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Created September 2, 2021 13:59
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kickstart, macOS 11.5.2 (/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/
## Copyright © 2002-2014, 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
## IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is licensed only for use on Apple-branded
## computers and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Apple Software
## License Agreement accompanying the package this file is a part of.
## You may not port this file to another platform without Apple's written consent.
sub Usage1
kickstart -- Quickly uninstall, install, activate, configure, and/or restart
components of Apple Remote Desktop without a reboot.
kickstart -uninstall -files -settings -prefs
-install -package <path>
-configure -users <user1,user2...>
-access -on -off
-privs -all -none
-mask <mask>
-allUsers [-privs <priv options>]
-computerinfo -set1 -1 <text>
-set2 -2 <text>
-set3 -3 <text>
-set4 -4 <text>
-setmenuextra -menuextra yes
-setdirlogins -dirlogins yes
-setreqperm -reqperm no
-setvnclegacy -vnclegacy yes
-setvncpw -vncpw mynewpw
-setwbem -wbem no
-restart -agent -console -menu
-targetdisk <mountpoint>
-help ## Show verbose documentation
- Uninstall program files (but not preferences and settings), install the given package, and then restart the service.
kickstart -uninstall -files -install -package RD_Admin_Install.pkg -restart -console
- Install the given package and then restart the ARD agent.
kickstart -install -package RD_Client_Install.pkg -restart -agent
- On 10.4 and earlier, stop the Remote Management service but, if activated, it will start after the next computer restart.
- On 10.5 and later, use kickstart -deactivate instead.
kickstart -stop
- Stop the Remote Management service and deactivate it so it will not start after the next computer restart.
kickstart -deactivate -stop
- Restart the agent.
kickstart -restart -agent -console
- Activate the Remote Management service and then restart the agent.
kickstart -activate -restart -agent -console
- Activate the Remote Management service, enable access, and restart the agent.
kickstart -activate -configure -access -on -restart -agent
- Disable user access.
kickstart -configure -access -off
- Give admin and bob all access.
kickstart -configure -access -on -privs -all -users admin,bob
- Use Directory Server accounts for authentication. Users must be a member of one of the ARD directory groups to authenticate.
kickstart -configure -clientopts -setdirlogins -dirlogins yes
- Disable the Remote Management menu extra.
kickstart -configure -clientopts -setmenuextra -menuextra no
The following examples are only for OS X 10.5 and later.
- Allow access for only these users (the users must be specified in a separate command).
kickstart -configure -allowAccessFor -specifiedUsers
- Allow access for all users and give all users full access.
kickstart -configure -allowAccessFor -allUsers -privs -all
- Start the Remote Management service.
kickstart -activate
Version 0.9
};} sub Usage2{qq{
This script can be run like any UNIX tool from the command line or
called from another script.
Before starting:
- Use this script at your own risk. Read it first and understand it.
- Log in as an administrator (you must have sudo privileges)
- Copy this script to any location you like (such as /usr/bin/local/)
- Ensure this file has Unix line endings, or it won't run.
- Run the script using "sudo" (enter your password if prompted)
sudo ./kickstart -restart -agent
Command-line switches:
The optional "parent" switches activate the top level kickstart features:
These features can be selected independently, but will always be done
in the order shown above.
For anything interesting to happen, you *must* specify one or more of
the parent options, plus one or more child options for those that
require them. Child options will be ignored unless their parent
option is also supplied.
All options are switches (they take no arguments), except for -package
<path> -users <userlist> and -mask <number>, as noted below.
-uninstall ## Enable the "uninstall" options:
-files ## Uninstall all ARD-related files
-settings ## Remove access privileges in System Preferences
-prefs ## Remove Remote Desktop administrator preferences
-install ## Enable the "install" options:
-package path ## Specify the path to an installer package to run
-configure ## Enable the "configure" options:
-users john,admin ## Specify users to set privs or access (default is all users)
-activate ## Activate ARD agent in Sys Prefs to run at startup
-deactivate ## Deactivate ARD agent in Sys Prefs to run at startup
-access ## Set access for users:
-on ## Grant access
-off ## Deny access
-privs ## Set the user's access privileges:
-none ## Disable all privileges for specified user
-all ## Grant all privileges (default)...
## ... or grant any these privileges...
-DeleteFiles ##
-ControlObserve ## Control AND observe (unless ObserveOnly is also specified)
-TextMessages ## Send a text message
-ShowObserve ## Show client when being observed or controlled
-OpenQuitApps ## Open and quit aplicationns
-GenerateReports ## Generate reports (and search hard drive)
-RestartShutDown ##
-SendFiles ## Send *and/or* retrieve files
-ChangeSettings ## Change system settings
-ObserveOnly ## Modify ControlObserve option to allow Observe mode only
-mask number ## Specify "naprivs" mask numerically instead (advanced)
-allowAccessFor ## Specify the Remote Management access mode
-allUsers ## Grant access to all local users
-specifiedUsers ## Only grant access to users with privileges
-computerinfo ## Specify all four computer info fields (default for each is empty)
-set1 -1 <text>
-set2 -2 <text>
-set3 -3 <text>
-set4 -4 <text>
-clientopts ## Allow specification of several opts.
-setmenuextra -menuextra yes|no ## Set whether menu extra appears in menu bar
-setdirlogins -dirlogins yes|no ## Set whether directory logins are allowed
-setreqperm -reqperm yes|no ## Allow VNC guests to request permission
-setvnclegacy -vnclegacy yes|no ## Allow VNC Legacy password mode
-setvncpw -vncpw mynewpw ## Set VNC Legacy PW
-setwbem -wbem yes|no ## Allow incoming WBEM requests over IP
-stop ## Stop the agent and/or console program (N/A if targetdisk is not /)
-restart ## Enable the "restart" options: (N/A if targetdisk is not /)
-agent ## Restart the ARD Agent and helper
-console ## Restart the console application
-menu ## Restart the menu extra
-targetdisk ## Disk on which to operate, specified as a mountpoint in
## the current filesystem. Defaults to the current boot volume: "/".
## NOTE: Disables the -restart options (does not affect currently
## running processes).
-verbose ## Print (non-localizable) output from installer tool (if used)
-quiet ## No feedback; just run.
-help ## Print this extended help message
ARD has four main components:
1) ARD Helper
2) ARD Agent & associated daemons
3) ARD Menu Extra (controlled by the SystemUIServer)
4) ARD Admin Console (if you have an Administrator license)
What this script does:
1) Any running ARD components will be stopped as needed. For example,
they'll be stopped before an uninstall, reinstall, or restart
request. They will not be restarted unless you specify the
-restart options.
2) Components will be restarted as required. For example, restarting
the administrator console forces a restart of the agent.
Restarting the agent, in turn, forces a restart of the helper.
3) If you -uninstall but don't specify a new installer to run, then
the -restart family of switches will be ignored.
4) Options can be specified in any order, but remember that the
options are ignored unless their parent options are specified. For
example, -package is ignored unless -install is specified.
You can make yourself a GUI-based kickstarter program to run this
script if you like. The options, set in the console, can be conveyed
via environment variables to this script, per a spec shown in the
source code for this script (or the traditional way using command-line
switches). Be sure the console application runs this script with sudo
privileges. The console should also specify its own location in the
APP environment variable, and may specify the location of a
STRINGS_FILE to use to load string definitions for any localizable
messages produced by this script.
