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Created August 21, 2015 09:22
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2015-08-20: Go Workshop Notes

2015-08-20: Go Workshop Notes

Variables and Types

  • Type gives the compiler two things: size + representation. The compiler guarantees these types

  • When initialising a variable using var, it is given its zero value

  • Strings, slices, maps, interfaces are all reference types

  • Strings are immutable two-word data structures

    • First word is a reference (pointer) to an array
    • Second word is the number of bytes in the underlying array
  • Use unsized types (e.g. int, float) unless you specifically need the size

    • It'll use the word size of the underlying architecture
  • := is a short variable declaration operator: it initialises and infers the type from the value on the RHS

    • SVD must declare at least one variable (e.g. var r string; r, err := foo() would compile)
  • Go doesn't allow casting; it converts instead (e.g. a := int32(10))

  • struct allows us to create user-defined types

  • example{ ... } defines a struct literal (assuming the type example struct has been defined)

type example struct { ... }
e1 := example{} // <-- don't do this
var e1 example  // do this: use `var` when you can (zero-allocation)
                // (exceptions: making code easier to read / reason)
  • With named types, compiler will enforce type compatibility
  • With anonymous (unnamed) types, compiler treats as compatible if the type definition matches


  • Values can exist on the stack or the heap
  • A value only counts as being allocated when it's on the heap
  • Addresses in stack space go down
    • i.e. a value added to the stack will have a lower address than once added before it
  • Anything on the stack does not have to be garbage collected
    • Stack frames remain allocated on the way back up, and get written / initialised on the way down
  • Don't think about this when writing code: write for ease of maintenance, then benchmark and tweak
  • 4k stack space in 1.4, 2k in 1.5.
  • & operator retrieves the address of a value
  • "Sharing" == pointers
  • With pointers, we're still passing by value, but the value is an address
  • The value for a pointer variable (e.g. *int) is always an address
    • The address must always point to a value of the correct type (int, in this case)
  • Confusion: the * operator is used in both type definition and pointer dereferencing
    • E.g. func increment(inc *int) { ... } vs. println("Inc:", *inc)
  • Example of dangers of using addresses / relying on implementation which might not work in the next version:
    • Values "escape" from the stack to the heap (escape analysis)
    • Use go build -gcflags -m to see escape analysis and heap allocation
    • (-gcflags -S shows all the Plan 9 machine code for your code)


  • Constants are a compile-time construct (only exist at compile type)
  • They also have a parallel type system
  • Lowest level precision for a numeric constant are 256 bits, and are considered mathematically exact
  • Untyped constants with a given kind (e.g. const ui = 12345) can be implicitly converted by the compiler
  • Typed constants (e.g. const ti int = 12345) can't be implicitly converted
  • You get additional flexibility by using untyped constants
  • If you hear the phrase "ideal type," whoever said it is talking about constants of a kind
  • See package time for a really good use of constants + implicit type conversion
    • (it's also a good example of where constants can be a helpful part of a package's API)


  • Three different scopes: package, function local, and block
  • "Block" scopes include anything delimited by {}, which includes if and for blocks
    • if _, err := foo(); err != nil { ... }
  • Be mindful of variable shadowing: easy to do without realising


  • Every package can have an init() function, which will execute before main()
    • (you can technically have multiple init() methods in the same package...)
    • Importing a package using a blank identifier means the imported package's init() functions will be called
      • E.g. import ( _ foo), often used with database packages


  • Programs should not panic, and if they do you probably want the stack trace (so don't handle panics)
  • Three ways to terminate your program: panic() (to shut down and get the stracktrace), log.Fatal or os.Exit
  • If you need to handle a panic, use defer + recover() (it's the only way to capture a panic)
    • defer isn't free: setup + a heap allocation (which gets cleaned up, so doesn't require GC)
    • See for an example of capturing a strack trace


  • The array is the core data structure behind slices, strings, etc
  • Pointer arithmetic is disallowed, e.g. trying to add to the location of an array
  • Iteration: use for ... range because it's safe (you can't go outside the range of the array)
for i, fruit := range strings {  // fruit is a copy of each element
	fmt.Println(i, fruit)
  • The size of an array is part of its type: [4]int is of a different type to [5]int
  • "An array is just a slice waiting to happen"


  • Slices are backed by arrays
  • It is the core data structure, you're unlikely to write any program without them
  • A slice is a reference type, like a string, but with 3 elements:
    • pointer: pointer to the memory location of the backing array
    • length: the number of elements in the slice
    • capacity: the total capacity of the underlying array
  • Use make() to create an empty slice, e.g. slice := make([]string, 5) for a 5-element slice
    • Binary arity version of make() will set both length and capacity to the same thing
  • Use slices of values, not pointers, because the data will be contiguous in memory
  • A nil slice ([]T) has both a length and capacity of 0
  • Use append() to add elements to a slice
    • If the length and capacity are equal, a new underlying array is created, values are copied across, new element is appended, and the new slice header (with correct pointer, length and capacity) is returned
    • When capacity is <1000, the capacity is doubled; after that, it ranges between ~20-40%
  • You can create slices of slices, which is a new view of the underlying array
    • s2 := s1[2:4]: starting index is 2, 2nd element is an exclusive end index
    • Think of the 2nd element as start_index + required_length
    • The length of the new slice will be the requested range
    • The capacity of the new slice will be cap(s1) - starting_index
  • Writing to multiple slices off the same backing array is unsafe (values can be overridden)
  • For safe appends, use a three-index slice to set the capacity to the same as the length: s2 := s1[2:4:4]
    • Appending to s2 will require a new backing array to be created, making the write safe
  • You can create a slice over all of an array via s := a[:]
  • If you can exclude the start_index if want a slice starting from the beginning: s2 := s1[:4]
  • Nil slice: var data []string; Empty slice: data := []string{}
    • Use an empty slice only if required, e.g. for JSON serialisation (empty slice will return {}, not null)
  • Parlour trick: a := []string{100:""} <-- create an array of length 101 with a[100] == ""
  • If you know the exact size of the slice, It's more efficient to declare that capacity up front
    • But that will involve an apparently magic number, so don't do it unless you really need to


