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Tim Arnold timarnold

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A lot is being written these days about ReactiveCocoa and the paradigms it introduces. In my opinion, there are only two sides giving their opinion: the ones that know a lot about it and are therefore obviously biased, and the ones that refuse to learn it.

I decided to write something myself because I think I'm right in the middle. A few months ago I knew nothing about it, and now I know enough to want to use it every day. I hope that by not being an expert, I can actual introduce a few really simple ideas in a much easier way to pick up by newcomers, to show why I think ReactiveCocoa is an incredibly powerful tool to help us write better, cleaner, and more maintainable code.

It's signals all the way down

The base of everything that happens in ReactiveCocoa is signals. I'm going to try to explain what they represent and why they fit in the way we think about what happens on an app. A lot of the things you may read about Functional Reactive Programming end up confusing you when t