A GUI console could stay up & running between runs of the script but
should avoid running multiple instances of this script at the same
This script can be used to grant very permissive incoming access
permissions. Do not use the -activate and -configure features unless
you know exactly what you're doing.
## Don't do anything if not running as root.
if ($> != 0) {die "$0 must be run as root or sudo ($>).\n";}
## Make sure perl will run us setuid by untainting PATH.
$ENV{PATH} = '';
use strict;
use IO::File;
use Foundation;
## These are the official ARD privilege mask definitions. We define
## them here and then parse the definitions into a dictionary mapping
## option names to bitfield masks.
my $PrivsFields =
#define kPrivSTUserHasAccess 0x80000000
#define kPrivSTTextMessages 0x00000001
#define kPrivSTControlObserve 0x00000002
#define kPrivSTSendFiles 0x00000004
#define kPrivSTDeleteFiles 0x00000008
#define kPrivSTGenerateReports 0x00000010
#define kPrivSTOpenQuitApps 0x00000020
#define kPrivSTChangeSettings 0x00000040
#define kPrivSTRestartShutDown 0x00000080
#define kPrivSTObserveOnly 0x00000100
#define kPrivSTShowObserve 0x40000000
my $AllPrivs;
my $PrivMasks =
map {$AllPrivs |= $_; $_}
grep {length}
map {/0x/ && eval || $_} $PrivsFields =~ m{kPrivST(\w+).*?(0x\w+)}g),
(AllPrivs => $AllPrivs,
NoPrivs => 0 )};
$PrivMasks->{AllPrivs} &= ~$PrivMasks->{ObserveOnly}; ## "all" means all on, but "ObserveOnly" is _not_ set.
## use Data::Dumper; die &Dumper($PrivMasks);
## We can process all options from environment variables and/or
## command-line switches. This spec gives the mapping.
my $EnvVarsToSwitchesSpec =
UNINSTALL => -uninstall,
UN_FILES => -files,
UN_SETTINGS => -settings,
UN_PREFS => -prefs,
INSTALL => -install,
IN_PACKAGE => {-package => $ENV{IN_PACKAGE}},
DEACTIVATE => -deactivate,
ACTIVATE => -activate,
CONFIGURE => -configure,
CN_USERS => {-users => $ENV{CN_USERS}},
CN_ACCESS => -access,
CN_ON => -on,
CN_OFF => -off,
CN_ALLOWACCESSFOR => -allowaccessfor,
CN_ALLUSERS => -allusers,
CN_SPECIFIEDUSERS => -specifiedusers,
CN_PRIVS => -privs,
CN_ALL => -all,
CN_NONE => -none,
CN_MASK => {-mask => $ENV{CN_MASK}},
(map {( ## Specific privs such as -ControlObserve, etc.
"CN_PRIV_$_" => "-$_"
)} keys %$PrivMasks),
CN_COMPINFO => -computerinfo,
CN_SET1 => -set1,
CN_SET2 => -set2,
CN_SET3 => -set3,
CN_SET4 => -set4,
CN_CMP_1 => {-1 => $ENV{CN_CMP_1}},
CN_CMP_2 => {-2 => $ENV{CN_CMP_2}},
CN_CMP_3 => {-3 => $ENV{CN_CMP_3}},
CN_CMP_4 => {-4 => $ENV{CN_CMP_4}},
CN_DOCOPTS => -docopts,
DO_SET_ALLOWOC => -setallowoc,
DO_SET_DOCSN => -setdocsn,
DO_SET_DOCSNNAM => -setdocsnnam,
DO_SET_DOCSNORG => -setdocsnorg,
DO_ALLOWOC => {-allowoc => $ENV{DO_ALLOWOC}},
DO_DOCSN => {-docsn => $ENV{DO_DOCSN }},
DO_DOCSNNAM => {-docsnnam => $ENV{DO_DOCSNNAM}},
DO_DOCSNORG => {-docsnorg => $ENV{DO_DOCSNORG}},
CN_CLIENTOPTS => -clientopts,
CO_SET_MENUEXTRA => -setmenuextra,
CO_SET_DIRLOGINS => -setdirlogins,
CO_SET_REQPERM => -setreqperm ,
CO_SET_VNCLEGACY => -setvnclegacy,
CO_SET_VNCPW => -setvncpw ,
CO_SET_WBEM => -setwbem ,
CO_MENUEXTRA => {-menuextra => $ENV{CO_MENUEXTRA}},
CO_DIRLOGINS => {-dirlogins => $ENV{CO_DIRLOGINS}},
CO_REQPERM => {-reqperm => $ENV{CO_REQPERM }},
CO_VNCLEGACY => {-vnclegacy => $ENV{CO_VNCLEGACY}},
CO_VNCPW => {-vncpw => $ENV{CO_VNCPW }},
CO_WBEM => {-wbem => $ENV{CO_WBEM }},
STOP => -stop,
RESTART => -restart,
RE_AGENT => -agent,
RE_CONSOLE => -console,
RE_MENU => -menu,
KS_TARGETDISK => {-targetdisk => $ENV{KS_TARGETDISK}},
KS_VERBOSE => -verbose,
KS_QUIET => -quiet,
KS_HELP => -help,
my ($EnvSwitches) = &ParseEnvVarsFromSpec($EnvVarsToSwitchesSpec);
my ($CmdSwitches, $ExtraArgs) = &ParseCmdVarsFromSpec($EnvVarsToSwitchesSpec);
## We combine the Cmd & Env switches into $opt hash: Cmds override Envs
my $opt = {%$CmdSwitches,
## use Data::Dumper; print &Dumper([grep {$ENV{$_} == 1} sort keys %ENV], [map {"$_: $opt->{$_}"} sort keys %$opt]);
## Parse specified privileges.
my $SpecifiedPrivs = do {my $x;
map {$x |= $PrivMasks->{$_}}
grep {$opt->{$_} > 0}
keys %$PrivMasks; $x} if $opt->{privs};
## If -privs -all or -none are specified, override any other settings.
$SpecifiedPrivs = (($PrivMasks->{AllPrivs }) &
~$PrivMasks->{UserHasAccess} ) if $opt->{privs} && $opt->{all};
$SpecifiedPrivs = ( $PrivMasks->{NoPrivs } ) if $opt->{privs} && $opt->{none};
## use Data::Dumper; die &Dumper($SpecifiedPrivs, "0x".uc(unpack("H*", pack("l", $SpecifiedPrivs))), "" . (unpack("l" , pack("l", $SpecifiedPrivs))));
## Make sure we have a targetdisk
my $TargetDisk = $opt->{targetdisk} || "/";
$TargetDisk =~ s{([^/])$ }{$1/}x; ## Ensure trailing slash
my $TargetDiskIsBootVol = ($TargetDisk eq '/');
my $CurrentState = "";
## If we are post Tiger, we need to use dscl, otherwise we use nicl
my $serviceCmd = "";
my $databasePath = "";
my $UseLaunchd = 1;
my $RemoteManagementLaunchdFile = "";
my $ScreenSharingLaunchdFile = "";
my $isTrustRestricted = 0;
## Determine system version of target drive
if (`/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion` =~ /^(\d*)\.(\d*)/)
my $major = $1;
my $minor = $2;
if ($major < 10 || ($major == 10 && $minor < 11))
die "This version of kickstart requires macOS version 10.11 or later.\n";