  • A function becomes a method when a receiver is attached to it
  • Receivers can be a value or pointer receiver:
    • value: operates on its own copy of the receiver
    • pointer: operates on a shared value
  • Value type will automatically be adjusted if necessary:
    • If you call a method with a value receiver with a pointer, Go will automatically dereference
    • If you call a method with a pointer receiver with a value, Go will automatically create a reference
  • All this is really just syntactic sugar; the receiver is effectively the first parameter to the function


  • Interfaces provide polymorphism, just like any other OO language
  • Interface type values are reference values: 1st word is the referred-to type; 2nd word is pointer
  • The nil value for an interface has a nil type and a nil pointer
  • There is no keyword implements or similar; it just need to be declared with the correct signature
  • Receiver type (value or pointer) is very important
  • Values of the incorrect type will not be adjusted automatically
  • Only values that implement the interface can be used
  • Think of it from the receiver point of view
    • If you implement an interface using a pointer receiver, only pointers satisfy the interface
  • We can't always take the address of T, so we can't include the pointer receiver in the method set
    • E.g. a plain numeric value might be stuck straight in a register, so has no memory address

Concurrency: Goroutines

  • Concurrency is about managing lots of things at once
  • Parallelism is about doing lots of things at once
  • Any function or method can be launched as a goroutine
  • By default, one logical processor (one per core in >=1.5) and each logical processor is given one OS thread
    • Keep the minimum number of OS threads as busy as possible
    • Don't launch more logical processors than you have cores
  • Scheduler uses a number of triggers to decide when to do the next thing (blocking calls, GC, function calls...)
  • A system call may result in the scheduler kicking up an new OS thread while waiting for the system call to return
  • Don't code to the above: code assuming every goroutine is currently running
    • Avoids race conditions (use go build -race or go test -race to detect race conditions)
    • Calls running / returning in different orders
    • Reading + writing data at the same time
  • Any function or method call (including anonymous) can be made in to a goroutine by using the go keyword
  • More than one goroutine == chaos.
  • If main() ends, the program ends, so use sync.WaitGroup to ensure all goroutines are finished
  • runtime.GOMAXPROCS() can be used to set the number of logical processors, to allow goroutines to run in parallel
  • No concept of affinity between logical processors

Concurrency: Channels

  • A channel is not a queue (even if it can act like one, that's not its purpose)
  • It's a way of creating guarantees in your code, and switching responsibility between goroutines
  • Unbuffered channel: guaranteed that the recipient has received the message
    • This means that sender and/or recipient may be blocked
  • Buffered channels have a performance benefit, and may avoid the blocking, but there are risks associated with it
    • Data may not be processed immediately, and if something goes wrong then the data may be lost
    • There's no guarantee that data is going to come out the other end
    • What happens when you reach the limit of the buffer? Then you do get blocking
  • Suggested rule: don't used buffered channels, especially when the buffer >1
    • If you can guarantee something will never block, then fine
    • Use an unbuffered channel to ensure you understand what happens if the channel does block, then add buffering
  • Unbuffered channel: receive happens first, then send; vice versa for buffered channel
  • Being able to measure things like back-pressure is important
  • Worker pools are a good, measurable pattern
  • Sending on a nil channel will panic; receiving on a nil channel will block forever (so use make(chan T))
  • close(c) will set state on the channel
    • Closing a channel does not mark it for GC, which will happen if there are no references left to it
    • A channel cannot be closed more than once
    • A send on a closed channel will panic
    • Any routines receiving on a channel will be immediately notified (would receive the zero value for the type)
    • A second param on a channel receive (x, ok := <-ch) is only needed if a channel is being explicitly closed
  • A channel with a type struct{} can be used just for notifications
  • select + case allows us to receive on multiple channels at the same time

Type Assertions

  • Also called boxing + unboxing
  • A method of pulling a concrete type out of an interface

Notes, Tips and Suggestions

  • Lots of Go's idioms are based around mechanical sympathy (working with the hardware)
  • Go's syntax is "done" - going forward it's all about performance
  • Start by understanding type, then once you've got that, move on to behaviour and API design
  • Don't use the built-in println; use fmt.Println
  • Don't pass pointers of reference types
    • The pass-by-value semantics will copy the slice header, which is effectively a pointer
  • Empty structs are zero-allocation
  • Go has closures
  • Sending a SIGQUIT [Cmd-] to a Go program will instantly quit it and print a stacktrace
  • Define variables as close to where they're used (locally scoped if possible)
  • The closer the definition, the shorter the variable name can be
  • Anonymous structs are useful for avoiding type pollution where a type is only used locally
    • Example of use: JSON deserialisation
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