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Dreaming of ramen

Tim Lehr timlehr

Dreaming of ramen
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timlehr / FFmpeg Cheat
Created April 14, 2023 23:10 — forked from dexeonify/FFmpeg Cheat
Some basic and frequently-used FFmpeg command lines compiled into one long gist.
timlehr /
Created November 8, 2018 17:00 — forked from mottosso/
Parallel Evaluation in Maya 2018+

An example of parallel evaluation in Maya 2018+


  1. Independent hierarchies, with parent constraint


Files prefixed scene* generate nodes suitable for parallelism, profile* contain ways to measure performance. Each snippet of code is meant to be copy/pasted into the Script Editor and run.

timlehr /
Created August 10, 2018 22:22
Capture Maya viewport to QImage
import ctypes
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.OpenMayaUI as omui
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
# Capture viewport to MImage
view = omui.M3dView.active3dView()
mIm = om.MImage()
timlehr / .py
Created May 31, 2017 17:24
Photo mosaic script (Linux, Python, Imagick)
import os, sys, math, subprocess, shlex
from shutil import copy2
if __name__ == '__main__':
walkdir = "/mnt/tlehr/projects/btb_mosaic/photos/" # folder which contains all photos
destdir = "/mnt/tlehr/projects/btb_mosaic/collection/" # folder to which the specific photos to use will be copied
destfile = "/mnt/tlehr/projects/btb_mosaic/mosaic.jpg" # filepath to the resulting image