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Last active May 15, 2016 10:02
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Swift Proposal-draft
# Newlines as item separators in lists
* Proposal: [SE-NNNN](
* Author(s): [Swift Developer](
* Status: **[Awaiting review](#rationale)**
* Review manager: TBD
## Introduction
The possibility to skip semicolons to end a statement when followed by a newline is only a tiny convinience, yet it is one of the most favored differences to C.
While lists of statements don't need a separator character, other lists still rely on commas for this:
- parameters
- array literals
Swift-evolution thread: [link to the discussion thread for that proposal](
## Motivation
Describe the problems that this proposal seeks to address. If the
problem is that some common pattern is currently hard to express, show
how one can currently get a similar effect and describe its
drawbacks. If it's completely new functionality that cannot be
emulated, motivate why this new functionality would help Swift
developers create better Swift code.
## Proposed solution
Describe your solution to the problem. Provide examples and describe
how they work. Show how your solution is better than current
workarounds: is it cleaner, safer, or more efficient?
## Detailed design
Describe the design of the solution in detail. If it involves new
syntax in the language, show the additions and changes to the Swift
grammar. If it's a new API, show the full API and its documentation
comments detailing what it does. The detail in this section should be
sufficient for someone who is *not* one of the authors to be able to
reasonably implement the feature.
## Impact on existing code
Describe the impact that this change will have on existing code. Will some
Swift applications stop compiling due to this change? Will applications still
compile but produce different behavior than they used to? Is it
possible to migrate existing Swift code to use a new feature or API
## Alternatives considered
Describe alternative approaches to addressing the same problem, and
why you chose this approach instead.
# Rationale
On [Date], the core team decided to **(TBD)** this proposal.
When the core team makes a decision regarding this proposal,
their rationale for the decision will be written here.
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