# Use >= 10.11 launchd file path.
$RemoteManagementLaunchdFile = "/Library/Application Support/Apple/Remote Desktop/RemoteManagement.launchd";
if ($major > 10 || $minor >= 14)
$isTrustRestricted = 1;
my $DSLocalDB = "${TargetDisk}var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default";
die "Can't locate DSLocal database: $DSLocalDB\n" . Usage1() unless -e $DSLocalDB;
$serviceCmd = "/usr/bin/dscl -f '$DSLocalDB' localonly";
$databasePath = "/Local/Target/Users";
## Find all the active local users of the system (except common built-in users)
my $FoundUsers = "";
$FoundUsers = [map {(m{(\S+)\s+})[0]} `$serviceCmd -list $databasePath`];
my $FoundUsersHash = {map {($_ => $_)} @$FoundUsers};
my $AllUsers = [grep {!m{^(root|nobody|daemon|unknown|smmsp|www|mysql|sshd|lp|sendmail|postfix|eppc|qtss|cyrus|mailman)$ }x} @$FoundUsers ];
$AllUsers = [grep {(`$serviceCmd -read "$databasePath/$_" uid` =~ m{(\d+)})[0] > 500} @$AllUsers];
## use Data::Dumper; die &Dumper($AllUsers);
## Split the -users option into a list; if empty, default to all.
$opt->{users} = [split /[ ,]+/, $opt->{users}];
$opt->{users} = (@{$opt->{users}} ? [grep {exists($FoundUsersHash->{$_})} @{$opt->{users}}]: $AllUsers);
## use Data::Dumper; print &Dumper($opt);
## Turn off flags that depend on other flags
## Disable child options in each group if parent switch is not
## activated or required parameters not supplied.
$opt->{package} = '' unless $opt->{install};
$opt->{install} = '' unless $opt->{package};
$opt->{files} &&= $opt->{uninstall};
$opt->{settings} &&= $opt->{uninstall};
$opt->{prefs} &&= $opt->{uninstall};
$opt->{uninstall} &&= $opt->{prefs} || $opt->{settings} || $opt->{files};
# Plan to stop first if uninstalling (from boot volume anyway)
$opt->{stop} ||= $opt->{uninstall};
# Ignore -configure and -restart groups if files removed but not re-installed.
$opt->{configure} &&= $opt->{install} if $opt->{files};
$opt->{restart} &&= $opt->{install} if $opt->{files};
# Ignore -restart or -stop options if target disk is not the boot volume
$opt->{restart} &&= $TargetDiskIsBootVol;
$opt->{stop} &&= $TargetDiskIsBootVol;
$opt->{users} = undef if !$opt->{configure};
$opt->{access} &&= $opt->{configure};
$opt->{computerinfo} &&= $opt->{configure};
$opt->{allowaccessfor} &&= $opt->{configure};
$opt->{on} &&= $opt->{access};
$opt->{off} &&= $opt->{access};
$opt->{allusers} &&= $opt->{allowaccessfor};
$opt->{specifiedusers} &&= $opt->{allowaccessfor};
$opt->{privs} &&= $opt->{configure};
$opt->{all} &&= $opt->{privs};
$opt->{none} &&= $opt->{privs};
$opt->{mask} = (length ($opt->{mask}) ? $opt->{mask} : undef);
$opt->{mask} = undef if !$opt->{privs};
$opt->{privs} &&= $opt->{mask} || defined($SpecifiedPrivs);
$opt->{privs} = 0 if $opt->{allowaccessfor};
$opt->{configure} &&= $opt->{access} || $opt->{privs} || $opt->{computerinfo} || $opt->{clientopts} || $opt->{docopts} || $opt->{allowaccessfor};
$opt->{agent} &&= $opt->{restart};
$opt->{console} &&= $opt->{restart};
$opt->{menu} &&= $opt->{restart};
$opt->{restart} &&= $opt->{agent} || $opt->{console} || $opt->{menu};
## use Data::Dumper; die &Dumper($opt);
## Check for -h(elp) option
(print (Usage1() . Usage2())), exit if $opt->{help};
## Check for rogue arguments.
(print ("Extra arguments: @{[join(', ', map {qq{'$_'}} @$ExtraArgs)]}\n\n" . Usage1())), exit if @$ExtraArgs;
## Check that at least 1 of the 5 major actions has been chosen...
Echo('MSG_NOOP'), exit unless
$opt->{uninstall } ||
$opt->{install } ||
$opt->{deactivate} ||
$opt->{activate } ||
$opt->{configure } ||
$opt->{stop } ||
$opt->{restart }
## Show start message (see end for localizable message definitions)
## ... but skip it if a GUI app has already done it for us.
Echo('MSG_STRT') unless $ENV{APP};
Create an ARDParts object that knows about all ARD components:
1) whether they exist as files
2) whether they are currently running as processes.
To keep this script self-contained, the "ARDParts" object module is
defined in this same script file (at the end).
The object definition contains a table of PartIDs (e.g. ARD_ADMIN) and
their corresponding standard locations.
my $Parts = ARDParts->new({PARENT_GUI_APP => $ENV{APP}, TARGET_DISK => $TargetDisk});
## Decide whether we'll be changing component files by installing or
## uninstalling (files).
my $FileChanges = ($opt->{install} || $opt->{files});
## Decide what to kill at the start
my $KillHelper = ($opt->{stop} || $opt->{agent} || $FileChanges) && $TargetDiskIsBootVol;
my $KillAgent = ($opt->{stop} || $opt->{agent} || $FileChanges) && $TargetDiskIsBootVol;
my $KillAdmin = ($opt->{stop} || $opt->{console}) && $TargetDiskIsBootVol;
## Deactivate if appropriate...
if ($opt->{deactivate})
$CurrentState = `/bin/launchctl list 2>/dev/null`;
if (index($CurrentState, 'Label') != -1) {
system("/bin/launchctl", "unload", "-w", "/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/");
TryKill(qw(SS_DAEMON MSG_SS 9));
TryKill(qw(SS_AGENT MSG_SS 9));
system("/bin/rm", "-f", "${TargetDisk}${RemoteManagementLaunchdFile}");
### Activate
## Set ARD to start up at boot time by removing and re-adding the
## ARDAGENT=-YES- tag in /etc/hostconfig
if ($opt->{activate})
if ($isTrustRestricted)
if ($TargetDiskIsBootVol)
$CurrentState = `/bin/launchctl list 2>/dev/null`;
if (index($CurrentState, 'Label') == -1) {
system("/bin/launchctl", "load", "-wF", "/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/");
my $LaunchdOverrideFile = "${TargetDisk}var/db/launchd.db/";
system("/usr/bin/defaults", "write", $LaunchdOverrideFile, "", '{ Disabled = 0; }');
chmod 0600, $LaunchdOverrideFile;
chown 0, 0, $LaunchdOverrideFile;
## Try to kill everything we might need to kill.
TryKill(qw(ARD_ADMIN MSG_KA 9)) if $KillAdmin;
TryKill(qw(ARD_HELPER MSG_KH 9)) if $KillHelper;
TryKill(qw(ARD_HELPER2 MSG_KH 9)) if $KillHelper;
TryKill(qw(ARD_HELPER3 MSG_KH 9)) if $KillHelper;
TryKill(qw(ARD_AGENT MSG_KG 9)) if $KillAgent;
TryKill(qw(ARD_AGENT2 MSG_KG 9)) if $KillAgent;
TryKill(qw(ARD_RMDB MSG_DB 9)) if $KillAgent;
# Kill privilege proxy before AppleVNCServer so that the next started AppleVNCServer doesn't talk to the old privilege proxy.
