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Last active December 23, 2015 12:59
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A miniKanren in Groovy blatantly copied from
import groovy.transform.*
// Testing
new MiniKanren().with {
// for a given 'q' and 'r'
def (q,r) = [ lvar( 'q' ), lvar( 'r' ) ]
def result = run(
[ q, r ], // q == r
[ true, q ] // and q == true
// Then q should be true
assert result.bind[ q ] == true
// and so should r
assert result.bind[ r ] == true
// Implementation
class MiniKanren {
static class Lvar {
String name
static class Bindings {
Map bind
Bindings extend( lvar, value ) {
return new Bindings( bind + [ (lvar): value ] )
boolean has( lvar ) {
return bind.containsKey( lvar )
def lookup( lvar ) {
if( !( lvar instanceof Lvar ) ) {
else if( has( lvar ) ) {
lookup( bind[ lvar ] )
else {
def lvar = { name -> new Lvar( name ) }
def isLvar = { v -> v instanceof Lvar }
def succeed = { result -> [ result ] }
def fail = { [] }
def disjunction = { l, r ->
r.inject( l.inject( [] ) { p, w -> p + w } ) { o, v -> o + v }
def conjunction = { l, r ->
{ x ->
l( x ).collect { r( it ) }
def disj = {
if( it == null || it.size() == 0 ) {
else {
disjunction( it.head(), disj( it.tail() ) )
def conj = {
if( it == null || it.size() == 0 ) {
else if( it.size() == 1 ) {
else {
conjunction( it.head(), { s ->
conj( it.tail() )( s )
} )
def ignorance = new Bindings( [:] )
def find = { v, bindings ->
def lvar = bindings.lookup( v )
if( lvar instanceof Lvar ) {
return lvar
if( lvar instanceof List ) {
if( lvar.size() == 0 ) {
return lvar
return cons( find( lvar.head(), bindings ), find( lvar.tail(), bindings ) )
return lvar
def unify = { l, r, bindings ->
def t1 = bindings.lookup( l )
def t2 = bindings.lookup( r )
if( t1 == t2 ) {
return bindings
if( isLvar( t1 ) ) {
return bindings.extend( t1, t2 )
if( isLvar( t2 ) ) {
return bindings.extend( t2, t1 )
if( t1 instanceof List && t2 instanceof List ) {
bindings = unify( t1.head(), t2.head(), bindings )
return bindings != null ?
unify( t1.tail(), t2.tail(), bindings ) :
return null
def goal = { l, r ->
{ bindings ->
def result = unify( l, r, bindings )
if( result != null ) {
return succeed( result )
return fail( bindings )
def run = { goal ->
goal( ignorance )
def choice = { v, list ->
if( list == null || list.size() == 0 ) {
return fail
disj( goal( v, list.head() ), choice( v, list.tail() ) )
def membero = choice
def commono = { l, r ->
def x = lvar( 'x' )
conj( choice( x, l ), choice( x, r ) )
def conso = { a, b, list ->
goal( cons( a, b ), list )
def joino = { a, b, list ->
goal( [ a, b ], list )
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