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Created October 27, 2022 13:41
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Using exports and imports in @bufbuild/protoplugin
import {localName, GeneratedFile, ImportSymbol, Schema} from "@bufbuild/protoplugin/ecmascript";
import type {DescMessage} from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
export function generateTs(schema: Schema) {
const map = new Map<DescMessage, ImportSymbol>();
function getFunctionName(f: GeneratedFile, message: DescMessage): ImportSymbol {
let s = map.get(message);
if (!s) {
s = f.export(`validate${localName(message)}`);
map.set(message, s);
return s;
function generateMessage(f: GeneratedFile, message: DescMessage) {
f.print("export function ", getFunctionName(f, message), "() {");
for (const field of message.fields) {
if (field.fieldKind === "message") {
f.print(" ", getFunctionName(f, field.message), "();");
for (const nestedMessage of message.nestedMessages) {
generateMessage(f, nestedMessage);
for (const file of schema.files) {
const f = schema.generateFile( + "_validate.ts");
for (const message of file.messages) {
generateMessage(f, message);
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But quite frankly, this is pretty awkward 🙈
Your f.import(name, ... above seems much more straight forward!

function generateTs(schema: Schema) {
  function getFunctionName(f: GeneratedFile, message: DescMessage): ImportSymbol {
    const name = `validate${localName(message)}`;
    return f.import(name, `./${}_validate.js`);

  function generateMessage(f: GeneratedFile, message: DescMessage) {
    f.print("export function ", getFunctionName(f, message), "() {");
    for (const field of message.fields) {
      if (field.fieldKind === "message") {
        f.print("  ", getFunctionName(f, field.message), "();");
    for (const nestedMessage of message.nestedMessages) {
      generateMessage(f, nestedMessage);

  for (const file of schema.files) {
    const f = schema.generateFile( + "_validate.ts");
    for (const message of file.messages) {
      generateMessage(f, message);

Thanks for shaking this out ❤️

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