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Last active April 30, 2024 12:06
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A pseudo code example of an approach to doing Bazel Target Diffing
func main() {
// convertToBazelSourceTargets should take a filepath in your repo and return a bazel source target path
// Use bazel query to do this
let modifiedFileSourceTargets = convertToBazelSourceTargets(system("git diff --name-only HEAD^ HEAD"))
let initialTargetShas = createTargetShas()
system("git checkout HEAD^")
let finalTargetShas = createTargetShas()
system("git checkout -")
var modifiedTargets: [String] = []
for target, value in finalTargetShas {
if initialTargetShas[target] != value || initialTargetShas[target] == nil {
var targetsToTest: Set<String> = .init()
for modifiedTarget in modifiedTargets {
// queryRDepsForTarget: Run a bazel rdeps query on the target and return an array of targets
targetsToTest = targetsToTest.union(queryRDepsForTarget(modifiedTarget))
let query = targetsToTest.joined(" ")
system("bazel test \(query)")
private func createTargetShas(modifiedFileSourceTargets: [String]) -> [String: String] {
let protoFileName = UUID() + ".proto"
let queryCommand = "bazel query \"'//external:all-targets' + '//...:all-targets'\" --output proto > \(protoFileName)"
// You will need Proto models for this, find them here
let bazelQuery = BlazeQuery_Rule(serializedData: Data(protoFileName))
var targetShas[String: String] = [:]
let targets = bazelQuery.targets.filter{ $0.hasRule }
for target in targets {
targetShas[] = createShaForRule(target.rule,
modifiedFileSourceTargets: modifiedFileSourceTargets).hexString
defer { system("rm \(protoFileName)") }
return targetShas
private func createShaForRule(rule: Blaze_Rule,
modifiedFileSourceTargets: [String]) -> SHA256.Digest {
var sha: SHA256 = .init()
sha.update( .utf8))
sha.update( .utf8))
sha.update( .utf8))
for attribute in rule.attribute {
for ruleInput in rule.ruleInputs {
// Use hashmaps to implement isRule
if ruleInput.isRule {
sha.update(createShaForRule(rule: ruleInput).asData)
} else if let modifiedPath = modifiedFileSourceTargets.first?(ruleInput) {
// RuleInputs always contain the set of source file targets needed for a rule, we will
// use this to cross reference the modified files from Git and read the data to create
// Shas for the modified file targets
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Thanks for posting this. I've only taken a quick look through the code (and don't know Swift), but I'm wondering if this supports the case where a file/target has been deleted and thus won't match to anything in a bazel query?

Yes this will work for files that are deleted or moved, I just tested it now

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