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Pavel Titenkov titenkov

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This file contains guidelines that should be followed when making any changes to the repository.

The basics

This repository is using Trunk Based Development approach - a branching model that focuses on collaborating through a single main branch. Read more about Trunk Based Development -

Every main branch commit is releasable

titenkov /
Created August 10, 2021 12:05 — forked from raftheunis87/
Hyper.js + Hyper.js Plugins + ZSH + Starship + Fira Code + Dark Theme - (macOS)


titenkov / wait.gradle
Created June 30, 2020 18:18
Gradle: wait for container to be up
task waitForAlfresco() {
description = 'Wait for Alfresco'
group = 'verification'
println "Waiting for Alfresco to come up"
maxwait: '5', maxwaitunit: 'minute',
checkevery: '10', checkeveryunit: 'second'
) {
titenkov /
Created June 29, 2020 18:21
GIT: Move folder between repositories with `git filter-branch`
# Clone the source repository
git clone [email protected]:titenkov/api.git
# Clean up the git to have only the data and history related to the folder you need
git filter-branch -f --subdirectory-filter client/src/integrationtest -- -- all
# Move content to some folder matching the desired path in target repository (simpler to merge later)
import http from "k6/http";
import { check, group, sleep } from "k6";
import { Rate } from "k6/metrics";
// A custom metric to track failure rates
var failureRate = new Rate("check_failure_rate");
// Options
export let options = {
stages: [
titenkov /
Last active February 4, 2025 14:32
Use Vim visual blocks during interactive git rebase

Sometimes, when rebasing interactively with git, we need to squash a sequence of commits in a branch.

For example, we need to transform this:

pick 0253dc894f bumped
pick 5a1e86933c remove dependency
pick bffoffb395 memberships rpc resource
pick 222fabf5e0 rpc membership service
pick 726a2f9a10 remove crypto logic
titenkov /
Last active March 12, 2019 07:39
Openconnect setup

OpenConnect can be installed via homebrew:

  brew update
  brew install openconnect

Running openconnect requires sudo, presumably because it affects resolution of DNS, but you can add password-less sudo ability for the openconnect command.
