670 field_0_1191 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8905 absorbWater | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V e method_8906 method_10620 | |
c au net/minecraft/class_3216 net/minecraft/predicate/NbtPredicate | |
f Lau; a field_15772 ANY | |
f Lfy; b field_15773 nbt | |
m (Lfy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Laip;)Z a method_14343 test | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)Lau; a method_14344 fromJson | |
p 0 element | |
m (Lgn;)Z a method_14345 test | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_14346 test | |
p 1 entity | |
c aua net/minecraft/class_1764 net/minecraft/class_0_308 | |
f Laxh; a field_9671 field_0_1192 | |
c aub net/minecraft/class_1765 net/minecraft/block/StainedGlassPaneBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_9672 field_0_1193 | |
c aub$1 net/minecraft/class_1765$1 net/minecraft/block/StainedGlassPaneBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12775 field_0_9072 | |
f [I b field_12776 field_0_9073 | |
c auc net/minecraft/class_3217 net/minecraft/class_0_2751 | |
f [Lbda; b field_15774 field_0_12851 | |
c aud net/minecraft/class_188 net/minecraft/block/StairsBlock | |
f Lbhb; B field_12777 field_0_10163 | |
f Lbhb; C field_12778 field_11568 | |
f Lbhb; D field_12779 field_11577 | |
f Lbhb; E field_12780 field_11563 | |
f Lbhb; F field_12781 field_11567 | |
f Lbhb; G field_12782 field_11576 | |
f Lbhb; H field_12783 field_0_10169 | |
f Lbhb; I field_12784 field_0_10170 | |
f Lbhb; J field_12785 field_0_10171 | |
f Lbhb; K field_12786 field_0_10172 | |
f Lbhb; L field_12787 field_11561 | |
f Lbhb; M field_12788 field_11575 | |
f Lbhb; N field_12789 field_11578 | |
f Lbhb; O field_12790 field_11569 | |
f Laow; P field_324 baseBlock | |
f Lawt; Q field_9674 field_11574 | |
f Laxg; a field_9675 FACING | |
f Laxh; b field_9676 HALF | |
f Laxh; c field_9673 SHAPE | |
f Lbhb; d field_12791 field_11562 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12792 field_0_10178 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12793 field_0_10179 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12794 field_0_10180 | |
m (Lawt;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 blockState | |
m (Lawt;)Lbhb; A method_11636 method_0_1007 | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;Lfa;)Z d method_11632 method_10678 | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;)Laud$b; g method_11631 method_10675 | |
m (Lawt;)Z x method_11633 method_10676 | |
m (Lawt;)Ljava/util/List; y method_11634 method_0_1010 | |
m (Lawt;)Lbhb; z method_11635 method_0_1006 | |
c aud$1 net/minecraft/class_188$1 net/minecraft/block/StairsBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12795 field_0_10181 | |
f [I b field_12796 field_11581 | |
f [I c field_12797 field_11580 | |
c aud$a net/minecraft/class_188$class_2214 net/minecraft/block/StairsBlock$class_2760 | |
f Laud$a; a field_9677 TOP | |
f Laud$a; b field_9678 BOTTOM | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_9679 field_12616 | |
f [Laud$a; d field_9680 field_12618 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laud$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laud$a; values values values | |
c aud$b net/minecraft/class_188$class_2215 net/minecraft/block/StairsBlock$class_2778 | |
f Laud$b; a field_9681 STRAIGHT | |
f Laud$b; b field_9682 INNER_LEFT | |
f Laud$b; c field_9683 INNER_RIGHT | |
f Laud$b; d field_9684 OUTER_LEFT | |
f Laud$b; e field_9685 OUTER_RIGHT | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_9686 field_12714 | |
f [Laud$b; g field_9687 field_12711 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laud$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laud$b; values values values | |
c aue net/minecraft/class_2216 net/minecraft/block/SignBlock | |
f Laxi; b field_9688 ROTATION | |
c auf net/minecraft/class_155 net/minecraft/class_0_314 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z c method_8913 method_0_1011 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z d method_8915 method_0_1013 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V f method_8914 method_0_1012 | |
c aug net/minecraft/class_189 net/minecraft/block/StemBlock | |
f Laxi; a field_9689 AGE | |
f Laxg; c field_9690 field_0_1216 | |
f [Lbhb; d field_12798 field_11583 | |
f Laow; e field_328 field_11585 | |
m (Laow;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 mainBlock | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/class_3728;Lnet/minecraft/class_197$class_3692;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 gourdBlock | |
p 2 settings | |
m ()Lain; e method_8917 getPickItem | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V g method_8916 method_0_1014 | |
c auh net/minecraft/class_192 net/minecraft/class_0_316 | |
f Laxh; a field_9691 field_0_1217 | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
c auh$a net/minecraft/class_192$class_2217 net/minecraft/class_0_316$class_0_317 | |
f Lauh$a; a field_9692 STONE | |
f Lauh$a; b field_9693 GRANITE | |
f Lauh$a; c field_9694 GRANITE_SMOOTH | |
f Lauh$a; d field_9695 DIORITE | |
f Lauh$a; e field_9696 DIORITE_SMOOTH | |
f Lauh$a; f field_9697 ANDESITE | |
f Lauh$a; g field_9698 ANDESITE_SMOOTH | |
f [Lauh$a; h field_9699 field_0_1225 | |
f I i field_9700 field_0_1226 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; j field_9701 field_0_1227 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; k field_9702 field_0_1228 | |
f Lbda; l field_9703 field_0_1229 | |
f Z m field_15146 field_0_12050 | |
f [Lauh$a; n field_9704 field_0_1230 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILbda;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 color | |
p 5 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILbda;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 color | |
p 5 name | |
p 6 translationKey | |
m ()I a method_8919 method_0_1017 | |
m (I)Lauh$a; a method_8920 method_0_1018 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Lbda; c method_8921 method_0_1019 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_8922 method_0_1020 | |
m ()Z e method_13719 method_0_10856 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lauh$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lauh$a; values values values | |
c aui net/minecraft/class_185 net/minecraft/class_0_319 | |
f Laxh; a field_9708 field_0_1234 | |
f I b field_9709 field_0_1235 | |
f I c field_9705 field_0_1231 | |
f I d field_9706 field_0_1232 | |
f I e field_9707 field_0_1233 | |
c aui$a net/minecraft/class_185$class_2218 net/minecraft/class_0_319$class_0_320 | |
f Laui$a; a field_9710 DEFAULT | |
f Laui$a; b field_9711 MOSSY | |
f Laui$a; c field_9712 CRACKED | |
f Laui$a; d field_9713 CHISELED | |
f [Laui$a; e field_9714 field_0_1240 | |
f I f field_9715 field_0_1241 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_9716 field_0_1242 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_9717 field_0_1243 | |
f [Laui$a; i field_9718 field_0_1244 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 key | |
p 5 name | |
m ()I a method_8923 method_0_1022 | |
m (I)Laui$a; a method_8924 method_0_1023 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_8925 method_0_1024 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laui$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laui$a; values values values | |
c auj net/minecraft/class_1456 net/minecraft/block/StoneButtonBlock | |
c auk net/minecraft/class_191 net/minecraft/class_0_322 | |
f Laxf; d field_9720 field_0_1246 | |
f Laxh; e field_9719 field_0_1245 | |
c auk$a net/minecraft/class_191$class_2219 net/minecraft/class_0_322$class_0_323 | |
f Lauk$a; a field_9721 STONE | |
f Lauk$a; b field_9722 SAND | |
f Lauk$a; c field_9723 WOOD | |
f Lauk$a; d field_9724 COBBLESTONE | |
f Lauk$a; e field_9725 BRICK | |
f Lauk$a; f field_9726 SMOOTHBRICK | |
f Lauk$a; g field_9727 NETHERBRICK | |
f Lauk$a; h field_9728 QUARTZ | |
f [Lauk$a; i field_9729 field_0_1255 | |
f I j field_9730 field_0_1256 | |
f Lbda; k field_9731 field_0_1257 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; l field_9732 field_0_1258 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; m field_9733 field_0_1259 | |
f [Lauk$a; n field_9734 field_0_1260 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILbda;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 color | |
p 5 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILbda;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 color | |
p 5 name | |
p 6 translationKey | |
m ()I a method_8926 method_0_1025 | |
m (I)Lauk$a; a method_8927 method_0_1026 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Lbda; c method_8928 method_0_1027 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_8929 method_0_1028 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lauk$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lauk$a; values values values | |
c aul net/minecraft/class_2735 net/minecraft/block/StructureBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_12799 MODE | |
m (Lawe;)V a method_13319 doAction | |
c aul$1 net/minecraft/class_2735$1 net/minecraft/block/StructureBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_14836 field_11587 | |
c aum net/minecraft/class_3011 net/minecraft/block/StructureVoidBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_14837 field_11589 | |
c aun net/minecraft/class_193 net/minecraft/block/FernBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_9735 field_0_1261 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12800 field_11617 | |
c aun$a net/minecraft/class_193$class_2220 net/minecraft/block/FernBlock$class_0_325 | |
f Laun$a; a field_9736 DEAD_BUSH | |
f Laun$a; b field_9737 GRASS | |
f Laun$a; c field_9738 FERN | |
f [Laun$a; d field_9739 field_0_1265 | |
f I e field_9740 field_0_1266 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_9741 field_0_1267 | |
f [Laun$a; g field_9742 field_0_1268 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
m ()I a method_8930 method_0_1029 | |
m (I)Laun$a; a method_8931 method_0_1030 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laun$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laun$a; values values values | |
c auo net/minecraft/class_196 net/minecraft/block/HorizontalConnectingBlock | |
f Z a field_333 field_0_1272 | |
f Laxf; b field_9746 NORTH | |
f Laxf; c field_9743 EAST | |
f Laxf; d field_9744 SOUTH | |
f Laxf; e field_9745 WEST | |
f [Lbhb; f field_12801 field_0_10184 | |
m (Lfa;)I a method_11637 getDirectionMask | |
m (Lamy;Lawt;Let;Lfa;)Z b method_14347 method_0_11512 | |
m (Laow;)Z e method_14348 method_0_11868 | |
m (Lawt;)I x method_11638 method_9987 | |
c auo$1 net/minecraft/class_196$1 net/minecraft/block/HorizontalConnectingBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12802 field_0_9078 | |
f [I b field_12803 field_0_9079 | |
c aup net/minecraft/class_201 net/minecraft/block/TntBlock | |
f Laxf; a field_9747 field_0_1274 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;Lvp;)V a method_11639 method_10737 | |
c auq net/minecraft/class_203 net/minecraft/block/TorchBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_9748 field_0_1275 | |
f Lbhb; b field_12804 field_11618 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12805 field_0_10186 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12806 field_0_10187 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12807 field_0_10188 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12808 field_0_10189 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_8933 method_0_1033 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8934 method_0_1034 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z e method_8935 method_0_1035 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z f method_8936 method_0_1036 | |
c auq$1 net/minecraft/class_203$1 net/minecraft/block/TorchBlock$1 | |
m (Lfa;)Z a method_8937 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c auq$2 net/minecraft/class_203$2 net/minecraft/block/TorchBlock$2 | |
f [I a field_9749 field_13363 | |
c aur net/minecraft/class_205 net/minecraft/block/TrapdoorBlock | |
f Lbhb; B field_12809 field_11632 | |
f Lbhb; C field_12810 field_11628 | |
f Laxg; a field_9751 field_0_1279 | |
f Laxf; b field_9752 OPEN | |
f Laxh; c field_9750 HALF | |
f Lbhb; d field_12811 field_11627 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12812 field_11630 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12813 field_11624 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12814 field_11633 | |
m (Laed;Lamu;Let;Z)V a method_11640 playToggleSound | |
m (Lfa;)I a method_8938 method_0_1038 | |
m (I)Lfa; b method_8939 method_0_1039 | |
c aur$1 net/minecraft/class_205$1 net/minecraft/block/TrapdoorBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9753 field_11635 | |
c aur$a net/minecraft/class_205$class_2221 net/minecraft/block/TrapdoorBlock$class_0_331 | |
f Laur$a; a field_9754 TOP | |
f Laur$a; b field_9755 BOTTOM | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_9756 field_0_1284 | |
f [Laur$a; d field_9757 field_0_1285 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laur$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laur$a; values values values | |
c aus net/minecraft/class_208 net/minecraft/block/TripwireBlock | |
f Lbhb; B field_12815 field_11682 | |
f Lbhb; C field_12816 field_11681 | |
f Laxf; a field_9764 POWERED | |
f Laxf; b field_9758 ATTACHED | |
f Laxf; c field_9759 DISARMED | |
f Laxf; d field_9760 NORTH | |
f Laxf; e field_9761 EAST | |
f Laxf; f field_9762 SOUTH | |
f Laxf; g field_9763 WEST | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lawt;Lfa;)Z a method_8941 method_10778 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_8942 updatePowered | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V e method_8943 method_10779 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
c aus$1 net/minecraft/class_208$1 net/minecraft/block/TripwireBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12817 field_11685 | |
f [I b field_12818 field_11684 | |
c aut net/minecraft/class_207 net/minecraft/block/TripwireHookBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_9768 FACING | |
f Laxf; b field_9769 POWERED | |
f Laxf; c field_9766 ATTACHED | |
f Lbhb; d field_12819 field_11665 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12820 field_11668 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12821 field_11670 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12822 field_11667 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;ZZILawt;)V a method_8944 method_10776 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)V a method_8945 updateNeighborsOnAxis | |
m (Lamu;Let;ZZZZ)V a method_11641 playSound | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z e method_8947 method_0_1048 | |
c aut$1 net/minecraft/class_207$1 net/minecraft/block/TripwireHookBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9770 field_11672 | |
c auu net/minecraft/class_209 net/minecraft/block/VineBlock | |
f Lbhb; B field_12823 field_11705 | |
f Lbhb; C field_12824 field_11704 | |
f Lbhb; D field_12825 field_11700 | |
f Lbhb; E field_12826 field_11701 | |
f Laxf; a field_9775 UP | |
f Laxf; b field_9776 NORTH | |
f Laxf; c field_9771 EAST | |
f Laxf; d field_9772 SOUTH | |
f Laxf; e field_9773 WEST | |
f [Laxf; f field_9774 field_11697 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12827 field_11698 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_14349 method_10829 | |
m (Lfa;)Laxf; a method_8948 getFacingProperty | |
p 0 dir | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)Z c method_14350 method_10821 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z e method_8950 method_10824 | |
m (Laow;)Z e method_14351 method_10825 | |
m (Lawt;)I x method_8949 method_0_1051 | |
p 0 state | |
c auu$1 net/minecraft/class_209$1 net/minecraft/block/VineBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_12828 field_11708 | |
f [I b field_12829 field_11707 | |
f [I c field_9777 field_0_1305 | |
c auv net/minecraft/class_1307 net/minecraft/block/WallBlock | |
f [Lbhb; B field_12830 field_11716 | |
f Laxf; a field_9782 UP | |
f Laxf; b field_9783 field_0_1311 | |
f Laxf; c field_9778 field_0_1306 | |
f Laxf; d field_9779 field_0_1307 | |
f Laxf; e field_9780 field_0_1308 | |
f Laxh; f field_9781 field_0_1309 | |
f [Lbhb; g field_12831 field_11718 | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_14352 method_10836 | |
m (Laow;)Z e method_14353 method_10837 | |
m (Lawt;)I x method_11643 method_0_9429 | |
c auv$a net/minecraft/class_1307$class_2222 net/minecraft/block/WallBlock$class_0_336 | |
f Lauv$a; a field_9784 NORMAL | |
f Lauv$a; b field_9785 MOSSY | |
f [Lauv$a; c field_9786 field_0_1314 | |
f I d field_9787 field_0_1315 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_9788 field_0_1316 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_9789 field_0_1317 | |
f [Lauv$a; g field_9790 field_0_1318 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 stateName | |
m ()I a method_8952 method_0_1054 | |
m (I)Lauv$a; a method_8953 method_0_1055 | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_8954 method_0_1056 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lauv$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lauv$a; values values values | |
c auw net/minecraft/class_2223 net/minecraft/block/WallSignBlock | |
f Laxg; b field_9791 FACING | |
f Lbhb; c field_12832 field_0_10211 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12833 field_0_10212 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12834 field_0_10213 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12835 field_0_10214 | |
c auw$1 net/minecraft/class_2223$1 net/minecraft/block/WallSignBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9792 field_0_1320 | |
c auy net/minecraft/class_210 net/minecraft/block/LilyPadBlock | |
f Lbhb; a field_12836 field_11728 | |
c auz net/minecraft/class_211 net/minecraft/class_0_339 | |
c av net/minecraft/class_3218 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/TravelCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15775 id | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15776 handlers | |
m (Loq;Lbhe;)V a method_14354 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14355 method_9079 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lav$b; b method_14356 conditionsFromJson | |
c av$a net/minecraft/class_3218$class_3219 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/TravelCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15777 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15778 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14357 isEmpty | |
m (Loo;Lbhe;DDD)V a method_14358 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14359 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14360 removeCondition | |
c av$b net/minecraft/class_3218$class_3220 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/TravelCriterion$Conditions | |
f Laq; a field_15779 enteredPos | |
f Laq; b field_15780 exitedPos | |
f Lad; c field_15781 distance | |
m (Loo;Lbhe;DDD)Z a method_14361 matches | |
c ava net/minecraft/class_1457 net/minecraft/block/WeightedPressurePlateBlock | |
f Laxi; d field_9793 POWER | |
f I e field_5640 weight | |
c avb net/minecraft/class_1458 net/minecraft/block/WoodenButtonBlock | |
c avc net/minecraft/class_212 net/minecraft/class_0_342 | |
f Laxh; d field_9794 field_0_1323 | |
c avd net/minecraft/class_1596 net/minecraft/block/CarpetBlock | |
f Laxh; a field_9795 field_0_1324 | |
f Lbhb; b field_12837 field_11783 | |
m (Lahs;Lnet/minecraft/class_197$class_3692;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 color | |
p 2 settings | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z b method_8955 method_0_1058 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)Z e method_8956 method_0_1059 | |
c ave net/minecraft/class_2224 net/minecraft/class_0_344 | |
c avf net/minecraft/class_2225 net/minecraft/block/entity/BannerBlockEntity | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_15147 field_11772 | |
f Lahs; f field_15148 baseColor | |
f Lge; g field_9797 patternListNbt | |
f Z h field_9798 patternListTagRead | |
f Ljava/util/List; i field_9799 patterns | |
f Ljava/util/List; j field_9800 patternColors | |
f Ljava/lang/String; k field_9801 patternCacheKey | |
m (Laip;Z)V a method_13720 method_10913 | |
m (Laip;)I b method_8962 getPatternCount | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Laip;)V c method_8965 loadFromItemStack | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Laip;)Lahs; d method_13721 method_10908 | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; h method_8961 getPatterns | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; j method_8964 getPatternColors | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; k method_8966 getPatternCacheKey | |
m ()Laip; l method_13722 getPickStack | |
m ()V m method_8967 readPattern | |
c avg net/minecraft/class_2226 net/minecraft/block/entity/BannerPattern | |
f Lavg; A field_9802 HALF_VERTICAL | |
f Lavg; B field_9803 HALF_HORIZONTAL | |
f Lavg; C field_9804 HALF_VERTICAL_MIRROR | |
f Lavg; D field_9805 HALF_HORIZONTAL_MIRROR | |
f Lavg; E field_9806 BORDER | |
f Lavg; F field_9807 CURLY_BORDER | |
f Lavg; G field_9808 CREEPER | |
f Lavg; H field_9809 GRADIENT | |
f Lavg; I field_9810 GRADIENT_UP | |
f Lavg; J field_9811 BRICKS | |
f Lavg; K field_9812 SKULL | |
f Lavg; L field_9813 FLOWER | |
f Lavg; M field_9814 MOJANG | |
f Ljava/lang/String; N field_9815 name | |
f Ljava/lang/String; O field_9816 id | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; P field_9817 recipePattern | |
f Laip; Q field_15149 baseStack | |
f [Lavg; R field_9819 field_11833 | |
f Lavg; a field_9820 BASE | |
f Lavg; b field_9821 SQUARE_BOTTOM_LEFT | |
f Lavg; c field_9822 SQUARE_BOTTOM_RIGHT | |
f Lavg; d field_9823 SQUARE_TOP_LEFT | |
f Lavg; e field_9824 SQUARE_TOP_RIGHT | |
f Lavg; f field_9825 STRIPE_BOTTOM | |
f Lavg; g field_9826 STRIPE_TOP | |
f Lavg; h field_9827 STRIPE_LEFT | |
f Lavg; i field_9828 STRIPE_RIGHT | |
f Lavg; j field_9829 STRIPE_CENTER | |
f Lavg; k field_9830 STRIPE_MIDDLE | |
f Lavg; l field_9831 STRIPE_DOWNRIGHT | |
f Lavg; m field_9832 STRIPE_DOWNLEFT | |
f Lavg; n field_9833 STRIPE_SMALL | |
f Lavg; o field_9834 CROSS | |
f Lavg; p field_9835 STRAIGHT_CROSS | |
f Lavg; q field_9836 TRIANGLE_BOTTOM | |
f Lavg; r field_9837 TRIANGLE_TOP | |
f Lavg; s field_9838 TRIANGLES_BOTTOM | |
f Lavg; t field_9839 TRIANGLES_TOP | |
f Lavg; u field_9840 DIAGONAL_LEFT | |
f Lavg; v field_9841 DIAGONAL_RIGHT | |
f Lavg; w field_9842 DIAGONAL_LEFT_MIRROR | |
f Lavg; x field_9843 DIAGONAL_RIGHT_MIRROR | |
f Lavg; y field_9844 CIRCLE_MIDDLE | |
f Lavg; z field_9845 RHOMBUS_MIDDLE | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
p 4 id | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Laip;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
p 4 id | |
p 5 recipeItem | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
p 4 id | |
p 5 recipeLine1 | |
p 6 recipeLine2 | |
p 7 recipeLine3 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_8968 getName | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lavg; a method_8969 byId | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_8970 getId | |
m ()[Ljava/lang/String; c method_8971 method_0_1074 | |
m ()Z d method_8972 method_0_1075 | |
m ()Z e method_8973 method_0_1076 | |
m ()Laip; f method_8974 method_0_1077 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lavg; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lavg; values values values | |
c avh net/minecraft/class_1308 net/minecraft/block/entity/BeaconBlockEntity | |
f [[Luz; a field_5017 EFFECTS_BY_LEVEL | |
f Ljava/util/Set; f field_12838 EFFECTS | |
f Ljava/util/List; g field_9846 field_11796 | |
f J h field_5018 field_11797 | |
f F i field_5019 field_11802 | |
f Z j field_5020 field_11794 | |
f I k field_5021 level | |
f Luz; l field_12839 primary | |
f Luz; m field_12840 secondary | |
f Laip; n field_5024 field_11800 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; o field_5645 field_11793 | |
m ()V E method_4202 applyPlayerEffects | |
m ()V F method_6517 method_10935 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_4802 method_10936 | |
m (I)Luz; f method_11645 getPotionEffectById | |
m ()V n method_8976 method_10941 | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; o method_8977 getBeamSegments | |
m ()F p method_4204 method_10933 | |
m ()I s method_14362 getLevel | |
c avh$a net/minecraft/class_1308$class_2227 net/minecraft/block/entity/BeaconBlockEntity$BeamSegment | |
f [F a field_9847 color | |
f I b field_9848 height | |
m ()V a method_8978 increaseHeight | |
m ()[F b method_8979 getColor | |
m ()I c method_8980 getHeight | |
c avi net/minecraft/class_3221 net/minecraft/block/entity/BedBlockEntity | |
f Lahs; a field_15782 color | |
m ()Lahs; a method_14363 getColor | |
m (Lahs;)V a method_14364 setColor | |
p 1 color | |
m (Laip;)V a method_14365 method_0_11517 | |
m ()Z e method_14366 method_0_11518 | |
m ()Laip; f method_14367 method_0_11519 | |
c avj net/minecraft/class_226 net/minecraft/block/entity/BlockEntity | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7494 LOGGER | |
f Lamu; b field_565 world | |
f Let; c field_9849 pos | |
f Z d field_569 removed | |
f Laow; e field_571 field_11866 | |
f Lfh; f field_15150 field_0_1392 | |
f I g field_570 field_0_1394 | |
m ()V A method_553 cancelRemoval | |
m ()V B method_546 resetBlock | |
m ()Z C method_8981 copyItemDataRequiresOperator | |
m ()Lamu; D method_548 getWorld | |
m ()Lfh; H method_4217 method_0_1089 | |
m (DDD)D a method_536 getSquaredDistance | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (Lamu;)V a method_539 setWorld | |
p 1 world | |
m (Lamu;Lfy;)Lavj; a method_13320 method_11005 | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 tag | |
m (Lary;)V a method_13321 applyMirror | |
p 1 mirror | |
m (Latm;)V a method_13322 applyRotation | |
p 1 rotation | |
m (Lc;)V a method_4215 populateCrashReport | |
p 1 section | |
m (Let;)V a method_11647 setPos | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lfy;)V a method_537 readNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lnf; a method_13723 method_0_10474 | |
p 0 clazz | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)V a method_13724 method_0_1095 | |
p 0 identifier | |
p 1 clazz | |
m (Lamu;)V b method_13323 method_0_10448 | |
p 1 world | |
m (Lfy;)Lfy; b method_541 writeNbt | |
m ()Lih; c method_544 method_0_1107 | |
m (II)Z c method_4838 onSyncedBlockEvent | |
m (Lfy;)Lfy; c method_11648 writeIdentifyingData | |
p 1 tag | |
m ()Lfy; d method_11646 method_0_10165 | |
m ()Lhh; i_ method_6344 method_5797 | |
m ()D t method_4216 getRenderDistance | |
m ()Z u method_549 hasWorld | |
m ()I v method_550 method_0_1102 | |
m ()Let; w method_8983 getPos | |
m ()Laow; x method_551 method_11010 | |
m ()Z y method_552 isRemoved | |
m ()V y_ method_543 markDirty | |
m ()V z method_547 markRemoved | |
c avj$1 net/minecraft/class_226$1 net/minecraft/block/entity/BlockEntity$1 | |
f Lavj; a field_5037 field_0_1395 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4218 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c avj$2 net/minecraft/class_226$2 net/minecraft/block/entity/BlockEntity$2 | |
f Lavj; a field_5665 field_0_1396 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4839 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c avj$3 net/minecraft/class_226$3 net/minecraft/block/entity/BlockEntity$3 | |
f Lavj; a field_5666 field_0_1397 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4840 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c avk net/minecraft/class_215 net/minecraft/block/entity/BrewingStandBlockEntity | |
f [I a field_5646 TOP_SLOTS | |
f [I f field_12841 BOTTOM_SLOTS | |
f [I g field_5647 SIDE_SLOTS | |
f Lfi; h field_15151 inventory | |
f I i field_514 brewTime | |
f [Z j field_9850 slotsEmptyLastTick | |
f Lain; k field_7495 itemBrewing | |
f Ljava/lang/String; l field_5648 field_11884 | |
f I m field_12842 fuel | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_4803 method_11026 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13324 method_0_10368 | |
m ()[Z n method_8984 getSlotsEmpty | |
m ()Z o method_508 canCraft | |
m ()V p method_509 craft | |
c avl net/minecraft/class_216 net/minecraft/block/entity/ChestBlockEntity | |
f Z a field_517 field_0_1405 | |
f Lavl; f field_518 field_0_1406 | |
f Lavl; g field_519 field_0_1407 | |
f Lavl; h field_520 field_0_1408 | |
f Lavl; i field_521 field_0_1409 | |
f F j field_522 animationAngle | |
f F k field_523 lastAnimationAngle | |
f I l field_524 viewerCount | |
f Lfi; p field_15152 inventory | |
f I q field_526 ticksOpen | |
f Lapi$a; r field_12843 field_0_1415 | |
m (Lavl;Lfa;)V a method_8985 method_0_1117 | |
p 1 chest | |
p 2 dir | |
m (Lfa;)Lavl; a method_8986 method_0_1118 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13325 method_0_10369 | |
m (Let;)Z b method_8987 method_0_1120 | |
m ()V o method_511 method_0_1121 | |
m ()Lapi$a; p method_4806 method_0_1122 | |
c avl$1 net/minecraft/class_216$1 net/minecraft/block/entity/ChestBlockEntity$1 | |
f [I a field_9851 field_0_1417 | |
c avm net/minecraft/class_1309 net/minecraft/block/entity/CommandBlockBlockEntity | |
f Z a field_12844 powered | |
f Z f field_12845 auto | |
f Z g field_12846 conditionMet | |
f Z h field_12847 needsUpdatePacket | |
f Lamj; i field_7496 commandExecutor | |
m ()Lamj; a method_6518 getCommandExecutor | |
m (Z)V a method_11649 setPowered | |
m (Z)V b method_11650 setAuto | |
m (Z)V c method_11652 setNeedsUpdatePacket | |
m ()Lbp; e method_8988 method_0_1126 | |
m ()Z f method_11653 isPowered | |
m ()Z h method_11654 isAuto | |
m ()Z i method_11655 isConditionMet | |
m ()Z j method_14368 updateConditionMet | |
m ()Z k method_11656 needsUpdatePacket | |
m ()Lavm$a; l method_11657 getCommandBlockType | |
m ()Z m method_11658 isConditionalCommandBlock | |
c avm$1 net/minecraft/class_1309$1 net/minecraft/block/entity/CommandBlockBlockEntity$1 | |
f Lavm; a field_7497 field_11921 | |
c avm$a net/minecraft/class_1309$class_2736 net/minecraft/block/entity/CommandBlockBlockEntity$Type | |
f Lavm$a; a field_12848 SEQUENCE | |
f Lavm$a; b field_12849 AUTO | |
f Lavm$a; c field_12850 REDSTONE | |
f [Lavm$a; d field_12851 field_11925 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lavm$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lavm$a; values values values | |
c avn net/minecraft/class_1459 net/minecraft/block/entity/ComparatorBlockEntity | |
f I a field_5653 outputSignal | |
m ()I a method_4810 getOutputSignal | |
m (I)V a method_4811 setOutputSignal | |
p 1 outputSignal | |
c avo net/minecraft/class_1460 net/minecraft/block/entity/DaylightDetectorBlockEntity | |
c avp net/minecraft/class_218 net/minecraft/block/entity/DispenserBlockEntity | |
f Ljava/util/Random; a field_9852 RANDOM | |
f Lfi; f field_15153 inventory | |
m (Laip;)I a method_514 addToFirstFreeSlot | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13326 method_0_10370 | |
m ()I o method_515 chooseNonEmptySlot | |
c avq net/minecraft/class_1461 net/minecraft/block/entity/DropperBlockEntity | |
m (Lry;)V b method_13327 method_0_10371 | |
c avr net/minecraft/class_219 net/minecraft/block/entity/EnchantingTableBlockEntity | |
f I a field_530 ticks | |
f F f field_531 pageAngle | |
f F g field_532 nextPageAngle | |
f F h field_533 flipRandom | |
f F i field_534 flipTurn | |
f F j field_535 nextPageTurningSpeed | |
f F k field_536 pageTurningSpeed | |
f F l field_537 bookRotation | |
f F m field_538 lastBookRotation | |
f F n field_539 targetBookRotation | |
f Ljava/util/Random; o field_540 RANDOM | |
f Ljava/lang/String; p field_5655 field_11959 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_4814 method_11179 | |
p 1 customName | |
c avs net/minecraft/class_220 net/minecraft/block/entity/EnderChestBlockEntity | |
f F a field_541 animationProgress | |
f F f field_542 lastAnimationProgress | |
f I g field_543 viewerCount | |
f I h field_544 ticks | |
m ()V a method_516 onOpen | |
m (Laed;)Z a method_517 canPlayerUse | |
p 1 player | |
m ()V f method_518 onClose | |
c avt net/minecraft/class_1767 net/minecraft/class_0_360 | |
f Lain; a field_7498 field_0_1440 | |
f I f field_7499 field_0_1441 | |
m (Lain;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 item | |
p 2 data | |
m ()Laip; a method_11659 method_0_9130 | |
m (Laip;)V a method_13725 method_0_1136 | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13328 method_0_10372 | |
m ()Lain; e method_6519 method_0_1137 | |
m ()I f method_6521 method_0_1138 | |
c avu net/minecraft/class_221 net/minecraft/block/entity/AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity | |
f [I a field_5656 TOP_SLOTS | |
f [I f field_5657 BOTTOM_SLOTS | |
f [I g field_5658 SIDE_SLOTS | |
f Lfi; h field_15154 inventory | |
f I i field_545 burnTime | |
f I j field_546 fuelTime | |
f I k field_9853 cookTime | |
f I l field_9854 cookTimeTotal | |
f Ljava/lang/String; m field_5659 field_11985 | |
m (Laip;)I a method_8990 method_11197 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_4816 method_11193 | |
p 1 name | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13329 method_0_10373 | |
m (Ltv;)Z a method_8989 method_11199 | |
m (Laip;)I b method_519 getFuelTime | |
p 0 stack | |
m (Laip;)Z c method_520 canUseAsFuel | |
p 0 stack | |
m ()Z n method_523 isBurning | |
m ()V o method_524 method_11203 | |
m ()Z p method_525 method_11192 | |
c avv net/minecraft/class_1462 net/minecraft/block/entity/Hopper | |
m ()Lamu; D method_548 method_10997 | |
m ()D E method_4817 getHopperX | |
m ()D F method_4818 getHopperY | |
m ()D G method_4819 getHopperZ | |
c avw net/minecraft/class_1463 net/minecraft/block/entity/HopperBlockEntity | |
f Lfi; a field_15155 inventory | |
f I f field_5662 transferCooldown | |
f J g field_15156 lastTickTime | |
m ()Ltv; I method_4836 getOutputInventory | |
m ()Z J method_4834 needsCooldown | |
m ()Z K method_8992 isDisabled | |
m (Laip;Laip;)Z a method_4827 canMergeItems | |
p 0 first | |
p 1 second | |
m (Lamu;DDD)Ljava/util/List; a method_8991 method_11237 | |
m (Lavv;)Z a method_4821 extract | |
m (Lavv;Ltv;ILfa;)Z a method_4822 extract | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13330 method_0_10374 | |
m (Ltv;Laip;ILfa;)Z a method_4826 canInsert | |
p 0 inventory | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 slot | |
p 3 side | |
m (Ltv;Lfa;)Z a method_6522 isInventoryFull | |
m (Ltv;Ltv;Lacl;)Z a method_13728 method_11247 | |
m (Ltv;Ltv;Laip;ILfa;)Laip; a method_13726 transfer | |
m (Ltv;Ltv;Laip;Lfa;)Laip; a method_13727 transfer | |
m (Lamu;DDD)Ltv; b method_4828 getInventoryAt | |
p 0 world | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (Lavv;)Ltv; b method_4829 getInputInventory | |
m (Ltv;Laip;ILfa;)Z b method_4830 canExtract | |
p 0 inv | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 slot | |
p 3 facing | |
m (Ltv;Lfa;)Z b method_6523 isInventoryEmpty | |
m (I)V d method_4831 setTransferCooldown | |
p 1 cooldown | |
m ()Z o method_4833 method_11243 | |
m ()Z p method_6524 isEmpty_11259 | |
m ()Z r method_6525 isFull | |
m ()Z s method_4835 insert | |
c avx net/minecraft/class_2228 net/minecraft/block/entity/LockableContainerBlockEntity | |
f Lug; a field_9855 lock | |
c avy net/minecraft/class_222 net/minecraft/block/entity/MobSpawnerBlockEntity | |
f Lamk; a field_5663 logic | |
m ()Lamk; a method_4837 getLogic | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13331 method_0_10375 | |
c avy$1 net/minecraft/class_222$1 net/minecraft/block/entity/MobSpawnerBlockEntity$1 | |
f Lavy; a field_5664 field_12115 | |
c avy$2 net/minecraft/class_222$2 net/minecraft/block/entity/MobSpawnerBlockEntity$2 | |
c avz net/minecraft/class_223 net/minecraft/class_0_366 | |
f B a field_558 field_0_1457 | |
f Z f field_559 field_0_1458 | |
m ()V a method_532 method_0_1174 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V a method_8993 method_0_1173 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 blockPos | |
c aw net/minecraft/class_3222 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/PlacedBlockCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15783 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15784 handlers | |
m (Loq;Let;Laip;)V a method_14369 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14370 method_9089 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Law$b; b method_14371 conditionsFromJson | |
c aw$a net/minecraft/class_3222$class_3223 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/PlacedBlockCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15785 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15786 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14372 isEmpty | |
m (Lawt;Let;Loo;Laip;)V a method_14373 method_9092 | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14374 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14375 removeCondition | |
c aw$b net/minecraft/class_3222$class_3224 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/PlacedBlockCriterion$Conditions | |
f Laow; a field_15787 block | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15788 state | |
f Laq; c field_15789 location | |
f Lan; d field_15790 item | |
m (Lawt;Let;Loo;Laip;)Z a method_14376 method_9094 | |
c awa net/minecraft/class_2737 net/minecraft/block/entity/LootableContainerBlockEntity | |
f Lnf; m field_12852 lootTableId | |
f J n field_12853 lootTableSeed | |
f Ljava/lang/String; o field_15157 field_12035 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_13729 method_11284 | |
m (Lnf;J)V a method_11660 setLootTable | |
m (Lfy;)Z c method_11661 deserializeLootTable | |
m (Laed;)V d method_11662 checkLootInteraction | |
m (Lfy;)Z d method_11663 serializeLootTable | |
m ()Lfi; q method_13730 getInvStackList | |
c awb net/minecraft/class_3067 net/minecraft/block/entity/ShulkerBoxBlockEntity | |
f [I a field_15158 AVAILABLE_SLOTS | |
f Lfi; f field_15159 inventory | |
f Z g field_15160 field_0_11796 | |
f I h field_15161 viewerCount | |
f Lawb$a; i field_15162 animationStage | |
f F j field_15163 animationProgress | |
f F k field_15164 prevAnimationProgress | |
f Lahs; l field_15165 cachedColor | |
f Z p field_15166 field_0_11802 | |
m (Lahs;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 dye | |
m ()Z E method_13731 method_0_10630 | |
m ()Z F method_13732 method_0_10617 | |
m ()V G method_13733 pushEntities | |
m (F)F a method_13734 getAnimationProgress | |
m (Lawt;)Lbhb; a method_13735 method_11314 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13736 method_0_10622 | |
m (Z)V a method_13737 method_0_10623 | |
m (Lfa;)Lbhb; b method_13738 getBoundingBox | |
p 1 direction | |
m (Lfa;)Lbhb; c method_13739 getCollisionBox | |
p 1 direction | |
m (Lfy;)V e method_13740 readInventoryNbt | |
m (Lfy;)Lfy; f method_13741 writeInventoryNbt | |
m ()V o method_13742 updateAnimation | |
m ()Lawb$a; p method_13743 getAnimationStage | |
m ()Z r method_13744 method_0_10628 | |
m ()Lahs; s method_13745 getColor | |
c awb$1 net/minecraft/class_3067$1 net/minecraft/block/entity/ShulkerBoxBlockEntity$1 | |
f [I a field_15167 field_12062 | |
f [I b field_15168 field_12061 | |
c awb$a net/minecraft/class_3067$class_3068 net/minecraft/block/entity/ShulkerBoxBlockEntity$AnimationStage | |
f Lawb$a; a field_15169 CLOSED | |
f Lawb$a; b field_15170 OPENING | |
f Lawb$a; c field_15171 OPENED | |
f Lawb$a; d field_15172 CLOSING | |
f [Lawb$a; e field_15173 field_12067 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lawb$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lawb$a; values values values | |
c awc net/minecraft/class_224 net/minecraft/block/entity/SignBlockEntity | |
f [Lhh; a field_9856 texts | |
f I f field_561 field_12047 | |
f Z g field_562 editable | |
f Laed; h field_6262 editor | |
f Lbp; i field_9857 field_0_1463 | |
m ()Z a method_534 isEditable | |
m (Laed;)V a method_5554 setEditor | |
p 1 editor | |
m (Lawc;)Lbp; a method_8994 method_0_1175 | |
m (Z)V a method_535 setEditable | |
m (Laed;)Z b method_8995 onActivate | |
m ()Laed; e method_5555 getEditor | |
m ()Lbp; f method_8996 method_0_1181 | |
c awc$1 net/minecraft/class_224$1 net/minecraft/block/entity/SignBlockEntity$1 | |
f Lawc; a field_9858 field_0_1464 | |
c awc$2 net/minecraft/class_224$2 net/minecraft/block/entity/SignBlockEntity$2 | |
f Laed; a field_9859 field_0_1465 | |
f Lawc; b field_9860 field_0_1466 | |
c awd net/minecraft/class_1311 net/minecraft/block/entity/SkullBlockEntity | |
f I a field_5034 field_0_1467 | |
f I f field_5035 field_0_1468 | |
f Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; g field_7500 owner | |
f I h field_12854 ticksPowered | |
f Z i field_12855 powered | |
f Lph; j field_12856 userCache | |
f Lcom/mojang/authlib/minecraft/MinecraftSessionService; k field_12857 sessionService | |
m ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; a method_6526 getOwner | |
m (F)F a method_11664 getTicksPowered | |
m (I)V a method_4212 method_0_1182 | |
m (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V a method_6527 setOwner | |
p 1 owner | |
m (Lcom/mojang/authlib/minecraft/MinecraftSessionService;)V a method_11665 setSessionService | |
m (Lph;)V a method_11666 setUserCache | |
m (I)V b method_4211 method_0_1185 | |
m (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; b method_8997 loadProperties | |
m ()I f method_4210 method_0_1187 | |
m ()I h method_4213 method_0_11384 | |
m ()V i method_6528 loadOwnerProperties | |
c awe net/minecraft/class_2738 net/minecraft/block/entity/StructureBlockBlockEntity | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_12858 field_12102 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_12859 author | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_12860 metadata | |
f Let; h field_12861 offset | |
f Let; i field_12862 size | |
f Lary; j field_12863 mirror | |
f Latm; k field_12864 rotation | |
f Lawe$a; l field_12865 field_12094 | |
f Z m field_12866 ignoreEntities | |
f Z n field_14838 powered | |
f Z o field_14839 showAir | |
f Z p field_14840 showBoundingBox | |
f F q field_14841 integrity | |
f J r field_14842 seed | |
m ()Z E method_13333 isStructureAvailable | |
m ()Z F method_13334 isPowered | |
m ()Z G method_13335 shouldShowAir | |
m ()Z I method_13336 shouldShowBoundingBox | |
m ()V J method_13337 updateBlockMode | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_13345 getTemplateName | |
m (F)V a method_13338 setIntegrity | |
m (J)V a method_13339 setSeed | |
m (Laed;)Z a method_13342 openScreen | |
m (Lawe$a;)V a method_11669 method_11381 | |
m (Lawe;)Lawe$a; a method_11670 method_0_8504 | |
m (Let;Let;)Ljava/util/List; a method_11671 findStructureBlockEntities | |
m (Let;Ljava/util/List;)Lbbg; a method_11672 makeBoundingBox | |
m (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)V a method_13340 method_0_10190 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_11673 setTemplateName | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)Ljava/util/List; a method_11674 findCorners | |
m (Lvp;)V a method_13341 setAuthor | |
m (Z)V a method_11675 setIgnoreEntities | |
m (Lary;)V b method_11667 setMirror | |
m (Latm;)V b method_11668 setRotation | |
m (Lawe;)Ljava/lang/String; b method_11676 method_0_8510 | |
m (Let;)V b method_11677 setOffset | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V b method_11678 setMetadata | |
m (Z)Z b method_13343 saveStructure | |
m (Let;)V c method_11679 setSize | |
m (Z)Z c method_13344 loadStructure | |
m (Z)V d method_13346 setPowered | |
m ()Let; e method_13347 getOffset | |
m (Z)V e method_13348 setShowAir | |
m ()Let; f method_13350 getSize | |
m (Z)V f method_13349 setShowBoundingBox | |
m ()Lary; h method_13351 getMirror | |
m ()Latm; i method_13352 getRotation | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; j method_13353 getMetadata | |
m ()Lawe$a; k method_13354 method_11374 | |
m ()V l method_13355 cycleMode | |
m ()Z m method_13356 shouldIgnoreEntities | |
m ()F n method_13357 getIntegrity | |
m ()J o method_13358 getSeed | |
m ()Z p method_11680 detectStructureSize | |
m ()Z q method_11681 saveStructure | |
m ()Z r method_11682 loadStructure | |
m ()V s method_13332 unloadStructure | |
c awe$1 net/minecraft/class_2738$1 net/minecraft/block/entity/StructureBlockBlockEntity$1 | |
f Lawe; a field_12867 field_0_9095 | |
m (Lawe;)Z a method_11683 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c awe$2 net/minecraft/class_2738$2 net/minecraft/block/entity/StructureBlockBlockEntity$2 | |
f [I a field_14843 field_12111 | |
c awe$a net/minecraft/class_2738$class_2739 net/minecraft/block/entity/StructureBlockBlockEntity$class_2776 | |
f Lawe$a; a field_12868 SAVE | |
f Lawe$a; b field_12869 LOAD | |
f Lawe$a; c field_12870 CORNER | |
f Lawe$a; d field_12871 DATA | |
f [Lawe$a; e field_12872 field_0_9100 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_12873 field_12698 | |
f I g field_12874 field_0_9102 | |
f [Lawe$a; h field_12875 field_12700 | |
m ()I a method_11684 method_0_8518 | |
m (I)Lawe$a; a method_11685 method_0_8519 | |
m (Lawe$a;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_13359 method_0_10209 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lawe$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lawe$a; values values values | |
c awf net/minecraft/class_2740 net/minecraft/block/entity/EndGatewayBlockEntity | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_12876 LOGGER | |
f J f field_12877 age | |
f I g field_12878 teleportCooldown | |
f Let; h field_12879 exitPortalPos | |
f Z i field_12880 exactTeleport | |
m ()Z a method_11692 isRecentlyGenerated | |
m (F)F a method_13746 getRecentlyGeneratedBeamHeight | |
m (Lamu;Lbhe;)Laxw; a method_11686 getChunk | |
m (Lamu;Let;IZ)Let; a method_11687 method_11410 | |
m (Laxw;)Let; a method_11688 findPortalPosition | |
m (Lvg;)V a method_11690 tryTeleportingEntity | |
m (F)F b method_13747 getCooldownBeamHeight | |
m (Let;)V b method_13748 method_11418 | |
m (Let;)V c method_11691 createPortal | |
m ()Z f method_11693 needsCooldownBeforeTeleporting | |
m ()V h method_11696 startTeleportCooldown | |
m ()I i method_11697 getDrawnSidesCount | |
m ()Let; j method_11698 findBestPortalExitPos | |
m ()V k method_11699 createPortal | |
c awg net/minecraft/class_225 net/minecraft/block/entity/EndPortalBlockEntity | |
m (Lfa;)Z a method_11689 shouldDrawSide | |
c awj net/minecraft/class_227 net/minecraft/block/PistonBlock | |
f Z B field_572 sticky | |
f Laxf; a field_9862 EXTENDED | |
f Lbhb; b field_12881 field_12188 | |
f Lbhb; c field_12882 field_12184 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12883 field_12186 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12884 field_12189 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12885 field_12185 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12886 field_12190 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;)Z a method_8998 shouldExtend | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 pistonFace | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;Z)Z a method_8999 move | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 dir | |
p 4 retract | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;Lfa;ZLfa;)Z a method_9001 method_11484 | |
m (I)Lfa; b method_9002 method_0_1194 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V e method_9003 method_11483 | |
c awj$1 net/minecraft/class_227$1 net/minecraft/block/PistonBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9863 field_12193 | |
f [I b field_15791 field_12192 | |
c awk net/minecraft/class_228 net/minecraft/block/PistonHeadBlock | |
f Lbhb; B field_12887 field_12220 | |
f Lbhb; C field_12888 field_12215 | |
f Lbhb; D field_12889 field_12226 | |
f Lbhb; E field_12890 field_12221 | |
f Lbhb; F field_12891 field_12229 | |
f Lbhb; G field_12892 field_12218 | |
f Lbhb; I field_12893 field_12223 | |
f Lbhb; J field_15174 field_12231 | |
f Lbhb; K field_15175 field_12217 | |
f Lbhb; L field_15176 field_12216 | |
f Lbhb; M field_15177 field_12225 | |
f Lbhb; N field_15178 field_12219 | |
f Lbhb; O field_15179 field_12212 | |
f Laxh; a field_9866 TYPE | |
f Laxf; b field_9864 SHORT | |
f Lbhb; c field_12894 field_12222 | |
f Lbhb; d field_12895 field_12214 | |
f Lbhb; e field_12896 field_12228 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12897 field_12213 | |
f Lbhb; g field_12898 field_12230 | |
m (I)Lfa; b method_9004 method_0_1196 | |
m (Lawt;)Lbhb; x method_11700 method_11519 | |
c awk$1 net/minecraft/class_228$1 net/minecraft/block/PistonHeadBlock$1 | |
f [I a field_9867 field_12232 | |
c awk$a net/minecraft/class_228$class_2229 net/minecraft/block/PistonHeadBlock$class_2764 | |
f Lawk$a; a field_9868 DEFAULT | |
f Lawk$a; b field_9869 STICKY | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_9870 field_12635 | |
f [Lawk$a; d field_9871 field_12636 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lawk$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lawk$a; values values values | |
c awl net/minecraft/class_229 net/minecraft/block/PistonExtensionBlock | |
f Laxg; a field_9875 FACING | |
f Laxh; b field_9876 TYPE | |
m (Lawt;Lfa;ZZ)Lavj; a method_9013 method_11489 | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Lawm; c method_9014 method_11488 | |
c awm net/minecraft/class_230 net/minecraft/block/entity/PistonBlockEntity | |
f Lawt; a field_9872 field_0_1482 | |
f Lfa; f field_9873 facing | |
f Z g field_577 extending | |
f Z h field_578 source | |
f Ljava/lang/ThreadLocal; i field_15180 field_12205 | |
f F j field_579 progress | |
f F k field_580 lastProgress | |
m (Lawt;Lfa;ZZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 pushedBlock | |
p 2 direction | |
m ()Lawt; a method_9007 method_0_1201 | |
m (F)F a method_570 getProgress | |
p 1 progress | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lbhb;Ljava/util/List;Lvg;)V a method_13749 method_11512 | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Lbhb; a method_11701 method_0_9430 | |
m (Lamy;Let;F)Lbhb; a method_11702 method_0_9431 | |
m (Lbhb;)Lbhb; a method_13750 offsetHeadBox | |
m (Lbhb;Lfa;D)Lbhb; a method_13751 method_11502 | |
m (Lbhb;Lfa;Lbhb;)D a method_13752 getIntersectionSize | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)Lbhb; a method_13753 getApproximateHeadBox | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13360 method_0_10376 | |
m (Lvg;Lfa;D)V a method_13754 push | |
m (F)F b method_9008 getRenderOffsetX | |
m (Lbhb;Lfa;Lbhb;)D b method_13755 method_11493 | |
m (F)F c method_9009 getRenderOffsetY | |
m (Lbhb;Lfa;Lbhb;)D c method_13756 method_11510 | |
m (F)F d method_9010 getRenderOffsetZ | |
m (Lbhb;Lfa;Lbhb;)D d method_13757 method_11505 | |
m (F)F e method_11703 getAmountExtended | |
m ()Z f method_572 isExtending | |
m (F)V f method_13758 pushEntities | |
m ()Lfa; h method_9011 method_0_1206 | |
m ()Z i method_577 isSource | |
m ()V j method_578 finish | |
m ()Lawt; k method_13759 method_11496 | |
c awm$1 net/minecraft/class_230$1 net/minecraft/block/entity/PistonBlockEntity$1 | |
m ()Lfa; a method_13760 initialValue | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; initialValue initialValue initialValue | |
c awm$2 net/minecraft/class_230$2 net/minecraft/block/entity/PistonBlockEntity$2 | |
f [I a field_15181 field_12210 | |
f [I b field_15182 field_12209 | |
c awn net/minecraft/class_2230 net/minecraft/block/piston/PistonHandler | |
f Lamu; a field_9877 world | |
f Let; b field_9878 posFrom | |
f Let; c field_9879 posTo | |
f Lfa; d field_9880 motionDirection | |
f Ljava/util/List; e field_9881 movedBlocks | |
f Ljava/util/List; f field_9882 brokenBlocks | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lfa;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 original | |
p 3 direction | |
m ()Z a method_9015 calculatePush | |
m (II)V a method_9016 setMovedBlocks | |
p 1 from | |
p 2 to | |
m (Let;)Z a method_9018 tryMoveAdjacentBlock | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;Lfa;)Z a method_9017 tryMove | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; c method_9019 getMovedBlocks | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; d method_9020 getBrokenBlocks | |
c awp net/minecraft/class_2231 net/minecraft/state/AbstractState | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Joiner; a field_9883 field_0_1498 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Function; b field_9884 field_12289 | |
m (Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; a method_9021 getNext | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c awp$1 net/minecraft/class_2231$1 net/minecraft/state/AbstractState$1 | |
m (Laxj;Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_11705 nameValue | |
m (Ljava/util/Map$Entry;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9022 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
c awq net/minecraft/class_2741 net/minecraft/class_0_2401 | |
m (Lamu;Let;II)Z a method_11706 method_0_10167 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;Laow;Let;)V a method_11707 method_0_10168 | |
p 1 world | |
p 3 block | |
c awr net/minecraft/class_3225 net/minecraft/class_2677 | |
f Lawr; a field_15792 SOLID | |
f Lawr; b field_15793 BOWL | |
f Lawr; c field_15794 CENTER_SMALL | |
f Lawr; d field_15795 MIDDLE_POLE_THIN | |
f Lawr; e field_15796 CENTER | |
f Lawr; f field_15797 MIDDLE_POLE | |
f Lawr; g field_15798 CENTER_BIG | |
f Lawr; h field_15799 MIDDLE_POLE_THICK | |
f Lawr; i field_15800 UNDEFINED | |
f [Lawr; j field_15801 field_12275 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lawr; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lawr; values values values | |
c aws net/minecraft/class_2742 net/minecraft/class_0_2261 | |
m ()Lbcz; a method_11708 method_0_9348 | |
m (Laed;Lamu;Let;)F a method_11716 method_0_9356 | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;)I a method_11709 method_0_9349 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lbhb;Ljava/util/List;Lvg;Z)V a method_11710 method_0_9350 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 box | |
p 4 boxes | |
p 5 entity | |
p 6 isActualState | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lbhe;Lbhe;)Lbhc; a method_11711 method_0_9351 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Lbda; a method_14377 method_0_9368 | |
p 1 view | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lfa;)I a method_11713 method_0_9353 | |
p 1 view | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 direction | |
m (Lary;)Lawt; a method_11714 method_0_9354 | |
p 1 mirror | |
m (Latm;)Lawt; a method_11715 method_0_9355 | |
p 1 rotation | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_13361 method_0_10377 | |
p 1 entity | |
m ()Z b method_11717 method_0_9357 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)F b method_11718 method_0_9358 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamy;Let;)I b method_11712 method_0_9352 | |
p 1 view | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lfa;)I b method_11720 method_0_9360 | |
p 1 view | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 direction | |
m ()I c method_11721 method_0_9361 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Lbhb; c method_11722 method_0_9362 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Lawt; c method_11719 method_0_9359 | |
p 1 view | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lfa;)Z c method_11724 method_0_9363 | |
p 1 view | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 direction | |
m ()I d method_11725 method_0_9364 | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Lbhb; d method_11726 method_0_9365 | |
p 1 view | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lfa;)Lawr; d method_14378 method_0_11520 | |
p 1 view | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 direction | |
m ()Z e method_11727 method_0_9366 | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Lbhb; e method_11723 method_0_9378 | |
p 1 view | |
p 2 pos | |
m ()Z f method_11728 method_0_9367 | |
m (Lamy;Let;)Lbhe; f method_13761 method_0_10557 | |
p 1 view | |
p 2 pos | |
m ()Z g method_11730 method_0_9369 | |
m ()Z h method_13762 method_0_10632 | |
m ()Latj; i method_11731 method_0_9370 | |
m ()F j method_11732 method_0_9371 | |
m ()Z k method_11733 method_0_9372 | |
m ()Z l method_11734 method_0_9373 | |
m ()Z m method_11735 method_0_9374 | |
m ()Z n method_11736 method_0_9375 | |
m ()Lbdc; o method_11737 method_0_9376 | |
m ()Z p method_11738 method_0_9377 | |
m ()Z q method_11739 method_0_9912 | |
m ()Z r method_13763 method_0_10857 | |
c awt net/minecraft/class_2232 net/minecraft/class_0_378 | |
c | |
m (Laxj;)Lawt; a method_9024 method_0_1221 | |
m (Laxj;Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Lawt; a method_9025 method_0_1222 | |
m (Laxj;)Ljava/lang/Comparable; c method_9027 method_0_1224 | |
p 1 property | |
m ()Ljava/util/Collection; s method_9023 method_0_1220 | |
m ()Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableMap; t method_9026 method_0_1223 | |
m ()Laow; u method_9028 method_0_1225 | |
c awu net/minecraft/class_2233 net/minecraft/state/StateManager | |
f Ljava/util/regex/Pattern; a field_12899 VALID_NAME_PATTERN | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Function; b field_9886 field_0_1501 | |
f Laow; c field_9887 field_12317 | |
f Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableSortedMap; d field_12900 properties | |
f Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList; e field_9889 states | |
m (Laow;[Laxj;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parentBlock | |
p 2 properties | |
m ()Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList; a method_9029 getStates | |
m (Laow;Laxj;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_11740 method_0_8532 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laxj; a method_11741 getProperty | |
m ()Lawt; b method_9030 method_11664 | |
m ()Laow; c method_9031 method_11660 | |
m ()Ljava/util/Collection; d method_11742 getProperties | |
c Really just getProperties, but there already is one in the mappings | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; e method_11743 method_0_1230 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c awu$1 net/minecraft/class_2233$1 net/minecraft/state/StateManager$1 | |
m (Laxj;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9034 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
c awu$a net/minecraft/class_2233$class_2234 net/minecraft/state/StateManager$class_0_380 | |
f Laow; a field_9891 field_0_1506 | |
f Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableMap; b field_9892 field_0_1507 | |
f Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableTable; c field_9893 field_0_1508 | |
m (Laow;Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableMap;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 block | |
p 2 map | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)V a method_9036 method_0_1233 | |
p 1 map | |
m (Laxj;Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Ljava/util/Map; b method_9037 method_0_1234 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
p 1 object | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
c aww net/minecraft/class_2235 net/minecraft/block/pattern/CachedBlockPosition | |
f Lamu; a field_9894 field_12330 | |
f Let; b field_9895 pos | |
f Z c field_9896 forceLoad | |
f Lawt; d field_9897 field_12326 | |
f Lavj; e field_9898 blockEntity | |
f Z f field_9899 cachedEntity | |
m (Lamu;Let;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 stateRequired | |
m ()Lawt; a method_9038 method_11681 | |
m (Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a method_9039 method_11678 | |
p 0 stateFilter | |
m ()Lavj; b method_9040 getBlockEntity | |
m ()Let; d method_9041 getBlockPos | |
c aww$1 net/minecraft/class_2235$1 net/minecraft/block/pattern/CachedBlockPosition$1 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a field_9900 field_0_1515 | |
m (Laww;)Z a method_9042 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c awx net/minecraft/class_2236 net/minecraft/block/pattern/BlockPattern | |
f [[[Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a field_9901 field_12358 | |
f I b field_9902 depth | |
f I c field_9903 height | |
f I d field_9904 width | |
m ([[[Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 resultPredicates | |
m ()I a method_11746 getDepth | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Lawx$b; a method_9043 method_11708 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Z)Lcom/google/common/cache/LoadingCache; a method_9044 method_11709 | |
p 0 world | |
m (Let;Lfa;Lfa;III)Let; a method_9045 translate | |
p 0 pos | |
p 1 forwards | |
p 2 up | |
p 3 offsetLeft | |
p 4 offsetDown | |
p 5 offsetForwards | |
m (Let;Lfa;Lfa;Lcom/google/common/cache/LoadingCache;)Lawx$b; a method_9046 testTransform | |
p 1 pos | |
p 4 cache | |
m ()I b method_9047 getHeight | |
m ()I c method_9048 getWidth | |
c awx$a net/minecraft/class_2236$class_2237 net/minecraft/block/pattern/BlockPattern$BlockStateCacheLoader | |
f Lamu; a field_9905 field_12359 | |
f Z b field_9906 forceLoad | |
m (Lamu;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 forceLoad | |
m (Let;)Laww; a method_9049 load | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; load load load | |
p 1 pos | |
c awx$b net/minecraft/class_2236$class_2238 net/minecraft/block/pattern/BlockPattern$Result | |
f Let; a field_9907 frontTopLeft | |
f Lfa; b field_9908 forwards | |
f Lfa; c field_9909 up | |
f Lcom/google/common/cache/LoadingCache; d field_9910 cache | |
f I e field_9911 width | |
f I f field_9912 height | |
f I g field_9913 depth | |
m (Let;Lfa;Lfa;Lcom/google/common/cache/LoadingCache;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 frontTopLeft | |
p 2 forward | |
p 3 up | |
p 4 cache | |
p 5 width | |
p 6 height | |
p 7 depth | |
m ()Let; a method_9050 getFrontTopLeft | |
m (III)Laww; a method_9051 translate | |
m ()Lfa; b method_9052 getForwards | |
m ()Lfa; c method_9053 getUp | |
m ()I d method_9054 getWidth | |
m ()I e method_9055 getHeight | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c awy net/minecraft/class_2239 net/minecraft/block/pattern/BlockPatternBuilder | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Joiner; a field_9914 JOINER | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_9915 aisles | |
f Ljava/util/Map; c field_9916 charMap | |
f I d field_9917 height | |
f I e field_9918 width | |
m ()Lawy; a method_9056 start | |
m (CLcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Lawy; a method_9057 method_11700 | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;)Lawy; a method_9058 aisle | |
p 1 args | |
m ()Lawx; b method_9059 build | |
m ()[[[Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; c method_9060 method_11703 | |
m ()V d method_9061 validate | |
c ax net/minecraft/class_3226 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/PlayerHurtEntityCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15802 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15803 handlers | |
m (Loq;Lvg;Lur;FFZ)V a method_14379 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14380 method_9096 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lax$b; b method_14381 conditionsFromJson | |
c ax$a net/minecraft/class_3226$class_3227 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/PlayerHurtEntityCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15804 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15805 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14382 isEmpty | |
m (Loq;Lvg;Lur;FFZ)V a method_14383 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14384 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14385 removeCondition | |
c ax$b net/minecraft/class_3226$class_3228 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/PlayerHurtEntityCriterion$Conditions | |
f Lab; a field_15806 damage | |
f Laj; b field_15807 entity | |
m (Loq;Lvg;Lur;FFZ)Z a method_14386 matches | |
c axa net/minecraft/class_3012 net/minecraft/util/function/MaterialPredicate | |
f Lbcz; a field_14844 material | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_13362 apply | |
m (Lbcz;)Laxa; a method_13363 create | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c axb net/minecraft/class_2240 net/minecraft/predicate/block/BlockPredicate | |
f Laow; a field_9919 block | |
m (Laow;)Laxb; a method_9062 make | |
p 0 block | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_9063 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c axc net/minecraft/class_2241 net/minecraft/predicate/block/BlockStatePredicate | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a field_12902 field_12419 | |
f Lawu; b field_9920 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Map; c field_9921 propertyTests | |
m (Lawu;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 stateManager | |
m (Laow;)Laxc; a method_9064 forBlock | |
p 0 block | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_9065 apply | |
m (Lawt;Laxj;Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Z a method_11747 method_11761 | |
m (Laxj;Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Laxc; a method_9066 method_11762 | |
p 1 property | |
p 2 predicate | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c axc$1 net/minecraft/class_2241$1 net/minecraft/predicate/block/BlockStatePredicate$1 | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_11748 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c axe net/minecraft/class_2242 net/minecraft/state/property/AbstractProperty | |
f Ljava/lang/Class; a field_9922 type | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_9923 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 name | |
p 2 type | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
p 1 obj | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c axf net/minecraft/class_2243 net/minecraft/state/property/BooleanProperty | |
f Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableSet; a field_9924 values | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
m (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9067 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laxf; a method_9068 of | |
p 0 name | |
c axg net/minecraft/class_2244 net/minecraft/state/property/DirectionProperty | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Collection;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 name | |
p 2 values | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laxg; a method_9069 method_0_1266 | |
p 0 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Laxg; a method_9070 method_11844 | |
p 0 name | |
p 1 directionPredicate | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Collection;)Laxg; a method_9071 of | |
p 0 name | |
p 1 values | |
c axh net/minecraft/class_2245 net/minecraft/state/property/EnumProperty | |
f Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableSet; a field_9925 values | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_9926 byName | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/util/Collection;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 name | |
p 2 clazz | |
p 3 values | |
m (Ljava/lang/Enum;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9072 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)Laxh; a method_9073 of | |
p 0 name | |
p 1 type | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)Laxh; a method_9074 method_11848 | |
p 0 name | |
p 1 type | |
p 2 pred | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/util/Collection;)Laxh; a method_9075 of | |
p 0 name | |
p 1 type | |
p 2 values | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;[Ljava/lang/Enum;)Laxh; a method_9076 of | |
p 0 name | |
p 1 type | |
p 2 values | |
c axi net/minecraft/class_2246 net/minecraft/state/property/IntProperty | |
f Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableSet; a field_9927 values | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 name | |
p 2 min | |
p 3 max | |
m (Ljava/lang/Integer;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9077 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;II)Laxi; a method_9078 of | |
p 0 name | |
p 1 min | |
p 2 max | |
c axj net/minecraft/class_2247 net/minecraft/state/property/Property | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_9079 getName | |
m (Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9080 name | |
p 1 value | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Class; b method_9081 getType | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; b method_11749 method_11900 | |
m ()Ljava/util/Collection; c method_9082 getValues | |
c axl net/minecraft/class_2248 net/minecraft/world/border/WorldBorderListener | |
m (Laxn;D)V a method_9083 onSizeChange | |
p 1 border | |
p 2 newSize | |
m (Laxn;DD)V a method_9084 onCenterChanged | |
p 1 border | |
p 2 centerX | |
p 4 centerZ | |
m (Laxn;DDJ)V a method_9085 onInterpolateSize | |
p 1 border | |
p 2 oldSize | |
p 4 targetSize | |
p 6 time | |
m (Laxn;I)V a method_9086 onWarningTimeChanged | |
p 1 border | |
p 2 newTime | |
m (Laxn;D)V b method_9087 onDamagePerBlockChanged | |
p 1 border | |
p 2 damagePerBlock | |
m (Laxn;I)V b method_9088 onWarningBlocksChanged | |
p 1 border | |
p 2 warningBlocks | |
m (Laxn;D)V c method_9089 onSafeZoneChanged | |
p 1 border | |
p 2 safeZone | |
c axm net/minecraft/class_2249 net/minecraft/world/border/WorldBorderStage | |
f Laxm; a field_9928 GROWING | |
f Laxm; b field_9929 SHRINKING | |
f Laxm; c field_9930 STATIONARY | |
f I d field_9931 color | |
f [Laxm; e field_9932 field_12752 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 color | |
m ()I a method_9090 getColor | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laxm; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laxm; values values values | |
c axn net/minecraft/class_2250 net/minecraft/world/border/WorldBorder | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_9933 listeners | |
f D b field_9934 centerX | |
f D c field_9935 centerZ | |
f D d field_9936 field_0_1551 | |
f D e field_9937 field_0_1552 | |
f J f field_9938 field_0_1553 | |
f J g field_9939 field_0_1554 | |
f I h field_9940 maxRadius | |
f D i field_9941 damagePerBlock | |
f D j field_9942 safeZone | |
f I k field_9943 warningTime | |
f I l field_9944 warningBlocks | |
m ()Laxm; a method_9091 getStage | |
m (D)V a method_9092 setSize | |
p 1 size | |
m (DDJ)V a method_9093 interpolateSize | |
p 1 oldSize | |
p 3 targetSize | |
p 5 time | |
m (I)V a method_9094 setMaxRadius | |
p 1 radius | |
m (Lamn;)Z a method_9095 contains | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Laxl;)V a method_9096 addListener | |
p 1 listener | |
m (Lbhb;)Z a method_9097 contains | |
p 1 box | |
m (Let;)Z a method_9098 contains | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lvg;)D a method_9099 getDistanceInsideBorder | |
p 1 entity | |
m ()D b method_9100 getBoundWest | |
m (D)V b method_9101 setSafeZone | |
p 1 safeZone | |
m (DD)D b method_9102 getDistanceInsideBorder | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 z | |
m (I)V b method_9103 setWarningTime | |
p 1 warningTime | |
m ()D c method_9104 getBoundNorth | |
m (D)V c method_9105 setDamagePerBlock | |
p 1 damagePerBlock | |
m (DD)V c method_9106 setCenter | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 z | |
m (I)V c method_9107 setWarningBlocks | |
p 1 warningBlocks | |
m ()D d method_9108 getBoundEast | |
m ()D e method_9109 getBoundSouth | |
m ()D f method_9110 getCenterX | |
m ()D g method_9111 getCenterZ | |
m ()D h method_9112 getSize | |
m ()J i method_9113 getSizeLerpTime | |
m ()D j method_9114 getSizeLerpTarget | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; k method_9115 getListeners | |
m ()I l method_9116 getMaxRadius | |
m ()D m method_9117 getSafeZone | |
m ()D n method_9118 getDamagePerBlock | |
m ()D o method_9119 getShrinkingSpeed | |
m ()I p method_9120 getWarningTime | |
m ()I q method_9121 getWarningBlocks | |
c axp net/minecraft/class_2743 net/minecraft/world/chunk/PalettedContainer | |
f Lawt; a field_12903 field_0_9942 | |
f Lqw; b field_12904 data | |
f Laya; c field_12905 palette | |
f Laya; d field_12906 field_0_9943 | |
f I e field_12907 paletteSize | |
m ()I a method_11750 method_12327 | |
m (I)Lawt; a method_11751 method_12331 | |
m (III)Lawt; a method_11752 method_12321 | |
m (IIILawt;)V a method_11753 method_0_9239 | |
m (Lgy;)V a method_11754 readPacket | |
m ([BLaxs;)Laxs; a method_11755 method_0_9242 | |
m ([BLaxs;Laxs;)V a method_11756 method_0_9243 | |
m (I)V b method_11757 setPaletteSize | |
m (III)I b method_11758 toIndex | |
m (ILawt;)V b method_11759 method_12322 | |
m (Lgy;)V b method_11760 method_12325 | |
c axq net/minecraft/class_2744 net/minecraft/class_2796 | |
m (II)Laxw; a method_11761 method_0_1329 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/lang/String;Let;)Z a method_14387 method_0_11698 | |
p 1 world | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/lang/String;Let;Z)Let; a method_3866 method_12103 | |
p 1 world | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Laxw;II)Z a method_11762 method_0_9379 | |
p 1 chunk | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 z | |
m (Lvr;Let;)Ljava/util/List; a method_11763 method_12113 | |
p 1 category | |
p 2 pos | |
m (II)V b method_11764 method_12102 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (Laxw;II)V b method_4702 method_0_9380 | |
p 1 chunk | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 z | |
c axr net/minecraft/class_1193 net/minecraft/class_0_397 | |
m (II)Laxw; a method_11765 method_0_1329 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (II)Laxw; c method_11766 method_0_1319 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m ()Z d method_3869 method_0_1328 | |
m (II)Z e method_13764 method_0_10633 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; f method_3872 method_12122 | |
m (II)Z method_3864 method_3864 chunkExists | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m ()Z method_3870 method_3870 isSavingEnabled | |
m ()I method_3874 method_3874 getLoadedChunksCount | |
m (Laxw;II)V method_4702 method_4702 handleInitialLoad | |
p 1 chunk | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 z | |
m ()V method_4727 method_4727 flushChunks | |
c axs net/minecraft/class_1194 net/minecraft/world/chunk/ChunkNibbleArray | |
f [B a field_4721 field_0_1560 | |
m ([B)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 bytes | |
m ()[B a method_9125 method_0_1333 | |
m (I)I a method_9126 get | |
p 1 index | |
m (II)V a method_9127 set | |
p 1 index | |
p 2 meta | |
m (III)I a method_3875 get | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m (IIII)V a method_3876 set | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 value | |
m (I)Z b method_9128 isEven | |
p 1 index | |
m (III)I b method_9129 getIndex | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m (I)I c method_9130 getArrayIndex | |
p 1 index | |
c axt net/minecraft/class_1195 net/minecraft/world/chunk/EmptyChunk | |
c axu net/minecraft/class_2745 net/minecraft/world/chunk/IdListPalette | |
c axv net/minecraft/class_2746 net/minecraft/world/chunk/BiMapPalette | |
f Lqz; a field_12908 map | |
f Layb; b field_12909 listener | |
f I c field_12910 indexBits | |
c axw net/minecraft/class_1196 net/minecraft/world/chunk/WorldChunk | |
f Laxx; a field_12911 EMPTY_SECTION | |
f I b field_4730 field_12851 | |
f I c field_4731 field_12835 | |
f Z d field_12912 field_0_11438 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; e field_7504 LOGGER | |
f [Laxx; f field_4740 sections | |
f [B g field_4741 field_12842 | |
f [I h field_4725 field_0_1566 | |
f [Z i field_4726 field_0_1567 | |
f Z j field_4727 loadedToWorld | |
f Lamu; k field_4728 world | |
f [I l field_4729 field_0_1570 | |
f Z m field_4742 field_0_1571 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; n field_4732 blockEntities | |
f [Lqx; o field_9945 field_12833 | |
f Z p field_4734 field_0_1574 | |
f Z q field_7502 field_0_1575 | |
f Z r field_7503 lightOn | |
f Z s field_4735 shouldSave | |
f Z t field_4736 unsaved | |
f J u field_4737 inhabitedTime | |
f I v field_5479 field_0_1580 | |
f J w field_6229 lastSaveTime | |
f I x field_4743 field_0_1582 | |
f Ljava/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue; y field_9946 field_0_1583 | |
m (Lamu;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 chunkX | |
p 3 chunkZ | |
m (Lamu;Layw;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 storage | |
p 3 chunkX | |
p 4 chunkZ | |
m ()V a method_3877 method_0_1341 | |
m (II)Z a method_3878 method_0_1342 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m (III)Lawt; a method_11767 method_0_1394 | |
m (IIII)V a method_3909 method_0_1344 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (J)Ljava/util/Random; a method_3884 method_0_1345 | |
p 1 seed | |
m (Lana;Let;)I a method_9132 method_0_1346 | |
p 1 type | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lana;Let;I)V a method_3891 method_0_1347 | |
p 1 type | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 light | |
m (Lavj;)V a method_3885 addBlockEntity | |
p 1 be | |
m (Laxq;)V a method_11768 method_0_9381 | |
p 1 chunkGenerator | |
m (Laxr;Laxq;)V a method_11769 method_0_1349 | |
p 1 chunkProvider | |
m (Let;)Lawt; a method_11770 method_0_1350 | |
m (Let;I)I a method_9134 method_0_1351 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 darkness | |
m (Let;Lanl;)Lanh; a method_11771 method_12211 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 biomeSource | |
m (Let;Lavj;)V a method_9136 method_12007 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 be | |
m (Let;Lawt;)Lawt; a method_9137 method_12010 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 state | |
m (Let;Laxw$a;)Lavj; a method_9138 getBlockEntity | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 status | |
m (Lfa;)V a method_9139 method_0_1356 | |
p 1 dir | |
m (Lgy;IZ)V a method_3895 method_12224 | |
p 1 packet | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Lbhb;Ljava/util/List;Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)V a method_9140 method_12210 | |
p 1 clazz | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 list | |
p 4 pred | |
m (Lvg;)V a method_3887 remove | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Lvg;I)V a method_3888 remove | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 index | |
m (Lvg;Lbhb;Ljava/util/List;Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)V a method_9141 method_12205 | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 list | |
p 4 pred | |
m (Z)Z a method_3893 method_0_1361 | |
m ([B)V a method_3894 method_0_1362 | |
p 1 biomeArray | |
m ([I)V a method_9142 method_0_1364 | |
p 1 heightmap | |
m ([Laxx;)V a method_3896 method_0_1365 | |
p 1 chunkSections | |
m ()V b method_3897 method_0_1366 | |
m (II)I b method_3898 method_0_1367 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (III)V b method_3915 method_0_1374 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (J)V b method_9143 method_12043 | |
p 1 lastSaveTime | |
m (Let;)I b method_9144 method_12233 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lvg;)V b method_3901 method_12002 | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Z)V b method_6533 method_0_1371 | |
p 1 runningBehind | |
m ()V c method_3902 method_12213 | |
m (II)Z c method_3903 method_12228 | |
p 1 startY | |
p 2 endY | |
m (III)V c method_3917 method_0_1380 | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 z | |
m (J)V c method_9145 method_0_1375 | |
p 1 inhabitedTime | |
m (Let;)Z c method_9148 method_0_1381 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Z)V c method_9147 setLoadedToWorld | |
p 1 loaded | |
m ()V d method_3906 markDirty | |
m (II)V d method_3911 method_0_1379 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (III)I d method_3899 method_0_1385 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m (Let;)V d method_9150 method_12041 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Z)V d method_9149 method_0_1382 | |
p 1 terrainPopulated | |
m ()V e method_3910 loadEntities | |
m (II)Z e method_6535 method_0_1384 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (Let;)I e method_9152 method_0_1390 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Z)V e method_9151 method_0_1387 | |
p 1 lightPopulated | |
m ()Z f method_3914 isEmpty | |
m (Let;)Let; f method_9156 method_0_1397 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Z)V f method_9153 method_0_1391 | |
p 1 modified | |
m ()I g method_3916 method_0_1392 | |
m (Let;)Lavj; g method_9157 createBlockEntity | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Z)V g method_9155 setUnsaved | |
p 1 containsEntities | |
m ()[Laxx; h method_3918 method_12006 | |
m (Z)V h method_6534 method_0_1398 | |
p 1 isClient | |
m ()Z i method_6536 method_0_1399 | |
m ()Z j method_11772 method_0_9193 | |
m ()Lamn; k method_3920 method_12004 | |
m ()[B l method_3921 method_0_1402 | |
m ()V m method_3922 method_0_1403 | |
m ()V n method_3923 method_0_1404 | |
m ()V o method_6537 method_0_1405 | |
m ()Z p method_9158 method_12229 | |
m ()Lamu; q method_9159 getWorld | |
m ()[I r method_9160 method_0_1408 | |
m ()Ljava/util/Map; s method_9161 getBlockEntities | |
m ()[Lqx; t method_9162 method_12215 | |
m ()Z u method_9163 method_0_1411 | |
m ()Z v method_9164 method_0_1412 | |
