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Last active March 23, 2022 23:05
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Instructions to get a running install of Unifi Video

Setup Unifi-Video


  • Debian 9
  • OpenJDK-8-jre 8u252
  • MongoDB 4.4

Install Debian 9 (Stretch)

Get the net-install image from for your particular Hardware (usually AMD64)

[Optional] Generate a USB installation media from the net-install image.

Do a simple install of Debian, no GUI with an SSH Server

The rest of these instructions are run as root (su).

Install OpenJDK-8

Unifi Video requires a specific version of Java-8 that requires pinning your Java version

Create a file /etc/apt/preferences.d/openjdk-8 with the content:

Package: openjdk-8-*
Pin: version 8u252-b09-1~deb9u1
Pin-Priority: 999

This pins Java8 to u252, the unifi-video will not run with later updates.

# Install the JRE with
apt install openjdk-8-jre

Add MongoDB package source

Setup the mongo db apt source and signing keys

# Fetch the signing key
wget -qO - | apt-key add -

# Add the apt source
echo "deb stretch/mongodb-org/4.4 main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org.list

Download and Install Unifi Video

Obtain the installer package for Debian 9 from the community download site

# Install the package
apt install ./unifi-video.Debian9_amd64.v3.10.13.deb

# Check it is running in systemd
systemctrl status unifi-video

Login via: https://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:7443/

Cameras may need to have their firmware downgraded to work with the older product.

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