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Last active February 9, 2017 04:50
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An example of extending a prototypical game Entity to have different functionality (via adding functions to the prototype) in its server environment than on the game client.
/* ClientSide usage test, via browserify */
var Entity = require('./Entity')
// the client receives data about a new entity:
var ent = Entity.newFromJson({ name: 'newbie', x: 12, y: -6 })
console.log(, ent.x, ent.y) // outputs "newbie 12 -6"
// an existing entity receives an update from the server:
ent.updateFromJson({ name: 'newbie the renamed', x: 2, y: 2 })
console.log(, ent.x, ent.y) // outputs "newbie the renamed 2 2"
// a simple game entity having a name and positional data
function Entity(name) { = name
this.x = 0
this.y = 0
this.speed = 5
module.exports = Entity
// adds render, newFromJson, and updateFromJson to entity
module.exports = function(Entity) {
// draws an Entity
Entity.prototype.render = function(drawDelta, context) {
// actual drawing code would go here
// creates an Entity from json data
Entity.newFromJson = function(entityJson) {
var entity = new Entity(
entity.x = entityJson.x
entity.y = entityJson.y
return entity
// updates an entity from json data
Entity.prototype.updateFromJson = function(entityJson) { =
this.x = entityJson.x
this.y = entityJson.y
// adds an update(delta) to entity, which runs its ai logic
module.exports = function(Entity) {
// updates an entity from json data
Entity.prototype.update = function(delta) {
console.log(, 'updating')
// AI for an entity that patrols from right to left
// the actual behavior is irrelevant, I just wanted to have a complex behavior for the serverside example
function PatrolState(entity, distance) {
this.entity = entity
this.distance = distance
this.x0 = entity.x
this.y0 = entity.y
this.movingRight = true
PatrolState.prototype.update = function(delta) {
if (this.movingRight) {
// travel to the right
this.entity.x += delta * this.entity.speed
// until distance reached
if (this.entity.x > this.x0 + this.distance) {
// then turn around
this.movingRight = false
} else {
// travel to the left
this.entity.x += delta * this.entity.speed * -1
// until distance reached (negative)
if (this.entity.x < this.x0 - this.distance) {
// then turn around
this.movingRight = true
module.exports = PatrolState
/* ServerSide usage example */
var PatrolState = require('./PatrolState')
var Entity = require('./Entity')
// create an entity and give it the patroller AI
var sEnt = new Entity('Jimmy') = new PatrolState(sEnt, 5)
// run a game loop @ 20 FPS, updating our entity Jimmy
var tickLengthMs = 1000 / 20
var previousTick =
var main = function () {
var now =
if (previousTick + tickLengthMs <= now) {
var delta = (now - previousTick) / 1000
previousTick = now
main() // output: counts from ~ -5 to 5 as Jimmy patrols back and forth
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