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Created July 8, 2019 13:13
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using System;
using ObjCRuntime;
using Foundation;
namespace Photos
// NSInteger -> PHImageManager.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHImageContentMode : long {
AspectFit = 0,
AspectFill = 1,
Default = AspectFit
// NSInteger -> PHImageManager.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHImageRequestOptionsVersion : long {
Current = 0,
// NSInteger -> PHImageManager.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHImageRequestOptionsDeliveryMode : long {
Opportunistic = 0,
HighQualityFormat = 1,
FastFormat = 2
// NSInteger -> PHImageManager.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHImageRequestOptionsResizeMode : long {
None = 0,
// NSInteger -> PHImageManager.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
public enum PHVideoRequestOptionsVersion : long {
Current = 0,
// NSInteger -> PHImageManager.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
public enum PHVideoRequestOptionsDeliveryMode : long {
Automatic = 0,
HighQualityFormat = 1,
MediumQualityFormat = 2,
FastFormat = 3
// NSInteger -> PhotosTypes.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHCollectionListType : long {
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.MacOSX)]
MomentList = 1,
Folder = 2,
SmartFolder = 3
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHCollectionListSubtype : long {
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.MacOSX)]
MomentListCluster = 1,
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.MacOSX)]
MomentListYear = 2,
RegularFolder = 100,
SmartFolderEvents = 200,
SmartFolderFaces = 201,
#if !XAMCORE_3_0
// this was added in the wrong enum type (ref bug #40019)
[Obsolete ("Incorrect value (exists in 'PHAssetCollectionSubtype').")]
SmartAlbumSelfPortraits = 210,
[Obsolete ("Incorrect value (exists in 'PHAssetCollectionSubtype').")]
SmartAlbumScreenshots = 211,
#if XAMCORE_2_0
Any = Int64.MaxValue,
Any = Int32.MaxValue,
// NSUInteger -> PhotosTypes.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHCollectionEditOperation : long {
// None = 0,
DeleteContent = 1,
RemoveContent = 2,
AddContent = 3,
CreateContent = 4,
RearrangeContent = 5,
Delete = 6,
Rename = 7
// NSInteger -> PhotosTypes.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHAssetCollectionType : long {
Album = 1,
SmartAlbum = 2,
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.MacOSX)]
Moment = 3
// NSInteger -> PhotosTypes.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHAssetCollectionSubtype : long {
AlbumRegular = 2,
AlbumSyncedEvent = 3,
AlbumSyncedFaces = 4,
AlbumSyncedAlbum = 5,
AlbumImported = 6,
AlbumMyPhotoStream = 100,
AlbumCloudShared = 101,
SmartAlbumGeneric = 200,
SmartAlbumPanoramas = 201,
SmartAlbumVideos = 202,
SmartAlbumFavorites = 203,
SmartAlbumTimelapses = 204,
SmartAlbumAllHidden = 205,
SmartAlbumRecentlyAdded = 206,
SmartAlbumBursts = 207,
SmartAlbumSlomoVideos = 208,
SmartAlbumUserLibrary = 209,
[iOS (9,0)]
SmartAlbumSelfPortraits = 210,
[iOS (9,0)]
SmartAlbumScreenshots = 211,
[iOS (10,2), TV (10,1)][Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
SmartAlbumDepthEffect = 212,
[iOS (10,3), TV (10,2)][Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
SmartAlbumLivePhotos = 213,
[iOS (11,0)][TV(11,0)][Mac (10,15, onlyOn64 : true)]
SmartAlbumAnimated = 214,
[iOS (11,0)][TV(11,0)][Mac (10,15, onlyOn64 : true)]
SmartAlbumLongExposures = 215,
[iOS (13,0)][TV(13,0)][Mac (10,15, onlyOn64 : true)]
SmartAlbumUnableToUpload = 216,
#if XAMCORE_2_0
Any = Int64.MaxValue
Any = Int32.MaxValue
// NSUInteger -> PhotosTypes.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHAssetEditOperation : long {
None = 0,
Delete = 1,
Content = 2,
Properties = 3
// NSInteger -> PhotosTypes.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHAssetMediaType : long {
Unknown = 0,
Image = 1,
Video = 2,
Audio = 3
// NSUInteger -> PhotosTypes.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHAssetMediaSubtype : ulong {
None = 0,
PhotoPanorama = (1 << 0),
PhotoHDR = (1 << 1),
[iOS (9,0)]
Screenshot = (1 << 2),
[iOS (9,1)]
PhotoLive = (1 << 3),
[iOS (10,2), TV (10,1), Mac (10,12,2, onlyOn64 : true)]
PhotoDepthEffect = (1 << 4),
VideoStreamed = (1 << 16),
VideoHighFrameRate = (1 << 17),
VideoTimelapse = (1 << 18),
// NSUInteger -> PhotosTypes.h