TryKill(qw(ARD_VNCPRIVPROXY MSG_PP 9)) if $KillAgent;
TryKill(qw(ARD_VNC MSG_VN 9)) if $KillAgent;
TryKill(qw(ARD_RFBREGMDNS MSG_RR 9)) if $KillAgent;
TryKill(qw(ARD_VIEWER MSG_VW 9)) if $KillAgent;
TryKill(qw(ARD_MSG MSG_MG 9)) if $KillAgent;
TryKill(qw(ARD_CIMOM MSG_CM 9)) if $KillAgent;
## Just in case.
#TryKill(qw(ARD_AGENT MSG_KG 9)) if $KillAgent;
#TryKill(qw(ARD_AGENT2 MSG_KG 9)) if $KillAgent;
### Uninstall
TryRemv(qw(ARD_MENU MSG_RM )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_ADMIN_APP MSG_RA )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_HELPER MSG_RH )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_HELPER2 MSG_RH )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_HELPER3 MSG_RH )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_AGENT MSG_RG )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_AGENT2 MSG_RG )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_STARTUP MSG_RS )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_PREFPANE MSG_RP )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_DOCS MSG_RD )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_RECEIPTS MSG_RE )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_CIMOM_DIR MSG_RCM )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_RMDB_DIR MSG_RDB )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_VNC_DIR MSG_RVN )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_AGENT_APP MSG_RAD )) if $opt->{files};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_USRPREFS MSG_RU )) if $opt->{prefs};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_SYSPREFS MSG_RX )) if $opt->{settings};
TryRemv(qw(ARD_AGTPREFS MSG_RY )) if $opt->{settings};
TryRemv(qw( RM_SYSPREFS MSG_RZ )) if $opt->{settings};
if ($opt->{settings})
## Remove all local users' "naprivs" property (it's a bitmask)
foreach (@$AllUsers) {system(qq{$serviceCmd -destroy "$databasePath/$_" naprivs})};
### Install
Echo('MSG_INST') if $opt->{install};
RunInstaller($opt->{package}, 'MSG_IN', $TargetDisk, $opt->{verbose}) if $opt->{install};
## Remember how some things were before we changed things.
my $AdminWasRunning = $Parts->PartIsRunning ('ARD_ADMIN');
my $AdminOldOwner = $Parts->PartProcessOwner('ARD_ADMIN');
my $HadMenuExtra = $Parts->PartExists ('ARD_MENU' );
## Rescan parts to see what process and files might be different now.
$Parts = ARDParts->new({PARENT_GUI_APP => $ENV{APP}, TARGET_DISK => $TargetDisk});
my $HaveAdminNow = ($Parts->PartExists('ARD_ADMIN' ));
my $HaveAgentNow = ($Parts->PartExists('ARD_AGENT' ) ||
$Parts->PartExists('ARD_AGENT2' ));
my $HaveExtraNow = ($Parts->PartExists('ARD_MENU' ));
my $HaveHelperNow= ($Parts->PartExists('ARD_HELPER' ) ||
$Parts->PartExists('ARD_HELPER2') ||
## Figure out which (genrally non-root) owner should start the admin
## app. We try: 1) the same owner as before, if applicable, 2) the
## owner of the GUI app from which this script is being called, if
## any, then 3) the owner of the SystemUIServer. If none of those are
## known, we won't try start it.
my $AdminOwner = ($AdminOldOwner ||
$Parts->PartProcessOwner('PARENT_GUI_APP') ||
## Decide what to (at least try to) restart when we're done.
my $StartAdmin = $HaveAdminNow && $HaveAgentNow && ($opt->{console} && $AdminOwner);
my $StartAgent = $HaveAgentNow && !$UseLaunchd && ($opt->{agent} || $StartAdmin);
my $StartHelper = $HaveHelperNow && $HaveAgentNow && !$UseLaunchd && ($opt->{agent} || $StartAgent);
## If we're running in the GUI app and we opted to restart the Admin,
## bring the GUI back to front when we are done.
my $GUIOwner = $Parts->PartProcessOwner('PARENT_GUI_APP');
my $FocusGUI = $Parts->PartIsRunning ('PARENT_GUI_APP') && $GUIOwner && $StartAdmin;
## We'll want to HUP the System UI server to reload the Menu Extra if
## asked to do so, or if an uninstall or install occurred. But we can
## skip it unless the Menu Extra itself neither existed previously nor
## now exists.
my $StartExtra = ($opt->{menu} || $FileChanges || ($HadMenuExtra xor $HaveExtraNow));
### Configure
## Restore Remote Control System pref privileges...
sub SetUserNAPrivs {my ($User, $Mask, $Verbose) = @_; sysecho($Verbose, qq{$serviceCmd -create "$databasePath/$User" naprivs '$Mask'})}
if (defined($opt->{mask}))
foreach (@{$opt->{users} || []})
SetUserNAPrivs($_, $opt->{mask}, $opt->{verbose});
print("$_: ") unless $opt->{quiet};
elsif($opt->{privs} or $opt->{access})
foreach (@{$opt->{users} || []})
## Get the existing mask. Redirect error output to /dev/null in case there is no naprivs.
my $Mask = 0;
if (`$serviceCmd -read "$databasePath/$_" naprivs 2>/dev/null` =~ /naprivs: (.*)/)
$Mask = $1;
## Convert the mask to an integer
$Mask = $Mask + 0;
if ($opt->{privs})
## Retain the UserHasAccess bit of the Mask and replace all
## the other bits with the specified privileges
$Mask = ($Mask &= $PrivMasks->{UserHasAccess}) | $SpecifiedPrivs;
print "$_: " unless $opt->{quiet};
if ($opt->{access})
## Turn the HasUserAccess flag on or off as required.
$Mask |= $PrivMasks->{UserHasAccess} if $opt->{on};
$Mask &= ~$PrivMasks->{UserHasAccess} if $opt->{off};
print "$_: " unless $opt->{quiet};
## Turn the Mask into the string representation of a signed (!) 4-byte long.
$Mask = unpack("l" , pack("l", $Mask));
## Restore it in the database.
SetUserNAPrivs($_, $Mask, $opt->{verbose});
if ($opt->{computerinfo})
my $TargetFile = "${TargetDisk}Library/Preferences/";
my $DefaultTemplate =
q{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
my $StringVals = {map {($opt->{"set$_"}) ? ("Text$_" => $opt->{$_}) : ()} (1..4)};
my $BooleanVals = {};
&WriteSimpleXMLPrefs($TargetFile, $DefaultTemplate, $StringVals, $BooleanVals);
sub GenerateVNCPassword
use Encode;
my $string = decode('UTF-8', shift(@_));
my $latin1_string = encode('iso-latin-1', $string);
$latin1_string =~ s/(.)/sprintf("%x",ord($1))/eg;
$latin1_string = substr($latin1_string, 0, 16);
my @hexArray = ($latin1_string =~ /(..)/g);
# Encrypt @hexArray
for ( my $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
$hexArray[$i] = sprintf("%02X", (hex($hexArray[$i]) ^ (23 + ($i * 29)) ) & 255 );
return join("",@hexArray); # Now encrypted
sub PostDistributedNotification
my ($notificationName) = @_;
my $distnotifyutil = "/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/";
system("$distnotifyutil $notificationName") == 0 or
warn("WARNING: Failed to post distributed notification");
## The VNC Legacy password, if supplied, is stored in its own file.
if ($opt->{clientopts} && $opt->{setvncpw} && length($opt->{vncpw}))
## The encrypted password we are given is stored in the first 32
## characters of the VNCSettings file.
## Caller is responsible for correctly encrypting the password.
my $VNCSettingsFile = "/Library/Preferences/";
my $Settings = eval {do {local $/; IO::File->new("<$VNCSettingsFile")->getline()}} || "";
$opt->{vncpw} = GenerateVNCPassword($opt->{vncpw});
($Settings =~ s{.{32}}{$opt->{vncpw}}s or ## Replace first 32 bytes with PW, or...