m ()I w method_9165 method_0_1413 | |
m ()J x method_9166 method_0_1414 | |
m ()Laxx; y method_11773 method_0_9311 | |
m ()V z method_9167 method_0_1415 | |
c axw$1 net/minecraft/class_1196$1 net/minecraft/world/chunk/WorldChunk$1 | |
f I a field_7505 field_0_1584 | |
f I b field_7506 field_0_1585 | |
f I c field_7507 field_0_1586 | |
f Laxw; d field_12913 field_0_1587 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_6538 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c axw$a net/minecraft/class_1196$class_2251 net/minecraft/world/chunk/WorldChunk$CreationType | |
f Laxw$a; a field_9951 IMMEDIATE | |
f Laxw$a; b field_9952 QUEUED | |
f Laxw$a; c field_9953 CHECK | |
f [Laxw$a; d field_9954 field_12862 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Laxw$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Laxw$a; values values values | |
c axx net/minecraft/class_1197 net/minecraft/world/chunk/ChunkSection | |
f I a field_4744 yOffset | |
f I b field_4745 field_12877 | |
f I c field_4746 field_12881 | |
f Laxp; d field_12914 blockStateContainer | |
f Laxs; e field_4750 field_0_1600 | |
f Laxs; f field_4751 field_0_1601 | |
m (IZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 yOffset | |
p 2 skyLightEnabled | |
m ()Z a method_3925 isEmpty | |
m (III)Lawt; a method_9170 method_12254 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m (IIII)V a method_3935 method_0_1421 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 light | |
m (IIILawt;)V a method_9171 method_12256 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 state | |
m (Laxs;)V a method_3936 method_0_1423 | |
p 1 blockLight | |
m ()Z b method_3930 hasRandomFluidTicks | |
m (III)I b method_3934 method_0_1431 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m (IIII)V b method_3939 method_0_1427 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 light | |
m (Laxs;)V b method_3940 method_0_1428 | |
p 1 skyLight | |
m (III)I c method_3938 method_0_1433 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m ()I d method_3937 getYOffset | |
m ()V e method_3941 calculateCounts | |
m ()Laxp; g method_11774 getBlockStateContainer | |
m ()Laxs; h method_3946 method_0_1435 | |
m ()Laxs; i method_3947 method_0_1436 | |
c axy net/minecraft/class_2747 net/minecraft/world/chunk/ArrayPalette | |
f [Lawt; a field_12915 field_12904 | |
f Layb; b field_12916 listener | |
f I c field_12917 indexBits | |
f I d field_12918 size | |
c axz net/minecraft/class_1198 net/minecraft/world/level/storage/AlphaChunkDataArray | |
f [B a field_4752 data | |
f I b field_4753 zOffset | |
f I c field_4754 xOffset | |
m ([BI)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 data | |
p 2 yCoordinateBits | |
m (III)I a method_3949 get | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
c ay net/minecraft/class_3229 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/RecipeUnlockedCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15808 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15809 handlers | |
m (Loq;Lakt;)V a method_14388 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14389 method_9105 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lay$b; b method_14390 conditionsFromJson | |
c ay$a net/minecraft/class_3229$class_3230 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/RecipeUnlockedCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15810 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15811 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14391 isEmpty | |
m (Lakt;)V a method_14392 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14393 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14394 removeCondition | |
c ay$b net/minecraft/class_3229$class_3231 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/RecipeUnlockedCriterion$Conditions | |
f Lakt; a field_15812 field_9742 | |
m (Lakt;)Z a method_14395 matches | |
c aya net/minecraft/class_2748 net/minecraft/world/chunk/Palette | |
m ()I a method_11775 getPacketSize | |
m (I)Lawt; a method_11776 method_12288 | |
m (Lawt;)I a method_11777 method_12291 | |
m (Lgy;)V a method_11778 readPacket | |
m (Lgy;)V b method_11779 writePacket | |
c ayb net/minecraft/class_2749 net/minecraft/world/chunk/PaletteResizeListener | |
m (ILawt;)I a method_11780 method_0_9251 | |
c aye net/minecraft/class_1205 net/minecraft/world/ChunkSerializer | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7509 LOGGER | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_9957 field_13000 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; c field_4780 field_0_1631 | |
f Ljava/io/File; d field_4782 field_12999 | |
f Lry; e field_12919 field_13002 | |
f Z f field_9958 field_12998 | |
m (Ljava/io/File;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 saveLocation | |
m (Lamn;Lfy;)V a method_3971 method_12390 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 nbt | |
m (Lamu;IILfy;)Laxw; a method_3972 method_0_1460 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 chunkX | |
p 3 chunkZ | |
p 4 nbt | |
m (Lamu;Lfy;)Laxw; a method_3973 method_0_1461 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 nbt | |
m (Laxw;Lamu;Lfy;)V a method_3974 method_0_1462 | |
p 1 chunk | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 nbt | |
m (Lfy;Lamu;)Lvg; a method_11781 method_12379 | |
p 0 tag | |
p 1 world | |
m (Lfy;Lamu;DDDZ)Lvg; a method_11782 method_12399 | |
p 0 tag | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (Lfy;Lamu;Laxw;)Lvg; a method_11783 method_12382 | |
p 0 tag | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 chunk | |
m (Lfy;Lamu;Z)Lvg; a method_11784 method_12378 | |
p 0 tag | |
p 1 world | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13364 method_0_10378 | |
m (Lvg;Lamu;)V a method_11785 method_12394 | |
p 0 entity | |
p 1 world | |
m (Lamn;Lfy;)V b method_9173 method_0_1463 | |
p 1 chunkPos | |
p 2 nbt | |
c aye$1 net/minecraft/class_1205$1 net/minecraft/world/ChunkSerializer$1 | |
c ayf net/minecraft/class_1199 net/minecraft/class_0_405 | |
m (II)Z a method_13765 method_0_10634 | |
m (Lamu;II)Laxw; a method_3951 method_0_1439 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 z | |
m (Lamu;Laxw;)V a method_3952 method_0_1440 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 chunk | |
m ()V b method_3950 method_0_1438 | |
m (Lamu;Laxw;)V b method_3954 method_0_1442 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 chunk | |
m ()V c method_3953 method_12413 | |
c ayi net/minecraft/class_1200 net/minecraft/world/level/storage/AlphaChunkIo | |
m (Layi$a;Lfy;Lanl;)V a method_3956 convertAlphaChunk | |
m (Lfy;)Layi$a; a method_3955 readAlphaChunk | |
p 0 nbt | |
c ayi$a net/minecraft/class_1200$class_1201 net/minecraft/world/level/storage/AlphaChunkIo$AlphaChunk | |
f J a field_4755 lastUpdate | |
f Z b field_4756 terrainPopulated | |
f [B c field_4757 heightMap | |
f Laxz; d field_4758 blockLight | |
f Laxz; e field_4759 skyLight | |
f Laxz; f field_4760 data | |
f [B g field_4761 blocks | |
f Lge; h field_4762 entities | |
f Lge; i field_4763 blockEntities | |
f Lge; j field_4764 blockTicks | |
f I k field_4765 x | |
f I l field_4766 z | |
m (II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
c ayj net/minecraft/class_1202 net/minecraft/world/storage/RegionFile | |
f [B a field_4767 EMPTY_SECTOR | |
f Ljava/io/File; b field_4768 field_13032 | |
f Ljava/io/RandomAccessFile; c field_4769 file | |
f [I d field_4770 offsets | |
f [I e field_4771 chunkTimestamps | |
f Ljava/util/List; f field_9956 sectorFree | |
f I g field_4773 field_13027 | |
f J h field_4774 field_13028 | |
m (Ljava/io/File;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 file | |
m (II)Ljava/io/DataInputStream; a method_3957 method_12421 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m (III)V a method_3958 method_12422 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
p 3 length | |
m (II[BI)V a method_3959 method_12428 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m (I[BI)V a method_3960 write | |
p 1 sectorData | |
p 2 data | |
p 3 dataLength | |
m (II)Ljava/io/DataOutputStream; b method_3961 method_12425 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m (III)V b method_3962 method_12427 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
p 3 timestamp | |
m ()V c method_3963 method_12429 | |
m (II)Z c method_3964 method_12423 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m (II)Z d method_3965 method_12426 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m (II)I e method_3966 method_12419 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
c ayj$a net/minecraft/class_1202$class_1203 net/minecraft/world/storage/RegionFile$ChunkBuffer | |
f Layj; a field_4775 field_13035 | |
f I b field_4776 field_13034 | |
f I c field_4777 field_13033 | |
m (Layj;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 chunkX | |
p 3 chunkZ | |
m ()V close close close | |
c ayk net/minecraft/class_1204 net/minecraft/world/storage/RegionBasedStorage | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_4778 field_13051 | |
m ()V a method_3967 method_12438 | |
m (Ljava/io/File;II)Layj; a method_3968 method_12440 | |
p 0 worldDir | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
m (Ljava/io/File;II)Layj; b method_13766 method_0_10635 | |
m (Ljava/io/File;II)Ljava/io/DataInputStream; d method_3969 method_12439 | |
p 0 worldDir | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
m (Ljava/io/File;II)Ljava/io/DataOutputStream; e method_3970 method_12437 | |
p 0 worldDir | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
m (Ljava/io/File;II)Z f method_13767 method_0_10636 | |
c aym net/minecraft/class_1208 net/minecraft/world/dimension/Dimension | |
f [F a field_6230 MOON_PHASE_TO_SIZE | |
f Lamu; b field_4785 world | |
f Lanl; c field_4787 field_0_1638 | |
f Z d field_4788 waterVaporizes | |
f Z e field_4789 isNether | |
f Z f field_15183 field_0_11810 | |
f [F g field_4790 lightLevelToBrightness | |
f Lamz; h field_4786 field_0_1643 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_4937 field_0_1644 | |
f [F j field_4792 backgroundColor | |
m ()V a method_3976 initializeLightLevelToBrightness | |
m (FF)[F a method_3977 getBackgroundColor | |
p 1 skyAngle | |
p 2 tickDelta | |
m (II)Z a method_3979 method_0_1467 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (J)I a method_3985 getMoonPhase | |
p 1 time | |
m (JF)F a method_3980 getSkyAngle | |
p 1 timeOfDay | |
p 3 tickDelta | |
m (Lamu;)V a method_3981 method_0_1470 | |
p 1 world | |
m (Loq;)V a method_11786 method_12457 | |
p 1 player | |
m ()V b method_3982 method_0_1471 | |
m (FF)Lbhe; b method_6541 getFogColor | |
p 1 skyAngle | |
p 2 tickDelta | |
m (II)Z b method_3984 isFogThick | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (Loq;)V b method_11787 method_12458 | |
p 1 player | |
m ()Laxq; c method_3986 method_12443 | |
m (II)Z c method_11788 method_0_8538 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m ()Z d method_3987 hasVisibleSky | |
m ()Z e method_3988 canPlayersSleep | |
m ()F f method_3989 getCloudHeight | |
m ()Z g method_3990 hasGround | |
m ()Let; h method_3991 getForcedSpawnPoint | |
m ()I i method_3992 method_0_1480 | |
m ()D j method_3994 getHorizonShadingRatio | |
m ()Lanl; k method_9175 method_0_1484 | |
m ()Z l method_9176 doesWaterVaporize | |
m ()Z m method_13768 method_0_10637 | |
m ()Z n method_9177 isNether | |
m ()[F o method_9178 getLightLevelToBrightness | |
m ()Laxn; p method_9180 createWorldBorder | |
m ()Layn; q method_11789 getType | |
m ()V r method_11790 saveWorldData | |
m ()V s method_11791 update | |
c ayn net/minecraft/class_2750 net/minecraft/world/dimension/DimensionType | |
f Layn; a field_12920 OVERWORLD | |
f Layn; b field_12921 NETHER | |
f Layn; c field_12922 THE_END | |
f I d field_12923 id | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_12924 suffix | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_12925 saveDir | |
f Ljava/lang/Class; g field_12926 field_0_9115 | |
f [Layn; h field_12927 field_0_9116 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 name | |
p 5 suffix | |
p 6 dimensionClass | |
m ()I a method_11792 getRawId | |
m (I)Layn; a method_11793 byRawId | |
p 0 id | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Layn; a method_14396 method_12483 | |
p 0 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_11794 getSuffix | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_11795 method_0_8545 | |
m ()Laym; d method_11796 method_0_8546 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Layn; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Layn; values values values | |
c ayo net/minecraft/class_1209 net/minecraft/world/dimension/TheNetherDimension | |
c ayo$1 net/minecraft/class_1209$1 net/minecraft/world/dimension/TheNetherDimension$1 | |
f Layo; a field_9959 field_13069 | |
c ayp net/minecraft/class_1210 net/minecraft/world/dimension/OverworldDimension | |
c ayq net/minecraft/class_2751 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/EnderDragonSpawnState | |
f Layq; a field_12928 START | |
f Layq; b field_12929 PREPARING_TO_SUMMON_PILLARS | |
f Layq; c field_12930 SUMMONING_PILLARS | |
f Layq; d field_12931 SUMMONING_DRAGON | |
f Layq; e field_12932 END | |
f [Layq; f field_12933 field_13096 | |
m (Loo;Layr;Ljava/util/List;ILet;)V a method_11797 run | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 battle | |
p 3 crystals | |
p 4 animationTicks | |
p 5 pos | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Layq; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Layq; values values values | |
c ayq$1 net/minecraft/class_2751$1 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/EnderDragonSpawnState$1 | |
c ayq$2 net/minecraft/class_2751$2 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/EnderDragonSpawnState$2 | |
c ayq$3 net/minecraft/class_2751$3 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/EnderDragonSpawnState$3 | |
c ayq$4 net/minecraft/class_2751$4 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/EnderDragonSpawnState$4 | |
c ayq$5 net/minecraft/class_2751$5 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/EnderDragonSpawnState$5 | |
c ayr net/minecraft/class_2752 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/EnderDragonFight | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_12934 LOGGER | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; b field_12935 field_13113 | |
f Lom; c field_12936 bossBar | |
f Loo; d field_12937 world | |
f Ljava/util/List; e field_12938 gateways | |
f Lawx; f field_12939 endPortalPattern | |
f I g field_12940 dragonSeenTimer | |
f I h field_12941 endCrystalsAlive | |
f I i field_12942 crystalCountTimer | |
f I j field_12943 playerUpdateTimer | |
f Z k field_12944 dragonKilled | |
f Z l field_12945 previouslyKilled | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; m field_12946 dragonUuid | |
f Z n field_12947 doLegacyCheck | |
f Let; o field_12948 exitPortalLocation | |
f Layq; p field_12949 dragonSpawnState | |
f I q field_12950 spawnStateTimer | |
f Ljava/util/List; r field_12951 crystals | |
m (Loo;Lfy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 tag | |
m ()Lfy; a method_11798 toNbt | |
m (Labc;Lur;)V a method_11802 crystalDestroyed | |
p 1 crystal | |
p 2 source | |
m (Labd;)V a method_11803 dragonKilled | |
p 1 dragon | |
m (Layq;)V a method_11799 setSpawnState | |
p 1 phase | |
m (Let;)V a method_11800 generateEndGateway | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)V a method_11801 respawnDragon | |
p 1 crystals | |
m (Z)V a method_11804 generateEndPortal | |
p 1 emitNeighborBlockUpdates | |
m ()V b method_11805 tick | |
m (Labd;)V b method_11806 updateFight | |
p 1 dragon | |
m ()I c method_11807 getAliveEndCrystals | |
m ()Z d method_11808 hasPreviouslyKilled | |
m ()V e method_11809 respawnDragon | |
m ()V f method_11810 resetEndCrystals | |
m ()Z g method_11811 worldContainsEndPortal | |
m ()Lawx$b; h method_11812 findEndPortal | |
m ()V i method_11813 method_0_8559 | |
m ()V j method_11814 updatePlayers | |
m ()V k method_11815 countAliveCrystals | |
m ()V l method_11816 generateNewEndGateway | |
m ()Labd; m method_11817 createDragon | |
c ays net/minecraft/class_1211 net/minecraft/world/dimension/TheEndDimension | |
f Layr; h field_12952 field_0_9131 | |
m ()Layr; t method_11818 method_12513 | |
c ayv net/minecraft/class_1212 net/minecraft/world/gen/carver/RavineCarver | |
f Lawt; a field_12953 field_0_10011 | |
f Lawt; b field_12954 field_0_10012 | |
f [F c field_4793 heightToHorizontalStretchFactor | |
m (JIILayw;DDDFFFIID)V a method_3996 method_12657 | |
p 1 seed | |
p 3 mainChunkX | |
p 4 mainChunkZ | |
p 5 chunkStorage | |
p 6 x | |
p 8 y | |
p 10 z | |
p 12 baseWidth | |
p 13 xzAngle | |
p 14 yAngle | |
p 15 branch | |
p 16 branchCount | |
p 17 heightWidthRatio | |
c ayw net/minecraft/class_2252 net/minecraft/class_0_418 | |
f Lawt; a field_9961 field_0_1649 | |
f [C b field_12955 field_0_1648 | |
m (II)I a method_11819 method_0_8565 | |
m (III)Lawt; a method_9182 method_0_1491 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m (IIILawt;)V a method_9183 method_0_1494 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 state | |
m (III)I b method_11820 method_0_9382 | |
c ayx net/minecraft/class_2253 net/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/OverworldChunkGeneratorConfig | |
f Z A field_10039 field_0_1727 | |
f Z B field_9962 field_0_1650 | |
f I C field_9963 field_0_1651 | |
f Z D field_9964 field_0_1652 | |
f I E field_9965 field_0_1653 | |
f Z F field_9966 field_0_1654 | |
f I G field_9967 field_13222 | |
f I H field_9968 field_13224 | |
f I I field_9969 field_13223 | |
f I J field_9970 field_0_1658 | |
f I K field_9971 field_0_1659 | |
f I L field_9972 field_0_1660 | |
f I M field_9973 field_0_1661 | |
f I N field_9974 field_0_1662 | |
f I O field_9975 field_0_1663 | |
f I P field_9976 field_0_1664 | |
f I Q field_9977 field_0_1665 | |
f I R field_9978 field_0_1666 | |
f I S field_9979 field_0_1667 | |
f I T field_9980 field_0_1668 | |
f I U field_9981 field_0_1669 | |
f I V field_9982 field_0_1670 | |
f I W field_9983 field_0_1671 | |
f I X field_9984 field_0_1672 | |
f I Y field_9985 field_0_1673 | |
f I Z field_9986 field_0_1674 | |
f F a field_9988 field_13217 | |
f I aA field_10014 field_0_1702 | |
f I aa field_9987 field_0_1675 | |
f I ab field_9989 field_0_1677 | |
f I ac field_9990 field_0_1678 | |
f I ad field_9991 field_0_1679 | |
f I ae field_9992 field_0_1680 | |
f I af field_9993 field_0_1681 | |
f I ag field_9994 field_0_1682 | |
f I ah field_9995 field_0_1683 | |
f I ai field_9996 field_0_1684 | |
f I aj field_9997 field_0_1685 | |
f I ak field_9998 field_0_1686 | |
f I al field_9999 field_0_1687 | |
f I am field_10000 field_0_1688 | |
f I an field_10001 field_0_1689 | |
f I ao field_10002 field_0_1690 | |
f I ap field_10003 field_0_1691 | |
f I aq field_10004 field_0_1692 | |
f I ar field_10005 field_0_1693 | |
f I as field_10006 field_0_1694 | |
f I at field_10007 field_0_1695 | |
f I au field_10008 field_0_1696 | |
f I av field_10009 field_0_1697 | |
f I aw field_10010 field_0_1698 | |
f I ax field_10011 field_0_1699 | |
f I ay field_10012 field_0_1700 | |
f I az field_10013 field_0_1701 | |
f F b field_10015 field_13216 | |
f F c field_10016 field_13226 | |
f F d field_10017 field_13225 | |
f F e field_10018 field_13220 | |
f F f field_10019 field_13219 | |
f F g field_10020 field_13218 | |
f F h field_10021 field_13215 | |
f F i field_10022 field_13214 | |
f F j field_10023 field_13213 | |
f F k field_10024 field_13228 | |
f F l field_10025 field_13227 | |
f F m field_10026 field_13231 | |
f F n field_10027 field_13212 | |
f F o field_10028 field_13229 | |
f F p field_10029 field_13230 | |
f I q field_10030 field_13221 | |
f Z r field_10031 field_0_1719 | |
f Z s field_10032 field_0_1720 | |
f I t field_10033 field_0_1721 | |
f Z u field_10034 field_0_1722 | |
f Z v field_10035 field_0_1723 | |
f Z w field_10036 field_0_1724 | |
f Z x field_10037 field_0_1725 | |
f Z y field_10038 field_0_1726 | |
f Z z field_15184 field_0_11811 | |
m (Layx$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 builder | |
c ayx$1 net/minecraft/class_2253$1 net/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/OverworldChunkGeneratorConfig$1 | |
c ayx$a net/minecraft/class_2253$class_2254 net/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/OverworldChunkGeneratorConfig$class_0_420 | |
f Z A field_15185 field_0_11812 | |
f Z B field_15186 field_0_1728 | |
f Z C field_10041 field_0_1729 | |
f I D field_10042 field_0_1730 | |
f Z E field_10043 field_0_1731 | |
f I F field_10044 field_0_1732 | |
f Z G field_10045 field_0_1733 | |
f I H field_10046 field_0_1734 | |
f I I field_10047 field_0_1735 | |
f I J field_10048 field_0_1736 | |
f I K field_10049 field_0_1737 | |
f I L field_10050 field_0_1738 | |
f I M field_10051 field_0_1739 | |
f I N field_10052 field_0_1740 | |
f I O field_10053 field_0_1741 | |
f I P field_10054 field_0_1742 | |
f I Q field_10055 field_0_1743 | |
f I R field_10056 field_0_1744 | |
f I S field_10057 field_0_1745 | |
f I T field_10058 field_0_1746 | |
f I U field_10059 field_0_1747 | |
f I V field_10060 field_0_1748 | |
f I W field_10061 field_0_1749 | |
f I X field_10062 field_0_1750 | |
f I Y field_10063 field_0_1751 | |
f I Z field_10064 field_0_1752 | |
f Lcom/google/gson/Gson; a field_10067 field_0_1755 | |
f I aA field_10093 field_0_1781 | |
f I aB field_10066 field_0_1754 | |
f I aa field_10065 field_0_1753 | |
f I ab field_10068 field_0_1756 | |
f I ac field_10069 field_0_1757 | |
f I ad field_10070 field_0_1758 | |
f I ae field_10071 field_0_1759 | |
f I af field_10072 field_0_1760 | |
f I ag field_10073 field_0_1761 | |
f I ah field_10074 field_0_1762 | |
f I ai field_10075 field_0_1763 | |
f I aj field_10076 field_0_1764 | |
f I ak field_10077 field_0_1765 | |
f I al field_10078 field_0_1766 | |
f I am field_10079 field_0_1767 | |
f I an field_10080 field_0_1768 | |
f I ao field_10081 field_0_1769 | |
f I ap field_10082 field_0_1770 | |
f I aq field_10083 field_0_1771 | |
f I ar field_10084 field_0_1772 | |
f I as field_10085 field_0_1773 | |
f I at field_10086 field_0_1774 | |
f I au field_10087 field_0_1775 | |
f I av field_10088 field_0_1776 | |
f I aw field_10089 field_0_1777 | |
f I ax field_10090 field_0_1778 | |
f I ay field_10091 field_0_1779 | |
f I az field_10092 field_0_1780 | |
f F b field_10094 field_0_1782 | |
f F c field_10095 field_0_1783 | |
f F d field_10096 field_0_1784 | |
f F e field_10097 field_0_1785 | |
f F f field_10098 field_0_1786 | |
f F g field_10099 field_0_1787 | |
f F h field_10100 field_0_1788 | |
f F i field_10101 field_0_1789 | |
f F j field_10102 field_0_1790 | |
f F k field_10103 field_0_1791 | |
f F l field_10104 field_0_1792 | |
f F m field_10105 field_0_1793 | |
f F n field_10106 field_0_1794 | |
f F o field_10107 field_0_1795 | |
f F p field_10108 field_0_1796 | |
f F q field_10109 field_0_1797 | |
f I r field_10110 field_0_1798 | |
f Z s field_10111 field_0_1799 | |
f Z t field_10112 field_0_1800 | |
f I u field_10113 field_0_1801 | |
f Z v field_10114 field_0_1802 | |
f Z w field_10115 field_0_1803 | |
f Z x field_10116 field_0_1804 | |
f Z y field_10117 field_0_1805 | |
f Z z field_10118 field_0_1806 | |
m ()V a method_9185 method_0_1495 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Layx$a; a method_9186 method_0_1496 | |
p 0 json | |
m ()Layx; b method_9187 method_0_1497 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
p 1 obj | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c ayx$b net/minecraft/class_2253$class_2255 net/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/OverworldChunkGeneratorConfig$class_0_421 | |
m (Layx$a;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; a method_9188 serialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Layx$a; a method_9189 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
p 1 element | |
p 2 type | |
p 3 jsonDeserializationContext | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; serialize serialize serialize | |
p 1 utilities | |
p 2 type | |
p 3 jsonSerializationContext | |
c ayy net/minecraft/class_2256 net/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/DebugChunkGenerator | |
f Lawt; a field_12956 field_13162 | |
f Lawt; b field_12957 field_13164 | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_10119 BLOCK_STATES | |
f I d field_10120 X_SIDE_LENGTH | |
f I e field_10121 Z_SIDE_LENGTH | |
f Lamu; f field_10122 field_0_1810 | |
m (II)Lawt; c method_9190 method_12578 | |
c ayz net/minecraft/class_1213 net/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/FlatChunkGenerator | |
f Lamu; a field_4794 field_0_1811 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; b field_4795 field_0_1812 | |
f [Lawt; c field_10123 field_0_1813 | |
f Lbbb; d field_4940 field_13182 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; e field_15187 field_0_1815 | |
f Z f field_4942 field_0_1816 | |
f Z g field_4943 field_0_1817 | |
f Lbae; h field_4944 field_0_1818 | |
f Lbae; i field_4945 field_0_1819 | |
c az net/minecraft/class_3232 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/SummonedEntityCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15813 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15814 handlers | |
m (Loq;Lvg;)V a method_14397 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14398 method_9122 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Laz$b; b method_14399 conditionsFromJson | |
c az$a net/minecraft/class_3232$class_3233 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/SummonedEntityCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15815 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15816 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14400 isEmpty | |
m (Loq;Lvg;)V a method_14401 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14402 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14403 removeCondition | |
c az$b net/minecraft/class_3232$class_3234 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/SummonedEntityCriterion$Conditions | |
f Laj; a field_15817 entity | |
m (Loq;Lvg;)Z a method_14404 matches | |
c aza net/minecraft/class_1215 net/minecraft/world/gen/carver/CaveCarver | |
f Lawt; a field_12958 field_0_10015 | |
f Lawt; b field_12959 field_0_10016 | |
f Lawt; c field_12960 field_0_10017 | |
f Lawt; d field_12961 field_0_10018 | |
m (JIILayw;DDD)V a method_4001 method_12674 | |
p 1 seed | |
p 3 mainChunkX | |
p 4 mainChunkZ | |
p 5 chunkStorage | |
p 6 x | |
p 8 y | |
p 10 z | |
m (JIILayw;DDDFFFIID)V a method_4002 method_12675 | |
p 1 seed | |
p 3 mainChunkX | |
p 4 mainChunkZ | |
p 5 chunkStorage | |
p 6 x | |
p 8 y | |
p 10 z | |
p 12 baseWidth | |
p 13 xzAngle | |
p 14 yAngle | |
p 15 branch | |
p 16 branchCount | |
p 17 heightWidthRatio | |
m (Lawt;Lawt;)Z a method_9193 method_0_1506 | |
p 1 block | |
p 2 blockBelow | |
c azb net/minecraft/class_1216 net/minecraft/class_0_426 | |
f I e field_4818 field_0_1849 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; f field_4819 field_0_1850 | |
f Lamu; g field_4820 field_0_1851 | |
m (JLjava/util/Random;II)V a method_13769 method_0_10638 | |
m (Lamu;IIIILayw;)V a method_4003 method_12673 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 chunkX | |
p 3 chunkZ | |
p 4 mainChunkX | |
p 5 mainChunkZ | |
p 6 chunkStorage | |
m (Lamu;IILayw;)V a method_4004 method_0_1508 | |
c azc net/minecraft/class_1217 net/minecraft/class_0_428 | |
f Lawt; a field_12962 field_0_10019 | |
m (JIILayw;DDD)V a method_4005 method_0_1509 | |
p 1 seed | |
p 3 mainChunkX | |
p 4 mainChunkZ | |
p 5 chunkStorage | |
p 6 x | |
p 8 y | |
p 10 z | |
m (JIILayw;DDDFFFIID)V a method_4006 method_0_1510 | |
p 1 seed | |
p 3 mainChunkX | |
p 4 mainChunkZ | |
p 5 chunkStorage | |
p 6 x | |
p 8 y | |
p 10 z | |
p 12 baseWidth | |
p 13 xzAngle | |
p 14 yAngle | |
p 15 branch | |
p 16 branchCount | |
p 17 heightWidthRatio | |
c azd net/minecraft/class_1214 net/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/CavesChunkGenerator | |
f Lbaf; A field_10127 field_0_1843 | |
f Lazz; B field_10128 field_0_1844 | |
f Lazu; C field_10129 field_0_1845 | |
f Lazu; D field_14845 field_0_11494 | |
f Lbaa; E field_10130 field_0_1846 | |
f Lbaa; F field_10131 field_0_1847 | |
f Lazl; G field_10132 field_0_1848 | |
f Lazl; H field_10124 field_0_1820 | |
f Lbbm; I field_4800 field_0_1821 | |
f Lazb; J field_4817 field_13242 | |
f Lawt; a field_12963 field_0_10020 | |
f Lawt; b field_12964 field_13237 | |
f Lawt; c field_12965 field_0_10022 | |
f Lawt; d field_12966 field_13241 | |
f Lawt; e field_12967 field_0_10024 | |
f Lawt; f field_12968 field_0_10025 | |
f Lbcp; g field_4798 field_0_1823 | |
f Lbcp; h field_4799 field_0_1824 | |
f [D i field_4801 field_0_1825 | |
f [D j field_4802 field_0_1826 | |
f [D k field_4803 field_0_1827 | |
f [D l field_4804 field_0_1828 | |
f [D m field_4805 field_0_1829 | |
f Lamu; n field_4812 field_0_1830 | |
f Z o field_10125 field_0_1831 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; p field_4806 field_0_1832 | |
f [D q field_4814 field_0_1833 | |
f [D r field_4815 field_0_1834 | |
f [D s field_4816 field_0_1835 | |
f [D t field_4813 field_0_1836 | |
f Lbcp; u field_4807 field_13238 | |
f Lbcp; v field_4808 field_13233 | |
f Lbcp; w field_4809 field_0_1839 | |
f Lbcp; x field_4810 field_0_1840 | |
f Lbcp; y field_4811 field_13234 | |
f Lazy; z field_10126 field_0_1842 | |
m (Lamu;ZJ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 hasStructures | |
p 3 seed | |
m (IILayw;)V a method_9191 method_0_1501 | |
m ([DIIIIII)[D a method_3999 method_12635 | |
m (IILayw;)V b method_9192 method_0_1503 | |
c aze net/minecraft/class_1218 net/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/OverworldChunkGenerator | |
f Lazb; A field_4845 field_0_1879 | |
f Lbbo; B field_10133 field_0_1852 | |
f Lbcc; C field_15188 field_0_11813 | |
f [Lanh; D field_4846 field_0_1853 | |
f Lawt; a field_12969 field_0_10026 | |
f Lbcp; b field_4821 field_13251 | |
f Lbcp; c field_4822 field_13257 | |
f Lbcp; d field_4823 field_0_1856 | |
f [D e field_7511 field_0_1857 | |
f [D f field_7512 field_0_1858 | |
f [D g field_7513 field_0_1859 | |
f [D h field_4828 field_0_1860 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; i field_4831 field_0_1861 | |
f Lbcp; j field_4832 field_13247 | |
f Lbcp; k field_4833 field_13253 | |
f Lbcp; l field_4834 field_13250 | |
f Lbcq; m field_7514 field_13255 | |
f Lamu; n field_4836 field_0_1866 | |
f Z o field_4837 field_0_1867 | |
f Lamz; p field_7515 field_13246 | |
f [D q field_7516 field_0_1869 | |
f [F r field_7517 BIOME_WEIGHT_TABLE | |
f Layx; s field_10134 field_13252 | |
f Lawt; t field_12970 field_13256 | |
f [D u field_4839 field_0_1873 | |
f Lazb; v field_4840 field_0_1874 | |
f Lbbs; w field_4841 field_0_1875 | |
f Lbca; x field_4842 field_0_1876 | |
f Lbbj; y field_4843 field_0_1877 | |
f Lbbq; z field_4844 field_0_1878 | |
m (Lamu;JZLjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 seed | |
p 4 hasStructures | |
m (III)V a method_6544 method_0_1511 | |
m (IILayw;)V a method_9194 method_0_1512 | |
m (IILayw;[Lanh;)V a method_6546 method_0_1513 | |
c azf net/minecraft/class_1219 net/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/FloatingIslandsChunkGenerator | |
f Lawt; a field_12971 field_0_10027 | |
f Lawt; b field_12972 field_0_10028 | |
f Lbcp; c field_12973 field_13264 | |
f Lbcp; d field_12974 field_13265 | |
f [D e field_4849 field_0_1882 | |
f [D f field_4850 field_0_1883 | |
f [D g field_4851 field_0_1884 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; h field_4855 field_0_1887 | |
f Lbcp; i field_4856 field_13267 | |
f Lbcp; j field_4857 field_13263 | |
f Lbcp; k field_4858 field_13260 | |
f Lamu; l field_4859 field_0_1891 | |
f Z m field_12975 field_0_11104 | |
f Let; n field_15189 center | |
f Lbbh; o field_12976 field_0_9132 | |
f Lbct; p field_12977 field_0_9133 | |
f [D q field_4860 field_0_1892 | |
f [Lanh; r field_4861 field_0_1893 | |
f Lazs; s field_12978 field_0_9134 | |
m (Lamu;J)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
m (IIII)F a method_11821 method_0_8566 | |
m (IILayw;)V a method_9195 method_0_1514 | |
m (Layw;)V a method_9196 method_0_1515 | |
m ([DIIIIII)[D a method_4011 method_12647 | |
m (II)Z c method_11822 method_0_8567 | |
c azg net/minecraft/class_1769 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/TreeFeature | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V a method_9197 method_12772 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Let;)V a method_9198 method_13494 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Laow;)Z a method_6548 method_12771 | |
p 1 block | |
c azh net/minecraft/class_1220 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/LargeOakTreeFeature | |
f I a field_4866 field_0_1894 | |
f I b field_4867 field_0_1895 | |
f D c field_4868 field_0_1896 | |
f D d field_4870 field_0_1897 | |
f D e field_4871 field_0_1898 | |
f D f field_4872 field_0_1899 | |
f I g field_4873 field_0_1900 | |
f I h field_4874 field_0_1901 | |
f I i field_4875 field_0_1902 | |
f Ljava/util/List; j field_10136 field_0_1903 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; k field_10137 field_0_1904 | |
f Lamu; l field_4864 field_0_1905 | |
f Let; m field_10138 field_0_1906 | |
m ()V a method_4013 method_0_1520 | |
m (I)F a method_4014 method_12807 | |
m (Let;)V a method_9199 method_12810 | |
p 1 blockPos | |
m (Let;FLawt;)V a method_9200 method_12811 | |
p 1 blockPos | |
p 3 blockState | |
m (Let;Let;)I a method_9201 method_12808 | |
m (Let;Let;Laow;)V a method_9202 method_0_1525 | |
p 3 block | |
m ()V b method_4019 method_12802 | |
m (I)F b method_4020 getLeafRadiusForLayer | |
m (Let;)I b method_9203 getLongestSide | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;Let;)Larv$a; b method_9204 method_12809 | |
m ()V c method_4021 method_0_1530 | |
m (I)Z c method_4022 method_12801 | |
m ()V d method_9205 method_12800 | |
m ()Z f method_4024 method_0_1533 | |
c azh$a net/minecraft/class_1220$class_2257 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/LargeOakTreeFeature$BranchPosition | |
f I b field_10139 endY | |
m (Let;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()I s method_9206 getEndY | |
c azi net/minecraft/class_1221 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/BirchTreeFeature | |
f Lawt; a field_10140 field_13340 | |
f Lawt; b field_10141 field_13341 | |
f Z c field_7518 alwaysTall | |
c azj net/minecraft/class_1770 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/ForestRockFeature | |
f Laow; a field_7519 field_0_1911 | |
f I b field_7520 field_0_1912 | |
c azk net/minecraft/class_1222 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/BonusChestFeature | |
c azl net/minecraft/class_2258 net/minecraft/class_0_437 | |
f Lapc; a field_10143 field_0_1915 | |
c azm net/minecraft/class_1223 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/CactusFeature | |
c azn net/minecraft/class_1224 net/minecraft/class_0_439 | |
f Laow; a field_7521 field_0_1916 | |
f I b field_4880 field_0_1917 | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 count | |
c azo net/minecraft/class_1225 net/minecraft/class_0_440 | |
c azp net/minecraft/class_1226 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/DesertWellFeature | |
f Laxc; a field_10144 CAN_GENERATE | |
f Lawt; b field_10145 field_13452 | |
f Lawt; c field_10146 field_13451 | |
f Lawt; d field_10147 field_13449 | |
c azq net/minecraft/class_1771 net/minecraft/class_0_442 | |
f Laqb$b; a field_10148 field_0_1922 | |
m (Laqb$b;)V a method_9207 method_0_1535 | |
c azr net/minecraft/class_2753 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/EndGatewayFeature | |
c azs net/minecraft/class_2754 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/EndIslandFeature | |
c azt net/minecraft/class_2755 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/EndPortalFeature | |
f Let; a field_12979 ORIGIN | |
f Let; b field_12980 field_0_9136 | |
f Z c field_12981 open | |
c azu net/minecraft/class_1227 net/minecraft/class_0_443 | |
f Z a field_4882 field_0_1923 | |
m (Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 open | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lawt;)V a method_9208 method_0_1536 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 state | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Let;)Z b method_4028 method_13961 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 blockPos | |
m ()V e method_9209 method_0_1538 | |
c azv net/minecraft/class_1228 net/minecraft/class_0_444 | |
f Laqr; a field_10149 field_0_1924 | |
f Lawt; b field_10150 field_0_1925 | |
m (Laqr;Laqr$a;)V a method_9210 method_0_1539 | |
c azw net/minecraft/class_3013 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/FossilFeature | |
f Lnf; a field_14846 SPINE_1 | |
f Lnf; b field_14847 SPINE_2 | |
f Lnf; c field_14848 SPINE_3 | |
f Lnf; d field_14849 SPINE_4 | |
f Lnf; e field_14850 SPINE_1_COAL | |
f Lnf; f field_14851 SPINE_2_COAL | |
f Lnf; g field_14852 SPINE_3_COAL | |
f Lnf; h field_14853 SPINE_4_COAL | |
f Lnf; i field_14854 SKULL_1 | |
f Lnf; j field_14855 SKULL_2 | |
f Lnf; k field_14856 SKULL_3 | |
f Lnf; l field_14857 SKULL_4 | |
f Lnf; m field_14858 SKULL_1_COAL | |
f Lnf; n field_14859 SKULL_2_COAL | |
f Lnf; o field_14860 SKULL_3_COAL | |
f Lnf; p field_14861 SKULL_4_COAL | |
f [Lnf; q field_14862 FOSSILS | |
f [Lnf; r field_14863 COAL_FOSSILS | |
c azx net/minecraft/class_1230 net/minecraft/class_0_445 | |
f Lawt; a field_10151 field_0_1926 | |
f Lawt; b field_10152 field_0_1927 | |
c azy net/minecraft/class_1231 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/NetherFireFeature | |
c azz net/minecraft/class_1232 net/minecraft/class_0_447 | |
c b net/minecraft/class_1 net/minecraft/util/crash/CrashReport | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7610 LOGGER | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_1 message | |
f Ljava/lang/Throwable; c field_2 cause | |
f Lc; d field_4933 systemDetailsSection | |
f Ljava/util/List; e field_4934 otherSections | |
f Ljava/io/File; f field_4 file | |
f Z g field_4935 hasStackTrace | |
f [Ljava/lang/StackTraceElement; h field_4936 stackTrace | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 message | |
p 2 cause | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_1 getMessage | |
m (Ljava/io/File;)Z a method_5008 writeToFile | |
p 1 file | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lc; a method_4082 addElement | |
p 1 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)Lc; a method_6613 addElement | |
p 1 name | |
p 2 ignoredStackTraceCallCount | |
m (Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;)V a method_6 addStackTrace | |
p 1 stringBuilder | |
m (Ljava/lang/Throwable;Ljava/lang/String;)Lb; a method_4084 create | |
p 0 cause | |
p 1 title | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Throwable; b method_7 getCause | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_9 getCauseAsString | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; e method_10 asString | |
m ()Ljava/io/File; f method_11 getFile | |
m ()Lc; g method_4085 getSystemDetailsSection | |
m ()V h method_12 fillSystemDetails | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; i method_13 generateWittyComment | |
c b$1 net/minecraft/class_1$1 net/minecraft/util/crash/CrashReport$1 | |
f Lb; a field_2303 field_0_3585 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_1774 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c b$2 net/minecraft/class_1$2 net/minecraft/util/crash/CrashReport$2 | |
f Lb; a field_2440 field_0_3586 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_1809 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c b$3 net/minecraft/class_1$3 net/minecraft/util/crash/CrashReport$3 | |
f Lb; a field_2573 field_0_3588 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_1825 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c b$4 net/minecraft/class_1$4 net/minecraft/util/crash/CrashReport$4 | |
f Lb; a field_2646 field_0_3589 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_1938 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c b$5 net/minecraft/class_1$5 net/minecraft/util/crash/CrashReport$5 | |
f Lb; a field_2726 field_0_3590 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_2055 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c b$6 net/minecraft/class_1$6 net/minecraft/util/crash/CrashReport$6 | |
f Lb; a field_2754 field_0_3591 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_2085 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c b$7 net/minecraft/class_1$7 net/minecraft/util/crash/CrashReport$7 | |
f Lb; a field_5298 field_0_3592 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4403 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c ba net/minecraft/class_3235 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/TameAnimalCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15818 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15819 handlers | |
m (Loq;Lzv;)V a method_14405 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14406 method_9131 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lba$b; b method_14407 conditionsFromJson | |
c ba$a net/minecraft/class_3235$class_3236 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/TameAnimalCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15820 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15821 Conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14408 isEmpty | |
m (Loq;Lzv;)V a method_14409 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14410 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14411 removeCondition | |
c ba$b net/minecraft/class_3235$class_3237 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/TameAnimalCriterion$Conditions | |
f Laj; a field_15822 entity | |
m (Loq;Lzv;)Z a method_14412 matches | |
c baa net/minecraft/class_1233 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/NetherSpringFeature | |
f Laow; a field_7526 field_0_1928 | |
f Z b field_5511 field_0_1929 | |
m (Laow;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 block | |
c bab net/minecraft/class_1234 net/minecraft/class_0_450 | |
f Laow; a field_10153 field_0_1930 | |
c bac net/minecraft/class_1772 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/IcePatchFeature | |
f Laow; a field_7527 ICE | |
f I b field_7528 field_0_1932 | |
c bad net/minecraft/class_1773 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/IceSpikeFeature | |
c bae net/minecraft/class_1235 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/LakeFeature | |
f Laow; a field_7529 field_0_1933 | |
c baf net/minecraft/class_1236 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/GlowstoneBlobFeature | |
c bag net/minecraft/class_1774 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/MegaJungleTreeFeature | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Let;Laxf;)V a method_9211 method_13507 | |
m (Lamu;Let;I)V c method_9212 method_13506 | |
c bah net/minecraft/class_1775 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/MegaPineTreeFeature | |
f Lawt; e field_10154 field_13675 | |
f Lawt; f field_10155 field_13676 | |
f Lawt; g field_10156 field_13674 | |
f Z h field_7530 field_13677 | |
m (Lamu;IIIILjava/util/Random;)V a method_6554 method_13495 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_9213 method_13496 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V c method_9214 method_13493 | |
c bai net/minecraft/class_1237 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/MegaTreeFeature | |
f I a field_4889 baseHeight | |
f Lawt; b field_10157 field_13685 | |
f Lawt; c field_10158 field_13684 | |
f I d field_7531 maxExtraHeight | |
m (Lamu;Let;I)V a method_9215 method_13528 | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Let;I)Z a method_6557 method_13523 | |
m (Let;Lamu;)Z a method_9216 method_13525 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)I a method_6558 getHeight | |
m (Lamu;Let;I)V b method_9217 method_13526 | |
m (Lamu;Let;I)Z c method_9218 method_13527 | |
c baj net/minecraft/class_1776 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/MelonFeature | |
c bak net/minecraft/class_1238 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/DungeonFeature | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_10159 LOGGER | |
f [Lnf; b field_15190 field_13699 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Lnf; a method_4031 method_13547 | |
c bal net/minecraft/class_1239 net/minecraft/class_0_460 | |
f Lawt; a field_10162 field_0_1945 | |
f I b field_4893 field_0_1946 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; c field_10163 field_0_1947 | |
c bal$1 net/minecraft/class_1239$1 net/minecraft/class_0_460$1 | |
c bal$a net/minecraft/class_1239$class_3069 net/minecraft/class_0_460$class_0_2564 | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_13770 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bam net/minecraft/class_1240 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/PineTreeFeature | |
f Lawt; a field_10164 field_13732 | |
f Lawt; b field_10165 field_13733 | |
c ban net/minecraft/class_1241 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WildCropFeature | |
c bao net/minecraft/class_1242 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/ReedFeature | |
c bap net/minecraft/class_1777 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/DarkOakTreeFeature | |
f Lawt; a field_10166 field_13781 | |
f Lawt; b field_10167 field_13782 | |
m (Lamu;III)V a method_6562 method_13873 | |
m (Lamu;Let;I)Z a method_9219 method_13875 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_9220 method_13874 | |
c baq net/minecraft/class_1243 net/minecraft/class_0_465 | |
f Laow; a field_7534 field_0_1952 | |
f I b field_4895 field_0_1953 | |
c bar net/minecraft/class_1778 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/SavannaTreeFeature | |
f Lawt; a field_10168 field_13771 | |
f Lawt; b field_10169 field_13772 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V b method_9221 method_13852 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)V c method_9222 method_13853 | |
c bas net/minecraft/class_1244 net/minecraft/class_3180 | |
f Z a field_12982 field_13830 | |
f Lbas$a; b field_12983 field_13828 | |
f Let; c field_12984 field_13829 | |
m (Laow;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 block | |
m (Lbas$a;)V a method_11823 method_13958 | |
m (Let;)V a method_11824 method_13959 | |
m (Z)V a method_11825 method_13960 | |
c bas$a net/minecraft/class_1244$class_2756 net/minecraft/class_3180$class_3181 | |
f I a field_12985 field_13836 | |
f I b field_12986 field_13834 | |
f I c field_12987 field_13833 | |
f I d field_12988 field_13831 | |
f Z e field_12989 field_13832 | |
f Lbhb; f field_12990 field_13835 | |
m ()I a method_11826 method_13966 | |
m (Let;)Z a method_11827 method_13962 | |
m ()I b method_11828 method_13967 | |
m ()I c method_11829 method_13963 | |
m ()I d method_11830 method_13964 | |
m ()Z e method_11831 method_13965 | |
m ()Lbhb; f method_11832 method_13968 | |
c bat net/minecraft/class_1245 net/minecraft/class_0_468 | |
f Laow; a field_7536 field_0_1957 | |
c bau net/minecraft/class_1246 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/SpruceTreeFeature | |
f Lawt; a field_10170 field_13855 | |
f Lawt; b field_10171 field_13856 | |
c bav net/minecraft/class_1247 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/SwampTreeFeature | |
f Lawt; a field_10172 field_13885 | |
f Lawt; b field_10173 field_13886 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Laxf;)V a method_9223 method_14030 | |
c baw net/minecraft/class_1248 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/JungleGrassFeature | |
f Lawt; a field_10174 field_0_1962 | |
m (Laun$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 grassType | |
c bax net/minecraft/class_1249 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/OakTreeFeature | |
f Lawt; a field_10175 field_13902 | |
f Lawt; b field_10176 field_13899 | |
f I c field_4900 height | |
f Z d field_4901 hasVinesAndCocoa | |
f Lawt; e field_10177 field_13898 | |
f Lawt; f field_10178 field_13901 | |
m (Lamu;ILet;Lfa;)V a method_9224 method_14063 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Laxf;)V a method_9225 method_14065 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Laxf;)V b method_9226 method_14064 | |
c bay net/minecraft/class_1250 net/minecraft/class_0_473 | |
c baz net/minecraft/class_1192 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/WaterlilyFeature | |
c bb net/minecraft/class_3238 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/TickCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15823 id | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15824 handlers | |
m (Loq;)V a method_14413 trigger | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbb$b; b method_14414 conditionsFromJson | |
c bb$a net/minecraft/class_3238$class_3239 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/TickCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15825 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15826 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14415 isEmpty | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14416 addCondition | |
m ()V b method_14417 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14418 removeCondition | |
c bb$b net/minecraft/class_3238$class_3240 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/TickCriterion$Conditions | |
c bbb net/minecraft/class_1281 net/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/FlatChunkGeneratorConfig | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_4950 layers | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_4951 structures | |
f I c field_4952 field_14081 | |
m ()I a method_4099 method_14326 | |
m (I)V a method_4100 method_14325 | |
p 1 biomeId | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List; a method_9227 method_14328 | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;I)Lbbc; a method_9228 method_14315 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbbb; a method_4101 fromString | |
m ()Ljava/util/Map; b method_4103 getStructures | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; c method_4105 getLayers | |
m ()V d method_4106 updateLayerBlocks | |
m ()Lbbb; e method_4107 getDefaultConfig | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bbc net/minecraft/class_1282 net/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/FlatChunkGeneratorLayer | |
f I a field_10179 field_0_1972 | |
f Lawt; b field_10180 field_14026 | |
f I c field_4953 thickness | |
f I d field_4956 startY | |
m (IILaow;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 thickness | |
p 3 block | |
m (IILaow;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 block | |
p 4 data | |
m (ILaow;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 thickness | |
p 2 block | |
m ()I b method_4108 getThickness | |
m (I)V b method_4112 setStartY | |
m ()Lawt; c method_9229 method_14286 | |
m ()I d method_4111 getStartY | |
m ()Laow; e method_4109 method_0_1574 | |
m ()I f method_4110 method_0_1575 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bbg net/minecraft/class_1251 net/minecraft/util/math/BlockBox | |
f I a field_4904 maxZ | |
f I b field_4905 minX | |
f I c field_4906 minY | |
f I d field_4907 minZ | |
f I e field_4908 maxX | |
f I f field_4909 maxY | |
m (IIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 minX | |
p 2 minZ | |
p 3 maxX | |
p 4 maxZ | |
m (IIIIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 minX | |
p 2 minY | |
p 3 minZ | |
p 4 maxX | |
p 5 maxY | |
p 6 maxZ | |
m (Lbbg;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 source | |
m (Lfq;Lfq;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 vec1 | |
p 2 vec2 | |
m ([I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 data | |
m ()Lbbg; a method_4034 infinite | |
m (III)V a method_4035 move | |
p 1 dx | |
p 2 dy | |
p 3 dz | |
m (IIII)Z a method_4036 intersectsXZ | |
p 1 minX | |
p 2 minZ | |
p 3 maxX | |
p 4 maxZ | |
m (IIIIII)Lbbg; a method_9230 create | |
p 0 x1 | |
p 1 y1 | |
p 2 z1 | |
p 3 x2 | |
p 4 y2 | |
p 5 z2 | |
m (IIIIIIIIILfa;)Lbbg; a method_9231 rotated | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 y | |
p 2 z | |
p 3 offsetX | |
p 4 offsetY | |
p 5 offsetZ | |
p 6 sizeX | |
p 7 sizeY | |
p 8 sizeZ | |
p 9 facing | |
m (Lbbg;)Z a method_4038 intersects | |
p 1 other | |
m ()Lfq; b method_9232 getDimensions | |
m (Lbbg;)V b method_4041 encompass | |
p 1 region | |
m (Lfq;)Z b method_9233 contains | |
p 1 vec | |
m ()I c method_4039 getBlockCountY | |
m ()I d method_4042 getBlockCountZ_14663 | |
m ()I e method_4043 getBlockCountZ_14664 | |
m ()Lgc; g method_6566 toNbt | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bbg$1 net/minecraft/class_1251$1 net/minecraft/util/math/BlockBox$1 | |
f [I a field_10181 field_14382 | |
c bbh net/minecraft/class_2757 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/EndCityStructure | |
f I a field_12991 field_0_9145 | |
f I b field_12992 field_0_9146 | |
f Lazf; d field_12993 field_0_9147 | |
m (IILazf;)I a method_13771 method_13084 | |
m (IILazf;)I b method_13772 method_13085 | |
c bbh$a net/minecraft/class_2757$class_2758 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/EndCityStructure$Start | |
f Z c field_12994 field_13489 | |
m (Lamu;Lazf;Ljava/util/Random;II)V a method_11833 method_0_8576 | |
c bbi net/minecraft/class_2759 net/minecraft/structure/EndCityGenerator | |
f Lbch; a field_12996 PLACEMENT_DATA | |
f Lbch; b field_12997 IGNORE_AIR_PLACEMENT_DATA | |
f Lbbi$b; c field_12998 BUILDING | |
f Ljava/util/List; d field_12999 SMALL_TOWER_BRIDGE_ATTACHMENTS | |
f Lbbi$b; e field_13000 SMALL_TOWER | |
f Lbbi$b; f field_13001 BRIDGE_PIECE | |
f Ljava/util/List; g field_13002 FAT_TOWER_BRIDGE_ATTACHMENTS | |
f Lbbi$b; h field_13003 FAT_TOWER | |
m ()V a method_11834 method_14682 | |
m (Lbcg;Lbbi$a;Let;Ljava/lang/String;Latm;Z)Lbbi$a; a method_11835 method_14670 | |
m (Lbcg;Lbbi$b;ILbbi$a;Let;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;)Z a method_11836 method_14680 | |
m (Lbcg;Let;Latm;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;)V a method_11837 addPieces | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Lbbi$a;)Lbbi$a; a method_13365 method_14683 | |
m ()Lbch; b method_11838 method_14676 | |
m (Lbcg;Lbbi$a;Let;Ljava/lang/String;Latm;Z)Lbbi$a; b method_11839 createPiece | |
m (Lbcg;Lbbi$b;ILbbi$a;Let;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;)Z b method_11840 createPart | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Lbbi$a;)Lbbi$a; b method_13366 addPiece | |
m ()Lbch; c method_11841 method_14675 | |
m ()Lbbi$b; d method_11842 method_14685 | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; e method_11843 method_14672 | |
m ()Lbbi$b; f method_11845 method_14674 | |
m ()Lbbi$b; g method_11846 method_14671 | |
m ()Lbbi$b; h method_13367 method_14677 | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; i method_11847 method_14678 | |
c bbi$1 net/minecraft/class_2759$1 net/minecraft/structure/EndCityGenerator$1 | |
c bbi$2 net/minecraft/class_2759$2 net/minecraft/structure/EndCityGenerator$2 | |
c bbi$3 net/minecraft/class_2759$3 net/minecraft/structure/EndCityGenerator$3 | |
f Z a field_13004 shipGenerated | |
c bbi$4 net/minecraft/class_2759$4 net/minecraft/structure/EndCityGenerator$4 | |
c bbi$a net/minecraft/class_2759$class_2760 net/minecraft/structure/EndCityGenerator$Piece | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_13005 template | |
f Latm; e field_13006 rotation | |
f Z f field_13007 ignoreAir | |
m (Lbcg;)V a method_13773 initializeStructureData | |
c bbi$b net/minecraft/class_2759$class_1926 net/minecraft/structure/EndCityGenerator$Part | |
m ()V a method_10465 init | |
m (Lbcg;ILbbi$a;Let;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;)Z a method_11849 create | |
c bbj net/minecraft/class_1252 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/MineshaftStructure | |
f D a field_4957 field_0_1983 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 map | |
c bbj$a net/minecraft/class_1252$class_3014 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/MineshaftStructure$Type | |
f Lbbj$a; a field_14864 NORMAL | |
f Lbbj$a; b field_14865 MESA | |
f [Lbbj$a; c field_14866 field_13688 | |
m (I)Lbbj$a; a method_13368 byId | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbbj$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbbj$a; values values values | |
c bbk net/minecraft/class_1253 net/minecraft/structure/MineshaftGenerator | |
m ()V a method_5508 method_14710 | |
m (Lbbx;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbk$c; a method_4048 method_14709 | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;ILbbj$a;)Lbbk$c; a method_13369 pickPiece | |
m (Lbbx;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbk$c; b method_13370 pieceGenerator | |
c bbk$1 net/minecraft/class_1253$1 net/minecraft/structure/MineshaftGenerator$1 | |
f [I a field_14867 field_14418 | |
f [I b field_10183 field_14417 | |
c bbk$a net/minecraft/class_1253$class_1254 net/minecraft/structure/MineshaftGenerator$MineshaftCorridor | |
f Z b field_4911 hasRails | |
f Z c field_4912 hasCobwebs | |
f Z d field_4913 hasSpawner | |
f I e field_4914 length | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;IIIIILjava/util/Random;)V a method_13371 method_14713 | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;Ljava/util/Random;FIII)V a method_13372 method_14715 | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;)Lbbg; a method_9235 getBoundingBox | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
c bbk$b net/minecraft/class_1253$class_1255 net/minecraft/structure/MineshaftGenerator$MineshaftCrossing | |
f Lfa; b field_10184 direction | |
f Z c field_4916 twoFloors | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;)Lbbg; a method_9236 getBoundingBox | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;IIII)V b method_13373 method_14716 | |
c bbk$c net/minecraft/class_1253$class_3015 net/minecraft/structure/MineshaftGenerator$MineshaftPart | |
f Lbbj$a; a field_14868 mineshaftType | |
m ()Lawt; G_ method_13374 method_0_10216 | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;IIII)Z a method_13375 method_14719 | |
m ()Lawt; b method_13376 method_14718 | |
c bbk$d net/minecraft/class_1253$class_1256 net/minecraft/structure/MineshaftGenerator$MineshaftRoom | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_4917 entrances | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 z | |
c bbk$e net/minecraft/class_1253$class_1257 net/minecraft/structure/MineshaftGenerator$MineshaftStairs | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;)Lbbg; a method_9237 getBoundingBox | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
c bbl net/minecraft/class_1258 net/minecraft/class_3099 | |
f Lbbj$a; c field_14869 field_13687 | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 chunkX | |
p 4 chunkZ | |
c bbm net/minecraft/class_1259 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/NetherFortressStructure | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_4918 MONSTER_SPAWNS | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; b method_4054 method_13149 | |
c bbm$a net/minecraft/class_1259$class_1260 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/NetherFortressStructure$Start | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 chunkX | |
p 4 chunkZ | |
c bbn net/minecraft/class_1261 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator | |
f [Lbbn$n; a field_4919 ALL_BRIDGE_PIECES | |
f [Lbbn$n; b field_4920 ALL_CORRIDOR_PIECES | |
m ()V a method_5509 method_14793 | |
m (Lbbn$n;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$m; a method_4056 method_14794 | |
m ()[Lbbn$n; b method_4055 method_14791 | |
m (Lbbn$n;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$m; b method_4058 createPiece | |
p 0 pieceData | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
m ()[Lbbn$n; c method_4057 method_14792 | |
c bbn$1 net/minecraft/class_1261$1 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$1 | |
f [I a field_10185 field_14508 | |
c bbn$a net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1262 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$BridgeCrossing | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 z | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$a; a method_4059 method_14796 | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 boundingBox | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbn$b net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1263 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$BridgeEnd | |
f I a field_4921 seed | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$b; a method_4060 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbn$c net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1264 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$Bridge | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 box | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$c; a method_4061 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbn$d net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1265 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$CorridorStairs | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$d; a method_4062 method_14799 | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbn$e net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1266 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$CorridorBalcony | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 box | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$e; a method_4063 method_14800 | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbn$f net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1267 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$CorridorExit | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$f; a method_4064 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbn$g net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1268 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$CorridorCrossing | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$g; a method_4065 method_14802 | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbn$h net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1269 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$CorridorLeftTurn | |
f Z a field_6232 containsChest | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$h; a method_4066 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbn$i net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1270 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$SmallCorridor | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$i; a method_4067 method_14804 | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbn$j net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1271 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$CorridorRightTurn | |
f Z a field_6233 containsChest | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$j; a method_4068 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbn$k net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1272 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$CorridorNetherWartsRoom | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainlength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$k; a method_4069 method_14806 | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainlength | |
c bbn$l net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1273 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$BridgePlatform | |
f Z a field_4922 hasBlazeSpawner | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIIILfa;)Lbbn$l; a method_4070 method_14807 | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 chainLength | |
p 6 orientation | |
c bbn$m net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1274 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$Piece | |
m (Lbbg;)Z a method_4072 isInBounds | |
p 0 box | |
m (Lbbn$q;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$m; a method_4073 pickPiece | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 possiblePieces | |
p 3 pieces | |
p 4 random | |
p 5 x | |
p 6 y | |
p 7 z | |
p 8 orientation | |
p 9 chainLength | |
m (Lbbn$q;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;IZ)Lbbx; a method_4074 pieceGenerator | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 pieces | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 7 orientation | |
p 8 chainLength | |
p 9 inside | |
m (Lbbn$q;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIZ)Lbbx; a method_4075 fillForwardOpening | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 pieces | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 leftRightOffset | |
p 5 heightOffset | |
p 6 inside | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)I a method_4071 checkRemainingPieces | |
p 1 possiblePieces | |
m (Lbbn$q;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIZ)Lbbx; b method_9238 fillNWOpening | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 pieces | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 heightOffset | |
p 5 leftRightOffset | |
p 6 inside | |
m (Lbbn$q;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIZ)Lbbx; c method_9239 fillSEOpening | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 pieces | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 heightOffset | |
p 5 leftRightOffset | |
p 6 inside | |
c bbn$n net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1275 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$PieceData | |
f Ljava/lang/Class; a field_4923 pieceType | |
f I b field_4924 weight | |
f I c field_4925 generatedCount | |
f I d field_4926 limit | |
f Z e field_4927 repeatable | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 pieceType | |
p 2 weight | |
p 3 limit | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;IIZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 pieceType | |
p 2 weight | |
p 3 limit | |
p 4 repeatable | |
m ()Z a method_4078 canGenerate | |
m (I)Z a method_4079 canGenerate | |
p 1 chainLength | |
c bbn$o net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1276 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$BridgeSmallCrossing | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbn$o; a method_4080 method_14817 | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbn$p net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1277 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$BridgeStairs | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIIILfa;)Lbbn$p; a method_4081 method_14818 | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 chainLength | |
p 6 orientation | |
c bbn$q net/minecraft/class_1261$class_1278 net/minecraft/structure/NetherFortressGenerator$Start | |
f Lbbn$n; a field_4928 lastPiece | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_4929 bridgePieces | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_4930 corridorPieces | |
f Ljava/util/List; d field_10187 pieces | |
c bbo net/minecraft/class_2259 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/OceanMonumentStructure | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_10188 field_0_2011 | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_13008 field_0_11072 | |
f I d field_10189 field_0_2012 | |
f I h field_10190 field_0_2013 | |
f Ljava/util/List; i field_10191 MONSTER_SPAWNS | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 map | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; b method_9240 method_0_1627 | |
c bbo$a net/minecraft/class_2259$class_2260 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/OceanMonumentStructure$Start | |
f Ljava/util/Set; c field_10192 field_13718 | |
f Z d field_10193 field_13717 | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 chunkX | |
p 4 chunkZ | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;II)V b method_9241 method_13615 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 chunkX | |
p 4 chunkZ | |
c bbp net/minecraft/class_2261 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator | |
m ()V a method_9242 method_14759 | |
c bbp$1 net/minecraft/class_2261$1 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$1 | |
f [I a field_10194 field_14467 | |
c bbp$a net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2262 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$DoubleXRoomFactory | |
c bbp$b net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2263 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$DoubleXYRoomFactory | |
c bbp$c net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2264 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$DoubleYRoomFactory | |
c bbp$d net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2265 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$DoubleYZRoomFactory | |
c bbp$e net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2266 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$DoubleZRoomFactory | |
c bbp$f net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2267 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$SimpleRoomFactory | |
c bbp$g net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2268 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$SimpleRoomTopFactory | |
c bbp$h net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2269 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$Base | |
f Lbbp$v; n field_10195 entryPieceSetting | |
f Lbbp$v; o field_10196 coreRoomPieceSetting | |
f Ljava/util/List; p field_10197 children | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;IILfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Ljava/util/List; a method_9243 method_14760 | |
p 1 random | |
m (ZILamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lbbg;)V a method_9244 method_14761 | |
p 3 world | |
p 4 random | |
p 5 boundingBox | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lbbg;)V b method_9245 method_14763 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lbbg;)V c method_9246 method_14762 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lbbg;)V d method_9247 method_14765 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lbbg;)V e method_9248 method_14764 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lbbg;)V f method_9249 method_14766 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lbbg;)V g method_9250 method_14767 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
c bbp$i net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2270 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$PieceFactory | |
m (Lbbp$v;)Z a method_9251 canGenerate | |
p 1 settings | |
m (Lfa;Lbbp$v;Ljava/util/Random;)Lbbp$r; a method_9252 generate | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 settings | |
p 3 random | |
c bbp$j net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2271 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$CoreRoom | |
m (Lfa;Lbbp$v;Ljava/util/Random;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 settings | |
p 3 random | |
c bbp$k net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2272 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$DoubleXRoom | |
m (Lfa;Lbbp$v;Ljava/util/Random;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 settings | |
p 3 random | |
c bbp$l net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2273 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$DoubleXYRoom | |
m (Lfa;Lbbp$v;Ljava/util/Random;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 settings | |
p 3 random | |
c bbp$m net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2274 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$DoubleYRoom | |
m (Lfa;Lbbp$v;Ljava/util/Random;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 settings | |
p 3 random | |
c bbp$n net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2275 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$DoubleYZRoom | |
m (Lfa;Lbbp$v;Ljava/util/Random;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 settings | |
p 3 random | |
c bbp$o net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2276 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$DoubleZRoom | |
m (Lfa;Lbbp$v;Ljava/util/Random;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 settings | |
p 3 random | |
c bbp$p net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2277 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$Entry | |
m (Lfa;Lbbp$v;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 settings | |
c bbp$q net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2278 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$Penthouse | |
c bbp$r net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2279 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$Piece | |
f Lawt; a field_10198 field_14473 | |
f Lawt; b field_10199 field_14476 | |
f Lawt; c field_10200 field_14474 | |
f Lawt; d field_10201 field_14470 | |
f Lawt; e field_10202 field_14471 | |
f Lawt; f field_10203 field_14475 | |
f I g field_10204 TWO_ZERO_ZERO_INDEX | |
f I h field_10205 TWO_TWO_ZERO_INDEX | |
f I i field_10206 ZERO_ONE_ZERO_INDEX | |
f I j field_10207 FOUR_ONE_ZERO_INDEX | |
f Lbbp$v; k field_10208 setting | |
m (ILfa;Lbbp$v;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 orientation | |
p 3 setting | |
p 4 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (Lfa;Lbbg;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 boundingBox | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;III)Z a method_9253 method_14772 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;IIIIIILawt;)V a method_9254 method_14771 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 minX | |
p 4 minY | |
p 5 minZ | |
p 6 maxX | |
p 7 maxY | |
p 8 maxZ | |
p 9 block | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;IIIIIIZ)V a method_9255 method_14773 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 width | |
p 7 height | |
p 8 depth | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;IIZ)V a method_9256 method_14774 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 z | |
m (Lbbg;IIII)Z a method_9257 boxIntersects | |
p 1 box | |
m (III)I b method_9258 getIndex | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 y | |
p 2 z | |
c bbp$s net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2280 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$SimpleRoom | |
f I n field_10209 field_14480 | |
m (Lfa;Lbbp$v;Ljava/util/Random;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 settings | |
p 3 random | |
c bbp$t net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2281 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$SimpleRoomTop | |
m (Lfa;Lbbp$v;Ljava/util/Random;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 settings | |
p 3 random | |
c bbp$u net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2282 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$WingRoom | |
f I n field_10210 field_14481 | |
m (Lfa;Lbbg;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 boundingBox | |
c bbp$v net/minecraft/class_2261$class_2283 net/minecraft/structure/OceanMonumentGenerator$PieceSetting | |
f I a field_10211 roomIndex | |
f [Lbbp$v; b field_10212 neighbors | |
f [Z c field_10213 neighborPresences | |
f Z d field_10214 used | |
f Z e field_10215 field_14484 | |
f I f field_10216 field_14483 | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 index | |
m ()V a method_9259 checkNeighborStates | |
m (I)Z a method_9260 method_14783 | |
m (Lfa;Lbbp$v;)V a method_9261 setNeighbor | |
p 1 orientation | |
p 2 settings | |
m ()Z b method_9262 isAboveLevelThree | |
m ()I c method_9263 countNeighbors | |
c bbq net/minecraft/class_1279 net/minecraft/class_0_531 | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_4932 field_0_2040 | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_4958 field_0_2041 | |
f I d field_4959 field_0_2042 | |
f I h field_4960 field_0_2043 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 map | |
m (Let;)Z a method_9264 method_0_1650 | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; b method_4114 method_0_1651 | |
c bbq$a net/minecraft/class_1279$class_3 net/minecraft/class_0_531$class_0_532 | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 chunkX | |
p 4 chunkZ | |
c bbr net/minecraft/class_1588 net/minecraft/class_0_533 | |
m ()V a method_5511 method_0_1652 | |
c bbr$1 net/minecraft/class_1588$1 net/minecraft/class_0_533$1 | |
c bbr$a net/minecraft/class_1588$class_5 net/minecraft/class_0_533$class_3346 | |
f [Z e field_5 field_14397 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 z | |
c bbr$b net/minecraft/class_1588$class_2761 net/minecraft/class_0_533$class_3351 | |
f Lnf; e field_13009 field_14409 | |
f Lnf; f field_13010 field_14407 | |
f Lnf; g field_13011 field_14410 | |
c bbr$c net/minecraft/class_1588$class_6 net/minecraft/class_0_533$class_3348 | |
f Z e field_7 field_14402 | |
f Z f field_8 field_14401 | |
f Z g field_9 field_14400 | |
f Z h field_10 field_14399 | |
f Lbbr$c$a; i field_13 field_14403 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 z | |
c bbr$c$a net/minecraft/class_1588$class_6$class_7 net/minecraft/class_0_533$class_3348$class_3349 | |
c bbr$d net/minecraft/class_1588$class_8 net/minecraft/class_0_533$class_3418 | |
f I a field_14 field_15244 | |
f I b field_15 field_15243 | |
f I c field_16 field_15242 | |
f I d field_17 field_15241 | |
c | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;IIIIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 width | |
p 6 height | |
p 7 depth | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;I)Z a method_16 method_14839 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 boundingBox | |
p 3 deltaY | |
c bbr$e net/minecraft/class_1588$class_1284 net/minecraft/class_0_533$class_3447 | |
f Z e field_4961 field_15322 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 z | |
c bbs net/minecraft/class_9 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StrongholdStructure | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_7539 field_0_2059 | |
f Z b field_19 stateStillValid | |
f [Lamn; d field_20 startPositions | |
f D h field_4962 field_0_2062 | |
f I i field_4963 field_0_2063 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 map | |
m ()V c method_11850 method_13985 | |
c bbs$a net/minecraft/class_9$class_10 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/StrongholdStructure$Start | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 chunkX | |
p 4 chunkZ | |
c bbt net/minecraft/class_11 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator | |
f I a field_21 totalWeight | |
f [Lbbt$f; b field_22 ALL_PIECES | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_23 possiblePieces | |
f Ljava/lang/Class; d field_24 activePieceType | |
f Lbbt$k; e field_25 STONE_BRICK_RANDOMIZER | |
m ()V a method_5512 method_14850 | |
m (Lbbt$m;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbx; a method_18 method_14853 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Class; a method_19 method_14849 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbt$p; a method_20 createPiece | |
p 0 pieceType | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
m ()V b method_17 init | |
m (Lbbt$m;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbt$p; b method_22 pickPiece | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
m ()Lbbt$k; c method_21 method_14848 | |
m (Lbbt$m;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbx; c method_24 pieceGenerator | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
m ()Z d method_23 checkRemainingPieces | |
c bbt$1 net/minecraft/class_11$1 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$1 | |
c bbt$2 net/minecraft/class_11$2 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$2 | |
c bbt$3 net/minecraft/class_11$3 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$3 | |
f [I a field_10221 field_15294 | |
f [I b field_10222 field_15293 | |
c bbt$a net/minecraft/class_11$class_15 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$ChestCorridor | |
f Z a field_29 chestGenerated | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbt$a; a method_25 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbt$b net/minecraft/class_11$class_16 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$SmallCorridor | |
f I a field_30 length | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;)Lbbg; a method_26 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
c bbt$c net/minecraft/class_11$class_17 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$FiveWayCrossing | |
f Z a field_32 lowerLeftExists | |
f Z b field_33 upperLeftExists | |
f Z c field_34 lowerRightExists | |
f Z e field_35 upperRightExists | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbt$c; a method_27 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbt$d net/minecraft/class_11$class_18 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$LeftTurn | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 arg2 | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbt$d; a method_28 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbt$e net/minecraft/class_11$class_19 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$Library | |
f Z a field_39 tall | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 arg2 | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbt$e; a method_29 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbt$f net/minecraft/class_11$class_20 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$PieceData | |
