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Created October 5, 2023 17:47
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Get image pixel data on Expo/React Native
import Expo2DContext from 'expo-2d-context'
import { Asset } from 'expo-asset'
import { GLView, GLViewProps } from 'expo-gl'
import React from 'react'
export type PixelData = {
asset: Asset
data: Uint8ClampedArray
height: number
width: number
export type PixelDataSource = Omit<PixelData, 'data'>
type GetPixelDataParams = {
expo2dContext: Expo2DContext
source: PixelDataSource
export const getPixelData = async (
params: GetPixelDataParams
): Promise<PixelData> => {
const { expo2dContext, source } = params
const rectangle = [0, 0, source.width, source.height] as const
// @ts-ignore
expo2dContext.drawImage(source.asset, ...rectangle)
return { ...source, data: expo2dContext.getImageData(...rectangle).data }
type GLViewWithPixelDataProps = Omit<
'enableExperimentalWorkletSupport' | 'msaaSamples' | 'onContextCreate'
> & {
isHidden?: boolean
source: PixelDataSource
onPixelDataChange: (pixelData: PixelData) => void
export function GLViewWithPixelData(props: GLViewWithPixelDataProps) {
const { isHidden = false, source, onPixelDataChange, } = props
return source.height > 0 && source.width > 0 ? (
height: source.height,
width: source.width,
...(isHidden && {
opacity: 0,
pointerEvents: 'none',
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: -1,
onContextCreate={async (glContext) => {
if (
glContext.drawingBufferHeight > 1 &&
glContext.drawingBufferWidth > 1
) {
// @ts-ignore
const expo2dContext = new Expo2DContext(glContext, {
renderWithOffscreenBuffer: true,
const pixelData = await getPixelData({ expo2dContext, source })
) : null
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fxxholub commented Aug 8, 2024

It still works! Thats magic, only working code for reading pixels, that can be found on internet. Do you have an idea how to make it work for web thru expo?

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