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Created October 7, 2022 12:38
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A very simple protobuf plugin, using @bufbuild/protoplugin
version: v1
- name: foo
path: ./protoc-gen-foo.ts
out: gen
opt: target=ts
# run `buf generate` to generate code for example.proto
message Foo {
string foo = 1;
bool bar = 2;
"name": "pluginfoo",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"@bufbuild/protoplugin": "0.1.1",
"tsx": "^3.10.1"
#!/usr/bin/env npx tsx
// make sure to make this file executable with `chmod +x protoc-gen-foo.ts`
import {createEcmaScriptPlugin, runNodeJs} from "@bufbuild/protoplugin";
const plugin = createEcmaScriptPlugin({name: "foo", version: "0.0.1"},
schema => {
for (const file of schema.files) {
const openApi = {
messages: [],
for (const message of file.messages) {
const f = schema.generateFile( + "_openapi.json");
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