$Settings = $opt->{vncpw}); ## Replace entire file.
eval {IO::File->new(">$VNCSettingsFile")->print($Settings)} or warn "WARNING: Failed to write '$VNCSettingsFile'.\n";
## Make the file readable only by root and owned by root.
chmod 0600, $VNCSettingsFile;
chown 0,0, $VNCSettingsFile;
my $ClientSettingsFile = "${TargetDisk}Library/Preferences/";
if ($opt->{clientopts})
my $DefaultTemplate =
q{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
my $StringVals = {(
my $BooleanVals = {(
($opt->{setmenuextra} ? (LoadRemoteManagementMenuExtra => BoolVal($opt->{menuextra})) : ()),
($opt->{setdirlogins} ? (DirectoryGroupLoginsEnabled => BoolVal($opt->{dirlogins})) : ()),
($opt->{setreqperm } ? (ScreenSharingReqPermEnabled => BoolVal($opt->{reqperm })) : ()),
($opt->{setvnclegacy} ? (VNCLegacyConnectionsEnabled => BoolVal($opt->{vnclegacy})) : ()),
($opt->{setwbem } ? (WBEMIncomingAccessEnabled => BoolVal($opt->{wbem })) : ()),
&WriteSimpleXMLPrefs($ClientSettingsFile, $DefaultTemplate, $StringVals, $BooleanVals);
if ($opt->{docopts})
my $AgentSettingsFile = "${TargetDisk}Library/Preferences/";
my $DefaultTemplate =
q{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
my $BooleanVals = {(
($opt->{setallowoc} ? (DOCAllowRemoteConnections => BoolVal($opt->{allowoc})) : ()),
my $StringVals = {(
($opt->{setdocsn } ? (SerialNumberString => $opt->{docsn }) : ()),
($opt->{setdocsnnam} ? (SerialNumberNameString => $opt->{docsnnam}) : ()),
($opt->{setdocsnorg} ? (SerialNumberOrganizationString=> $opt->{docsnorg}) : ()),
&WriteSimpleXMLPrefs($AgentSettingsFile, $DefaultTemplate, $StringVals, $BooleanVals);
if ($opt->{allowaccessfor})
my $allowAllUsers;
if ($opt->{allusers})
$allowAllUsers = "YES";
elsif ($opt->{specifiedusers})
$allowAllUsers = "NO";
print "Setting allow all users to $allowAllUsers.\n" unless $opt->{quiet};
system("/usr/bin/defaults write ${TargetDisk}Library/Preferences/ ARD_AllLocalUsers -boolean $allowAllUsers") == 0
or die('Could not update RemoteManagement perference file with new allowAccessFor setting.');
print "Setting all users privileges to $SpecifiedPrivs.\n" unless $opt->{quiet};
system("/usr/bin/defaults write ${TargetDisk}Library/Preferences/ ARD_AllLocalUsersPrivs -integer $SpecifiedPrivs") == 0
or die('Could not update RemoteManagement preference file with new all user privileges setting.');
sub WriteSimpleXMLPrefs
my ($ClientPrefsFile, $PrefsFileTemplate, $StringVals, $BooleanVals) = @_;
my $ClientPrefsDomain = $ClientPrefsFile;
$ClientPrefsDomain =~ s/\.plist$//;
if (!(-f $ClientPrefsFile))
## Write out the template file and try again.
system("/usr/bin/defaults write \'${ClientPrefsDomain}\' \'${PrefsFileTemplate}\'") == 0 or warn "WARNING: Failed to write default contents for '$ClientPrefsFile'.\n";
foreach my $Key (keys %$StringVals)
my $Value = $StringVals->{$Key};
system("/usr/bin/defaults write \'${ClientPrefsDomain}\' \'${Key}\' -string \'${Value}\'") == 0 or warn "WARNING: Failed to write defaults value \'${Value}\' for key \'${Key}\'.\n";
foreach my $Key (keys %$BooleanVals)
my $Value = $BooleanVals->{$Key} ? "YES" : "NO";
system("/usr/bin/defaults write \'${ClientPrefsDomain}\' \'${Key}\' -bool ${Value}") == 0 or warn "WARNING: Failed to write defaults value \'${Value}\' for key \'${Key}\'.\n";
### Restart
## 1) Start helper (which starts the agent) by running the Startup item.
## 2) Then start the admin if appropriate
## 3) Then bring GUI app back to front when done in case we launched other faceful apps
#TryStart(qw(ARD_STARTUP MSG_SH), undef , 'AsBinary') if $StartHelper;
TryStart (qw(ARD_AGENT MSG_SG), undef ) if $StartHelper;
TryStart (qw(ARD_ADMIN_APP MSG_SA), $AdminOwner ) if $StartAdmin;
TryStart (qw(PARENT_GUI_APP XXX_XX), $GUIOwner ) if $FocusGUI;
## HUP the System UI Server if the ARD_MENU is still present.
my $UIServerOwner = $Parts->PartProcessOwner('SYS_UISERVER');
if ($StartExtra && $UIServerOwner)
my $ClientSettingsDomain = $ClientSettingsFile;
$ClientSettingsDomain =~ s/\.plist$//;
my $DefaultsValue = `/usr/bin/defaults read \'${ClientSettingsDomain}\' LoadRemoteManagementMenuExtra 2>&1`;
my $MenuExtraEnabled = ($? == 0) && ($DefaultsValue == 1);
if ($MenuExtraEnabled) ## Launch the menu extra if it is enabled (no-op if already launched)
TryStart(qw(ARD_MENU XXX_XX), undef, !'AsBinary', 'WithOpen');
else ## or HUP the System UI Server to ensure it turns off.
TryKill(qw(SYS_UISERVER MSG_HM 1)); ## 1 = HUP
## Done.
############ INFRASTRUCTURE BEYOND THIS POINT ############
sub ParseEnvVarsFromSpec
my ($SwitchesSpec) = @_;
## Use a spec to map environment variables to switches
my $SwitchesHash = { @$SwitchesSpec};
my $EnvVarsList = [grep {exists $SwitchesHash->{$_}} @$SwitchesSpec];
my $SwitchesList = [map {($ENV{$_} ? ($SwitchesHash->{$_} || ()) : ())} @$EnvVarsList];
my $SwitchesOpts = {map {ref($_) ? %$_ : ($_ => 1)} @$SwitchesList};
## Strip leading dashes from keys of the options hash
foreach (keys %$SwitchesOpts) {my $NoDash = (m{([^-]+)})[0]; $SwitchesOpts->{$NoDash} = delete $SwitchesOpts->{$_};}
## use Data::Dumper; die &Dumper($SwitchesOpts, $SwitchesList);
return($SwitchesOpts, $SwitchesList);
sub ParseCmdVarsFromSpec
my ($SwitchesSpec) = @_;
## Use a spec that maps environment variables to switches to build
## a spec that would allow GetOpt::Long to get the same infro from
## the command line switches.
my $SwitchesHash = { @$SwitchesSpec};
my $SwitchSpecs = [values %$SwitchesHash];
my $OptsSpec = {map {ref($_) ? ("@{[(keys(%$_))[0]]}=s" => "") : ($_ => 0)} @$SwitchSpecs};
my ($Opts, $Args) = get_opts_hash($OptsSpec);
## use Data::Dumper; die &Dumper($SwitchSpecs, $OptsSpec, $Opts, $Args);
return($Opts, $Args);
Utility method to process command-line options using GetOpt::Long and
a few enhancements. Optionally: any multi-valued field can be
post-processed to split any single containing commas or spaces into
multiple values.
