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Last active January 24, 2020 01:41
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Image Optimization script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
declare threads=`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`
optimise () {
declare -a exts=("${!1}")
declare msg=$2
for ext in ${exts[@]}
find -O3 . -type f -iname $ext | parallel "-j${threads}" "mogrify -resize 1920x1080\> -units pixelsperinch -density 72 -format webp {}"
echo $msg
delete () {
declare ext=$1
declare msg=$2
find -O3 . -iname $ext | parallel "-j${threads}" rm -f {}
echo $msg
delete_arr () {
declare -a exts=("${!1}")
declare msg=$2
for ext in ${exts[@]}
find -O3 . -iname $ext | parallel "-j${threads}" rm -f {}
echo $msg
# Convert uncompressed formats to webp
optimise bmps[@] "Converted BMPs to WEBPs" && delete_arr bmps[@] "Deleted BMPs"
# Convert some more obscure formats to webp
heifs=("*.heic", "*.heif")
optimise heifs[@] "Converted HEIFs to WEBPs" && delete_arr heifs[@] "Deleted HEIFs"
# Convert PNGs to webp
optimise png[@] "Converted PNGs to WEBPs" && delete_arr png[@] "Deleted PNGs"
# Convert JPEGs to webp
jpegs=("*.jpeg", "*.jpg")
optimise jpegs[@] "Converted JPGs to WEBPs" && delete_arr jpegs[@] "Deleted JPGs"
# Limit density of webp images
optimise webps[@] "Optimized WEBPs"
delete "*.webp~" "Deleted Backup Files"
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