f Ljava/lang/Class; a field_40 pieceType | |
f I b field_41 weight | |
f I c field_42 generatedCount | |
f I d field_43 limit | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 pieceType | |
p 2 weight | |
p 3 limit | |
m ()Z a method_30 canGenerate | |
m (I)Z a method_31 canGenerate | |
p 1 chainLength | |
c bbt$g net/minecraft/class_11$class_21 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$PortalRoom | |
f Z a field_44 spawnerPlaced | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbt$g; a method_32 method_14863 | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbt$h net/minecraft/class_11$class_22 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$PrisonHall | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbt$h; a method_33 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbt$i net/minecraft/class_11$class_23 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$RightTurn | |
c bbt$j net/minecraft/class_11$class_24 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$SquareRoom | |
f I a field_47 roomType | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbt$j; a method_34 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbt$k net/minecraft/class_11$class_25 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$StoneBrickRandomizer | |
c bbt$l net/minecraft/class_11$class_26 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$SpiralStaircase | |
f Z a field_49 isStructureStart | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 z | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbt$l; a method_35 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbt$m net/minecraft/class_11$class_27 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$Start | |
f Lbbt$f; a field_51 lastPiece | |
f Lbbt$g; b field_52 portalRoom | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_6235 pieces | |
c bbt$n net/minecraft/class_11$class_29 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$Corridor | |
f Z a field_55 leftExitExists | |
f Z b field_56 rightExitExists | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbt$n; a method_37 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbt$o net/minecraft/class_11$class_30 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$Stairs | |
m (ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
p 4 orientation | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbt$o; a method_38 create | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 orientation | |
p 6 chainLength | |
c bbt$p net/minecraft/class_11$class_31 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$Piece | |
f Lbbt$p$a; d field_6236 entryDoor | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lbbt$p$a;III)V a method_41 method_14872 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 rand | |
p 3 box | |
p 4 type | |
p 5 x | |
p 6 y | |
p 7 z | |
m (Lbbg;)Z a method_42 isInBounds | |
p 0 boundingBox | |
m (Lbbt$m;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;II)Lbbx; a method_39 fillForwardOpening | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 pieces | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 leftRightOffset | |
p 5 heightOffset | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Lbbt$p$a; a method_40 getRandomEntrance | |
p 1 random | |
m (Lbbt$m;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;II)Lbbx; b method_9265 fillNWOpening | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 pieces | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 heightOffset | |
p 5 leftRightOffset | |
m (Lbbt$m;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;II)Lbbx; c method_9266 fillSEOpening | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 pieces | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 heightOffset | |
p 5 leftRightOffset | |
c bbt$p$a net/minecraft/class_11$class_31$class_32 net/minecraft/structure/StrongholdGenerator$Piece$EntranceType | |
f Lbbt$p$a; a field_58 OPENING | |
f Lbbt$p$a; b field_59 WOOD_DOOR | |
f Lbbt$p$a; c field_60 GRATES | |
f Lbbt$p$a; d field_61 IRON_DOOR | |
f [Lbbt$p$a; e field_62 field_15292 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbbt$p$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbbt$p$a; values values values | |
c bbu net/minecraft/class_33 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/Structure | |
f Lbbw; a field_6237 field_0_2099 | |
f Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/Long2ObjectMap; c field_13012 field_0_2100 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_5513 getName | |
m (II)Z a method_45 method_14026 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m (IILbby;)V a method_5514 method_0_1684 | |
m (Lamu;)V a method_5515 method_0_1685 | |
p 1 world | |
m (Lamu;Lbbu;Let;IIIZIZ)Let; a method_13774 method_14015 | |
m (Lamu;Let;)Z a method_9267 method_14023 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Lamu;Let;Z)Let; a method_9269 method_0_1689 | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lamn;)Z a method_9268 method_0_1687 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 chunkPos | |
m (II)Lbby; b method_49 method_14016 | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m (Let;)Z b method_9270 method_0_1690 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)Lbby; c method_9271 method_14025 | |
p 1 pos | |
c bbu$1 net/minecraft/class_33$1 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/Structure$1 | |
f I a field_4964 field_0_2101 | |
f I b field_4965 field_0_2102 | |
f Lbbu; c field_4966 field_0_2103 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4115 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bbu$2 net/minecraft/class_33$2 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/Structure$2 | |
f I a field_4967 field_0_2104 | |
f I b field_4968 field_0_2105 | |
f Lbbu; c field_4969 field_0_2106 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4116 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bbu$3 net/minecraft/class_33$3 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/Structure$3 | |
f Lbbu; a field_4970 field_0_2107 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4117 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bbv net/minecraft/class_1589 net/minecraft/structure/StructureFeatures | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7540 LOGGER | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_6238 field_15260 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; c field_6239 field_15261 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; d field_6240 field_15259 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; e field_6241 field_15258 | |
m (Lbbx;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_5518 method_14841 | |
p 0 piece | |
m (Lbby;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_5519 method_14844 | |
p 0 config | |
m (Lfy;Lamu;)Lbby; a method_5520 method_14843 | |
p 0 nbt | |
p 1 world | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_5521 method_14845 | |
p 0 structurePieceClass | |
p 1 name | |
m (Lfy;Lamu;)Lbbx; b method_5522 method_14842 | |
p 0 nbt | |
p 1 world | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)V b method_5523 method_14846 | |
p 0 structureConfigClass | |
p 1 name | |
c bbw net/minecraft/class_1590 net/minecraft/class_0_561 | |
f Lfy; b field_6242 field_0_2113 | |
m ()Lfy; a method_5524 method_0_1702 | |
m (Lfy;II)V a method_5525 method_0_1703 | |
p 1 nbt | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 z | |
m (II)Ljava/lang/String; b method_5526 method_0_1704 | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 z | |
c bbx net/minecraft/class_34 net/minecraft/structure/StructurePiece | |
f Lfa; a field_10226 facing | |
f Lary; b field_13013 mirror | |
f Latm; c field_13014 rotation | |
f Lbbg; l field_64 boundingBox | |
f I m field_66 chainLength | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chainLength | |
m (II)I a method_53 applyXTransform | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (III)V a method_9272 translate | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m (Lamu;IIILbbg;)Lawt; a method_9273 method_14929 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 box | |
m (Lamu;Lawt;IIILbbg;)V a method_56 method_14917 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 state | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 box | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;)Z a method_59 method_14937 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 box | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;IIIIII)V a method_60 method_14942 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 minX | |
p 4 minY | |
p 5 minZ | |
p 6 maxX | |
p 7 maxY | |
p 8 maxZ | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;IIIIIILawt;Lawt;Z)V a method_62 method_14940 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 minX | |
p 4 minY | |
p 5 minZ | |
p 6 maxX | |
p 7 maxY | |
p 8 maxZ | |
p 9 outline | |
p 10 inside | |
p 11 cantReplaceAir | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;IIIIIILawt;Z)V a method_63 method_14919 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 minX | |
p 4 minY | |
p 5 minZ | |
p 6 maxX | |
p 7 maxY | |
p 8 maxZ | |
p 9 block | |
p 10 cantReplaceAir | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;IIIIIIZLjava/util/Random;Lbbx$a;)V a method_64 method_14938 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 minX | |
p 4 minY | |
p 5 minZ | |
p 6 maxX | |
p 7 maxY | |
p 8 maxZ | |
p 9 cantReplaceAir | |
p 10 random | |
p 11 randomizer | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;Ljava/util/Random;FIIIIIILawt;Lawt;ZI)V a method_6569 method_14933 | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;Ljava/util/Random;FIIILawt;)V a method_65 method_14945 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 blockChance | |
p 5 x | |
p 6 y | |
p 7 z | |
p 8 block | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;Laqa;)V a method_13377 method_14925 | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;Lnf;)Z a method_11851 method_14930 | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;Ljava/util/Random;IIILnf;)Z a method_11852 method_14915 | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;Ljava/util/Random;Let;Lnf;Lawt;)Z a method_13775 method_14921 | |
m (Lamu;Lfy;)V a method_5527 method_14927 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 nbt | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lbbg;)Z a method_58 method_14931 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
m (Lbbx;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;)V a method_54 fillOpenings | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 pieces | |
p 3 random | |
m (Lfa;)V a method_11853 setOrientation | |
m (Lfy;)V a method_5528 toNbt | |
p 1 structureNbt | |
m (Lfy;Lbcg;)V a method_5530 method_14944 | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Lbbg;)Lbbx; a method_55 getOverlappingPiece | |
p 0 pieces | |
p 1 box | |
m (II)I b method_71 applyZTransform | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (Lamu;IIILbbg;)I b method_13378 method_14939 | |
m (Lamu;Lawt;IIILbbg;)V b method_72 method_14936 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 block | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 box | |
m ()Lfy; c method_5529 getTag | |
m (Lamu;IIILbbg;)V c method_73 method_14920 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 box | |
m ()Lbbg; d method_70 getBoundingBox | |
m (I)I d method_52 applyYTransform | |
p 1 y | |
m ()I e method_74 getChainLength | |
m ()Lfa; f method_11854 getFacing | |
c bbx$1 net/minecraft/class_34$1 net/minecraft/structure/StructurePiece$1 | |
f [I a field_10227 field_15318 | |
c bbx$a net/minecraft/class_34$class_35 net/minecraft/structure/StructurePiece$BlockRandomizer | |
f Lawt; a field_10228 field_15317 | |
m ()Lawt; a method_9276 method_14947 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;IIIZ)V a method_77 setBlock | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 z | |
p 5 placeBlock | |
c bby net/minecraft/class_36 net/minecraft/structure/StructureStart | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_13015 children | |
f Lbbg; b field_70 boundingBox | |
f I c field_6243 chunkX | |
f I d field_6244 chunkZ | |
m (II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m ()Z a method_85 method_14977 | |
m (II)Lfy; a method_5531 toTag | |
p 1 chunkX | |
p 2 chunkZ | |
m (Lamn;)Z a method_9277 method_0_1738 | |
p 1 chunkPos | |
m (Lamu;Lfy;)V a method_5532 method_14971 | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 nbt | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;I)V a method_80 method_14978 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;II)V a method_81 method_14976 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lbbg;)V a method_82 method_14974 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 boundingBox | |
m (Lfy;)V a method_5533 method_14975 | |
p 1 nbt | |
m ()Lbbg; b method_79 getBoundingBox | |
m (Lamn;)V b method_9278 method_14965 | |
p 1 chunkPos | |
m (Lfy;)V b method_5534 method_14973 | |
p 1 nbt | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; c method_11855 getChildren | |
m ()V d method_84 setBoundingBoxFromChildren | |
m ()I e method_5535 getChunkX | |
m ()I f method_5536 getChunkZ | |
c bbz net/minecraft/class_2762 net/minecraft/structure/SimpleStructurePiece | |
f Lbcj; a field_13016 template | |
f Lbch; b field_13017 placementData | |
f Let; c field_13018 pos | |
f Lbch; d field_13019 field_15435 | |
m (Lbcj;Let;Lbch;)V a method_11856 setStructureData | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Let;Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;Lbbg;)V a method_11857 method_15026 | |
m ()V b method_11858 method_15028 | |
c bbz$1 net/minecraft/class_2762$1 net/minecraft/structure/SimpleStructurePiece$1 | |
f [I a field_13020 field_15437 | |
f [I b field_15191 field_15436 | |
c bc net/minecraft/class_3241 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/VillagerTradeCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15827 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15828 handlers | |
m (Loq;Lady;Laip;)V a method_14419 method_9146 | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14420 method_9147 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbc$b; b method_14421 conditionsFromJson | |
c bc$a net/minecraft/class_3241$class_3242 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/VillagerTradeCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15829 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15830 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14422 isEmpty | |
m (Loq;Lady;Laip;)V a method_14423 method_9149 | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14424 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14425 removeCondition | |
c bc$b net/minecraft/class_3241$class_3243 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/VillagerTradeCriterion$Conditions | |
f Laj; a field_15831 villager | |
f Lan; b field_15832 item | |
m (Loq;Lady;Laip;)Z a method_14426 method_9154 | |
c bca net/minecraft/class_37 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/VillageFeature | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_71 field_0_2123 | |
f I b field_72 field_0_2124 | |
f I d field_4972 field_0_2125 | |
f I h field_4973 field_0_2126 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 map | |
c bca$a net/minecraft/class_37$class_38 net/minecraft/world/gen/feature/VillageFeature$Start | |
f Z c field_73 field_13911 | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/util/Random;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 chunkX | |
p 4 chunkZ | |
p 5 size | |
c bcb net/minecraft/class_39 net/minecraft/class_3450 | |
m ()V a method_5537 method_14985 | |
m (Lbcb$k;Lbcb$e;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbcb$n; a method_86 method_14984 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 chance | |
p 2 pieces | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 7 orientation | |
p 8 chainLength | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbx; a method_87 method_14982 | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)I a method_88 method_14983 | |
p 0 pieces | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;I)Ljava/util/List; a method_5538 method_14986 | |
p 0 random | |
p 1 size | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbx; b method_90 method_14980 | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbcb$n; c method_91 method_14981 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbx; d method_92 method_14988 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbbx; e method_93 method_14987 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
c bcb$1 net/minecraft/class_39$1 net/minecraft/class_3450$1 | |
f [I a field_10229 field_15363 | |
c bcb$a net/minecraft/class_39$class_40 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3451 | |
m (Lbcb$k;ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 boundingBox | |
p 5 orientation | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbcb$a; a method_94 method_14989 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
c bcb$b net/minecraft/class_39$class_41 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3452 | |
f Laow; a field_7542 field_15332 | |
f Laow; b field_7543 field_15334 | |
f Laow; c field_7544 field_15333 | |
f Laow; d field_7545 field_15331 | |
m (Lbcb$k;ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 boundingBox | |
p 5 orientation | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbcb$b; a method_95 method_14990 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Laow; a method_6571 method_0_1762 | |
p 1 random | |
c bcb$c net/minecraft/class_39$class_42 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3453 | |
f Laow; a field_7546 field_15335 | |
f Laow; b field_7547 field_15336 | |
m (Lbcb$k;ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 boundingBox | |
p 5 orientation | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbcb$c; a method_96 method_14993 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Laow; a method_6572 method_14991 | |
p 1 random | |
c bcb$d net/minecraft/class_39$class_43 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3454 | |
m (Lbcb$k;ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 boundingBox | |
p 5 orientation | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;)Lbbg; a method_97 method_14994 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
c bcb$e net/minecraft/class_39$class_44 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3455 | |
f Ljava/lang/Class; a field_78 field_15338 | |
f I b field_79 field_15340 | |
f I c field_80 field_15339 | |
f I d field_81 field_15337 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 pieceType | |
p 2 weight | |
p 3 limit | |
m ()Z a method_98 method_14995 | |
m (I)Z a method_99 method_14996 | |
p 1 chainLength | |
c bcb$f net/minecraft/class_39$class_45 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3456 | |
m (Lbcb$k;ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 boundingBox | |
p 5 orientation | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbcb$f; a method_100 method_14997 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
c bcb$g net/minecraft/class_39$class_46 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3457 | |
f Z a field_84 field_15341 | |
m (Lbcb$k;ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 boundingBox | |
p 5 direction | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbcb$g; a method_101 method_14998 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 direction | |
p 7 chainLength | |
c bcb$h net/minecraft/class_39$class_47 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3458 | |
f Z a field_86 field_15343 | |
f I b field_87 field_15342 | |
m (Lbcb$k;ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 boundingBox | |
p 5 orientation | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbcb$h; a method_102 method_14999 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 type | |
c bcb$i net/minecraft/class_39$class_48 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3459 | |
m (Lbcb$k;ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 boundingBox | |
p 5 orientation | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbcb$i; a method_103 method_15000 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
c bcb$j net/minecraft/class_39$class_49 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3460 | |
f Z a field_91 field_15344 | |
m (Lbcb$k;ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 boundingBox | |
p 5 orientation | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbcb$j; a method_104 method_15001 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
c bcb$k net/minecraft/class_39$class_50 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3461 | |
f Lanl; a field_14870 field_0_2144 | |
f I b field_94 field_15347 | |
f Lbcb$e; c field_95 field_15348 | |
f Ljava/util/List; d field_6245 field_15345 | |
f Ljava/util/List; e field_6246 field_15346 | |
f Ljava/util/List; f field_6247 field_15349 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/class_1175;ILjava/util/Random;IILjava/util/List;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 biomeSource | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 chunkX | |
p 5 chunkZ | |
c bcb$l net/minecraft/class_39$class_51 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3462 | |
f I a field_99 field_15350 | |
m (Lbcb$k;ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 boundingBox | |
p 5 direction | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;)Lbbg; a method_106 method_15002 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 direction | |
c bcb$m net/minecraft/class_39$class_52 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3463 | |
m (Lbcb$k;ILjava/util/Random;Lbbg;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 boundingBox | |
p 5 orientation | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;I)Lbcb$m; a method_107 method_15003 | |
p 0 start | |
p 1 pieces | |
p 2 random | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 6 orientation | |
p 7 chainLength | |
c bcb$n net/minecraft/class_39$class_53 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3465 | |
f I a field_101 field_15362 | |
f I g field_6249 field_15361 | |
f I h field_14871 field_15359 | |
f Z i field_14872 field_15360 | |
m (Lbcb$k;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
m (I)V a method_13379 method_15012 | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;IIII)V a method_109 method_15010 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 box | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;Ljava/util/Random;IIILfa;)V a method_13380 method_15018 | |
m (Lamu;Lfa;IIILbbg;)V a method_13381 method_15019 | |
m (Lawt;)Lawt; a method_9279 method_15016 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lbbg;)Z a method_110 method_15009 | |
p 0 boundingBox | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;II)Lbbx; a method_9280 method_15017 | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 pieces | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 heightOffset | |
p 5 leftRightOffset | |
m (Lamu;Lbbg;)I b method_113 method_15014 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 box | |
m (Lbcb$k;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;II)Lbbx; b method_9282 method_15015 | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 pieces | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 heightOffset | |
p 5 leftRightOffset | |
m (II)I c method_111 method_15011 | |
m ()Laqa; i method_13382 method_15013 | |
c bcb$o net/minecraft/class_39$class_54 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3466 | |
c bcb$p net/minecraft/class_39$class_56 net/minecraft/class_3450$class_3467 | |
m (Lbcb$k;ILjava/util/Random;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 start | |
p 2 chainLength | |
p 3 random | |
p 4 chunkX | |
p 5 chunkZ | |
c bcc net/minecraft/class_3070 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/WoodlandMansionStructure | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_15192 field_0_11816 | |
f I b field_15193 field_0_11817 | |
f I d field_15194 field_0_11818 | |
f Laze; h field_15195 field_0_11819 | |
c bcc$a net/minecraft/class_3070$class_3071 net/minecraft/world/gen/structure/WoodlandMansionStructure$Start | |
f Z c field_15196 field_13999 | |
m (Lamu;Laze;Ljava/util/Random;II)V a method_13776 method_0_10643 | |
c bcd net/minecraft/class_3072 net/minecraft/structure/WoodlandMansionGenerator | |
m ()V a method_13777 method_15030 | |
m (Lbcg;Let;Latm;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Random;)V a method_13778 addPieces | |
c bcd$1 net/minecraft/class_3072$1 net/minecraft/structure/WoodlandMansionGenerator$1 | |
c bcd$a net/minecraft/class_3072$class_3073 net/minecraft/structure/WoodlandMansionGenerator$FirstFloorRoomPool | |
c bcd$b net/minecraft/class_3072$class_3074 net/minecraft/structure/WoodlandMansionGenerator$RoomPool | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_13779 getSmallRoom | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;Z)Ljava/lang/String; a method_13780 getMediumFunctionalRoom | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Ljava/lang/String; b method_13781 getSmallSecretRoom | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;Z)Ljava/lang/String; b method_13782 getMediumGenericRoom | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Ljava/lang/String; c method_13783 getMediumSecretRoom | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Ljava/lang/String; d method_13784 getBigRoom | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Ljava/lang/String; e method_13785 getBigSecretRoom | |
c bcd$c net/minecraft/class_3072$class_3075 net/minecraft/structure/WoodlandMansionGenerator$MansionParameters | |
f Ljava/util/Random; a field_15197 random | |
f Lbcd$g; b field_15198 baseLayout | |
f Lbcd$g; c field_15199 thirdFloorLayout | |
f [Lbcd$g; d field_15200 roomFlagsByFloor | |
f I e field_15201 entranceI | |
f I f field_15202 entranceJ | |
m (Lbcd$c;)Lbcd$g; a method_13786 method_15043 | |
m (Lbcd$g;)Z a method_13787 adjustLayoutWithRooms | |
m (Lbcd$g;II)Z a method_13788 isInsideMansion | |
m (Lbcd$g;IIII)Z a method_13789 isRoomId | |
m (Lbcd$g;IILfa;I)V a method_13790 layoutCorridor | |
m (Lbcd$g;Lbcd$g;)V a method_13791 updateRoomFlags | |
m ()V b method_13792 layoutThirdFloor | |
m (Lbcd$c;)Lbcd$g; b method_13793 method_15041 | |
m (Lbcd$g;IIII)Lfa; b method_13794 findConnectedRoomDirection | |
m (Lbcd$c;)I c method_13795 method_15049 | |
m (Lbcd$c;)I d method_13796 method_15038 | |
m (Lbcd$c;)[Lbcd$g; e method_13797 method_15044 | |
c bcd$d net/minecraft/class_3072$class_3076 net/minecraft/structure/WoodlandMansionGenerator$LayoutGenerator | |
f Lbcg; a field_15203 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Random; b field_15204 random | |
f I c field_15205 entranceI | |
f I d field_15206 entranceJ | |
m (Let;Latm;Ljava/util/List;Lbcd$c;)V a method_13798 generate | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Lbcd$e;)V a method_13799 addEntrance | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Lbcd$e;Lbcd$g;Lfa;IIII)V a method_13800 addOuterWall | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Let;Latm;Lbcd$b;)V a method_13801 addBigSecretRoom | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Let;Latm;Lbcd$g;Lbcd$g;)V a method_13802 addRoof | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Let;Latm;Lfa;Lbcd$b;)V a method_13803 addSmallRoom | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Let;Latm;Lfa;Lfa;Lbcd$b;)V a method_13804 addBigRoom | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Let;Latm;Lfa;Lfa;Lbcd$b;Z)V a method_13805 addMediumRoom | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Lbcd$e;)V b method_13806 addWallPiece | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Lbcd$e;)V c method_13807 turnLeft | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Lbcd$e;)V d method_13808 turnRight | |
c bcd$e net/minecraft/class_3072$class_3077 net/minecraft/structure/WoodlandMansionGenerator$GenerationPiece | |
f Latm; a field_15207 rotation | |
f Let; b field_15208 position | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_15209 template | |
c bcd$f net/minecraft/class_3072$class_3078 net/minecraft/structure/WoodlandMansionGenerator$SecondFloorRoomPool | |
c bcd$g net/minecraft/class_3072$class_3079 net/minecraft/structure/WoodlandMansionGenerator$FlagMatrix | |
f [[I a field_15210 array | |
f I b field_15211 n | |
f I c field_15212 m | |
f I d field_15213 fallback | |
m (II)I a method_13809 get | |
m (III)V a method_13810 set | |
m (IIII)V a method_13811 update | |
m (IIIII)V a method_13812 fill | |
m (Lbcd$g;)I a method_13813 method_15064 | |
m (III)Z b method_13814 anyMatchAround | |
m (Lbcd$g;)I b method_13815 method_15063 | |
c bcd$h net/minecraft/class_3072$class_3080 net/minecraft/structure/WoodlandMansionGenerator$ThirdFloorRoomPool | |
c bcd$i net/minecraft/class_3072$class_3081 net/minecraft/structure/WoodlandMansionGenerator$Piece | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_15214 template | |
f Latm; e field_15215 rotation | |
f Lary; f field_15216 mirror | |
m (Lbcg;)V a method_13816 setupPlacement | |
c bcf net/minecraft/class_3016 net/minecraft/structure/processor/BlockRotStructureProcessor | |
f F a field_14873 integrity | |
f Ljava/util/Random; b field_14874 field_15524 | |
c bcg net/minecraft/class_2763 net/minecraft/structure/StructureTemplateManager | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_13022 templates | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_13023 field_0_9669 | |
f Lry; c field_15217 field_15515 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V a method_11859 method_15090 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lnf;)Lbcj; a method_11861 method_15091 | |
p 1 server | |
m (Lnf;)Z a method_11862 method_0_8603 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lnf;)Lbcj; b method_13384 method_15088 | |
p 1 server | |
m (Lnf;)V b method_13383 unloadTemplate | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lnf;)Z c method_11863 method_15093 | |
m (Lnf;)Z c method_11860 method_15092 | |
c bch net/minecraft/class_2764 net/minecraft/structure/StructurePlacementData | |
f Lary; a field_13024 mirror | |
f Latm; b field_13025 rotation | |
f Z c field_13026 ignoreEntities | |
f Laow; d field_13027 field_15573 | |
f Lamn; e field_13028 chunkPosition | |
f Lbbg; f field_13029 boundingBox | |
f Z g field_13030 field_15568 | |
f F h field_14875 field_15576 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; i field_14876 random | |
f Ljava/lang/Long; j field_14877 field_15574 | |
m ()Lbch; a method_11864 copy | |
m (F)Lbch; a method_13385 method_15127 | |
m (Lamn;)Lbch; a method_11865 setChunkPosition | |
m (Laow;)Lbch; a method_11866 method_15111 | |
m (Lary;)Lbch; a method_11867 setMirror | |
m (Latm;)Lbch; a method_11868 setRotation | |
m (Lbbg;)Lbch; a method_11869 setBoundingBox | |
m (Let;)Ljava/util/Random; a method_13386 getRandom | |
m (Ljava/lang/Long;)Lbch; a method_13387 method_15118 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Lbch; a method_13388 setRandom | |
m (Z)Lbch; a method_11870 setIgnoreEntities | |
m ()Lary; b method_11871 getMirror | |
m (Lamn;)Lbbg; b method_11872 getChunkBlockBox | |
m (Z)Lbch; b method_11873 setUpdateNeighbors | |
m ()Latm; c method_11874 getRotation | |
m ()F f method_13389 method_15129 | |
m ()Z g method_11875 shouldIgnoreEntities | |
m ()Laow; h method_11876 method_15116 | |
m ()Lbbg; i method_11877 getBoundingBox | |
m ()Z j method_11878 method_15122 | |
m ()V k method_11879 calculateBoundingBox | |
c bci net/minecraft/class_3017 net/minecraft/structure/processor/StructureProcessor | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lbcj$b;)Lbcj$b; a method_13390 method_15110 | |
c bcj net/minecraft/class_2765 net/minecraft/structure/StructureTemplate | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_13031 blockInfoLists | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_13032 entities | |
f Let; c field_13033 size | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_13034 author | |
m ()Let; a method_11880 getSize | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lary;Latm;Lbbg;)V a method_11881 method_15179 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lbch;)V a method_11882 method_15182 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lbch;I)V a method_13391 method_15170 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lbci;Lbch;I)V a method_13392 method_15172 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Let;)V a method_11883 addEntitiesFromWorld | |
m (Lamu;Let;Let;ZLaow;)V a method_11884 saveFromWorld | |
m (Latm;)Let; a method_11885 getRotatedSize | |
m (Lbch;Let;)Let; a method_11886 transform | |
m (Lbch;Let;Lbch;Let;)Let; a method_11887 transformBox | |
m (Lbhe;Lary;Latm;)Lbhe; a method_11888 method_15176 | |
m (Let;Lary;Latm;)Let; a method_13393 offsetByTransformedSize | |
m (Let;Lary;Latm;II)Let; a method_13817 applyTransformedOffset | |
m (Let;Lbch;)Ljava/util/Map; a method_11890 method_15165 | |
m (Lfy;)Lfy; a method_11891 writeNbt | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_11892 setAuthor | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13818 method_0_10683 | |
m ([D)Lge; a method_11893 createNbtDoubleList | |
m ([I)Lge; a method_11894 createNbtIntList | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_11895 getAuthor | |
m (Lamu;Let;Lbch;)V b method_11896 method_15178 | |
m (Let;Lary;Latm;)Let; b method_11889 method_15168 | |
m (Lfy;)V b method_11897 readNbt | |
c bcj$1 net/minecraft/class_2765$1 net/minecraft/structure/StructureTemplate$1 | |
f Lbcj; a field_13035 field_0_9183 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_11898 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bcj$2 net/minecraft/class_2765$2 net/minecraft/structure/StructureTemplate$2 | |
c bcj$3 net/minecraft/class_2765$3 net/minecraft/structure/StructureTemplate$3 | |
f [I a field_15218 field_15594 | |
f [I b field_15219 field_15593 | |
c bcj$a net/minecraft/class_2765$class_3018 net/minecraft/structure/StructureTemplate$Palette | |
f Lawt; a field_14878 field_15590 | |
f Lfd; b field_14879 ids | |
f I c field_14880 currentIndex | |
m (I)Lawt; a method_13394 method_15185 | |
m (Lawt;)I a method_13395 method_15187 | |
m (Lawt;I)V a method_13396 method_15186 | |
m ()Ljava/util/Iterator; iterator iterator iterator | |
c bcj$b net/minecraft/class_2765$class_2766 net/minecraft/structure/StructureTemplate$StructureBlockInfo | |
f Let; a field_14881 pos | |
f Lawt; b field_14882 field_15596 | |
f Lfy; c field_14883 nbt | |
c bcj$c net/minecraft/class_2765$class_2767 net/minecraft/structure/StructureTemplate$StructureEntityInfo | |
f Lbhe; a field_14884 pos | |
f Let; b field_14885 blockPos | |
f Lfy; c field_14886 nbt | |
c bco net/minecraft/class_1779 net/minecraft/class_3539 | |
f D a field_7548 field_15754 | |
f D b field_7549 field_15752 | |
f D c field_7550 field_15750 | |
f [I d field_7551 field_15753 | |
f [D e field_7552 field_15757 | |
f [D f field_7553 field_15756 | |
f [D g field_7554 field_15751 | |
f [D h field_7555 field_15749 | |
f [D i field_7556 field_15755 | |
m (IDD)D a method_6575 method_15427 | |
m (IDDD)D a method_6576 method_15423 | |
m ([DDDDIIIDDDD)V a method_6577 method_15424 | |
m (DDD)D b method_6578 method_15425 | |
c bcp net/minecraft/class_58 net/minecraft/util/math/noise/OctavePerlinNoiseSampler | |
f [Lbco; a field_7557 field_15744 | |
f I b field_111 field_15743 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 random | |
m ([DIIIIDDD)[D a method_121 method_15415 | |
m ([DIIIIIIDDD)[D a method_122 method_15417 | |
c bcq net/minecraft/class_57 net/minecraft/util/math/noise/OctaveSimplexNoiseSampler | |
f [Lbct; a field_7558 octaveSamplers | |
f I b field_7559 octaveCount | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 random | |
p 2 samplers | |
m (DD)D a method_6579 sample | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
m ([DDDIIDDD)[D a method_6580 method_15435 | |
m ([DDDIIDDDD)[D a method_6581 method_15436 | |
c bct net/minecraft/class_1780 net/minecraft/util/math/noise/SimplexNoiseSampler | |
f D a field_7560 SQRT_3 | |
f D b field_7561 originX | |
f D c field_7562 originY | |
f D d field_7563 originZ | |
f [[I e field_7564 GRADIENTS | |
f [I f field_7565 permutation | |
f D g field_7566 SKEW_FACTOR_2D | |
f D h field_7567 UNSKEW_FACTOR_2D | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 random | |
m (D)I a method_6582 method_15430 | |
m (DD)D a method_6583 sample | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
m ([DDDIIDDD)V a method_6584 method_15432 | |
m ([IDD)D a method_6585 method_15431 | |
c bcu net/minecraft/class_59 net/minecraft/class_3546 | |
c bcw net/minecraft/class_60 net/minecraft/class_0_590 | |
c bcx net/minecraft/class_61 net/minecraft/class_0_591 | |
c bcy net/minecraft/class_62 net/minecraft/class_0_592 | |
c bcz net/minecraft/class_63 net/minecraft/block/Material | |
f Lbcz; A field_146 field_0_2176 | |
f Lbcz; B field_147 field_0_2177 | |
f Lbcz; C field_148 GOURD | |
f Lbcz; D field_112 field_0_2179 | |
f Lbcz; E field_113 PORTAL | |
f Lbcz; F field_114 field_0_2181 | |
f Lbcz; G field_115 field_0_2182 | |
f Lbcz; H field_116 field_0_2183 | |
f Lbcz; I field_10231 BAMBOO | |
f Lbcz; J field_14887 STRUCTURE_VOID | |
f Z K field_118 burnable | |
f Z L field_119 replaceable | |
f Z M field_120 blocksLight | |
f Lbda; N field_117 color | |
f Z O field_121 breakByHand | |
f Lbdc; P field_13044 pistonBehavior | |
f Z Q field_4980 field_0_2191 | |
f Lbcz; a field_123 AIR | |
f Lbcz; b field_124 field_0_2193 | |
f Lbcz; c field_125 field_0_2194 | |
f Lbcz; d field_126 WOOD | |
f Lbcz; e field_127 STONE | |
f Lbcz; f field_128 METAL | |
f Lbcz; g field_4981 REPAIR_STATION | |
f Lbcz; h field_129 WATER | |
f Lbcz; i field_130 LAVA | |
f Lbcz; j field_131 LEAVES | |
f Lbcz; k field_132 PLANT | |
f Lbcz; l field_133 REPLACEABLE_PLANT | |
f Lbcz; m field_134 field_0_2204 | |
f Lbcz; n field_135 field_0_2205 | |
f Lbcz; o field_136 FIRE | |
f Lbcz; p field_137 AGGREGATE | |
f Lbcz; q field_138 field_0_2208 | |
f Lbcz; r field_6250 field_0_2209 | |
f Lbcz; s field_139 GLASS | |
f Lbcz; t field_140 field_0_2211 | |
f Lbcz; u field_141 field_0_2212 | |
f Lbcz; v field_142 MOSS_BLOCK | |
f Lbcz; w field_143 ICE | |
f Lbcz; x field_7568 field_0_2215 | |
f Lbcz; y field_144 field_0_2216 | |
f Lbcz; z field_145 field_0_2217 | |
m (Lbda;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 color | |
m ()Z a method_123 isSolid | |
m ()Z b method_124 method_0_1798 | |
m ()Z c method_125 blocksMovement | |
m ()Z d method_126 isLiquid | |
m ()Lbcz; f method_127 method_0_1801 | |
m ()Lbcz; g method_128 method_0_1802 | |
m ()Z h method_129 isBurnable | |
m ()Lbcz; i method_130 method_0_1804 | |
m ()Z j method_131 isReplaceable | |
m ()Z k method_132 blocksLight | |
m ()Z l method_133 canBreakByHand | |
m ()Lbdc; m method_134 getPistonBehavior | |
m ()Lbcz; n method_135 method_0_1809 | |
m ()Lbcz; o method_136 method_0_1810 | |
m ()Lbcz; p method_4121 method_0_1811 | |
m ()Lbda; r method_6586 getColor | |
m ()Lbcz; s method_137 method_0_1813 | |
c bcz$1 net/minecraft/class_63$1 net/minecraft/block/Material$1 | |
c bd net/minecraft/class_3244 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/UsedEnderEyeCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15833 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15834 handlers | |
m (Loq;Let;)V a method_14427 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14428 method_9155 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbd$b; b method_14429 conditionsFromJson | |
c bd$a net/minecraft/class_3244$class_3245 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/UsedEnderEyeCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15835 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15836 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14430 isEmpty | |
m (D)V a method_14431 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14432 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14433 removeCondition | |
c bd$b net/minecraft/class_3244$class_3246 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/UsedEnderEyeCriterion$Conditions | |
f Las; a field_15837 field_9772 | |
m (D)Z a method_14434 matches | |
c bda net/minecraft/class_65 net/minecraft/block/MapColor | |
f Lbda; A field_7590 PURPLE | |
f Lbda; B field_7569 BLUE | |
f Lbda; C field_7570 BROWN | |
f Lbda; D field_7571 GREEN | |
f Lbda; E field_7572 RED | |
f Lbda; F field_7573 BLACK | |
f Lbda; G field_7574 field_0_2223 | |
f Lbda; H field_7575 field_0_2224 | |
f Lbda; I field_7576 field_0_2225 | |
f Lbda; J field_7577 field_0_2226 | |
f Lbda; K field_7578 field_0_2227 | |
f Lbda; L field_7579 field_0_2228 | |
f Lbda; M field_15838 field_0_12852 | |
f Lbda; N field_15839 field_0_12853 | |
f Lbda; O field_15840 field_0_12854 | |
f Lbda; P field_15841 field_0_12855 | |
f Lbda; Q field_15842 field_0_12856 | |
f Lbda; R field_15843 field_0_12857 | |
f Lbda; S field_15844 field_0_12858 | |
f Lbda; T field_15845 field_0_12859 | |
f Lbda; U field_15846 field_0_12860 | |
f Lbda; V field_15847 field_0_12861 | |
f Lbda; W field_15848 field_0_12862 | |
f Lbda; X field_15849 field_0_12863 | |
f Lbda; Y field_15850 field_0_12864 | |
f Lbda; Z field_15851 field_0_12865 | |
f [Lbda; a field_149 COLORS | |
f Lbda; aa field_15852 field_0_12866 | |
f Lbda; ab field_15853 field_0_12867 | |
f I ac field_164 color | |
f I ad field_165 id | |
f [Lbda; b field_15854 field_0_12927 | |
f Lbda; c field_150 CLEAR | |
f Lbda; d field_151 PALE_GREEN | |
f Lbda; e field_152 PALE_YELLOW | |
f Lbda; f field_153 WHITE_GRAY | |
f Lbda; g field_154 BRIGHT_RED | |
f Lbda; h field_155 PALE_PURPLE | |
f Lbda; i field_156 IRON_GRAY | |
f Lbda; j field_157 DARK_GREEN | |
f Lbda; k field_158 WHITE | |
f Lbda; l field_159 LIGHT_BLUE_GRAY | |
f Lbda; m field_160 DIRT_BROWN | |
f Lbda; n field_161 STONE_GRAY | |
f Lbda; o field_162 WATER_BLUE | |
f Lbda; p field_163 OAK_TAN | |
f Lbda; q field_7580 field_0_2246 | |
f Lbda; r field_7581 ORANGE | |
f Lbda; s field_7582 MAGENTA | |
f Lbda; t field_7583 LIGHT_BLUE | |
f Lbda; u field_7584 YELLOW | |
f Lbda; v field_7585 LIME | |
f Lbda; w field_7586 PINK | |
f Lbda; x field_7587 GRAY | |
f Lbda; y field_7588 LIGHT_GRAY | |
f Lbda; z field_7589 CYAN | |
m (II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 color | |
m (I)I a method_6588 getRenderColor | |
p 1 shade | |
m (Lahs;)Lbda; a method_14435 method_0_11770 | |
p 0 dye | |
c bdb net/minecraft/class_66 net/minecraft/class_0_595 | |
c bdc net/minecraft/class_2768 net/minecraft/block/piston/PistonBehavior | |
f Lbdc; a field_13045 NORMAL | |
f Lbdc; b field_13046 DESTROY | |
f Lbdc; c field_13047 BLOCK | |
f Lbdc; d field_13048 IGNORE | |
f Lbdc; e field_15855 PUSH_ONLY | |
f [Lbdc; f field_13049 field_15973 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbdc; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbdc; values values values | |
c bde net/minecraft/class_1781 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/AddDeepOceanLayer | |
c bdf net/minecraft/class_1782 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/AddClimateLayers | |
f Lbdf$a; c field_7591 field_0_2257 | |
m (JLbdq;Lbdf$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 4 type | |
m (IIII)[I c method_6589 method_0_1815 | |
m (IIII)[I d method_6590 method_0_1816 | |
m (IIII)[I e method_6591 method_0_1817 | |
c bdf$1 net/minecraft/class_1782$1 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/AddClimateLayers$1 | |
f [I a field_7592 field_0_2258 | |
c bdf$a net/minecraft/class_1782$class_1784 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/AddClimateLayers$class_0_598 | |
f Lbdf$a; a field_7593 COOL_WARM | |
f Lbdf$a; b field_7594 HEAT_ICE | |
f Lbdf$a; c field_7595 SPECIAL | |
f [Lbdf$a; d field_7596 field_0_2262 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbdf$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbdf$a; values values values | |
c bdg net/minecraft/class_67 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/IncreaseEdgeCurvatureLayer | |
c bdh net/minecraft/class_68 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/AddMushroomIslandLayer | |
c bdi net/minecraft/class_69 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/AddColdClimatesLayer | |
c bdj net/minecraft/class_1785 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/EaseBiomeEdgeLayer | |
m (JLbdq;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 seed | |
m ([I[IIIIIII)Z a method_6592 method_15841 | |
m (II)Z b method_6593 method_15839 | |
m ([I[IIIIIII)Z b method_6594 method_15840 | |
c bdk net/minecraft/class_70 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/AddBaseBiomesLayer | |
f [Lanh; c field_7597 field_16070 | |
f [Lanh; d field_7598 field_16062 | |
f [Lanh; e field_7599 field_16068 | |
f [Lanh; f field_7600 field_16066 | |
f Layx; g field_10232 config | |
m (JLbdq;Lamz;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 seed | |
p 4 type | |
c bdm net/minecraft/class_71 net/minecraft/class_0_605 | |
c bdo net/minecraft/class_73 net/minecraft/class_0_606 | |
f I a field_167 field_0_2268 | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_168 field_0_2269 | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_169 field_0_2270 | |
f Ljava/util/List; d field_170 field_0_2271 | |
f Ljava/util/List; e field_171 field_0_2272 | |
m ()V a method_140 method_0_1821 | |
m (I)[I a method_141 method_0_1822 | |
p 0 index | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_4123 method_0_1823 | |
c bdp net/minecraft/class_74 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/ContinentLayer | |
c bdq net/minecraft/class_75 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/BiomeLayers | |
f Lbdq; a field_172 field_0_2273 | |
f J b field_175 field_0_2274 | |
f J c field_173 field_0_2275 | |
f J d field_174 field_0_2276 | |
m (I)I a method_142 method_0_1824 | |
m (II)Z a method_6595 areSimilar | |
p 0 biomeAId | |
p 1 biomeBId | |
m (IIII)[I a method_143 method_15855 | |
m (J)V a method_144 method_0_1827 | |
m (JJ)V a method_145 method_0_1828 | |
m (JLamz;Layx;)[Lbdq; a method_146 method_15843 | |
m ([I)I a method_6596 method_0_1830 | |
p 1 args | |
m (I)Z b method_6597 isOcean | |
p 0 biomeId | |
m (IIII)I b method_6598 method_0_1832 | |
c bdr net/minecraft/class_82 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/AddSunflowerPlainsLayer | |
c bds net/minecraft/class_76 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/AddHillsLayer | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; c field_7603 LOGGER | |
f Lbdq; d field_7604 field_0_2280 | |
c bdt net/minecraft/class_1788 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/AddIslandLayer | |
c bdu net/minecraft/class_77 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/SimpleLandNoiseLayer | |
c bdv net/minecraft/class_78 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/NoiseToRiverLayer | |
m (JLbdq;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 layer | |
m (I)I c method_6601 isValidForRiver | |
c bdw net/minecraft/class_79 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/ApplyRiverLayer | |
f Lbdq; c field_176 field_0_2281 | |
f Lbdq; d field_177 field_0_2282 | |
c bdx net/minecraft/class_80 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/AddEdgeBiomesLayer | |
m ([I[IIIIII)V a method_6602 method_0_1836 | |
m (I)Z c method_6603 isWooded | |
m (I)Z d method_6604 isBadlands | |
c bdy net/minecraft/class_81 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/SmoothLayer | |
c be net/minecraft/class_3247 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/UsedTotemCriterion | |
f Lnf; a field_15856 ID | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15857 handlers | |
m (Loq;Laip;)V a method_14436 trigger | |
m ()Lnf; b method_14437 method_9164 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbe$b; b method_14438 conditionsFromJson | |
c be$a net/minecraft/class_3247$class_3248 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/UsedTotemCriterion$Handler | |
f Lnp; a field_15858 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_15859 conditions | |
m ()Z a method_14439 isEmpty | |
m (Laip;)V a method_14440 handle | |
m (Lp$a;)V a method_14441 addCondition | |
m (Lp$a;)V b method_14442 removeCondition | |
c be$b net/minecraft/class_3247$class_3249 net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/UsedTotemCriterion$Conditions | |
f Lan; a field_15860 item | |
m (Laip;)Z a method_14443 matches | |
c bec net/minecraft/class_83 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/CellScaleLayer | |
c bed net/minecraft/class_84 net/minecraft/world/biome/layer/ScaleLayer | |
m (JLbdq;I)Lbdq; b method_148 method_0_1839 | |
c beg net/minecraft/class_2769 net/minecraft/entity/ai/pathing/PathMinHeap | |
f [Lbej; a field_13050 pathNodes | |
f I b field_13051 count | |
m ()V a method_11899 clear | |
m (I)V a method_11900 shiftUp | |
m (Lbej;)Lbej; a method_11901 push | |
m (Lbej;F)V a method_11902 setNodeWeight | |
m (I)V b method_11903 shiftDown | |
m ()Lbej; c method_11904 pop | |
m ()Z e method_11905 isEmpty | |
c beh net/minecraft/class_2770 net/minecraft/entity/ai/pathing/PathNodeType | |
f Lbeh; a field_13052 BLOCKED | |
f Lbeh; b field_13053 OPEN | |
f Lbeh; c field_13054 WALKABLE | |
f Lbeh; d field_13055 TRAPDOOR | |
f Lbeh; e field_13056 FENCE | |
f Lbeh; f field_13057 LAVA | |
f Lbeh; g field_13058 WATER | |
f Lbeh; h field_13059 RAIL | |
f Lbeh; i field_13060 DANGER_FIRE | |
f Lbeh; j field_13061 DAMAGE_FIRE | |
f Lbeh; k field_13062 DANGER_CACTUS | |
f Lbeh; l field_13063 DAMAGE_CACTUS | |
f Lbeh; m field_13064 DANGER_OTHER | |
f Lbeh; n field_13065 DAMAGE_OTHER | |
f Lbeh; o field_13066 DOOR_OPEN | |
f Lbeh; p field_13067 DOOR_WOOD_CLOSED | |
f Lbeh; q field_13068 DOOR_IRON_CLOSED | |
f F r field_13069 defaultPenalty | |
f [Lbeh; s field_13070 field_24 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 weight | |
m ()F a method_11906 getDefaultPenalty | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbeh; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbeh; values values values | |
c bei net/minecraft/class_3250 net/minecraft/entity/ai/pathing/BirdPathNodeMaker | |
m (Lvq;III)Lbeh; a method_14444 getNodeType | |
m (Lvq;Let;)Lbeh; a method_14445 getNodeType | |
c bej net/minecraft/class_86 net/minecraft/entity/ai/pathing/PathNode | |
f I a field_180 x | |
f I b field_181 y | |
f I c field_182 z | |
f I d field_183 heapIndex | |
f F e field_184 penalizedPathLength | |
f F f field_185 distanceToNearestTarget | |
f F g field_186 heapWeight | |
f Lbej; h field_187 previous | |
f Z i field_188 visited | |
f F j field_13071 pathLength | |
f F k field_13072 field_45 | |
f F l field_13073 penalty | |
f Lbeh; m field_13074 type | |
f I n field_189 hashCode | |
m (III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m ()Z a method_157 isInHeap | |
m (III)Lbej; a method_11907 copyWithNewPosition | |
m (Lbej;)F a method_159 getDistance | |
p 1 node | |
m (III)I b method_158 hash | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 y | |
p 2 z | |
m (Lbej;)F b method_160 getSquaredDistance | |
p 1 node | |
m (Lgy;)Lbej; b method_11908 fromBuf | |
m (Lbej;)F c method_11909 method_29 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
p 1 object | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bek net/minecraft/class_2771 net/minecraft/entity/ai/pathing/PathNodeMaker | |
f Lamy; a field_13075 field_26 | |
f Lvq; b field_13076 entity | |
f Lrg; c field_13077 field_32 | |
f I d field_13078 entityBlockXSize | |
f I e field_13079 entityBlockYSize | |
f I f field_13080 entityBlockZSize | |
f Z g field_13081 canEnterOpenDoors | |
f Z h field_13082 canOpenDoors | |
f Z i field_13083 canSwim | |
m ()V a method_11910 clear | |
m (DDD)Lbej; a method_11911 method_16 | |
m (III)Lbej; a method_11912 getNode | |
m (Lamy;III)Lbeh; a method_11913 method_25 | |
m (Lamy;IIILvq;IIIZZ)Lbeh; a method_11914 method_17 | |
m (Lamy;Lvq;)V a method_11915 method_12 | |
m (Z)V a method_11916 setCanEnterOpenDoors | |
m ([Lbej;Lbej;Lbej;F)I a method_11917 method_18 | |
m ()Lbej; b method_11918 getStart | |
m (Z)V b method_11919 setCanOpenDoors | |
m ()Z c method_11920 canEnterOpenDoors | |
m (Z)V c method_11921 setCanSwim | |
m ()Z d method_11922 canOpenDoors | |
m ()Z e method_11923 canSwim | |
c bel net/minecraft/class_85 net/minecraft/entity/ai/pathing/Path | |
f [Lbej; a field_13084 field_52 | |
f [Lbej; b field_13085 debugNodes | |
f [Lbej; c field_13086 debugSecondNodes | |
f Lbej; d field_13087 field_56 | |
f I e field_13088 currentNodeIndex | |
f I f field_13089 field_53 | |
m ()V a method_11924 next | |
m (I)Lbej; a method_11925 getNode | |
m (ILbej;)V a method_11926 setNode | |
m (Lbel;)Z a method_11927 equalsPath | |
m (Lvg;)Lbhe; a method_11928 getNodePosition | |
m (Lvg;I)Lbhe; a method_11929 getNodePosition | |
m ()Z b method_11930 isFinished | |
m (I)V b method_11931 setLength | |
m (Lgy;)Lbel; b method_11933 fromBuffer | |
m ()Lbej; c method_11934 getEnd | |
m (I)V c method_11935 setCurrentNodeIndex | |
m ()I d method_11936 getLength | |
m ()I e method_11937 getCurrentNodeIndex | |
m ()Lbhe; f method_11938 getCurrentPosition | |
m ()[Lbej; g method_13397 method_43 | |
m ()[Lbej; h method_13398 method_37 | |
m ()Lbej; i method_13399 method_48 | |
c bem net/minecraft/class_88 net/minecraft/entity/ai/pathing/PathNodeNavigator | |
f Lbeg; a field_13090 minHeap | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_13091 field_59 | |
f [Lbej; c field_196 successors | |
f Lbek; d field_13092 pathNodeMaker | |
m (Lblq;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 nodeMaker | |
m (Lamy;Lvq;DDDF)Lbel; a method_11939 method_52 | |
m (Lamy;Lvq;Let;F)Lbel; a method_11940 method_53 | |
m (Lamy;Lvq;Lvg;F)Lbel; a method_11941 method_56 | |
m (Lbej;Lbej;)Lbel; a method_11942 method_55 | |
m (Lbej;Lbej;F)Lbel; a method_11943 method_54 | |
c ben net/minecraft/class_2285 net/minecraft/entity/ai/pathing/WaterPathNodeMaker | |
m (III)Lbej; b method_11944 getPathNodeInWater | |
m (III)Lbeh; c method_11945 getNodeType | |
c beo net/minecraft/class_2286 net/minecraft/entity/ai/pathing/LandPathNodeMaker | |
f F j field_13093 waterPathNodeTypeWeight | |
m (IIIIDLfa;)Lbej; a method_11946 getPathNode | |
m (Lamy;IIIIIIZZLjava/util/EnumSet;Lbeh;Let;)Lbeh; a method_14446 method_0_11521 | |
m (Lamy;IIILbeh;)Lbeh; a method_14447 method_59 | |
m (Lvq;III)Lbeh; a method_11947 getNodeType | |
m (Lvq;Let;)Lbeh; a method_11948 getNodeType | |
m (Lamy;III)Lbeh; b method_11949 method_58 | |
c bes net/minecraft/class_2772 net/minecraft/scoreboard/ScoreboardSynchronizer | |
f Lbet; a field_13094 compound | |
m ()V run run run | |
c bet net/minecraft/class_92 net/minecraft/world/PersistentState | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_223 key | |
f Z b field_222 dirty | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
m (Lfy;)V a method_188 fromTag | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Z)V a method_189 setDirty | |
p 1 dirty | |
m (Lfy;)Lfy; b method_191 writeNbt | |
p 1 nbt | |
m ()V c method_187 markDirty | |
m ()Z d method_190 isDirty | |
c beu net/minecraft/class_3082 net/minecraft/item/map/MapIcon | |
f Lbeu$a; a field_15220 type | |
f B b field_15221 x | |
f B c field_15222 z | |
f B d field_15223 rotation | |
m ()B a method_13819 getTypeId | |
m ()Lbeu$a; b method_13820 getType | |
m ()B c method_13821 getX | |
m ()B d method_13822 getZ | |
m ()B e method_13823 getRotation | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
m ()Z f method_13824 isAlwaysRendered | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
c beu$a net/minecraft/class_3082$class_3083 net/minecraft/item/map/MapIcon$Type | |
f Lbeu$a; a field_15224 PLAYER | |
f Lbeu$a; b field_15225 FRAME | |
f Lbeu$a; c field_15226 RED_MARKER | |
f Lbeu$a; d field_15227 BLUE_MARKER | |
f Lbeu$a; e field_15228 TARGET_X | |
f Lbeu$a; f field_15229 TARGET_POINT | |
f Lbeu$a; g field_15230 PLAYER_OFF_MAP | |
f Lbeu$a; h field_15231 PLAYER_OFF_LIMITS | |
f Lbeu$a; i field_15232 MANSION | |
f Lbeu$a; j field_15233 MONUMENT | |
f B k field_15234 id | |
f Z l field_15235 alwaysRender | |
f I m field_15236 tintColor | |
f [Lbeu$a; n field_15237 field_109 | |
m ()B a method_13825 getId | |
m (B)Lbeu$a; a method_13826 byId | |
m ()Z b method_13827 isAlwaysRendered | |
m ()Z c method_13828 hasTintColor | |
m ()I d method_13829 getTintColor | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbeu$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbeu$a; values values values | |
c bev net/minecraft/class_89 net/minecraft/item/map/MapState | |
f I b field_201 centerX | |
f I c field_202 centerZ | |
f B d field_203 field_118 | |
f Z e field_13095 showIcons | |
f Z f field_15238 unlimitedTracking | |
f B g field_204 scale | |
f [B h field_205 colors | |
f Ljava/util/List; i field_207 updateTrackers | |
f Ljava/util/Map; j field_4982 icons | |
f Ljava/util/Map; k field_209 updateTrackersByPlayer | |
m (DDI)V a method_9308 calculateCenter | |
m (II)V a method_9309 markDirty | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (Laed;)Lbev$a; a method_4127 getPlayerSyncData | |
p 1 player | |
m (Laed;Laip;)V a method_183 update | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 stack | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Laed;)Lht; a method_184 method_100 | |
p 1 itemStack | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 player | |
m (Laip;Let;Ljava/lang/String;Lbeu$a;)V a method_13830 addDecorationsNbt | |
m (Lbeu$a;Lamu;Ljava/lang/String;DDD)V a method_4126 method_107 | |
c bev$a net/minecraft/class_89$class_90 net/minecraft/item/map/MapState$PlayerUpdateTracker | |
f Laed; a field_210 player | |
f I b field_4983 field_131 | |
f Lbev; c field_213 field_132 | |
f Z d field_4984 dirty | |
f I e field_10250 startX | |
f I f field_10251 startZ | |
f I g field_10252 endX | |
f I h field_10253 endZ | |
f I i field_10254 emptyPacketsRequested | |
m (Lbev;Laed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 player | |
m (II)V a method_9310 markDirty | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (Laip;)Lht; a method_9311 getPacket | |
p 1 stack | |
c bey net/minecraft/class_93 net/minecraft/class_25 | |
c bez net/minecraft/class_94 net/minecraft/world/level/storage/AnvilLevelStorage | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; c field_7605 LOGGER | |
m (Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;Lanl;IILrm;)V a method_192 convertRegion | |
m (Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/Iterable;Lanl;IILrm;)V a method_193 convertRegions | |
m (Ljava/io/File;Ljava/util/Collection;)V a method_194 addRegionFiles | |
p 1 worldDirectory | |
p 2 files | |
m ()I c method_195 method_115 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V g method_196 method_118 | |
p 1 worldName | |
c bez$1 net/minecraft/class_94$1 net/minecraft/world/level/storage/AnvilLevelStorage$1 | |
f Lbez; a field_224 field_0_2335 | |
m (Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;)Z accept accept accept | |
c bfa net/minecraft/class_97 net/minecraft/world/level/UnmodifiableLevelProperties | |
f Lbfd; b field_225 properties | |
c bfb net/minecraft/class_98 net/minecraft/world/WorldSaveHandler | |
f Lry; a field_13096 field_148 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b field_7606 LOGGER | |
f Ljava/io/File; c field_227 worldDir | |
f Ljava/io/File; d field_228 playerDataDir | |
f Ljava/io/File; e field_229 field_0_2340 | |
f J f field_230 saveStartTime | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_231 worldName | |
f Lbcg; h field_13097 structureManager | |
m (Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 savesFolder | |
p 2 worldName | |
p 3 createPlayerDataDir | |
m ()V i method_199 writeSessionLock | |
c bfc net/minecraft/class_99 net/minecraft/class_28 | |
f Ljava/io/File; a field_232 field_0_2343 | |
f Lry; b field_13098 field_143 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; c field_7607 field_140 | |
m (Ljava/io/File;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 file | |
m (Ljava/io/File;Lry;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 file | |
m (Ljava/io/File;Lry;)Lbfd; a method_11950 method_126 | |
m ([Ljava/io/File;)Z a method_4128 method_127 | |
p 0 files | |
c bfd net/minecraft/class_100 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelProperties | |
f Z A field_252 commandsAllowed | |
f Z B field_253 initialized | |
f Ltz; C field_10267 difficulty | |
f Z D field_10255 difficultyLocked | |
f D E field_10256 borderCenterX | |
f D F field_10257 borderCenterZ | |
f D G field_10258 borderSize | |
f J H field_10259 borderSizeLerpTime | |
f D I field_10260 borderSizeLerpTarget | |
f D J field_10261 borderSafeZone | |
f D K field_10262 borderDamagePerBlock | |
f I L field_10263 borderWarningBlocks | |
f I M field_10264 borderWarningTime | |
f Ljava/util/Map; N field_13099 worldData | |
f Lamr; O field_4987 gameRules | |
f Ltz; a field_10265 DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_13100 versionName | |
f I c field_13101 versionId | |
f Z d field_13102 versionSnapshot | |
f J e field_233 randomSeed | |
f Lamz; f field_234 generatorType | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_4985 field_166 | |
f I h field_235 spawnX | |
f I i field_236 spawnY | |
f I j field_237 spawnZ | |
f J k field_4986 time | |
f J l field_238 timeOfDay | |
f J m field_239 lastPlayed | |
f J n field_240 sizeOnDisk | |
f Lfy; o field_241 playerData | |
f I p field_242 field_186 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; q field_243 levelName | |
f I r field_244 version | |
f I s field_10266 clearWeatherTime | |
f Z t field_245 raining | |
f I u field_246 rainTime | |
f Z v field_247 thundering | |
f I w field_248 thunderTime | |
f Lams; x field_249 gameMode | |
f Z y field_250 structures | |
f Z z field_251 hardcore | |
m (Lamx;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 info | |
p 2 name | |
m (Lbfd;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 copy | |
m (Lfy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 worldNbt | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; A method_4150 method_169 | |
m ()D B method_9313 getBorderCenterX | |
m ()D C method_9314 getBorderCenterZ | |
m ()D D method_9315 getBorderSize | |
m ()J E method_9316 getBorderSizeLerpTime | |
m ()D F method_9317 getBorderSizeLerpTarget | |
m ()D G method_9318 getBorderSafeZone | |
m ()D H method_9319 getBorderDamagePerBlock | |
m ()I I method_9320 getBorderWarningBlocks | |
m ()I J method_9321 getBorderWarningTime | |
m ()I K method_11951 getVersionId | |
m ()Z L method_11952 isVersionSnapshot | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; M method_11953 getVersionName | |
m ()J a method_210 getSeed | |
m (D)V a method_9322 setBorderSize | |
p 1 size | |
m (I)V a method_202 setSpawnX | |
p 1 spawnX | |
m (Lams;)V a method_207 method_193 | |
m (Lamx;)V a method_9323 loadLevelInfo | |
p 1 info | |
m (Lamz;)V a method_208 setGeneratorType | |
p 1 type | |
m (Layn;)Lfy; a method_11954 getWorldData | |
m (Layn;Lfy;)V a method_11955 setWorldData | |
m (Lbfd;)Lamz; a method_4129 method_0_1927 | |
m (Lc;)V a method_4130 method_151 | |
p 1 section | |
m (Let;)V a method_9324 method_187 | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Lfy;)Lfy; a method_204 cloneWorldTag | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Lfy;Lfy;)V a method_205 updateProperties | |
p 1 worldNbt | |
p 2 playerData | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_206 setLevelName | |
p 1 name | |
m (Lry;)V a method_13400 method_0_10379 | |
m (Ltz;)V a method_9325 method_208 | |
p 1 difficulty | |
m (Z)V a method_209 method_147 | |
p 1 thundering | |
m ()I b method_214 method_215 | |
m (D)V b method_9326 setBorderSizeLerpTarget | |
p 1 target | |
m (I)V b method_211 setSpawnY | |
p 1 spawnY | |
m (J)V b method_4131 method_177 | |
p 1 time | |
m (Lbfd;)Z b method_4132 method_0_1939 | |
m (Z)V b method_213 method_157 | |
p 1 raining | |
m ()I c method_216 method_144 | |
m (D)V c method_9327 borderCenterZ | |
p 1 y | |
m (I)V c method_215 setSpawnZ | |
p 1 spawnZ | |
m (J)V c method_212 method_165 | |
p 1 time | |
m (Lbfd;)Ljava/lang/String; c method_4133 method_0_1945 | |
m (Z)V c method_9328 setCommandsAllowed | |
p 1 enabled | |
m ()I d method_218 method_166 | |
m (D)V d method_9329 setBorderCenterX | |
p 1 x | |
m (Lbfd;)I d method_4134 method_0_1949 | |
m (Z)V d method_217 method_223 | |
p 1 initialized | |
m ()J e method_4136 method_188 | |
m (D)V e method_9330 setBorderSafeZone | |
p 1 zone | |
m (I)V e method_219 setVersion | |
p 1 version | |
m (J)V e method_9331 setBorderSizeLerpTime | |
p 1 time | |
m (Lbfd;)I e method_4135 method_0_1955 | |
m (Z)V e method_9332 method_186 | |
p 1 difficultyLocked | |
m ()J f method_220 method_217 | |
m (D)V f method_9333 setBorderDamagePerBlock | |
p 1 damage | |
m (I)V f method_221 method_173 | |
p 1 time | |
m (Lbfd;)I f method_4137 method_0_1960 | |
m (Z)V f method_9334 setStructures | |
p 1 structures | |
m ()J g method_222 method_148 | |
m (I)V g method_223 method_164 | |
p 1 rainTime | |
m (Lbfd;)J g method_4138 method_0_1964 | |
m (Z)V g method_9335 setHardcore | |
p 1 hardcore | |
m ()Lfy; h method_224 method_226 | |
m (Lbfd;)J h method_4139 method_0_1967 | |
m (I)V i method_9336 method_167 | |
p 1 time | |
m (Lbfd;)I i method_4140 method_0_1970 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; j method_226 method_150 | |
m (I)V j method_9337 setBorderWarningBlocks | |
p 1 blocks | |
m (Lbfd;)I j method_4141 method_0_1972 | |
m ()I k method_227 method_168 | |
m (I)V k method_9338 setBorderWarningTime | |
p 1 time | |
m (Lbfd;)I k method_4142 method_0_1975 | |
m ()J l method_228 getLastPlayed | |
m (Lbfd;)Z l method_4143 method_0_1977 | |
m ()Z m method_229 method_203 | |
m (Lbfd;)I m method_4144 method_0_1979 | |
m ()I n method_230 method_145 | |
m (Lbfd;)Z n method_4145 method_0_1981 | |
m ()Z o method_231 method_156 | |
m (Lbfd;)Lams; o method_4146 method_0_1983 | |
m ()I p method_232 method_190 | |
m (Lbfd;)Z p method_4147 method_0_1985 | |
m ()Lams; q method_233 method_210 | |
m (Lbfd;)Z q method_4148 method_0_1987 | |
m ()Z r method_234 hasStructures | |
m ()Z s method_235 method_152 | |
m ()Lamz; t method_236 getGeneratorType | |
m ()Z u method_237 method_194 | |
m ()Z v method_238 method_222 | |
m ()Lamr; w method_4149 method_146 | |
m ()Ltz; x method_9339 method_207 | |
m ()Z y method_9340 method_197 | |
m ()I z method_9312 method_155 | |
c bfd$1 net/minecraft/class_100$1 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelProperties$1 | |
c bfd$10 net/minecraft/class_100$10 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelProperties$10 | |
f Lbfd; a field_4996 field_0_2389 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4159 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bfd$2 net/minecraft/class_100$2 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelProperties$2 | |
f Lbfd; a field_14888 field_0_2390 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_13401 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bfd$3 net/minecraft/class_100$3 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelProperties$3 | |
f Lbfd; a field_4989 field_0_2382 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4152 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bfd$4 net/minecraft/class_100$4 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelProperties$4 | |
f Lbfd; a field_4990 field_0_2383 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4153 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bfd$5 net/minecraft/class_100$5 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelProperties$5 | |
f Lbfd; a field_4991 field_0_2384 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4154 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bfd$6 net/minecraft/class_100$6 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelProperties$6 | |
f Lbfd; a field_4992 field_0_2385 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4155 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bfd$7 net/minecraft/class_100$7 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelProperties$7 | |
f Lbfd; a field_4993 field_0_2386 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4156 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bfd$8 net/minecraft/class_100$8 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelProperties$8 | |
f Lbfd; a field_4994 field_0_2387 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4157 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bfd$9 net/minecraft/class_100$9 net/minecraft/world/level/LevelProperties$9 | |
f Lbfd; a field_4995 field_0_2388 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4158 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bfe net/minecraft/class_101 net/minecraft/class_30 | |
m ()V a method_239 method_0_2006 | |
m (Laym;)Layf; a method_242 method_135 | |
p 1 dim | |
m (Lbfd;)V a method_240 method_136 | |
p 1 properties | |
m (Lbfd;Lfy;)V a method_241 method_131 | |
p 1 properties | |
p 2 nbt | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/File; a method_243 method_138 | |
p 1 fileName | |
m ()Ljava/io/File; b method_198 method_132 | |
m ()V c method_244 method_137 | |
m ()Lbfd; d method_245 method_133 | |
m ()Lbfk; e method_246 method_129 | |
m ()Lbcg; h method_11956 method_134 | |
c bff net/minecraft/class_1444 net/minecraft/world/level/storage/LevelStorageException | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 cause | |
c bfg net/minecraft/class_102 net/minecraft/world/level/storage/LevelStorage | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_6605 method_0_2016 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z a method_6606 method_0_2017 | |
p 1 worldName | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_249 renameLevel | |
p 1 name | |
p 2 newName | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lrm;)Z a method_248 method_234 | |
p 1 worldName | |
p 2 progressListener | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Lbfe; a method_250 method_242 | |
p 1 worldName | |
p 2 createPlayerDataDir | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; b method_251 getLevelList | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z b method_252 method_231 | |
p 1 worldName | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/File; b method_11957 resolveFile | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbfd; c method_253 method_238 | |
p 1 name | |
m ()V d method_254 method_245 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z d method_6607 method_0_2025 | |
p 1 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z e method_255 deleteLevel | |
p 1 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z f method_4160 levelExists | |
p 1 name | |
c bfh net/minecraft/class_103 net/minecraft/world/level/storage/LevelSummary | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_254 name | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_255 displayName | |
f J c field_256 lastPlayed | |
f J d field_257 getSizeOnDisk | |
f Z e field_258 requiresConversion | |
f Lams; f field_259 gameMode | |
f Z g field_260 isHardcore | |
f Z h field_261 commandsAllowed | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_13103 versionName | |
f I j field_13104 versionId | |
f Z k field_13105 isSnapshot | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;JJLamx$class_1157;ZZZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 fileName | |
p 2 displayName | |
p 3 lastPlayed | |
p 5 size | |
p 7 gameMode | |
p 8 requiresConversion | |
p 9 hardcore | |
p 10 cheats | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_256 getName | |
m (Lbfh;)I a method_257 compareTo | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_258 getDisplayName | |
m ()J c method_6608 method_0_2031 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)I compareTo compareTo compareTo | |
p 1 levelSummary | |
m ()Z d method_259 requiresConversion | |
m ()J e method_260 getLastPlayed | |
m ()Lams; f method_261 getGameMode | |
m ()Z g method_262 isHardcore | |
m ()Z h method_263 hasCheats | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; i method_11958 method_258 | |
m ()Z l method_11959 isDifferentVersion | |
m ()Z m method_11960 isOutdatedLevel | |
c bfj net/minecraft/class_104 net/minecraft/class_36 | |
c bfk net/minecraft/class_105 net/minecraft/world/PlayerSaveHandler | |
m (Laed;)V a method_264 savePlayerData | |
p 1 player | |
m (Laed;)Lfy; b method_265 loadPlayerData | |
p 1 player | |
m ()[Ljava/lang/String; f method_266 method_263 | |
c bfl net/minecraft/class_2288 net/minecraft/class_38 | |
c Acts similar to {@link} but does not save states. | |
c bfm net/minecraft/class_106 net/minecraft/world/PersistentStateManager | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_263 loadedStates | |
f Lbfe; b field_262 field_138 | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_264 field_0_2401 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; d field_265 field_137 | |
m (Lbfe;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 saveHandler | |
m ()V a method_267 save | |
m (Lbet;)V a method_268 method_121 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Lbet; a method_269 method_120 | |
p 1 clazz | |
p 2 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)I a method_270 method_266 | |
p 1 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lbet;)V a method_271 set | |
p 1 name | |
p 2 state | |
m ()V b method_272 method_122 | |
c bfn net/minecraft/class_2773 net/minecraft/loot/LootTables | |
f Lnf; A field_13175 IRON_GOLEM_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; B field_13106 SNOWMAN_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; C field_13107 RABBIT_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; D field_13108 CHICKEN_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; E field_13109 PIG_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; F field_14889 POLAR_BEAR_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; G field_13110 HORSE_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; H field_15239 DONKEY_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; I field_15240 MULE_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; J field_13111 ZOMBIE_HORSE_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; K field_13112 SKELETON_HORSE_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; L field_13113 COW_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; M field_13114 MUSHROOM_COW_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; N field_13115 WOLF_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; O field_13116 OCELOT_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; P field_13117 SHEEP_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; Q field_13118 WHITE_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; R field_13119 ORANGE_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; S field_13120 MAGENTA_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; T field_13121 LIGHT_BLUE_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; U field_13122 YELLOW_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; V field_13123 LIME_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; W field_13124 PINK_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; X field_13125 GRAY_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; Y field_13126 LIGHT_GRAY_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; Z field_13127 CYAN_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; a field_13132 EMPTY | |
f Lnf; aA field_13145 FISHING_GAMEPLAY | |
f Lnf; aB field_13146 FISHING_JUNK_GAMEPLAY | |
f Lnf; aC field_13147 FISHING_TREASURE_GAMEPLAY | |
f Lnf; aD field_13148 FISHING_FISH_GAMEPLAY | |
f Ljava/util/Set; aE field_13149 LOOT_TABLES | |
f Ljava/util/Set; aF field_13150 LOOT_TABLES_READ_ONLY | |
f Lnf; aa field_13128 PURPLE_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; ab field_13129 BLUE_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; ac field_13130 BROWN_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; ad field_13131 GREEN_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; ae field_13133 RED_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; af field_13134 BLACK_SHEEP_ENTITY | |
f Lnf; ag field_13135 BAT_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; ah field_13136 SLIME_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; ai field_13137 MAGMA_CUBE_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; aj field_13138 GHAST_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; ak field_13139 SQUID_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; al field_13140 ENDERMITE_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; am field_13141 ZOMBIE_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; an field_13142 ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; ao field_13143 SKELETON_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; ap field_13144 WITHER_SKELETON_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; aq field_14890 STRAY_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; ar field_15241 HUSK_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; as field_15242 ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; at field_15243 VILLAGER_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; au field_15244 EVOCATION_ILLAGER_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; av field_15245 VINDICATION_ILLAGER_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; aw field_15246 LLAMA_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; ax field_15861 PARROT_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; ay field_15247 VEX_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; az field_15248 ENDER_DRAGON_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; b field_13151 SPAWN_BONUS_CHEST | |
f Lnf; c field_13152 END_CITY_TREASURE_CHEST | |
f Lnf; d field_13153 SIMPLE_DUNGEON_CHEST | |
f Lnf; e field_13154 VILLAGE_WEAPONSMITH_CHEST | |
f Lnf; f field_13155 ABANDONED_MINESHAFT_CHEST | |
f Lnf; g field_13156 NETHER_BRIDGE_CHEST | |
f Lnf; h field_13157 STRONGHOLD_LIBRARY_CHEST | |
f Lnf; i field_13158 STRONGHOLD_CROSSING_CHEST | |
f Lnf; j field_13159 STRONGHOLD_CORRIDOR_CHEST | |
f Lnf; k field_13160 DESERT_PYRAMID_CHEST | |
f Lnf; l field_13161 JUNGLE_TEMPLE_CHEST | |
f Lnf; m field_13162 JUNGLE_TEMPLE_DISPENSER_CHEST | |
f Lnf; n field_13163 IGLOO_CHEST_CHEST | |
f Lnf; o field_15249 WOODLAND_MANSION_CHEST | |
f Lnf; p field_13164 WITCH_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; q field_13165 BLAZE_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; r field_13166 CREEPER_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; s field_13167 SPIDER_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; t field_13168 CAVE_SPIDER_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; u field_13169 GIANT_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; v field_13170 SILVERFISH_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; w field_13171 ENDERMAN_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; x field_13172 GUARDIAN_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; y field_13173 ELDER_GUARDIAN_ENTITIE | |
f Lnf; z field_13174 SHULKER_ENTITIE | |
m ()Ljava/util/Set; a method_11961 method_0_9633 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnf; a method_11962 register | |
p 0 id | |
m (Lnf;)Lnf; a method_11963 registerLootTable | |
p 0 id | |
m ()Z b method_14448 method_0_11522 | |
c bfo net/minecraft/class_2774 net/minecraft/class_0_2349 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;II[Lbgl;)Lbfo; a method_11964 method_0_9804 | |
c bfp net/minecraft/class_2775 net/minecraft/class_0_2350 | |
f Lain; a field_13176 field_0_10988 | |
f [Lbfz; b field_13177 field_0_10989 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;II[Lbgl;)Lbfp; a method_11965 method_0_9805 | |
c bfq net/minecraft/class_2776 net/minecraft/loot/LootPool | |
f [Lbfr; a field_13178 field_0_10517 | |
f [Lbgl; b field_13179 field_0_10518 | |
f Lbfw; c field_13180 field_0_10519 | |
f Lbfw; d field_13181 field_0_11034 | |
m (Lbfq;)[Lbfr; a method_11966 method_344 | |
m (Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/util/Random;Lbft;)V a method_11967 method_0_9648 | |
m (Lbfq;)Lbfw; b method_11968 method_350 | |
m (Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/util/Random;Lbft;)V b method_11969 method_0_9647 | |
m (Lbfq;)Lbfw; c method_11970 method_343 | |
m (Lbfq;)[Lbgl; d method_11971 method_348 | |
c bfq$a net/minecraft/class_2776$class_2777 net/minecraft/loot/LootPool$Serializer | |
m (Lbfq;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; a method_11972 serialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbfq; a method_11973 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; serialize serialize serialize | |
c bfr net/minecraft/class_2778 net/minecraft/class_0_2293 | |
f I c field_13182 field_0_10515 | |
f I d field_13183 field_0_10516 | |
f [Lbgl; e field_13184 field_0_10990 | |
m (F)I a method_11974 method_0_9636 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_11975 method_0_9806 | |