sub get_opts_hash
my ($Specs, $SplitCommasAndSpaces) = @_;
my @Specs = (%$Specs);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
my $Opts = {};
my $mkspec = sub
my ($Spec, $Default) = @_;
my ($Opt ) = ($Spec =~ /(\w+)/)[0];
$Opts->{$Opt} = $Default;
($Spec => (ref($Opts->{$Opt}) ? $Opts->{$Opt} : \ $Opts->{$Opt}));
## Extract all arguments that seem to be GetOpt-style arguments.
GetOptions(map {&$mkspec(@Specs[($_*2),($_*2)+1])} ($#Specs/2)));
if ($SplitCommasAndSpaces)
## Allow commas and/or spaces to separate values in any
## multi-valued options. (Not tabs -- we might want to accept a
## tab as a valid input character.)
## This goes a bit beyond the customary Getopt::Long paradigm, but
## is convenient since it allows something like -f=f1,f2,f3 -f=f4
foreach (grep {ref $Opts->{$_} eq 'ARRAY'} keys %$Opts)
{$Opts->{$_} = [map {split(/[ ,]+/)} @{$Opts->{$_}}]};
## Get any remaining arguments.
my $Args = [@ARGV];
## Debugging
## use Data::Dumper; print &Dumper($Opts, $Args);
return($Opts, $Args);
sub TryKill
my ($PartID, $MsgBase, $Signal) = @_;
## if ($Parts->PartIsRunning($PartID))
$Parts->KillPart($PartID, $Signal) and Echo("${MsgBase}OK");
sub TryRemv
my ($PartID, $MsgBase) = @_;
if ($Parts->PartExists($PartID))
$Parts->RemovePart($PartID ) and Echo("${MsgBase}OK") or Echo("${MsgBase}NT");
sub TryStart
my ($PartID, $MsgBase, $User, $AsBinary, $WithOpen) = @_;
## Get the path(s) for the part.
my $Paths = $Parts->PartPaths($PartID) || [];
## Make sure there are more than zero
Echo("${MsgBase}NT"), return unless @$Paths;
foreach my $Path (@$Paths)
my $OK;
if ($WithOpen)
$OK = `/usr/bin/open '$Path'`;
elsif ($User)
$OK = run_detached("/usr/bin/su", $User, "-c", "/usr/bin/open '$Path'");
elsif ($AsBinary)
$OK = run_detached( "'$Path'");
else ## Default is detached with "open" command
$Path =~ s{(\.app).*}{$1}; ## remove anything beyond the last .app
$OK = run_detached( "/usr/bin/open", $Path );
$OK and Echo("${MsgBase}OK") or Echo("${MsgBase}NT");
## BoolVal
## Convert a string to a boolean value, recognizing y(es) and n(o),
## numeric forms, and/or non-empty/empty
sub BoolVal
my ($Val) = @_;
return($Val =~ /y/i ? 1 : ($Val =~ /n/i ? 0 : $Val && 1 || 0));
sub RunInstaller
my ($Package, $MsgBase, $TargetDisk, $Verbose) = @_;
&InstallPackageOnVolume($Package, $TargetDisk, $Verbose) and Echo("${MsgBase}OK") or Echo("${MsgBase}NT", $Verbose);
sub InstallPackageOnVolume
my ($Package, $TargetDisk, $Verbose) = @_;
my $VerbosityArgs = ($Verbose ? '-verbose -dumplog' : '> /dev/null 2>&1');
local $ENV{KS_VERBOSE} = $Verbose; ## Pass Verbosity through to kickstarter in the installer if any
my $OK = sysecho($Verbose, "/usr/sbin/installer -target '$TargetDisk' -pkg '$Package' $VerbosityArgs");
my $exit_value = $? >> 8;
my $signal_num = $? & 127;
my $dumped_core = $? & 128;
### run_detached
### Runs a command that will become or launch a daemon by forking and
### execing, detaching from all of the parent's input streams.
sub run_detached
my ($Cmd, @Args) = @_;
defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!";
## Parent:
return($pid) if $pid;
## Child:
chdir '/' or die "Can't chdir to /: $!";
use POSIX 'setsid';
setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
open STDIN , '</dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!";
open STDOUT, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!";
open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die "Can't dup stdout: $!";
exec($Cmd, @Args);
die "Failed to exec: '$Cmd @Args'\n";
### sysecho
### like system() except optionally echoes the command line before running it.
sub sysecho
my $Success;
my ($Verbose, $Cmd, @Args) = @_;
## Shell-quote all args except 1st one (if needed)
my @ArgsEcho = (map {&maybe_sh_quote($_)} @Args);
## Print them all to stdout
print "$Cmd @ArgsEcho\n" if $Verbose;
## Call system command on original, unmodified args
system($Cmd, @Args);
## Return Boolean success based on exit code.
$Success = (($?>>8) == 0);
