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Created March 11, 2022 23:03
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Auto Downcast DataFrame dtypes
def type_cnvt(df, col, to, copy=True, errors="raise", bool_true=None, fillna=None):
import numpy as np
num_list = ["int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "float16", "float32", "float64", "float128"]
# error can be "raise" or "ignore" or "coerce"
i8_min, i8_max = np.iinfo(np.int8)._min_vals.get("i8"), np.iinfo(np.int8)._max_vals.get("i8")
i16_min, i16_max = np.iinfo(np.int16)._min_vals.get("i16"), np.iinfo(np.int16)._max_vals.get("i16")
i32_min, i32_max = np.iinfo(np.int32)._min_vals.get("i32"), np.iinfo(np.int32)._max_vals.get("i32")
i64_min, i64_max = np.iinfo(np.int64)._min_vals.get("i64"), np.iinfo(np.int64)._max_vals.get("i64")
f16_min, f16_max = np.finfo(np.float16).min, np.finfo(np.float16).max
f32_min, f32_max = np.finfo(np.float32).min, np.finfo(np.float32).max
f64_min, f64_max = np.finfo(np.float64).min, np.finfo(np.float64).max
f128_min, f128_max = np.finfo(np.float128).min, np.finfo(np.float128).max
if (fillna != None):
inp = df.loc[:,col].fillna(value=fillna)
inp = df.loc[:,col]
if ((to == "boolean") or (to == "bool")):
if ((inp.isnull().values.any()) & (errors == "raise")):
return warnings.warn("\n\n" + col + " " + "ERROR: missing values present: consider switching 'errors' kwarg \n(")
elif (((len(inp.unique()) > 2) or (len(inp.unique()) < 2)) & (bool_true == None) & (errors == "raise")):
return warnings.warn("\n\n" + col + " " + "ERROR: to = 'bool' but missing 2 unique values to be converted" + str(inp.unique()) + "\n(")
elif ((bool_true == None) & (all(i in [0,1] for i in inp.unique()) != True) & (errors == "raise")):
return warnings.warn("\n\n" + col + " " + "ERROR: unique binary values are not 0 & 1; must set kwarg 'bool_true'")
elif ((inp.isnull().values.any()) & (fillna == None) & (errors == "coerce")):
return[inp == 1, inp == 0], condlist=[True, False], default=None)
elif (bool_true != None):
return[inp == bool_true], condlist=[True], default=False)
return inp.astype(dtype="bool", copy=copy, errors=errors)
elif ((to == "integer") or (to == "int")):
if ((any(i not in num_list for i in [inp.dtype]))):
return warnings.warn("\n\n" + col + " " + "ERROR: col dtype is not in " + str(num_list))
elif ((inp.isnull().values.any()) & (errors == "raise")):
return warnings.warn("\n\n" + col + " " + "ERROR: missing values present: consider switching 'errors' kwarg \n()")
elif ((inp.isnull().values.any()) & (errors == "coerce")):
return pd.to_numeric(arg=inp, downcast="integer", errors=errors)
elif ((inp.max() < i8_max) & (inp.min() > i8_min)):
return inp.astype(dtype="int8", copy=copy, errors=errors)
elif ((inp.max() < i16_max) & (inp.min() > i16_min)):
return inp.astype(dtype="int16", copy=copy, errors=errors)
elif ((inp.max() < i32_max) & (inp.min() > i32_min)):
return inp.astype(dtype="int32", copy=copy, errors=errors)
elif ((inp.max() < i64_max) & (inp.min() > i64_min)):
return inp.astype(dtype="int64", copy=copy, errors=errors)
return warnings.warn("\n\n" + col + " " + "ERROR: integer values do not fall within int limits \n(")
elif ((to == "float") or (to == "flt")):
if ((any(i not in num_list for i in [inp.dtype]))):
return warnings.warn("\n\n" + col + " " + "ERROR: col dtype is not in " + str(num_list))
elif ((inp.isnull().values.any()) & (errors == "raise")):
return warnings.warn("\n\n" + col + " " + "ERROR: missing values present: consider switching 'errors' kwarg \n()")
elif ((inp.isnull().values.any()) & (errors == "coerce")):
return pd.to_numeric(arg=inp, downcast="float", errors=errors)
## parquet doesn't support float half-precision ##
elif ((inp.max() < f16_max) & (inp.min() > f16_min)):
return inp.astype(dtype="float16", copy=copy, errors=errors)
elif ((inp.max() < f32_max) & (inp.min() > f32_min)):
return inp.astype(dtype="float32", copy=copy, errors=errors)
elif ((inp.max() < f64_max) & (inp.min() > f64_min)):
return inp.astype(dtype="float64", copy=copy, errors=errors)
elif ((inp.max() < f128_max) & (inp.min() > f128_min)):
return inp.astype(dtype="float128", copy=copy, errors=errors)
return warnings.warn("\n\n" + col + " " + "ERROR: float values do not fall within float limits \n(")
return warnings.warn("\n\n" + col + " " + "ERROR: to not in [boolean, integer, float]")
for i in list(d1.columns[["_flg" in i for i in d1.columns]]):
d1[i] = type_cnvt(df=d1, col=i, to="int8", errors="raise")
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