m (Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/util/Random;Lbft;)V a method_11976 method_0_9638 | |
c bfr$a net/minecraft/class_2778$class_2779 net/minecraft/class_0_2293$class_0_2294 | |
m (Lbfr;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; a method_11977 serialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbfr; a method_11978 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; serialize serialize serialize | |
c bfs net/minecraft/class_2780 net/minecraft/loot/LootTable | |
f Lbfs; a field_13185 field_0_10520 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b field_13186 LOGGER | |
f [Lbfq; c field_13187 pools | |
m (Lbfs;)[Lbfq; a method_11979 method_326 | |
m (Ljava/util/List;ILjava/util/Random;)V a method_11980 shuffle | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;Lbft;)Ljava/util/List; a method_11981 method_0_9654 | |
m (Ltv;Ljava/util/Random;)Ljava/util/List; a method_11982 getFreeSlots | |
m (Ltv;Ljava/util/Random;Lbft;)V a method_11983 method_329 | |
c bfs$a net/minecraft/class_2780$class_2781 net/minecraft/loot/LootTable$Serializer | |
m (Lbfs;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; a method_11984 serialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbfs; a method_11985 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; serialize serialize serialize | |
c bft net/minecraft/class_2782 net/minecraft/loot/context/LootContext | |
f F a field_13188 luck | |
f Loo; b field_13189 world | |
f Lbfv; c field_13190 manager | |
f Lvg; d field_13191 field_0_10523 | |
f Laed; e field_13192 field_0_10524 | |
f Lur; f field_13193 field_0_10525 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; g field_13194 activeTables | |
m (FLoo;Lbfv;Lvg;Laed;Lur;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 server | |
m ()Lvg; a method_11986 method_0_9658 | |
m (Lbfs;)Z a method_11987 markActive | |
m (Lbft$b;)Lvg; a method_11988 method_0_9659 | |
m ()Lvg; b method_11989 method_0_9660 | |
m (Lbfs;)V b method_11990 markInactive | |
m ()Lvg; c method_11991 method_0_9661 | |
m ()Lbfv; e method_11992 getLootManager | |
m ()F f method_11993 getLuck | |
c bft$1 net/minecraft/class_2782$1 net/minecraft/loot/context/LootContext$1 | |
f [I a field_13195 field_0_10526 | |
c bft$a net/minecraft/class_2782$class_2783 net/minecraft/loot/context/LootContext$Builder | |
f Loo; a field_13196 world | |
f F b field_13197 luck | |
f Lvg; c field_13198 field_0_10527 | |
f Laed; d field_13199 field_0_10528 | |
f Lur; e field_13200 field_0_10529 | |
m ()Lbft; a method_11994 method_0_9662 | |
m (F)Lbft$a; a method_11995 luck | |
m (Laed;)Lbft$a; a method_11998 method_0_9665 | |
m (Lur;)Lbft$a; a method_11996 method_0_9663 | |
m (Lvg;)Lbft$a; a method_11997 method_0_9664 | |
c bft$b net/minecraft/class_2782$class_2784 net/minecraft/loot/context/LootContext$EntityTarget | |
f Lbft$b; a field_13201 THIS | |
f Lbft$b; b field_13202 KILLER | |
f Lbft$b; c field_13203 KILLER_PLAYER | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_13204 type | |
f [Lbft$b; e field_13205 field_940 | |
m (Lbft$b;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_11999 method_316 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbft$b; a method_12000 fromString | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbft$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbft$b; values values values | |
c bft$b$a net/minecraft/class_2782$class_2784$class_2785 net/minecraft/loot/context/LootContext$EntityTarget$Serializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/stream/JsonReader;)Lbft$b; a method_12001 read | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/stream/JsonWriter;Lbft$b;)V a method_12002 write | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/stream/JsonReader;)Ljava/lang/Object; read read read | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/stream/JsonWriter;Ljava/lang/Object;)V write write write | |
c bfu net/minecraft/class_2786 net/minecraft/class_0_2351 | |
f Lnf; a field_13206 field_0_10997 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;II[Lbgl;)Lbfu; a method_12003 method_0_9810 | |
c bfv net/minecraft/class_2787 net/minecraft/loot/LootManager | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_13207 LOGGER | |
f Lcom/google/gson/Gson; b field_13208 GSON | |
f Lcom/google/common/cache/LoadingCache; c field_13209 field_0_10537 | |
f Ljava/io/File; d field_13210 field_0_10538 | |
m ()V a method_12004 method_0_9670 | |
m (Lbfv;)Ljava/io/File; a method_12005 method_0_9671 | |
m (Lnf;)Lbfs; a method_12006 getTable | |
m ()Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b method_12007 method_0_9673 | |
m ()Lcom/google/gson/Gson; c method_12008 method_0_9674 | |
c bfv$1 net/minecraft/class_2787$1 net/minecraft/loot/LootManager$1 | |
c bfv$a net/minecraft/class_2787$class_2788 net/minecraft/loot/LootManager$class_0_2304 | |
f Lbfv; a field_13211 field_0_10539 | |
m (Lnf;)Lbfs; a method_12009 load | |
m (Lnf;)Lbfs; b method_12010 method_0_9676 | |
m (Lnf;)Lbfs; c method_12011 method_0_9677 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; load load load | |
c bfw net/minecraft/class_2789 net/minecraft/loot/UniformLootTableRange | |
f F a field_13212 min | |
f F b field_13213 max | |
m ()F a method_12012 getMinValue | |
m (I)Z a method_12013 contains | |
m (Lbfw;)F a method_12014 method_379 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)I a method_12015 method_0_9679 | |
m ()F b method_12016 getMaxValue | |
m (Lbfw;)F b method_12017 method_375 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)F b method_12018 nextFloat | |
c bfw$a net/minecraft/class_2789$class_2790 net/minecraft/loot/UniformLootTableRange$Serializer | |
m (Lbfw;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; a method_12019 serialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbfw; a method_12020 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; serialize serialize serialize | |
c bfx net/minecraft/class_2791 net/minecraft/loot/function/EnchantRandomlyLootFunction | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_13214 LOGGER | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_13215 enchantments | |
m (Lbfx;)Ljava/util/List; a method_12021 method_487 | |
c bfx$a net/minecraft/class_2791$class_2792 net/minecraft/loot/function/EnchantRandomlyLootFunction$Serializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbfx;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12022 method_0_9691 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;[Lbgl;)Lbfx; a method_12023 method_0_9693 | |
c bfy net/minecraft/class_2793 net/minecraft/loot/function/EnchantWithLevelsLootFunction | |
f Lbfw; a field_13216 field_0_10542 | |
f Z b field_13217 treasureEnchantmentsAllowed | |
m (Lbfy;)Lbfw; a method_12024 method_480 | |
m (Lbfy;)Z b method_12025 method_482 | |
c bfy$a net/minecraft/class_2793$class_2794 net/minecraft/loot/function/EnchantWithLevelsLootFunction$Serializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbfy;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12026 method_0_9691 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;[Lbgl;)Lbfy; a method_12027 method_0_9693 | |
c bfz net/minecraft/class_2795 net/minecraft/class_0_2309 | |
f [Lbgl; a field_13218 field_0_10544 | |
m ()[Lbgl; a method_12028 method_0_9688 | |
m (Laip;Ljava/util/Random;Lbft;)Laip; a method_12029 method_522 | |
c bfz$a net/minecraft/class_2795$class_2796 net/minecraft/class_0_2309$class_81 | |
f Lnf; a field_13219 field_991 | |
f Ljava/lang/Class; b field_13220 field_992 | |
m ()Lnf; a method_12030 method_423 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbfz;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12031 method_0_9691 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Class; b method_12032 method_425 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;[Lbgl;)Lbfz; b method_12033 method_0_9693 | |
c bga net/minecraft/class_2797 net/minecraft/loot/function/LootFunctionTypes | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_13221 field_0_10547 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_13222 field_0_10548 | |
m (Lbfz$a;)V a method_12034 method_0_9694 | |
m (Lbfz;)Lbfz$a; a method_12035 method_0_9695 | |
m (Lnf;)Lbfz$a; a method_12036 method_0_9696 | |
c bga$a net/minecraft/class_2797$class_2798 net/minecraft/loot/function/LootFunctionTypes$Factory | |
m (Lbfz;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; a method_12037 serialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbfz; a method_12038 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; serialize serialize serialize | |
c bgb net/minecraft/class_2799 net/minecraft/loot/function/LootingEnchantLootFunction | |
f Lbfw; a field_13223 countRange | |
f I b field_14891 limit | |
m (Lbgb;)Lbfw; a method_12039 method_550 | |
m (Lbgb;)I b method_13402 method_546 | |
c bgb$a net/minecraft/class_2799$class_2800 net/minecraft/loot/function/LootingEnchantLootFunction$Serializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbgb;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12040 method_0_9691 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;[Lbgl;)Lbgb; a method_12041 method_0_9693 | |
c bgc net/minecraft/class_2801 net/minecraft/loot/function/SetAttributesLootFunction | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_13224 field_0_11014 | |
f [Lbgc$a; b field_13225 field_0_11015 | |
m (Lbgc;)[Lbgc$a; a method_12042 method_0_9827 | |
c bgc$a net/minecraft/class_2801$class_2802 net/minecraft/loot/function/SetAttributesLootFunction$Attribute | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_13226 name | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_13227 attribute | |
f I c field_13228 field_0_11018 | |
f Lbfw; d field_13229 amountRange | |
f Ljava/util/UUID; e field_13230 id | |
f [Lvl; f field_13231 slots | |
m (I)Ljava/lang/String; a method_12043 method_0_9828 | |
m (Lbgc$a;)Ljava/util/UUID; a method_12044 method_613 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbgc$a; a method_12045 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject; a method_12046 serialize | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)I a method_12047 method_0_9832 | |
m (Lbgc$a;)[Lvl; b method_12048 method_608 | |
m (Lbgc$a;)Ljava/lang/String; c method_12049 method_610 | |
m (Lbgc$a;)Ljava/lang/String; d method_12050 method_611 | |
m (Lbgc$a;)Lbfw; e method_12051 method_616 | |
m (Lbgc$a;)I f method_12052 method_607 | |
c bgc$b net/minecraft/class_2801$class_2803 net/minecraft/loot/function/SetAttributesLootFunction$Serializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbgc;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12053 method_0_9691 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;[Lbgl;)Lbgc; a method_12054 method_0_9693 | |
c bgd net/minecraft/class_2804 net/minecraft/loot/function/SetCountLootFunction | |
f Lbfw; a field_13232 field_0_10550 | |
m (Lbgd;)Lbfw; a method_12055 method_619 | |
c bgd$a net/minecraft/class_2804$class_2805 net/minecraft/loot/function/SetCountLootFunction$Serializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbgd;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12056 method_0_9691 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;[Lbgl;)Lbgd; a method_12057 method_0_9693 | |
c bge net/minecraft/class_2806 net/minecraft/loot/function/SetDamageLootFunction | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_13233 LOGGER | |
f Lbfw; b field_13234 durabilityRange | |
m (Lbge;)Lbfw; a method_12058 method_632 | |
c bge$a net/minecraft/class_2806$class_2807 net/minecraft/loot/function/SetDamageLootFunction$Serializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbge;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12059 method_0_9691 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;[Lbgl;)Lbge; a method_12060 method_0_9693 | |
c bgf net/minecraft/class_2808 net/minecraft/class_0_2317 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_13235 field_0_10551 | |
f Lbfw; b field_13236 field_0_10552 | |
m (Lbgf;)Lbfw; a method_12061 method_0_9705 | |
c bgf$a net/minecraft/class_2808$class_2809 net/minecraft/class_0_2317$class_0_2318 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbgf;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12062 method_0_9691 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;[Lbgl;)Lbgf; a method_12063 method_0_9693 | |
c bgg net/minecraft/class_2810 net/minecraft/loot/function/SetNbtLootFunction | |
f Lfy; a field_13237 nbt | |
m (Lbgg;)Lfy; a method_12064 method_676 | |
c bgg$a net/minecraft/class_2810$class_2811 net/minecraft/loot/function/SetNbtLootFunction$Serializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbgg;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12065 method_0_9691 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;[Lbgl;)Lbgg; a method_12066 method_0_9693 | |
c bgh net/minecraft/class_2812 net/minecraft/loot/function/FurnaceSmeltLootFunction | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_13238 LOGGER | |
c bgh$a net/minecraft/class_2812$class_2813 net/minecraft/loot/function/FurnaceSmeltLootFunction$Factory | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbgh;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12067 method_0_9691 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;[Lbgl;)Lbgh; a method_12068 method_0_9693 | |
c bgk net/minecraft/class_2814 net/minecraft/loot/condition/EntityScoresLootCondition | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_13239 scores | |
f Lbft$b; b field_13240 target | |
m (Lbgk;)Ljava/util/Map; a method_12069 method_866 | |
m (Lvg;Lbhk;Ljava/lang/String;Lbfw;)Z a method_12070 entityScoreIsInRange | |
m (Lbgk;)Lbft$b; b method_12071 method_863 | |
c bgk$a net/minecraft/class_2814$class_2815 net/minecraft/loot/condition/EntityScoresLootCondition$Serializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbgk;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12072 method_895 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbgk; a method_12073 method_896 | |
c bgl net/minecraft/class_2816 net/minecraft/class_0_2323 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;Lbft;)Z a method_12074 method_0_9713 | |
c bgl$a net/minecraft/class_2816$class_2817 net/minecraft/class_0_2323$class_211 | |
f Lnf; a field_13241 field_1284 | |
f Ljava/lang/Class; b field_13242 field_1285 | |
m ()Lnf; a method_12075 method_894 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbgl;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12076 method_895 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Class; b method_12077 method_897 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbgl; b method_12078 method_896 | |
c bgm net/minecraft/class_2818 net/minecraft/loot/condition/LootConditionTypes | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_13243 byId | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_13244 byClass | |
m (Lbgl$a;)V a method_12079 method_926 | |
m (Lbgl;)Lbgl$a; a method_12080 method_923 | |
m (Lnf;)Lbgl$a; a method_12081 method_922 | |
m ([Lbgl;Ljava/util/Random;Lbft;)Z a method_12082 method_0_9721 | |
c bgm$a net/minecraft/class_2818$class_2819 net/minecraft/loot/condition/LootConditionTypes$Factory | |
m (Lbgl;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; a method_12083 serialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbgl; a method_12084 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; serialize serialize serialize | |
c bgn net/minecraft/class_2820 net/minecraft/class_0_2327 | |
f [Lbgt; a field_13245 field_0_10559 | |
f Lbft$b; b field_13246 field_0_10560 | |
m (Lbgn;)[Lbgt; a method_12085 method_0_9724 | |
m (Lbgn;)Lbft$b; b method_12086 method_0_9725 | |
c bgn$a net/minecraft/class_2820$class_2821 net/minecraft/class_0_2327$class_216 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbgn;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12087 method_895 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbgn; a method_12088 method_896 | |
c bgo net/minecraft/class_2822 net/minecraft/class_0_2329 | |
f Z a field_13247 field_0_10561 | |
m (Lbgo;)Z a method_12089 method_0_9728 | |
c bgo$a net/minecraft/class_2822$class_2823 net/minecraft/class_0_2329$class_222 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbgo;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12090 method_895 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbgo; a method_12091 method_896 | |
c bgp net/minecraft/class_2824 net/minecraft/loot/condition/RandomChanceLootCondition | |
f F a field_13248 chance | |
m (Lbgp;)F a method_12092 method_935 | |
c bgp$a net/minecraft/class_2824$class_2825 net/minecraft/loot/condition/RandomChanceLootCondition$Serializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbgp;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12093 method_895 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbgp; a method_12094 method_896 | |
c bgq net/minecraft/class_2826 net/minecraft/loot/condition/RandomChanceWithLootingLootCondition | |
f F a field_13249 chance | |
f F b field_13250 lootingMultiplier | |
m (Lbgq;)F a method_12095 method_951 | |
m (Lbgq;)F b method_12096 method_954 | |
c bgq$a net/minecraft/class_2826$class_2827 net/minecraft/loot/condition/RandomChanceWithLootingLootCondition$Serializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lbgq;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)V a method_12097 method_895 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbgq; a method_12098 method_896 | |
c bgs net/minecraft/class_2828 net/minecraft/class_0_2335 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_13251 field_0_10565 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_13252 field_0_10566 | |
m (Lbgt$a;)V a method_12099 method_0_9738 | |
m (Lbgt;)Lbgt$a; a method_12100 method_0_9739 | |
m (Lnf;)Lbgt$a; a method_12101 method_0_9740 | |
c bgt net/minecraft/class_2829 net/minecraft/class_0_2336 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;Lvg;)Z a method_12102 method_0_9741 | |
c bgt$a net/minecraft/class_2829$class_2830 net/minecraft/class_0_2336$class_119 | |
f Lnf; a field_13253 field_1045 | |
f Ljava/lang/Class; b field_13254 field_1046 | |
m ()Lnf; a method_12103 method_518 | |
m (Lbgt;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; a method_12104 method_0_9743 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbgt; a method_12105 method_0_9744 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Class; b method_12106 method_519 | |
c bgu net/minecraft/class_2831 net/minecraft/class_0_2338 | |
f Z a field_13255 field_0_10569 | |
m (Lbgu;)Z a method_12107 method_0_9746 | |
c bgu$a net/minecraft/class_2831$class_2832 net/minecraft/class_0_2338$class_0_2339 | |
m (Lbgu;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; a method_12108 method_0_9743 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbgu; b method_12109 method_0_9744 | |
c bgx net/minecraft/class_107 net/minecraft/class_0_646 | |
f Lbgx; a field_266 field_0_2403 | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_267 field_0_2404 | |
f J c field_268 field_0_2405 | |
f J d field_269 field_0_2406 | |
f Z e field_270 field_0_2407 | |
m ()Lbgx; a method_9341 method_0_2046 | |
m (Lbgy;)V a method_274 method_0_2047 | |
p 1 callback | |
m ()V b method_273 method_0_2048 | |
m ()V c method_275 method_0_2049 | |
m ()V run run run | |
c bgy net/minecraft/class_108 net/minecraft/class_0_647 | |
m ()Z a method_276 method_12412 | |
c bh net/minecraft/class_928 net/minecraft/class_0_1546 | |
m (Lbn;Lbk;ILjava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V a method_2767 method_0_5634 | |
p 1 sender | |
p 2 command | |
p 3 permissionLevel | |
p 4 label | |
p 5 args | |
c bhb net/minecraft/class_231 net/minecraft/util/math/Box | |
f D a field_13256 minX | |
f D b field_13257 minY | |
f D c field_13258 minZ | |
f D d field_13259 maxX | |
f D e field_13260 maxY | |
f D f field_13261 maxZ | |
m (DDDDDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 minX | |
p 3 minY | |
p 5 minZ | |
p 7 maxX | |
p 9 maxY | |
p 11 maxZ | |
m (Lbhe;Lbhe;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 vec1 | |
p 2 vec2 | |
m (Let;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;Let;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 pos1 | |
p 2 pos2 | |
m ()D a method_586 getAverageSideLength | |
m (DDD)Lbhb; a method_13831 shrink | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (DDDDDD)Z a method_12110 intersects | |
p 1 minX | |
p 3 minY | |
p 5 minZ | |
p 7 maxX | |
p 9 maxY | |
p 11 maxZ | |
m (DLbhe;Lbhe;)Lbhe; a method_12111 method_0_9384 | |
m (Lbhb;)Lbhb; a method_13832 intersection | |
p 1 box | |
m (Lbhb;D)D a method_583 method_0_2055 | |
p 1 box | |
m (Lbhe;)Lbhb; a method_13833 offset | |
p 1 ved | |
m (Lbhe;Lbhe;)Z a method_13403 intersects | |
p 1 vec1 | |
p 2 vec2 | |
m (Lbhe;Lbhe;Lbhe;)Z a method_12112 method_0_9385 | |
m (Let;)Lbhb; a method_12113 offset | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()Z b method_9343 isValid | |
m (DDD)Lbhb; b method_580 stretch | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (DLbhe;Lbhe;)Lbhe; b method_12114 method_0_9387 | |
m (Lbhb;)Lbhb; b method_5556 union | |
p 1 box | |
m (Lbhb;D)D b method_589 method_0_2061 | |
p 1 box | |
m (Lbhe;)Z b method_584 contains | |
p 1 vec | |
m (Lbhe;Lbhe;)Lbhc; b method_585 method_1004 | |
p 1 vec1 | |
p 2 vec2 | |
m ()Lbhe; c method_13404 getCenter | |
m (DDD)Lbhb; c method_587 expand | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (DLbhe;Lbhe;)Lbhe; c method_12117 method_0_9388 | |
m (Lbhb;)Z c method_12115 intersects | |
p 1 box | |
m (Lbhb;D)D c method_594 method_0_2064 | |
p 1 box | |
m (Lbhe;)Z c method_12116 method_0_2062 | |
p 1 vec | |
m (DDD)Lbhb; d method_596 offset | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (Lbhe;)Z d method_12118 method_0_2065 | |
p 1 vec | |
m (D)Lbhb; e method_12120 method_0_9463 | |
p 1 maxY | |
m (Lbhe;)Z e method_12119 method_0_2067 | |
p 1 vec | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
p 1 other | |
m (D)Lbhb; g method_12121 expand | |
p 1 value | |
m (D)Lbhb; h method_12122 contract | |
p 1 value | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bhc net/minecraft/class_234 net/minecraft/util/hit/HitResult | |
f Lbhc$a; a field_595 field_1330 | |
f Lfa; b field_10268 field_1327 | |
f Lbhe; c field_600 pos | |
f Lvg; d field_601 field_1326 | |
f Let; e field_10269 field_1328 | |
m (IIIILbhe;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 side | |
p 5 vec | |
m (IIIILbhe;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 5 vec | |
m (Lbhc$a;Lbhe;Lfa;Let;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 hitType | |
p 2 vec | |
p 3 direction | |
p 4 pos | |
m (Lbhe;Lfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 vec | |
p 2 direction | |
m (Lbhe;Lfa;Let;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 vec | |
p 2 direction | |
p 3 pos | |
m (Lvg;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Lvg;Lbhe;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 pos | |
m ()Let; a method_9344 method_1015 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bhc$a net/minecraft/class_234$class_235 net/minecraft/util/hit/HitResult$Type | |
f Lbhc$a; a field_7608 MISS | |
f Lbhc$a; b field_7609 BLOCK | |
f Lbhc$a; c field_603 ENTITY | |
f [Lbhc$a; d field_604 field_1334 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbhc$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbhc$a; values values values | |
c bhd net/minecraft/class_3019 net/minecraft/util/math/Vec2f | |
f Lbhd; a field_14892 ZERO | |
f Lbhd; b field_14893 SOUTH_EAST_UNIT | |
f Lbhd; c field_14894 EAST_UNIT | |
f Lbhd; d field_14895 WEST_UNIT | |
f Lbhd; e field_14896 SOUTH_UNIT | |
f Lbhd; f field_14897 NORTH_UNIT | |
f Lbhd; g field_14898 MAX_SOUTH_EAST | |
f Lbhd; h field_14899 MIN_SOUTH_EAST | |
f F i field_14900 x | |
f F j field_14901 y | |
m (FF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
c bhe net/minecraft/class_236 net/minecraft/util/math/Vec3d | |
f Lbhe; a field_13262 ZERO | |
f D b field_605 x | |
f D c field_606 y | |
f D d field_607 z | |
m (DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (Lfq;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 vec | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/class_238;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 pool | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m ()Lbhe; a method_607 normalize | |
m (D)Lbhe; a method_12123 multiply | |
p 1 value | |
m (DDD)Lbhe; a method_9345 subtract | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (F)Lbhe; a method_9346 rotateX | |
p 1 degrees | |
m (FF)Lbhe; a method_13405 fromPolar | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 y | |
m (Lbhd;)Lbhe; a method_13406 fromPolar | |
p 0 polar | |
m (Lbhe;)Lbhe; a method_6610 relativize | |
p 1 vec | |
m (Lbhe;D)Lbhe; a method_12124 method_0_2073 | |
m ()D b method_612 length | |
m (DDD)Lbhe; b method_6611 add | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (F)Lbhe; b method_9347 rotateY | |
p 1 degrees | |
m (Lbhe;)D b method_610 dotProduct | |
p 1 vec | |
m (Lbhe;D)Lbhe; b method_12125 method_0_2078 | |
m ()D c method_13407 lengthSquared | |
m (DDD)D c method_12126 squaredDistanceTo | |
m (Lbhe;)Lbhe; c method_6612 crossProduct | |
p 1 vec | |
m (Lbhe;D)Lbhe; c method_12127 method_0_2080 | |
m (Lbhe;)Lbhe; d method_9348 subtract | |
p 1 vec | |
m (Lbhe;)Lbhe; e method_9349 add | |
p 1 vec | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
m (Lbhe;)D f method_618 distanceTo | |
p 1 vec | |
m (Lbhe;)D g method_620 squaredDistanceTo | |
p 1 vec | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bhg net/minecraft/class_1467 net/minecraft/scoreboard/ScoreboardObjective | |
f Lbhk; a field_5671 scoreboard | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_5672 name | |
f Lbhq; c field_5673 criterion | |
f Lbhq$a; d field_10270 field_0_2429 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_5674 field_1402 | |
m (Lbhk;Ljava/lang/String;Lbhq;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 scoreboard | |
p 2 name | |
p 3 criteria | |
m ()Lbhk; a method_4845 getScoreboard | |
m (Lbhq$a;)V a method_9350 method_0_2086 | |
p 1 renderType | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_4846 method_0_2087 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_4847 getName | |
m ()Lbhq; c method_4848 getCriterion | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_4849 method_1114 | |
m ()Lbhq$a; e method_9351 method_0_2091 | |
c bhh net/minecraft/class_1468 net/minecraft/scoreboard/Team | |
f Lbhk; a field_5675 scoreboard | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_5676 name | |
f Ljava/util/Set; c field_5677 playerList | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_5678 field_1414 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_5679 field_0_2435 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_5680 field_0_2436 | |
f Z g field_5681 friendlyFire | |
f Z h field_5682 showFriendlyInvisibles | |
f Lbhm$b; i field_10271 nameTagVisibilityRule | |
f Lbhm$b; j field_10272 deathMessageVisibilityRule | |
f La; k field_10273 color | |
f Lbhm$a; l field_13263 collisionRule | |
m (Lbhk;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 scoreboard | |
p 2 name | |
m (I)V a method_4850 setFriendlyFlagsBitwise | |
p 1 bit | |
m (La;)V a method_9352 setColor | |
p 1 formatting | |
m (Lbhm$a;)V a method_9353 setCollisionRule | |
m (Lbhm$b;)V a method_12128 setNameTagVisibilityRule | |
m (Lbhm;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_5565 method_1142 | |
p 0 team | |
p 1 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_4852 method_1137 | |
p 1 displayName | |
m (Z)V a method_4853 setShowFriendlyInvisibles | |
p 1 friendlyFire | |
m (Lbhm$b;)V b method_9354 setDeathMessageVisibilityRule | |
p 1 rule | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V b method_4855 method_0_2099 | |
p 1 prefix | |
m (Z)V b method_4856 setFriendlyFireAllowed | |
p 1 showFriendlyInvisible | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_4857 method_1140 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V c method_4858 method_0_2102 | |
p 1 suffix | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; e method_4860 method_0_2103 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; f method_4861 method_0_2104 | |
m ()I l method_4864 getFriendlyFlagsBitwise | |
m ()Ljava/util/Collection; method_4859 method_4859 getPlayerList | |
c bhi net/minecraft/class_1469 net/minecraft/scoreboard/ScoreboardPlayerScore | |
f Ljava/util/Comparator; a field_5683 COMPARATOR | |
f Lbhk; b field_5684 scoreboard | |
f Lbhg; c field_5685 objective | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_5686 playerName | |
f I e field_5687 score | |
f Z f field_10274 locked | |
f Z g field_10275 forceUpdate | |
m ()V a method_4865 incrementScore | |
m (I)V a method_4866 incrementScore | |
m (Z)V a method_9356 setLocked | |
p 1 locked | |
m (I)V b method_4868 method_0_2111 | |
m ()I c method_4869 getScore | |
m (I)V c method_4870 setScore | |
p 1 score | |
m ()Lbhg; d method_4871 getObjective | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; e method_4872 getPlayerName | |
m ()Lbhk; f method_4873 getScoreboard | |
m ()Z g method_9357 isLocked | |
c bhi$1 net/minecraft/class_1469$1 net/minecraft/scoreboard/ScoreboardPlayerScore$1 | |
m (Lbhi;Lbhi;)I a method_4874 compare | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I compare compare compare | |
c bhk net/minecraft/class_1471 net/minecraft/scoreboard/Scoreboard | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_5688 objectives | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_5689 objectivesByCriterion | |
f Ljava/util/Map; c field_5690 playerObjectives | |
f [Lbhg; d field_5691 objectiveSlots | |
f Ljava/util/Map; e field_5692 teams | |
f Ljava/util/Map; f field_5693 teamsByPlayer | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; g field_10276 displaySlotNames | |
m (I)Lbhg; a method_4875 getObjectiveForSlot | |
m (ILbhg;)V a method_4876 setObjectiveSlot | |
p 1 slot | |
p 2 objective | |
m (Lbhg;)V a method_4877 updateObjective | |
p 1 objective | |
m (Lbhh;)V a method_4878 updateScoreboardTeamAndPlayers | |
p 1 team | |
m (Lbhi;)V a method_4879 updateScore | |
p 1 score | |
m (Lbhq;)Ljava/util/Collection; a method_4880 method_0_2124 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_4881 updatePlayerScore | |
p 1 playerName | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lbhg;)V a method_9358 updatePlayerScore | |
p 1 playerName | |
p 2 objective | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lbhh;)V a method_4889 removePlayerFromTeam | |
p 1 playerName | |
p 2 team | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lbhq;)Lbhg; a method_4884 method_1168 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z a method_6614 method_1172 | |
m (Lvg;)V a method_9359 resetEntityScore | |
p 1 entity | |
m (I)Ljava/lang/String; b method_4885 getDisplaySlotName | |
p 0 slotId | |
m (Lbhg;)V b method_4886 method_0_2132 | |
p 1 objective | |
m (Lbhh;)V b method_4887 updateScoreboardTeam | |
p 1 team | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbhg; b method_4888 getNullableObjective | |
p 1 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lbhg;)Z b method_9360 playerHasObjective | |
p 1 playerName | |
p 2 objective | |
m ()Ljava/util/Collection; c method_4890 getObjectives | |
m (Lbhg;)V c method_4891 updateRemovedObjective | |
p 1 objective | |
m (Lbhh;)V c method_4892 updateRemovedTeam | |
p 1 team | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Map; c method_4896 getPlayerObjectives | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lbhg;)Lbhi; c method_4882 getPlayerScore | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 objective | |
m ()Ljava/util/Collection; d method_4894 getKnownPlayers | |
m (Lbhh;)V d method_4895 removeTeam | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbhh; d method_4898 getTeam | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lbhg;)V d method_9361 resetPlayerScore | |
p 1 playerName | |
p 2 objective | |
m ()Ljava/util/Collection; e method_4897 method_0_2145 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbhh; e method_4900 addTeam | |
m ()Ljava/util/Collection; f method_4899 getTeamNames | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z f method_4902 clearPlayerTeam | |
m ()Ljava/util/Collection; g method_4901 getTeams | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbhh; g method_4904 getPlayerTeam | |
m ()[Ljava/lang/String; h method_9362 getDisplaySlotNames | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)I h method_4905 getDisplaySlotId | |
p 0 slotName | |
m (Lbhg;)Ljava/util/Collection; i method_4903 getAllPlayerScores | |
p 1 objective | |
m (Lbhg;)V k method_4906 removeObjective | |
p 1 objective | |
c bhl net/minecraft/class_1472 net/minecraft/scoreboard/ScoreboardState | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b field_7611 LOGGER | |
f Lbhk; c field_5694 scoreboard | |
f Lfy; d field_5695 tag | |
m ()Lge; a method_4907 teamsToNbt | |
m (Lbhh;Lge;)V a method_4908 readTeamPlayersNbt | |
p 1 team | |
m (Lbhk;)V a method_4909 setScoreboard | |
m (Lge;)V a method_4910 readTeamsNbt | |
m ()Lge; b method_4911 objectivesToNbt | |
m (Lge;)V b method_4912 readObjectivesNbt | |
m (Lfy;)V c method_4913 readDisplaySlotsNbt | |
m (Lge;)V c method_4914 method_0_2162 | |
m (Lfy;)V d method_4915 writeDisplaySlotsNbt | |
m ()Lge; e method_4916 method_0_2164 | |
c bhm net/minecraft/class_1599 net/minecraft/scoreboard/AbstractTeam | |
m (Lbhm;)Z a method_5566 isEqual | |
p 1 team | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_4854 getName | |
m ()Ljava/util/Collection; d method_4859 getPlayerList | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; d method_5567 method_1198 | |
p 1 name | |
m ()Z g method_4862 isFriendlyFireAllowed | |
m ()Z h method_4863 shouldShowFriendlyInvisibles | |
m ()Lbhm$b; i method_9363 getNameTagVisibilityRule | |
m ()Lbhm$b; j method_9364 getDeathMessageVisibilityRule | |
m ()Lbhm$a; k method_12129 getCollisionRule | |
m ()La; m method_12130 getColor | |
c bhm$a net/minecraft/class_1599$class_2833 net/minecraft/scoreboard/AbstractTeam$CollisionRule | |
f Lbhm$a; a field_13264 ALWAYS | |
f Lbhm$a; b field_13265 NEVER | |
f Lbhm$a; c field_13266 HIDE_FOR_OTHER_TEAMS | |
f Lbhm$a; d field_13267 HIDE_FOR_OWN_TEAM | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_13268 name | |
f I f field_13269 value | |
f Ljava/util/Map; g field_13270 COLLISION_RULES | |
f [Lbhm$a; h field_13271 field_1439 | |
m ()[Ljava/lang/String; a method_12131 method_0_9314 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbhm$a; a method_12132 getRule | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbhm$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbhm$a; values values values | |
c bhm$b net/minecraft/class_1599$class_2290 net/minecraft/scoreboard/AbstractTeam$VisibilityRule | |
f Lbhm$b; a field_10277 ALWAYS | |
f Lbhm$b; b field_10278 NEVER | |
f Lbhm$b; c field_10279 HIDE_FOR_OTHER_TEAMS | |
f Lbhm$b; d field_10280 HIDE_FOR_OWN_TEAM | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_10281 name | |
f I f field_10282 value | |
f Ljava/util/Map; g field_10283 VISIBILITY_RULES | |
f [Lbhm$b; h field_10284 field_1448 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
p 4 id | |
m ()[Ljava/lang/String; a method_9365 method_0_2173 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbhm$b; a method_9366 getRule | |
p 0 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbhm$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbhm$b; values values values | |
c bhn net/minecraft/class_2291 net/minecraft/class_0_659 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; o field_10285 field_0_2467 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;La;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 name | |
p 2 formatting | |
c bho net/minecraft/class_1473 net/minecraft/class_0_660 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; o field_5696 field_0_2468 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 stringame | |
c bhp net/minecraft/class_1474 net/minecraft/class_0_661 | |
c bhq net/minecraft/class_1475 net/minecraft/scoreboard/ScoreboardCriterion | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_5697 CRITERIA | |
f Lbhq; b field_5698 field_1468 | |
f Lbhq; c field_10286 field_1462 | |
f Lbhq; d field_5699 field_1456 | |
f Lbhq; e field_5700 field_1463 | |
f Lbhq; f field_5701 field_1457 | |
f Lbhq; g field_5702 field_1453 | |
f Lbhq; h field_13272 field_1464 | |
f Lbhq; i field_13273 field_1459 | |
f Lbhq; j field_13274 field_1452 | |
f Lbhq; k field_13275 field_1460 | |
f Lbhq; l field_13276 field_1465 | |
f [Lbhq; m field_10287 TEAM_KILLS | |
f [Lbhq; n field_10288 KILLED_BY_TEAMS | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4917 getName | |
m ()Z b method_4919 isReadOnly | |
m ()Lbhq$a; c method_9367 getDefaultRenderType | |
c bhq$a net/minecraft/class_1475$class_2292 net/minecraft/scoreboard/ScoreboardCriterion$RenderType | |
f Lbhq$a; a field_10289 INTEGER | |
f Lbhq$a; b field_10290 HEARTS | |
f Ljava/util/Map; c field_10291 field_0_2480 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_10292 field_0_2481 | |
f [Lbhq$a; e field_10293 field_1473 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_9368 method_0_2179 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbhq$a; a method_9369 method_0_2180 | |
p 0 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbhq$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbhq$a; values values values | |
c bhr net/minecraft/class_2834 net/minecraft/class_0_2189 | |
c bhs net/minecraft/class_1790 net/minecraft/class_0_664 | |
f Lqo; o field_7612 field_0_2483 | |
m (Lqo;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 stat | |
c bhv net/minecraft/class_321 net/minecraft/class_295 | |
f Ljava/nio/IntBuffer; a field_895 field_0_2484 | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; b field_896 field_0_2485 | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; c field_897 field_0_2486 | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; d field_898 field_0_2487 | |
f Lbhe; e field_10294 field_1610 | |
f F f field_890 field_1608 | |
f F g field_891 field_1607 | |
f F h field_892 field_1606 | |
f F i field_893 field_1605 | |
f F j field_894 field_1611 | |
m (Laed;Z)V a method_804 method_1373 | |
p 0 player | |
m (Lamu;Lvg;F)Lawt; a method_9371 method_1376 | |
m (Lvg;D)Lbhe; a method_9372 method_1379 | |
p 0 entity | |
p 1 delta | |
m ()F b method_9373 method_1375 | |
m ()F c method_9374 method_1377 | |
m ()F d method_9375 method_1380 | |
m ()F e method_9376 method_1381 | |
m ()F f method_9377 method_1378 | |
c bhw net/minecraft/class_3251 net/minecraft/client/option/HotbarStorage | |
f Lbib; a field_15862 field_0_12116 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b field_15863 LOGGER | |
f Ljava/io/File; c field_15864 file | |
f [Lbuf; d field_15865 entries | |
m ()V a method_14449 load | |
m (I)Lbuf; a method_14450 getSavedHotbar | |
m ()V b method_14451 save | |
c bhx net/minecraft/class_326 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/ChatHudLine | |
f I a field_901 creationTick | |
f Lhh; b field_7613 text | |
f I c field_903 id | |
m (ILhh;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 creationTick | |
p 2 text | |
p 3 id | |
m ()Lhh; a method_6615 getText | |
m ()I b method_835 getCreationTick | |
m ()I c method_836 getId | |
c bhy net/minecraft/class_327 net/minecraft/client/option/KeyBinding | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_15866 KEYS_BY_ID | |
f Lrg; b field_905 field_1658 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; c field_7614 KEY_CATEGORIES | |
f Ljava/util/Map; d field_15867 CATEGORY_ORDER_MAP | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_906 translationKey | |
f I f field_7615 field_1654 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_7616 category | |
f I h field_907 field_1655 | |
f Z i field_908 pressed | |
f I j field_909 timesPressed | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 translationKey | |
p 2 code | |
p 3 category | |
m ()V a method_12137 updatePressedStates | |
m (I)V a method_838 method_1420 | |
p 0 keyCode | |
m (IZ)V a method_839 method_1416 | |
p 0 keyCode | |
p 1 pressed | |
m (Lbhy;)I a method_6616 compareTo | |
m ()V b method_837 unpressAll | |
m (I)V b method_6617 method_1422 | |
p 1 code | |
m (Lbhy;)Ljava/lang/String; b method_14452 method_1435 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/function/Supplier; b method_14453 getLocalizedName | |
m ()V c method_840 updateKeysByCode | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; c method_14454 method_1432 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)I compareTo compareTo compareTo | |
p 1 other | |
m ()Ljava/util/Set; d method_6618 method_0_2199 | |
m ()Z e method_6619 isPressed | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; f method_6620 getCategory | |
m ()Z g method_841 wasPressed | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; h method_6621 getTranslationKey | |
m ()I i method_6622 method_1429 | |
m ()I j method_6623 method_1421 | |
m ()V k method_842 reset | |
c bhz net/minecraft/class_328 net/minecraft/client/render/DiffuseLighting | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; a field_910 buffer | |
f Lbhe; b field_5040 field_1677 | |
f Lbhe; c field_5041 field_1676 | |
m ()V a method_843 disable | |
m (DDDD)Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; a method_844 method_1449 | |
m (FFFF)Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; a method_845 singletonBuffer | |
m ()V b method_846 enable | |
m ()V c method_847 enableForItems | |
c bi net/minecraft/class_955 net/minecraft/class_0_1581 | |
f Lbh; a field_3733 field_0_6451 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Splitter; b field_15351 field_0_11714 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Splitter; c field_15352 field_0_11715 | |
m ()I a method_4634 method_0_5757 | |
m (DLjava/lang/String;IIZ)Lbi$a; a method_10699 method_0_5758 | |
p 2 value | |
p 3 min | |
p 4 max | |
m (DLjava/lang/String;Z)Lbi$a; a method_10700 method_0_5759 | |
p 2 value | |
m (Laow;Ljava/lang/String;)Lawt; a method_13901 method_0_10488 | |
m (Lawt;Laxj;Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Lawt; a method_13902 method_0_10489 | |
m (Laxj;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Comparable; a method_13903 method_0_10490 | |
m (Lbh;)V a method_2884 method_0_5760 | |
p 0 provider | |
m (Lbk;)I a method_2885 compareTo | |
m (Lbn;)Loq; a method_4638 method_0_5785 | |
p 0 source | |
m (Lbn;Lbk;ILjava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V a method_2886 method_0_5773 | |
p 0 source | |
p 1 command | |
p 2 permissionLevel | |
p 3 label | |
p 4 args | |
m (Lbn;Lbk;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V a method_2890 method_0_5774 | |
p 0 source | |
p 1 command | |
p 2 label | |
p 3 args | |
m (Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;)Lain; a method_8409 method_0_5794 | |
p 0 source | |
p 1 identifier | |
m (Lbn;[Ljava/lang/String;I)Lhh; a method_4635 method_0_5775 | |
p 0 source | |
m (Lbn;[Ljava/lang/String;IZ)Let; a method_10705 method_0_5776 | |
p 0 source | |
p 1 args | |
p 2 permissionLevel | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonParseException;)Lem; a method_12701 method_0_8929 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)I a method_10701 method_0_5761 | |
p 0 value | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;D)D a method_6334 method_0_5762 | |
p 0 value | |
p 1 min | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;DD)D a method_6335 method_0_5763 | |
p 0 value | |
p 1 min | |
p 3 max | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)I a method_2888 method_0_5764 | |
p 0 value | |
p 1 min | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;II)I a method_2889 method_0_5765 | |
p 0 value | |
p 1 min | |
p 2 max | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;JJ)J a method_10702 method_0_5766 | |
p 0 value | |
p 1 min | |
p 3 max | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z a method_2883 method_0_5767 | |
m (Ljava/util/Collection;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_5467 method_0_5768 | |
p 0 strings | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)Lhh; a method_10703 method_0_5769 | |
p 0 texts | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List; a method_14455 method_0_11886 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)Lvg; a method_12702 method_0_5772 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Loq;Ljava/lang/String;)Loq; a method_14456 method_0_5771 | |
m (Lvg;)Lfy; a method_12703 method_0_8949 | |
p 0 entity | |
m ([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_2891 method_0_5777 | |
p 0 args | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String; a method_10706 method_0_5778 | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;ILet;)Ljava/util/List; a method_10707 method_0_5779 | |
p 2 pos | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Collection;)Ljava/util/List; a method_10708 method_0_5780 | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List; a method_2894 method_0_5781 | |
m (DLjava/lang/String;IIZ)D b method_6333 method_0_5782 | |
p 2 value | |
p 3 min | |
p 4 max | |
m (DLjava/lang/String;Z)D b method_10709 method_0_5783 | |
p 2 value | |
m (Laow;Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; b method_13904 method_0_10491 | |
m (Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;)Laow; b method_8410 method_0_5795 | |
p 0 source | |
p 1 identifier | |
m (Lbn;[Ljava/lang/String;IZ)Lhh; b method_8406 method_0_5787 | |
p 0 source | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)J b method_10710 method_0_5784 | |
p 0 value | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;)Loq; b method_4639 method_0_11887 | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;ILet;)Ljava/util/List; b method_10712 method_0_5788 | |
p 2 pos | |
m (Laow;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Map; c method_13905 method_0_10492 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)D c method_4637 method_0_5789 | |
p 0 value | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;)Lvg; c method_10711 method_0_5786 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)I compareTo compareTo compareTo | |
p 1 command | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z d method_6337 method_0_5791 | |
p 0 value | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List; d method_12704 method_0_5790 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; e method_12705 method_0_5792 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; f method_12706 method_0_5793 | |
c bi$1 net/minecraft/class_955$1 net/minecraft/class_0_1581$1 | |
f I a field_15353 field_0_11716 | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_13906 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bi$2 net/minecraft/class_955$2 net/minecraft/class_0_1581$2 | |
f Laow; a field_15354 field_0_11717 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15355 field_0_11718 | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_13907 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bi$a net/minecraft/class_955$class_2588 net/minecraft/class_0_1581$class_0_1582 | |
f D a field_11695 field_0_6452 | |
f D b field_11696 field_0_6453 | |
f Z c field_11697 field_0_6454 | |
m (DDZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 result | |
p 3 amount | |
p 5 relative | |
m ()D a method_10715 method_0_5796 | |
m ()D b method_10716 method_0_5797 | |
m ()Z c method_10717 method_0_5798 | |
c bia net/minecraft/class_329 net/minecraft/client/util/GlAllocationUtils | |
m (I)I a method_849 genLists | |
m (II)V a method_9378 deleteLists | |
m (I)V b method_851 deleteSingletonList | |
m (I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; c method_852 allocateByteBuffer | |
p 0 size | |
m (I)Ljava/nio/IntBuffer; f method_853 method_0_2216 | |
p 0 size | |
m (I)Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; h method_854 allocateFloatBuffer | |
p 0 size | |
c bib net/minecraft/class_1600 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient | |
f J A field_10312 field_0_2603 | |
f Lrl; B field_3767 field_1716 | |
f Z C field_3768 running | |
f Ljava/lang/String; D field_3769 fpsDebugString | |
f Z H field_10298 chunkCullingEnabled | |
f J I field_3772 field_0_2518 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; J field_7617 LOGGER | |
f Lnf; K field_6265 field_0_2520 | |
f Ljava/util/List; L field_6266 field_0_2521 | |
f Ljava/io/File; M field_6267 field_0_2522 | |
f Lcom/mojang/authlib/properties/PropertyMap; N field_10299 field_0_2523 | |
f Lcom/mojang/authlib/properties/PropertyMap; O field_10300 sessionPropertyMap | |
f Lbse; P field_3773 currentServerEntry | |
f Lcdr; Q field_6268 textureManager | |
f Lbib; R field_3774 instance | |
f Lry; S field_13277 field_1768 | |
f Z T field_3775 field_0_2528 | |
f Z U field_10301 field_0_2529 | |
f Z V field_3776 crashed | |
f Lb; W field_3777 crashReport | |
f Z X field_10302 connectedToRealms | |
f Lbih; Y field_3778 renderTickCounter | |
f Lul; Z field_3779 snooper | |
f Z a field_6269 IS_SYSTEM_MAC | |
f J aA field_5356 field_0_2575 | |
f Lcen; aB field_6273 resourceManager | |
f Lcfg; aC field_6274 field_0_2577 | |
f Ljava/util/List; aD field_6275 field_0_2578 | |
f Lceg; aE field_6276 field_0_2535 | |
f Lceu; aF field_6277 field_0_2536 | |
f Lcfa; aG field_6278 languageManager | |
f Lbik; aH field_13278 blockColors | |
f Lbin; aI field_13279 itemColors | |
f Lbvd; aJ field_7624 framebuffer | |
f Lcdp; aK field_7625 spriteAtlas | |
f Lcho; aL field_7626 soundManager | |
f Lchl; aM field_7627 musicTracker | |
f Lnf; aN field_7628 field_0_2543 | |
f Lcom/mojang/authlib/minecraft/MinecraftSessionService; aO field_7629 sessionService | |
f Lcex; aP field_7619 skinProvider | |
f Ljava/util/Queue; aQ field_7620 field_0_2546 | |
f Ljava/lang/Thread; aR field_7621 thread | |
f Lcgc; aS field_10304 bakedModelManager | |
f Lbvm; aT field_10305 blockRenderManager | |
f Lbkc; aU field_15868 toastManager | |
f J aV field_3770 field_0_2516 | |
f I aW field_3771 fpsCounter | |
f Z aX field_13280 field_0_10570 | |
f Lchz; aY field_15869 tutorialManager | |
f Ljava/lang/String; aZ field_3799 openProfilerSection | |
f Lbzf; aa field_10306 entityRenderDispatcher | |
f Lbzw; ab field_10307 itemRenderer | |
f Lbuu; ac field_10308 heldItemRenderer | |
f Lvg; ad field_10309 cameraEntity | |
f Lcgx; ae field_15870 searchManager | |
f Lbii; af field_3808 session | |
f Z ag field_3812 paused | |
f F ah field_15871 pausedTickDelta | |
f I ai field_3781 attackCooldown | |
f I aj field_3782 field_0_2559 | |
f I ak field_3783 field_0_2560 | |
f Lchd; al field_3784 server | |
f Ljava/io/File; am field_6270 assetDirectory | |
f Ljava/lang/String; an field_6271 gameVersion | |
f Ljava/lang/String; ao field_13281 versionType | |
f Ljava/net/Proxy; ap field_6272 networkProxy | |
f Lbfg; aq field_3786 levelStorage | |
f I ar field_3787 currentFps | |
f I as field_3788 itemUseCooldown | |
f Ljava/lang/String; at field_3790 autoConnectServerIp | |
f I au field_3791 autoConnectServerPort | |
f I av field_3794 field_1736 | |
f Z aw field_7622 is64Bit | |
f Z ax field_3795 isDemo | |
f Lgw; ay field_3796 integratedServerConnection | |
f Z az field_3797 integratedServerRunning | |
f [B b field_3785 memoryReservedForCrash | |
f Lbsa; c field_3800 interactionManager | |
f I d field_3801 field_0_2581 | |
f I e field_3802 field_0_2582 | |
f Lbsb; f field_3803 world | |
f Lbuy; g field_3804 worldRenderer | |
f Lbud; h field_10310 player | |
f Lvg; i field_7630 targetedEntity | |
f Lbtg; j field_3807 particleManager | |
f Lbip; k field_3814 field_1772 | |
f Lbip; l field_3815 field_1708 | |
f Lblk; m field_3816 currentScreen | |
f Lbie; n field_3817 field_0_2591 | |
f Lbuq; o field_3818 gameRenderer | |
f Lbyg; p field_13282 debugRenderer | |
f Lbiq; q field_3820 inGameHud | |
f Z r field_3821 skipGameRender | |
f Lbhc; s field_3822 crosshairTarget | |
f Lbid; t field_3823 options | |
f Lbhw; u field_15872 creativeHotbarStorage | |
f Lbic; v field_3760 field_0_2598 | |
f Ljava/io/File; w field_3762 runDirectory | |
f Z x field_3765 field_0_2600 | |
f J y field_3766 field_0_2601 | |
f Lrb; z field_10311 metricsData | |
m (Lbii;IIZZLjava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;Ljava/net/Proxy;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 session | |
p 2 width | |
p 3 height | |
p 4 windowFocused | |
p 5 demo | |
p 6 runDirectory | |
p 7 assetDirectory | |
p 8 resourcePackDir | |
p 9 networkProxy | |
p 10 gameVersion | |
m (Lboz;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 args | |
m ()Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/ListenableFuture; A method_9379 method_0_2219 | |
m ()I B method_2920 getMaxTextureSize | |
m ()Lbse; C method_6625 getCurrentServerEntry | |
m ()Z D method_2907 isInSingleplayer | |
m ()Z E method_2908 isIntegratedServerRunning | |
m ()Lchd; F method_2909 getServer | |
m ()V G method_2910 method_1533 | |
m ()Lul; H method_2911 getSnooper | |
m ()J I method_2912 method_0_2227 | |
m ()Z J method_2913 isWindowFocused | |
m ()Lbii; K method_5568 getSession | |
m ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/properties/PropertyMap; L method_9381 getSessionProperties | |
m ()Ljava/net/Proxy; M method_5569 getNetworkProxy | |
m ()Lcdr; N method_5570 getTextureManager | |
m ()Lcep; O method_5571 getResourceManager | |
m ()Lceu; P method_5572 getServerResourcePackProvider | |
m ()Lcfa; Q method_5573 getLanguageManager | |
m ()Lcdp; R method_6627 getSpriteAtlas | |
m ()Z S method_6628 is64Bit | |
m ()Z T method_6629 isPaused | |
m ()Lcho; U method_6630 getSoundManager | |
m ()Lchl$a; V method_6631 getMusicType | |
m ()V W method_6639 method_0_2243 | |
m ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/minecraft/MinecraftSessionService; X method_6641 getSessionService | |
m ()Lcex; Y method_6642 getSkinProvider | |
m ()V a method_5580 run | |
m (I)V a method_2922 method_1585 | |
m (II)V a method_2923 method_0_2246 | |
m (IIIIIIIIII)V a method_9382 method_1501 | |
m (J)V a method_2926 method_1492 | |
m (Laip;)Ljava/lang/Iterable; a method_14457 method_0_12034 | |
m (Laip;Lavj;)Laip; a method_12138 addBlockEntityNbt | |
m (Lakt;)Lnf; a method_14458 method_1556 | |
m (Lb;)V a method_2927 setCrashReportSupplierAndAddDetails | |
p 1 crashReport | |
m (Lbib;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_5577 method_0_2249 | |
m (Lblk;)V a method_2928 setScreen | |
p 1 screen | |
m (Lbns;)Ljava/lang/Iterable; a method_14459 method_0_12036 | |
m (Lbsb;)V a method_2929 method_1550 | |
p 1 world | |
m (Lbsb;Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_2930 method_0_2253 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 loadingMessage | |
m (Lbse;)V a method_2931 setCurrentServerEntry | |
p 1 info | |
m (Lcdr;)V a method_9383 method_0_2255 | |
p 1 textureManager | |
m (Lcgx$a;)Lcgy; a method_14460 method_0_12037 | |
m (Ljava/io/InputStream;)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; a method_6634 method_0_2256 | |
p 1 stream | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_2946 method_0_2291 | |
p 1 message | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lamx;)V a method_6636 startIntegratedServer | |
p 1 worldName | |
p 3 levelInfo | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V a method_12139 method_0_9749 | |
m (Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;)Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/ListenableFuture; a method_6637 method_0_2258 | |
m (Lvg;)V a method_9384 setCameraEntity | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Z)V a method_9386 setConnectedToRealms | |
p 1 connectedToRealms | |
m ()V aA method_6644 doAttack | |
m ()V aB method_6645 doItemUse | |
m ()V aC method_6646 method_0_2284 | |
m ()V aD method_12145 method_0_9750 | |
m ()V aE method_12140 handleInputEvents | |
m ()V aG method_12141 method_0_9752 | |
m ()V aH method_2919 doItemPick | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; aI method_9387 getCurrentAction | |
m ()Lvg; aa method_9388 getCameraEntity | |
m ()Lbvm; ab method_9389 getBlockRenderManager | |
m ()Lbzf; ac method_9390 getEntityRenderDispatcher | |
m ()Lbzw; ad method_9391 getItemRenderer | |
m ()Lbuu; ae method_9392 getHeldItemRenderer | |
m ()I af method_9393 getCurrentFps | |
m ()Lrb; ag method_9394 getMetricsData | |
m ()Z ah method_9396 isConnectedToRealms | |
m ()Lry; ai method_12142 method_1543 | |
m ()F aj method_12143 getTickDelta | |
m ()F ak method_14461 getLastFrameDuration | |
m ()Lbik; al method_12144 getBlockColors | |
m ()Z an method_13408 hasReducedDebugInfo | |
m ()Lbkc; ao method_14462 getToastManager | |
m ()Lchz; ap method_14463 getTutorialManager | |
m ()V aq method_2921 init | |
m ()V ar method_14464 initializeSearchProviders | |
m ()V as method_9397 method_0_2273 | |
m ()V at method_9399 method_0_2275 | |
m ()V au method_9400 method_0_2276 | |
m ()V av method_9401 method_0_2277 | |
m ()Z aw method_6643 checkIs64Bit | |
m ()V ax method_2914 startTimerHackThread | |
m ()V ay method_5575 method_0_2280 | |
m ()V az method_2916 method_0_2281 | |
m ()Lbvd; b method_6633 getFramebuffer | |
m (I)V b method_2938 handleProfilerKeyPress | |
m (Laip;)Ljava/lang/Iterable; b method_14465 method_0_12040 | |
m (Lakt;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream; b method_14466 method_1591 | |
m (Lb;)Lb; b method_2945 addDetailsToCrashReport | |
p 1 crashReport | |
m (Lbib;)Lcfa; b method_5579 method_0_2289 | |
m (Lbns;)Ljava/lang/Iterable; b method_14467 method_0_12042 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z b method_14468 method_0_12043 | |
m (Z)V b method_6638 handleBlockBreaking | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_9402 getGameVersion | |
m (I)Z c method_12146 method_0_9753 | |
m (Lb;)V c method_2939 printCrashReport | |
p 1 crashReport | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z c method_14469 method_0_12044 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_12147 getVersionType | |
m ()Z e method_6647 method_0_2294 | |
m ()V f method_5576 method_1521 | |
m ()Lbfg; g method_2944 getLevelStorage | |
m ()V h method_2947 stop | |
m ()V i method_9403 method_0_2298 | |
m ()V j method_9404 method_0_2299 | |
m ()I k method_4498 method_0_2300 | |
m ()Z l method_6649 method_0_2301 | |
m ()V m method_2948 cleanUpAfterCrash | |
m ()V n method_2949 scheduleStop | |
m ()V o method_2950 method_0_2304 | |
m ()V p method_2951 method_0_2305 | |
m ()V q method_2952 method_1486 | |
m ()V r method_2953 method_0_2307 | |
m ()Lchl; s method_9405 getMusicTracker | |
m ()V t method_2954 tick | |
m ()Z u method_2959 isDemo | |
m ()Lbrz; v method_2960 getNetworkHandler | |
m ()Z w method_2961 isHudEnabled | |
m ()Z x method_2962 isFancyGraphicsOrBetter | |
m ()Z y method_2963 isAmbientOcclusionEnabled | |
m ()Lbib; z method_2965 getInstance | |
c bib$1 net/minecraft/class_1600$1 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$1 | |
f Lbib; a field_913 field_1776 | |
m ()V run run run | |
c bib$10 net/minecraft/class_1600$10 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$10 | |
f Lbib; a field_10320 field_0_2607 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4225 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bib$11 net/minecraft/class_1600$11 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$11 | |
f Lbib; a field_5044 field_0_2608 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4226 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bib$12 net/minecraft/class_1600$12 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$12 | |
f Lbib; a field_15873 field_0_2609 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_5582 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bib$13 net/minecraft/class_1600$13 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$13 | |
f Lbib; a field_13283 field_0_2610 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_856 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bib$14 net/minecraft/class_1600$14 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$14 | |
f Lbib; a field_919 field_0_2611 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_857 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bib$15 net/minecraft/class_1600$15 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$15 | |
f Lbib; a field_13284 field_0_2612 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_12148 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bib$16 net/minecraft/class_1600$16 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$16 | |
f Lbib; a field_15874 field_0_2613 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_12149 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bib$2 net/minecraft/class_1600$2 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$2 | |
f Lbib; a field_13285 field_0_2614 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_12150 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bib$3 net/minecraft/class_1600$3 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$3 | |
f Lbib; a field_13286 field_0_2615 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_12151 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bib$4 net/minecraft/class_1600$4 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$4 | |
f Lbib; a field_914 field_0_2616 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_855 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bib$5 net/minecraft/class_1600$5 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$5 | |
f Lbib; a field_5042 field_0_2617 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4224 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bib$6 net/minecraft/class_1600$6 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$6 | |
f Lbib; a field_15875 field_0_8844 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_6651 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bib$7 net/minecraft/class_1600$7 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$7 | |
f Lbib; a field_10315 field_0_2618 | |
m ()V run run run | |
c bib$8 net/minecraft/class_1600$8 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$8 | |
f [I a field_15876 field_1778 | |
f [I b field_15877 field_1777 | |
c bib$9 net/minecraft/class_1600$9 net/minecraft/client/MinecraftClient$9 | |
f Lbib; a field_10319 field_0_2606 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_14470 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bic net/minecraft/class_345 net/minecraft/class_0_672 | |
f I a field_931 field_0_2622 | |
f I b field_932 field_0_2623 | |
m (Ljava/awt/Component;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 origin | |
m ()V a method_861 method_0_2327 | |
m ()V b method_862 method_0_2328 | |
m ()V c method_863 method_0_2329 | |
c bid net/minecraft/class_347 net/minecraft/client/option/GameOptions | |
f Z A field_5052 pauseOnLostFocus | |
f Z B field_5047 touchscreen | |
f Lvo; C field_13289 mainArm | |
f I D field_5048 overrideWidth | |
f I E field_5049 overrideHeight | |
f Z F field_5050 heldItemTooltips | |
f F G field_5703 field_1908 | |
f F H field_5704 field_1915 | |
f F I field_5705 field_1825 | |
f F J field_5706 field_1838 | |
f I K field_7637 mipmapLevels | |
f Z L field_10321 useNativeTransport | |
f Z M field_10322 entityShadows | |
f I N field_13290 field_1895 | |
f Z O field_13291 field_1912 | |
f Z P field_13292 showSubtitles | |
f Z Q field_10323 realmsNotifications | |
f Z R field_14902 autoJump | |
f Lcib; S field_15878 tutorialStep | |
f Lbhy; T field_993 forwardKey | |
f Lbhy; U field_994 leftKey | |
f Lbhy; V field_995 backKey | |
f Lbhy; W field_934 rightKey | |
f Lbhy; X field_935 jumpKey | |
f Lbhy; Y field_939 sneakKey | |
f Lbhy; Z field_7657 sprintKey | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Splitter; a field_14904 COLON_SPLITTER | |
f Ljava/lang/String; aA field_952 lastServer | |
f Z aB field_954 smoothCameraEnabled | |
f Z aC field_955 field_1821 | |
f F aD field_958 field_1826 | |
f F aE field_959 field_1840 | |
f F aF field_7649 field_1855 | |
f I aG field_961 guiScale | |
f I aH field_962 field_1882 | |
f I aI field_15879 field_1896 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; aJ field_963 language | |
f Z aK field_7650 field_0_2663 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; aL field_7651 LOGGER | |
f Lcom/google/gson/Gson; aM field_7652 GSON | |
f Ljava/lang/reflect/Type; aN field_14903 STRING_LIST_TYPE | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; aO field_966 field_1858 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; aP field_968 field_0_2668 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; aQ field_5707 field_1861 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; aR field_10325 field_1860 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; aS field_13293 field_1862 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; aT field_10327 enabledPlayerModelParts | |
f Ljava/util/Map; aU field_7656 soundVolumeLevels | |
f Ljava/io/File; aV field_970 optionsFile | |
f Lbhy; aa field_936 inventoryKey | |
f Lbhy; ab field_7664 swapHandsKey | |
f Lbhy; ac field_937 dropKey | |
f Lbhy; ad field_941 useKey | |
f Lbhy; ae field_940 attackKey | |
f Lbhy; af field_943 pickItemKey | |
f Lbhy; ag field_938 chatKey | |
f Lbhy; ah field_942 playerListKey | |
f Lbhy; ai field_944 commandKey | |
f Lbhy; aj field_7658 screenshotKey | |
f Lbhy; ak field_7659 togglePerspectiveKey | |
f Lbhy; al field_7660 smoothCameraKey | |
f Lbhy; am field_7661 fullscreenKey | |
f Lbhy; an field_10326 spectatorOutlinesKey | |
f Lbhy; ao field_15880 advancementsKey | |
f [Lbhy; ap field_7666 hotbarKeys | |
f Lbhy; aq field_15881 saveToolbarActivatorKey | |
f Lbhy; ar field_15882 loadToolbarActivatorKey | |
f [Lbhy; as field_945 allKeys | |
f Lbib; at field_946 client | |
f Ltz; au field_7667 difficulty | |
f Z av field_948 hudHidden | |
f I aw field_949 perspective | |
f Z ax field_950 debugEnabled | |
f Z ay field_951 debugProfilerEnabled | |
f Z az field_10324 debugTpsEnabled | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; b field_15883 field_1898 | |
f F c field_972 field_1843 | |
f Z d field_973 invertYMouse | |
f I e field_7668 viewDistance | |
f Z f field_975 bobView | |
f Z g field_976 field_1820 | |
f Z h field_7669 field_1902 | |
f I i field_978 maxFps | |
f I j field_10328 field_1814 | |
f Z k field_979 fancyGraphics | |
f I l field_5708 field_1841 | |
f Ljava/util/List; m field_7670 resourcePacks | |
f Ljava/util/List; n field_10329 incompatibleResourcePacks | |
f Laed$b; o field_7671 field_1877 | |
f Z p field_984 chatColors | |
f Z q field_985 chatLinks | |
f Z r field_986 chatLinksPrompt | |
f F s field_987 field_0_2718 | |
f Z t field_989 snooperEnabled | |
f Z u field_990 fullscreen | |
f Z v field_991 enableVsync | |
f Z w field_10330 field_1899 | |
f Z x field_10332 reducedDebugInfo | |
f Z y field_992 hideServerAddress | |
f Z z field_5051 advancedItemTooltips | |
m (Lbib;Ljava/io/File;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 optionsDir | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/client/Minecraft;Ljava/io/File;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 gameFolder | |
m ()V a method_865 load | |
m (I)Ljava/lang/String; a method_877 method_0_2345 | |
p 0 code | |
m (Laee;)V a method_9411 togglePlayerModelPart | |
p 1 part | |
m (Laee;Z)V a method_9412 setPlayerModelPart | |
p 1 part | |
p 2 enabled | |
m (Lbhy;)Z a method_4931 method_0_2331 | |
p 0 binding | |
m (Lbhy;I)V a method_6655 method_1641 | |
p 1 binding | |
p 2 code | |
m (Lbid$a;)F a method_868 method_1637 | |
p 1 option | |
m (Lbid$a;F)V a method_869 method_1625 | |
p 1 option | |
p 2 var | |
m (Lbid$a;I)V a method_870 method_1629 | |
p 1 option | |
p 2 integer | |
m (Lfy;)Lfy; a method_13409 update | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)F a method_871 parseFloat | |
p 1 s | |
m (Lqg;)F a method_6656 getSoundVolume | |
p 1 category | |
m (Lqg;F)V a method_6657 setSoundVolume | |
p 1 category | |
p 2 volume | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String; a method_872 method_1638 | |
p 0 array | |
p 1 index | |
m ()V b method_873 write | |
m (Lbid$a;)Z b method_875 method_1628 | |
p 1 option | |
m ()V c method_4228 sendClientSettings | |
m (Lbid$a;)Ljava/lang/String; c method_878 method_1642 | |
p 1 option | |
m ()Ljava/util/Set; d method_9413 getEnabledPlayerModelParts | |
m ()I e method_9414 method_1632 | |
m ()Z f method_9415 shouldUseNativeTransport | |
c bid$1 net/minecraft/class_347$1 net/minecraft/client/option/GameOptions$1 | |
m ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Type; getActualTypeArguments getActualTypeArguments getActualTypeArguments | |
m ()Ljava/lang/reflect/Type; getOwnerType getOwnerType getOwnerType | |
m ()Ljava/lang/reflect/Type; getRawType getRawType getRawType | |
c bid$2 net/minecraft/class_347$2 net/minecraft/client/option/GameOptions$2 | |
f [I a field_997 field_1967 | |
c bid$a net/minecraft/class_347$class_350 net/minecraft/client/option/GameOptions$class_316 | |
f Lbid$a; A field_5710 CHAT_WIDTH | |
f Lbid$a; B field_5711 CHAT_HEIGHT_FOCUSED | |
f Lbid$a; C field_5712 CHAT_HEIGHT_UNFOCUSED | |
f Lbid$a; D field_7672 MIPMAP_LEVELS | |
f Lbid$a; E field_7674 FORCE_UNICODE_FONT | |
f Lbid$a; F field_10334 REDUCED_DEBUG_INFO | |
f Lbid$a; G field_10335 ENTITY_SHADOWS | |
f Lbid$a; H field_13294 MAIN_HAND | |
f Lbid$a; I field_13295 ATTACK_INDICATOR | |
f Lbid$a; J field_13296 ENABLE_WEAK_ATTACKS | |
f Lbid$a; K field_13297 SHOW_SUBTITLES | |
f Lbid$a; L field_10336 REALMS_NOTIFICATIONS | |
f Lbid$a; M field_14905 AUTO_JUMP | |
f Lbid$a; N field_15884 NARRATOR | |
f Z O field_7685 field_1949 | |
f Z P field_7686 field_1965 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; Q field_7687 field_1966 | |
f F R field_7688 field_1928 | |
f F S field_7689 field_1947 | |
f F T field_7690 field_1950 | |
f [Lbid$a; U field_1001 field_1918 | |
f Lbid$a; a field_1004 INVERT_MOUSE | |
f Lbid$a; b field_1005 SENSITIVITY | |
f Lbid$a; c field_1006 FOV | |
f Lbid$a; d field_1007 GAMMA | |
f Lbid$a; e field_7691 SATURATION | |
f Lbid$a; f field_7692 RENDER_DISTANCE | |
f Lbid$a; g field_1009 VIEW_BOBBING | |
f Lbid$a; h field_1010 ANAGLYPH | |
f Lbid$a; i field_7693 FRAMERATE_LIMIT | |
f Lbid$a; j field_7694 FBO_ENABLE | |
f Lbid$a; k field_1017 RENDER_CLOUDS | |
f Lbid$a; l field_1014 GRAPHICS | |
f Lbid$a; m field_1015 AMBIENT_OCCLUSION | |
f Lbid$a; n field_1016 GUI_SCALE | |
f Lbid$a; o field_1018 PARTICLES | |
f Lbid$a; p field_1019 CHAT_VISIBILITY | |
f Lbid$a; q field_1020 CHAT_COLOR | |
f Lbid$a; r field_1021 CHAT_LINKS | |
f Lbid$a; s field_1022 CHAT_OPACITY | |
f Lbid$a; t field_1023 CHAT_LINKS_PROMPT | |
f Lbid$a; u field_1025 SNOOPER_ENABLED | |
f Lbid$a; v field_1026 USE_FULLSCREEN | |
f Lbid$a; w field_1027 ENABLE_VSYNC | |
f Lbid$a; x field_10337 USE_VBO | |
f Lbid$a; y field_5055 TOUCHSCREEN | |
f Lbid$a; z field_5709 CHAT_SCALE | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;ZZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
p 4 numeric | |
p 5 booleanToggle | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;ZZFFF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
p 4 numeric | |
p 5 booleanToggle | |
p 6 min | |
p 7 max | |
p 8 increment | |
m ()Z a method_879 method_1653 | |
m (F)V a method_6658 method_1646 | |
p 1 max | |
m (I)Lbid$a; a method_880 method_1655 | |
p 0 id | |
m (Lbid$a;)F a method_6659 method_1656 | |
m ()Z b method_881 method_1654 | |
m (Lbid$a;)F b method_9416 method_1650 | |
m ()I c method_882 method_1647 | |
m (F)F c method_6660 method_1651 | |
p 1 value | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_883 method_1644 | |
m (F)F d method_6661 method_1645 | |
p 1 ratio | |
m ()F e method_12152 method_1649 | |
m (F)F e method_6662 method_1657 | |
p 1 value | |
m ()F f method_6663 method_1652 | |
m (F)F f method_6664 method_1648 | |
p 1 value | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbid$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbid$a; values values values | |
c bie net/minecraft/class_351 net/minecraft/class_0_675 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_1028 field_0_2781 | |
f Lbib; b field_1029 field_0_2782 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_1030 field_0_2783 | |
f J d field_1031 field_0_2784 | |
f Z e field_1032 field_0_2785 | |
f Lbit; f field_7695 field_0_2786 | |
f Lbvd; g field_7696 field_0_2787 | |
m (Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V d method_884 method_0_2363 | |
c bif net/minecraft/class_352 net/minecraft/client/util/ScreenshotRecorder | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7697 LOGGER | |
f Ljava/text/DateFormat; b field_1033 DATE_FORMAT | |
f Ljava/nio/IntBuffer; c field_1034 field_0_2790 | |
f [I d field_1035 field_0_2791 | |
m (IILbvd;)Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage; a method_12153 method_1663 | |
m (Ljava/io/File;)Ljava/io/File; a method_885 getScreenshotFilename | |
p 0 screenshotsDirectory | |
m (Ljava/io/File;IILbvd;)Lhh; a method_6665 method_1659 | |
p 0 parent | |
p 1 textureWidth | |
p 2 textureHeight | |
p 3 buffer | |
m (Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;IILbvd;)Lhh; a method_12154 method_1662 | |
c big net/minecraft/class_353 net/minecraft/class_0_677 | |
c bih net/minecraft/class_354 net/minecraft/client/render/RenderTickCounter | |
f I a field_1037 ticksThisFrame | |
f F b field_1038 tickDelta | |
f F c field_1040 lastFrameDuration | |
f J d field_1042 prevTimeMillis | |
f F e field_15885 tickTime | |
m (F)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 ticksPerSecond | |
m ()V a method_889 method_1658 | |
c bii net/minecraft/class_355 net/minecraft/client/util/Session | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_1047 username | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_7698 uuid | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_7699 accessToken | |
f Lbii$a; d field_7700 accountType | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 username | |
p 2 uuid | |
p 3 accessToken | |
p 4 accountType | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_5584 getSessionId | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_6667 getUuid | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_5583 getUsername | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_6668 getAccessToken | |
m ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; e method_6669 getProfile | |
c bii$a net/minecraft/class_355$class_1798 net/minecraft/client/util/Session$AccountType | |
f Lbii$a; a field_7701 LEGACY | |
f Lbii$a; b field_7702 MOJANG | |
f Ljava/util/Map; c field_7703 BY_NAME | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_7704 name | |
f [Lbii$a; e field_7705 field_1987 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbii$a; a method_6671 byName | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbii$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbii$a; values values values | |
c bij net/minecraft/class_2835 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColorProvider | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;I)I a method_12155 method_0_10053 | |
c bik net/minecraft/class_2836 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors | |
f Lfd; a field_13298 providers | |
m ()Lbik; a method_12156 create | |
m (Lawt;Lamu;Let;)I a method_13410 method_1691 | |
m (Lawt;Lamy;Let;I)I a method_12157 method_1697 | |
m (Lbij;[Laow;)V a method_12158 registerColorProvider | |
c bik$1 net/minecraft/class_2836$1 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors$1 | |
c bik$10 net/minecraft/class_2836$10 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors$10 | |
c bik$11 net/minecraft/class_2836$11 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors$11 | |
c bik$12 net/minecraft/class_2836$12 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors$12 | |
c bik$2 net/minecraft/class_2836$2 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors$2 | |
c bik$3 net/minecraft/class_2836$3 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors$3 | |
c bik$4 net/minecraft/class_2836$4 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors$4 | |
c bik$5 net/minecraft/class_2836$5 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors$5 | |
f Lbik; a field_13299 field_0_11980 | |
c bik$6 net/minecraft/class_2836$6 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors$6 | |
c bik$7 net/minecraft/class_2836$7 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors$7 | |
c bik$8 net/minecraft/class_2836$8 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors$8 | |
c bik$9 net/minecraft/class_2836$9 net/minecraft/client/color/block/BlockColors$9 | |
c bim net/minecraft/class_2837 net/minecraft/client/color/item/ItemColorProvider | |
m (Laip;I)I a method_12159 method_0_10057 | |
c bin net/minecraft/class_2838 net/minecraft/client/color/item/ItemColors | |
f Lfd; a field_13300 providers | |
m (Laip;I)I a method_12160 getColor | |
m (Lbik;)Lbin; a method_12161 create | |
m (Lbim;[Lain;)V a method_12162 method_1708 | |
m (Lbim;[Laow;)V a method_12163 method_0_10061 | |
c bin$1 net/minecraft/class_2838$1 net/minecraft/client/color/item/ItemColors$1 | |
c bin$2 net/minecraft/class_2838$2 net/minecraft/client/color/item/ItemColors$2 | |
c bin$3 net/minecraft/class_2838$3 net/minecraft/client/color/item/ItemColors$3 | |
c bin$4 net/minecraft/class_2838$4 net/minecraft/client/color/item/ItemColors$4 | |
c bin$5 net/minecraft/class_2838$5 net/minecraft/client/color/item/ItemColors$5 | |
c bin$6 net/minecraft/class_2838$6 net/minecraft/client/color/item/ItemColors$6 | |
f Lbik; a field_15250 field_0_11345 | |
c bin$7 net/minecraft/class_2838$7 net/minecraft/client/color/item/ItemColors$7 | |
c bin$8 net/minecraft/class_2838$8 net/minecraft/client/color/item/ItemColors$8 | |
c bip net/minecraft/class_370 net/minecraft/class_0_681 | |
f I a field_1141 field_0_2811 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; b field_1142 field_0_2812 | |
f [Lnf; c field_6284 field_0_2813 | |
f [I d field_1143 field_0_2814 | |
f [B e field_1144 field_0_2815 | |
f [I f field_1146 field_0_2816 | |
f Lnf; g field_6285 field_0_2817 | |
f Lcdr; h field_6286 field_0_2818 | |
f F i field_1149 field_0_2819 | |
f F j field_1150 field_0_2820 | |
f Z k field_1151 field_0_2821 | |
f Z l field_1152 field_0_2822 | |
f F m field_1153 field_0_2823 | |
f F n field_1154 field_0_2824 | |
f F o field_1155 field_0_2825 | |
f F p field_1156 field_0_2826 | |
f I q field_1157 field_0_2827 | |
f Z r field_1158 field_0_2828 | |
f Z s field_1159 field_0_2829 | |
f Z t field_1160 field_0_2830 | |
f Z u field_1161 field_0_2831 | |
f Z v field_1162 field_0_2832 | |
m (Lbid;Lnf;Lcdr;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 options | |
p 2 fontTexture | |
p 3 textureManager | |
m ()Z a method_4245 method_0_2375 | |
m (C)I a method_949 method_0_2376 | |
m (CZ)F a method_952 method_0_2379 | |
m (I)Lnf; a method_5585 method_0_2378 | |
p 1 page | |
m (IZ)F a method_953 method_0_2380 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)I a method_954 method_0_2381 | |
p 1 text | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;FFI)I a method_956 method_0_2382 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 color | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;FFIZ)I a method_9417 method_0_2383 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 color | |
p 5 shadow | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String; a method_955 method_0_2384 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 width | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;III)I a method_4247 method_0_2385 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 color | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IIII)V a method_965 method_0_2386 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 maxWidth | |
p 5 color | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IIIIZ)I a method_966 method_0_2387 | |
p 1 text | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IIIZ)V a method_967 method_0_2388 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 maxWidth | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IZ)Ljava/lang/String; a method_958 method_0_2389 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 width | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V a method_959 method_0_2390 | |
m (Z)V a method_960 method_0_2391 | |
m ()Z b method_948 method_0_2392 | |
m (C)I b method_9418 method_0_2393 | |
m (CZ)F b method_950 method_0_2377 | |
m (I)V b method_951 method_0_2394 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; b method_975 method_0_2395 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;FFIZ)I b method_957 method_0_2396 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 color | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)I b method_963 method_0_2397 | |
m (Z)V b method_968 method_0_2398 | |
p 1 rightToLeft | |
m ()V c method_5586 method_0_2399 | |
m (C)Z c method_962 method_0_2400 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; c method_6672 method_0_2401 | |
p 1 text | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/List; c method_971 method_0_2402 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 width | |
