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Created November 16, 2021 18:33
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Convert browser ReadableStream to Node stream.Readable.
import { PassThrough, Readable, once, TransformOptions } from 'stream'
* Write to stream.
* Block until drained or aborted
async function write(stream: PassThrough, data: any, ac: AbortController) {
if (stream.write(data)) { return }
await once(stream, 'drain', ac)
* Background async task to pull data from the browser stream and push it into the node stream.
async function pull(fromBrowserStream: ReadableStream, toNodeStream: PassThrough) {
const reader = fromBrowserStream.getReader()
/* eslint-disable no-constant-condition, no-await-in-loop */
const ac = new AbortController()
const cleanup = () => {'close', cleanup)
reader.closed.finally(cleanup) // eslint-disable-line promise/catch-or-return
toNodeStream.once('close', cleanup)
try {
while (true) {
const { done, value } = await
if (done) {
if (!toNodeStream.writable) {
await write(toNodeStream, value, ac)
} catch (err) {
} finally {
/* eslint-enable no-constant-condition, no-await-in-loop */
* Convert browser ReadableStream to Node stream.Readable.
export function WebStreamToNodeStream(webStream: ReadableStream | Readable, nodeStreamOptions?: TransformOptions): Readable {
if ('pipe' in webStream) {
return webStream as Readable
// use PassThrough so we can write to it
const nodeStream = new PassThrough(nodeStreamOptions)
pull(webStream, nodeStream)
return nodeStream
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