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Created January 27, 2014 12:51
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Spinner whilst parsing files in Groovy on the command line
@Grab( 'com.bloidonia:groovy-common-extensions:0.5.5' )
import static com.xlson.groovycsv.CsvParser.parseCsv
import groovy.transform.*
// A bufferedReader with some output
class SpinnerReader extends BufferedReader {
private String output = '/-\\|'
private int offset = 0
private void update() {
print "\r${output[ offset ]}"
offset += 1
offset %= output.length()
int read() { update() ; }
int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) { update() ; cbuf, off, len ) }
String readLine() { update() ; super.readLine() }
void close() {
print "\r"
// Add a method to the metaClass of File
File.metaClass.withSpinnerReader = { Closure cl ->
// withClosable is from common-extensions
new SpinnerReader( delegate.newReader() ).withClosable cl
// Then, to use it:
new File( 'massiveFile.csv' ).withSpinnerReader { r ->
parseCsv( r, separator:'\t' ).each { row ->
// do something
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