m ()V d method_4942 method_0_2403 | |
m (C)Z d method_969 method_0_2404 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; d method_973 method_0_2405 | |
p 1 text | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String; d method_974 method_0_2406 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 width | |
m ()V e method_961 method_0_2407 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)I e method_976 method_0_2408 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 offset | |
c biq net/minecraft/class_371 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud | |
f I A field_10350 titleFadeInTicks | |
f I B field_10338 titleStayTicks | |
f I C field_10339 titleFadeOutTicks | |
f I D field_10340 renderHealthValue | |
f I E field_10341 lastHealthValue | |
f J F field_10342 lastHealthCheckTime | |
f J G field_10343 heartJumpEndTick | |
f Ljava/util/Map; H field_15886 listeners | |
f F a field_1163 vignetteDarkness | |
f Lnf; f field_6287 VIGNETTE_TEXTURE | |
f Lnf; g field_6288 WIDGETS_TEXTURE | |
f Lnf; h field_6289 PUMPKIN_BLUR | |
f Ljava/util/Random; i field_1165 random | |
f Lbib; j field_1166 client | |
f Lbzw; k field_1164 itemRenderer | |
f Lbjb; l field_1167 chatHud | |
f I m field_1168 ticks | |
f Ljava/lang/String; n field_1169 overlayMessage | |
f I o field_1170 overlayRemaining | |
f Z p field_1171 overlayTinted | |
f I q field_5074 heldItemTooltipFade | |
f Laip; r field_5075 currentStack | |
f Lbjd; s field_10344 debugHud | |
f Lbju; t field_13302 subtitlesHud | |
f Lbjw; u field_10345 spectatorHud | |
f Lbjq; v field_10346 playerListHud | |
f Lbiz; w field_13303 bossBarHud | |
f I x field_10347 titleRemainTicks | |
f Ljava/lang/String; y field_10348 title | |
f Ljava/lang/String; z field_10349 subtitle | |
m (Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
m ()V a method_9419 setDefaultTitleFade | |
m (F)V a method_9420 render | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (FLbit;)V a method_12164 method_1736 | |
m (IIFLaed;Laip;)V a method_9422 renderHotbarItem | |
m (Lbhg;Lbit;)V a method_9423 method_1757 | |
p 1 objective | |
p 2 window | |
m (Lbit;)V a method_12165 method_1765 | |
m (Lbit;F)V a method_9425 method_1759 | |
p 1 window | |
p 2 tickDelta | |
m (Lbit;I)V a method_9426 method_1752 | |
p 1 window | |
m (Lhf;Lhh;)V a method_14471 addChatMessage | |
m (Lhh;Z)V a method_9427 setOverlayMessage | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 tinted | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_982 setRecordPlayingOverlay | |
p 1 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;III)V a method_9428 setTitles | |
p 1 subtitle | |
p 2 title | |
p 3 titleFadeInTicks | |
p 4 titleRemainTicks | |
p 5 titleFadeOutTicks | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V a method_5588 setOverlayMessage | |
p 1 message | |
p 2 tinted | |
m (FLbit;)V b method_9421 method_1735 | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
p 2 window | |
m (Lbit;)V b method_9424 method_1749 | |
p 1 window | |
m (Lbit;I)V b method_9432 method_1754 | |
p 1 window | |
m ()V c method_977 tick | |
m (FLbit;)V c method_9430 method_1746 | |
p 1 amplifier | |
p 2 window | |
m (Lbit;)V c method_9431 method_1766 | |
p 1 window | |
m ()Lbjb; d method_983 getChatHud | |
m (Lbit;)V d method_9434 method_1760 | |
p 1 window | |
m ()I e method_985 getTicks | |
m (Lbit;)V e method_12166 method_1741 | |
m ()Lbip; f method_9436 method_1756 | |
m (Lbit;)V f method_9435 method_1761 | |
p 1 window | |
m ()Lbjw; g method_9437 getSpectatorHud | |
m ()Lbjq; h method_9438 getPlayerListHud | |
m ()V i method_9439 clear | |
m ()Lbiz; j method_12167 getBossBarHud | |
c biq$1 net/minecraft/class_371$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/InGameHud$1 | |
f Lbiq; a field_10351 field_0_2861 | |
m (Lbhi;)Z a method_9440 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bir net/minecraft/class_372 net/minecraft/client/gui/DrawableHelper | |
f Lnf; b field_6290 field_2051 | |
c The texture used by options for background. | |
f Lnf; c field_6291 field_2052 | |
c The texture of icons used in the stats screen. | |
f Lnf; d field_6292 field_2053 | |
c The texture of various icons and widgets used for rendering ingame indicators. | |
f F e field_1172 field_2050 | |
m (FFIIII)V a method_9441 method_1784 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 u | |
p 4 v | |
p 5 width | |
p 6 height | |
m (IIFFIIFF)V a method_6674 method_1781 | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 y | |
p 2 u | |
p 3 v | |
p 4 width | |
p 5 height | |
m (IIFFIIIIFF)V a method_6675 method_1786 | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 y | |
p 2 u | |
p 3 v | |
p 6 width | |
p 7 height | |
m (IIII)V a method_987 method_1783 | |
p 1 x1 | |
p 2 x2 | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 color | |
m (IIIII)V a method_988 method_1785 | |
p 0 x1 | |
p 1 y1 | |
p 2 x2 | |
p 3 y2 | |
p 4 color | |
m (IIIIII)V a method_989 method_1782 | |
p 1 x1 | |
p 2 y1 | |
p 3 x2 | |
p 4 y2 | |
p 5 color1 | |
p 6 color2 | |
m (IILcdq;II)V a method_9442 method_1790 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 sprite | |
p 4 width | |
p 5 height | |
m (Lbip;Ljava/lang/String;III)V a method_990 method_1789 | |
p 1 textRenderer | |
p 2 text | |
p 3 centerX | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 color | |
m (IIII)V b method_991 method_1787 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y1 | |
p 3 y2 | |
p 4 color | |
m (IIIIII)V b method_992 method_1788 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 u | |
p 4 v | |
p 5 width | |
p 6 height | |
m (Lbip;Ljava/lang/String;III)V c method_993 method_1780 | |
p 1 textRenderer | |
p 2 text | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 color | |
c bis net/minecraft/class_382 net/minecraft/client/render/MapRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6296 MAP_ICONS_TEXTURE | |
f Lcdr; b field_7707 textureManager | |
f Ljava/util/Map; c field_7708 mapTextures | |
m (Lcdr;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 textureManager | |
m ()V a method_6676 clearStateTextures | |
m (Lbev;)V a method_6677 updateTexture | |
p 1 mapState | |
m (Lbev;Z)V a method_6678 draw | |
p 1 mapState | |
m (Lbis$a;)Lbev; a method_13834 getState | |
m (Lbis;)Lcdr; a method_6679 method_1767 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbis$a; a method_13835 getTexture | |
m ()Lnf; b method_6680 method_1770 | |
m (Lbev;)Lbis$a; b method_6681 getMapTexture | |
p 1 mapState | |
c bis$1 net/minecraft/class_382$1 net/minecraft/client/render/MapRenderer$1 | |
c bis$a net/minecraft/class_382$class_1800 net/minecraft/client/render/MapRenderer$MapTexture | |
f Lbis; a field_7709 field_2047 | |
f Lbev; b field_7710 state | |
f Lcdg; c field_7711 texture | |
f Lnf; d field_7712 id | |
f [I e field_7713 field_0_2873 | |
m (Lbis;Lbev;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 mapState | |
m ()V a method_6682 updateTexture | |
m (Lbis$a;)V a method_6683 method_1778 | |
m (Lbis$a;Z)V a method_6684 method_1775 | |
m (Z)V a method_6685 draw | |
m (Lbis$a;)Lnf; b method_6686 method_0_2458 | |
m (Lbis$a;)Lbev; c method_13836 method_1779 | |
c bit net/minecraft/class_389 net/minecraft/class_0_686 | |
f D a field_1238 field_0_2874 | |
f D b field_1239 field_0_2875 | |
f I c field_1236 field_0_2876 | |
f I d field_1237 field_0_2877 | |
f I e field_1240 field_0_2878 | |
m (Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
m ()I a method_1045 method_0_2459 | |
m ()I b method_1046 method_0_2460 | |
m ()D c method_1047 method_0_2461 | |
m ()D d method_1048 method_0_2462 | |
m ()I e method_1049 method_0_2463 | |
c biu net/minecraft/class_3252 net/minecraft/client/gui/ClientChatListener | |
m (Lhf;Lhh;)V a method_14472 onChatMessage | |
c biv net/minecraft/class_3253 net/minecraft/client/util/NarratorManager | |
f Lbiv; a field_15887 INSTANCE | |
f Lcom/mojang/text2speech/Narrator; b field_15888 narrator | |
m ()Z a method_14473 isActive | |
m (I)V a method_14474 method_1792 | |
m ()V b method_14475 clear | |
c biw net/minecraft/class_3254 net/minecraft/client/gui/GameInfoChatListener | |
f Lbib; a field_15889 client | |
c bix net/minecraft/class_3255 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/ChatHudListener | |
f Lbib; a field_15890 client | |
c biz net/minecraft/class_2839 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/BossBarHud | |
f Lnf; a field_13304 BARS_TEXTURE | |
f Lbib; f field_13305 client | |
f Ljava/util/Map; g field_13306 bossBars | |
m ()V a method_12168 render | |
m (IILtt;)V a method_12169 renderBossBar | |
m (Lik;)V a method_12170 handlePacket | |
m ()V b method_12171 clear | |
m ()Z d method_12172 shouldPlayDragonMusic | |
m ()Z e method_12173 shouldDarkenSky | |
m ()Z f method_12174 shouldThickenFog | |
c bj net/minecraft/class_981 net/minecraft/class_0_1608 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_9133 field_0_6491 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_3940 field_0_6492 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; c field_3941 field_0_6493 | |
m ()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer; a method_12712 method_0_9301 | |
m (Lbk;)Lbk; a method_3103 method_0_5866 | |
m (Lbk;[Ljava/lang/String;)I a method_4642 method_0_5867 | |
p 1 command | |
p 2 args | |
m (Lbn;[Ljava/lang/String;Lbk;Ljava/lang/String;)Z a method_10732 method_0_5868 | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String; a method_3104 method_0_5869 | |
c bja net/minecraft/class_356 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/ClickableWidget | |
f Lnf; a field_6282 field_2072 | |
f I f field_1049 field_2071 | |
f I g field_1050 field_2070 | |
f I h field_1051 field_2069 | |
f I i field_1052 field_2068 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; j field_1053 field_2074 | |
f I k field_1054 field_2077 | |
f Z l field_1055 field_2078 | |
f Z m field_1056 field_2076 | |
f Z n field_5056 field_2075 | |
m (IIIIILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 width | |
p 5 height | |
p 6 message | |
m (IIILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 message | |
m ()Z a method_4229 method_1828 | |
m (I)V a method_9443 method_1821 | |
p 1 width | |
m (II)V a method_890 method_0_2466 | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
m (Lbib;II)V a method_893 method_1827 | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
m (Lbib;IIF)V a method_891 method_1824 | |
m (Lcho;)V a method_6687 method_1832 | |
p 1 soundManager | |
m (Z)I a method_892 method_1830 | |
p 1 isHovered | |
m ()I b method_6688 method_1825 | |
m (II)V b method_4230 method_1823 | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
m (Lbib;II)Z b method_894 method_1829 | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
c bjb net/minecraft/class_357 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/ChatHud | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7714 LOGGER | |
f Lbib; f field_1057 client | |
f Ljava/util/List; g field_1058 messageHistory | |
f Ljava/util/List; h field_1059 messages | |
f Ljava/util/List; i field_5713 visibleMessages | |
f I j field_1060 scrolledLines | |
f Z k field_1061 hasUnreadNewMessages | |
m (Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
m ()V a method_4934 reset | |
m (F)I a method_4932 method_1806 | |
p 0 chatWidth | |
m (I)V a method_896 render | |
p 1 ticks | |
m (II)Lhh; a method_897 method_1816 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
m (Lhh;)V a method_6690 addMessage | |
p 1 message | |
m (Lhh;I)V a method_6691 addMessage | |
p 1 message | |
m (Lhh;IIZ)V a method_6692 addMessage | |
p 1 message | |
p 2 messageId | |
p 3 timestamp | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_903 addToMessageHistory | |
p 1 message | |
m (Z)V a method_13837 clear | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; b method_901 getMessageHistory | |
m (F)I b method_4935 method_1818 | |
p 0 chatHeight | |
m (I)V b method_902 scroll | |
p 1 lines | |
m ()V c method_904 resetScroll | |
m (I)V c method_905 removeMessage | |
p 1 messageId | |
m ()Z d method_906 isChatFocused | |
m ()I e method_4936 getWidth | |
m ()I f method_4937 getHeight | |
m ()F g method_4938 method_1814 | |
m ()I h method_4939 getVisibleLineCount | |
c bjc net/minecraft/class_2293 net/minecraft/client/util/ChatMessages | |
m (Lhh;ILbip;ZZ)Ljava/util/List; a method_9444 method_1850 | |
p 0 text | |
p 1 width | |
p 2 textRenderer | |
p 4 forceColor | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Z)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9445 getRenderChatMessage | |
p 0 string | |
p 1 forceColor | |
c bjd net/minecraft/class_2294 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/DebugHud | |
f Lbib; a field_10352 client | |
f Lbip; f field_10353 field_2081 | |
m (Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
m ()V a method_9446 renderLeftText | |
m (IIF)I a method_9447 interpolateColor | |
p 1 color1 | |
p 2 color2 | |
p 3 dt | |
m (J)J a method_9448 toMiB | |
p 0 bytes | |
m (Lbit;)V a method_9449 method_1846 | |
p 1 window | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; b method_9450 getLeftText | |
m (Lbit;)V b method_9451 method_1848 | |
p 1 window | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; c method_9452 getRightText | |
m (IIII)I c method_9453 getMetricsLineColor | |
p 1 value | |
p 2 greenValue | |
p 3 yellowValue | |
p 4 redValue | |
m ()V d method_9455 method_1844 | |
c bjd$1 net/minecraft/class_2294$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/DebugHud$1 | |
f [I a field_10354 field_2086 | |
c bje net/minecraft/class_367 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextFieldWidget | |
f I a field_1117 field_2093 | |
f I f field_1118 field_2090 | |
f I g field_10355 field_2089 | |
f Lbip; h field_1116 field_2105 | |
f I i field_1119 field_2087 | |
f I j field_1120 field_2109 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; k field_1121 text | |
f I l field_1122 maxLength | |
f I m field_1123 focusedTicks | |
f Z n field_1124 field_2097 | |
f Z o field_1125 focusUnlocked | |
f Z p field_1126 drawsBackground | |
f Z q field_1127 editable | |
f I r field_1128 firstCharacterIndex | |
f I s field_1129 selectionStart | |
f I t field_1130 selectionEnd | |
f I u field_1131 editableColor | |
f I v field_1132 uneditableColor | |
f Z w field_1133 field_2091 | |
f Lbjp$b; x field_10356 field_0_2918 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; y field_10357 field_2104 | |
m (ILbip;IIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 textRenderer | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 width | |
p 6 height | |
m ()V a method_916 tick | |
m (CI)Z a method_917 method_0_2506 | |
p 1 character | |
p 2 code | |
m (I)V a method_918 eraseWords | |
p 1 wordOffset | |
m (II)I a method_919 getWordSkipPosition | |
p 1 wordOffset | |
p 2 cursorPosition | |
m (III)Z a method_920 method_0_2509 | |
m (IIZ)I a method_921 getWordSkipPosition | |
p 1 wordOffset | |
p 2 cursorPosition | |
p 3 skipOverSpaces | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;)V a method_13838 method_1874 | |
m (Lbjp$b;)V a method_9456 method_0_2511 | |
p 1 listener | |
m (Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate;)V a method_9457 method_1890 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_922 setText | |
p 1 text | |
m (Z)V a method_923 setDrawsBackground | |
p 1 hasBorder | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_924 getText | |
m (I)V b method_925 eraseCharacters | |
p 1 characterOffset | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V b method_926 write | |
p 1 text | |
m (Z)V b method_927 setTextFieldFocused | |
p 1 focused | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_928 getSelectedText | |
m (I)I c method_929 getWordSkipPosition | |
p 1 wordOffset | |
m (IIII)V c method_930 drawSelectionHighlight | |
p 1 x1 | |
p 2 y1 | |
p 3 x2 | |
p 4 y2 | |
m (Z)V c method_4243 setEditable | |
p 1 editable | |
m ()I d method_9458 method_0_2523 | |
m (I)V d method_932 moveCursor | |
p 1 offset | |
m (Z)V d method_933 setFocusUnlocked | |
p 1 focusUnlocked | |
m ()V e method_931 setCursorToStart | |
m (I)V e method_935 setCursor | |
p 1 cursor | |
m (Z)V e method_936 setVisible | |
p 1 visible | |
m ()V f method_934 setCursorToEnd | |
m (I)V f method_938 setMaxLength | |
p 1 maximumLength | |
m ()V g method_937 method_1857 | |
m (I)V g method_940 setEditableColor | |
p 1 color | |
m ()I h method_939 getMaxLength | |
m (I)V h method_4244 setUneditableColor | |
p 1 color | |
m ()I i method_941 getCursor | |
m (I)V i method_943 setSelectionEnd | |
m ()Z j method_942 drawsBackground | |
m ()Z m method_944 method_1871 | |
m ()I o method_945 method_1879 | |
m ()I p method_946 getInnerWidth | |
m ()Z r method_947 isVisible | |
c bjf net/minecraft/class_2295 net/minecraft/class_0_692 | |
f Z o field_10358 field_0_2920 | |
f F p field_10359 field_0_2921 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; q field_10360 field_0_2922 | |
f F r field_10361 field_0_2923 | |
f F s field_10362 field_0_2924 | |
f Lbjp$b; t field_10363 field_0_2925 | |
f Lbjf$a; u field_10364 field_0_2926 | |
m (Lbjp$b;IIILjava/lang/String;FFFLbjf$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 listener | |
p 2 id | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 min | |
p 7 max | |
p 9 labelSupplier | |
m (F)V a method_9459 method_0_2542 | |
m (FZ)V a method_9460 method_0_2543 | |
m ()F c method_9461 method_0_2544 | |
m ()F d method_9462 method_0_2545 | |
c Returns a progress value between 0 and 1 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; e method_9463 method_0_2546 | |
c bjf$a net/minecraft/class_2295$class_2296 net/minecraft/class_0_692$class_0_693 | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;F)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9464 method_0_2547 | |
p 3 sliderValue | |
c bjg net/minecraft/class_3256 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TexturedButtonWidget | |
f Lnf; o field_15891 texture | |
f I p field_15892 u | |
f I q field_15893 v | |
f I r field_15894 textureWidth | |
m (II)V c method_14476 method_1893 | |
c bjh net/minecraft/class_1801 net/minecraft/class_343 | |
f I a field_7715 field_2114 | |
f I f field_7716 field_2112 | |
f I g field_7717 field_2111 | |
f I h field_7718 field_2110 | |
f I i field_10365 field_0_2931 | |
f Z j field_7719 field_2117 | |
f Ljava/util/List; k field_10366 field_2121 | |
f Z l field_7721 field_2116 | |
f Z m field_7722 field_2115 | |
f I n field_7723 field_2123 | |
f I o field_7724 field_2122 | |
f I p field_7725 field_2120 | |
f I q field_7726 field_2119 | |
f Lbip; r field_7727 field_2113 | |
f I s field_7728 field_2118 | |
m (Lbip;IIIIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 textRenderer | |
p 2 id | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 width | |
p 6 height | |
p 7 color | |
m ()Lbjh; a method_9465 method_0_2548 | |
m (Lbib;II)V a method_6694 method_1892 | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_9466 method_0_2550 | |
p 1 text | |
m (Lbib;II)V b method_6695 method_1891 | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
c bji net/minecraft/class_379 net/minecraft/class_346 | |
c bjj net/minecraft/class_2840 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/ClientBossBar | |
f F h field_13310 healthLatest | |
f J i field_13311 timeHealthSet | |
m (Lik;)V a method_12175 handlePacket | |
c bjj$1 net/minecraft/class_2840$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/ClientBossBar$1 | |
f [I a field_13312 field_2130 | |
c bjk net/minecraft/class_2297 net/minecraft/class_0_697 | |
f Z o field_10367 field_0_2942 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; p field_10368 field_0_2943 | |
f Lbjp$b; q field_10369 field_0_2944 | |
m (Z)V b method_9467 method_0_2552 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_9468 method_0_2553 | |
c bjl net/minecraft/class_2298 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/LockButtonWidget | |
f Z o field_10370 locked | |
m (III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
m (Z)V b method_9469 setLocked | |
p 1 locked | |
m ()Z c method_9470 isLocked | |
c bjl$a net/minecraft/class_2298$class_2299 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/LockButtonWidget$IconLocation | |
f Lbjl$a; a field_10371 LOCKED | |
f Lbjl$a; b field_10372 LOCKED_HOVER | |
f Lbjl$a; c field_10373 LOCKED_DISABLED | |
f Lbjl$a; d field_10374 UNLOCKED | |
f Lbjl$a; e field_10375 UNLOCKED_HOVER | |
f Lbjl$a; f field_10376 UNLOCKED_DISABLED | |
f I g field_10377 u | |
f I h field_10378 v | |
f [Lbjl$a; i field_10379 field_2136 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 u | |
p 4 v | |
m ()I a method_9471 getU | |
m ()I b method_9472 getV | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbjl$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbjl$a; values values values | |
c bjm net/minecraft/class_1802 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/EntryListWidget | |
m (III)Z a method_6696 method_0_2559 | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
p 3 button | |
m (I)Lbjm$a; b method_6697 method_0_2558 | |
p 1 index | |
m (III)Z b method_6698 method_0_2560 | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
p 3 button | |
c bjm$a net/minecraft/class_1802$class_1803 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/EntryListWidget$class_0_701 | |
m (IIIF)V a method_9473 method_1904 | |
m (IIIIII)Z a method_6699 method_0_2562 | |
p 1 index | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
p 4 button | |
p 5 x | |
p 6 y | |
m (IIIIIIIZF)V a method_6700 method_1903 | |
m (IIIIII)V b method_6701 method_0_2564 | |
p 1 index | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
p 4 button | |
p 5 x | |
p 6 y | |
c bjn net/minecraft/class_395 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/OptionButtonWidget | |
f Lbid$a; o field_1284 field_2141 | |
m (IIILbid$a;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 option | |
p 5 message | |
m ()Lbid$a; c method_1088 method_1899 | |
c bjo net/minecraft/class_1804 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/OptionListWidget | |
f Ljava/util/List; u field_7729 field_0_2956 | |
m (Lbib;IIIII[Lbid$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 width | |
p 3 height | |
p 4 top | |
p 5 bottom | |
p 6 entryHeight | |
p 7 options | |
m (Lbib;IILbid$a;)Lbja; a method_6702 method_1914 | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 option | |
m (I)Lbjo$a; c method_6703 method_0_2558 | |
c bjo$a net/minecraft/class_1804$class_1805 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/OptionListWidget$WidgetEntry | |
f Lbib; a field_7730 field_0_2957 | |
f Lbja; b field_7731 field_2149 | |
f Lbja; c field_7732 field_2150 | |
m (Lbja;Lbja;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 left | |
p 2 right | |
c bjp net/minecraft/class_2300 net/minecraft/class_0_705 | |
f Lbir; A field_10380 field_0_2960 | |
f Ljava/util/List; u field_10381 field_0_2961 | |
f Lrg; v field_10382 field_0_2962 | |
f Ljava/util/List; w field_10383 field_0_2963 | |
f [[Lbjp$f; x field_10384 field_0_2964 | |
f I y field_10385 field_0_2965 | |
f Lbjp$b; z field_10386 field_0_2966 | |
m (Lbib;IIIIILbjp$b;[[Lbjp$f;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 width | |
p 3 height | |
p 4 top | |
p 5 bottom | |
p 6 entryHeight | |
p 7 listener | |
m (CI)V a method_9474 method_0_2568 | |
m (IILbjp$a;)Lbjk; a method_9475 method_0_2569 | |
m (IILbjp$c;)Lbje; a method_9476 method_0_2570 | |
m (IILbjp$e;Z)Lbjh; a method_9477 method_0_2571 | |
m (IILbjp$g;)Lbjf; a method_9478 method_0_2572 | |
m (Lbir;Z)V a method_9479 method_0_2573 | |
p 1 drawable | |
p 2 visible | |
m (Lbjp$f;IZ)Lbir; a method_9480 method_0_2574 | |
m (Z)V a method_9481 method_0_2575 | |
p 1 active | |
m (I)V c method_9482 method_0_2576 | |
m (I)Lbir; d method_9483 method_0_2577 | |
m ()I e method_9484 method_0_2578 | |
m (I)Lbjp$d; e method_9485 method_0_2558 | |
m (II)V e method_9486 method_0_2580 | |
m ()I f method_9487 method_0_2581 | |
m ()Lbir; g method_9488 method_0_2582 | |
m ()V h method_9489 method_0_2583 | |
m ()V i method_9490 method_0_2584 | |
m ()V s method_9491 method_0_2585 | |
m ()V t method_9492 method_0_2586 | |
c bjp$a net/minecraft/class_2300$class_2301 net/minecraft/class_0_705$class_0_706 | |
f Z a field_10387 field_0_2967 | |
m ()Z a method_9493 method_0_2587 | |
c bjp$b net/minecraft/class_2300$class_2302 net/minecraft/class_0_705$class_0_707 | |
m (IF)V a method_9494 method_0_2588 | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 value | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;)V a method_9495 method_0_2589 | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 text | |
m (IZ)V a method_9496 method_0_2590 | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 value | |
c bjp$c net/minecraft/class_2300$class_2303 net/minecraft/class_0_705$class_0_708 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a field_10388 field_0_2968 | |
m ()Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a method_9497 method_0_2591 | |
c bjp$d net/minecraft/class_2300$class_2304 net/minecraft/class_0_705$class_0_709 | |
f Lbib; a field_10389 field_0_2969 | |
f Lbir; b field_10390 field_0_2970 | |
f Lbir; c field_10391 field_0_2971 | |
f Lbir; d field_10392 field_0_2972 | |
m (Lbir;Lbir;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 first | |
p 2 second | |
m ()Lbir; a method_9498 method_0_2592 | |
m (Lbir;III)Z a method_9499 method_0_2593 | |
p 1 drawable | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
p 4 button | |
m (Lbir;IIIZF)V a method_9500 method_0_2594 | |
m (Lbja;III)Z a method_9501 method_0_2595 | |
p 1 widget | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
p 4 button | |
m (Lbja;IIIZF)V a method_9502 method_0_2596 | |
m (Lbje;III)V a method_9503 method_0_2597 | |
p 1 widget | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
p 4 button | |
m (Lbje;IZ)V a method_9504 method_0_2598 | |
p 1 widget | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 hidden | |
m (Lbjh;IIIZ)V a method_9505 method_0_2599 | |
p 1 widget | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 mouseX | |
p 4 mouseY | |
p 5 hidden | |
m (Lbjp$d;)Lbir; a method_9506 method_0_2600 | |
m ()Lbir; b method_9507 method_0_2601 | |
m (Lbir;III)V b method_9508 method_0_2602 | |
p 1 drawable | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
p 4 button | |
m (Lbja;III)V b method_9509 method_0_2603 | |
p 1 widget | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
p 4 button | |
m (Lbjp$d;)Lbir; b method_9510 method_0_2604 | |
m (Lbjp$d;)Lbir; c method_9511 method_0_2605 | |
c bjp$e net/minecraft/class_2300$class_2305 net/minecraft/class_0_705$class_0_710 | |
c bjp$f net/minecraft/class_2300$class_2306 net/minecraft/class_0_705$class_0_711 | |
f I a field_10393 field_0_2973 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_10394 field_0_2974 | |
f Z c field_10395 field_0_2975 | |
m ()I b method_9512 method_0_2606 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_9513 method_0_2607 | |
m ()Z d method_9514 method_0_2608 | |
c bjp$g net/minecraft/class_2300$class_2307 net/minecraft/class_0_705$class_0_712 | |
f Lbjf$a; a field_10396 field_0_2976 | |
f F b field_10397 field_0_2977 | |
f F c field_10398 field_0_2978 | |
f F d field_10399 field_0_2979 | |
m ()Lbjf$a; a method_9515 method_0_2609 | |
m ()F e method_9516 method_0_2610 | |
m ()F f method_9517 method_0_2611 | |
m ()F g method_9518 method_0_2612 | |
c bjq net/minecraft/class_2308 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/PlayerListHud | |
f Lcom/google/common/collect/Ordering; a field_10400 ENTRY_ORDERING | |
f Lbib; f field_10401 client | |
f Lbiq; g field_10402 inGameHud | |
f Lhh; h field_10403 footer | |
f Lhh; i field_10404 header | |
f J j field_10405 showTime | |
f Z k field_10406 visible | |
m (Lbib;Lbiq;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 inGameHud | |
m ()V a method_9519 clear | |
m (IIILbsc;)V a method_9520 renderLatencyIcon | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 playerEntry | |
m (ILbhk;Lbhg;)V a method_9521 render | |
p 1 width | |
p 2 scoreboard | |
p 3 playerListScoreboardObjective | |
m (Lbhg;ILjava/lang/String;IILbsc;)V a method_9522 renderScoreboardObjective | |
p 1 objective | |
p 3 player | |
p 6 playerEntry | |
m (Lbsc;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9523 method_1918 | |
p 1 playerEntry | |
m (Lhh;)V a method_9524 setFooter | |
p 1 footer | |
m (Z)V a method_9525 setVisible | |
p 1 visible | |
m (Lhh;)V b method_9526 setHeader | |
p 1 header | |
c bjq$1 net/minecraft/class_2308$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/PlayerListHud$1 | |
c bjq$a net/minecraft/class_2308$class_2309 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/PlayerListHud$EntryOrderComparator | |
m (Lbsc;Lbsc;)I a method_9527 compare | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I compare compare compare | |
p 1 playerEntry1 | |
p 2 playerEntry2 | |
c bjr net/minecraft/class_390 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/ListWidget | |
f Lbib; a field_1241 field_2164 | |
f I b field_7733 field_2168 | |
f I c field_1248 field_2167 | |
f I d field_1242 top | |
f I e field_1243 bottom | |
f I f field_1249 right | |
f I g field_7734 left | |
f I h field_1244 field_2179 | |
f I i field_1245 field_0_2995 | |
f I j field_1246 field_0_2996 | |
f Z k field_7735 field_2173 | |
f I l field_10407 field_2178 | |
f F m field_1254 field_0_2999 | |
f F n field_1255 field_2175 | |
f I o field_1256 field_2176 | |
f J p field_1257 field_2177 | |
f Z q field_10408 field_2172 | |
f Z r field_7736 field_2171 | |
f Z s field_1259 field_2170 | |
f I t field_1260 field_2174 | |
f I u field_1251 field_0_3007 | |
f I v field_1252 field_0_3008 | |
f Z w field_7737 field_2169 | |
m (Lbib;IIIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 width | |
p 3 height | |
p 4 top | |
p 5 bottom | |
p 6 entryHeight | |
m ()V a method_1066 method_1936 | |
m (I)Z a method_1051 method_1955 | |
p 1 index | |
m (II)V a method_1052 method_1929 | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
m (IIF)V a method_1053 method_1930 | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
p 3 delta | |
m (IIIF)V a method_9528 method_1952 | |
m (IIII)V a method_1054 method_1953 | |
p 1 right | |
p 2 height | |
p 3 top | |
p 4 bottom | |
m (IIIIF)V a method_6704 method_1950 | |
m (IIIIIIF)V a method_1055 method_1935 | |
m (IILbve;)V a method_1056 method_1940 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 tessellator | |
m (IZII)V a method_1057 method_1937 | |
p 1 index | |
p 3 lastMouseX | |
p 4 lastMouseY | |
m (Lbja;)V a method_1058 method_0_2631 | |
p 1 button | |
m (ZI)V a method_1061 method_1927 | |
p 1 renderHeader | |
p 2 headerHeight | |
m ()I b method_1050 method_1947 | |
m (II)V b method_1064 method_1942 | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
m (IIII)V b method_1065 method_1954 | |
p 1 top | |
p 2 bottom | |
p 3 topAlpha | |
p 4 bottomAlpha | |
m (Z)V b method_1060 method_1943 | |
p 1 renderSelection | |
m ()I c method_6706 method_1932 | |
m (II)I c method_1067 method_1956 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
m ()I d method_1069 method_1948 | |
m (II)V d method_1059 method_0_2641 | |
p 1 homeButtonId | |
p 2 endButtonId | |
m (Z)V d method_6705 method_0_2642 | |
p 1 dragging | |
m (I)Z g method_6707 method_1938 | |
p 1 mouseY | |
m (I)V h method_1063 method_1951 | |
p 1 amount | |
m (I)V i method_6709 method_1945 | |
p 1 x | |
m ()I k method_1062 method_1928 | |
m ()V l method_1070 method_1934 | |
m ()I m method_1068 method_1931 | |
m ()I n method_6708 method_1944 | |
m ()V p method_9529 method_0_2650 | |
m ()Z q method_6710 method_1939 | |
m ()I r method_6711 method_1941 | |
c bjs net/minecraft/class_1806 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/SliderWidget | |
f Z o field_7738 field_2163 | |
f F p field_7739 field_2161 | |
f Lbid$a; q field_7740 field_2162 | |
f F r field_7741 field_2160 | |
f F s field_7742 field_2159 | |
m (IIILbid$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 option | |
m (IIILbid$a;FF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 option | |
p 5 min | |
p 6 max | |
c bjt net/minecraft/class_3257 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/ToggleButtonWidget | |
f Lnf; o field_15895 texture | |
f Z p field_15896 toggled | |
f I q field_15897 u | |
f I r field_15898 v | |
f I s field_15899 pressedUOffset | |
f I t field_15900 hoverVOffset | |
m (IIIILnf;)V a method_14477 setTextureUV | |
m (Z)V b method_14478 setToggled | |
m ()Z c method_14479 isToggled | |
m (II)V c method_14480 setPos | |
c bju net/minecraft/class_2841 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/SubtitlesHud | |
f Lbib; a field_13313 client | |
f Ljava/util/List; f field_13314 entries | |
f Z g field_13315 enabled | |
m (Lbit;)V a method_12176 method_1957 | |
c bju$a net/minecraft/class_2841$class_2842 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/SubtitlesHud$SubtitleEntry | |
f Lbju; a field_13316 field_2187 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_13317 text | |
f J c field_13318 time | |
f Lbhe; d field_13319 pos | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_12177 getText | |
m (Lbhe;)V a method_12178 reset | |
m ()J b method_12179 getTime | |
m ()Lbhe; c method_12180 getPosition | |
c bjw net/minecraft/class_2310 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/SpectatorHud | |
f Lnf; a field_10409 SPECTATOR_TEXTURE | |
f Lnf; f field_10410 WIDGETS_TEXTURE | |
f Lbib; g field_10411 client | |
f J h field_10412 lastInteractionTime | |
f Lboq; i field_10413 spectatorMenu | |
m (Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
m ()Z a method_9530 isOpen | |
m (I)V a method_9531 selectSlot | |
p 1 slot | |
m (IIFFLbos;)V a method_9532 renderSpectatorCommand | |
p 1 slot | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 alpha | |
p 5 command | |
m (Lbit;)V a method_9533 method_1979 | |
p 1 window | |
m (Lbit;F)V a method_9534 method_1978 | |
p 1 window | |
m (Lbit;FIFLbou;)V a method_9535 method_1975 | |
p 1 window | |
p 2 height | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 state | |
m ()V b method_9536 useSelectedCommand | |
m (I)V b method_9537 cycleSlot | |
p 1 offset | |
m ()F c method_9538 getSpectatorMenuHeight | |
c bjy net/minecraft/class_3258 net/minecraft/client/toast/AdvancementToast | |
f Li; c field_15901 advancement | |
f Z d field_15902 soundPlayed | |
c bjz net/minecraft/class_3259 net/minecraft/client/toast/RecipeToast | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_15903 recipes | |
f J d field_15904 startTime | |
f Z e field_15905 justUpdated | |
m (Laip;)V a method_14481 method_1984 | |
m (Lbkc;Lakt;)V a method_14482 show | |
c bk net/minecraft/class_1007 net/minecraft/class_0_1630 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;)Z a method_3278 method_0_5961 | |
p 1 server | |
p 2 source | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;[Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_3279 method_0_5962 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;[Ljava/lang/String;Let;)Ljava/util/List; a method_10738 method_0_5963 | |
p 1 server | |
p 2 source | |
p 4 pos | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; b method_3274 method_0_5964 | |
m (Lbn;)Ljava/lang/String; b method_3275 method_0_5967 | |
p 1 source | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;I)Z b method_4674 method_0_5965 | |
p 1 args | |
p 2 index | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_3277 method_0_5966 | |
c bka net/minecraft/class_3260 net/minecraft/client/toast/SystemToast | |
f Lbka$a; c field_15906 type | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_15907 title | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_15908 description | |
f J f field_15909 startTime | |
f Z g field_15910 justUpdated | |
m ()Lbka$a; a method_14483 getType | |
m (Lbkc;Lbka$a;Lhh;Lhh;)V a method_14484 show | |
m (Lhh;Lhh;)V a method_14485 setContent | |
c bka$a net/minecraft/class_3260$class_3261 net/minecraft/client/toast/SystemToast$Type | |
f Lbka$a; a field_15911 TUTORIAL_HINT | |
f Lbka$a; b field_15912 NARRATOR_TOGGLE | |
f [Lbka$a; c field_15913 field_2221 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbka$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbka$a; values values values | |
c bkb net/minecraft/class_3262 net/minecraft/client/toast/Toast | |
f Lnf; a field_15914 TEXTURE | |
f Ljava/lang/Object; b field_15915 TYPE | |
m (Lbkc;J)Lbkb$a; a method_14486 draw | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; b method_14487 getType | |
c bkb$a net/minecraft/class_3262$class_3263 net/minecraft/client/toast/Toast$Visibility | |
f Lbkb$a; a field_15916 SHOW | |
f Lbkb$a; b field_15917 HIDE | |
f Lqe; c field_15918 sound | |
f [Lbkb$a; d field_15919 field_2212 | |
m (Lcho;)V a method_14488 playSound | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbkb$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbkb$a; values values values | |
c bkc net/minecraft/class_3264 net/minecraft/client/toast/ToastManager | |
f Lbib; a field_15920 client | |
f [Lbkc$a; f field_15921 visibleEntries | |
f Ljava/util/Deque; g field_15922 toastQueue | |
m ()V a method_14489 clear | |
m (Lbit;)V a method_14490 method_1996 | |
m (Lbkb;)V a method_14491 add | |
m (Lbkc;)Lbib; a method_14492 method_1998 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lbkb; a method_14493 getToast | |
m ()Lbib; b method_14494 getClient | |
c bkc$1 net/minecraft/class_3264$1 net/minecraft/client/toast/ToastManager$1 | |
c bkc$a net/minecraft/class_3264$class_3265 net/minecraft/client/toast/ToastManager$Entry | |
f Lbkc; a field_15923 field_2245 | |
f Lbkb; b field_15924 instance | |
f J c field_15925 startTime | |
f J d field_15926 showTime | |
f Lbkb$a; e field_15927 visibility | |
m ()Lbkb; a method_14495 getInstance | |
m (II)Z a method_14496 draw | |
m (J)F a method_14497 getDisappearProgress | |
c bkd net/minecraft/class_3266 net/minecraft/client/toast/TutorialToast | |
f Lbkd$a; c field_15928 type | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_15929 title | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_15930 description | |
f Lbkb$a; f field_15931 visibility | |
f J g field_15932 lastTime | |
f F h field_15933 lastProgress | |
f F i field_15934 progress | |
f Z j field_15935 hasProgressBar | |
m ()V a method_14498 hide | |
m (F)V a method_14499 setProgress | |
c bkd$a net/minecraft/class_3266$class_3267 net/minecraft/client/toast/TutorialToast$Type | |
f Lbkd$a; a field_15936 MOVEMENT_KEYS | |
f Lbkd$a; b field_15937 MOUSE | |
f Lbkd$a; c field_15938 TREE | |
f Lbkd$a; d field_15939 RECIPE_BOOK | |
f Lbkd$a; e field_15940 WOODEN_PLANKS | |
f I f field_15941 textureSlotX | |
f I g field_15942 textureSlotY | |
f [Lbkd$a; h field_15943 field_2234 | |
m (Lbir;II)V a method_14500 drawIcon | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbkd$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbkd$a; values values values | |
c bkg net/minecraft/class_1808 net/minecraft/class_398 | |
f Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsButton; o field_7747 field_2339 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsButton;IIILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 realmsButton | |
p 2 id | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 message | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsButton;IIILjava/lang/String;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 realmsButton | |
p 2 id | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 message | |
p 6 width | |
p 7 height | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_6717 method_0_2667 | |
p 1 message | |
m (Z)V b method_6718 method_0_2668 | |
p 1 value | |
m ()I c method_6720 method_0_2669 | |
m (Z)I c method_6719 method_2061 | |
p 1 isHovered | |
m ()Z d method_6721 method_0_2671 | |
m ()I e method_6722 method_0_2672 | |
m ()Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsButton; f method_6723 method_2064 | |
m ()I g method_9539 method_0_2674 | |
c bkh net/minecraft/class_2311 net/minecraft/class_0_720 | |
f Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsClickableScrolledSelectionList; u field_10414 field_0_3025 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsClickableScrolledSelectionList;IIIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 list | |
p 2 width | |
p 3 height | |
p 4 top | |
p 5 bottom | |
p 6 entryHeight | |
m (IIILnet/minecraft/realms/Tezzelator;)V a method_9540 method_0_2675 | |
m ()I e method_9541 method_0_2676 | |
m ()I f method_9542 method_0_2677 | |
m ()I g method_9543 method_0_2678 | |
c bki net/minecraft/class_1809 net/minecraft/class_399 | |
f Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsScreen; a field_7748 field_2340 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsScreen;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 realmsScreen | |
m ()Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsScreen; a method_6724 method_2069 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/List; a method_6725 method_2072 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 i | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;III)V a method_6726 method_2075 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 color | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IIIZ)V a method_9544 method_0_2683 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 color | |
p 5 shadow | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsButton;)V a method_6727 method_0_2682 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;III)V b method_6731 method_0_2686 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 color | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsButton;)V b method_6729 method_2077 | |
p 1 button | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)I c method_6730 method_0_2685 | |
p 1 text | |
m ()I h method_6732 method_2080 | |
m ()V i method_6733 method_0_2688 | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; j method_6734 method_2074 | |
c bkj net/minecraft/class_1810 net/minecraft/class_0_722 | |
f Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsScrolledSelectionList; u field_7749 field_0_3027 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsScrolledSelectionList;IIIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 list | |
p 2 width | |
p 3 height | |
p 4 top | |
p 5 bottom | |
p 6 entryHeight | |
m ()I e method_6735 method_0_2690 | |
m ()I f method_6736 method_0_2691 | |
m ()I g method_6737 method_0_2692 | |
c bkk net/minecraft/class_2312 net/minecraft/class_0_723 | |
f Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsSimpleScrolledSelectionList; u field_10415 field_0_3028 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/realms/RealmsSimpleScrolledSelectionList;IIIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 list | |
p 2 width | |
p 3 height | |
p 4 top | |
p 5 bottom | |
p 6 entryHeight | |
m ()I e method_9545 method_0_2693 | |
m ()I f method_9546 method_0_2694 | |
m ()I g method_9547 method_0_2695 | |
c bkm net/minecraft/class_358 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/ChatOptionsScreen | |
f [Lbid$a; a field_1062 field_2352 | |
f Lblk; f field_1063 parent | |
f Lbid; g field_1064 options | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_1065 field_2353 | |
f Lbjn; i field_15944 field_2355 | |
m (Lblk;Lbid;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 options | |
m ()V a method_14501 setNarratorMessage | |
c bkn net/minecraft/class_359 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ChatScreen | |
f Lbje; a field_1066 chatField | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; f field_7751 field_0_3034 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_1067 chatLastMessage | |
f I h field_1068 messageHistorySize | |
f Lblq; i field_13320 field_0_9863 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; s field_1074 field_2384 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 lastChatFieldText | |
m (I)V b method_907 setChatFromHistory | |
c bkn$a net/minecraft/class_359$class_2843 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ChatScreen$class_0_2235 | |
f Lbib; g field_13321 field_0_9864 | |
c bko net/minecraft/class_471 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ConfirmLinkScreen | |
f Ljava/lang/String; s field_1629 warning | |
f Ljava/lang/String; t field_1630 copy | |
f Ljava/lang/String; u field_5145 link | |
f Z v field_5146 drawWarning | |
m (Lbkp;Ljava/lang/String;IZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 consumer | |
p 2 link | |
p 3 id | |
p 4 trusted | |
m ()V a method_1206 copyToClipboard | |
m ()V f method_4277 method_0_2701 | |
c bkp net/minecraft/class_1811 net/minecraft/class_411 | |
m (ZI)V a method_1029 method_0_2702 | |
p 1 b | |
p 2 id | |
c bkq net/minecraft/class_361 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ConfirmScreen | |
f Lbkp; a field_7752 field_2403 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_1078 field_2405 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_1079 yesTranslated | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_1080 noTranslated | |
f I i field_1082 field_2398 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; s field_1081 field_2401 | |
f Ljava/util/List; t field_10416 messageSplit | |
f I u field_7753 buttonEnableTimer | |
m (Lbkp;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 consumer | |
p 2 title | |
p 3 subtitle | |
p 4 identifier | |
m (Lbkp;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 consumer | |
p 2 title | |
p 3 subtitle | |
p 4 yesText | |
p 5 noText | |
p 6 identifier | |
m (I)V b method_6740 disableButtons | |
p 1 duration | |
c bkr net/minecraft/class_472 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ConnectScreen | |
f Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicInteger; a field_7754 CONNECTOR_THREADS_COUNT | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; f field_7755 LOGGER | |
f Lgw; g field_1631 connection | |
f Z h field_1632 connectingCancelled | |
f Lblk; i field_5932 parent | |
m (Lblk;Lbib;Lbse;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 client | |
p 3 serverInfo | |
m (Lblk;Lbib;Ljava/lang/String;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 client | |
p 3 address | |
p 4 port | |
m ()Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a method_6741 method_2133 | |
m (Lbkr;)Z a method_1210 method_2134 | |
m (Lbkr;Lgw;)Lgw; a method_1208 method_2126 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)V a method_6742 connect | |
p 1 address | |
p 2 port | |
m (Lbkr;)Lgw; b method_1212 method_2129 | |
m (Lbkr;)Lblk; c method_5130 method_2128 | |
c bkr$1 net/minecraft/class_472$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ConnectScreen$1 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_7756 field_2414 | |
f I b field_7757 field_2415 | |
f Lbkr; c field_7758 field_2416 | |
m ()V run run run | |
c bks net/minecraft/class_1318 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/CustomizeFlatLevelScreen | |
f Lboi; a field_5061 parent | |
f Lbbb; f field_5062 config | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_5063 field_2423 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_5064 tileText | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_5065 heightText | |
f Lbks$a; s field_5066 field_2424 | |
f Lbja; t field_5067 field_2426 | |
f Lbja; u field_5068 field_2420 | |
f Lbja; v field_5069 field_2421 | |
m (Lboi;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 generatorOptions | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4236 getConfigString | |
m (Lbks;)F a method_6746 method_0_2711 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_4232 setConfigString | |
p 1 config | |
m (Lbks;)F b method_6743 method_0_2713 | |
m (Lbks;)F c method_6744 method_0_2714 | |
m (Lbks;)F d method_6745 method_0_2715 | |
m (Lbks;)Lbbb; e method_4231 method_2142 | |
m ()V f method_4233 updateRemoveLayerButton | |
m ()Z g method_4235 hasLayerSelected | |
c bks$a net/minecraft/class_1318$class_1319 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/CustomizeFlatLevelScreen$class_414 | |
f I u field_5070 field_2428 | |
f Lbks; v field_5071 field_2429 | |
m (IILaip;)V a method_4237 method_2148 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 iconItem | |
m (IIII)V c method_4238 method_2150 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 u | |
p 4 v | |
m (II)V e method_4239 method_2149 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
c bkt net/minecraft/class_2314 net/minecraft/class_0_734 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_10419 field_0_3100 | |
f Ljava/util/List; f field_10420 field_0_3101 | |
f Lbkt$b; g field_10421 field_0_3102 | |
f Lbja; h field_10422 field_0_3103 | |
f Lbje; i field_10423 field_0_3104 | |
f Lbku; s field_10424 field_0_3105 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; t field_10425 field_0_3106 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; u field_10426 field_0_3107 | |
m (Lbku;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 screen | |
m ()V a method_9551 method_0_2729 | |
m (Lbkt;)Lbkt$b; a method_9552 method_0_2730 | |
m (Lbkt;IIII)V a method_9553 method_0_2731 | |
m (Lbkt;)Lbje; b method_9554 method_0_2732 | |
m (Lbkt;IIII)V b method_9555 method_0_2733 | |
m (Lbkt;IIII)V c method_9556 method_0_2734 | |
m (Lbkt;IIII)V d method_9557 method_0_2735 | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; f method_9558 method_0_2736 | |
m ()Z g method_9559 method_0_2737 | |
c bkt$a net/minecraft/class_2314$class_2315 net/minecraft/class_0_734$class_0_735 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_10427 field_0_3108 | |
f Lnf; b field_10428 field_0_3109 | |
f Layx$a; c field_10429 field_0_3110 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lnf;Layx$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 name | |
p 2 texture | |
p 3 utilities | |
c bkt$b net/minecraft/class_2314$class_2316 net/minecraft/class_0_734$class_0_736 | |
f I u field_10430 field_0_3111 | |
f Lbkt; v field_10431 field_0_3112 | |
m (IILnf;)V a method_9560 method_0_2738 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 texture | |
c bku net/minecraft/class_2317 net/minecraft/class_0_737 | |
f Lbja; A field_10452 field_0_3133 | |
f Z B field_10432 field_0_3113 | |
f I C field_10433 field_0_3114 | |
f Z D field_10434 field_0_3115 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; E field_10435 field_0_3116 | |
f Layx$a; F field_10436 field_0_3117 | |
f Layx$a; G field_10437 field_0_3118 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; H field_10438 field_0_3119 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_10439 field_0_3120 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_10440 field_0_3121 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_10441 field_0_3122 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; h field_10442 field_0_3123 | |
f Lboi; i field_10443 field_0_3124 | |
f Lbjp; s field_10444 field_0_3125 | |
f Lbja; t field_10445 field_0_3126 | |
f Lbja; u field_10446 field_0_3127 | |
f Lbja; v field_10447 field_0_3128 | |
f Lbja; w field_10448 field_0_3129 | |
f Lbja; x field_10449 field_0_3130 | |
f Lbja; y field_10450 field_0_3131 | |
f Lbja; z field_10451 field_0_3132 | |
m (Lblk;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_9561 method_0_2739 | |
m (F)V a method_9562 method_0_2740 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_9563 method_0_2741 | |
m (I)V b method_9565 method_0_2743 | |
m (IF)Ljava/lang/String; b method_9566 method_0_2744 | |
m (Z)V b method_9564 method_0_2742 | |
m (Z)V c method_9567 method_0_2745 | |
m ()V f method_9568 method_0_2746 | |
m ()V g method_9569 method_0_2747 | |
m ()V h method_9570 method_0_2748 | |
m ()V i method_9571 method_0_2749 | |
c bku$1 net/minecraft/class_2317$1 net/minecraft/class_0_737$1 | |
f Lbku; a field_10453 field_0_3134 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z a method_9572 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bkv net/minecraft/class_364 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/DeathScreen | |
f I a field_1111 ticksSinceDeath | |
f Lhh; f field_13322 message | |
m (I)Lhh; b method_12181 getTextComponentUnderMouse | |
c bkw net/minecraft/class_365 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/DemoScreen | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7760 field_0_3137 | |
f Lnf; f field_6283 DEMO_BG | |
c bkx net/minecraft/class_366 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/DirectConnectScreen | |
f Lblk; a field_1113 field_2461 | |
f Lbse; f field_1114 serverEntry | |
f Lbje; g field_1115 addressField | |
m (Lblk;Lbse;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 info | |
c bky net/minecraft/class_475 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/DisconnectedScreen | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_1638 field_2455 | |
f Lhh; f field_7761 reason | |
f Ljava/util/List; g field_1641 reasonFormatted | |
f Lblk; h field_5933 parent | |
f I i field_10454 reasonHeight | |
m (Lblk;Ljava/lang/String;Lhh;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 name | |
p 3 reason | |
c bkz net/minecraft/class_368 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/AddServerScreen | |
f Lblk; a field_1134 field_2470 | |
f Lbse; f field_1137 server | |
f Lbje; g field_1135 addressField | |
f Lbje; h field_1136 serverNameField | |
f Lbja; i field_7762 field_2473 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; s field_10455 field_2475 | |
m (Lblk;Lbse;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 server | |
c bkz$1 net/minecraft/class_368$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/AddServerScreen$1 | |
f Lbkz; a field_10456 field_0_3153 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z a method_9573 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bl net/minecraft/class_1034 net/minecraft/class_0_1660 | |
m (Lbn;)Ljava/util/List; a method_3309 method_0_6232 | |
p 1 source | |
m (Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;)I a method_3310 method_0_6233 | |
p 1 source | |
p 2 name | |
m (Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;Let;)Ljava/util/List; a method_10746 method_0_6234 | |
p 1 source | |
p 2 name | |
p 3 pos | |
m ()Ljava/util/Map; b method_3308 method_0_6231 | |
c bla net/minecraft/class_369 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/FatalErrorScreen | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_1138 field_2466 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_1139 message | |
c blb net/minecraft/class_374 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/SleepingChatScreen | |
m ()V a method_997 stopSleeping | |
c blc net/minecraft/class_380 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/LanguageOptionsScreen | |
f Lblk; a field_1203 parent | |
f Lblc$a; f field_1205 field_2486 | |
f Lbid; g field_1206 options | |
f Lcfa; h field_6293 languageManager | |
f Lbjn; i field_7763 field_0_3160 | |
f Lbjn; s field_1207 field_2491 | |
m (Lblk;Lbid;Lcfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 options | |
p 3 languageManager | |
m (Lblc;)Lcfa; a method_5590 method_2182 | |
m (Lblc;)Lbid; b method_1021 method_2183 | |
m (Lblc;)Lbjn; c method_1022 method_2185 | |
m (Lblc;)Lbjn; d method_6747 method_0_2756 | |
c blc$a net/minecraft/class_380$class_381 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/LanguageOptionsScreen$class_427 | |
f Lblc; u field_1208 field_2494 | |
f Ljava/util/List; v field_6294 field_2492 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; w field_6295 field_2493 | |
m (Lblc;Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 client | |
c ble net/minecraft/class_383 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/OptionsScreen | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_1215 field_2499 | |
f [Lbid$a; f field_1216 field_2504 | |
f Lblk; g field_1217 parent | |
f Lbid; h field_1218 settings | |
f Lbja; i field_10457 field_2500 | |
f Lbjl; s field_10458 lockDifficultyButton | |
m (Lblk;Lbid;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 options | |
m (Ltz;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9574 getDifficultyButtonText | |
p 1 difficulty | |
c blf net/minecraft/class_384 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/OutOfMemoryScreen | |
c blg net/minecraft/class_385 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/GameMenuScreen | |
f I a field_1219 field_0_3172 | |
f I f field_1220 field_0_3173 | |
c blh net/minecraft/class_1320 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/PresetsScreen | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_5077 PRESETS | |
f Lbks; f field_5078 parent | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_5079 field_2522 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_5080 shareText | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_5081 listText | |
f Lblh$b; s field_5082 field_2521 | |
f Lbja; t field_5083 field_2525 | |
f Lbje; u field_5084 customPresetField | |
m (Lbks;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
m ()V a method_4252 method_2191 | |
m (Lblh;)F a method_6751 method_0_2759 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lain;ILanh;Ljava/util/List;[Lbbc;)V a method_9575 method_2195 | |
p 0 name | |
p 1 icon | |
p 2 iconDamge | |
p 3 biome | |
p 4 structures | |
p 5 layers | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lain;Lanh;Ljava/util/List;[Lbbc;)V a method_4249 method_0_2761 | |
p 0 name | |
p 1 icon | |
p 2 biome | |
p 3 structures | |
p 4 layers | |
m (Lblh;)F b method_6748 method_0_2763 | |
m (Lblh;)F c method_6749 method_0_2764 | |
m (Lblh;)F d method_6750 method_0_2765 | |
m (Lblh;)Lblh$b; e method_4248 method_2196 | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; f method_4254 method_2194 | |
m (Lblh;)Lbje; f method_4251 method_2193 | |
m ()Z g method_4255 method_2197 | |
c blh$a net/minecraft/class_1320$class_1321 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/PresetsScreen$SuperflatPreset | |
f Lain; a field_7765 icon | |
f I b field_10459 field_0_3183 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_5086 name | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_5087 config | |
m (Lain;ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 icon | |
p 2 iconDamage | |
p 3 name | |
p 4 config | |
c blh$b net/minecraft/class_1320$class_1322 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/PresetsScreen$class_432 | |
f I u field_5088 field_2531 | |
f Lblh; v field_5089 field_2532 | |
m (IILain;I)V a method_9576 method_2200 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 item | |
p 4 damage | |
m (IIII)V c method_4257 method_2199 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 u | |
p 4 v | |
m (II)V e method_4258 method_2198 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
c bli net/minecraft/class_1814 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ProgressScreen | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_7766 title | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_7767 task | |
f I g field_7768 progress | |
f Z h field_7769 done | |
c blj net/minecraft/class_483 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/DownloadingTerrainScreen | |
m (Lbrz;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 handler | |
c blk net/minecraft/class_388 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/Screen | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_10460 field_2565 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; f field_10461 field_2556 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Splitter; g field_10462 field_0_3199 | |
f I h field_5090 field_0_3201 | |
f J i field_5091 field_0_3210 | |
f Lbib; j field_1229 field_2563 | |
f Lbzw; k field_7770 field_2560 | |
f I l field_1230 field_2561 | |
f I m field_1231 field_2559 | |
f Ljava/util/List; n field_1232 field_2564 | |
f Ljava/util/List; o field_7771 field_2555 | |
f Z p field_1233 field_2558 | |
f Lbip; q field_1234 field_2554 | |
f Lbja; r field_1228 field_0_3200 | |
f I s field_5092 field_0_3211 | |
f Ljava/net/URI; t field_10463 field_2562 | |
f Z u field_15945 field_0_13167 | |
m (CI)V a method_1024 method_0_2773 | |
p 1 character | |
p 2 code | |
m (II)V a method_9577 method_0_9884 | |
p 1 width | |
p 2 height | |
m (IIF)V a method_1025 method_2214 | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
p 3 tickDelta | |
m (III)V a method_1026 method_0_2775 | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
p 3 button | |
m (IIIJ)V a method_4259 method_0_2776 | |
m (Laip;)Ljava/util/List; a method_14502 method_2239 | |
m (Laip;II)V a method_6752 method_2218 | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
m (Lbib;II)V a method_1028 method_2233 | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 width | |
p 3 height | |
m (Lbja;)V a method_1027 method_0_2778 | |
p 1 button | |
m (Lhh;)Z a method_9578 method_2216 | |
p 1 text | |
m (Lhh;II)V a method_9579 method_2229 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;II)V a method_6753 method_2215 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V a method_9580 method_2237 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 override | |
m (Ljava/net/URI;)V a method_9581 method_2221 | |
p 1 link | |
m (Ljava/util/List;II)V a method_6754 method_2211 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
m (Z)V a method_14503 method_0_12045 | |
m ()V b method_1044 method_2224 | |
m (III)V b method_1032 method_0_2787 | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
p 3 button | |
m (Lbib;II)V b method_9582 method_2228 | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 width | |
p 3 height | |
m (Lbja;)Lbja; b method_13411 method_2219 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V b method_9583 method_2213 | |
p 1 text | |
p 2 toHud | |
m ()V c method_1043 method_2240 | |
m (I)V c method_1034 method_2220 | |
p 1 alpha | |
m ()Z d method_1037 method_2222 | |
m (I)Z d method_9584 method_2212 | |
p 0 code | |
m (I)V d_ method_1031 method_2236 | |
p 1 alpha | |
m ()V e method_1033 method_2225 | |
m (I)Z e method_9585 method_2235 | |
p 0 code | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V e method_1036 method_0_2797 | |
p 0 string | |
m (I)Z f method_9586 method_2227 | |
p 0 code | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V f method_9587 method_2230 | |
p 1 text | |
m (I)Z g method_9588 method_2226 | |
p 0 code | |
m ()V k method_1035 method_0_2801 | |
m ()V l method_6755 method_0_2802 | |
m ()V m method_1030 method_2234 | |
m (ZI)V method_1029 method_1029 confirmResult | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; o method_1038 method_0_2804 | |
m ()Z p method_14504 method_0_12046 | |
m ()V q method_1039 method_0_2805 | |
m ()Z r method_1041 method_2238 | |
m ()Z s method_1042 method_2223 | |
m ()Z t method_9589 method_2232 | |
c bll net/minecraft/class_393 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/OpenToLanScreen | |
f Lblk; a field_1276 parent | |
f Lbja; f field_1277 field_2547 | |
f Lbja; g field_1278 field_2549 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_1279 gameMode | |
f Z i field_1280 allowCommands | |
m (Lblk;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
m ()V a method_1087 updateButtonText | |
c blm net/minecraft/class_2318 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/SkinOptionsScreen | |
f Lblk; a field_10464 parent | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_10465 field_2578 | |
m (Lblk;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
m (Laee;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9591 getPlayerModelPartDisplayString | |
p 1 part | |
m (Lblm;Laee;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9590 method_2247 | |
c blm$1 net/minecraft/class_2318$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/SkinOptionsScreen$1 | |
c blm$a net/minecraft/class_2318$class_2319 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/SkinOptionsScreen$class_441 | |
f Lblm; o field_10466 field_2580 | |
f Laee; p field_10467 field_2579 | |
m (Lblm;IIIIILaee;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 id | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 width | |
p 6 height | |
p 7 part | |
m (Lblm$a;)Laee; a method_9592 method_0_2829 | |
c bln net/minecraft/class_396 net/minecraft/class_438 | |
f Lblk; a field_1285 field_2570 | |
f Lbid; f field_1286 field_2566 | |
f Ljava/util/List; g field_1287 field_2569 | |
f Ljava/util/List; h field_1288 field_2567 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_1289 field_2571 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; s field_1290 field_2572 | |
f Lbln$a; t field_1291 field_2573 | |
f Lbja; u field_1292 field_2568 | |
m (Lblk;Lbid;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 options | |
m (Lbln;)Ljava/util/List; a method_1089 method_2241 | |
m (Lbln;)Ljava/util/List; b method_1090 method_2244 | |
c bln$a net/minecraft/class_396$class_397 net/minecraft/class_438$class_439 | |
f Lbln; u field_1293 field_2575 | |
c blo net/minecraft/class_1815 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/SoundOptionsScreen | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_7773 field_2615 | |
f Lblk; f field_7774 parent | |
f Lbid; g field_7775 options | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_7776 field_2616 | |
m (Lblk;Lbid;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 options | |
m (Lblo;)Lbid; a method_6756 method_2255 | |
m (Lqg;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_6757 method_2256 | |
p 1 soundCategory | |
c blo$a net/minecraft/class_1815$class_1816 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/SoundOptionsScreen$class_444 | |
f F o field_7777 field_2620 | |
f Z p field_7778 field_2623 | |
f Lblo; q field_7779 field_2624 | |
f Lqg; r field_7780 field_2622 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; s field_7781 field_2621 | |
m (Lblo;IIILqg;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 id | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 5 category | |
p 6 isLarge | |
c blp net/minecraft/class_2844 net/minecraft/class_0_2236 | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_12182 method_0_2698 | |
c blq net/minecraft/class_2284 net/minecraft/class_0_2237 | |
f Lbje; a field_13323 field_0_9865 | |
f Z b field_13324 field_0_9866 | |
f Z c field_13325 field_0_9867 | |
f Z d field_13326 field_0_9868 | |
f I e field_13327 field_0_9869 | |
f Ljava/util/List; f field_13328 field_0_9870 | |
m ()V a method_12183 method_0_9217 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_12184 method_0_9218 | |
m ([Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_12185 method_0_9219 | |
m ()Let; b method_12186 method_0_9220 | |
m ()V c method_12187 method_0_9221 | |
m ()V d method_12188 method_0_9222 | |
c blr net/minecraft/class_624 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/TitleScreen | |
f I A field_5252 field_2595 | |
f I B field_5253 field_2593 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; C field_5247 field_2601 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; D field_7783 field_2589 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; E field_6032 field_2604 | |
f Lnf; F field_6687 field_2591 | |
f Lnf; G field_6688 MINECRAFT_TITLE_TEXTURE | |
f Lnf; H field_15946 EDITION_TITLE_TEXTURE | |
f [Lnf; I field_6689 field_2585 | |
f Lnf; J field_6684 field_0_3267 | |
f Lbja; K field_10468 field_0_3268 | |
f Z L field_10469 realmsNotificationsInitialized | |
f Lblk; M field_10470 realmsNotificationGui | |
f I N field_15947 copyrightTextWidth | |
f I O field_15948 copyrightTextX | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_6027 field_2587 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; f field_7782 field_0_3271 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; g field_2273 field_2588 | |
f F h field_2274 field_2605 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_2275 splashText | |
f Lbja; s field_2276 field_2590 | |
f F t field_15949 field_0_13170 | |
f Lcdg; u field_6686 field_0_3277 | |
f Ljava/lang/Object; v field_6031 field_2603 | |
f I w field_5248 field_2600 | |
f I x field_5249 field_2598 | |
f I y field_5250 field_2597 | |
f I z field_5251 field_2596 | |
m ()Z a method_9593 isRealmsNotificationsGuiDisplayed | |
m (II)V b method_5997 initWidgetsNormal | |
p 1 y | |
p 2 spacingY | |
m (IIF)V b method_1725 method_0_2839 | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
p 3 tickDelta | |
m (II)V c method_1726 initWidgetsDemo | |
p 1 y | |
p 2 spacingY | |
m (IIF)V c method_1727 method_0_2841 | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
p 3 tickDelta | |
m ()V f method_6003 switchToRealms | |
m ()V g method_14505 method_0_2837 | |
c bls net/minecraft/class_398 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/VideoOptionsScreen | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_1294 field_2636 | |
f Lblk; f field_1295 parent | |
f Lbid; g field_7784 options | |
f Lbjm; h field_7785 field_2639 | |
f [Lbid$a; i field_1298 field_2640 | |
m (Lblk;Lbid;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 options | |
c blt net/minecraft/class_430 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/CreditsScreen | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7786 LOGGER | |
f Lnf; f field_6375 MINECRAFT_TITLE_TEXTURE | |
f Lnf; g field_15950 EDITION_TITLE_TEXTURE | |
f Lnf; h field_6376 VIGNETTE_TEXTURE | |
f Z i field_15951 endCredits | |
f Ljava/lang/Runnable; s field_15952 finishAction | |
f F t field_15953 time | |
f Ljava/util/List; u field_1438 credits | |
f I v field_1439 creditsHeight | |
f F w field_1440 speed | |
m ()V a method_1167 closeScreen | |
m (IIF)V b method_1166 renderBackground | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
p 3 tickDelta | |
c blu net/minecraft/class_402 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/StatsScreen | |
f Lblk; a field_1325 parent | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_1326 field_2649 | |
f Lblu$b; g field_7790 field_2644 | |
f Lblu$c; h field_7791 field_2642 | |
f Lblu$a; i field_7792 field_0_3329 | |
f Lblu$d; s field_7793 field_2646 | |
f Lqt; t field_1331 statHandler | |
f Lbjr; u field_1332 field_2643 | |
f Z v field_7794 downloadingStats | |
m (Lblk;Lqt;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 statHandler | |
m ()V a method_9596 createLists | |
m (IILain;)V a method_1104 renderStatItem | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 item | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; a method_1102 method_2286 | |
m (Lblu;IIII)V a method_1099 method_2260 | |
m (Lblu;IIIIII)V a method_1103 method_0_2855 | |
m (Lblu;IILain;)V a method_1098 method_2288 | |
m (II)V b method_1101 method_2272 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
m (Lblu;)Lqt; b method_1106 method_2271 | |
m (Lblu;IIIIII)V b method_1100 method_0_2859 | |
m (IIII)V c method_1105 renderIcon | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 u | |
p 4 v | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; c method_1108 method_2283 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; d method_1107 method_2287 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; e method_9595 method_0_2863 | |
m ()V f method_6763 createButtons | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; f method_9597 method_0_2865 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; g method_1114 method_0_2867 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; h method_1112 method_0_2868 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; i method_1113 method_0_2869 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; j method_1115 method_0_2870 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; k method_1116 method_0_2871 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; l method_1117 method_0_2872 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; m method_9598 method_2265 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; n method_1119 method_2269 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; o method_9599 method_2266 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; p method_6768 method_2277 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; q method_6765 method_2274 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; r method_6766 method_2279 | |
m (Lblu;)Lbip; s method_6767 method_2275 | |
c blu$a net/minecraft/class_402$class_403 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/StatsScreen$class_0_773 | |
f Lblu; u field_1333 field_0_3334 | |
c blu$a$1 net/minecraft/class_402$class_403$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/StatsScreen$class_0_773$1 | |
f Lblu; a field_1334 field_0_12655 | |
f Lblu$a; b field_1335 field_0_12656 | |
m (Lqk;Lqk;)I a method_1120 compare | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I compare compare compare | |
p 1 stat1 | |
p 2 stat2 | |
c blu$b net/minecraft/class_402$class_405 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/StatsScreen$class_448 | |
f Lblu; u field_1336 field_2651 | |
m (Lblu;Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 client | |
c blu$c net/minecraft/class_402$class_406 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/StatsScreen$class_449 | |
f Lblu; u field_1337 field_2660 | |
c blu$c$1 net/minecraft/class_402$class_406$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/StatsScreen$class_449$1 | |
f Lblu; a field_1338 field_0_12657 | |
f Lblu$c; b field_1339 field_2662 | |
m (Lqk;Lqk;)I a method_1121 compare | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I compare compare compare | |
c blu$d net/minecraft/class_402$class_1817 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/StatsScreen$class_451 | |
f Lblu; u field_7795 field_2665 | |
f Ljava/util/List; v field_7796 field_2664 | |
m (Lblu;Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 client | |
c blu$e net/minecraft/class_402$class_408 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/StatsScreen$class_0_777 | |
f Lblu; A field_1345 field_0_3343 | |
f I v field_1340 field_0_3344 | |
f Ljava/util/List; w field_1341 field_0_3345 | |
f Ljava/util/Comparator; x field_1342 field_0_3346 | |
f I y field_1343 field_0_3347 | |
f I z field_1344 field_0_3348 | |
m (Lblu;Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 client | |
m (Lqk;II)V a method_1122 method_0_2882 | |
p 1 stat | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
m (Lqo;IIZ)V a method_1123 method_0_2883 | |
p 1 stat | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
m (I)Ljava/lang/String; b method_1124 method_0_2884 | |
m (I)Lqk; c method_1125 method_0_2885 | |
p 1 index | |
m (I)V d method_1126 method_0_2886 | |
c blv net/minecraft/class_1818 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/StatsListener | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; c_ field_7797 PROGRESS_BAR_STAGES | |
m ()V g method_6772 onStatsReady | |
c blx net/minecraft/class_3268 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/advancement/AdvancementTab | |
f Lbib; a field_15954 client | |
f Lbmb; f field_15955 screen | |
f Lbly; g field_15956 type | |
f I h field_15957 index | |
f Li; i field_15958 root | |
f Lr; j field_15959 display | |
f Laip; k field_15960 icon | |
f Ljava/lang/String; l field_15961 title | |
f Lblz; m field_15962 rootWidget | |
f Ljava/util/Map; n field_15963 widgets | |
f I o field_15964 field_2690 | |
f I p field_15965 field_2689 | |
f I q field_15966 minPanX | |
f I r field_15967 minPanY | |
f I s field_15968 maxPanX | |
f I t field_15969 maxPanY | |
f F u field_15970 alpha | |
f Z v field_15971 initialized | |
m (Lbib;Lbmb;Lbly;ILi;Lr;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
p 5 advancement | |
p 6 display | |
m (II)V a method_14506 method_2313 | |
m (IILbzw;)V a method_14507 drawIcon | |
m (IIZ)V a method_14508 drawBackground | |
m (Lbib;Lbmb;ILi;)Lblx; a method_14509 create | |
m (Lblz;Li;)V a method_14510 addWidget | |
m (Li;)V a method_14511 addAdvancement | |
m (Li;)Lblz; b method_14512 getWidget | |
m ()Li; c method_14513 getRoot | |
m (IIII)V c method_14514 drawWidgetTooltip | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_14515 getTitle | |
m (IIII)Z d method_14516 method_2316 | |
m ()V f method_14517 render | |
m ()Lbmb; g method_14518 getScreen | |
c bly net/minecraft/class_3269 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/advancement/AdvancementTabType | |
f Lbly; a field_15972 ABOVE | |
f Lbly; b field_15973 BELOW | |
f Lbly; c field_15974 LEFT | |
f Lbly; d field_15975 RIGHT | |
f I e field_15976 field_0_12225 | |
f I f field_15977 u | |
f I g field_15978 v | |
f I h field_15979 width | |
f I i field_15980 height | |
f I j field_15981 tabCount | |
f [Lbly; k field_15982 field_2676 | |
m ()I a method_14519 getTabCount | |
m (I)I a method_14520 getTabX | |
m (IIIII)Z a method_14521 method_2303 | |
m (IIILbzw;Laip;)V a method_14522 drawIcon | |
m (Lbir;IIZI)V a method_14523 drawBackground | |
m (I)I b method_14524 getTabY | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbly; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbly; values values values | |
c bly$1 net/minecraft/class_3269$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/advancement/AdvancementTabType$1 | |
f [I a field_15983 field_2679 | |
c blz net/minecraft/class_399 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/advancement/AdvancementWidget | |
f Lnf; a field_15984 WIDGETS_TEXTURE | |
f Ljava/util/regex/Pattern; f field_15985 BACKSLASH_S_PATTERN | |
f Lblx; g field_15986 tab | |
f Li; h field_15987 advancement | |
f Lr; i field_15988 display | |
f Ljava/lang/String; j field_15989 title | |
f I k field_15990 width | |
f Ljava/util/List; l field_15991 description | |
f Lbib; m field_1299 client | |
f Lblz; n field_15992 parent | |
f Ljava/util/List; o field_15993 children | |
f Lk; p field_15994 progress | |
f I q field_15995 x | |
f I r field_15996 y | |
m (Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
m (Lblx;Lbib;Li;Lr;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 client | |
p 3 advancement | |
p 4 display | |
m (II)V a method_14525 renderWidgets | |
m (IIFII)V a method_14526 drawTooltip | |
m (IIIIIIII)V a method_14527 method_2321 | |
m (IIIIIIIII)V a method_14528 method_2324 | |
m (IIZ)V a method_14529 renderLines | |
m (Lblz;)V a method_14530 addChild | |
m (Li;)Lblz; a method_14531 getParent | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/List; a method_14532 wrapDescription | |
m (Lk;)V a method_14533 setProgress | |
m ()V b method_14534 addToTree | |
m ()I c method_14535 getY | |
m (IIII)Z c method_14536 shouldRender | |
m ()I d method_14537 getX | |
c bm net/minecraft/class_3270 net/minecraft/server/function/CommandFunction | |
f [Lbm$c; a field_15997 elements | |
m ([Lbm$c;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 executables | |
m ()[Lbm$c; a method_14538 getElements | |
m (Lnt;Ljava/util/List;)Lbm; a method_14539 method_9195 | |
p 1 lines | |
c bm$a net/minecraft/class_3270$class_3271 net/minecraft/server/function/CommandFunction$LazyContainer | |
f Lbm$a; a field_15998 EMPTY | |
f Lnf; b field_15999 id | |
f Z c field_16000 initialized | |
f Lbm; d field_16001 field_9808 | |
m (Lbm;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 function | |
m (Lnf;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 identifier | |
m (Lnt;)Lbm; a method_14540 method_9196 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bm$b net/minecraft/class_3270$class_3272 net/minecraft/server/function/CommandFunction$CommandElement | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_16002 field_0_13056 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bm$c net/minecraft/class_3270$class_3273 net/minecraft/server/function/CommandFunction$Element | |
m (Lnt;Lbn;Ljava/util/ArrayDeque;I)V a method_14541 method_9198 | |
p 2 source | |
c bm$d net/minecraft/class_3270$class_3274 net/minecraft/server/function/CommandFunction$FunctionElement | |
f Lbm$a; a field_16003 function | |
m (Lbm;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 function | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bma net/minecraft/class_3275 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/advancement/AdvancementObtainedStatus | |
f Lbma; a field_16004 OBTAINED | |
f Lbma; b field_16005 UNOBTAINED | |
f I c field_16006 spriteIndex | |
f [Lbma; d field_16007 field_2698 | |
m ()I a method_14542 getSpriteIndex | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbma; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbma; values values values | |
c bmb net/minecraft/class_3276 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/advancement/AdvancementsScreen | |
f Lnf; a field_16008 WINDOW_TEXTURE | |
f Lnf; f field_16009 TABS_TEXTURE | |
f Lbrw; g field_16010 advancementHandler | |
f Ljava/util/Map; h field_16011 tabs | |
f Lblx; i field_16012 selectedTab | |
f I s field_16013 field_0_12255 | |
f I t field_16014 field_0_12256 | |
f Z u field_16015 movingTab | |
m (II)V b method_14543 drawWidgets | |
m (IIII)V c method_14544 drawAdvancementTree | |
m (IIII)V d method_14545 drawWidgetTooltip | |
m (Li;)Lblz; f method_14546 getAdvancementWidget | |
p 1 advancement | |
m (Li;)Lblx; g method_14547 getTab | |
p 1 advancement | |
c bmd net/minecraft/class_1819 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/ControlsListWidget | |
f Lbme; u field_7798 parent | |