## Messages
# All messages the script can display are loaded and defaulted here.
# Any of them may be overridden in a localizable $ENV{STRINGS_FILE}
my $Messages =
MSG_STRT => 'Starting...',
MSG_NOOP => 'No options selected.',
MSG_KAOK => 'Stopped ARD Admin.',
MSG_KANT => 'Failed to stop ARD Admin.',
MSG_KHOK => 'Stopped ARD Helper.',
MSG_KHNT => 'Failed to stop ARD Helper.',
MSG_KGOK => 'Stopped ARD Agent.',
MSG_KGNT => 'Failed to stop ARD Agent.',
MSG_CMOK => 'Stopped CIMOM (OpenWBEM Server).',
MSG_CMNT => 'Failed to stop CIMOM (OpenWBEM Server).',
MSG_DBOK => 'Stopped ARD Database.',
MSG_DBNT => 'Failed to stop ARD Database.',
MSG_VNOK => 'Stopped VNC Server.',
MSG_VNNT => 'Failed to stop VNC Server.',
MSG_PPOK => 'Stopped VNC Privilege Proxy',
MSG_PPNT => 'Failed to stop VNC Privilege Proxy',
MSG_RROK => 'Stopped RFB Register MDNS',
MSG_RRNT => 'Failed to stop RFB Register MDNS',
MSG_SSOK => 'Stopped the Screen Sharing service.',
MSG_SSNT => 'Failed to stop the Screen Sharing service.',
MSG_VWOK => 'Stopped VNC Viewer.',
MSG_VWNT => 'Failed to stop VNC Viewer.',
MSG_MGOK => 'Stopped Remote Desktop Message.',
MSG_MGNT => 'Failed to stop Remote Desktop Message.',
MSG_KGOK => 'Stopped ARD Agent.',
MSG_KGNT => 'Failed to stop ARD Agent.',
MSG_SAOK => 'Started ARD Admin.',
MSG_SANT => 'Failed to start ARD Admin.',
MSG_SHOK => 'Started ARD Helper.',
MSG_SHNT => 'Failed to start ARD Helper.',
MSG_SGOK => 'Started ARD Agent.',
MSG_SGNT => 'Failed to start ARD Agent.',
MSG_HMOK => 'Restarted Menu Extra (System UI Server).',
MSG_HMNT => 'Failed to restart Menu Extra (System UI Server).',
MSG_RMOK => 'Removed ARD Menu Extra.',
MSG_RMNT => 'Failed to remove ARD Menu Extra.',
MSG_RAOK => 'Removed Remote Desktop Application.',
MSG_RANT => 'Failed to remove Remote Desktop Application.',
MSG_RHOK => 'Removed ARD Helper.',
MSG_RHNT => 'Failed to remove ARD Helper.',
MSG_RGOK => 'Removed ARD Agent.',
MSG_RGNT => 'Failed to remove ARD Agent.',
MSG_RADOK => 'Removed ARD Agent Directory.',
MSG_RADNT => 'Failed to remove ARD Agent Directory.',
MSG_RDBOK => 'Removed ARD Database.',
MSG_RDBNT => 'Failed to remove ARD Database.',
MSG_RVNOK => 'Removed VNC Server.',
MSG_RVNNT => 'Failed to remove VNC Server.',
MSG_RCMOK => 'Removed CIMOM (OpenWBEM) Server.',
MSG_RCMNT => 'Failed to remove CIMOM (OpenWBEM) Server.',
MSG_RSOK => 'Removed ARD Startup Item.',
MSG_RSNT => 'Failed to remove ARD Startup Item.',
MSG_RPOK => 'Removed ARD Preference Pane.',
MSG_RPNT => 'Failed to remove ARD Preference Pane.',
MSG_RDOK => 'Removed ARD Documentation.',
MSG_RDNT => 'Failed to remove ARD Documentation.',
MSG_REOK => 'Removed ARD Receipts.',
MSG_RENT => 'Failed to remove ARD Receipts.',
MSG_RXOK => 'Removed ARD System Preferences.',
MSG_RXNT => 'Failed to remove ARD System Preferences.',
MSG_RYOK => 'Removed ARD Agent Preferences.',
MSG_RYNT => 'Failed to remove ARD Agent Preferences.',
MSG_RZOK => 'Removed Remote Management System Preferences.',
MSG_RZNT => 'Failed to remove Remote Management System Preferences.',
MSG_RUOK => 'Removed ARD Adminstrator preferences.',
MSG_RUNT => 'Failed to remove ARD Adminstrator preferences.',
MSG_INST => 'Installing...',
MSG_INOK => 'Installed successfully.',
MSG_INNT => 'Install failed.',
MSG_STMA => 'Set user permissions mask.',
MSG_STRA => 'Set user remote access.',
MSG_STRC => 'Set user remote control privileges.',
MSG_RMNI => 'Removed remote control privileges for all users.',
MSG_STCM => 'Set the client computer information fields.',
MSG_STCO => 'Set the client options.',
MSG_STDO => 'Set the agent data collection options.',
MSG_STST => 'Created preference to start ARD after reboot.',
MSG_RMST => 'Removed preference to start ARD after reboot.',
MSG_ACTIVATED_REMOTE_MANAGEMENT => 'Activated Remote Management.',
MSG_TRUST_RESTRICTED => 'Warning: macos 10.14 and later only allows control if Screen Sharing is enabled through System Preferences.',
MSG_DONE => 'Done.',
my $MsgsInited = 0;
sub Echo
my ($ID) = (@_);
## Don't do any message loading or printing if we're in "quiet" mode.
return if $opt->{quiet};
## Try only once to load localized strings if the file was
## specified and exists. We support either sh syntax or Perl
## syntax in the localizable strings file (Perl similar to above).
if (!$MsgsInited && -f $ENV{STRINGS_FILE})
my $File = IO::File->new("<$ENV{STRINGS_FILE}");
my $RawStrings = do {local $/=undef; $File->getline() if $File};
$Messages = {%$Messages, ($RawStrings =~ m{(\w+).*?=.*?'(.*)'}g)};
$MsgsInited = 1;
my $Message = $Messages->{$ID};
## Remove any incoming terminating newlines so we print exactly one.
$Message =~ s{\n+$ }{}x;
if ($Message eq $Messages->{'MSG_TRUST_RESTRICTED'})
#print color 'red';
print ("");
print ("$Message\n");
#print color 'reset';
print ("");
print ("$Message\n") if $Message;
### ARDParts Object
### Formerly this was in "". Moved here to keep this
### script completely self-contained.
# Emacs: -*- tab-width: 4; -*-
package ARDParts;
use strict;
A perl module to encapsulate knowledge of the locations of various
parts (aka files and executables) of Apple Remote Desktop.
Recognized "parts" are identified by their "PartID" as documented in
the tables immediately below.
Each part will be analyzed for existence in the file system and also
for whether one or more instances of it happens to be running as a
Parts may be specified as multiple paths and/or using * as a wildcard
to be interpreted by glob(). However wildcards are not applied to the
search for running processes. (Those paths should match exactly.)
Copyright � 2003-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
## {};
my $ARDComponents =
ARD_ADMIN => '/Applications/Remote Desktop',
ARD_ADMIN_APP => '/Applications/Remote',
ARD_HELPER => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/', ## New location
ARD_HELPER2 => '/System/Library/CoreServices/ARD Helper', ## Old location (1.2.1)
ARD_HELPER3 => '/System/Library/CoreServices/ARD Helper', ## Old location (1.2)
ARD_AGENT => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/', ## New Location
ARD_AGENT2 => '/System/Library/CoreServices/ARD Agent', ## Old Location (1.2.x)
ARD_CIMOM => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/OpenWBEMServer.bundle/libexec/owcimomd',
ARD_RMDB => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/rmdb.bundle/bin/postmaster',
ARD_VNC => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/AppleVNCServer.bundle/AppleVNCServer',
ARD_VNCPRIVPROXY=> '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/AppleVNCServer.bundle/Contents/Support/VNCPrivilegeProxy',
ARD_RFBREGMDNS => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/AppleVNCServer.bundle/Contents/Support/RFBRegisterMDNS',
ARD_VIEWER => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ Screen Screen Viewer',
ARD_MSG => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ Desktop Desktop Message',
ARD_MENU => '/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/',
ARD_STARTUP => '/System/Library/StartupItems/RemoteDesktopAgent/RemoteDesktopAgent',
ARD_PREFPANE => '/System/Library/PreferencePanes/ARDPref.prefPane',
ARD_DOCS => '/Library/Documentation/RemoteDesktop',
ARD_CIMOM_DIR => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/OpenWBEMServer.bundle',
ARD_RMDB_DIR => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/rmdb.bundle',
ARD_VNC_DIR => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/AppleVNCServer.bundle',
ARD_AGENT_APP => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/',
ARD_AGTPREFS => '/Library/Preferences/',
ARD_SYSPREFS => '/Library/Preferences/',
RM_SYSPREFS => '/Library/Preferences/',
ARD_USRPREFS => '/Users/*/Library/Preferences/',
ARD_RECEIPTS => '/Library/Receipts/RDUpdate*.pkg
SS_AGENT => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ScreensharingAgent.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ScreensharingAgent',
SS_DAEMON => '/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/screensharingd.bundle/Contents/MacOS/screensharingd',
my $OSComponents =
SYS_UISERVER => '/System/Library/CoreServices/',
my $OtherComponents =
PARENT_GUI_APP => '', ## This one can only be specified by caller to new({...=>'...'})
sub new
my $Success;
my $ClassOrObj = shift;
my ($Params) = {%{shift()}} if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH');
## Shallow-copy all params from template object and/or optional
## $Params hash into new hash. DON'T re-use caller's obj or hash.
my $this =
{%{(UNIVERSAL::isa($ClassOrObj, 'HASH') ? $ClassOrObj : {})},
%{(UNIVERSAL::isa($Params, 'HASH') ? $Params : {})}};
## Bless the new object into the class
my $class = ref($ClassOrObj) || $ClassOrObj;
bless $this, $class;
goto done unless $this->initialize();
$Success = 1;
return ($Success ? $this : undef);
sub initialize
my $this = shift or goto done;
my $Success;
