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Last active January 29, 2025 08:34
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Retrieves all post meta data according to the structure in the $config array. Provides a convenient and more performant alternative to ACF's `get_field()`. This function is especially useful when working with ACF repeater and flexible content fields. See details at
* Retrieves all post meta data according to the structure in the $config
* array.
* Provides a convenient and more performant alternative to ACF's
* `get_field()`.
* This function is especially useful when working with ACF repeater fields and
* flexible content layouts.
* @link
* @version 1.2.5
* @param integer $post_id Required. Post ID.
* @param array $config Required. An array that represents the structure of
* the custom fields. Follows the same format as the
* ACF export field groups array.
* @return array
function get_all_custom_field_meta( $post_id, array $config ) {
$results = array();
foreach ( $config as $field ) {
if ( empty( $field['name'] ) ) {
$meta_key = $field['name'];
if ( isset( $field['meta_key_prefix'] ) ) {
$meta_key = $field['meta_key_prefix'] . $meta_key;
$field_value = get_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key, true );
if ( isset( $field['layouts'] ) ) { // We're dealing with flexible content layouts.
if ( empty( $field_value ) ) {
// Build a keyed array of possible layout types.
$layout_types = [];
foreach ( $field['layouts'] as $key => $layout_type ) {
$layout_types[ $layout_type['name'] ] = $layout_type;
foreach ( $field_value as $key => $current_layout_type ) {
$new_config = $layout_types[ $current_layout_type ]['sub_fields'];
if ( empty( $new_config ) ) {
foreach ( $new_config as &$field_config ) {
$field_config['meta_key_prefix'] = $meta_key . "_{$key}_";
$results[ $field['name'] ][] = array_merge(
'acf_fc_layout' => $current_layout_type,
get_all_custom_field_meta( $post_id, $new_config )
} elseif ( isset( $field['sub_fields'] ) ) { // We're dealing with repeater fields.
if ( empty( $field_value ) ) {
for ( $i = 0; $i < $field_value; $i ++ ) {
$new_config = $field['sub_fields'];
if ( empty( $new_config ) ) {
foreach ( $new_config as &$field_config ) {
$field_config['meta_key_prefix'] = $meta_key . "_{$i}_";
$results[ $field['name'] ][] = get_all_custom_field_meta( $post_id, $new_config );
} else {
$results[ $field['name'] ] = $field_value;
} // End if().
} // End foreach().
return $results;
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