f Lbib; v field_7799 field_2734 | |
f [Lbjm$a; w field_7800 field_0_3352 | |
f I x field_7801 maxKeyNameLength | |
m (Lbme;Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 client | |
m (Lbmd;)Lbib; a method_6773 method_2344 | |
m (Lbmd;)Lbme; b method_6774 method_2343 | |
m (Lbmd;)I c method_6775 method_2345 | |
c bmd$1 net/minecraft/class_1819$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/ControlsListWidget$1 | |
c bmd$a net/minecraft/class_1819$class_1821 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/ControlsListWidget$CategoryEntry | |
f Lbmd; a field_7802 field_2738 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_7803 name | |
f I c field_7804 textWidth | |
m (Lbmd;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 categoryTranslationKey | |
c bmd$b net/minecraft/class_1819$class_1822 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/ControlsListWidget$KeyBindingEntry | |
f Lbmd; a field_7805 field_2742 | |
f Lbhy; b field_7806 binding | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_7807 bindingName | |
f Lbja; d field_7808 field_2739 | |
f Lbja; e field_7809 field_2743 | |
m (Lbmd;Lbhy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 keyBinding | |
c bme net/minecraft/class_362 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/option/ControlsOptionsScreen | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_1083 field_2722 | |
f Lbhy; f field_7810 focusedBinding | |
f J g field_7811 time | |
f [Lbid$a; h field_7812 field_2726 | |
f Lblk; i field_1084 parent | |
f Lbid; s field_1085 options | |
f Lbmd; t field_7813 keyBindingListWidget | |
f Lbja; u field_7814 field_2725 | |
m (Lblk;Lbid;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 options | |
c bmg net/minecraft/class_409 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/HandledScreen | |
f I A field_5100 touchDropY | |
f Lagr; B field_5101 touchDropOriginSlot | |
f J C field_5102 touchDropTime | |
f Laip; D field_5103 touchDropReturningStack | |
f Lagr; E field_5104 touchHoveredSlot | |
f J F field_5105 touchDropTimer | |
f I G field_5715 heldButtonType | |
f I H field_5716 heldButtonCode | |
f Z I field_5717 cancelNextRelease | |
f I J field_5718 draggedStackRemainder | |
f J K field_5719 lastButtonClickTime | |
f Lagr; L field_5720 lastClickedSlot | |
f I M field_5721 lastClickedButton | |
f Z N field_5722 doubleClicking | |
f Laip; O field_5723 quickMovingStack | |
f Lnf; a field_6301 BACKGROUND_TEXTURE | |
f I f field_1347 backgroundWidth | |
f I g field_1348 backgroundHeight | |
f Lafr; h field_1349 handler | |
f I i field_1350 x | |
f I s field_1351 y | |
f Ljava/util/Set; t field_5724 cursorDragSlots | |
f Z u field_5725 cursorDragging | |
f Lagr; v field_5095 focusedSlot | |
f Lagr; w field_5096 touchDragSlotStart | |
f Z x field_5097 touchIsRightClickDrag | |
f Laip; y field_5098 touchDragStack | |
f I z field_5099 touchDropX | |
m (Lafr;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 screenHandler | |
m ()V a method_4947 calculateOffset | |
m (FII)V a method_1127 drawBackground | |
p 1 delta | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
m (Lagr;)V a method_1129 drawSlot | |
p 1 slot | |
m (Lagr;II)Z a method_1130 method_2387 | |
p 1 slot | |
p 2 pointX | |
p 3 pointY | |
m (Lagr;IILafw;)V a method_1131 onMouseClick | |
m (Laip;IILjava/lang/String;)V a method_4264 drawItem | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 xPosition | |
p 3 yPosition | |
p 4 amountText | |
m (I)Z b method_4261 method_2384 | |
p 1 keyCode | |
m (II)V b method_14548 drawMouseoverTooltip | |
m (II)V c method_4262 drawForeground | |
p 1 mouseX | |
p 2 mouseY | |
m (IIII)Z c method_14549 method_2381 | |
m (IIIIII)Z c method_1134 method_2378 | |
p 1 posX | |
p 2 posY | |
p 3 width | |
p 4 height | |
p 5 pointX | |
p 6 pointY | |
m (II)Lagr; d method_1133 method_2386 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
c bmh net/minecraft/class_1330 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/AnvilScreen | |
f Lnf; v field_6302 TEXTURE | |
f Lafs; w field_5122 field_2820 | |
f Lbje; x field_5123 nameField | |
f Laec; y field_5124 field_2818 | |
m (Laec;Lamu;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 world | |
m ()V a method_5592 method_0_2901 | |
c bmi net/minecraft/class_1323 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/BeaconScreen | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; v field_7815 field_2806 | |
f Lnf; w field_6303 TEXTURE | |
f Ltv; x field_10473 field_2807 | |
f Lbmi$b; y field_5107 doneButton | |
f Z z field_5108 consumeGem | |
m (Laec;Ltv;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 beaconInventory | |
m ()Lnf; a method_5593 method_2398 | |
c bmi$a net/minecraft/class_1323$class_1324 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/BeaconScreen$CancelButtonWidget | |
f Lbmi; o field_5109 field_2809 | |
m (Lbmi;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 id | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
c bmi$b net/minecraft/class_1323$class_1325 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/BeaconScreen$DoneButtonWidget | |
f Lbmi; o field_5110 field_2810 | |
m (Lbmi;III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 id | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
c bmi$c net/minecraft/class_1323$class_1326 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/BeaconScreen$EffectButtonWidget | |
f Lbmi; o field_5111 field_2811 | |
f Luz; p field_13329 effect | |
f I q field_5113 field_2812 | |
m (Lbmi;IIIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 id | |
p 3 x | |
p 4 y | |
m (Lbmi$c;)Luz; a method_12189 method_0_8655 | |
m (Lbmi$c;)I b method_12190 method_0_8656 | |
c bmi$d net/minecraft/class_1323$class_1327 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/BeaconScreen$BaseButtonWidget | |
f Lnf; o field_6304 field_2817 | |
f I p field_5115 field_2816 | |
f I q field_5116 field_2814 | |
f Z r field_5117 disabled | |
m (IIILnf;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 texture | |
m (Z)V b method_4266 setDisabled | |
p 1 disabled | |
m ()Z c method_4265 isDisabled | |
c bmj net/minecraft/class_410 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/BookEditScreen | |
f Ljava/lang/String; A field_1363 title | |
f Ljava/util/List; B field_10474 field_2846 | |
f I C field_10475 field_2836 | |
f Lbmj$a; D field_1364 field_2843 | |
f Lbmj$a; E field_1365 field_2839 | |
f Lbja; F field_1366 field_2848 | |
f Lbja; G field_1367 field_2831 | |
f Lbja; H field_1368 field_2841 | |
f Lbja; I field_1369 field_2849 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7816 field_0_3424 | |
f Lnf; f field_6305 field_2845 | |
f Laed; g field_1352 player | |
f Laip; h field_1353 itemStack | |
f Z i field_1354 field_2838 | |
f Z s field_1355 dirty | |
f Z t field_1356 signing | |
f I u field_1357 tickCounter | |
f I v field_1358 field_0_3432 | |
f I w field_1359 field_0_3433 | |
f I x field_1360 field_2842 | |
f I y field_1361 currentPage | |
f Lge; z field_1362 field_2834 | |
m (Laed;Laip;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 item | |
m ()Lnf; a method_5594 method_2445 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_1136 setPageContent | |
p 1 newContent | |
m (CI)V b method_1138 method_0_2911 | |
p 1 character | |
p 2 code | |
m (II)Lhh; b method_9600 method_2433 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V b method_1139 method_0_2913 | |
p 1 text | |
m (Z)V b method_6779 finalizeBook | |
p 1 signBook | |
m (CI)V c method_1140 method_2446 | |
p 1 character | |
p 2 code | |
m ()V f method_1141 updateButtons | |
m ()V g method_1142 appendNewPage | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; h method_1143 getCurrentPageContent | |
c bmj$a net/minecraft/class_410$class_411 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/BookEditScreen$class_474 | |
f Z o field_1370 field_2851 | |
m (IIIZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 isRight | |
c bmk net/minecraft/class_412 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/BrewingStandScreen | |
f Lnf; v field_6306 TEXTURE | |
f [I w field_13330 BUBBLE_PROGRESS | |
f Laec; x field_10476 field_2825 | |
f Ltv; y field_10477 field_2822 | |
m (Laec;Ltv;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 inventory | |
p 2 brewingInventory | |
c bml net/minecraft/class_1328 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/CommandBlockScreen | |
f Z A field_13338 autoActivate | |
f Lbje; a field_5118 field_0_9839 | |
f Lbje; f field_7818 field_0_9840 | |
f Lavm; g field_13331 blockEntity | |
f Lbja; h field_5726 field_0_9842 | |
f Lbja; i field_5727 field_0_9843 | |
f Lbja; s field_10478 field_0_9844 | |
f Lbja; t field_13332 field_2869 | |
f Lbja; u field_13333 field_2871 | |
f Lbja; v field_13334 field_2866 | |
f Z w field_10479 field_0_9846 | |
f Lavm$a; x field_13335 mode | |
f Lblq; y field_13336 field_0_9872 | |
f Z z field_13337 conditional | |
m (Lamj;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 executor | |
m ()V a method_12191 updateCommandBlock | |
m ()V f method_9601 method_0_9194 | |
m ()V g method_12192 updateMode | |
m ()V h method_12193 cycleType | |
m ()V i method_12194 updateConditionalMode | |
m ()V j method_12195 updateActivationMode | |
c bml$1 net/minecraft/class_1328$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/CommandBlockScreen$1 | |
f Lamj; g field_13339 field_0_9874 | |
f Lbml; h field_13340 field_2872 | |
c bml$2 net/minecraft/class_1328$2 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/CommandBlockScreen$2 | |
f [I a field_13341 field_2875 | |
c bmm net/minecraft/class_413 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/GenericContainerScreen | |
f Lnf; v field_6307 TEXTURE | |
f Ltv; w field_1372 field_2863 | |
f Ltv; x field_1373 field_2862 | |
f I y field_1374 rows | |
m (Ltv;Ltv;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 bottom | |
p 2 top | |
c bmn net/minecraft/class_414 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/CraftingScreen | |
f Lnf; v field_6308 TEXTURE | |
f Lbjg; w field_16016 field_0_12258 | |
f Lbno; x field_16017 recipeBook | |
f Z y field_16018 narrow | |
m (Laec;Lamu;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 world | |
m (Laec;Lamu;Let;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 pos | |
c bmo net/minecraft/class_1329 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/CreativeInventoryListener | |
f Lbib; a field_5120 client | |
m (Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
c bmp net/minecraft/class_415 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/CreativeInventoryScreen | |
f Z A field_1378 scrolling | |
f Z B field_1379 ignoreTypedCharacter | |
f Lbje; C field_1380 searchBox | |
f Ljava/util/List; D field_1381 slots | |
f Lagr; E field_1382 deleteItemSlot | |
f Z F field_1383 field_0_3459 | |
f Lbmo; G field_5121 listener | |
f Lnf; w field_6309 TEXTURE | |
f Luk; x field_1375 INVENTORY | |
f I y field_1376 selectedTab | |
f F z field_1377 scrollPosition | |
m (Laed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 player | |
m (Lahp;)V a method_1144 renderTabIcon | |
p 1 group | |
m (Lahp;II)Z a method_1145 method_2463 | |
p 1 group | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
m (Lbib;IZZ)V a method_14550 onHotbarKeyPress | |
m (Lahp;)V b method_1146 setSelectedTab | |
p 1 group | |
m (Lahp;II)Z b method_1147 renderTabTooltipIfHovered | |
p 1 group | |
p 2 mouseX | |
p 3 mouseY | |
m ()I f method_1148 getSelectedTab | |
m ()Luk; g method_1149 method_2472 | |
m ()V h method_1150 search | |
m ()Z i method_1151 hasScrollbar | |
c bmp$a net/minecraft/class_415$class_3277 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/CreativeInventoryScreen$LockableSlot | |
c bmp$b net/minecraft/class_415$class_416 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/CreativeInventoryScreen$CreativeScreenHandler | |
f Lfi; a field_15251 itemList | |
m (Laed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 player | |
m (F)V a method_1152 scrollItems | |
p 1 position | |
m ()Z e method_1153 shouldShowScrollbar | |
c bmp$c net/minecraft/class_415$class_417 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/CreativeInventoryScreen$CreativeSlot | |
f Lbmp; a field_1385 field_2899 | |
f Lagr; b field_1386 slot | |
m (Lbmp;Lagr;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 slot | |
p 3 index | |
m (Lbmp$c;)Lagr; a method_1154 method_2475 | |
c bmq net/minecraft/class_426 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/Generic3x3ContainerScreen | |
f Ltv; v field_10480 field_2883 | |
f Lnf; w field_6321 TEXTURE | |
f Laec; x field_10481 field_2884 | |
m (Laec;Ltv;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 inventory | |
c bmr net/minecraft/class_418 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/AbstractInventoryScreen | |
f Z v field_1387 drawStatusEffects | |
m ()V a method_9602 applyStatusEffectOffset | |
m ()V f method_1155 drawStatusEffects | |
c bms net/minecraft/class_419 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/EnchantingPhrases | |
f Lbms; a field_1388 INSTANCE | |
f Ljava/util/Random; b field_1389 random | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; c field_1390 phrases | |
m ()Lbms; a method_9603 getInstance | |
m (J)V a method_1157 setSeed | |
p 1 seed | |
m (Lbip;I)Ljava/lang/String; a method_12196 method_2479 | |
c bmt net/minecraft/class_420 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/EnchantmentScreen | |
f F A field_1396 nextPageTurningSpeed | |
f F B field_1397 pageTurningSpeed | |
f Lnf; C field_6310 TEXTURE | |
f Lnf; D field_6311 BOOK_TEXTURE | |
f Lbpk; E field_1399 BOOK_MODEL | |
f Laec; F field_10482 field_2907 | |
f Ljava/util/Random; G field_1400 random | |
f Lagb; H field_1401 field_2902 | |
f Laip; I field_1398 stack | |
f Lui; J field_10483 field_2903 | |
f I v field_1391 ticks | |
f F w field_1392 pageAngle | |
f F x field_1393 nextPageAngle | |
f F y field_1394 approximatePageAngle | |
f F z field_1395 pageRotationSpeed | |
m (Laec;Lamu;Lui;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 nameable | |
m ()V a method_1158 doTick | |
c bmu net/minecraft/class_421 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/AbstractFurnaceScreen | |
f Lnf; v field_6312 field_2927 | |
f Laec; w field_10484 field_2922 | |
f Ltv; x field_10485 field_2923 | |
m (Laec;Ltv;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 furnaceInventory | |
m (I)I h method_9604 method_2484 | |
m (I)I i method_9605 method_2482 | |
c bmv net/minecraft/class_1479 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/HopperScreen | |
f Lnf; v field_6313 TEXTURE | |
f Ltv; w field_5729 field_2921 | |
f Ltv; x field_5730 field_2920 | |
m (Laec;Ltv;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerInventory | |
p 2 hopperInventory | |
c bmw net/minecraft/class_1602 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/HorseScreen | |
f F A field_6319 mouseY | |
f Lnf; v field_6314 TEXTURE | |
f Ltv; w field_6315 field_2942 | |
f Ltv; x field_6316 field_2940 | |
f Laao; y field_15252 entity | |
f F z field_6318 mouseX | |
m (Ltv;Ltv;Laaq;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 armor | |
p 2 chest | |
p 3 entity | |
c bmx net/minecraft/class_422 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/InventoryScreen | |
f Z A field_16019 narrow | |
f Z B field_16020 mouseDown | |
f F w field_1403 mouseX | |
f F x field_1404 mouseY | |
f Lbjg; y field_16021 field_0_12263 | |
f Lbno; z field_16022 recipeBook | |
m (Laed;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 player | |
m (IIIFFLvp;)V a method_5595 drawEntity | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 y | |
p 2 size | |
p 3 mouseX | |
p 4 mouseY | |
p 5 entity | |
c bmy net/minecraft/class_423 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/MerchantScreen | |
f I A field_1408 field_2947 | |
f Lhh; B field_10486 field_2943 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; v field_7820 field_2949 | |
f Lnf; w field_6320 TEXTURE | |
f Lamf; x field_1405 field_2945 | |
f Lbmy$a; y field_1406 field_2946 | |
f Lbmy$a; z field_1407 field_2944 | |
m (Laec;Lamf;Lamu;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 inventory | |
p 2 trader | |
p 3 world | |
m ()Lamf; a method_1160 method_2495 | |
m ()Lnf; f method_5596 method_2489 | |
c bmy$a net/minecraft/class_423$class_424 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/MerchantScreen$WidgetButtonPage | |
f Z o field_1409 field_2952 | |
m (IIIZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 isRight | |
c bmz net/minecraft/class_2845 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/AbstractCommandBlockScreen | |
f Lbje; a field_13342 consoleCommandTextField | |
f Lbje; f field_13343 previousOutputTextField | |
f Lamj; g field_13344 field_0_3445 | |
f Lbja; h field_13345 field_2762 | |
f Lbja; i field_13346 field_2753 | |
f Lbja; s field_13347 field_2760 | |
f Z t field_13348 trackingOutput | |
f Lblq; u field_13349 field_0_9876 | |
m ()V a method_12197 updateTrackedOutput | |
m (Lbmz;)Lamj; a method_12198 method_0_9224 | |
c bmz$1 net/minecraft/class_2845$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/AbstractCommandBlockScreen$1 | |
f Lbmz; g field_13350 field_0_9877 | |
c bn net/minecraft/class_1061 net/minecraft/server/command/CommandOutput | |
m ()Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer; C_ method_12833 method_5682 | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;)Z a method_3333 method_9200 | |
p 1 permissionLevel | |
p 2 commandLiteral | |
m (Lbp$a;I)V a method_10786 method_0_6348 | |
p 1 statsType | |
p 2 value | |
m (Lhh;)V a method_5505 sendMessage | |
p 1 text | |
m ()Let; c method_4086 method_5704 | |
m ()Lbhe; d method_10787 method_5812 | |
m ()Lamu; e method_5506 method_0_6351 | |
m ()Lvg; f method_10788 method_0_6353 | |
m ()Z g method_10789 shouldBroadcastConsoleToOps | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; h_ method_2518 method_5477 | |
m ()Lhh; i_ method_6344 method_5797 | |
c bna net/minecraft/class_3084 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/ShulkerBoxScreen | |
f Lnf; v field_15253 TEXTURE | |
f Ltv; w field_15254 field_2975 | |
f Laec; x field_15255 field_2974 | |
c bnb net/minecraft/class_425 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/SignEditScreen | |
f Lawc; a field_1412 sign | |
f I f field_1413 ticksSinceOpened | |
f I g field_1414 currentRow | |
f Lbja; h field_7821 field_3032 | |
m (Lawc;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 sign | |
c bnc net/minecraft/class_3020 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/StructureBlockScreen | |
f Lbje; A field_14940 inputSizeX | |
f Lbje; B field_14906 inputSizeY | |
f Lbje; C field_14907 inputSizeZ | |
f Lbje; D field_14908 inputIntegrity | |
f Lbje; E field_14909 inputSeed | |
f Lbje; F field_14910 inputMetadata | |
f Lbja; G field_14911 field_3002 | |
f Lbja; H field_14912 field_2994 | |
f Lbja; I field_14913 field_2987 | |
f Lbja; J field_14914 field_3006 | |
f Lbja; K field_14915 field_2995 | |
f Lbja; L field_14916 field_2981 | |
f Lbja; M field_14917 field_3007 | |
f Lbja; N field_14918 field_2993 | |
f Lbja; O field_14919 field_2977 | |
f Lbja; P field_14920 field_3009 | |
f Lbja; Q field_14921 field_2990 | |
f Lbja; R field_14922 field_2979 | |
f Lbja; S field_14923 field_3008 | |
f Lbja; T field_14924 field_3001 | |
f Ljava/util/List; U field_14925 field_2984 | |
f Ljava/text/DecimalFormat; V field_14926 decimalFormat | |
f [I a field_14927 field_0_11682 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; f field_14928 field_2989 | |
f Lawe; g field_14929 structureBlock | |
f Lary; h field_14930 mirror | |
f Latm; i field_14931 rotation | |
f Lawe$a; s field_14932 field_3004 | |
f Z t field_14933 ignoreEntities | |
f Z u field_14934 showAir | |
f Z v field_14935 showBoundingBox | |
f Lbje; w field_14936 inputName | |
f Lbje; x field_14937 inputPosX | |
f Lbje; y field_14938 inputPosY | |
f Lbje; z field_14939 inputPosZ | |
m ()V a method_13412 updateIgnoreEntitiesButton | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)J a method_13413 parseLong | |
m (CI)Z b method_13414 method_0_10247 | |
m (I)Z b method_13415 method_0_10249 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)F b method_13416 parseFloat | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)I c method_13417 parseInt | |
m ()V f method_13418 updateShowAirButton | |
m ()V g method_13419 updateShowBoundingBoxButton | |
m ()V h method_13420 updateMirrorButton | |
m ()V i method_13421 updateRotationButton | |
m ()V j method_13422 updateMode | |
c bnc$1 net/minecraft/class_3020$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/ingame/StructureBlockScreen$1 | |
f [I a field_14941 field_3026 | |
f [I b field_14942 field_3025 | |
f [I c field_14943 field_3024 | |
c bnf net/minecraft/class_376 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/multiplayer/MultiplayerScreen | |
f Lbse; A field_1196 selectedEntry | |
f Lchg$b; B field_1197 lanServers | |
f Lchg$a; C field_1198 lanServerDetector | |
f Z D field_1180 initialized | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7822 LOGGER | |
f Lbsg; f field_7823 serverListPinger | |
f Lblk; g field_1184 parent | |
f Lbnj; h field_7824 field_3043 | |
f Lbsf; i field_1186 serverList | |
f Lbja; s field_1188 field_3041 | |
f Lbja; t field_1189 field_3050 | |
f Lbja; u field_1190 field_3047 | |
f Z v field_1191 field_3039 | |
f Z w field_1192 field_3038 | |
f Z x field_1193 field_3036 | |
f Z y field_1194 field_3035 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; z field_1195 tooltipText | |
m (Lblk;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 screen | |
m ()V a method_1012 method_2540 | |
m (Lbni;I)Z a method_9606 method_2533 | |
p 1 entry | |
p 2 index | |
m (Lbni;IZ)V a method_9607 method_2531 | |
p 1 entry | |
p 2 index | |
p 3 shiftPressed | |
m (Lbse;)V a method_1003 connect | |
p 1 entry | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_6780 setTooltip | |
p 1 text | |
m (I)V b method_6781 method_2544 | |
p 1 index | |
m (Lbni;I)Z b method_9608 method_2547 | |
p 1 entry | |
p 2 index | |
m (Lbni;IZ)V b method_9609 method_2553 | |
p 1 entry | |
p 2 index | |
p 3 shiftPressed | |
m ()V f method_6782 connect | |
m ()Lbsg; g method_6783 getServerListPinger | |
m ()Lbsf; h method_6784 getServerList | |
m ()V i method_6785 refresh | |
c bng net/minecraft/class_1823 net/minecraft/class_499 | |
f Lbib; a field_7825 field_3034 | |
c bnh net/minecraft/class_1824 net/minecraft/class_502 | |
f Lbib; a field_7826 field_3073 | |
f Lchf; b field_7827 field_3070 | |
f Lbnf; c field_7828 field_3072 | |
f J d field_7829 field_3071 | |
m (Lbnf;Lchg$class_606;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 serverInfo | |
m ()Lchf; a method_6786 method_2559 | |
c bni net/minecraft/class_1825 net/minecraft/class_501 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7830 field_3066 | |
f Ljava/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor; b field_7831 field_3069 | |
f Lnf; c field_10487 field_3060 | |
f Lnf; d field_10488 field_3059 | |
f Lbnf; e field_7832 field_3068 | |
f Lbib; f field_7833 field_3064 | |
f Lbse; g field_7834 field_3061 | |
f Lnf; h field_7838 field_3065 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_7836 field_3062 | |
f Lcdg; j field_7837 field_3063 | |
f J k field_7835 field_3067 | |
m (Lbnf;Lbse;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 serverInfo | |
m ()Lbse; a method_6787 method_2556 | |
m (IILnf;)V a method_9610 method_2557 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 textureId | |
m (Lbni;)Lbse; a method_6788 method_0_2956 | |
m ()Z b method_9611 method_2558 | |
m (Lbni;)Lbnf; b method_6790 method_0_2958 | |
m ()V c method_6789 method_2554 | |
c bni$1 net/minecraft/class_1825$1 net/minecraft/class_501$1 | |
f Lbni; a field_7839 field_0_3551 | |
m ()V run run run | |
c bnj net/minecraft/class_1827 net/minecraft/class_503 | |
f Lbnf; u field_7840 field_3075 | |
f Ljava/util/List; v field_7841 field_3074 | |
f Ljava/util/List; w field_7842 field_3077 | |
f Lbjm$a; x field_7843 field_3076 | |
f I y field_7844 field_3078 | |
m (Lbnf;Lbib;IIIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 client | |
p 3 width | |
p 4 height | |
p 5 top | |
p 6 bottom | |
p 7 entryHeight | |
m (Lbsf;)V a method_6791 method_2564 | |
p 1 servers | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)V a method_6792 method_2562 | |
p 1 servers | |
m (I)V c method_6793 method_2561 | |
p 1 index | |
m ()I e method_6794 method_2563 | |
c bnm net/minecraft/class_3278 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/recipebook/RecipeBookGhostSlots | |
f Lakt; a field_16023 recipe | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_16024 slots | |
f F c field_16025 time | |
m ()V a method_14551 reset | |
m (I)Lbnm$a; a method_14552 getSlot | |
m (Lakq;II)V a method_14553 addSlot | |
m (Lakt;)V a method_14554 setRecipe | |
m (Lbib;IIZF)V a method_14555 draw | |
m (Lbnm;)F a method_14556 method_2568 | |
m ()I b method_14557 getSlotCount | |
m ()Lakt; c method_14558 getRecipe | |
c bnm$a net/minecraft/class_3278$class_3279 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/recipebook/RecipeBookGhostSlots$GhostInputSlot | |
f Lbnm; a field_16026 field_3085 | |
f Lakq; b field_16027 ingredient | |
f I c field_16028 x | |
f I d field_16029 y | |
m ()I a method_14559 getX | |
m ()I b method_14560 getY | |
m ()Laip; c method_14561 getCurrentItemStack | |
c bnn net/minecraft/class_3280 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/recipebook/RecipeAlternativesWidget | |
f Lnf; a field_16030 BACKGROUND_TEXTURE | |
f Ljava/util/List; f field_16031 alternativeButtons | |
f Z g field_16032 visible | |
f I h field_16033 buttonX | |
f I i field_16034 buttonY | |
f Lbib; j field_16035 client | |
f Lbns; k field_16036 resultCollection | |
f Lakt; l field_16037 lastClickedRecipe | |
f F m field_16038 time | |
m ()Lbns; a method_14562 getResults | |
m (IIF)V a method_14563 method_2612 | |
m (III)Z a method_14564 method_0_12052 | |
m (Lbib;Lbns;IIIIFLql;)V a method_14565 method_2617 | |
m (Lbnn;)F a method_14566 method_2610 | |
m (Z)V a method_14567 setVisible | |
m ()Lakt; b method_14568 getLastClickedRecipe | |
m ()Z c method_14569 isVisible | |
m (IIIIII)V c method_14570 renderGrid | |
m ()Lnf; d method_14571 method_2611 | |
c bnn$a net/minecraft/class_3280$class_3281 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/recipebook/RecipeAlternativesWidget$AlternativeButtonWidget | |
f Lbnn; o field_16039 field_3113 | |
f Lakt; p field_16040 recipe | |
f Z q field_16041 craftable | |
m (Lbnn$a;)Lakt; a method_14572 method_2620 | |
c bno net/minecraft/class_3282 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/recipebook/RecipeBookWidget | |
f Lnf; a field_16042 TEXTURE | |
f I f field_16043 leftOffset | |
f I g field_16044 parentWidth | |
f I h field_16045 parentHeight | |
f Lbnm; i field_16046 ghostSlots | |
f Ljava/util/List; j field_16047 tabButtons | |
f Lbnq; k field_16048 currentTab | |
f Lbjt; l field_16049 toggleCraftableButton | |
f Lafy; m field_16050 field_3095 | |
f Lbib; n field_16051 client | |
f Lbje; o field_16052 searchField | |
f Ljava/lang/String; p field_16053 searchText | |
f Lql; q field_16054 field_3096 | |
f Lbnp; r field_16055 recipesArea | |
f Laef; s field_16056 recipeFinder | |
f I t field_16057 cachedInvChangeCount | |
m ()V a method_14573 close | |
m (CI)Z a method_14574 method_0_11953 | |
m (IIF)V a method_14575 method_2578 | |
m (III)Z a method_14576 method_0_11956 | |
m (IILbib;ZLafy;)V a method_14577 method_2597 | |
m (IIZF)V a method_14578 drawGhostSlots | |
m (Lagr;)V a method_14579 slotClicked | |
m (Lakt;Ljava/util/List;)V a method_14580 showGhostRecipe | |
m (Lbns;)Z a method_14581 method_2584 | |
m (Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/ObjectSet;Lbns;)Z a method_14582 method_2594 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_14583 triggerPirateSpeakEasterEgg | |
m (Z)V a method_14584 setOpen | |
m (ZII)I a method_14585 findLeftEdge | |
m (ZLafy;)V a method_14586 method_2579 | |
m ()V b method_14587 toggleOpen | |
m (Lbns;)Z b method_14588 method_2583 | |
m (Z)V b method_14589 refreshResults | |
m ()Z c method_14590 isOpen | |
m (IIII)V c method_14591 drawTooltip | |
m (IIIIII)Z c method_14592 method_2598 | |
m (Lbns;)Z c method_14593 method_2580 | |
m ()V d method_14594 update | |
m (IIII)V d method_14595 drawGhostSlotTooltip | |
m (Lbns;)V d method_14596 method_2577 | |
m ()V e method_14597 refresh | |
m ()V f method_14598 refreshTabButtons | |
m ()V g method_14599 refreshInputs | |
m ()Z h method_14600 isWide | |
m ()V i method_14601 sendBookDataPacket | |
c bnp net/minecraft/class_3283 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/recipebook/RecipeBookResults | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_16058 resultButtons | |
f Lbnr; b field_16059 hoveredResultButton | |
f Lbnn; c field_16060 alternatesWidget | |
f Lbib; d field_16061 client | |
f Ljava/util/List; e field_16062 recipeDisplayListeners | |
f Ljava/util/List; f field_16063 resultCollections | |
f Lbjt; g field_16064 nextPageButton | |
f Lbjt; h field_16065 prevPageButton | |
f I i field_16066 pageCount | |
f I j field_16067 currentPage | |
f Lql; k field_16068 recipeBook | |
f Lakt; l field_16069 lastClickedRecipe | |
f Lbns; m field_16070 resultCollection | |
m ()Lakt; a method_14602 getLastClickedRecipe | |
m (II)V a method_14603 drawTooltip | |
m (IIIIF)V a method_14604 draw | |
m (IIIIIII)Z a method_14605 method_2632 | |
m (Lbib;II)V a method_14606 initialize | |
m (Lbno;)V a method_14607 setGui | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)V a method_14608 onRecipesDisplayed | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Z)V a method_14609 setResults | |
m ()Lbns; b method_14610 getLastClickedResults | |
m ()V c method_14611 hideAlternates | |
m ()V d method_14612 refreshResultButtons | |
m ()V e method_14613 hideShowPageButtons | |
c bnq net/minecraft/class_3284 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/recipebook/RecipeGroupButtonWidget | |
f Lahp; u field_16071 field_3123 | |
f F v field_16072 bounce | |
m (Lbib;)V a method_14614 checkForNewRecipes | |
m (Lbzw;)V a method_14615 renderIcons | |
m ()Lahp; d method_14616 method_2623 | |
m ()Z e method_14617 method_2624 | |
c bnr net/minecraft/class_3285 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/recipebook/AnimatedResultButton | |
f Lnf; o field_16073 BACKGROUND_TEXTURE | |
f Lql; p field_16074 recipeBook | |
f Lbns; q field_16075 resultCollection | |
f F r field_16076 time | |
f F s field_16077 bounce | |
f I t field_16078 currentResultIndex | |
m (Lblk;)Ljava/util/List; a method_14618 getTooltip | |
m (Lbns;Lbnp;Lql;)V a method_14619 method_2640 | |
m ()Lbns; c method_14620 getResultCollection | |
m (II)V c method_14621 setPos | |
m ()Z d method_14622 hasResults | |
m ()Lakt; e method_14623 currentRecipe | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; f method_14624 getResults | |
c bns net/minecraft/class_3286 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/recipebook/RecipeResultCollection | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_16079 recipes | |
f Ljava/util/BitSet; b field_16080 field_3146 | |
f Ljava/util/BitSet; c field_16081 field_3145 | |
f Ljava/util/BitSet; d field_16082 field_3147 | |
f Z e field_16083 singleOutput | |
m ()Z a method_14625 isInitialized | |
m (Laef;IILql;)V a method_14626 computeCraftables | |
m (Lakt;)Z a method_14627 isCraftable | |
m (Lql;)V a method_14628 initialize | |
m (Z)Ljava/util/List; a method_14629 getResults | |
m ()Z b method_14630 hasCraftableRecipes | |
m (Lakt;)V b method_14631 addRecipe | |
m (Z)Ljava/util/List; b method_14632 getRecipes | |
m ()Z c method_14633 hasFittingRecipes | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; d method_14634 getAllRecipes | |
m ()Z e method_14635 hasSingleOutput | |
c bnt net/minecraft/class_3287 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/recipebook/RecipeDisplayListener | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)V a method_14636 onRecipesDisplayed | |
c bnu net/minecraft/class_3288 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/recipebook/RecipeBookProvider | |
m ()V I_ method_14637 method_0_11066 | |
m ()Lbno; f method_14638 getRecipeBookWidget | |
c bnw net/minecraft/class_617 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/pack/ResourcePackScreen | |
f Lblk; a field_2248 parent | |
f Ljava/util/List; f field_7846 field_0_3559 | |
f Ljava/util/List; g field_7847 field_0_3560 | |
f Lboc; h field_7848 field_0_3561 | |
f Lboe; i field_7849 enabledPacks | |
f Z s field_10489 dirty | |
m (Lblk;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; a method_6795 method_0_2964 | |
m (Lbnx;)Z a method_6796 method_2669 | |
p 1 resourcePack | |
m (Lbnx;)Ljava/util/List; b method_6797 method_0_2966 | |
p 1 resourcePack | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; f method_6798 method_0_2967 | |
m ()V g method_9612 markDirty | |
c bnx net/minecraft/class_1828 net/minecraft/class_520 | |
f Lbib; a field_7850 field_3165 | |
f Lbnw; b field_7851 field_3164 | |
f Lnf; c field_7852 field_3160 | |
f Lhh; d field_10490 field_3162 | |
f Lhh; e field_10491 field_3163 | |
f Lhh; f field_10492 field_0_8848 | |
m (Lbnw;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 screen | |
m ()I a method_9613 method_0_8398 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_6799 method_2679 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_6800 method_2678 | |
m ()V d method_6801 method_2684 | |
m ()Z e method_6802 method_0_2972 | |
m ()Z f method_6803 method_2688 | |
m ()Z g method_6804 method_2685 | |
m ()Z h method_6805 method_2682 | |
m ()Z i method_6806 method_2683 | |
m ()Z j method_12199 method_0_9954 | |
c bnx$1 net/minecraft/class_1828$1 net/minecraft/class_520$1 | |
f I a field_13351 field_0_11106 | |
f Lbnx; b field_10493 field_0_8849 | |
c bny net/minecraft/class_1829 net/minecraft/class_0_2371 | |
c bnz net/minecraft/class_1830 net/minecraft/class_0_820 | |
f Lceu$a; c field_7856 field_0_3570 | |
m (Lbnw;Lceu$a;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 screen | |
p 2 entry | |
m ()Lceu$a; k method_6807 method_0_2977 | |
c bo net/minecraft/class_3289 net/minecraft/class_0_2796 | |
f Lbn; a field_16084 field_0_13072 | |
f Lbhe; b field_16085 field_0_13150 | |
f Let; c field_16086 field_0_13151 | |
f Ljava/lang/Integer; d field_16087 field_0_13152 | |
f Lvg; e field_16088 field_0_13153 | |
f Ljava/lang/Boolean; f field_16089 field_0_13154 | |
m (I)Lbo; a method_14639 method_0_12024 | |
m (Lbn;)Lbo; a method_14640 method_0_12002 | |
m (Lvg;Lbhe;)Lbo; a method_14641 method_0_12025 | |
m (Z)Lbo; a method_14642 method_0_12026 | |
m ()Lbo; i method_14643 method_0_12027 | |
c boa net/minecraft/class_2846 net/minecraft/class_0_819 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; c field_13352 field_0_3567 | |
f Lcer; d field_13353 field_0_3568 | |
f Lnf; e field_13354 field_0_3569 | |
c boc net/minecraft/class_1831 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/resourcepack/AvailableResourcePackListWidget | |
c bod net/minecraft/class_1832 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/pack/PackListWidget | |
f Lbib; u field_7857 client | |
f Ljava/util/List; v field_7858 field_0_3572 | |
m (Lbib;IILjava/util/List;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 4 widgets | |
m (I)Lbnx; c method_6808 method_0_2558 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; e method_6809 method_2689 | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; f method_6810 method_0_2980 | |
c boe net/minecraft/class_1833 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/resourcepack/SelectedResourcePackListWidget | |
c boi net/minecraft/class_363 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/world/CreateWorldScreen | |
f Z A field_1104 moreOptionsOpen | |
f Lbja; B field_1105 field_3186 | |
f Lbja; C field_1106 field_3193 | |
f Lbja; D field_1107 field_3203 | |
f Lbja; E field_1108 field_3197 | |
f Lbja; F field_1109 field_3189 | |
f Lbja; G field_1110 field_3182 | |
f Lbja; H field_5072 field_3198 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; I field_1087 firstGameModeDescriptionLine | |
f Ljava/lang/String; J field_1088 secondGameModeDescriptionLine | |
f Ljava/lang/String; K field_1089 seed | |
f Ljava/lang/String; L field_1090 levelName | |
f I M field_1091 generatorType | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; N field_1092 field_3183 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_5073 field_3200 | |
f Lblk; f field_1093 parent | |
f Lbje; g field_1094 levelNameField | |
f Lbje; h field_1095 seedField | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_1096 saveDirectoryName | |
f Ljava/lang/String; s field_1097 gameMode | |
f Ljava/lang/String; t field_10418 field_3185 | |
f Z u field_1098 structures | |
f Z v field_1099 cheatsEnabled | |
f Z w field_1100 tweakedCheats | |
f Z x field_1101 bonusChest | |
f Z y field_1102 hardcore | |
f Z z field_1103 creatingLevel | |
m (Lblk;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
m ()V a method_914 updateSaveFolderName | |
m (Lbfd;)V a method_4240 recreateLevel | |
p 1 properties | |
m (Lbfg;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_913 method_2724 | |
p 0 access | |
p 1 directoryName | |
m (Z)V b method_4241 setMoreOptionsOpen | |
p 1 moreOptionsOpen | |
m ()V f method_915 updateSettingsLabels | |
m ()Z g method_9550 isGeneratorTypeValid | |
m ()V h method_4242 toggleMoreOptions | |
c boj net/minecraft/class_387 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/world/EditWorldScreen | |
f Lblk; a field_1225 field_3169 | |
f Lbje; f field_1226 levelNameTextField | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_1227 levelName | |
m (Lblk;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
p 2 levelName | |
c bok net/minecraft/class_391 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/world/SelectWorldScreen | |
f Lblk; a field_1261 parent | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_1262 field_3223 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; g field_13355 field_3217 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_13356 tooltipText | |
f Lbja; i field_1272 field_3219 | |
f Lbja; s field_1273 field_3224 | |
f Lbja; t field_13357 field_3215 | |
f Lbja; u field_5094 field_3216 | |
f Lbom; v field_13358 levelList | |
m (Lblk;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 parent | |
m ()V a method_1082 method_0_2809 | |
m (Lbol;)V a method_12200 method_2746 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_12201 setTooltip | |
c bol net/minecraft/class_2847 net/minecraft/class_529 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_13359 field_3249 | |
f Ljava/text/DateFormat; b field_13360 field_3242 | |
f Lnf; c field_13361 field_3243 | |
f Lnf; d field_13362 field_3240 | |
f Lbib; e field_13363 field_3250 | |
f Lbok; f field_13364 field_3251 | |
f Lbfh; g field_13365 field_3246 | |
f Lnf; h field_13366 field_3247 | |
f Lbom; i field_13367 field_3241 | |
f Ljava/io/File; j field_13368 field_3245 | |
f Lcdg; k field_13369 field_3244 | |
f J l field_13370 field_3248 | |
m ()V a method_12202 method_2768 | |
m (Lbol;)V a method_12203 method_0_9012 | |
m ()V b method_12204 method_2755 | |
m (Lbol;)Lbok; b method_12205 method_0_9014 | |
m ()V c method_12206 method_2756 | |
m (Lbol;)Lbib; c method_12207 method_0_9016 | |
m ()V d method_12208 method_2757 | |
m (Lbol;)Lbfh; d method_12209 method_0_9018 | |
m ()V e method_12210 method_2767 | |
m (Lbol;)Lbom; e method_12211 method_0_9020 | |
m ()V f method_12212 method_2758 | |
c bol$1 net/minecraft/class_2847$1 net/minecraft/class_529$1 | |
f Lbol; a field_13371 field_0_9686 | |
c bol$2 net/minecraft/class_2847$2 net/minecraft/class_529$2 | |
f Lbol; a field_13372 field_0_9687 | |
c bom net/minecraft/class_2848 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/world/WorldListWidget | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; u field_13373 LOGGER | |
f Lbok; v field_13374 parent | |
f Ljava/util/List; w field_13375 field_0_9690 | |
f I x field_13376 field_3236 | |
m (I)Lbol; c method_12213 method_0_2558 | |
m (I)V d method_12214 method_2751 | |
m ()V e method_12215 method_2750 | |
m ()Lbol; f method_12216 method_2753 | |
m ()Lbok; g method_12217 getParent | |
c boo net/minecraft/class_2320 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/TeleportToSpecificPlayerSpectatorCommand | |
f Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; a field_10494 gameProfile | |
f Lnf; b field_10495 skinId | |
m (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 profile | |
c bop net/minecraft/class_2321 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/RootSpectatorCommandGroup | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_10496 elements | |
c boq net/minecraft/class_2322 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/SpectatorMenu | |
f Lbos; a field_10497 BLANK_COMMAND | |
f Lbos; b field_10498 CLOSE_COMMAND | |
f Lbos; c field_10499 PREVIOUS_PAGE_COMMAND | |
f Lbos; d field_10500 NEXT_PAGE_COMMAND | |
f Lbos; e field_10501 DISABLED_NEXT_PAGE_COMMAND | |
f Lbot; f field_10502 closeCallback | |
f Ljava/util/List; g field_10503 stateStack | |
f Lbor; h field_10504 currentGroup | |
f I i field_10505 selectedSlot | |
f I j field_10506 page | |
m (Lbot;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 closeCallback | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; a method_9614 getCommands | |
m (I)Lbos; a method_9615 getCommand | |
p 1 slot | |
m (Lboq;)I a method_13839 method_2769 | |
m (Lboq;I)I a method_9616 method_2775 | |
m (Lbor;)V a method_9617 selectElement | |
p 1 group | |
m ()Lbos; b method_9618 getSelectedCommand | |
m (I)V b method_9619 useCommand | |
p 1 slot | |
m ()Lbor; c method_9620 getCurrentGroup | |
m ()V d method_9621 close | |
m ()I e method_9622 getSelectedSlot | |
m ()Lbou; f method_9623 getCurrentState | |
c boq$1 net/minecraft/class_2322$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/SpectatorMenu$1 | |
c boq$a net/minecraft/class_2322$class_2323 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/SpectatorMenu$CloseSpectatorMenuCommand | |
c boq$b net/minecraft/class_2322$class_2324 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/SpectatorMenu$ChangePageSpectatorMenuCommand | |
f I a field_10507 direction | |
f Z b field_10508 enabled | |
m (IZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 direction | |
p 2 enabled | |
c bor net/minecraft/class_2325 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/SpectatorMenuCommandGroup | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; a method_9624 getCommands | |
m ()Lhh; b method_9625 getPrompt | |
c bos net/minecraft/class_2326 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/SpectatorMenuCommand | |
m ()Lhh; J_ method_9626 method_0_3029 | |
m ()Z K_ method_9627 method_0_3030 | |
m (FI)V a method_9628 renderIcon | |
p 1 brightness | |
p 2 alpha | |
m (Lboq;)V a method_9629 use | |
p 1 menu | |
c bot net/minecraft/class_2327 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/SpectatorMenuCloseCallback | |
m (Lboq;)V a method_9630 close | |
p 1 menu | |
c bou net/minecraft/class_2328 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/SpectatorMenuState | |
f Lbor; a field_10509 group | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_10510 commands | |
f I c field_10511 selectedSlot | |
m (Lbor;Ljava/util/List;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 group | |
p 2 commands | |
p 3 selectedSlot | |
m (I)Lbos; a method_9631 getCommand | |
p 1 slot | |
m ()I b method_9632 getSelectedSlot | |
c bov net/minecraft/class_2329 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/TeleportSpectatorMenu | |
f Lcom/google/common/collect/Ordering; a field_10512 ORDERING | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_10513 elements | |
m (Ljava/util/Collection;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 playerEntries | |
c bov$1 net/minecraft/class_2329$1 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/TeleportSpectatorMenu$1 | |
m (Lbsc;Lbsc;)I a method_9633 compare | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I compare compare compare | |
p 1 playerEntry1 | |
p 2 playerEntry2 | |
c bow net/minecraft/class_2330 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/TeamTeleportSpectatorMenu | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_10514 commands | |
c bow$a net/minecraft/class_2330$class_2331 net/minecraft/client/gui/hud/spectator/TeamTeleportSpectatorMenu$TeleportToSpecificTeamCommand | |
f Lbow; a field_10515 field_3273 | |
f Lbhh; b field_10516 team | |
f Lnf; c field_14944 skinId | |
f Ljava/util/List; d field_10518 scoreboardEntries | |
m (Lbow;Lbhh;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 team | |
c boz net/minecraft/class_2332 net/minecraft/client/RunArgs | |
f Lboz$e; a field_10519 network | |
f Lboz$a; b field_10520 field_3279 | |
f Lboz$b; c field_10521 directories | |
f Lboz$c; d field_10522 game | |
f Lboz$d; e field_10523 autoConnect | |
m (Lboz$e;Lboz$a;Lboz$b;Lboz$c;Lboz$d;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 args | |
p 2 information | |
p 3 directories | |
p 4 game | |
p 5 autoConnect | |
c boz$a net/minecraft/class_2332$class_2333 net/minecraft/client/RunArgs$class_543 | |
f I a field_10524 field_3285 | |
f I b field_10525 field_3284 | |
f Z c field_10526 field_3283 | |
f Z d field_10527 field_0_3666 | |
m (IIZZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 width | |
p 2 height | |
p 3 focused | |
c boz$b net/minecraft/class_2332$class_2334 net/minecraft/client/RunArgs$Directories | |
f Ljava/io/File; a field_10528 runDir | |
f Ljava/io/File; b field_10529 resourcePackDir | |
f Ljava/io/File; c field_10530 assetDir | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_13377 assetIndex | |
m (Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 runDir | |
p 2 resourcePackDir | |
p 3 assetsDir | |
m ()Lcee; a method_12218 getResourceIndex | |
c boz$c net/minecraft/class_2332$class_2335 net/minecraft/client/RunArgs$Game | |
f Z a field_10532 demo | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_10533 version | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_13378 versionType | |
m (ZLjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 demo | |
p 2 version | |
c boz$d net/minecraft/class_2332$class_2336 net/minecraft/client/RunArgs$AutoConnect | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_10534 serverAddress | |
f I b field_10535 serverPort | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 serverIp | |
p 2 serverPort | |
c boz$e net/minecraft/class_2332$class_2337 net/minecraft/client/RunArgs$Network | |
f Lbii; a field_10536 session | |
f Lcom/mojang/authlib/properties/PropertyMap; b field_10537 userProperties | |
f Lcom/mojang/authlib/properties/PropertyMap; c field_10538 profileProperties | |
f Ljava/net/Proxy; d field_10539 netProxy | |
m (Lbii;Lcom/mojang/authlib/properties/PropertyMap;Lcom/mojang/authlib/properties/PropertyMap;Ljava/net/Proxy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 session | |
p 3 profileProperties | |
p 4 netProxy | |
c bp net/minecraft/class_2598 net/minecraft/class_0_1712 | |
f I a field_11790 field_0_7141 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; b field_11791 field_0_7142 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; c field_11792 field_0_7143 | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; d field_11793 field_0_7144 | |
m (Lbp;)V a method_10793 method_0_6659 | |
p 1 sats | |
m (Lbp;Lbp$a;)V a method_10794 method_0_6660 | |
m (Lbp;Lbp$a;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_10795 method_0_6661 | |
m (Lfy;)V a method_10791 method_0_6657 | |
p 1 nbt | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;Lbp$a;I)V a method_10792 method_0_6658 | |
m (Lfy;)V b method_10796 method_0_6662 | |
p 1 nbt | |
c bp$1 net/minecraft/class_2598$1 net/minecraft/class_0_1712$1 | |
f Lbn; a field_11794 field_0_8836 | |
f Lbp; b field_11795 field_0_8837 | |
c bp$a net/minecraft/class_2598$class_2599 net/minecraft/class_0_1712$class_0_1713 | |
f Lbp$a; a field_11796 SUCCESS_COUNT | |
f Lbp$a; b field_11797 AFFECTED_BLOCKS | |
f Lbp$a; c field_11798 AFFECTED_ENTITIES | |
f Lbp$a; d field_11799 AFFECTED_ITEMS | |
f Lbp$a; e field_11800 QUERY_RESULT | |
f I f field_11801 field_0_7150 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_11802 field_0_7151 | |
f [Lbp$a; h field_11803 field_0_7152 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 index | |
p 4 name | |
m ()I a method_10797 method_0_6663 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbp$a; a method_10798 method_0_6664 | |
p 0 name | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_10799 method_0_6665 | |
m ()[Ljava/lang/String; c method_10800 method_0_6666 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbp$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbp$a; values values values | |
c bpd net/minecraft/class_2338 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/ArmorStandArmorEntityModel | |
c bpe net/minecraft/class_2339 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/ArmorStandEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_10540 rightTorso | |
f Lbrs; b field_10541 leftTorso | |
f Lbrs; c field_10542 shoulderStick | |
f Lbrs; d field_10543 basePlate | |
c bpf net/minecraft/class_2340 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/BannerBlockEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_10544 fabric | |
f Lbrs; b field_10545 post | |
f Lbrs; c field_10546 base | |
m ()V a method_9634 method_2793 | |
c bpg net/minecraft/class_1331 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/BatEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_5125 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_5126 body | |
f Lbrs; c field_5127 rightWing | |
f Lbrs; d field_5128 leftWing | |
f Lbrs; e field_5129 rightWingTip | |
f Lbrs; f field_5130 leftWingTip | |
c bph net/minecraft/class_3290 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/BedEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_16090 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_16091 legs | |
f [Lbrs; c field_16092 foot | |
m ()I a method_14644 method_0_11549 | |
m (Z)V a method_14645 setVisible | |
m ()V b method_14646 render | |
c bpi net/minecraft/class_431 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/BlazeEntityModel | |
f [Lbrs; a field_1441 rods | |
f Lbrs; b field_1442 head | |
c bpj net/minecraft/class_432 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/BoatEntityModel | |
f [Lbrs; a field_1443 body | |
f [Lbrs; b field_13379 paddles | |
f Lbrs; c field_13380 waterPatch | |
f I d field_13381 field_0_11073 | |
m (Lafd;IFF)V a method_12219 renderPaddle | |
m (Z)Lbrs; a method_12220 makePaddle | |
c bpk net/minecraft/class_433 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/BookModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1444 leftCover | |
f Lbrs; b field_1445 rightCover | |
f Lbrs; c field_1446 leftPages | |
f Lbrs; d field_1447 rightPages | |
f Lbrs; e field_1448 leftFlippingPage | |
f Lbrs; f field_1449 rightFlippingPage | |
f Lbrs; g field_1450 spine | |
c bpl net/minecraft/class_434 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/ChestEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1451 lid | |
f Lbrs; b field_1452 base | |
f Lbrs; c field_1453 hatch | |
m ()V a method_1169 method_2799 | |
c bpm net/minecraft/class_435 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/ChickenEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1454 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_1455 body | |
f Lbrs; c field_1456 rightLeg | |
f Lbrs; d field_1457 leftLeg | |
f Lbrs; e field_1458 rightWing | |
f Lbrs; f field_1459 leftWing | |
f Lbrs; g field_1460 beak | |
f Lbrs; h field_1461 wattle | |
c bpn net/minecraft/class_436 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/CowEntityModel | |
c bpo net/minecraft/class_437 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/CreeperEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1462 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_1463 helmet | |
f Lbrs; c field_1464 torso | |
f Lbrs; d field_1465 rightBackLeg | |
f Lbrs; e field_1466 leftBackLeg | |
f Lbrs; f field_1467 rightFrontLeg | |
f Lbrs; g field_1468 leftFrontLeg | |
c bpp net/minecraft/class_2849 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/ElytraEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_13382 field_3364 | |
f Lbrs; b field_13383 leftWing | |
c bpq net/minecraft/class_438 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/EndermanEntityModel | |
f Z a field_1469 carryingBlock | |
f Z b field_1470 angry | |
c bpr net/minecraft/class_2341 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/EndermiteEntityModel | |
f [[I a field_10547 SEGMENT_DIMENSIONS | |
f [[I b field_10548 SEGMENT_UVS | |
f I c field_10549 field_3367 | |
f [Lbrs; d field_10550 bodySegments | |
c bps net/minecraft/class_3085 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/EvokerFangsEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_15256 base | |
f Lbrs; b field_15257 upperJaw | |
f Lbrs; c field_15258 lowerJaw | |
c bpt net/minecraft/class_439 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/GhastEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1471 body | |
f [Lbrs; b field_1472 tentacles | |
c bpu net/minecraft/class_2342 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/GuardianEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_10551 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_10552 eye | |
f [Lbrs; c field_10553 spikes | |
f [Lbrs; d field_10554 tail | |
c bpv net/minecraft/class_1628 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/HorseEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; A field_6396 field_0_3732 | |
f Lbrs; B field_6397 field_0_3733 | |
f Lbrs; C field_6398 field_0_3734 | |
f Lbrs; D field_6399 field_0_3735 | |
f Lbrs; E field_6400 field_0_3736 | |
f Lbrs; F field_6401 field_0_3737 | |
f Lbrs; G field_6402 field_0_3738 | |
f Lbrs; H field_6403 field_0_3739 | |
f Lbrs; I field_6404 field_0_3740 | |
f Lbrs; J field_6405 field_0_3741 | |
f Lbrs; K field_6406 field_0_3742 | |
f Lbrs; L field_6407 field_0_3743 | |
f Lbrs; M field_6408 field_0_3744 | |
f Lbrs; N field_6409 field_0_3745 | |
f Lbrs; O field_6410 field_0_3746 | |
f Lbrs; P field_6411 field_0_3747 | |
f Lbrs; Q field_6412 field_0_3748 | |
f Lbrs; R field_6413 field_0_3749 | |
f Lbrs; S field_6414 field_0_3750 | |
f Lbrs; a field_6415 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_6416 field_0_3752 | |
f Lbrs; c field_6417 field_0_3753 | |
f Lbrs; d field_6418 field_0_3754 | |
f Lbrs; e field_6419 field_0_3755 | |
f Lbrs; f field_6420 field_0_3756 | |
f Lbrs; g field_6421 field_0_3757 | |
f Lbrs; h field_6422 field_0_3758 | |
f Lbrs; i field_6423 field_0_3759 | |
f Lbrs; j field_6424 field_0_3760 | |
f Lbrs; k field_6425 body | |
f Lbrs; l field_6426 field_0_3762 | |
f Lbrs; m field_6427 field_0_3763 | |
f Lbrs; n field_6428 field_0_3764 | |
f Lbrs; u field_6429 field_0_3765 | |
f Lbrs; v field_6430 field_0_3766 | |
f Lbrs; w field_6431 field_0_3767 | |
f Lbrs; x field_6432 field_0_3768 | |
f Lbrs; y field_6433 field_0_3769 | |
f Lbrs; z field_6434 field_0_3770 | |
m (FFF)F a method_5705 method_2790 | |
c bpw net/minecraft/class_2343 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/SkullOverlayEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; b field_10555 skullOverlay | |
c bpx net/minecraft/class_440 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/BipedEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; e field_1473 head | |
f Lbrs; f field_1474 hat | |
f Lbrs; g field_1475 body | |
f Lbrs; h field_10556 rightArm | |
f Lbrs; i field_10557 leftArm | |
f Lbrs; j field_10558 rightLeg | |
f Lbrs; k field_10559 leftLeg | |
f Lbpx$a; l field_13384 leftArmPose | |
f Lbpx$a; m field_13385 rightArmPose | |
f Z n field_1484 sneaking | |
m (FLvo;)V a method_12221 method_2803 | |
m (Lvg;)Lvo; a method_12222 method_2806 | |
m (Lvo;)Lbrs; a method_12223 getArm | |
m (Z)V a method_9637 setVisible | |
p 1 visible | |
c bpx$1 net/minecraft/class_440$1 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/BipedEntityModel$1 | |
f [I a field_13386 field_3402 | |
c bpx$a net/minecraft/class_440$class_2850 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/BipedEntityModel$ArmPose | |
f Lbpx$a; a field_13387 EMPTY | |
f Lbpx$a; b field_13388 ITEM | |
f Lbpx$a; c field_13389 BLOCK | |
f Lbpx$a; d field_13390 BOW_AND_ARROW | |
f [Lbpx$a; e field_13391 field_3404 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbpx$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbpx$a; values values values | |
c bpy net/minecraft/class_3087 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/IllagerEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_15259 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_16093 hat | |
f Lbrs; c field_15260 torso | |
f Lbrs; d field_15261 arms | |
f Lbrs; e field_15262 leftLeg | |
f Lbrs; f field_15263 rightLeg | |
f Lbrs; g field_15264 field_3421 | |
f Lbrs; h field_15265 rightArm | |
f Lbrs; i field_15266 leftArm | |
m (Lvo;)Lbrs; a method_13840 getAttackingArm | |
c bpz net/minecraft/class_441 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/LargeChestEntityModel | |
c bq net/minecraft/class_1280 net/minecraft/class_0_1738 | |
f Ljava/util/regex/Pattern; a field_4946 field_0_7233 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Splitter; b field_15390 field_0_11757 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Splitter; c field_15391 field_0_11758 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; d field_15392 field_0_12008 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_15393 R | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_15394 RM | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_15395 L | |
f Ljava/lang/String; h field_15396 LM | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_15397 X | |
f Ljava/lang/String; j field_15398 Y | |
f Ljava/lang/String; k field_15399 Z | |
f Ljava/lang/String; l field_15400 DX | |
f Ljava/lang/String; m field_15401 DY | |
f Ljava/lang/String; n field_15402 DZ | |
f Ljava/lang/String; o field_15403 RX | |
f Ljava/lang/String; p field_15404 RXM | |
f Ljava/lang/String; q field_15405 RY | |
f Ljava/lang/String; r field_15406 RYM | |
f Ljava/lang/String; s field_15407 C | |
f Ljava/lang/String; t field_15408 M | |
f Ljava/lang/String; u field_15409 TEAM | |
f Ljava/lang/String; v field_15410 NAME | |
f Ljava/lang/String; w field_15411 TYPE | |
f Ljava/lang/String; x field_15412 TAG | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; y field_15413 field_0_12029 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; z field_11859 field_0_7236 | |
m ()Ljava/util/Set; a method_13915 method_0_10813 | |
m (Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;)Loq; a method_4087 method_0_6800 | |
p 0 sender | |
m (Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)Lvg; a method_10861 method_0_6801 | |
p 0 source | |
p 2 entityClass | |
m (Lbn;Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/util/List; a method_10862 method_0_6802 | |
m (Let;III)Lbhb; a method_10855 method_0_6792 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z a method_4088 method_0_6793 | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Map;Lbn;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;Lbhe;)Ljava/util/List; a method_10856 method_0_6794 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/util/Map; a method_4728 method_0_6795 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;Lbhe;)Ljava/util/List; a method_12888 method_0_6796 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;Let;)Let; a method_10864 method_0_6805 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/lang/String;Lamu;Let;)Ljava/util/List; a method_10858 method_0_6797 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List; a method_10859 method_0_6798 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;Ljava/lang/String;DZ)D a method_12889 method_0_10139 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;Ljava/lang/String;I)I a method_10860 method_0_6799 | |
m (Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List; b method_14647 method_0_11898 | |
m (Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/util/List; b method_10866 method_0_6808 | |
p 0 source | |
m (Lbn;Ljava/util/Map;)Z b method_10867 method_0_6809 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z b method_4091 method_0_6803 | |
p 0 args | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/util/List; b method_10863 method_0_6804 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;Lbhe;)Lbhe; b method_12890 method_0_10140 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; b method_10865 method_0_6806 | |
m (Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;)Lhh; c method_6362 method_0_6807 | |
p 0 source | |
m (Lbn;Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/util/List; c method_12891 method_0_6813 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; c method_13916 method_0_10814 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/util/List; c method_10868 method_0_6811 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Map; d method_4098 method_0_6810 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/util/List; d method_10869 method_0_6812 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/util/List; e method_10871 method_0_6814 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/util/List; f method_12892 method_0_9037 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/util/List; g method_10872 method_0_6815 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)Z h method_10873 method_0_6816 | |
c bq$1 net/minecraft/class_1280$1 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$1 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z a method_13917 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bq$10 net/minecraft/class_1280$10 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$10 | |
f Z a field_11879 field_0_11359 | |
f Lams; b field_15414 field_0_11360 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_10884 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bq$11 net/minecraft/class_1280$11 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$11 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_15415 field_0_7255 | |
f Z b field_15416 field_0_7256 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_10885 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bq$12 net/minecraft/class_1280$12 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$12 | |
f Lbn; a field_15417 field_0_9972 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15418 field_0_7257 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_10875 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bq$13 net/minecraft/class_1280$13 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$13 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_14387 field_0_7239 | |
f Z b field_14388 field_0_7240 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_12893 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bq$14 net/minecraft/class_1280$14 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$14 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_15419 field_0_9698 | |
f Z b field_15420 field_0_9699 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_12894 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bq$2 net/minecraft/class_1280$2 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$2 | |
f Lbhe; a field_15421 field_0_11424 | |
f Z b field_15422 field_0_7242 | |
f D c field_15423 field_0_7243 | |
f Z d field_15424 field_0_7244 | |
f D e field_15425 field_0_7245 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_12895 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bq$3 net/minecraft/class_1280$3 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$3 | |
f I a field_11871 field_0_7246 | |
f I b field_11872 field_0_7247 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_12896 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bq$4 net/minecraft/class_1280$4 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$4 | |
f I a field_15426 field_0_7248 | |
f I b field_15427 field_0_7249 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_12897 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bq$5 net/minecraft/class_1280$5 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$5 | |
f Lbhb; a field_15428 field_0_7250 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_13918 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bq$6 net/minecraft/class_1280$6 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$6 | |
f Lbhe; a field_15429 field_0_11433 | |
m (Lvg;Lvg;)I a method_13919 compare | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I compare compare compare | |
c bq$7 net/minecraft/class_1280$7 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$7 | |
f Lnf; a field_15430 field_0_7237 | |
f Z b field_15431 field_0_7238 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_10881 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bq$8 net/minecraft/class_1280$8 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$8 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_10882 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bq$9 net/minecraft/class_1280$9 net/minecraft/class_0_1738$9 | |
f I a field_15432 field_0_7252 | |
f I b field_15433 field_0_7253 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_10883 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bqa net/minecraft/class_442 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/MagmaCubeEntityModel | |
f [Lbrs; a field_1486 slices | |
f Lbrs; b field_1487 innerCube | |
c bqb net/minecraft/class_1627 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/LeashKnotEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_6395 knot | |
c bqc net/minecraft/class_3088 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/LlamaEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; i field_15267 rightChest | |
f Lbrs; j field_15268 leftChest | |
c bqd net/minecraft/class_3089 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/LlamaSpitEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_15269 spit | |
c bqe net/minecraft/class_443 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/MinecartEntityModel | |
f [Lbrs; a field_1488 parts | |
c bqf net/minecraft/class_444 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/EntityModel | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_1489 field_3444 | |
f F o field_1490 handSwingProgress | |
f Z p field_1491 riding | |
f Z q field_1493 child | |
f Ljava/util/List; r field_1492 field_3443 | |
f I s field_1494 field_3446 | |
f I t field_1495 field_3445 | |
m (FFFFFFLvg;)V a method_1173 method_2821 | |
m (Lbqf;)V a method_9638 method_2818 | |
p 1 model | |
m (Lbrs;Lbrs;)V a method_9639 method_2814 | |
p 0 first | |
p 1 second | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbrt; a method_1174 method_2815 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;II)V a method_1175 method_2820 | |
m (Ljava/util/Random;)Lbrs; a method_4273 method_2817 | |
m (Lvg;FFFFFF)V a method_1176 render | |
p 1 entity | |
p 7 scale | |
m (Lvp;FFF)V a method_1177 method_2816 | |
c bqg net/minecraft/class_445 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/OcelotEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1496 leftBackLeg | |
f Lbrs; b field_1497 rightBackLeg | |
f Lbrs; c field_1498 leftFrontLeg | |
f Lbrs; d field_1499 rightFrontLeg | |
f Lbrs; e field_1500 upperTail | |
f Lbrs; f field_1501 lowerTail | |
f Lbrs; g field_1502 head | |
f Lbrs; h field_1503 body | |
f I i field_1504 animationState | |
c bqh net/minecraft/class_3291 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/ParrotEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_16094 body | |
f Lbrs; b field_16095 tail | |
f Lbrs; c field_16096 leftWing | |
f Lbrs; d field_16097 rightWing | |
f Lbrs; e field_16098 head | |
f Lbrs; f field_16099 forehead | |
f Lbrs; g field_16100 innerBeak | |
f Lbrs; h field_16101 outerBeak | |
f Lbrs; i field_16102 feather | |
f Lbrs; j field_16103 leftLeg | |
f Lbrs; k field_16104 rightLeg | |
f Lbqh$a; l field_16105 field_3454 | |
c bqh$a net/minecraft/class_3291$class_3292 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/ParrotEntityModel$Pose | |
f Lbqh$a; a field_16106 FLYING | |
f Lbqh$a; b field_16107 STANDING | |
f Lbqh$a; c field_16108 SITTING | |
f Lbqh$a; d field_16109 PARTY | |
f [Lbqh$a; e field_16110 field_3467 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbqh$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbqh$a; values values values | |
c bqi net/minecraft/class_446 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/PigEntityModel | |
c bqj net/minecraft/class_2344 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/PlayerEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_10560 leftSleeve | |
f Lbrs; b field_10561 rightSleeve | |
f Lbrs; c field_10562 leftPants | |
f Lbrs; d field_10563 rightPants | |
f Lbrs; u field_10564 jacket | |
f Lbrs; v field_10565 cloak | |
f Lbrs; w field_10566 ear | |
f Z x field_10567 thinArms | |
m (FZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 thinArms | |
m (F)V a method_9642 renderEars | |
p 1 scale | |
m (F)V b method_9643 renderCape | |
p 1 scale | |
c bqk net/minecraft/class_3021 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/PolarBearEntityModel | |
c bql net/minecraft/class_447 net/minecraft/client/model/Quad | |
f [Lbrd; a field_1505 vertices | |
f I b field_1506 vertexCount | |
f Z c field_1507 flipNormals | |
m ([Lbrd;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 positions | |
m ([Lbrd;IIIIFF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 positions | |
p 2 u1 | |
p 3 v1 | |
p 4 u2 | |
p 5 v2 | |
p 6 textureWidth | |
p 7 textureHeight | |
m ()V a method_1178 flip | |
m (Lbuk;F)V a method_9644 render | |
p 1 builder | |
p 2 scale | |
c bqm net/minecraft/class_448 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/QuadrupedEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1508 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_1509 body | |
f Lbrs; c field_1510 backRightLeg | |
f Lbrs; d field_1511 backLeftLeg | |
f Lbrs; e field_1512 frontRightLeg | |
f Lbrs; f field_1513 frontLeftLeg | |
f F g field_1514 field_3540 | |
f F h field_1515 field_3537 | |
c bqn net/minecraft/class_2345 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/RabbitEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_10568 leftFoot | |
f Lbrs; b field_10569 rightFoot | |
f Lbrs; c field_10570 leftBackLeg | |
f Lbrs; d field_10571 rightBackLeg | |
f Lbrs; e field_10572 body | |
f Lbrs; f field_10573 leftFrontLeg | |
f Lbrs; g field_10574 rightFrontLeg | |
f Lbrs; h field_10575 head | |
f Lbrs; i field_10576 rightEar | |
f Lbrs; j field_10577 leftEar | |
f Lbrs; k field_10578 tail | |
f Lbrs; l field_10579 nose | |
f F m field_10580 jumpProgress | |
m (Lbrs;FFF)V a method_9645 setAngle | |
c bqo net/minecraft/class_449 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/SheepWoolEntityModel | |
f F i field_1516 headAngle | |
c bqp net/minecraft/class_450 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/SheepEntityModel | |
f F i field_1517 headPitchModifier | |
c bqq net/minecraft/class_2851 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/ShieldEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_13392 plate | |
f Lbrs; b field_13393 handle | |
m ()V a method_12224 renderItem | |
c bqr net/minecraft/class_2852 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/ShulkerBulletEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_13394 bullet | |
c bqs net/minecraft/class_2853 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/ShulkerEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_13396 base | |
f Lbrs; b field_13397 lid | |
f Lbrs; c field_13395 head | |
c bqt net/minecraft/class_452 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/SignBlockEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1519 signPlate | |
f Lbrs; b field_1520 signpost | |
m ()V a method_1180 render | |
c bqu net/minecraft/class_453 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/SilverfishEntityModel | |
f [Lbrs; a field_1521 body | |
f [Lbrs; b field_1522 scales | |
f [F c field_1523 scaleSizes | |
f [[I d field_1524 SEGMENT_LOCATIONS | |
f [[I e field_1525 SEGMENT_SIZES | |
c bqv net/minecraft/class_1333 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/SkullEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_5131 head | |
c bqw net/minecraft/class_454 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/SkeletonEntityModel | |
c bqy net/minecraft/class_455 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/SlimeEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1526 innerCube | |
f Lbrs; b field_1527 rightEye | |
f Lbrs; c field_1528 leftEye | |
f Lbrs; d field_1529 mouth | |
c bqz net/minecraft/class_456 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/SnowGolemEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1530 middleSnowball | |
f Lbrs; b field_1531 bottomSnowball | |
f Lbrs; c field_1532 head | |
f Lbrs; d field_1533 leftArm | |
f Lbrs; e field_1534 rightArm | |
c br net/minecraft/class_1735 net/minecraft/server/command/AdvancementCommand | |
m (Lbn;Loq;Li;)V a method_14648 method_0_11020 | |
m (Lbn;Loq;Li;Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_14649 method_0_11021 | |
m (Li;Lbr$b;)Ljava/util/List; a method_14650 select | |
m (Li;Ljava/util/List;)V a method_14651 addChildrenRecursivelyToList | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;)Ljava/util/List; a method_14652 method_0_11701 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;[Ljava/lang/String;Loq;Lbr$a;Lbr$b;)V a method_14653 method_0_11702 | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Ljava/lang/String;)Li; a method_14654 method_0_11017 | |
c br$1 net/minecraft/class_1735$1 net/minecraft/server/command/AdvancementCommand$1 | |
c br$a net/minecraft/class_1735$class_3293 net/minecraft/server/command/AdvancementCommand$Operation | |
f Lbr$a; a field_16111 GRANT | |
f Lbr$a; b field_16112 REVOKE | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_16113 field_0_12870 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_16114 commandPrefix | |
f [Lbr$a; e field_16115 field_13455 | |
m ()Lei; a method_14655 method_0_11703 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbr$a; a method_14656 method_0_11704 | |
m (Loq;Li;)Z a method_14657 processEach | |
m (Loq;Li;Ljava/lang/String;)Z a method_14658 processEachCriterion | |
m (Loq;Ljava/lang/Iterable;)I a method_14659 processAll | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbr$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbr$a; values values values | |
c br$a$1 net/minecraft/class_1735$class_3293$1 net/minecraft/server/command/AdvancementCommand$Operation$1 | |
c br$a$2 net/minecraft/class_1735$class_3293$2 net/minecraft/server/command/AdvancementCommand$Operation$2 | |
c br$b net/minecraft/class_1735$class_3294 net/minecraft/server/command/AdvancementCommand$Selection | |
f Lbr$b; a field_16116 ONLY | |
f Lbr$b; b field_16117 THROUGH | |
f Lbr$b; c field_16118 FROM | |
f Lbr$b; d field_16119 UNTIL | |
f Lbr$b; e field_16120 EVERYTHING | |
f [Ljava/lang/String; f field_16121 field_0_12878 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_16122 field_0_12879 | |
f Z h field_16123 before | |
f Z i field_16124 after | |
f [Lbr$b; j field_16125 field_13463 | |
m (Lbn;Lbr;Lbr$a;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V a method_14660 method_0_11708 | |
m (Lbr$a;)Lei; a method_14661 method_0_11709 | |
m (Lbr$a;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Lei; a method_14662 method_0_11710 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbr$b; a method_14663 method_0_11711 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbr$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbr$b; values values values | |
c bra net/minecraft/class_457 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/SpiderEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1535 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_1536 thorax | |
f Lbrs; c field_1537 abdomen | |
f Lbrs; d field_1538 rightBackLeg | |
f Lbrs; e field_1539 leftBackLeg | |
f Lbrs; f field_1540 rightBackMiddleLeg | |
f Lbrs; g field_1541 leftBackMiddleLeg | |
f Lbrs; h field_1542 rightFrontMiddleLeg | |
f Lbrs; i field_1543 leftFrontMiddleLeg | |
f Lbrs; j field_1544 rightFrontLeg | |
f Lbrs; k field_1545 leftFrontLeg | |
c brb net/minecraft/class_458 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/SquidEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1546 head | |
f [Lbrs; b field_1547 tentacles | |
c brc net/minecraft/class_2854 net/minecraft/class_616 | |
m (Lvg;FFFFFF)V b method_12226 method_2836 | |
c brd net/minecraft/class_459 net/minecraft/client/model/Vertex | |
c Encapsulates a position vector and the texture's u and v coordinates. | |
f Lbhe; a field_1548 pos | |
f F b field_1549 u | |
c The texture's u value. | |
f F c field_1550 v | |
c The texture's v value. | |
m (FFFFF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
p 4 u | |
p 5 v | |
m (Lbhe;FF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 position | |
p 2 u | |
p 3 v | |
m (Lbrd;FF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 position | |
p 2 u | |
p 3 v | |
m (FF)Lbrd; a method_1181 remap | |
p 1 u | |
p 2 v | |
c bre net/minecraft/class_3090 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/VexEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_15270 leftWing | |
f Lbrs; b field_15271 rightWing | |
m ()I a method_13841 method_0_10692 | |
c brf net/minecraft/class_460 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/IronGolemEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1551 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_1552 torso | |
f Lbrs; c field_1553 rightArm | |
f Lbrs; d field_1554 leftArm | |
f Lbrs; e field_1555 rightLeg | |
f Lbrs; f field_1556 leftLeg | |
m (FF)F a method_1182 method_2810 | |
c brg net/minecraft/class_461 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/VillagerResemblingModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1557 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_1558 torso | |
f Lbrs; c field_1559 arms | |
f Lbrs; d field_1560 rightLeg | |
f Lbrs; e field_1561 leftLeg | |
f Lbrs; f field_5132 nose | |
c brh net/minecraft/class_1334 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/ZombieVillagerEntityModel | |
c bri net/minecraft/class_1335 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/WitchEntityModel | |
f Z g field_5133 liftingNose | |
f Lbrs; h field_5134 mole | |
f Lbrs; i field_5135 field_3616 | |
c brj net/minecraft/class_1336 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/WitherEntityModel | |
f [Lbrs; a field_5136 bodySegments | |
f [Lbrs; b field_5137 heads | |
c brk net/minecraft/class_462 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/WolfEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1562 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_1563 torso | |
f Lbrs; c field_1564 rightBackLeg | |
f Lbrs; d field_1565 leftBackLeg | |
f Lbrs; e field_1566 rightFrontLeg | |
f Lbrs; f field_1567 leftFrontLeg | |
f Lbrs; g field_1568 tail | |
f Lbrs; h field_1569 neck | |
c brl net/minecraft/class_463 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/ZombieEntityModel | |
c brm net/minecraft/class_2855 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/DragonHeadEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_13398 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_13399 jaw | |
c brn net/minecraft/class_464 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/DragonEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1570 head | |
f Lbrs; b field_1571 neck | |
f Lbrs; c field_1572 jaw | |
f Lbrs; d field_1573 body | |
f Lbrs; e field_1574 rearLeg | |
f Lbrs; f field_1575 frontLeg | |
f Lbrs; g field_1576 rearLegTip | |
f Lbrs; h field_1577 frontLegTip | |
f Lbrs; i field_1578 rearFoot | |
f Lbrs; j field_1579 frontFoot | |
f Lbrs; k field_1580 wing | |
f Lbrs; l field_1581 wingTip | |
f F m field_1582 delta | |
m (D)F a method_1183 updateRotations | |
p 1 angle | |
c bro net/minecraft/class_465 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/EndCrystalEntityModel | |
f Lbrs; a field_1583 cube | |
f Lbrs; b field_1584 glass | |
f Lbrs; c field_1585 base | |
m (FZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 hasBase | |
c brq net/minecraft/class_466 net/minecraft/client/model/Box | |
f F a field_1586 xMax | |
f F b field_1587 yMax | |
f F c field_1588 zMax | |
f F d field_1589 xMin | |
f F e field_1590 yMin | |
f F f field_1591 zMin | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_1592 name | |
f [Lbrd; h field_1593 vertices | |
f [Lbql; i field_1594 polygons | |
m (Lbrs;IIFFFIIIF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 part | |
p 2 u | |
p 3 v | |
p 4 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 7 sizeX | |
p 8 sizeY | |
p 9 sizeZ | |
p 10 reduction | |