## PARENT_GUI_APP may have been specified by caller to new() if
## this script is being called from inside a GUI application.
$this->{PARENT_GUI_APP} ||= '';
## The target disk is where we'll look for all the relevant components.
$this->{TARGET_DISK} ||= "/";
## Combine all parts we're interested in into a single hash.
$this->{Parts} ||= {%$ARDComponents,
## Prepend the fixed components with TARGET_DISK...
map {s{^\s*/}{$this->{TARGET_DISK}}gm} (values %{$this->{Parts}});
## Add the PARENT_GUI_APP element, whose location does not need adjusting.
$this->{Parts}->{PARENT_GUI_APP} = $this->{PARENT_GUI_APP};
## Get the full ps -auxww table as a list of lines.
$this->{AllPSLines} ||= [map {(m{(.*)})[0]} `/bin/ps auxwww`];
## Map all PartIDs to a list of their running PIDs (zero, one, or many per part)
$this->{PartPSLines} ||= {map {($_ => FindPSLines($this->{Parts}->{$_},
keys %{$this->{Parts}}};
## Precalculate several interesting things about the parts as processes
$this->{RunningPIDs} ||= {map {($_ => $this->PartRunningPIDs ($_))} keys %{$this->{Parts}}};
$this->{ProcessOwner} ||= {map {($_ => $this->PartProcessOwner($_))} keys %{$this->{Parts}}};
$this->{ProcessCount} ||= {map {($_ => $this->PartProcessCount($_))} keys %{$this->{Parts}}};
$this->{IsRunning} ||= {map {($_ => $this->PartIsRunning ($_))} keys %{$this->{Parts}}};
## Precalculate several interesting things about the parts as files
$this->{Paths} ||= {map {($_ => $this->PartPaths ($_))} keys %{$this->{Parts}}};
$this->{Exists} ||= {map {($_ => $this->PartExists ($_))} keys %{$this->{Parts}}};
## use Data::Dumper; die &Dumper($this);
$Success = 1;
return ($Success);
## Methods to get information about parts
sub PartExists
my $this = shift;
my ($PartID) = @_;
return(@{$this->PartPaths($PartID)} > 0);
sub PartRunningPIDs
my $this = shift;
my ($PartID) = @_;
my $PSLines = $this->{PartPSLines}->{$PartID} || [];
## Return a list containing the first integer following the first
## word in each matching line in the process table. These should
## be the PIDs.
my $PIDs = [map {(m{\w+.*?(\d+)})[0]} @{$this->{PartPSLines}->{$PartID}}];
sub PartProcessOwner
my $this = shift;
my ($PartID) = @_;
my $PSLines = $this->{PartPSLines}->{$PartID} || [];
my $FirstLine = $PSLines->[0];
## Return the first word in the first line. Could be empty.
## Could ignore multiple processes with different owners.
my $Owner = ($FirstLine =~ m{(\w+)})[0];
sub PartProcessCount
my $this = shift;
my ($PartID) = @_;
return(@{$this->{RunningPIDs}->{$PartID}} + 0);
sub PartIsRunning
my $this = shift;
my ($PartID) = @_;
return(@{$this->{RunningPIDs}->{$PartID}} > 0);
sub PartPaths ## A list of paths corresponding to the part.
my $this = shift;
my ($PartID) = @_;
## If no wildcards, just return existence of the path name (which may have spaces).
return([grep {length && -e} $this->{Parts}->{$PartID}]) if $this->{Parts}->{$PartID} !~ /\*/;
## Else, if *s are present, treat the path as a string of one or
## more path specs, any of which might contain * as a wildcard,
## and glob the specs before returning.
return([grep {length} ## 4. Discard any empty values
map {glob} ## 3. Run glob on the resulting string
map {s{([^/\w\*])}{\\$1}g; $_;} ## 2. Put backslashes in front of non-(slash, wordchar, star)
split(/\s*\n\s*/, $this->{Parts}->{$PartID})]); ## 1. Split on line breaks if any
######## Methods to do things to parts
sub KillPart
my $this = shift;
my ($PartID, $Signal) = @_;
my $PartPath = $this->{Parts}->{$PartID};
## print "$PartID: $PartPath\n";
my $BaseName = ($PartPath =~ m{.*/(.*)})[0] or next;
## print "$BaseName\n";
my $Success = $this->KillAll($Signal, $BaseName);
sub KillAll
my $this = shift;
my ($Signal, $BaseName) = @_;
my $AllPSLines = [map {(m{(.*)})[0]} `/bin/ps -acx`];
my $MatchingPSLines = [grep { m{\Q$BaseName\E\Z}} @$AllPSLines];
my $PIDs = [map {((m{(\d+)})[0] ? ($1) : ())} @$MatchingPSLines];
# print ("/bin/kill -$Signal @$PIDs\n") if @$PIDs;
system("/bin/kill", "-$Signal", @$PIDs ) if @$PIDs;
sub RemovePart
my $this = shift;
my ($PartID) = @_;
## Consider it successfully removed already if the paths are already gone.
return(1) unless $this->PartExists($PartID);
## If it does exist, get all its paths and remove them
my $PartPaths = $this->PartPaths($PartID);
my $Success = &RemovePaths(@$PartPaths);
######## Utility routines
sub KillPIDs
my ($Signal, @PIDs) = @_;
## Default = 9: kill hard
$Signal ||= 9;
return((kill($Signal, @PIDs) + 0) == (@PIDs + 0));
sub RemovePaths
my (@Paths) = @_;
my $Success = 1;
foreach (@Paths) {$Success &&= RemovePath($_);}
sub RemovePath
my ($Path) = @_;
my $Success;
## If already gone, consider it done.
return(1) unless -e $Path;
## Some safety checks: fail if potentially dangerous paths supplied.
return(0) unless $Path =~ /^\//; ## Must be fully qualified (start with slash)
return(0) unless length($Path) > 10; ## Must be at least 10 chars
return(0) unless $Path =~ /\w+/; ## Must contain some letters and or digits
return(0) if $Path =~ /\.+\//; ## May not contain ../ or ./
return(0) if $Path =~ /\*/; ## May not contain * (must have already globbed it)
## Try the removal
system("/bin/rm", "-rf", $Path);
## Signal failure if the item is still present after removal attempt.
return(0) if -e $Path;
sub FindPSLines ## Find all process lines matching a given path component
my ($Path, $AllPSLines) = @_;
my $PSLines = [grep {$Path && m{\Q$Path\E}} @$AllPSLines];
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