m (Lbrs;IIFFFIIIFZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 part | |
p 2 u | |
p 3 v | |
p 4 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 7 sizeX | |
p 8 sizeY | |
p 9 sizeZ | |
p 10 reduction | |
p 11 mirror | |
m (Lbuk;F)V a method_1184 render | |
p 1 builder | |
p 2 scale | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbrq; a method_1185 setName | |
p 1 name | |
c brs net/minecraft/class_467 net/minecraft/client/model/ModelPart | |
f F a field_1595 textureWidth | |
f F b field_1596 textureHeight | |
f F c field_1597 pivotX | |
f F d field_1598 pivotY | |
f F e field_1599 pivotZ | |
f F f field_1600 pitch | |
f F g field_1601 yaw | |
f F h field_1602 roll | |
f Z i field_1603 mirror | |
f Z j field_1604 visible | |
f Z k field_1605 noDraw | |
f Ljava/util/List; l field_1606 cuboids | |
f Ljava/util/List; m field_1607 children | |
f Ljava/lang/String; n field_1608 name | |
f F o field_5142 x | |
f F p field_5143 y | |
f F q field_5144 z | |
f I r field_1609 textureOffsetU | |
f I s field_1610 textureOffsetV | |
f Z t field_1611 compiled | |
f I u field_1612 list | |
f Lbqf; v field_1613 field_3668 | |
m (Lbqf;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 renderer | |
m (Lbqf;II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 renderer | |
p 2 textureOffsetU | |
p 3 textureOffsetV | |
m (Lbqf;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 renderer | |
p 2 name | |
m (F)V a method_1186 render | |
p 1 scale | |
m (FFF)V a method_1187 setPivot | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m (FFFIII)Lbrs; a method_1188 addCuboid | |
m (FFFIIIF)V a method_1189 addCuboid | |
m (FFFIIIZ)Lbrs; a method_9651 addCuboid | |
m (II)Lbrs; a method_1190 setTextureOffset | |
p 1 textureOffsetU | |
p 2 textureOffsetV | |
m (Lbrs;)V a method_1191 addChild | |
p 1 part | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;FFFIII)Lbrs; a method_1192 method_2848 | |
m (F)V b method_1193 method_2852 | |
m (II)Lbrs; b method_1194 setTextureSize | |
p 1 width | |
p 2 height | |
m (F)V c method_1195 applyTransform | |
m (F)V d method_1196 compile | |
p 1 scale | |
c brt net/minecraft/class_468 net/minecraft/class_629 | |
f I a field_1614 field_3653 | |
f I b field_1615 field_3652 | |
m (II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
c brw net/minecraft/class_3295 net/minecraft/client/network/ClientAdvancementManager | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_16126 LOGGER | |
f Lbib; b field_16127 client | |
f Lj; c field_16128 manager | |
f Ljava/util/Map; d field_16129 advancementProgresses | |
f Lbrw$a; e field_16130 listener | |
f Li; f field_16131 selectedTab | |
m ()Lj; a method_14664 getManager | |
m (Lbrw$a;)V a method_14665 setListener | |
m (Li;Z)V a method_14666 selectTab | |
p 1 advancement | |
m (Lku;)V a method_14667 onAdvancements | |
c brw$a net/minecraft/class_3295$class_3296 net/minecraft/client/network/ClientAdvancementManager$Listener | |
m (Li;Lk;)V a method_14668 setProgress | |
p 1 advancement | |
p 2 progress | |
m (Li;)V e method_14669 selectTab | |
p 1 advancement | |
c brx net/minecraft/class_476 net/minecraft/client/world/ClientChunkManager | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7924 field_0_3974 | |
f Laxw; b field_1642 emptyChunk | |
f Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/longs/Long2ObjectMap; c field_13400 field_3678 | |
f Lamu; d field_1645 field_0_3978 | |
m (Lamu;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
m (II)V b method_1220 unload | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
m (II)Laxw; d method_3871 method_0_3113 | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 z | |
c brx$1 net/minecraft/class_476$1 net/minecraft/client/world/ClientChunkManager$1 | |
f Lbrx; a field_13401 field_3680 | |
m (I)V rehash rehash rehash | |
c bry net/minecraft/class_1843 net/minecraft/client/network/ClientLoginNetworkHandler | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7904 LOGGER | |
f Lbib; b field_7905 client | |
f Lblk; c field_7906 parentScreen | |
f Lgw; d field_7907 connection | |
f Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; e field_10582 profile | |
m (Lbry;)Lgw; a method_6836 method_0_3077 | |
m ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/minecraft/MinecraftSessionService; b method_6837 getSessionService | |
c bry$1 net/minecraft/class_1843$1 net/minecraft/client/network/ClientLoginNetworkHandler$1 | |
f Ljavax/crypto/SecretKey; a field_7908 field_0_3950 | |
f Lbry; b field_7909 field_0_3951 | |
m (Lio/netty/util/concurrent/Future;)V operationComplete operationComplete operationComplete | |
c brz net/minecraft/class_1845 net/minecraft/client/network/ClientPlayNetworkHandler | |
f I a field_7912 field_0_3952 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b field_7913 LOGGER | |
f Lgw; c field_7914 connection | |
f Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; d field_10583 profile | |
f Lblk; e field_7919 loginScreen | |
f Lbib; f field_7915 client | |
f Lbsb; g field_7916 world | |
f Z h field_7917 positionLookSetup | |
f Ljava/util/Map; i field_7918 playerListEntries | |
f Z j field_7920 field_0_3961 | |
f Lbrw; k field_16132 advancementHandler | |
f Ljava/util/Random; l field_7921 random | |
m (Lbib;Lblk;Lgw;Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 screen | |
p 3 connection | |
p 4 profile | |
m ()Lgw; a method_6841 method_2872 | |
m (Lbrz;)Lbib; a method_6838 method_0_3086 | |
m (Lbrz;Lbib;)Lbib; a method_9653 method_0_3081 | |
m (Lht;)V a method_6840 sendPacket | |
p 1 packet | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbsc; a method_9654 getPlayerListEntry | |
p 1 profileName | |
m (Ljava/util/UUID;)Lbsc; a method_9655 getPlayerListEntry | |
p 1 uuid | |
m (Lql;Lakt;)V a method_14670 method_0_12087 | |
m (Lql;Lbns;)V a method_14671 method_2881 | |
m ()V b method_6842 clearWorld | |
m (Lbrz;)Lgw; b method_9652 method_0_3080 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z b method_12229 validateResourcePackUrl | |
m (Lbrz;)Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/FutureCallback; c method_12228 method_0_10119 | |
m ()Ljava/util/Collection; d method_9656 getPlayerList | |
m ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; e method_9657 getProfile | |
m ()Lbrw; f method_14672 getAdvancementHandler | |
m ()Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/FutureCallback; g method_13423 method_0_10121 | |
m ()V h method_14673 method_2887 | |
c brz$1 net/minecraft/class_1845$1 net/minecraft/client/network/ClientPlayNetworkHandler$1 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_13402 field_0_3967 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_13403 field_0_3968 | |
f Lbrz; c field_7923 field_0_3969 | |
m ()V run run run | |
c brz$1$1 net/minecraft/class_1845$1$1 net/minecraft/client/network/ClientPlayNetworkHandler$1$1 | |
f Lbrz$1; a field_13404 field_0_3970 | |
c brz$2 net/minecraft/class_1845$2 net/minecraft/client/network/ClientPlayNetworkHandler$2 | |
f Lbrz; a field_10585 field_0_3964 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V onFailure onFailure onFailure | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)V onSuccess onSuccess onSuccess | |
c brz$3 net/minecraft/class_1845$3 net/minecraft/client/network/ClientPlayNetworkHandler$3 | |
f [I a field_16133 field_3705 | |
f [I b field_13405 field_3703 | |
f [I c field_13406 field_3702 | |
c bs net/minecraft/class_747 net/minecraft/server/dedicated/command/BanIpCommand | |
f Ljava/util/regex/Pattern; a field_2725 PATTERN | |
m (Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;Lbn;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_2054 method_13007 | |
c bsa net/minecraft/class_477 net/minecraft/client/network/ClientPlayerInteractionManager | |
f Lbib; a field_1646 client | |
f Lbrz; b field_1647 networkHandler | |
f Let; c field_10593 currentBreakingPos | |
f Laip; d field_5147 selectedStack | |
f F e field_1651 currentBreakingProgress | |
f F f field_1653 blockBreakingSoundCooldown | |
f I g field_1654 blockBreakingCooldown | |
f Z h field_1655 breakingBlock | |
f Lams; i field_1656 gameMode | |
f I j field_1657 lastSelectedSlot | |
m (Lbib;Lbrz;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
m ()Z a method_1221 method_0_3114 | |
m (I)V a method_12231 pickFromInventory | |
m (II)V a method_1222 clickButton | |
p 1 syncId | |
p 2 buttonId | |
m (IIILafw;Laed;)Laip; a method_1224 clickSlot | |
m (ILakt;ZLaed;)V a method_14674 method_2912 | |
m (Laed;)V a method_1226 copyAbilities | |
p 1 player | |
m (Laed;Lamu;Lub;)Lud; a method_12234 interactItem | |
m (Laed;Lvg;)V a method_1227 attackEntity | |
p 1 player | |
p 2 target | |
m (Laed;Lvg;Lbhc;Lub;)Lud; a method_12236 method_2917 | |
m (Laed;Lvg;Lub;)Lud; a method_12235 interactEntity | |
m (Laip;)V a method_1230 dropCreativeStack | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;I)V a method_1231 clickCreativeStack | |
p 1 stack | |
p 2 slotId | |
m (Lams;)V a method_1233 setGameMode | |
m (Lamu;Lqt;Lql;)Lbud; a method_9658 method_2901 | |
m (Lbib;Lbsa;Let;Lfa;)V a method_9659 breakBlockOrFire | |
p 0 client | |
p 1 interactionManager | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 direction | |
m (Lbud;Lbsb;Let;Lfa;Lbhe;Lub;)Lud; a method_13842 method_2896 | |
m (Let;)Z a method_12233 breakBlock | |
m (Let;Lfa;)Z a method_9664 attackBlock | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 direction | |
m ()Z b method_1234 hasStatusBars | |
m (Laed;)V b method_1236 method_2898 | |
m (Let;)Z b method_9661 isCurrentlyBreaking | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;Lfa;)Z b method_9665 updateBlockBreakingProgress | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 direction | |
m ()V c method_1238 cancelBlockBreaking | |
m (Laed;)V c method_1240 stopUsingItem | |
p 1 player | |
m ()F d method_1241 getReachDistance | |
m ()V e method_1242 tick | |
m ()Z f method_1243 hasExperienceBar | |
m ()Z g method_1244 hasLimitedAttackSpeed | |
m ()Z h method_1245 hasCreativeInventory | |
m ()Z i method_1246 hasExtendedReach | |
m ()Z j method_5707 hasRidingInventory | |
m ()Z k method_9666 isFlyingLocked | |
m ()Lams; l method_9667 getCurrentGameMode | |
m ()Z m method_9668 isBreakingBlock | |
m ()V n method_1247 syncSelectedSlot | |
c bsb net/minecraft/class_478 net/minecraft/client/world/ClientWorld | |
f Ljava/util/Set; K field_1664 field_3728 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; L field_1658 field_3726 | |
f Lbib; M field_1659 client | |
f Ljava/util/Set; N field_1660 field_0_3990 | |
f I O field_13407 field_0_9849 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; a field_13408 field_0_9850 | |
f Lbrz; b field_1661 networkHandler | |
f Lbrx; c field_1662 field_0_3992 | |
m (Lbrz;Lamx;ILtz;Lrl;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 netHandler | |
p 2 levelInfo | |
p 3 dimensionId | |
p 4 difficulty | |
p 5 profiler | |
m ()V a method_12237 method_0_9197 | |
m (IIIIII)V a method_1251 method_0_3148 | |
m (IIIILjava/util/Random;ZLet$a;)V a method_12238 randomBlockDisplayTick | |
m (ILvg;)V a method_6843 addEntity | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 entity | |
m (Lbhk;)V a method_5131 setScoreboard | |
p 1 sb | |
m (Lbsb;)Ljava/util/Set; a method_1254 method_0_3151 | |
m (Let;Lqe;Lqg;FFZ)V a method_9669 playSound | |
m (III)V b method_1248 doRandomBlockDisplayTicks | |
m (IIZ)V b method_1252 method_0_3154 | |
m (Lbsb;)Ljava/util/Set; b method_1256 method_0_3155 | |
m (Let;Lawt;)Z b method_9670 method_2937 | |
m ()V c method_1249 finishRemovingEntities | |
m (Lbsb;)Lbib; c method_5708 method_0_3157 | |
m (I)Lvg; e method_1255 method_2945 | |
m ()Lbrx; f method_12239 method_8398 | |
c bsb$1 net/minecraft/class_478$1 net/minecraft/client/world/ClientWorld$1 | |
f Lbsb; a field_1665 field_0_3995 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_1258 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bsb$2 net/minecraft/class_478$2 net/minecraft/client/world/ClientWorld$2 | |
f Lbsb; a field_1666 field_0_3996 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_1259 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bsb$3 net/minecraft/class_478$3 net/minecraft/client/world/ClientWorld$3 | |
f Lbsb; a field_6435 field_0_3997 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_5709 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bsb$4 net/minecraft/class_478$4 net/minecraft/client/world/ClientWorld$4 | |
f Lbsb; a field_6436 field_0_3998 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_5710 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bsc net/minecraft/class_2346 net/minecraft/client/network/PlayerListEntry | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_13409 textures | |
f Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; b field_10594 profile | |
f Lams; c field_10595 gameMode | |
f I d field_10596 latency | |
f Z e field_10597 texturesLoaded | |
f Ljava/lang/String; f field_10600 field_0_4005 | |
f Lhh; g field_10601 displayName | |
f I h field_10602 lastHealth | |
f I i field_10603 health | |
f J j field_10604 lastHealthTime | |
f J k field_10605 blinkingHeartTime | |
f J l field_10606 showTime | |
m (Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 profile | |
m (Ljp$b;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 entry | |
m ()Lcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile; a method_9671 getProfile | |
m (I)V a method_9672 setLatency | |
p 1 latency | |
m (J)V a method_9673 setLastHealthTime | |
m (Lams;)V a method_9674 setGameMode | |
m (Lbsc;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9675 method_0_3167 | |
m (Lbsc;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_9676 method_0_3168 | |
m (Lhh;)V a method_9678 setDisplayName | |
p 1 displayName | |
m ()Lams; b method_9679 getGameMode | |
m (I)V b method_9680 setLastHealth | |
m (J)V b method_9681 setBlinkingHeartTime | |
m ()I c method_9683 getLatency | |
m (I)V c method_9684 setHealth | |
m (J)V c method_9685 setShowTime | |
m ()Z e method_9686 hasSkinTexture | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; f method_9687 getModel | |
m ()Lnf; g method_9688 getSkinTexture | |
m ()Lnf; h method_9689 getCapeTexture | |
m ()Lnf; i method_12240 getElytraTexture | |
m ()Lbhh; j method_9690 getScoreboardTeam | |
m ()V k method_9691 loadTextures | |
m ()Lhh; l method_9692 getDisplayName | |
m ()I m method_9693 getLastHealth | |
m ()I n method_9694 getHealth | |
m ()J o method_9695 getLastHealthTime | |
m ()J p method_9696 getBlinkingHeartTime | |
m ()J q method_9697 getShowTime | |
c bsc$1 net/minecraft/class_2346$1 net/minecraft/client/network/PlayerListEntry$1 | |
f Lbsc; a field_10607 field_0_4012 | |
c bsc$2 net/minecraft/class_2346$2 net/minecraft/client/network/PlayerListEntry$2 | |
f [I a field_7954 field_3748 | |
c bsd net/minecraft/class_484 net/minecraft/client/network/ServerAddress | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_1684 address | |
f I b field_1685 port | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_1263 getAddress | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbsd; a method_1264 parse | |
p 0 address | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I)I a method_1265 portOrDefault | |
p 0 port | |
p 1 def | |
m ()I b method_1266 getPort | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String; b method_1267 resolveSrv | |
p 0 address | |
c bse net/minecraft/class_485 net/minecraft/client/network/ServerInfo | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_1686 name | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_1687 address | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_1688 playerCountLabel | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_1689 label | |
f J e field_1690 ping | |
f I f field_5148 protocolVersion | |
f Ljava/lang/String; g field_5149 version | |
f Z h field_1691 online | |
f Ljava/lang/String; i field_7926 playerListSummary | |
f Lbse$a; j field_7927 resourcePackPolicy | |
f Ljava/lang/String; k field_7928 icon | |
f Z l field_5150 local | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 name | |
p 2 address | |
p 3 local | |
m ()Lfy; a method_1268 toNbt | |
m (Lbse$a;)V a method_6846 setResourcePackPolicy | |
p 1 state | |
m (Lbse;)V a method_6845 copyWithSettingsFrom | |
p 1 info | |
m (Lfy;)Lbse; a method_6847 fromNbt | |
p 0 nbt | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V a method_6848 setIcon | |
m ()Lbse$a; b method_6849 getResourcePackPolicy | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; c method_6850 getIcon | |
m ()Z d method_4281 isLocal | |
c bse$a net/minecraft/class_485$class_1847 net/minecraft/client/network/ServerInfo$ResourcePackPolicy | |
f Lbse$a; a field_7929 ENABLED | |
f Lbse$a; b field_7930 DISABLED | |
f Lbse$a; c field_7931 PROMPT | |
f Lhh; d field_7932 name | |
f [Lbse$a; e field_7933 RESOURCE_PACK_POLICIES | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 name | |
m ()Lhh; a method_6851 getName | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbse$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbse$a; values values values | |
c bsf net/minecraft/class_486 net/minecraft/client/option/ServerList | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7934 LOGGER | |
f Lbib; b field_1694 client | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_1695 servers | |
m (Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
m ()V a method_1273 loadFile | |
m (I)Lbse; a method_1274 get | |
p 1 index | |
m (II)V a method_1275 swapEntries | |
p 1 index1 | |
p 2 index2 | |
m (ILbse;)V a method_6852 set | |
p 1 index | |
p 2 info | |
m (Lbse;)V a method_1277 add | |
p 1 info | |
m ()V b method_1278 saveFile | |
m (I)V b method_1279 method_2983 | |
p 1 index | |
m (Lbse;)V b method_6853 updateServerListEntry | |
p 0 e | |
m ()I c method_1281 size | |
c bsg net/minecraft/class_1848 net/minecraft/client/network/MultiplayerServerListPinger | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Splitter; a field_7935 ZERO_SPLITTER | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b field_7936 LOGGER | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_7937 clientConnections | |
m ()V a method_6854 tick | |
m (Lbse;)V a method_6855 add | |
p 1 entry | |
m (Lbsg;Lbse;)V a method_6856 method_2998 | |
m ()V b method_6857 cancel | |
m (Lbse;)V b method_6858 ping | |
m ()Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; c method_6859 getLogger | |
m ()Lcom/google/common/base/Splitter; d method_6860 getZeroSplitter | |
c bsg$1 net/minecraft/class_1848$1 net/minecraft/client/network/MultiplayerServerListPinger$1 | |
f Lgw; a field_7939 field_3774 | |
f Lbse; b field_7938 field_3776 | |
f Lbsg; c field_7940 field_3777 | |
f Z d field_7941 field_3775 | |
f Z e field_10608 field_3773 | |
f J f field_10609 field_3772 | |
c bsg$2 net/minecraft/class_1848$2 net/minecraft/client/network/MultiplayerServerListPinger$2 | |
f Lbsd; a field_7942 field_3778 | |
f Lbse; b field_7943 field_3779 | |
f Lbsg; c field_7944 field_3780 | |
m (Lio/netty/channel/Channel;)V initChannel initChannel initChannel | |
c bsg$2$1 net/minecraft/class_1848$2$1 net/minecraft/client/network/MultiplayerServerListPinger$2$1 | |
f Lbsg$2; a field_7945 field_3781 | |
m (Lio/netty/channel/ChannelHandlerContext;Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)V a method_6861 channelRead0 | |
m (Lio/netty/channel/ChannelHandlerContext;)V channelActive channelActive channelActive | |
m (Lio/netty/channel/ChannelHandlerContext;Ljava/lang/Object;)V channelRead0 channelRead0 channelRead0 | |
m (Lio/netty/channel/ChannelHandlerContext;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V exceptionCaught exceptionCaught exceptionCaught | |
c bsj net/minecraft/class_2856 net/minecraft/client/particle/SweepAttackParticle | |
f I L field_13411 field_3787 | |
f I M field_13412 field_3786 | |
f Lcdr; N field_13413 field_3784 | |
f F O field_13414 field_3785 | |
f Lnf; a field_13415 field_3782 | |
f Lcea; b field_13410 field_3783 | |
c bsj$a net/minecraft/class_2856$class_2857 net/minecraft/client/particle/SweepAttackParticle$Factory | |
c bsk net/minecraft/class_2347 net/minecraft/client/particle/BarrierParticle | |
m (Lamu;DDDLain;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 item | |
c bsk$a net/minecraft/class_2347$class_2348 net/minecraft/client/particle/BarrierParticle$Factory | |
c bsl net/minecraft/class_487 net/minecraft/client/particle/CrackParticle | |
m (Lamu;DDDDDDLain;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 velocityX | |
p 10 velocityY | |
p 12 velocityZ | |
p 14 item | |
m (Lamu;DDDLain;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 item | |
m (Lamu;DDDLain;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 item | |
c bsl$a net/minecraft/class_487$class_2349 net/minecraft/client/particle/CrackParticle$ItemFactory | |
c bsl$b net/minecraft/class_487$class_2350 net/minecraft/client/particle/CrackParticle$SlimeballFactory | |
c bsl$c net/minecraft/class_487$class_2351 net/minecraft/client/particle/CrackParticle$SnowballFactory | |
c bsm net/minecraft/class_488 net/minecraft/class_0_922 | |
c bsm$a net/minecraft/class_488$class_2352 net/minecraft/class_0_922$class_0_923 | |
c bsn net/minecraft/class_489 net/minecraft/client/particle/DamageParticle | |
f F a field_10610 field_3788 | |
c bsn$a net/minecraft/class_489$class_2858 net/minecraft/client/particle/DamageParticle$DefaultFactory | |
c bsn$b net/minecraft/class_489$class_2353 net/minecraft/client/particle/DamageParticle$EnchantedHitFactory | |
c bsn$c net/minecraft/class_489$class_2354 net/minecraft/client/particle/DamageParticle$class_660 | |
c bso net/minecraft/class_2859 net/minecraft/client/particle/DragonBreathParticle | |
f F a field_13417 field_3791 | |
f Z b field_13416 reachedGround | |
c bso$a net/minecraft/class_2859$class_2860 net/minecraft/client/particle/DragonBreathParticle$Factory | |
c bsp net/minecraft/class_491 net/minecraft/client/particle/BlockLeakParticle | |
f Lbcz; a field_1701 field_0_4049 | |
f I b field_1702 field_3790 | |
m (Lamu;DDDLbcz;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 material | |
c bsp$a net/minecraft/class_491$class_2355 net/minecraft/client/particle/BlockLeakParticle$DrippingLavaFactory | |
c bsp$b net/minecraft/class_491$class_2356 net/minecraft/client/particle/BlockLeakParticle$FallingWaterFactory | |
c bsq net/minecraft/class_492 net/minecraft/client/particle/EnchantGlyphParticle | |
f D L field_1705 startY | |
f D M field_1706 startZ | |
f F a field_1703 field_0_4053 | |
f D b field_1704 startX | |
c bsq$a net/minecraft/class_492$class_2357 net/minecraft/client/particle/EnchantGlyphParticle$class_0_931 | |
c bsr net/minecraft/class_2861 net/minecraft/client/particle/EndRodParticle | |
c bsr$a net/minecraft/class_2861$class_2862 net/minecraft/client/particle/EndRodParticle$Factory | |
c bss net/minecraft/class_493 net/minecraft/client/particle/ExplosionSmokeParticle | |
c bss$a net/minecraft/class_493$class_2358 net/minecraft/client/particle/ExplosionSmokeParticle$Factory | |
c bst net/minecraft/class_3022 net/minecraft/client/particle/BlockFallingDustParticle | |
f F a field_14945 field_3810 | |
f F b field_14946 rotationSpeed | |
c bst$a net/minecraft/class_3022$class_3023 net/minecraft/client/particle/BlockFallingDustParticle$Factory | |
c bsu net/minecraft/class_2359 net/minecraft/client/particle/FireworksSparkParticle | |
c bsu$a net/minecraft/class_2359$class_1339 net/minecraft/client/particle/FireworksSparkParticle$Flash | |
c bsu$b net/minecraft/class_2359$class_1340 net/minecraft/client/particle/FireworksSparkParticle$Explosion | |
f Lbtg; L field_5158 particleManager | |
f F M field_13418 field_3801 | |
f F N field_13419 field_3800 | |
f F O field_13420 field_3799 | |
f Z P field_5154 field_3802 | |
f Z a field_5156 trail | |
f Z b field_5157 flicker | |
m (Z)V a method_4288 setTrail | |
p 1 trail | |
m (Z)V b method_4289 setFlicker | |
p 1 flicker | |
c bsu$c net/minecraft/class_2359$class_1341 net/minecraft/client/particle/FireworksSparkParticle$FireworkParticle | |
f Lbtg; L field_5161 particleManager | |
f Lge; M field_5162 explosions | |
f Z a field_5159 flicker | |
f I b field_5160 age | |
m (Lamu;DDDDDDLbtg;Lfy;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 velocityX | |
p 10 velocityY | |
p 12 velocityZ | |
p 14 manager | |
p 15 nbt | |
m (DDDDDD[I[IZZ)V a method_4291 addExplosionParticle | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 7 velocityX | |
p 9 velocityY | |
p 11 velocityZ | |
p 13 colors | |
p 14 fadeColors | |
p 15 trail | |
p 16 flicker | |
m (DI[I[IZZ)V a method_4292 explodeBall | |
p 1 size | |
p 3 amount | |
p 4 colors | |
p 5 fadeColors | |
p 6 trail | |
p 7 flicker | |
m (D[[D[I[IZZZ)V a method_4293 explodeStar | |
p 1 size | |
p 3 pattern | |
p 4 colors | |
p 5 fadeColors | |
p 6 trail | |
p 7 flicker | |
p 8 keepShape | |
m ([I[IZZ)V a method_4294 explodeBurst | |
p 1 colors | |
p 2 fadeColors | |
p 3 trail | |
p 4 flocker | |
m ()Z m method_4295 isFar | |
c bsu$d net/minecraft/class_2359$class_2360 net/minecraft/client/particle/FireworksSparkParticle$ExplosionFactory | |
c bsv net/minecraft/class_494 net/minecraft/client/particle/FlameParticle | |
f F a field_1707 field_3812 | |
c bsv$a net/minecraft/class_494$class_2361 net/minecraft/client/particle/FlameParticle$Factory | |
c bsw net/minecraft/class_495 net/minecraft/class_0_941 | |
f I L field_1709 field_0_4068 | |
f Lcdr; M field_6438 field_0_4069 | |
f Lnf; a field_6439 field_0_4070 | |
f I b field_1708 field_0_4071 | |
m (Lcdr;Lamu;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 manager | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 7 z | |
c bsw$a net/minecraft/class_495$class_2362 net/minecraft/class_0_941$class_0_942 | |
c bsx net/minecraft/class_496 net/minecraft/client/particle/EmotionParticle | |
f F a field_1711 field_3811 | |
m (Lamu;DDDDDDF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 velocityX | |
p 10 velocityY | |
p 12 velocityZ | |
c bsx$a net/minecraft/class_496$class_2363 net/minecraft/client/particle/EmotionParticle$AngryVillagerFactory | |
c bsx$b net/minecraft/class_496$class_2364 net/minecraft/client/particle/EmotionParticle$HeartFactory | |
c bsy net/minecraft/class_497 net/minecraft/client/particle/ExplosionLargeParticle | |
f I L field_1712 field_3820 | |
f I M field_1713 field_3819 | |
f Lcdr; N field_6440 field_3817 | |
f F O field_1715 field_3818 | |
f Lnf; a field_6441 field_3815 | |
f Lcea; b field_10611 field_3816 | |
m (Lcdr;Lamu;DDDDDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 manager | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 7 z | |
p 9 velocityX | |
p 11 velocityY | |
p 13 velocityZ | |
c bsy$a net/minecraft/class_497$class_2365 net/minecraft/client/particle/ExplosionLargeParticle$Factory | |
c bsz net/minecraft/class_498 net/minecraft/client/particle/ExplosionEmitterParticle | |
f I a field_1716 age_ | |
f I b field_1717 maxAge_ | |
c bsz$a net/minecraft/class_498$class_2366 net/minecraft/client/particle/ExplosionEmitterParticle$Factory | |
c bt net/minecraft/class_755 net/minecraft/server/dedicated/command/BanListCommand | |
c bta net/minecraft/class_513 net/minecraft/client/particle/ItemPickupParticle | |
f I L field_1749 ticksExisted | |
f I M field_1750 field_3825 | |
f F N field_1751 field_3822 | |
f Lbzf; O field_10612 dispatcher | |
f Lvg; a field_1747 itemEntity | |
f Lvg; b field_1748 interactingEntity | |
m (Lamu;Lvg;Lvg;F)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
c btb net/minecraft/class_490 net/minecraft/client/particle/LargeFireSmokeParticle | |
c btb$a net/minecraft/class_490$class_2367 net/minecraft/client/particle/LargeFireSmokeParticle$Factory | |
c btc net/minecraft/class_499 net/minecraft/client/particle/LavaEmberParticle | |
f F a field_1718 field_3827 | |
c btc$a net/minecraft/class_499$class_2368 net/minecraft/client/particle/LavaEmberParticle$Factory | |
c btd net/minecraft/class_2369 net/minecraft/client/particle/ElderGuardianAppearanceParticle | |
f Lvp; a field_10613 guardian | |
c btd$a net/minecraft/class_2369$class_2370 net/minecraft/client/particle/ElderGuardianAppearanceParticle$Factory | |
c bte net/minecraft/class_500 net/minecraft/client/particle/NoteParticle | |
f F a field_1719 field_3828 | |
m (Lamu;DDDDDDF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 velocityX | |
p 10 velocityY | |
p 12 velocityZ | |
c bte$a net/minecraft/class_500$class_2371 net/minecraft/client/particle/NoteParticle$Factory | |
c btf net/minecraft/class_502 net/minecraft/client/particle/Particle | |
f F A field_1731 red | |
f F B field_1732 green | |
f F C field_1733 blue | |
f F D field_13421 alpha | |
f Lcdq; E field_10614 field_3855 | |
f F F field_14947 angle | |
f F G field_14948 prevAngle | |
f D H field_1722 cameraX | |
f D I field_1723 cameraY | |
f D J field_1724 cameraZ | |
f Lbhe; K field_14949 field_3864 | |
f Lbhb; a field_13423 EMPTY_BOUNDING_BOX | |
f Lbhb; b field_13422 boundingBox | |
f Lamu; c field_13424 world | |
f D d field_13425 prevPosX | |
f D e field_13426 prevPosY | |
f D f field_13427 prevPosZ | |
f D g field_13428 x | |
f D h field_13429 y | |
f D i field_13430 z | |
f D j field_13431 velocityX | |
f D k field_13432 velocityY | |
f D l field_13433 velocityZ | |
f Z m field_13434 onGround | |
f Z n field_14950 collidesWithWorld | |
f Z o field_13435 dead | |
f F p field_13436 spacingXZ | |
f F q field_13437 spacingY | |
f Ljava/util/Random; r field_13438 random | |
f I s field_5935 field_3868 | |
f I t field_5936 field_3848 | |
f F u field_1725 field_3865 | |
f F v field_1726 field_3846 | |
f I w field_1727 age | |
f I x field_1728 maxAge | |
f F y field_1729 field_3863 | |
f F z field_1730 gravityStrength | |
m (Lamu;DDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (Lamu;DDDDDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 velocityX | |
p 10 velocityY | |
p 12 velocityZ | |
m ()V a method_12241 tick | |
m (DDD)V a method_12242 move | |
m (F)I a method_12243 getBrightness | |
m (FF)V a method_12244 setBoundingBoxSpacing | |
m (FFF)V a method_1285 setColor | |
p 1 red | |
p 2 green | |
p 3 blue | |
m (I)V a method_12245 setMaxAge | |
m (Lbhb;)V a method_12246 setBoundingBox | |
m (Lbuk;Lvg;FFFFFF)V a method_1283 method_3074 | |
p 1 builder | |
p 2 entity | |
m (Lcdq;)V a method_9698 method_3078 | |
p 1 sprite | |
m ()I b method_1284 method_3079 | |
m (DDD)V b method_12247 setPos | |
m (I)V b method_1282 method_3076 | |
m ()Z c method_12248 method_3071 | |
m (F)Lbtf; c method_12249 move | |
m ()F d method_1286 method_3081 | |
m (F)Lbtf; d method_1289 scale | |
m ()F e method_1288 method_3065 | |
m (F)V e method_12250 setAlpha | |
m ()F f method_1290 method_3066 | |
m ()V h method_5133 method_3073 | |
m ()V i method_12251 markDead | |
m ()V j method_12252 repositionFromBoundingBox | |
m ()Z k method_12253 isAlive | |
m ()Lbhb; l method_12254 getBoundingBox | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c btg net/minecraft/class_503 net/minecraft/client/particle/ParticleManager | |
f Lamu; a field_1734 world | |
f Lnf; b field_6442 field_3833 | |
f [[Ljava/util/ArrayDeque; c field_13439 field_3830 | |
f Ljava/util/Queue; d field_13440 newEmitterParticles | |
f Lcdr; e field_6443 textureManager | |
f Ljava/util/Random; f field_1737 random | |
f Ljava/util/Map; g field_10617 field_3835 | |
f Ljava/util/Queue; h field_13441 newParticles | |
m (Lamu;Lcdr;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 textureManager | |
m ()V a method_1292 tick | |
m (I)V a method_12255 method_3044 | |
m (IDDDDDD[I)Lbtf; a method_9701 method_3056 | |
m (ILbth;)V a method_9702 method_3043 | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 factory | |
m (Lamu;)V a method_1297 setWorld | |
m (Lbtf;)V a method_12256 addParticle | |
m (Let;Lawt;)V a method_9704 method_3046 | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 state | |
m (Let;Lfa;)V a method_9705 addBlockBreakingParticles | |
m (Ljava/util/Queue;)V a method_12257 method_3048 | |
m (Lvg;F)V a method_1296 method_3049 | |
m (Lvg;Lfj;)V a method_9707 method_3061 | |
m (Lvg;Lfj;I)V a method_13843 method_3051 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; b method_1298 getDebugString | |
m (Lbtf;)V b method_9711 tickParticle | |
p 1 particle | |
m (Lvg;F)V b method_1299 method_3060 | |
m ()V c method_9709 registerDefaultFactories | |
c btg$1 net/minecraft/class_503$1 net/minecraft/client/particle/ParticleManager$1 | |
f Lbtf; a field_7946 field_0_4113 | |
f Lbtg; b field_7947 field_0_4114 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_6862 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c btg$2 net/minecraft/class_503$2 net/minecraft/client/particle/ParticleManager$2 | |
f I a field_7948 field_0_4115 | |
f Lbtg; b field_7949 field_0_4116 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_6863 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c btg$3 net/minecraft/class_503$3 net/minecraft/client/particle/ParticleManager$3 | |
f Lbtf; a field_7950 field_0_4117 | |
f Lbtg; b field_7951 field_0_4118 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_6864 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c btg$4 net/minecraft/class_503$4 net/minecraft/client/particle/ParticleManager$4 | |
f I a field_7952 field_0_4119 | |
f Lbtg; b field_7953 field_0_4120 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_6865 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bth net/minecraft/class_2372 net/minecraft/client/particle/ParticleFactory | |
m (ILamu;DDDDDD[I)Lbtf; a method_9712 method_3090 | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 x | |
p 5 y | |
p 7 z | |
p 9 velocityX | |
p 11 velocityY | |
p 13 velocityZ | |
p 15 arr | |
c bti net/minecraft/class_504 net/minecraft/client/particle/CloudParticle | |
f F a field_1738 field_3875 | |
c bti$a net/minecraft/class_504$class_2373 net/minecraft/client/particle/CloudParticle$CloudFactory | |
c btj net/minecraft/class_505 net/minecraft/client/particle/PortalParticle | |
f D L field_1741 startY | |
f D M field_1742 startZ | |
f F a field_1739 field_3887 | |
f D b field_1740 startX | |
c btj$a net/minecraft/class_505$class_2374 net/minecraft/client/particle/PortalParticle$Factory | |
c btk net/minecraft/class_506 net/minecraft/client/particle/RedDustParticle | |
f F a field_1743 field_3796 | |
m (Lamu;DDDFFF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (Lamu;DDDFFFF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
c btk$a net/minecraft/class_506$class_2375 net/minecraft/client/particle/RedDustParticle$Factory | |
c btl net/minecraft/class_2864 net/minecraft/client/particle/AnimatedParticle | |
f F L field_13443 upwardsAcceleration | |
f F M field_15272 resistance | |
f F N field_13444 targetRed | |
f F O field_13445 targetGreen | |
f F P field_13446 targetBlue | |
f Z Q field_13447 changesColor | |
f I a field_13448 field_3883 | |
f I b field_13442 field_3882 | |
m (I)V c method_12258 setColor | |
m (I)V d method_12259 setTargetColor | |
m (F)V f method_13844 setResistance | |
c btm net/minecraft/class_507 net/minecraft/client/particle/FireSmokeParticle | |
f F a field_1744 field_3890 | |
m (Lamu;DDDDDD)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 velocityX | |
p 10 velocityY | |
p 12 velocityZ | |
m (Lamu;DDDDDDF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 velocityX | |
p 10 velocityY | |
p 12 velocityZ | |
c btm$1 net/minecraft/class_507$1 net/minecraft/client/particle/FireSmokeParticle$1 | |
c btm$a net/minecraft/class_507$class_2376 net/minecraft/client/particle/FireSmokeParticle$Factory | |
c btn net/minecraft/class_508 net/minecraft/class_0_971 | |
f F a field_1745 field_0_4128 | |
m (Lamu;DDDDDDF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 velocityX | |
p 10 velocityY | |
p 12 velocityZ | |
c btn$a net/minecraft/class_508$class_2377 net/minecraft/class_0_971$class_0_972 | |
c bto net/minecraft/class_509 net/minecraft/client/particle/SpellParticle | |
f Ljava/util/Random; a field_10618 RANDOM | |
f I b field_1746 field_3889 | |
m (I)V c method_1300 method_3095 | |
c bto$a net/minecraft/class_509$class_2378 net/minecraft/client/particle/SpellParticle$class_0_974 | |
c bto$b net/minecraft/class_509$class_2379 net/minecraft/client/particle/SpellParticle$class_0_975 | |
c bto$c net/minecraft/class_509$class_2380 net/minecraft/client/particle/SpellParticle$class_0_976 | |
c bto$d net/minecraft/class_509$class_2381 net/minecraft/client/particle/SpellParticle$class_0_977 | |
c bto$e net/minecraft/class_509$class_2382 net/minecraft/client/particle/SpellParticle$WitchFactory | |
c btp net/minecraft/class_3092 net/minecraft/client/particle/SpitParticle | |
c btp$a net/minecraft/class_3092$class_3093 net/minecraft/client/particle/SpitParticle$Factory | |
c btq net/minecraft/class_510 net/minecraft/client/particle/WaterSplashParticle | |
c btq$a net/minecraft/class_510$class_2383 net/minecraft/client/particle/WaterSplashParticle$SplashFactory | |
c btr net/minecraft/class_511 net/minecraft/client/particle/BubbleColumnUpParticle | |
c btr$a net/minecraft/class_511$class_2384 net/minecraft/client/particle/BubbleColumnUpParticle$class_0_982 | |
c bts net/minecraft/class_512 net/minecraft/client/particle/SuspendParticle | |
c bts$a net/minecraft/class_512$class_2385 net/minecraft/client/particle/SuspendParticle$HappyVillagerFactory | |
c bts$b net/minecraft/class_512$class_2386 net/minecraft/client/particle/SuspendParticle$MyceliumFactory | |
c btt net/minecraft/class_1856 net/minecraft/class_0_986 | |
c btt$a net/minecraft/class_1856$class_2387 net/minecraft/class_0_986$class_0_987 | |
c btu net/minecraft/class_514 net/minecraft/client/particle/BlockDustParticle | |
f Lawt; a field_10619 field_3892 | |
f Let; b field_10620 blockPos | |
m (Lamu;DDDDDDLawt;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 velocityX | |
p 10 velocityY | |
p 12 velocityZ | |
p 14 state | |
m (Let;)Lbtu; a method_12260 setBlockPos | |
m (Let;)V b method_12261 updateColor | |
m ()Lbtu; m method_12262 setBlockPosFromPosition | |
c btu$a net/minecraft/class_514$class_2388 net/minecraft/client/particle/BlockDustParticle$Factory | |
c btv net/minecraft/class_3094 net/minecraft/client/particle/TotemParticle | |
c btv$a net/minecraft/class_3094$class_3095 net/minecraft/client/particle/TotemParticle$Factory | |
c btw net/minecraft/class_2389 net/minecraft/client/particle/EmitterParticle | |
f I L field_10621 maxEmitterAge | |
f Lfj; M field_10622 field_3893 | |
f Lvg; a field_10623 entity | |
f I b field_10624 emitterAge | |
m (Lamu;Lvg;Lfj;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 entity | |
p 3 types | |
c btx net/minecraft/class_1857 net/minecraft/client/particle/FishingParticle | |
c btx$a net/minecraft/class_1857$class_2390 net/minecraft/client/particle/FishingParticle$Factory | |
c bty net/minecraft/class_515 net/minecraft/client/particle/RainSplashParticle | |
c bty$a net/minecraft/class_515$class_2391 net/minecraft/client/particle/RainSplashParticle$Factory | |
c bu net/minecraft/class_748 net/minecraft/server/dedicated/command/BanCommand | |
c bua net/minecraft/class_1631 net/minecraft/client/network/AbstractClientPlayerEntity | |
f F a field_13449 elytraPitch | |
f F b field_13450 elytraYaw | |
f F c field_13451 elytraRoll | |
f Lbsc; d field_10625 playerListEntry | |
m ()Z a method_6867 canRenderCapeTexture | |
m (Lnf;Ljava/lang/String;)Lcdh; a method_6866 loadSkin | |
p 0 id | |
p 1 playerName | |
m ()Lbsc; b method_9715 getPlayerListEntry | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnf; e method_5719 getSkinId | |
p 0 playerName | |
m ()Z h method_6868 hasSkinTexture | |
m ()Lnf; m method_5725 getSkinTexture | |
m ()Lnf; q method_5726 getCapeTexture | |
m ()Z r method_12263 canRenderElytraTexture | |
m ()Lnf; s method_12264 getElytraTexture | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; t method_9716 getModel | |
m ()F u method_9717 getFovMultiplier | |
c bub net/minecraft/class_516 net/minecraft/client/input/Input | |
f F a field_1753 movementSideways | |
f F b field_1754 movementForward | |
f Z c field_13452 pressingForward | |
f Z d field_13453 pressingBack | |
f Z e field_13454 pressingLeft | |
f Z f field_13455 pressingRight | |
f Z g field_1755 jumping | |
f Z h field_1756 sneaking | |
m ()V a method_1302 method_3129 | |
m ()Lbhd; b method_13424 getMovementInput | |
c buc net/minecraft/class_517 net/minecraft/client/input/KeyboardInput | |
f Lbid; i field_1757 settings | |
m (Lbid;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 options | |
c bud net/minecraft/class_518 net/minecraft/client/network/ClientPlayerEntity | |
c Local client player entity | |
f F bV field_1765 renderYaw | |
f F bW field_1766 renderPitch | |
f F bX field_1767 lastRenderYaw | |
f F bY field_1768 lastRenderPitch | |
f F bZ field_5166 nextNauseaStrength | |
f F ca field_5165 lastNauseaStrength | |
f Lqt; cb field_10627 statHandler | |
f Lql; cc field_16134 field_3930 | |
f I cd field_13456 clientPermissionLevel | |
f D ce field_10628 lastX | |
f D cf field_10629 lastBaseY | |
f D cg field_10630 lastZ | |
f F ch field_10631 lastYaw | |
f F ci field_10632 lastPitch | |
f Z cj field_13457 lastOnGround | |
f Z ck field_10633 lastSneaking | |
f Z cl field_10634 lastSprinting | |
f I cm field_10635 ticksSinceLastPositionPacketSent | |
f Z cn field_10636 healthInitialized | |
f Ljava/lang/String; co field_10637 serverBrand | |
f I cp field_6449 field_3938 | |
f F cq field_6450 mountJumpStrength | |
f Z cr field_13458 usingItem | |
f Lub; cs field_13459 activeHand | |
f Z ct field_13460 riding | |
f Z cu field_14951 autoJumpEnabled | |
f I cv field_14952 ticksToNextAutojump | |
f Z cw field_14953 falling | |
f Lbrz; d field_10626 networkHandler | |
f Lbub; e field_1758 input | |
f Lbib; f field_1759 client | |
f I g field_1763 ticksLeftToDoubleTapSprint | |
f I h field_1764 ticksSinceSprintingChanged | |
m (Lbib;Lamu;Lbrz;Lqt;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 world | |
p 3 networkHandler | |
p 4 stats | |
m ()V A method_5728 startRidingJump | |
m ()V B method_9724 openRidingInventory | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; C method_9725 getServerBrand | |
m ()Lqt; D method_9726 getStatHandler | |
m ()Lql; E method_14675 method_3130 | |
m ()I F method_12265 method_5691 | |
m ()Z H method_5730 hasJumpingMount | |
m ()F J method_5727 getMountJumpStrength | |
m ()Z K method_9718 isCamera | |
m ()Z L method_12266 isRiding | |
m ()Z M method_13425 isAutoJumpEnabled | |
m ()V N method_9722 sendMovementPackets | |
m (FII)V a method_1303 setExperience | |
p 1 progress | |
p 2 total | |
p 3 level | |
m (Lakt;)V a method_14676 onRecipeDisplayed | |
m (Let;)Z f method_9719 method_0_3281 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V g method_9720 sendChatMessage | |
m (FF)V h method_13426 autoJump | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)V h method_9721 setServerBrand | |
p 1 serverBrand | |
m (I)V n method_12267 setClientPermissionLevel | |
m (F)V o method_5729 updateHealth | |
m ()V x method_9723 closeScreen | |
c bue net/minecraft/class_519 net/minecraft/client/network/OtherClientPlayerEntity | |
c Client player entity used by incoming mp players | |
f D bV field_1775 field_0_4173 | |
f I d field_1770 field_0_4168 | |
f D e field_1771 field_0_4169 | |
f D f field_1772 field_0_4170 | |
f D g field_1773 field_0_4171 | |
f D h field_1774 field_0_4172 | |
m (Lamu;Ljava/lang/String;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 username | |
c buf net/minecraft/class_3297 net/minecraft/client/option/HotbarStorageEntry | |
f I a field_16135 field_0_12121 | |
m ()Lge; a method_14677 toNbtList | |
m (Lge;)V a method_14678 readNbtList | |
m ()Z isEmpty isEmpty isEmpty | |
c bug net/minecraft/class_2392 net/minecraft/screen/SimpleNamedScreenHandlerFactory | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_10638 field_3946 | |
f Lhh; b field_10639 name | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lhh;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 text | |
c buh net/minecraft/class_2393 net/minecraft/class_749 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; a field_10640 field_3949 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_10641 field_3950 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lhh;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 title | |
p 3 i | |
c buk net/minecraft/class_520 net/minecraft/client/render/BufferBuilder | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_13461 LOGGER | |
f Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; b field_10642 buffer | |
f Ljava/nio/IntBuffer; c field_10643 bufInt | |
f Ljava/nio/ShortBuffer; d field_10644 bufShort | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; e field_10645 bufFloat | |
f I f field_10646 vertexCount | |
f Lceb; g field_10647 currentElement | |
f I h field_10648 currentElementId | |
f Z i field_1795 colorDisabled | |
f I j field_10649 drawMode | |
f D k field_10650 offsetX | |
f D l field_10651 offsetY | |
f D m field_10652 offsetZ | |
f Lcea; n field_10653 format | |
f Z o field_1776 building | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 initialCapacity | |
m ()Lbuk$a; a method_9727 popState | |
m (DD)Lbuk; a method_9728 texture | |
p 1 u | |
p 3 v | |
m (DDD)V a method_9729 postPosition | |
m (FFF)V a method_9730 sortQuads | |
p 1 cameraX | |
p 2 cameraY | |
p 3 cameraZ | |
m (FFFF)Lbuk; a method_9731 color | |
p 1 red | |
p 2 green | |
p 3 blue | |
p 4 alpha | |
m (FFFI)V a method_9732 multiplyColor | |
m (I)V a method_9733 setQuadColor | |
p 1 color | |
m (II)Lbuk; a method_9734 texture | |
p 1 u | |
p 2 v | |
m (IIII)V a method_9735 brightness | |
m (ILcea;)V a method_9737 begin | |
p 1 drawMode | |
p 2 format | |
m (Lbuk$a;)V a method_9738 restoreState | |
m (Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer;FFFII)F a method_9739 getDistanceSq | |
p 0 buffer | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m ([I)V a method_9740 putVertexData | |
p 1 data | |
m ()V b method_9741 clear | |
m (DDD)Lbuk; b method_9742 vertex | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (FFF)V b method_9743 postNormal | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m (FFFI)V b method_9744 setColor | |
p 1 red | |
p 2 green | |
p 3 blue | |
m (I)V b method_9745 grow | |
p 1 size | |
m (II)V b method_9746 setColor | |
p 1 color | |
m (IIII)Lbuk; b method_9747 color | |
p 1 red | |
p 2 green | |
p 3 blue | |
p 4 alpha | |
m ()V c method_1316 disableColor | |
m (DDD)V c method_9748 setOffset | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (FFF)Lbuk; c method_9749 normal | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m (I)I c method_1308 getColorIndex | |
m (IIII)V c method_9736 setColor | |
m ()V d method_9750 method_1344 | |
m (FFF)V d method_9751 setQuadColor | |
p 1 red | |
p 2 green | |
p 3 blue | |
m ()V e method_9752 end | |
m ()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; f method_9753 getByteBuffer | |
m ()Lcea; g method_9754 getVertexFormat | |
m ()I h method_9755 getVertexCount | |
m ()I i method_9756 getDrawMode | |
m ()I j method_9757 getCurrentSize | |
m ()V k method_9758 method_1325 | |
c buk$1 net/minecraft/class_520$1 net/minecraft/client/render/BufferBuilder$1 | |
f [F a field_10654 field_0_4196 | |
f Lbuk; b field_10655 field_0_4197 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Integer;)I a method_9759 compare | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I compare compare compare | |
c buk$2 net/minecraft/class_520$2 net/minecraft/client/render/BufferBuilder$2 | |
f [I a field_10656 field_1568 | |
c buk$a net/minecraft/class_520$class_2394 net/minecraft/client/render/BufferBuilder$State | |
f Lbuk; a field_10657 field_1571 | |
f [I b field_10658 rawBuffer | |
f Lcea; c field_10659 format | |
m (Lbuk;[ILcea;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 format | |
m ()[I a method_9760 getRawBuffer | |
m ()I b method_9761 getVertexCount | |
m ()Lcea; c method_9762 getFormat | |
c bul net/minecraft/class_2395 net/minecraft/client/render/BufferRenderer | |
m (Lbuk;)V a method_9763 draw | |
p 1 builder | |
c bul$1 net/minecraft/class_2395$1 net/minecraft/client/render/BufferRenderer$1 | |
f [I a field_10660 field_1552 | |
c bum net/minecraft/class_2397 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/BlockBufferBuilderStorage | |
f [Lbuk; a field_10665 layerBuilders | |
m (I)Lbuk; a method_9766 get | |
p 1 index | |
m (Lamm;)Lbuk; a method_9767 get | |
p 1 renderLayer | |
c bun net/minecraft/class_2398 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkRendererList | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_10666 chunkRenderers | |
f Z b field_10667 isCameraPositionSet | |
f D c field_10668 cameraX | |
f D d field_10669 cameraY | |
f D e field_10670 cameraZ | |
m (DDD)V a method_9768 setCameraPosition | |
p 1 viewX | |
p 3 viewY | |
p 5 viewZ | |
m (Lamm;)V a method_9769 render | |
p 1 layer | |
m (Lbxr;)V a method_9770 translateToOrigin | |
p 1 helper | |
m (Lbxr;Lamm;)V a method_9771 add | |
p 1 helper | |
p 2 layer | |
c buo net/minecraft/class_2399 net/minecraft/client/render/item/BuiltinModelItemRenderer | |
f Lbuo; a field_10671 INSTANCE | |
f [Lawb; b field_15273 RENDER_SHULKER_BOX_DYED | |
f Lavl; c field_10672 renderChestNormal | |
f Lavl; d field_10673 renderChestTrapped | |
f Lavs; e field_10674 renderChestEnder | |
f Lavf; f field_10675 renderBanner | |
f Lavi; g field_16136 renderBed | |
f Lawd; h field_10676 renderSkull | |
f Lbqq; i field_13462 modelShield | |
m (Laip;)V a method_9772 method_0_11143 | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Laip;F)V a method_14679 method_3166 | |
c bup net/minecraft/class_2400 net/minecraft/client/render/model/CubeFace | |
f Lbup; a field_10677 DOWN | |
f Lbup; b field_10678 UP | |
f Lbup; c field_10679 NORTH | |
f Lbup; d field_10680 SOUTH | |
f Lbup; e field_10681 WEST | |
f Lbup; f field_10682 EAST | |
f [Lbup; g field_10683 DIRECTION_LOOKUP | |
f [Lbup$b; h field_10684 corners | |
f [Lbup; i field_10685 field_3964 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;I[Lbup$b;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 corners | |
m (I)Lbup$b; a method_9773 getCorner | |
p 1 corner | |
m (Lfa;)Lbup; a method_9774 getFace | |
p 0 direction | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbup; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbup; values values values | |
c bup$1 net/minecraft/class_2400$1 net/minecraft/client/render/model/CubeFace$1 | |
c bup$a net/minecraft/class_2400$class_2401 net/minecraft/client/render/model/CubeFace$DirectionIds | |
f I a field_10686 SOUTH | |
f I b field_10687 UP | |
f I c field_10688 EAST | |
f I d field_10689 NORTH | |
f I e field_10690 DOWN | |
f I f field_10691 WEST | |
c bup$b net/minecraft/class_2400$class_2402 net/minecraft/client/render/model/CubeFace$Corner | |
f I a field_10692 xSide | |
f I b field_10693 ySide | |
f I c field_10694 zSide | |
m (III)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 sideX | |
p 2 sideY | |
p 3 sideZ | |
c buq net/minecraft/class_524 net/minecraft/client/render/GameRenderer | |
f F A field_5172 lastSkyDarkness | |
f Z B field_1832 field_0_4238 | |
f Z C field_10695 renderHand | |
f Z D field_10696 blockOutlineEnabled | |
f J E field_13463 lastWorldIconUpdate | |
f J F field_1836 field_0_4241 | |
f J G field_1837 lastWindowFocusedTime | |
c Set to the current nano time before rendering the HUD or screen. | |
f Lcdg; H field_6453 field_0_4243 | |
f [I I field_1828 field_0_4244 | |
f Lnf; J field_6454 field_0_4245 | |
f Z K field_1839 field_0_4246 | |
f F L field_1847 field_0_4247 | |
f F M field_10697 field_0_4248 | |
c Always the same as {@link GameRenderer#lightmapFlicker}, probably unfinished or left-behind code. | |
f I N field_1841 field_3995 | |
c Counts the number of ticks in which the condition for playing weather sounds failed and thereby increases its chance every time,\nuntil after at most four attempts the sound is played and the counter reset. | |
f [F O field_10698 field_3991 | |
f [F P field_10699 field_3989 | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; Q field_1855 field_0_4252 | |
f F R field_1856 field_0_4253 | |
f F S field_1857 field_0_4254 | |
f F T field_1858 field_0_4255 | |
f F U field_1842 field_0_4256 | |
f F V field_1843 field_0_4257 | |
f I W field_10700 field_0_4258 | |
f Z X field_10701 renderingPanorama | |
f D Y field_1833 field_4005 | |
f D Z field_1834 field_3988 | |
f Z a field_1838 field_0_4263 | |
f D aa field_1835 field_4004 | |
f Laip; ab field_15274 floatingItem | |
f I ac field_15275 floatingItemTimeLeft | |
f F ad field_15276 floatingItemWidth | |
f F ae field_15277 floatingItemHeight | |
f Lccy; af field_7963 postProcessor | |
f [Lnf; ag field_7961 SUPER_SECRET_SETTING_PROGRAMS | |
f I ah field_7962 superSecretSettingIndex | |
f Z ai field_10702 postProcessorEnabled | |
f I aj field_10703 field_4021 | |
f I b field_1844 field_0_4269 | |
c Set to 0 before enabling cyan filter and to 1 before enabling the red filter; otherwise unused. | |
f Lbuu; c field_1845 firstPersonRenderer | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; e field_7965 LOGGER | |
f Lnf; f field_6455 RAIN_LOC | |
f Lnf; g field_6456 SNOW_LOC | |
f Lbib; h field_1860 client | |
f Lcep; i field_7960 resourceManager | |
f Ljava/util/Random; j field_1840 random | |
f F k field_1861 viewDistance | |
f Lbis; l field_7966 mapRenderer | |
f I m field_1862 ticks | |
f Lvg; n field_1863 field_4014 | |
f Lrn; o field_1864 field_0_4282 | |
f Lrn; p field_1865 field_0_4283 | |
f F q field_1813 field_4020 | |
f F r field_1814 field_4000 | |
f F s field_1819 field_0_4286 | |
c The {@code cursorDeltaX} and {@code cursorDeltaY} fields store the actual mouse movement without smoothing, and are only used when smooth camera is enabled. | |
f F t field_1820 field_0_4287 | |
f F u field_1821 field_0_4288 | |
f F v field_1822 field_0_4289 | |
f F w field_1823 field_0_4290 | |
f F x field_1829 fovMultiplier | |
f F y field_1830 lastFovMultiplier | |
f F z field_5171 field_4016 | |
m (Lbib;Lcep;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
p 2 resourceManager | |
m ()Z a method_6878 isShaderEnabled | |
m (F)V a method_1323 updateTargetedEntity | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (FFFF)Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; a method_1324 method_0_3346 | |
p 1 red | |
p 2 green | |
p 3 blue | |
p 4 alpha | |
m (FI)V a method_1325 method_3185 | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
p 2 anaglyphFilter | |
m (FJ)V a method_9775 method_3192 | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
p 2 nanoTime | |
m (FZ)F a method_1327 method_3196 | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
p 2 changingFov | |
m (IF)V a method_1329 method_0_3350 | |
p 2 tickDelta | |
m (IFJ)V a method_9776 method_3178 | |
p 1 anaglyphFilter | |
p 2 tickDelta | |
p 3 limitTime | |
m (II)V a method_6879 onResized | |
p 1 width | |
p 2 height | |
m (IIF)V a method_13845 renderFloatingItem | |
m (Laip;)V a method_13846 showFloatingItem | |
m (Lbip;Ljava/lang/String;FFFIFFZZ)V a method_13427 method_3179 | |
m (Lbuq;)Lbib; a method_4299 method_0_3353 | |
m (Lbuy;FIDDD)V a method_9777 method_3206 | |
m (Lnf;)V a method_9778 loadPostProcessor | |
p 1 id | |
m (Lvg;)V a method_9779 onCameraEntitySet | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Lvp;F)F a method_4301 getNightVisionStrength | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 tickDelta | |
m ()V b method_6880 disablePostProcessor | |
m (F)V b method_6882 method_3200 | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (FI)V b method_1332 method_3172 | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
p 2 anaglyphOffset | |
m (FJ)V b method_1326 renderWorld | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
p 2 limitTime | |
m ()V c method_9780 togglePostProcessorEnabled | |
m (F)V c method_1334 renderWeather | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (F)V d method_1336 bobViewWhenHurt | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (Z)V d method_13847 setFogBlack | |
m ()V e method_1321 tick | |
m (F)V e method_1338 bobView | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m ()Lccy; f method_6883 getPostProcessor | |
m (F)V f method_1340 method_3197 | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (F)V g method_4302 method_0_3370 | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m ()V h method_9781 disableLightmap | |
m (F)V h method_1342 method_0_3374 | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m ()V i method_9783 enableLightmap | |
m ()V j method_1333 method_0_3375 | |
m ()V k method_13848 reset | |
m ()Lbis; l method_6884 getMapRenderer | |
m ()V m method_1335 updateFovMultiplier | |
m ()V n method_1337 method_0_3378 | |
m ()V o method_12268 updateWorldIcon | |
m ()Z p method_9784 shouldRenderBlockOutline | |
m ()V q method_1341 renderRain | |
c buq$1 net/minecraft/class_524$1 net/minecraft/client/render/GameRenderer$1 | |
f Lbuq; a field_5173 field_0_4294 | |
m (Lvg;)Z a method_9785 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c buq$2 net/minecraft/class_524$2 net/minecraft/client/render/GameRenderer$2 | |
f Lbuq; a field_5176 field_0_4295 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4304 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c buq$3 net/minecraft/class_524$3 net/minecraft/client/render/GameRenderer$3 | |
f I a field_10704 field_0_4296 | |
f I b field_10705 field_0_4297 | |
f Lbuq; c field_5178 field_0_4298 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4305 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c buq$4 net/minecraft/class_524$4 net/minecraft/client/render/GameRenderer$4 | |
f Lbit; a field_10706 field_0_4299 | |
f Lbuq; b field_10707 field_0_4300 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_9786 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c bus net/minecraft/class_2403 net/minecraft/class_1015 | |
c Allows calling the static methods in {@code GL11} without actually touching it | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; a field_13464 field_5026 | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; b field_13465 field_5035 | |
f Lbus$a; c field_10708 field_5033 | |
c Stores the alpha test state | |
f Lbus$c; d field_10709 field_5027 | |
c Stores the lighting state | |
f [Lbus$c; e field_10710 field_5031 | |
c Stores all lighting states in an array | |
f Lbus$h; f field_10711 field_5023 | |
c Stores the color material state | |
f Lbus$b; g field_10712 field_5025 | |
c Stores the blend state | |
f Lbus$k; h field_10713 field_5021 | |
c Stores the depth testing state | |
f Lbus$n; i field_10714 field_5039 | |
c Stores the fog state | |
f Lbus$j; j field_10715 field_5037 | |
c Stores the cull state | |
f Lbus$p; k field_10716 field_5034 | |
c Stores the polygon offset state | |
f Lbus$f; l field_10717 field_5024 | |
c Stores the color logic state | |
f Lbus$w; m field_10718 field_5022 | |
c Stores the texture coordinate generation state | |
f Lbus$d; n field_10719 field_5028 | |
c Stores the color clear state | |
f Lbus$t; o field_10720 field_5040 | |
c Stores the stencil state | |
f Lbus$c; p field_10721 field_5030 | |
c Stores the normalization state | |
f I q field_10722 field_5038 | |
c Stores the currently active texture | |
f [Lbus$x; r field_10723 field_5041 | |
c Stores all texture states in an array | |
f I s field_10724 field_5036 | |
c Stores the shading mode | |
f Lbus$c; t field_10725 field_5032 | |
c Stores the normal rescale state | |
f Lbus$g; u field_10726 field_5020 | |
c Stores the color mask state | |
f Lbus$e; v field_10727 field_5029 | |
c Stores the color state in rgba | |
m ()I A method_9857 method_4421 | |
c Generates texture names | |
m ()V B method_9858 method_4460 | |
c Enables normalize | |
m ()V C method_9787 method_4380 | |
c Disables Normalize | |
m ()V D method_9788 method_4434 | |
c Enables rescale | |
m ()V E method_9789 method_4351 | |
c Disables rescale | |
m ()V F method_9790 method_4382 | |
c Replaces the current matrix with the identity matrix | |
m ()V G method_9791 method_4461 | |
c Pushes the current matrix stack | |
m ()V H method_9792 method_4350 | |
c Pops the current matrix stack | |
m ()V I method_9793 method_4432 | |
c Clears the current color | |
m ()V J method_12269 method_0_9955 | |
m ()V K method_12270 method_4396 | |
m ()I L method_12271 method_4442 | |
m ()V a method_9794 method_4390 | |
c Pushes the attribute stack | |
m (D)V a method_9795 method_4357 | |
c Sets the clear value for the depth buffer | |
p 0 depth | |
m (DDD)V a method_9796 method_4453 | |
c Multiplies the current matrix by a general scaling matrix | |
p 0 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 4 z | |
m (DDDDDD)V a method_9797 method_4450 | |
c Multiplies the current matrix with an orthographic matrix | |
p 0 l | |
p 2 r | |
p 4 b | |
p 6 t | |
p 8 n | |
p 10 f | |
m (F)V a method_9798 method_4429 | |
c Sets fog parameters | |
p 0 density | |
m (FF)V a method_9799 method_4433 | |
c Sets the scale and units used to calculate depth values | |
p 0 factor | |
p 1 units | |
m (FFF)V a method_12272 method_4437 | |
m (FFFF)V a method_9801 method_4449 | |
c Sets clear values for the color buffers | |
p 0 red | |
p 1 green | |
p 2 blue | |
p 3 alpha | |
m (I)V a method_9802 method_4395 | |
c Enables lighting for a certain element | |
p 0 index | |
m (IF)V a method_9803 method_4377 | |
c Sets the alpha test function | |
p 0 func | |
p 1 ref | |
m (II)V a method_9804 method_4345 | |
c Causes a material color to track the current color | |
p 0 face | |
p 1 mode | |
m (IIF)V a method_12273 method_4444 | |
m (III)V a method_12274 method_4349 | |
m (IIII)V a method_9805 method_4367 | |
c Sets pixel arithmetic for RGB and alpha components separately | |
p 0 srcFactorRGB | |
p 1 dstFactorRGB | |
p 2 srcFactorAlpha | |
p 3 dstFactorAlpha | |
m (IIIIIIII)V a method_12275 method_0_9961 | |
m (IIIIIIIILjava/nio/IntBuffer;)V a method_12276 method_4402 | |
m (IIIIIILjava/nio/IntBuffer;)V a method_12277 method_4414 | |
m (IIIILjava/nio/IntBuffer;)V a method_12278 method_4398 | |
m (IIILjava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V a method_12279 method_4365 | |
m (IILjava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V a method_12280 method_4465 | |
m (IILjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V a method_12281 method_4447 | |
m (ILjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V a method_12282 method_4417 | |
m (ILjava/nio/IntBuffer;)V a method_12283 method_0_9969 | |
m (Lbus$i;)V a method_12284 method_4364 | |
m (Lbus$m;)V a method_12285 method_4416 | |
m (Lbus$o;)V a method_9807 method_4452 | |
m (Lbus$q;)V a method_12286 method_4354 | |
m (Lbus$r;Lbus$l;)V a method_12287 method_4422 | |
m (Lbus$r;Lbus$l;Lbus$r;Lbus$l;)V a method_12288 method_4343 | |
m (Lbus$u;)V a method_12289 method_4409 | |
m (Lbus$u;I)V a method_9808 method_4379 | |
c Allows controlling the generation of texture coordinates | |
p 0 coord | |
p 1 mode | |
m (Lbus$u;ILjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V a method_9809 method_4404 | |
c Allows controling the generation of texture coordinates with a float buffer | |
p 0 coord | |
p 1 mode | |
p 2 buffer | |
m (Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V a method_9810 method_4428 | |
c Multiplies the current matrix with the specified matrix | |
p 0 buffer | |
m (Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer;Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Quaternion;)Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; a method_12290 method_0_8662 | |
m (Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Quaternion;)V a method_12291 method_0_8663 | |
m (Z)V a method_9811 method_4413 | |
c Enables or disables writing into the depth buffer | |
p 0 mask | |
m (ZZZZ)V a method_9812 method_4411 | |
c Enables or Disables writing of frame buffer color components | |
p 0 red | |
p 1 green | |
p 2 blue | |
p 3 alpha | |
m (DDD)V b method_9814 method_4412 | |
c Multiplies the current matrix by a translation matrix | |
p 0 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 4 z | |
m (F)V b method_9815 method_4369 | |
c Sets fog parameters | |
p 0 start | |
m (FF)V b method_12292 method_0_9975 | |
m (FFF)V b method_9800 method_4384 | |
c Multiplies the current matrix by a general scaling matrix | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 y | |
p 2 z | |
m (FFFF)V b method_9817 method_4445 | |
c Multiplies the current matrix by a rotation matrix | |
p 0 angle | |
p 1 x | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 z | |
m (I)V b method_9818 method_4459 | |
c Disables lighting for a certain element | |
p 0 index | |
m (II)V b method_9819 method_4458 | |
c Sets pixel arithmetic | |
p 0 srcFactor | |
p 1 dstFactor | |
m (IIF)V b method_12293 method_4362 | |
m (III)V b method_12294 method_4405 | |
m (IIII)V b method_9820 method_4462 | |
c Sets the viewport | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 y | |
p 2 width | |
p 3 height | |
m (IIIIIIIILjava/nio/IntBuffer;)V b method_12295 method_4464 | |
m (IIILjava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V b method_12296 method_4423 | |
m (IILjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V b method_12297 method_4467 | |
m (ILjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V b method_12298 method_4358 | |
m (Lbus$q;)V b method_12299 method_4366 | |
m (Lbus$u;)V b method_9821 method_4425 | |
c Disables the generation of texture coordinates | |
p 0 coord | |
m ()V c method_9813 method_4356 | |
c Pops the attribute stack | |
m (F)V c method_9823 method_4376 | |
c Sets fog parameters | |
p 0 end | |
m (FFF)V c method_9816 method_4348 | |
c Multiplies the current matrix by a translation matrix | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 y | |
p 2 z | |
m (FFFF)V c method_9825 method_4381 | |
c Sets the current color | |
p 0 red | |
p 1 green | |
p 2 blue | |
p 3 alpha | |
m (I)V c method_9826 method_4419 | |
c Sets the value used for depth buffer comparisons | |
p 0 func | |
m (II)V c method_12300 method_4388 | |
m (III)I c method_12301 method_4387 | |
m (IIII)V c method_12302 method_4368 | |
m (IIILjava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V c method_12303 method_4352 | |
m (ILjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V c method_9806 method_4438 | |
c Gets a float for a float buffer | |
p 0 mode | |
p 1 buffer | |
m (Lbus$u;)Lbus$v; c method_9827 method_4410 | |
c Retrieves texture coordinate generation state | |
p 0 coord | |
m ()V d method_9822 method_4441 | |
c Disables alpha testing | |
m (F)V d method_12304 method_4455 | |
m (FFF)V d method_9824 method_4426 | |
c Sets the current color without alpha | |
p 0 red | |
p 1 green | |
p 2 blue | |
m (I)V d method_12305 method_4344 | |
m (II)V d method_12306 method_4378 | |
m (IIII)V d method_12307 method_4403 | |
m ()V e method_9828 method_4456 | |
c Enables alpha testing | |
m (FFF)V e method_12308 method_0_9990 | |
m (I)V e method_12309 method_4435 | |
m (II)V e method_12310 method_4468 | |
m (IIII)V e method_12311 method_4372 | |
m ()V f method_9830 method_4394 | |
c Enables lighting | |
m (I)V f method_9833 method_4360 | |
c Sets a logical pixel operation for color index rendering | |
p 0 op | |
m (II)V f method_12312 method_4415 | |
m (III)V f method_12313 method_4373 | |
m ()V g method_9832 method_4406 | |
c Disables lighting | |
m (I)V g method_9835 method_4431 | |
c Sets the active texture unit | |
p 0 texture | |
m (II)V g method_12314 method_4420 | |
m ()V h method_9834 method_4359 | |
c Enables tracking of the current color by the material color | |
m (I)V h method_9837 method_4392 | |
c Deletes a certain specified texture | |
p 0 texture | |
m ()V i method_9836 method_4393 | |
c Disables tracking of the current color by the material color | |
m (I)V i method_9839 method_4448 | |
c Binds a certain specified texture to a texturing target | |
p 0 texture | |
m ()V j method_9838 method_4466 | |
c Disables depth testing | |
m (I)V j method_9841 method_4400 | |
c Sets shading mode as flat or smooth | |
p 0 mode | |
m ()V k method_9840 method_4355 | |
c Enables depth testing | |
m ()V l method_9842 method_4439 | |
c Enables implementing transparency within objects | |
m ()V m method_9843 method_4454 | |
c Disables implementing transparency within objects | |
m (I)V m method_9845 method_4347 | |
c Clears buffers to preset values | |
p 0 mode | |
m ()V n method_12315 method_4401 | |
m (I)V n method_9847 method_4440 | |
c Allows specifying which matrix is the current matrix | |
p 0 mode | |
m ()V o method_9844 method_4418 | |
c Enabled fog | |
m ()V p method_9846 method_4371 | |
c Disables fog | |
m (I)V p method_12316 method_4427 | |
m ()V q method_9848 method_4389 | |
c Enables culling | |
m (I)V q method_12317 method_4386 | |
m ()V r method_9850 method_4463 | |
c Disables Culling | |
m (I)V r method_12318 method_0_10000 | |
m ()V s method_9851 method_4353 | |
c Enables Polygon Offset | |
m (I)V s method_9849 method_4375 | |
c Executes a display list | |
p 0 listId | |
m ()V t method_9852 method_4436 | |
c Disables Polygon offset | |
m (I)I t method_12319 method_4457 | |
m (I)Ljava/lang/String; u method_12320 method_4399 | |
m (I)I v method_12321 method_0_10003 | |
m ()V w method_9853 method_4430 | |
c Enables color index rendering | |
m (I)V w method_9829 method_4408 | |
c Sets fog parameters | |
p 0 mode | |
m ()V x method_9854 method_4446 | |
c Disables color index rendering | |
m (I)V x method_9831 method_4346 | |
c Sets whether front- or back-facing facets can be culled | |
p 0 mode | |
m ()V y method_9855 method_4397 | |
c Enables active texture units | |
m ()V z method_9856 method_4407 | |
c Disables active texture units | |
c bus$1 net/minecraft/class_2403$1 net/minecraft/class_1015$1 | |
f [I a field_10728 field_5129 | |
c bus$a net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2404 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1016 | |
f Lbus$c; a field_10729 field_5042 | |
f I b field_10730 field_5044 | |
f F c field_10731 field_5043 | |
c bus$b net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2405 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1017 | |
f Lbus$c; a field_10732 field_5045 | |
f I b field_10733 field_5049 | |
f I c field_10734 field_5048 | |
f I d field_10735 field_5047 | |
f I e field_10736 field_5046 | |
c bus$c net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2406 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1018 | |
f I a field_10737 field_5050 | |
f Z b field_10738 field_5051 | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
m ()V a method_9859 method_4469 | |
m (Z)V a method_9860 method_4470 | |
p 1 state | |
m ()V b method_9861 method_4471 | |
c bus$d net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2407 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1019 | |
f D a field_10739 field_5053 | |
f Lbus$e; b field_10740 field_5052 | |
c bus$e net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2408 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1020 | |
f F a field_10742 field_5057 | |
f F b field_10743 field_5056 | |
f F c field_10744 field_5055 | |
f F d field_10745 field_5054 | |
m (FFFF)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 red | |
p 2 green | |
p 3 blue | |
p 4 alpha | |
c bus$f net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2409 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1021 | |
f Lbus$c; a field_10746 field_5058 | |
f I b field_10747 field_5059 | |
c bus$g net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2410 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1022 | |
f Z a field_10748 field_5063 | |
f Z b field_10749 field_5062 | |
f Z c field_10750 field_5061 | |
f Z d field_10751 field_5060 | |
c bus$h net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2411 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1023 | |
f Lbus$c; a field_10752 field_5064 | |
f I b field_10753 field_5066 | |
f I c field_10754 field_5065 | |
c bus$i net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2865 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1024 | |
f Lbus$i; a field_13466 FRONT | |
f Lbus$i; b field_13467 BACK | |
f Lbus$i; c field_13468 FRONT_AND_BACK | |
f I d field_13469 field_5069 | |
f [Lbus$i; e field_13470 field_5067 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbus$i; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbus$i; values values values | |
c bus$j net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2412 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1025 | |
f Lbus$c; a field_10755 field_5072 | |
f I b field_10756 field_5073 | |
c bus$k net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2413 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1026 | |
f Lbus$c; a field_10757 field_5074 | |
f Z b field_10758 field_5076 | |
f I c field_10759 field_5075 | |
c bus$l net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2866 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_0_2376 | |
f Lbus$l; a field_13471 CONSTANT_ALPHA | |
f Lbus$l; b field_13472 CONSTANT_COLOR | |
f Lbus$l; c field_13473 DST_ALPHA | |
f Lbus$l; d field_13474 DST_COLOR | |
f Lbus$l; e field_13475 ONE | |
f Lbus$l; f field_13476 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA | |
f Lbus$l; g field_13477 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR | |
f Lbus$l; h field_13478 ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA | |
f Lbus$l; i field_13479 ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR | |
f Lbus$l; j field_13480 ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA | |
f Lbus$l; k field_13481 ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR | |
f Lbus$l; l field_13482 SRC_ALPHA | |
f Lbus$l; m field_13483 SRC_COLOR | |
f Lbus$l; n field_13484 ZERO | |
f I o field_13485 field_0_11184 | |
f [Lbus$l; p field_13486 field_0_11185 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbus$l; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbus$l; values values values | |
c bus$m net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2867 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1028 | |
f Lbus$m; a field_13487 LINEAR | |
f Lbus$m; b field_13488 EXP | |
f Lbus$m; c field_13489 EXP2 | |
f I d field_13490 field_5093 | |
f [Lbus$m; e field_13491 field_5094 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbus$m; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbus$m; values values values | |
c bus$n net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2414 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1029 | |
f Lbus$c; a field_10760 field_5100 | |
f I b field_10761 field_5102 | |
f F c field_10762 field_5101 | |
f F d field_10763 field_5099 | |
f F e field_10764 field_5098 | |
c bus$o net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2868 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1030 | |
f Lbus$o; a field_13492 AND | |
f Lbus$o; b field_13493 AND_INVERTED | |
f Lbus$o; c field_13494 AND_REVERSE | |
f Lbus$o; d field_13495 CLEAR | |
f Lbus$o; e field_13496 COPY | |
f Lbus$o; f field_13497 COPY_INVERTED | |
f Lbus$o; g field_13498 EQUIV | |
f Lbus$o; h field_13499 INVERT | |
f Lbus$o; i field_13500 NAND | |
f Lbus$o; j field_13501 NOOP | |
f Lbus$o; k field_13502 NOR | |
f Lbus$o; l field_13503 OR | |
f Lbus$o; m field_13504 OR_INVERTED | |
f Lbus$o; n field_13505 OR_REVERSE | |
f Lbus$o; o field_13506 SET | |
f Lbus$o; p field_13507 XOR | |
f I q field_13508 field_5108 | |
f [Lbus$o; r field_13509 field_5106 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbus$o; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbus$o; values values values | |
c bus$p net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2415 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1031 | |
f Lbus$c; a field_10765 field_5123 | |
f Lbus$c; b field_10766 field_5121 | |
f F c field_10767 field_5124 | |
f F d field_10768 field_5122 | |
c bus$q net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2869 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1032 | |
f Lbus$q; a field_13510 DEFAULT | |
f Lbus$q; b field_13511 PLAYER_SKIN | |
f Lbus$q; c field_13512 TRANSPARENT_MODEL | |
f [Lbus$q; d field_13513 field_5126 | |
m ()V a method_12322 method_4472 | |
m ()V b method_12323 method_4473 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbus$q; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbus$q; values values values | |
c bus$q$1 net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2869$1 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1032$1 | |
c bus$q$2 net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2869$2 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1032$2 | |
c bus$q$3 net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2869$3 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1032$3 | |
c bus$r net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2870 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_0_2379 | |
f Lbus$r; a field_13514 CONSTANT_ALPHA | |
f Lbus$r; b field_13515 CONSTANT_COLOR | |
f Lbus$r; c field_13516 DST_ALPHA | |
f Lbus$r; d field_13517 DST_COLOR | |
f Lbus$r; e field_13518 ONE | |
f Lbus$r; f field_13519 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA | |
f Lbus$r; g field_13520 ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR | |
f Lbus$r; h field_13521 ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA | |
f Lbus$r; i field_13522 ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR | |
f Lbus$r; j field_13523 ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA | |
f Lbus$r; k field_13524 ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR | |
f Lbus$r; l field_13525 SRC_ALPHA | |
f Lbus$r; m field_13526 SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE | |
f Lbus$r; n field_13527 SRC_COLOR | |
f Lbus$r; o field_13528 ZERO | |
f I p field_13529 field_0_11225 | |
f [Lbus$r; q field_13530 field_0_11226 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbus$r; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbus$r; values values values | |
c bus$s net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2416 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1034 | |
f I a field_10769 field_5148 | |
f I c field_10771 field_5147 | |
c bus$t net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2417 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1035 | |
f Lbus$s; a field_10772 field_5149 | |
f I b field_10773 field_5153 | |
f I c field_10774 field_5152 | |
f I d field_10775 field_5151 | |
f I e field_10776 field_5150 | |
c bus$u net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2418 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1036 | |
f Lbus$u; a field_10777 S | |
f Lbus$u; b field_10778 T | |
f Lbus$u; c field_10779 R | |
f Lbus$u; d field_10780 Q | |
f [Lbus$u; e field_10781 field_5158 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbus$u; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbus$u; values values values | |
c bus$v net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2419 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1037 | |
c | |
f Lbus$c; a field_10782 field_5159 | |
f I b field_10783 field_5161 | |
f I c field_10784 field_5160 | |
m (II)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 coord | |
p 2 id | |
c bus$w net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2420 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1038 | |
f Lbus$v; a field_10785 field_5162 | |
f Lbus$v; b field_10786 field_5163 | |
f Lbus$v; c field_10787 field_5164 | |
f Lbus$v; d field_10788 field_5165 | |
c bus$x net/minecraft/class_2403$class_2421 net/minecraft/class_1015$class_1039 | |
f Lbus$c; a field_10789 field_5166 | |
f I b field_10790 field_5167 | |
c but net/minecraft/class_527 net/minecraft/client/texture/ImageFilter | |
m ()V a method_6885 method_3238 | |
m (Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;)Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage; a method_1343 method_3237 | |
p 1 image | |
c buu net/minecraft/class_529 net/minecraft/client/render/item/HeldItemRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6458 MAP_BACKGROUND_TEX | |
f Lnf; b field_6459 UNDERWATER_TEX | |
f Lbib; c field_1876 client | |
f Laip; d field_13531 mainHand | |
f Laip; e field_13532 offHand | |
f F f field_13533 equipProgressMainHand | |
f F g field_1879 prevEquipProgressMainHand | |
f F h field_13534 equipProgressOffHand | |
f F i field_13535 prevEquipProgressOffHand | |
f Lbzf; j field_10791 entityRenderDispatcher | |
f Lbzw; k field_13536 itemRenderer | |
m (Lbib;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 client | |
m ()V a method_1353 updateHeldItems | |
m (F)V a method_1354 renderFirstPersonItem | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (FF)V a method_9862 rotate | |
p 1 pitch | |
p 2 yaw | |
m (FFF)V a method_12324 renderMapInBothHands | |
m (FFLvo;)V a method_12325 renderArmHoldingItem | |
m (FLvo;FLaip;)V a method_12326 renderMapInOneHand | |
m (FLvo;Laip;)V a method_12327 applyEatOrDrinkTransformation | |
m (Laip;)V a method_12328 renderFirstPersonMap | |
m (Lbua;FFLub;FLaip;F)V a method_12329 renderFirstPersonItem | |
m (Lcdq;)V a method_9864 renderBlock | |
m (Lub;)V a method_12330 resetEquipProgress | |
m (Lvo;)V a method_12331 renderArm | |
m (Lvo;F)V a method_12332 method_3217 | |
m (Lvp;Laip;Lbwc$b;)V a method_9872 renderItem | |
p 1 entity | |
p 2 stack | |
p 3 renderMode | |
m (Lvp;Laip;Lbwc$b;Z)V a method_12333 renderItemFromSide | |
m ()V b method_12334 applyLightmap | |
m (F)V b method_1359 renderOverlays | |
m (Lvo;F)V b method_12335 applyHandOffset | |
m ()V c method_12336 renderArms | |
m (F)V c method_9870 applyCameraAngles | |
m ()V d method_14680 renderFireOverlay | |
m (F)F d method_9876 getMapAngle | |
p 1 tickDelta | |
m (F)V e method_1361 renderWaterOverlay | |
c buu$1 net/minecraft/class_529$1 net/minecraft/client/render/item/HeldItemRenderer$1 | |
f [I a field_10793 field_4054 | |
c buv net/minecraft/class_2422 net/minecraft/client/render/item/ItemModels | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_10794 field_4129 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_10795 field_4130 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; c field_10796 field_0_4396 | |
f Lcgc; d field_10797 modelManager | |
m (Lcgc;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 modelManager | |
m ()Lcgc; a method_9879 getModelManager | |
m (Lain;)Lcdq; a method_9880 method_3307 | |
p 1 item | |
m (Lain;I)Lcdq; a method_9881 method_3305 | |
p 1 item | |
p 2 metadata | |
m (Lain;ILcgd;)V a method_9882 method_3309 | |
p 1 item | |
p 2 metadata | |
p 3 id | |
m (Lain;Lbuw;)V a method_9883 method_0_3490 | |
p 1 item | |
m (Laip;)Lcfy; a method_9884 getModel | |
p 1 stack | |
m ()V b method_9885 reloadModels | |
m (Lain;I)Lcfy; b method_9886 method_3304 | |
p 1 item | |
p 2 metadata | |
m (Laip;)I b method_9887 method_0_3494 | |
p 1 stack | |
m (Lain;I)I c method_9888 method_3306 | |
p 1 item | |
p 2 metadata | |
c buw net/minecraft/class_2423 net/minecraft/class_0_1037 | |
m (Laip;)Lcgd; a method_9889 method_0_3496 | |
p 1 stack | |
c buy net/minecraft/class_530 net/minecraft/client/render/WorldRenderer | |
f Lbvd; A field_10798 entityOutlinesFramebuffer | |
f Lccy; B field_10799 entityOutlinePostProcessor | |
f D C field_10800 lastCameraChunkUpdateX | |
f D D field_10801 lastCameraChunkUpdateY | |
f D E field_10802 lastCameraChunkUpdateZ | |
f I F field_10803 cameraChunkX | |
f I G field_10804 cameraChunkZ | |
f I H field_10805 cameraChunkY | |
f D I field_10806 lastCameraZ | |
f D J field_10807 lastCameraPitch | |
f D K field_10808 lastCameraYaw | |
f D L field_10809 lastCameraX | |
f D M field_10810 lastCameraY | |
f Lbxm; N field_10811 chunkBuilder | |
f Lbun; O field_10812 chunkRendererList | |
f I P field_1888 viewDistance | |
f I Q field_1889 field_4076 | |
f I R field_1890 field_4074 | |
f I S field_1891 regularEntityCount | |
f I T field_1892 blockEntityCount | |
f Z U field_10813 field_4066 | |
f Lbyb; V field_10814 forcedFrustum | |
f [Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector4f; W field_10815 field_4065 | |
f Lcie; X field_10816 capturedFrustumPosition | |
f Z Y field_10817 vertexBufferObjectsEnabled | |
f D Z field_7970 lastTranslucentSortX | |
f Lbxs; a field_10818 chunkRendererFactory | |
f D aa field_7971 lastTranslucentSortY | |
f D ab field_7972 lastTranslucentSortZ | |
f Z ac field_7968 needsTerrainUpdate | |
f Z ad field_13537 shouldCaptureFrustum | |
f Ljava/util/Set; ae field_13538 field_4093 | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b field_7976 LOGGER | |
f Lnf; c field_6460 MOON_PHASES | |
f Lnf; d field_6461 SUN | |
f Lnf; e field_6462 CLOUDS | |
f Lnf; f field_6463 END_SKY | |
f Lnf; g field_10819 FORCEFIELD | |
f Lbib; h field_1918 client | |
f Lcdr; i field_6464 textureManager | |
f Lbzf; j field_10820 entityRenderDispatcher | |
f Lbsb; k field_1909 world | |
f Ljava/util/Set; l field_10821 chunksToRebuild | |
f Ljava/util/List; m field_1900 chunkInfos | |
f Ljava/util/Set; n field_10822 noCullingBlockEntities | |
f Lbvh; o field_10823 chunks | |
f I p field_1923 starsDisplayList | |
f I q field_1924 field_4117 | |
f I r field_1925 field_4067 | |
f Lcea; s field_10824 skyVertexFormat | |
f Lcdz; t field_10825 starsBuffer | |
f Lcdz; u field_10826 lightSkyBuffer | |
f Lcdz; v field_10827 darkSkyBuffer | |
f I w field_1922 ticks | |
f Ljava/util/Map; x field_1887 partiallyBrokenBlocks | |
f Ljava/util/Map; y field_7967 playingSongs | |
f [Lcdq; z field_10828 destroyStages | |
m ()V a method_1363 reload | |
m (DDD)V a method_9890 method_3275 | |
m (DDDDDDFFFF)V a method_13429 drawBoxOutline | |
m (DDDF)Z a method_1364 method_0_3499 | |
m (FI)V a method_9891 method_3257 | |
m (FIDDD)V a method_13849 method_3259 | |
m (II)V a method_1367 onResized | |
m (IIIIIIZ)V a method_1378 method_3295 | |
m (J)V a method_9892 updateChunks | |
m (Laed;Lbhc;IF)V a method_1380 method_3294 | |
m (Lamm;)V a method_9893 renderLayer | |
m (Lamm;DILvg;)I a method_9894 method_3251 | |
m (Lamu;Let;Z)V a method_14681 updateEntitiesForSong | |
m (Lbhb;FFFF)V a method_13430 drawBoxOutline | |
m (Lbsb;)V a method_1371 setWorld | |
m (Lbuk;)V a method_9897 renderStars | |
p 1 buffer | |
m (Lbuk;DDDDDDFFFF)V a method_13431 drawBox | |
m (Lbuk;FZ)V a method_9898 renderSkyHalf | |
p 1 buffer | |
p 2 y | |
p 3 bottom | |
m (Lbve;Lbuk;Lvg;F)V a method_9899 method_3256 | |
m (Let;Lbxr;Lfa;)Lbxr; a method_9901 getAdjacentChunkRenderer | |
m (Lfj;DDDDDD[I)V a method_9902 method_3276 | |
m (Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/util/Collection;)V a method_9903 updateNoCullingBlockEntities | |
p 1 removed | |
p 2 added | |
m (Ljava/util/Iterator;)V a method_9904 removeOutdatedPartiallyBrokenBlocks | |
m (Lvg;D)Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; a method_9905 method_3286 | |
m (Lvg;DLbxy;IZ)V a method_9906 method_3273 | |
m (Lvg;F)V a method_9907 method_3243 | |
m (Lvg;Lbxy;F)V a method_9908 method_3271 | |
m (Lvg;Lvg;Lbxy;)Z a method_12337 method_3284 | |
m (Z)I a method_13850 method_3268 | |
m ()V b method_9909 loadEntityOutlinePostProcessor | |
m (DDDDDDFFFF)V b method_13432 method_3266 | |
m (FIDDD)V b method_13851 method_3239 | |
m (IZDDDDDD[I)Lbtf; b method_9911 method_3282 | |
m (IZZDDDDDD[I)Lbtf; b method_13852 method_3288 | |
m (Lamm;)Ljava/lang/String; b method_14682 method_3248 | |
m (Lbhb;FFFF)V b method_13433 method_3261 | |
m (Lbuk;DDDDDDFFFF)V b method_13434 buildBox | |
m (Let;)Ljava/util/Set; b method_9914 getOpenChunkFaces | |
p 1 pos | |
m ()V c method_9912 drawEntityOutlinesFramebuffer | |
m ()Z d method_9915 canDrawEntityOutlines | |
m ()V e method_9916 clearChunkRenderers | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; f method_1381 getChunksDebugString | |
m ()I g method_12338 getCompletedChunkCount | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; h method_1384 getEntitiesDebugString | |
m ()V k method_1385 tick | |
m ()V l method_1386 cleanUp | |
m ()Z n method_12339 isTerrainRenderComplete | |
m ()V o method_9917 scheduleTerrainUpdate | |
m ()V p method_9918 loadDestroyStageTextures | |
m ()V q method_9919 renderDarkSky | |
m ()V r method_9920 renderLightSky | |
m ()V s method_9921 renderStars | |
m ()V t method_9922 renderEndSky | |
m ()V u method_9923 enableBlockOverlayRendering | |
m ()V v method_9924 disableBlockOverlayRendering | |
c buy$1 net/minecraft/class_530$1 net/minecraft/client/render/WorldRenderer$1 | |
f D a field_5179 field_0_4453 | |
f D b field_5180 field_0_4454 | |
f D c field_5181 field_0_4455 | |
f Lbuy; d field_5182 field_0_4456 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_4307 call | |
m ()Ljava/lang/Object; call call call | |
c buy$2 net/minecraft/class_530$2 net/minecraft/client/render/WorldRenderer$2 | |
f [I a field_10829 field_4127 | |
c buy$a net/minecraft/class_530$class_2424 net/minecraft/client/render/WorldRenderer$ChunkInfo | |
f Lbxr; a field_10830 renderer | |
f Lfa; b field_10831 direction | |
f B c field_13539 cullingState | |
f I d field_10833 propagationLevel | |
f Lbuy; e field_10834 field_4123 | |
m (BLfa;)V a method_12340 updateCullingState | |
m (Lfa;)Z a method_12341 canCull | |
c buz net/minecraft/class_531 net/minecraft/client/texture/SkinRemappingImageFilter | |
f [I a field_1928 field_0_4463 | |
f I b field_1929 field_0_4464 | |
f I c field_1930 field_0_4465 | |
m (IIII)V a method_12342 method_3311 | |
m (IIII)V b method_1389 method_3312 | |
p 1 uMin | |
p 2 vMin | |
p 3 uMax | |
p 4 vMax | |
c bv net/minecraft/class_2616 net/minecraft/class_0_1839 | |
c bva net/minecraft/class_532 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/DisplayListChunkRendererList | |
c bvd net/minecraft/class_1862 net/minecraft/client/gl/Framebuffer | |
f I a field_7981 textureWidth | |
f I b field_7982 textureHeight | |
f I c field_7983 viewportWidth | |
f I d field_7984 viewportHeight | |
f Z e field_7985 useDepthAttachment | |
f I f field_7986 fbo | |
f I g field_7987 colorAttachment | |
f I h field_7988 depthAttachment | |
f [F i field_7989 clearColor | |
f I j field_7990 texFilter | |
m (IIZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 width | |
p 2 height | |
p 3 useDepth | |
m ()V a method_6890 delete | |
m (FFFF)V a method_6891 setClearColor | |
p 1 r | |
p 2 g | |
p 3 b | |
p 4 a | |
m (I)V a method_6892 setTexFilter | |
p 1 texFilter | |
m (II)V a method_6893 method_1234 | |
p 1 width | |
p 2 height | |
m (IIZ)V a method_9925 drawInternal | |
p 1 width | |
p 2 height | |
p 3 colorMaterial | |
m (Z)V a method_6894 beginWrite | |
p 1 viewPort | |
m ()V b method_6895 checkFramebufferStatus | |
m (II)V b method_6896 method_1231 | |
p 1 width | |
p 2 height | |
m ()V c method_6897 beginRead | |
m (II)V c method_6898 draw | |
p 1 width | |
p 2 height | |
m ()V d method_6899 endRead | |
m ()V e method_6900 endWrite | |
m ()V f method_6901 method_1230 | |
c bve net/minecraft/class_533 net/minecraft/client/render/Tessellator | |
f Lbuk; a field_10835 buffer | |
f Lbul; b field_10836 renderer | |
f Lbve; c field_1945 INSTANCE | |
m (I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 bufferCapacity | |
m ()Lbve; a method_9926 getInstance | |
m ()V b method_9927 draw | |
m ()Lbuk; c method_9928 getBuffer | |
c bvf net/minecraft/class_2425 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/VboChunkRendererList | |
m ()V a method_9929 method_1356 | |
c bvg net/minecraft/class_2426 net/minecraft/client/gl/GlBufferRenderer | |
f Lcdz; a field_10837 glBuffer | |
m (Lcdz;)V a method_9930 setGlBuffer | |
p 1 buffer | |
c bvh net/minecraft/class_2427 net/minecraft/client/render/BuiltChunkStorage | |
f Lbuy; a field_10838 worldRenderer | |
f Lamu; b field_10839 world | |
f I c field_10840 sizeY | |
f I d field_10841 sizeX | |
f I e field_10842 sizeZ | |
f [Lbxr; f field_10843 renderers | |
m (Lamu;ILbuy;Lbxs;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 viewDistance | |
p 3 worldRenderer | |
m ()V a method_9931 clear | |
m (DD)V a method_9932 updateCameraPosition | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 z | |
m (I)V a method_9933 setViewDistance | |
p 1 viewDistance | |
m (III)I a method_9934 method_3328 | |
m (IIIIIIZ)V a method_9935 method_3329 | |
m (Lbxs;)V a method_9936 createChunks | |
m (Let;)Lbxr; a method_9937 getChunkRenderer | |
p 1 pos | |
c bvi net/minecraft/class_2871 net/minecraft/client/texture/TextureCache | |
f Lbvi$a; a field_13540 BANNER | |
f Lbvi$a; b field_13541 SHIELD | |
f Lnf; c field_13542 DEFAULT_SHIELD | |
f Lnf; d field_13543 DEFAULT_BANNER | |
c bvi$1 net/minecraft/class_2871$1 net/minecraft/client/texture/TextureCache$1 | |
c bvi$a net/minecraft/class_2871$class_2872 net/minecraft/client/texture/TextureCache$Manager | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_13544 cacheMap | |
f Lnf; b field_13545 filename | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_13546 baseDir | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_13547 id | |
m ()Z a method_12343 removeOldEntries | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;)Lnf; a method_12344 get | |
c bvi$b net/minecraft/class_2871$class_2472 net/minecraft/client/texture/TextureCache$Entry | |
f J a field_11012 lastRequestTimeMillis | |
f Lnf; b field_11013 filename | |
c bvk net/minecraft/class_2428 net/minecraft/client/render/block/DynamicBlockRenderer | |
m (Laow;F)V a method_9938 render | |
p 1 block | |
p 2 light | |
c bvl net/minecraft/class_2429 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModels | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_10844 models | |
f Lbwp; b field_10845 field_0_4487 | |
f Lcgc; c field_10846 modelManager | |
m (Lcgc;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 manager | |
m ()Lbwp; a method_9939 method_0_3572 | |
m (Laow;Lbws;)V a method_9940 method_0_3573 | |
p 1 block | |
m (Lawt;)Lcdq; a method_9941 method_3339 | |
p 1 state | |
m ([Laow;)V a method_9942 method_0_3575 | |
p 1 blocks | |
m ()Lcgc; b method_9943 getModelManager | |
m (Lawt;)Lcfy; b method_9944 method_3335 | |
p 1 state | |
m ()V c method_9945 reload | |
m ()V d method_9946 method_0_3579 | |
c bvl$1 net/minecraft/class_2429$1 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModels$1 | |
f Lbvl; a field_10847 field_0_4489 | |
c bvl$2 net/minecraft/class_2429$2 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModels$2 | |
f Lbvl; a field_10848 field_0_4490 | |
c bvl$3 net/minecraft/class_2429$3 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModels$3 | |
f Lbvl; a field_10849 field_0_4491 | |
c bvl$4 net/minecraft/class_2429$4 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModels$4 | |
f Lbvl; a field_10850 field_0_4492 | |
c bvl$5 net/minecraft/class_2429$5 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModels$5 | |
f Lbvl; a field_10851 field_0_4493 | |
c bvl$6 net/minecraft/class_2429$6 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModels$6 | |
f Lbvl; a field_10852 field_0_4494 | |
c bvl$7 net/minecraft/class_2429$7 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModels$7 | |
f Lbvl; a field_10853 field_0_4495 | |
c bvl$8 net/minecraft/class_2429$8 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModels$8 | |
f [I a field_10854 field_3797 | |
c bvm net/minecraft/class_2430 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockRenderManager | |
f Lbvl; a field_10855 models | |
f Lbvo; b field_10857 blockModelRenderer | |
f Lbvk; c field_10858 dynamicRenderer | |
f Lbvn; d field_10859 fluidRenderer | |
m (Lbvl;Lbid;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 models | |
p 2 options | |
m ()Lbvl; a method_9947 getModels | |
m (Lawt;)Lcfy; a method_12346 method_3349 | |
m (Lawt;F)V a method_9949 method_3353 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 light | |
m (Lawt;Let;Lamy;Lbuk;)Z a method_9952 method_3355 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 world | |
p 4 buffer | |
m (Lawt;Let;Lcdq;Lamy;)V a method_9953 method_3354 | |
p 1 state | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 sprite | |
p 4 world | |
m ()Lbvo; b method_9954 getModelRenderer | |
c bvm$1 net/minecraft/class_2430$1 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockRenderManager$1 | |
f [I a field_13548 field_4172 | |
c bvn net/minecraft/class_2431 net/minecraft/client/render/block/FluidRenderer | |
f Lbik; a field_13549 field_0_11346 | |
f [Lcdq; b field_10860 lavaSprites | |
f [Lcdq; c field_10861 waterSprites | |
f Lcdq; d field_13550 waterOverlaySprite | |
m ()V a method_9955 onResourceReload | |
m (Lamy;Lawt;Let;Lbuk;)Z a method_9956 method_3347 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 state | |
p 3 pos | |
p 4 buffer | |
m (Lamy;Let;Lbcz;)F a method_9957 method_3346 | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 pos | |
p 3 material | |
c bvo net/minecraft/class_2432 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModelRenderer | |
f Lbik; a field_13551 colors | |
m (FFFFLjava/util/List;)V a method_9958 renderQuad | |
p 1 light | |
p 2 red | |
p 3 green | |
p 4 blue | |
p 5 quads | |
m (Lamy;Lawt;Let;IZLbuk;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/BitSet;)V a method_12347 method_3370 | |
m (Lamy;Lawt;Let;Lbuk;Ljava/util/List;[FLjava/util/BitSet;Lbvo$b;)V a method_12348 method_3363 | |
m (Lamy;Lcfy;Lawt;Let;Lbuk;Z)Z a method_12349 method_0_9941 | |
m (Lamy;Lcfy;Lawt;Let;Lbuk;ZJ)Z a method_9963 method_3374 | |
m (Lawt;Lcfy;FFFF)V a method_9965 method_3367 | |
m (Lawt;[ILfa;[FLjava/util/BitSet;)V a method_9964 method_3364 | |
m (Lcfy;FFFF)V a method_12350 render | |
m (Lcfy;Lawt;FZ)V a method_9966 method_3366 | |
p 1 model | |
p 2 state | |
p 3 light | |
m (Lamy;Lcfy;Lawt;Let;Lbuk;ZJ)Z b method_9961 method_3361 | |
m (Lamy;Lcfy;Lawt;Let;Lbuk;ZJ)Z c method_9967 method_3373 | |
c bvo$1 net/minecraft/class_2432$1 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModelRenderer$1 | |
f [I a field_10862 field_4197 | |
c bvo$a net/minecraft/class_2432$class_2433 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModelRenderer$NeighborData | |
f Lbvo$a; a field_10863 DOWN | |
f Lbvo$a; b field_10864 UP | |
f Lbvo$a; c field_10865 NORTH | |
f Lbvo$a; d field_10866 SOUTH | |
f Lbvo$a; e field_10867 WEST | |
f Lbvo$a; f field_10868 EAST | |
f [Lfa; g field_14954 faces | |
f F h field_10870 field_0_4512 | |
f Z i field_14955 nonCubicWeight | |
f [Lbvo$d; j field_14956 field_4192 | |
f [Lbvo$d; k field_14957 field_4185 | |
f [Lbvo$d; l field_14958 field_4180 | |
f [Lbvo$d; m field_14959 field_4188 | |
f [Lbvo$a; n field_10876 VALUES | |
f [Lbvo$a; o field_10877 field_4193 | |
m (Lbvo$a;)[Lfa; a method_13435 method_3377 | |
m (Lfa;)Lbvo$a; a method_9968 getData | |
m (Lbvo$a;)Z b method_13436 method_3381 | |
m (Lbvo$a;)[Lbvo$d; c method_13437 method_3384 | |
m (Lbvo$a;)[Lbvo$d; d method_13438 method_3382 | |
m (Lbvo$a;)[Lbvo$d; e method_13439 method_3380 | |
m (Lbvo$a;)[Lbvo$d; f method_13440 method_3379 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbvo$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbvo$a; values values values | |
c bvo$b net/minecraft/class_2432$class_2434 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModelRenderer$AmbientOcclusionCalculator | |
f Lbvo; a field_10878 field_4195 | |
f [F b field_10879 brightness | |
f [I c field_10880 light | |
m (IIII)I a method_9969 getAmbientOcclusionBrightness | |
m (IIIIFFFF)I a method_9970 getBrightness | |
m (Lamy;Lawt;Let;Lfa;[FLjava/util/BitSet;)V a method_9971 method_3388 | |
m (Lbvo$b;)[I a method_9972 method_3385 | |
m (Lbvo$b;)[F b method_9973 method_3387 | |
c bvo$c net/minecraft/class_2432$class_2435 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModelRenderer$Translation | |
f Lbvo$c; a field_10881 DOWN | |
f Lbvo$c; b field_10882 UP | |
f Lbvo$c; c field_10883 NORTH | |
f Lbvo$c; d field_10884 SOUTH | |
f Lbvo$c; e field_10885 WEST | |
f Lbvo$c; f field_10886 EAST | |
f I g field_10889 firstCorner | |
f I h field_10890 secondCorner | |
f I i field_14960 thirdCorner | |
f I j field_14961 fourthCorner | |
f [Lbvo$c; k field_10891 VALUES | |
f [Lbvo$c; l field_10892 field_4208 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IIIII)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 firstCorner | |
p 4 secondCorner | |
p 5 thirdCorner | |
p 6 fourthCorner | |
m (Lbvo$c;)I a method_9977 method_3392 | |
m (Lfa;)Lbvo$c; a method_9975 getTranslations | |
p 0 face | |
m (Lbvo$c;)I b method_9978 method_3395 | |
m (Lbvo$c;)I c method_13441 method_3391 | |
m (Lbvo$c;)I d method_13442 method_3393 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbvo$c; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbvo$c; values values values | |
c bvo$d net/minecraft/class_2432$class_2436 net/minecraft/client/render/block/BlockModelRenderer$NeighborOrientation | |
f Lbvo$d; a field_10893 DOWN | |
f Lbvo$d; b field_10894 UP | |
f Lbvo$d; c field_10895 NORTH | |
f Lbvo$d; d field_10896 SOUTH | |
f Lbvo$d; e field_10897 WEST | |
f Lbvo$d; f field_10898 EAST | |
f Lbvo$d; g field_10899 FLIP_DOWN | |
f Lbvo$d; h field_10900 FLIP_UP | |
f Lbvo$d; i field_10901 FLIP_NORTH | |
f Lbvo$d; j field_10902 FLIP_SOUTH | |
f Lbvo$d; k field_10903 FLIP_WEST | |
f Lbvo$d; l field_10904 FLIP_EAST | |
f I m field_14962 shape | |
f [Lbvo$d; n field_10906 field_4223 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;ILfa;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 3 direction | |
m (Lbvo$d;)I a method_13443 method_3396 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbvo$d; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbvo$d; values values values | |
c bvp net/minecraft/class_2437 net/minecraft/client/render/model/BakedQuad | |
f [I a field_10907 vertexData | |
f I b field_10908 colorIndex | |
f Lfa; c field_10909 face | |
f Lcdq; d field_13552 sprite | |
m ([IILfa;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 vertexData | |
p 2 colorIndex | |
p 3 direction | |
m ()Lcdq; a method_12351 getSprite | |
m ()[I b method_9979 getVertexData | |
m ()Z c method_9980 hasColor | |
m ()I d method_9981 getColorIndex | |
m ()Lfa; e method_9982 getFace | |
c bvq net/minecraft/class_2438 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelElement | |
f Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; a field_10910 field_4228 | |
f Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; b field_10911 field_4231 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; c field_10912 faces | |
f Lbvs; d field_10913 rotation | |
f Z e field_10914 shade | |
m (Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;Ljava/util/Map;Lbvs;Z)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 from | |
p 2 to | |
p 3 faces | |
p 4 rotation | |
p 5 shade | |
m ()V a method_9983 initTextures | |
m (Lfa;)[F a method_9984 getRotatedMatrix | |
p 1 direction | |
c bvq$1 net/minecraft/class_2438$1 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelElement$1 | |
f [I a field_10915 field_4233 | |
c bvq$a net/minecraft/class_2438$class_2439 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelElement$Deserializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/util/Map; a method_9985 deserializeFacesValidating | |
p 1 context | |
p 2 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbvq; a method_9986 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lbvs; a method_9987 deserializeRotation | |
p 1 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; a method_9988 method_3409 | |
p 1 json | |
p 2 key | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lfa; a method_9989 getDirection | |
p 1 name | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/util/Map; b method_9990 deserializeFaces | |
p 1 context | |
p 2 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)F b method_9991 deserializeRotationAngle | |
p 1 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lfa$a; c method_9992 deserializeAxis | |
p 1 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; d method_9993 method_3405 | |
p 1 json | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
p 1 json | |
p 2 type | |
p 3 ctx | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; e method_9994 method_3407 | |
p 1 json | |
c bvr net/minecraft/class_2440 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelElementFace | |
f Lfa; a field_10916 field_0_4558 | |
f Lfa; b field_10917 cullFace | |
f I c field_10918 tintIndex | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_10919 textureId | |
f Lbvt; e field_10920 textureData | |
m (Lfa;ILjava/lang/String;Lbvt;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 cullface | |
p 2 tintIndex | |
p 3 textureId | |
p 4 textureReference | |
c bvr$a net/minecraft/class_2440$class_2441 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelElementFace$Deserializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbvr; a method_9995 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)I a method_9996 deserializeTintIndex | |
p 1 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/lang/String; b method_9997 deserializeTexture | |
p 1 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lfa; c method_9998 deserializeCullFace | |
p 1 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
p 1 json | |
p 2 type | |
p 3 ctx | |
c bvs net/minecraft/class_2442 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelRotation | |
f Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; a field_10921 field_4236 | |
f Lfa$a; b field_10922 axis | |
f F c field_10923 angle | |
f Z d field_10924 rescale | |
m (Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;Lfa$a;FZ)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 rotation | |
p 2 axis | |
p 3 angle | |
p 4 rescale | |
c bvt net/minecraft/class_2443 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelElementTexture | |
f [F a field_10925 uvs | |
f I b field_10926 rotation | |
m ([FI)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 uvs | |
p 2 rotation | |
m (I)F a method_9999 getU | |
m ([F)V a method_10000 setUvs | |
p 1 uvs | |
m (I)F b method_10001 getV | |
m (I)I c method_10002 getDirectionIndex | |
p 1 offset | |
m (I)I d method_10003 getRotatedUVIndex | |
p 1 rotation | |
c bvt$a net/minecraft/class_2443$class_2444 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelElementTexture$Deserializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbvt; a method_10004 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)I a method_10005 deserializeRotation | |
p 1 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)[F b method_10006 deserializeUVs | |
p 1 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
p 1 json | |
p 2 type | |
p 3 ctx | |
c bvu net/minecraft/class_2445 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/JsonUnbakedModel | |
f Lcom/google/gson/Gson; a field_10927 GSON | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_10928 id | |
f Ljava/util/Map; c field_10929 textureMap | |
f Lbvu; d field_10930 parent | |
f Lnf; e field_10931 parentId | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; f field_10932 LOGGER | |
f Ljava/util/List; g field_10933 elements | |
f Z h field_10934 depthInGui | |
f Z i field_10935 ambientOcclusion | |
f Lbwc; j field_10936 transformations | |
f Ljava/util/List; k field_13553 overrides | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Map;ZZLbwc;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 elements | |
p 2 textures | |
p 3 ambientOcclusion | |
p 5 transformation | |
m (Lnf;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/Map;ZZLbwc;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 identifier | |
p 2 elements | |
p 3 textureMap | |
p 4 ambientOcclusion | |
p 6 transformation | |
m (Lnf;Ljava/util/Map;ZZLbwc;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 identifier | |
p 2 textureMap | |
p 3 ambientOcclusion | |
p 5 transformation | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; a method_10007 getElements | |
m (Lbwc$b;)Lbwb; a method_10008 getTransformation | |
p 1 mode | |
m (Ljava/io/Reader;)Lbvu; a method_10009 deserialize | |
p 0 reader | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbvu; a method_10010 deserialize | |
p 0 value | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;Lbvu$a;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_10011 resolveTexture | |
p 1 texture | |
p 2 modelHolder | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)V a method_10012 method_0_3645 | |
p 1 models | |
m ()Z b method_10013 useAmbientOcclusion | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z b method_10014 textureExists | |
p 1 texture | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)V b method_10015 method_0_3648 | |
m ()Z c method_10016 hasDepthInGui | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; c method_10017 resolveTexture | |
p 1 texture | |
m ()Z d method_10018 method_0_3651 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z d method_10019 isTextureReference | |
p 1 texture | |
m ()Ljava/util/Collection; e method_12352 method_4755 | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; f method_12353 getOverrides | |
m ()Lbwa; g method_12354 method_3440 | |
m ()Lnf; h method_10020 method_0_3653 | |
m ()Lbvu; i method_10021 getRootModel | |
c @return the actual model which contains elements. | |
m ()Lbwc; j method_10022 getTransformations | |
m ()Z k method_10023 method_0_3656 | |
c bvu$1 net/minecraft/class_2445$1 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/JsonUnbakedModel$1 | |
c bvu$a net/minecraft/class_2445$class_2446 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/JsonUnbakedModel$TextureResolutionContext | |
f Lbvu; a field_10937 root | |
f Lbvu; b field_10938 current | |
m (Lbvu;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 model | |
c bvu$b net/minecraft/class_2445$class_2447 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/JsonUnbakedModel$Deserializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/util/List; a method_12355 overridesFromJson | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbvu; a method_10025 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Z a method_10026 ambientOcclusionFromJson | |
p 1 json | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/util/List; b method_10024 elementsFromJson | |
p 1 ctx | |
p 2 json | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/util/Map; b method_10027 texturesFromJson | |
p 1 json | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/lang/String; c method_10028 parentFromJson | |
p 1 json | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
p 1 json | |
p 2 type | |
p 3 ctx | |
c bvu$c net/minecraft/class_2445$class_2448 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/JsonUnbakedModel$class_0_1068 | |
c bvv net/minecraft/class_2449 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelVariantMap | |
f Lcom/google/gson/Gson; a field_10939 field_0_4581 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_10940 variantMap | |
f Lbwi; c field_13554 multipartModel | |
m (Ljava/util/Collection;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 variants | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 maps | |
m ()Ljava/util/Set; a method_12356 method_3423 | |
m (Ljava/io/Reader;)Lbvv; a method_10029 method_3424 | |
p 0 reader | |
m ()Z b method_12357 hasMultipartModel | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Z b method_12358 method_0_8679 | |
m ()Lbwi; c method_12359 getMultipartModel | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbwd; c method_10030 method_0_3663 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
p 1 obj | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
c bvv$a net/minecraft/class_2449$class_2450 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelVariantMap$Deserializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/util/Map; a method_12360 variantsFromJson | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbvv; a method_10033 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lbwi; b method_12361 multipartFromJson | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
p 1 json | |
p 2 type | |
p 3 ctx | |
c bvv$b net/minecraft/class_2449$class_2451 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelVariantMap$class_0_1071 | |
f Lbvv; a field_10941 field_0_4583 | |
c bvw net/minecraft/class_2455 net/minecraft/client/render/model/RetexturedBakedQuad | |
f Lcdq; e field_10948 spriteRetextured | |
m (Lbvp;Lcdq;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 quad | |
p 2 sprite | |
m ()V f method_12362 recalculateUvs | |
c bvx net/minecraft/class_2456 net/minecraft/client/render/model/BakedQuadFactory | |
f F a field_10950 MIN_SCALE | |
f F b field_10951 MAX_SCALE | |
f [Lbvx$a; c field_13555 field_4264 | |
f Lbvx$a; d field_13556 field_4258 | |
f Lbvx$a; e field_13557 field_4261 | |
f Lbvx$a; f field_13558 field_4262 | |
f Lbvx$a; g field_13559 field_4263 | |
m ()Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Matrix4f; a method_10048 method_0_3681 | |
m (Lbvt;Lcdq;Lfa;[FLcfz;Lbvs;Z)[I a method_10050 method_3458 | |
m (Lbvt;Lfa;Lcfz;)Lbvt; a method_12363 uvLock | |
m (Lcfz;Lfa;)I a method_12364 method_3465 | |
m (Lcfz;Lfa;Lbvx$a;)V a method_12365 method_3466 | |
m (Lfa;)I a method_10051 getLightmapCoordinate | |
p 1 dir | |
m (Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;Lbvs;)V a method_10052 method_3463 | |
p 1 vec | |
p 2 rotation | |
m (Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;Lfa;ILcfz;)I a method_10053 method_3455 | |
m (Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;)[F a method_10054 method_3459 | |
m (Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;Lbvr;Lcdq;Lfa;Lcfz;Lbvs;ZZ)Lbvp; a method_10055 method_3468 | |
p 3 face | |
m (Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Matrix4f;Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;)V a method_10056 method_3464 | |
m ([I)Lfa; a method_10057 decodeDirection | |
m ([IIILorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;ILcdq;Lbvt;)V a method_10058 method_3460 | |
p 1 data | |
m ([IILfa;Lbvt;[FLcdq;Lcfz;Lbvs;Z)V a method_10059 method_3461 | |
m ([ILfa;)V a method_10060 encodeDirection | |
p 1 data | |
p 2 direction | |
m (Lfa;)F b method_10062 getRelativeDirectionalBrightness | |
p 1 dir | |
c bvx$1 net/minecraft/class_2456$1 net/minecraft/client/render/model/BakedQuadFactory$1 | |
c bvx$2 net/minecraft/class_2456$2 net/minecraft/client/render/model/BakedQuadFactory$2 | |
c bvx$3 net/minecraft/class_2456$3 net/minecraft/client/render/model/BakedQuadFactory$3 | |
c bvx$4 net/minecraft/class_2456$4 net/minecraft/client/render/model/BakedQuadFactory$4 | |
c bvx$5 net/minecraft/class_2456$5 net/minecraft/client/render/model/BakedQuadFactory$5 | |
f [I a field_13560 field_4266 | |
f [I b field_13561 field_4265 | |
c bvx$a net/minecraft/class_2456$class_2873 net/minecraft/client/render/model/BakedQuadFactory$class_797 | |
m (FFFF)Lbvt; a method_12366 method_3470 | |
m (Lbvt;)Lbvt; a method_12367 method_3469 | |
c bvy net/minecraft/class_2457 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ItemModelGenerator | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_10954 LAYERS | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;Lcdq;)Ljava/util/List; a method_10063 addLayerElements | |
m (Lbvy$b;Ljava/util/List;[IIIIIZ)V a method_10064 method_3476 | |
m (Lcdp;Lbvu;)Lbvu; a method_10065 method_3479 | |
p 1 atlas | |
p 2 model | |
m (Lcdq;)Ljava/util/List; a method_10066 getFrames | |
m (Lcdq;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/List; a method_10067 addSubComponents | |
m (Ljava/util/List;Lbvy$b;II)V a method_10068 buildCube | |
m ([IIIII)Z a method_10069 method_3477 | |
c bvy$1 net/minecraft/class_2457$1 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ItemModelGenerator$1 | |
f [I a field_10955 field_4275 | |
c bvy$a net/minecraft/class_2457$class_2458 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ItemModelGenerator$Frame | |
f Lbvy$b; a field_10956 side | |
f I b field_10957 min | |
f I c field_10958 max | |
f I d field_10959 level | |
m ()Lbvy$b; a method_10070 getSide | |
m (I)V a method_10071 expand | |
p 1 newValue | |
m ()I b method_10072 getMin | |
m ()I c method_10073 getMax | |
m ()I d method_10074 getLevel | |
c bvy$b net/minecraft/class_2457$class_2459 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ItemModelGenerator$Side | |
f Lbvy$b; a field_10960 UP | |
f Lbvy$b; b field_10961 DOWN | |
f Lbvy$b; c field_10962 LEFT | |
f Lbvy$b; d field_10963 RIGHT | |
f Lfa; e field_10964 direction | |
f I f field_10965 offsetX | |
f I g field_10966 offsetY | |
f [Lbvy$b; h field_10967 field_4282 | |
m ()Lfa; a method_10075 getDirection | |
m (Lbvy$b;)Z a method_10076 method_3492 | |
m ()I b method_10077 getOffsetX | |
m ()I c method_10078 getOffsetY | |
m ()Z d method_10079 isVertical | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbvy$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbvy$b; values values values | |
c bvz net/minecraft/class_2874 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelOverride | |
f Lnf; a field_13562 modelId | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_13563 predicateToThresholds | |
m ()Lnf; a method_12368 getModelId | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Lvp;)Z a method_12369 matches | |
c bvz$a net/minecraft/class_2874$class_2875 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelOverride$Deserializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbvz; a method_12370 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/util/Map; a method_12371 deserializeMinPropertyValues | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
c bw net/minecraft/class_1385 net/minecraft/server/command/ClearCommand | |
c bwa net/minecraft/class_2876 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelOverrideList | |
f Lbwa; a field_13564 EMPTY | |
f Ljava/util/List; b field_13565 overrides | |
m (Laip;Lamu;Lvp;)Lnf; a method_12372 method_3495 | |
c bwb net/minecraft/class_2460 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/Transformation | |
f Lbwb; a field_10968 IDENTITY | |
f Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; b field_10969 field_4287 | |
f Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; c field_10970 field_4286 | |
f Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; d field_10971 field_4285 | |
m (Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 rotation | |
p 2 translation | |
p 3 scale | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
p 1 obj | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
c bwb$a net/minecraft/class_2460$class_2461 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/Transformation$Deserializer | |
f Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; a field_10972 field_4288 | |
f Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; b field_10973 field_4290 | |
f Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; c field_10974 field_4289 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbwb; a method_10080 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f;)Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Vector3f; a method_10081 method_3493 | |
p 1 json | |
p 2 key | |
p 3 fallback | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
p 1 jsob | |
p 2 type | |
p 3 ctx | |
c bwc net/minecraft/class_2462 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelTransformation | |
f Lbwc; a field_10975 NONE | |
f F b field_10976 globalTranslationX | |
f F c field_10977 globalTranslationY | |
f F d field_10978 globalTranslationZ | |
f F e field_10979 globalRotationX | |
f F f field_10980 globalRotationY | |
f F g field_10981 globalRotationZ | |
f F h field_10982 globalScaleOffsetX | |
f F i field_10983 globalScaleOffsetY | |
f F j field_10984 globalScaleOffsetZ | |
f Lbwb; k field_10985 thirdPersonLeftHand | |
f Lbwb; l field_10986 thirdPersonRightHand | |
f Lbwb; m field_13566 firstPersonLeftHand | |
f Lbwb; n field_13567 firstPersonRightHand | |
f Lbwb; o field_10987 head | |
f Lbwb; p field_10988 gui | |
f Lbwb; q field_10989 ground | |
f Lbwb; r field_10990 fixed | |
m (Lbwb;Lbwb;Lbwb;Lbwb;Lbwb;Lbwb;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 thirdPerson | |
p 2 firstPerson | |
p 3 head | |
p 4 gui | |
p 5 ground | |
p 6 fixed | |
m (Lbwc;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 transformation | |
m (FFF)Lorg/lwjgl/util/vector/Quaternion; a method_12373 method_0_8687 | |
m (Lbwb;Z)V a method_12374 applyGl | |
m (Lbwc$b;)V a method_10082 applyGl | |
p 1 mode | |
m (Lbwc$b;)Lbwb; b method_10083 getTransformation | |
p 1 renderMode | |
m (Lbwc$b;)Z c method_10084 isTransformationDefined | |
p 1 renderMode | |
c bwc$1 net/minecraft/class_2462$1 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelTransformation$1 | |
f [I a field_10991 field_4313 | |
c bwc$a net/minecraft/class_2462$class_2463 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelTransformation$Deserializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Ljava/lang/String;)Lbwb; a method_10085 parseModelTransformation | |
p 1 ctx | |
p 2 json | |
p 3 key | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbwc; a method_10086 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
p 1 json | |
p 2 type | |
p 3 ctx | |
c bwc$b net/minecraft/class_2462$class_2464 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelTransformation$Mode | |
f Lbwc$b; a field_10992 NONE | |
f Lbwc$b; b field_13568 THIRD_PERSON_LEFT_HAND | |
f Lbwc$b; c field_13569 THIRD_PERSON_RIGHT_HAND | |
f Lbwc$b; d field_13570 FIRST_PERSON_LEFT_HAND | |
f Lbwc$b; e field_13571 FIRST_PERSON_RIGHT_HAND | |
f Lbwc$b; f field_10995 HEAD | |
f Lbwc$b; g field_10996 GUI | |
f Lbwc$b; h field_10997 GROUND | |
f Lbwc$b; i field_10998 FIXED | |
f [Lbwc$b; j field_10999 field_4314 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbwc$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbwc$b; values values values | |
c bwd net/minecraft/class_2877 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/WeightedUnbakedModel | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_13572 variants | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; a method_12375 getVariants | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
c bwd$a net/minecraft/class_2877$class_2878 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/WeightedUnbakedModel$Deserializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbwd; a method_12376 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
c bwe net/minecraft/class_2452 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelVariant | |
f Lnf; a field_10942 location | |
f Lcfz; b field_10943 rotation | |
f Z c field_10944 uvLock | |
f I d field_10945 weight | |
m (Lnf;Lcfz;ZI)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 id | |
p 2 rotation | |
p 3 uvLock | |
p 4 weight | |
m ()Lnf; a method_10034 getLocation | |
m ()Lcfz; b method_10035 method_3509 | |
m ()Z c method_10036 method_3512 | |
m ()I d method_10037 getWeight | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
p 1 other | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bwe$a net/minecraft/class_2452$class_2453 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/ModelVariant$Deserializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbwe; a method_10038 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lcfz; a method_10039 deserializeRotation | |
p 1 object | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnf; a method_10040 method_0_3673 | |
p 1 path | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/lang/String; b method_10041 method_3514 | |
p 1 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)I c method_12377 deserializeWeight | |
p 1 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Z d method_10043 deserializeUvLock | |
p 1 object | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
p 1 element | |
p 2 type | |
p 3 ctx | |
c bwf net/minecraft/class_2879 net/minecraft/class_0_2127 | |
f Ljava/lang/Iterable; c field_13573 field_0_9245 | |
c bwf$1 net/minecraft/class_2879$1 net/minecraft/class_0_2127$1 | |
f Lawu; a field_13574 field_0_11402 | |
f Lbwf; b field_13575 field_0_3966 | |
m (Lbwg;)Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a method_12378 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
c bwg net/minecraft/class_2880 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/MultipartModelSelector | |
f Lbwg; a field_13576 field_0_9248 | |
f Lbwg; b field_13577 field_0_9249 | |
m (Lawu;)Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a method_12379 method_0_8691 | |
c bwg$1 net/minecraft/class_2880$1 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/MultipartModelSelector$1 | |
c bwg$1$1 net/minecraft/class_2880$1$1 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/MultipartModelSelector$1$1 | |
f Lbwg$1; a field_13578 field_0_11403 | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_12380 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bwg$2 net/minecraft/class_2880$2 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/MultipartModelSelector$2 | |
c bwg$2$1 net/minecraft/class_2880$2$1 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/MultipartModelSelector$2$1 | |
f Lbwg$2; a field_13579 field_0_11404 | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_12381 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bwh net/minecraft/class_2881 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/SimpleMultipartModelSelector | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Splitter; c field_13580 VALUE_SPLITTER | |
f Ljava/lang/String; d field_13581 key | |
f Ljava/lang/String; e field_13582 valueString | |
m (Laxj;Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a method_12382 method_3525 | |
m (Lbwh;Laxj;Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a method_12383 method_0_8695 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bwh$1 net/minecraft/class_2881$1 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/SimpleMultipartModelSelector$1 | |
f Laxj; a field_13583 field_0_9255 | |
f Lbwh; b field_13584 field_0_9256 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a method_12384 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
c bwh$2 net/minecraft/class_2881$2 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/SimpleMultipartModelSelector$2 | |
f Laxj; a field_13585 field_0_9257 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Optional; b field_13586 field_0_9258 | |
f Lbwh; c field_13587 field_0_9259 | |
m (Lawt;)Z a method_12385 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z apply apply apply | |
c bwi net/minecraft/class_2882 net/minecraft/client/render/model/MultipartUnbakedModel | |
f Ljava/util/List; a field_13588 components | |
f Lawu; b field_13589 stateFactory | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; a method_12386 getComponents | |
m (Lawu;)V a method_12387 method_0_8699 | |
m ()Ljava/util/Set; b method_12388 getModels | |
m ()Lawu; c method_12389 method_0_8701 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
c bwi$a net/minecraft/class_2882$class_2883 net/minecraft/client/render/model/MultipartUnbakedModel$Deserializer | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;Lcom/google/gson/JsonArray;)Ljava/util/List; a method_12390 deserializeComponents | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbwi; a method_12391 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
c bwj net/minecraft/class_2884 net/minecraft/class_0_2132 | |
f Ljava/lang/Iterable; c field_13590 field_0_9262 | |
c bwj$1 net/minecraft/class_2884$1 net/minecraft/class_0_2132$1 | |
f Lawu; a field_13591 field_0_9263 | |
f Lbwj; b field_13592 field_0_9264 | |
m (Lbwg;)Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a method_12392 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
c bwk net/minecraft/class_2885 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/MultipartModelComponent | |
f Lbwg; a field_13593 selector | |
f Lbwd; b field_13594 model | |
m ()Lbwd; a method_12393 getModel | |
m (Lawu;)Lcom/google/common/base/Predicate; a method_12394 method_3530 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z equals equals equals | |
m ()I hashCode hashCode hashCode | |
c bwk$a net/minecraft/class_2885$class_2886 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/MultipartModelComponent$Deserializer | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Function; a field_13595 field_0_9267 | |
f Lcom/google/common/base/Function; b field_13596 field_0_9268 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lbwk; a method_12395 deserialize | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lbwg; a method_12396 deserializeSelector | |
m (Ljava/util/Map$Entry;)Lbwh; a method_12397 method_0_8709 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lbwg; b method_12398 deserializeSelectorOrDefault | |
m (Ljava/util/Map$Entry;)Lbwh; b method_12399 method_3533 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; deserialize deserialize deserialize | |
c bwk$a$1 net/minecraft/class_2885$class_2886$1 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/MultipartModelComponent$Deserializer$1 | |
m (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;)Lbwg; a method_12400 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
c bwk$a$2 net/minecraft/class_2885$class_2886$2 net/minecraft/client/render/model/json/MultipartModelComponent$Deserializer$2 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map$Entry;)Lbwg; a method_12401 apply | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; apply apply apply | |
c bwo net/minecraft/class_2465 net/minecraft/class_0_1085 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_11000 field_0_4642 | |
m (Lawt;)Lcgd; a method_10087 method_0_3720 | |
p 1 state | |
m (Laxj;Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_12402 method_0_10063 | |
m (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_10088 method_0_3721 | |
p 1 map | |
c bwp net/minecraft/class_2466 net/minecraft/class_0_1086 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_11001 field_0_4643 | |
f Ljava/util/Set; b field_11002 field_0_4644 | |
m ()Ljava/util/Map; a method_10089 method_0_3722 | |
m (Laow;)Ljava/util/Set; a method_12403 method_0_8714 | |
m (Laow;Lbws;)V a method_10090 method_0_3723 | |
p 1 block | |
p 2 mapper | |
m ([Laow;)V a method_10091 method_0_3724 | |
p 1 blocks | |
m (Laow;)Ljava/util/Map; b method_12404 method_0_8715 | |
c bwq net/minecraft/class_2467 net/minecraft/class_0_1087 | |
c bwr net/minecraft/class_2468 net/minecraft/class_0_1088 | |
f Laxj; a field_11003 field_0_4645 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; c field_11004 field_0_4646 | |
f Ljava/util/List; d field_11005 field_0_4647 | |
m (Laxj;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/List;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 defaultProperty | |
p 2 suffix | |
p 3 ignoredProperties | |
m (Laxj;Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/lang/String; a method_12405 method_0_10064 | |
c bwr$1 net/minecraft/class_2468$1 net/minecraft/class_0_1088$1 | |
c bwr$a net/minecraft/class_2468$class_2469 net/minecraft/class_0_1088$class_0_1089 | |
f Laxj; a field_11006 field_0_4648 | |
f Ljava/lang/String; b field_11007 field_0_4649 | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_11008 field_0_4650 | |
m ()Lbwr; a method_10092 method_0_3725 | |
m (Laxj;)Lbwr$a; a method_10093 method_0_3726 | |
p 1 property | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbwr$a; a method_10094 method_0_3727 | |
p 1 suffix | |
m ([Laxj;)Lbwr$a; a method_10095 method_0_3728 | |
p 1 properties | |
c bws net/minecraft/class_2470 net/minecraft/class_0_1090 | |
m (Laow;)Ljava/util/Map; a method_10096 method_0_3729 | |
p 1 block | |
c bwu net/minecraft/class_2471 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/BannerBlockEntityRenderer | |
f Lbpf; a field_11011 model | |
m (Lavf;)Lnf; a method_10097 getTextureId | |
p 1 blockEntity | |
m (Lavf;DDDFIF)V a method_10098 method_3569 | |
c bwv net/minecraft/class_1358 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/BeaconBlockEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6585 BEAM_TEXTURE | |
m (DDDDDDII[F)V a method_12406 method_3544 | |
m (DDDDDDII[FDD)V a method_12407 method_3545 | |
m (DDDDDLjava/util/List;D)V a method_12408 method_3543 | |
m (Lavh;)Z a method_12409 rendersOutsideBoundingBox | |
m (Lavh;DDDFIF)V a method_10099 method_3569 | |
c bww net/minecraft/class_3298 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/BedBlockEntityRenderer | |
f [Lnf; a field_16137 TEXTURES | |
f Lbph; d field_16138 model | |
f I e field_16139 field_0_12667 | |
m (Lavi;DDDFIF)V a method_14683 method_3569 | |
m (ZDDDIF)V a method_14684 method_3558 | |
c bwx net/minecraft/class_598 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/BlockEntityRenderDispatcher | |
f Lbwx; a field_2188 INSTANCE | |
f D b field_2189 renderOffsetX | |
f D c field_2190 renderOffsetY | |
f D d field_2191 renderOffsetZ | |
f Lcdr; e field_6602 textureManager | |
f Lamu; f field_2193 world | |
f Lvg; g field_11014 field_4344 | |
f F h field_2195 field_4354 | |
f F i field_2196 field_4353 | |
f Lbhc; j field_14963 crosshairTarget | |
f D k field_2197 field_4352 | |
f D l field_2198 field_4351 | |
f D m field_2199 field_4349 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; n field_2200 renderers | |
f Lbip; o field_2201 field_4342 | |
m ()Lbip; a method_1623 method_3556 | |
m (Lamu;)V a method_1628 setWorld | |
p 1 world | |
m (Lamu;Lcdr;Lbip;Lvg;Lbhc;F)V a method_1629 method_3549 | |
m (Lavj;)Lbwy; a method_1630 get | |
p 1 blockEntity | |
m (Lavj;DDDF)V a method_1625 method_0_11144 | |
p 1 blockEntity | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
p 8 tickDelta | |
m (Lavj;DDDFF)V a method_14685 method_3548 | |
m (Lavj;DDDFIF)V a method_10100 method_3554 | |
m (Lavj;FI)V a method_10101 render | |
p 1 blockEntity | |
p 2 tickDelta | |
p 3 destroyProgress | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lbwy; a method_1627 get | |
p 1 clazz | |
c bwy net/minecraft/class_599 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/BlockEntityRenderer | |
f [Lnf; b field_11015 DESTROY_STAGE_TEXTURES | |
f Lbwx; c field_2202 renderManager | |
m ()Lamu; a method_10103 getWorld | |
m (Lavj;)Z a method_12410 rendersOutsideBoundingBox | |
m (Lavj;DDDFIF)V a method_1631 method_3569 | |
m (Lavj;Ljava/lang/String;DDDI)V a method_13444 renderName | |
m (Lbwx;)V a method_1632 setRenderManager | |
p 1 dispatcher | |
m (Lnf;)V a method_5872 bindTexture | |
p 1 texture | |
m (Z)V a method_13445 disableLightmap | |
m ()Lbip; b method_1635 method_3564 | |
c bwz net/minecraft/class_591 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/ChestBlockEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6586 TRAPPED_DOUBLE_TEX | |
f Lnf; d field_6587 CHRISTMAS_DOUBLE_TEX | |
f Lnf; e field_6588 NORMAL_DOUBLE_TEX | |
f Lnf; f field_6589 TRAPPED_TEX | |
f Lnf; g field_6590 CHRISTMAS_TEX | |
f Lnf; h field_6591 NORMAL_TEX | |
f Lbpl; i field_2181 modelSingleChest | |
f Lbpl; j field_2182 modelDoubleChest | |
f Z k field_5223 christmas | |
m (Lavl;DDDFIF)V a method_10104 method_3569 | |
c bx net/minecraft/class_2634 net/minecraft/server/command/CloneCommand | |
c bx$a net/minecraft/class_2634$class_2635 net/minecraft/server/command/CloneCommand$BlockInfo | |
f Let; a field_12011 pos | |
f Lawt; b field_12012 field_13495 | |
f Lfy; c field_12013 blockEntityNbt | |
c bxa net/minecraft/class_592 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/EnchantingTableBlockEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6592 BOOK_TEX | |
f Lbpk; d field_2183 book | |
m (Lavr;DDDFIF)V a method_1616 method_3569 | |
c bxb net/minecraft/class_593 net/minecraft/class_0_1099 | |
f Lnf; a field_6593 field_0_4684 | |
f Lbpl; d field_2184 field_0_4685 | |
m (Lavs;DDDFIF)V a method_10105 method_3569 | |
c bxc net/minecraft/class_594 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/MobSpawnerBlockEntityRenderer | |
m (Lamk;DDDF)V a method_5242 method_3589 | |
p 0 behavior | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
p 7 tickDelta | |
m (Lavy;DDDFIF)V a method_1618 method_3569 | |
c bxd net/minecraft/class_595 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/PistonBlockEntityRenderer | |
f Lbvm; a field_11016 manager | |
m (Lawm;DDDFIF)V a method_10106 method_3569 | |
m (Let;Lawt;Lbuk;Lamu;Z)Z a method_12411 method_3575 | |
c bxe net/minecraft/class_3096 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/ShulkerBoxBlockEntityRenderer | |
f Lbqs; a field_15278 model | |
m (Lawb;DDDFIF)V a method_13853 method_3569 | |
c bxe$1 net/minecraft/class_3096$1 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/ShulkerBoxBlockEntityRenderer$1 | |
f [I a field_15058 field_4388 | |
c bxf net/minecraft/class_596 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/SignBlockEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6594 field_0_4687 | |
f Lbqt; d field_2186 model | |
m (Lawc;DDDFIF)V a method_10107 method_3569 | |
c bxg net/minecraft/class_1359 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/SkullBlockEntityRenderer | |
f Lbxg; a field_5224 INSTANCE | |
f Lnf; d field_6595 field_0_4690 | |
f Lnf; e field_6596 field_0_4691 | |
f Lnf; f field_6597 field_0_4692 | |
f Lnf; g field_6598 field_0_4693 | |
f Lnf; h field_13597 field_0_9269 | |
f Lbrm; i field_13598 field_0_9270 | |
f Lbqv; j field_5225 field_0_4694 | |
f Lbqv; k field_11017 field_0_4695 | |
m (FFFLfa;FILcom/mojang/authlib/GameProfile;IF)V a method_10108 method_3581 | |
m (Lawd;DDDFIF)V a method_4364 method_3569 | |
c bxg$1 net/minecraft/class_1359$1 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/SkullBlockEntityRenderer$1 | |
f [I a field_11018 field_4393 | |
c bxh net/minecraft/class_2887 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/StructureBlockBlockEntityRenderer | |
m (Lawe;)Z a method_12412 rendersOutsideBoundingBox | |
m (Lawe;DDDFIF)V a method_12413 method_3569 | |
m (Lawe;DDDLet;Lbve;Lbuk;Z)V a method_13446 method_3585 | |
m (Lbve;Lbuk;DDDDDDIII)V a method_13447 method_3586 | |
c bxh$1 net/minecraft/class_2887$1 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/StructureBlockBlockEntityRenderer$1 | |
f [I a field_14964 field_4402 | |
f [I b field_14965 field_4401 | |
c bxi net/minecraft/class_2888 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/EndGatewayBlockEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_13602 BEAM_TEXTURE | |
m (Lawg;DDDFIF)V method_10109 method_10109 method_1631 | |
c bxj net/minecraft/class_597 net/minecraft/client/render/block/entity/EndPortalBlockEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6599 SKY_TEXTURE | |
f Lnf; d field_6600 PORTAL_TEXTURE | |
f Ljava/util/Random; e field_6601 RANDOM | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; f field_15279 field_4408 | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; g field_15280 field_4404 | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; h field_2187 field_4403 | |
m (D)I a method_13854 method_3592 | |
m (FFFF)Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; a method_1621 method_3593 | |
p 1 f1 | |
p 2 f2 | |
p 3 f3 | |
p 4 f4 | |
m (Lawg;DDDFIF)V a method_10109 method_3569 | |
m ()F c method_13855 getTopYOffset | |
c bxl net/minecraft/class_2473 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkRenderTask | |
f Lbxr; a field_11019 chunkRenderer | |
f Ljava/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock; b field_11020 lock | |
f Ljava/util/List; c field_11021 completionActions | |
f Lbxl$b; d field_11022 mode | |
f D e field_13606 squaredCameraDistance | |
f Lbum; f field_11023 bufferBuilder | |
f Lbxo; g field_11024 renderData | |
f Lbxl$a; h field_11025 stage | |
f Z i field_11026 cancelled | |
m (Lbxr;Lbxl$b;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 builtChunk | |
m ()Lbxl$a; a method_10110 getStage | |
m (Lbum;)V a method_10111 setBufferBuilders | |
p 1 renderLaterBuffers | |
m (Lbxl$a;)V a method_10112 setStage | |
p 1 renderStatus | |
m (Lbxl;)I a method_12417 compareTo | |
m (Lbxo;)V a method_10113 setRenderData | |
p 1 chunkAssemblyHelper | |
m (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V a method_10114 addCompletionAction | |
m ()Lbxr; b method_10115 getChunkRenderer | |
m ()Lbxo; c method_10116 getRenderData | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)I compareTo compareTo compareTo | |
m ()Lbum; d method_10117 getBufferBuilders | |
m ()V e method_10118 cancel | |
m ()Ljava/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock; f method_10119 getLock | |
m ()Lbxl$b; g method_10120 getMode | |
m ()Z h method_10121 isCancelled | |
m ()D i method_12418 getSquaredCameraDistance | |
c bxl$a net/minecraft/class_2473$class_2474 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkRenderTask$Stage | |
f Lbxl$a; a field_11027 PENDING | |
f Lbxl$a; b field_11028 COMPILING | |
f Lbxl$a; c field_11029 UPLOADING | |
f Lbxl$a; d field_11030 DONE | |
f [Lbxl$a; e field_11031 field_4420 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbxl$a; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbxl$a; values values values | |
c bxl$b net/minecraft/class_2473$class_2475 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkRenderTask$Mode | |
f Lbxl$b; a field_11032 REBUILD_CHUNK | |
f Lbxl$b; b field_11033 RESORT_TRANSPARENCY | |
f [Lbxl$b; c field_11034 field_4425 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbxl$b; valueOf valueOf valueOf | |
m ()[Lbxl$b; values values values | |
c bxm net/minecraft/class_2476 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkBuilder | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_11035 LOGGER | |
f Ljava/util/concurrent/ThreadFactory; b field_11036 THREAD_FACTORY | |
f I c field_13607 bufferCount | |
f Ljava/util/List; d field_13608 workerThreads | |
f Ljava/util/List; e field_11037 workers | |
f Ljava/util/concurrent/PriorityBlockingQueue; f field_13609 pendingChunks | |
f Ljava/util/concurrent/BlockingQueue; g field_11039 availableBuffers | |
f Lbul; h field_11040 displayListBufferRenderer | |
f Lbvg; i field_11041 vboBufferRenderer | |
f Ljava/util/Queue; j field_11042 uploadQueue | |
f Lbxn; k field_11043 clientThreadWorker | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; a method_10122 getDebugString | |
m (J)Z a method_10123 runTasksSync | |
m (Lamm;Lbuk;Lbxr;Lbxo;D)Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/ListenableFuture; a method_12419 upload | |
m (Lbuk;ILbxr;)V a method_10125 method_3623 | |
m (Lbuk;Lcdz;)V a method_10126 uploadVbo | |
m (Lbum;)V a method_10127 addAvailableBuffer | |
m (Lbxm;)Ljava/util/concurrent/PriorityBlockingQueue; a method_10128 method_0_3776 | |
m (Lbxr;)Z a method_10129 rebuild | |
m ()V b method_10130 reset | |
m (Lbxr;)Z b method_10131 rebuildSync | |
m ()Lbum; c method_10132 getNextAvailableBuffer | |
m (Lbxr;)Z c method_10133 resortTransparency | |
m ()Lbxl; d method_10134 getNextChunkRenderDataTask | |
m ()V e method_10135 clear | |
m ()Z f method_12420 isEmpty | |
m ()V g method_12421 stop | |
m ()Z h method_12422 method_3634 | |
c bxm$1 net/minecraft/class_2476$1 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkBuilder$1 | |
f Lbxl; a field_11044 field_0_4726 | |
f Lbxm; b field_11045 field_0_4727 | |
m ()V run run run | |
c bxm$2 net/minecraft/class_2476$2 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkBuilder$2 | |
f Lbxl; a field_11046 field_0_4728 | |
f Lbxm; b field_11047 field_0_4729 | |
m ()V run run run | |
c bxm$3 net/minecraft/class_2476$3 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkBuilder$3 | |
f Lamm; a field_11048 field_0_4730 | |
f Lbuk; b field_11049 field_0_4731 | |
f Lbxr; c field_11050 field_0_4732 | |
f Lbxo; d field_11051 field_0_4733 | |
f D e field_13610 field_0_10407 | |
f Lbxm; f field_11052 field_0_4734 | |
m ()V run run run | |
c bxm$a net/minecraft/class_2476$class_2889 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkBuilder$ChunkUploadTask | |
f Lbxm; a field_13611 field_4448 | |
f Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/ListenableFutureTask; b field_13612 task | |
f D c field_13613 priority | |
m (Lbxm$a;)I a method_12423 compareTo | |
m (Lbxm$a;)Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/ListenableFutureTask; b method_12424 method_3637 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)I compareTo compareTo compareTo | |
c bxn net/minecraft/class_2477 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkRenderWorker | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_11053 LOGGER | |
f Lbxm; b field_11054 batcher | |
f Lbum; c field_11055 bufferBuilders | |
f Z d field_13614 running | |
m (Lbxm;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chunkBuilder | |
m (Lbxm;Lbum;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 chunkBuilder | |
p 2 buffers | |
m ()V a method_12425 stop | |
m (Lbxl;)V a method_10137 runTask | |
m (Lbxn;Lbxl;)V a method_10138 method_3616 | |
m (Let;Lamu;)Z a method_12426 method_0_9392 | |
m ()Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; b method_10136 method_3612 | |
m (Lbxl;)V b method_10140 method_3610 | |
m ()Lbum; c method_10139 getBufferBuilders | |
m ()V run run run | |
c bxn$1 net/minecraft/class_2477$1 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkRenderWorker$1 | |
f Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/ListenableFuture; a field_11056 field_0_4738 | |
f Lbxn; b field_11057 field_0_4739 | |
m ()V run run run | |
c bxn$2 net/minecraft/class_2477$2 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkRenderWorker$2 | |
f Lbxl; a field_11058 field_4432 | |
f Lbxo; b field_11059 field_4434 | |
f Lbxn; c field_11060 field_4433 | |
m (Ljava/util/List;)V a method_10141 onSuccess | |
m (Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V onFailure onFailure onFailure | |
m (Ljava/lang/Object;)V onSuccess onSuccess onSuccess | |
c bxo net/minecraft/class_2478 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkRenderData | |
f Lbxo; a field_11061 EMPTY | |
f [Z b field_11062 nonEmpty | |
f [Z c field_11063 initialized | |
f Z d field_11064 empty | |
f Ljava/util/List; e field_11065 blockEntities | |
f Lbxv; f field_11066 occlusionGraph | |
f Lbuk$a; g field_11067 bufferState | |
m ()Z a method_10142 isEmpty | |
m (Lamm;)V a method_10143 setNonEmpty | |
p 1 layer | |
m (Lavj;)V a method_10144 addBlockEntity | |
p 1 blockEntity | |
m (Lbuk$a;)V a method_10145 setBufferState | |
p 1 parameters | |
m (Lbxv;)V a method_10146 setOcclusionGraph | |
p 1 data | |
m (Lfa;Lfa;)Z a method_10147 isVisibleThrough | |
p 1 dir1 | |
p 2 dir2 | |
m ()Ljava/util/List; b method_10148 getBlockEntities | |
m (Lamm;)Z b method_10149 isEmpty | |
p 1 layer | |
m ()Lbuk$a; c method_10150 getBufferState | |
m (Lamm;)V c method_10151 markBufferInitialized | |
p 1 layer | |
m (Lamm;)Z d method_10152 isBufferInitialized | |
p 1 layer | |
c bxo$1 net/minecraft/class_2478$1 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkRenderData$1 | |
c bxp net/minecraft/class_2479 net/minecraft/class_0_1111 | |
c bxq net/minecraft/class_2480 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/DisplayListChunkRenderer | |
f I d field_11068 displayListsStartIndex | |
m (Lamm;Lbxo;)I a method_10153 method_3639 | |
c bxr net/minecraft/class_2481 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkRenderer | |
f I a field_11069 chunkUpdateCount | |
f Lbxo; b field_11070 data | |
f Lbhb; c field_13615 boundingBox | |
f Lamu; d field_11072 world | |
f Lbuy; e field_11073 renderer | |
f Ljava/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock; f field_11075 lock | |
f Ljava/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock; g field_11076 dataLock | |
f Lbxl; h field_11077 task | |
f Ljava/util/Set; i field_11078 blockEntities | |
f I j field_11079 field_0_4761 | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; k field_11080 field_4465 | |
f [Lcdz; l field_11081 buffers | |
f I m field_11082 field_4471 | |
f Z n field_11083 rebuildScheduled | |
f Let$a; o field_13616 origin | |
f [Let$a; p field_13617 neighborPositions | |
f Z q field_13618 rebuildOnClientThread | |
f Land; r field_14966 field_0_11445 | |
m (Lamu;Lbuy;Let;I)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 world | |
p 2 renderer | |
p 3 osarg3 | |
m ()V a method_10154 delete | |
m (FFFLbxl;)V a method_10155 resortTransparency | |
m (I)Z a method_10156 method_3671 | |
m (III)V a method_12427 setOrigin | |
m (Lamm;FFFLbuk;Lbxo;)V a method_10157 endBufferBuilding | |
m (Lbuk;Let;)V a method_10158 beginBufferBuilding | |
m (Lbxo;)V a method_10159 setData | |
m (Lfa;)Let; a method_12428 getNeighborPosition | |
m (Z)V a method_10162 scheduleRebuild | |
m ()V b method_10163 cancel | |
m (FFFLbxl;)V b method_10164 rebuildChunk | |
m (I)Lcdz; b method_10165 getGlBuffer | |
m ()Ljava/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock; c method_10166 getLock | |
m ()Lbxl; d method_10167 startRebuild | |
m ()Lbxl; e method_10168 startResortTransparency | |
m ()D f method_12429 getSquaredCameraDistance | |
m ()V g method_10169 method_3664 | |
m ()Lbxo; h method_10170 getData | |
m ()V i method_10171 clear | |
m ()Let; k method_10172 getOrigin | |
m ()V m method_12430 unscheduleRebuild | |
m ()Z n method_10173 shouldRebuild | |
m ()Z o method_12431 shouldRebuildOnClientThread | |
m ()Lamu; p method_12432 getWorld | |
m ()V q method_12433 method_0_10157 | |
m ()V r method_10174 method_3658 | |
c bxs net/minecraft/class_2482 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkRendererFactory | |
m (Lamu;Lbuy;I)Lbxr; a method_10175 method_0_3823 | |
c bxt net/minecraft/class_2483 net/minecraft/class_0_1115 | |
c bxu net/minecraft/class_2484 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkOcclusionDataBuilder | |
f I a field_11085 STEP_X | |
f I b field_11086 STEP_Z | |
f I c field_11087 STEP_Y | |
f Ljava/util/BitSet; d field_11088 closed | |
f [I e field_11089 EDGE_POINTS | |
f I f field_11090 openCount | |
m ()Lbxv; a method_10176 build | |
m (I)Ljava/util/Set; a method_10177 getOpenFaces | |
p 1 pos | |
m (III)I a method_10178 pack | |
p 0 x | |
p 1 y | |
p 2 z | |
m (ILfa;)I a method_10179 offset | |
p 1 pos | |
m (ILjava/util/Set;)V a method_10180 addEdgeFaces | |
p 1 pos | |
p 2 openFaces | |
m (Let;)V a method_10181 markClosed | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)Ljava/util/Set; b method_10182 getOpenFaces | |
p 1 pos | |
m (Let;)I c method_10183 pack | |
p 0 pos | |
c bxu$1 net/minecraft/class_2484$1 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkOcclusionDataBuilder$1 | |
f [I a field_11091 field_4480 | |
c bxv net/minecraft/class_2485 net/minecraft/client/render/chunk/ChunkOcclusionData | |
f I a field_11092 DIRECTION_COUNT | |
f Ljava/util/BitSet; b field_11093 visibility | |
m (Lfa;Lfa;)Z a method_10184 isVisibleThrough | |
p 1 from | |
p 2 to | |
m (Lfa;Lfa;Z)V a method_10185 setVisibleThrough | |
p 1 from | |
p 2 to | |
p 3 visible | |
m (Ljava/util/Set;)V a method_10186 addOpenEdgeFaces | |
p 1 faces | |
m (Z)V a method_10187 fill | |
p 1 visible | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; toString toString toString | |
c bxy net/minecraft/class_536 net/minecraft/client/render/VisibleRegion | |
m (DDD)V a method_1490 setOrigin | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (Lbhb;)Z a method_1491 intersects | |
p 1 box | |
c bxz net/minecraft/class_537 net/minecraft/client/render/GlMatrixFrustum | |
f Lbxz; e field_2072 INSTANCE | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; f field_2073 projectionMatrixBuffer | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; g field_2074 modelviewMatrixBuffer | |
f Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; h field_2075 field_4493 | |
m ()Lbyb; a method_1492 get | |
m ([F)V a method_10188 normalize | |
p 1 frustum | |
m ()V b method_1494 loadFromGlMatrices | |
c by net/minecraft/class_751 net/minecraft/server/dedicated/command/DeOpCommand | |
c bya net/minecraft/class_538 net/minecraft/client/render/FrustumWithOrigin | |
f Lbyb; a field_11094 frustum | |
f D b field_2077 originX | |
f D c field_2078 originY | |
f D d field_2079 originZ | |
m (Lbyb;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 clipper | |
m (DDDDDD)Z b method_1495 intersects | |
p 1 minX | |
p 3 minY | |
p 5 minZ | |
p 7 maxX | |
p 9 maxY | |
p 11 maxZ | |
c byb net/minecraft/class_539 net/minecraft/client/render/Frustum | |
f [[F a field_2080 sides | |
f [F b field_2081 projectionMatrix | |
f [F c field_2082 modelViewMatrix | |
f [F d field_2083 mvpMatrix | |
m ([FDDD)D a method_10189 getDistanceFromPlane | |
p 1 frustum | |
p 2 x | |
p 4 y | |
p 6 z | |
m (DDDDDD)Z b method_1496 intersects | |
p 1 minX | |
p 3 minY | |
p 5 minZ | |
p 7 maxX | |
p 9 maxY | |
p 11 maxZ | |
c bye net/minecraft/class_3024 net/minecraft/client/render/debug/ChunkBorderDebugRenderer | |
f Lbib; a field_14967 client | |
c byf net/minecraft/class_3097 net/minecraft/client/render/debug/CollisionDebugRenderer | |
f Lbib; a field_15281 client | |
f Laed; b field_15282 field_0_11988 | |
f D c field_15283 field_0_11989 | |
f D d field_15284 field_0_11990 | |
f D e field_15285 field_0_11991 | |
c byg net/minecraft/class_2890 net/minecraft/client/render/debug/DebugRenderer | |
f Lbyg$a; a field_14968 field_4523 | |
f Lbyg$a; b field_14969 waterDebugRenderer | |
f Lbyg$a; c field_14970 chunkBorderDebugRenderer | |
f Lbyg$a; d field_14971 heightmapDebugRenderer | |
f Lbyg$a; e field_15286 collisionDebugRenderer | |
f Lbyg$a; f field_15287 neighborUpdateDebugRenderer | |
f Lbyg$a; g field_16140 blockOutlineDebugRenderer | |
f Z h field_14972 showChunkBorder | |
f Z i field_14973 field_4530 | |
f Z j field_14974 field_4526 | |
f Z k field_14975 field_4524 | |
f Z l field_15288 field_4525 | |
f Z m field_15289 field_4519 | |
f Z n field_16141 field_4518 | |
m ()Z a method_13448 shouldRender | |
m (FJ)V a method_13449 method_3709 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;DDDFI)V a method_13450 method_3712 | |
m (Ljava/lang/String;IIIFI)V a method_13856 method_3711 | |
m ()Z b method_13451 toggleShowChunkBorder | |
c byg$a net/minecraft/class_2890$class_3025 net/minecraft/client/render/debug/DebugRenderer$Renderer | |
m (FJ)V a method_13452 method_3715 | |
c byh net/minecraft/class_3026 net/minecraft/client/render/debug/HeightmapDebugRenderer | |
f Lbib; a field_14976 client | |
c byi net/minecraft/class_3098 net/minecraft/client/render/debug/NeighborUpdateDebugRenderer | |
f Lbib; a field_15290 client | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_15291 neighborUpdates | |
m (JLet;)V a method_13857 addNeighborUpdate | |
c byj net/minecraft/class_2891 net/minecraft/client/render/debug/PathfindingDebugRenderer | |
f Lbib; a field_13622 client | |
f Ljava/util/Map; b field_13623 paths | |
f Ljava/util/Map; c field_13624 nodeSizes | |
f Ljava/util/Map; d field_13625 pathTimes | |
f Laed; e field_14977 field_4618 | |
f D f field_14978 field_4621 | |
f D g field_14979 field_4620 | |
f D h field_14980 field_4619 | |
m (FLbel;)V a method_13453 method_3868 | |
m (ILbel;F)V a method_12434 addPath | |
m (Lbej;)F a method_13454 method_3867 | |
c byk net/minecraft/class_3299 net/minecraft/client/render/debug/BlockOutlineDebugRenderer | |
f Lbib; a field_16142 client | |
c byl net/minecraft/class_2892 net/minecraft/client/render/debug/WaterDebugRenderer | |
f Lbib; a field_13627 client | |
f Laed; b field_14981 field_4632 | |
f D c field_14982 field_4631 | |
f D d field_14983 field_4630 | |
f D e field_14984 field_4633 | |
c byn net/minecraft/class_3099 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/AbstractHorseEntityRenderer | |
f Ljava/util/Map; a field_15292 field_0_11696 | |
f F j field_15293 scale | |
m (Laao;)Lnf; a method_13858 getTexture | |
m (Laao;F)V a method_13859 scale | |
c byo net/minecraft/class_2893 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/AreaEffectCloudEntityRenderer | |
m (Lve;)Lnf; a method_12435 getTexture | |
c byp net/minecraft/class_2486 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/ArmorStandEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_11095 TEXTURE | |
m ()Lbpe; a method_10190 method_4038 | |
m (Labz;)Lnf; a method_10191 getTexture | |
m (Labz;DDDFF)V a method_12437 render | |
m (Labz;FFF)V a method_12438 setupTransforms | |
m (Labz;)Z b method_10193 hasLabel | |
c byp$1 net/minecraft/class_2486$1 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/ArmorStandEntityRenderer$1 | |
f Lbyp; a field_11096 field_4643 | |
c byq net/minecraft/class_540 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/ProjectileEntityRenderer | |
m (Laeh;DDDFF)V a method_1497 render | |
c byr net/minecraft/class_1349 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/BatEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6466 TEXTURE | |
m (Lzt;)Lnf; a method_5733 getTexture | |
m (Lzt;F)V a method_4326 scale | |
m (Lzt;FFF)V a method_4327 setupTransforms | |
c bys net/minecraft/class_541 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/BlazeEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6467 TEXTURE | |
m (Lacq;)Lnf; a method_5734 getTexture | |
c byt net/minecraft/class_542 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/BoatEntityRenderer | |
f Lbqf; a field_2085 field_4647 | |
f [Lnf; f field_13628 TEXTURES | |
m (DDD)V a method_12439 translateToBoat | |
m (Lafd;)Lnf; a method_5735 getTexture | |
m (Lafd;DDDFF)V a method_1499 render | |
m (Lafd;FF)V a method_12440 rotateToBoat | |
m (Lafd;DDDFF)V b method_12441 renderSecondPass | |
c byu net/minecraft/class_1632 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/CaveSpiderEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6469 TEXTURE | |
m (Lacr;)Lnf; a method_5736 getTexture | |
m (Lacr;F)V a method_5737 scale | |
c byv net/minecraft/class_543 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/ChickenEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6470 TEXTURE | |
m (Lzw;)Lnf; a method_5738 getTexture | |
m (Lzw;F)F a method_1501 getAnimationProgress | |
c byw net/minecraft/class_544 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/CowEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6471 TEXTURE | |
m (Lzx;)Lnf; a method_5739 getTexture | |
c byx net/minecraft/class_545 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/CreeperEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6473 TEXTURE | |
m (Lacs;)Lnf; a method_5740 getTexture | |
m (Lacs;F)V a method_1503 scale | |
m (Lacs;FF)I a method_1504 getOverlayColor | |
c byy net/minecraft/class_546 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/DefaultEntityRenderer | |
c byz net/minecraft/class_2894 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/DragonFireballEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_13629 TEXTURE | |
m (Laei;)Lnf; a method_12442 getTexture | |
m (Laei;DDDFF)V a method_12443 render | |
c bz net/minecraft/class_752 net/minecraft/server/command/DebugCommand | |
f Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; a field_7445 field_13598 | |
f J b field_2727 field_0_8489 | |
f I c field_2728 field_0_8490 | |
m (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;Lnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;)V a method_2056 method_13155 | |
m (JILnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;)V a method_2057 method_13158 | |
m (JILnet/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer;)Ljava/lang/String; b method_2058 method_13162 | |
m ()Ljava/lang/String; d method_2059 method_13160 | |
c bza net/minecraft/class_3100 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/ElderGuardianEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_15294 TEXTURE | |
m (Lada;F)V a method_13860 scale | |
m (Lada;)Lnf; method_10215 method_10215 getTexture | |
c bzb net/minecraft/class_547 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/EndCrystalEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6474 TEXTURE | |
f Lbqf; f field_2088 field_4662 | |
f Lbqf; g field_13630 field_4664 | |
m (Labc;)Lnf; a method_5741 getTexture | |
m (Labc;DDDFF)V a method_1507 render | |
m (Labc;Lbxy;DDD)Z a method_12444 isVisible | |
c bzc net/minecraft/class_548 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/EnderDragonEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6476 CRYSTAL_BEAM_TEXTURE | |
f Lnf; j field_6475 EXPLOSION_TEXTURE | |
f Lnf; k field_6478 TEXTURE | |
m (DDDFDDDIDDD)V a method_12445 renderCrystalBeam | |
m (Labd;)Lnf; a method_5742 getTexture | |
m (Labd;DDDFF)V a method_1508 render | |
m (Labd;FFF)V a method_1510 setupTransforms | |
m (Labd;FFFFFF)V a method_1511 render | |
c bzd net/minecraft/class_549 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/EndermanEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_6480 TEXTURE | |
f Ljava/util/Random; j field_2093 random | |
m (Lacu;)Lnf; a method_5743 getTexture | |
m (Lacu;DDDFF)V a method_1513 render | |
m ()Lbpq; c method_13861 method_4038 | |
c bze net/minecraft/class_2487 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/EndermiteEntityRenderer | |
f Lnf; a field_11097 TEXTURE | |
m (Lacv;)F a method_10195 getLyingAngle | |
m (Lacv;)Lnf; b method_10196 getTexture | |
c bzf net/minecraft/class_550 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/EntityRenderDispatcher | |
f Lcdr; a field_6481 textureManager | |
f Lamu; b field_2100 world | |
f Lvg; c field_11098 field_4686 | |
f Lvg; d field_7998 targetedEntity | |
f F e field_2102 cameraYaw | |
f F f field_2103 cameraPitch | |
f Lbid; g field_2104 gameOptions | |
f D h field_2105 field_4695 | |
f D i field_2106 field_4694 | |
f D j field_2107 field_4693 | |
f Ljava/util/Map; k field_2108 renderers | |
f Ljava/util/Map; l field_11099 modelRenderers | |
f Lcct; m field_11100 playerRenderer | |
f Lbip; n field_2109 field_4689 | |
f D o field_2095 renderPosX | |
f D p field_2096 renderPosY | |
f D q field_2097 renderPosZ | |
f Z r field_11101 renderOutlines | |
f Z s field_11102 renderShadows | |
f Z t field_5192 renderHitboxes | |
m (Lcdr;Lbzw;)V <init> <init> <init> | |
p 1 textureManager | |
p 2 itemRenderer | |
m ()Z a method_10197 shouldRenderShadows | |
m (DDD)V a method_10198 setRenderPosition | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (F)V a method_10199 method_3945 | |
p 1 yaw | |
m (Lamu;)V a method_1522 setWorld | |
p 1 world | |
m (Lamu;Lbip;Lvg;Lvg;Lbid;F)V a method_10200 method_3941 | |
m (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lbzg; a method_1518 getRenderer | |
p 1 clazz | |
m (Lvg;)Lbzg; a method_1519 getRenderer | |
p 1 entity | |
m (Lvg;DDDFF)V a method_4328 renderHitbox | |
m (Lvg;DDDFFZ)V a method_12446 render | |
m (Lvg;F)V a method_12447 renderSecondPass | |
m (Lvg;FZ)V a method_12448 render | |
m (Lvg;Lbxy;DDD)Z a method_10201 shouldRender | |
m (Z)V a method_10202 setRenderShadows | |
p 1 value | |
m ()Z b method_10203 shouldRenderHitboxes | |
m (DDD)D b method_1517 getSquaredDistanceToCamera | |
p 1 x | |
p 3 y | |
p 5 z | |
m (Lvg;)Z b method_12449 hasSecondPass | |
m (Z)V b method_10205 setRenderHitboxes |
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