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHAssetBurstSelectionType : ulong {
None = 0,
AutoPick = (1 << 0),
UserPick = (1 << 1)
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHAuthorizationStatus : long {
NotDetermined, Restricted, Denied, Authorized
[iOS (9,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
[TV (10,0)]
public enum PHAssetResourceType : long {
Photo = 1,
Video = 2,
Audio = 3,
AlternatePhoto = 4,
FullSizePhoto = 5,
FullSizeVideo = 6,
AdjustmentData = 7,
AdjustmentBasePhoto = 8,
[iOS (9,1)]
PairedVideo = 9,
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64 : true), iOS (10,0)]
FullSizePairedVideo = 10,
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64 : true), iOS (10,0)]
AdjustmentBasePairedVideo = 11,
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64 : true), iOS (13,0)]
AdjustmentBaseVideo = 12,
[iOS (9,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHAssetSourceType : ulong
None = 0,
UserLibrary = (1 << 0),
CloudShared = (1 << 1),
iTunesSynced = (1 << 2)
[iOS (10,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHLivePhotoFrameType : long {
[TV (11,0), iOS (11,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHAssetPlaybackStyle : long {
Unsupported = 0,
Image = 1,
ImageAnimated = 2,
LivePhoto = 3,
Video = 4,
VideoLooping = 5,
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHProjectTextElementType : long {
Body = 0,
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHProjectCreationSource : long {
Undefined = 0,
UserSelection = 1,
Album = 2,
Memory = 3,
Moment = 4,
Project = 20,
ProjectBook = 21,
ProjectCalendar = 22,
ProjectCard = 23,
ProjectPrintOrder = 24,
ProjectSlideshow = 25,
ProjectExtension = 26,
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum PHProjectSectionType : long {
Undefined = 0,
Cover = 1,
Content = 2,
Auxiliary = 3,
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
[ErrorDomain ("PHLivePhotoEditingErrorDomain")]
public enum PHLivePhotoEditingError : long {
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64 : true)]
public enum FigExifCustomRenderedValue : short {
NotCustom = 0,
Custom = 1,
HdrImage = 2,
HdrPlusEV0_HdrImage = 3,
HdrPlusEV0_EV0Image = 4,
PanoramaImage = 6,
SdofImage = 7,
SdofPlusOriginal_SdofImage = 8,
SdofPlusOriginal_OriginalImage = 9,
[ErrorDomain ("PHPhotosErrorDomain")]
[TV (13,0), Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true), iOS (13,0)]
public enum PHPhotosError : long {
Invalid = -1,
UserCancelled = 3072,
LibraryVolumeOffline = 3114,
RelinquishingLibraryBundleToWriter = 3142,
SwitchingSystemPhotoLibrary = 3143,
using ObjCRuntime;
using Foundation;
using CoreFoundation;
using CoreLocation;
using AVFoundation;
using CoreGraphics;
using CoreImage;
using CoreMedia;
using ImageIO;
using System;
using UIKit;
using NSImage = Foundation.NSObject; // help [NoiOS] and [NoTV]
using AppKit;
using UIImage = AppKit.NSImage;
namespace Photos
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHAdjustmentData : NSCoding, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("initWithFormatIdentifier:formatVersion:data:")]
IntPtr Constructor (string formatIdentifier, string formatVersion, NSData data);
[Export ("formatIdentifier", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string FormatIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("formatVersion", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string FormatVersion { get; }
[Export ("data", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSData Data { get; }
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // Crashes mac introspection test
[BaseType (typeof (PHObject))]
interface PHAsset {
[Export ("mediaType")]
PHAssetMediaType MediaType { get; }
[Export ("mediaSubtypes")]
PHAssetMediaSubtype MediaSubtypes { get; }
[Export ("pixelWidth")]
nuint PixelWidth { get; }
[Export ("pixelHeight")]
nuint PixelHeight { get; }
[Export ("creationDate", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSDate CreationDate { get; }
[Export ("modificationDate", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSDate ModificationDate { get; }
[Export ("location", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
CLLocation Location { get; }
[Export ("duration", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
double Duration { get; }
[Export ("hidden")]
bool Hidden { [Bind ("isHidden")] get; }
[Export ("syncFailureHidden")]
bool SyncFailureHidden { [Bind ("isSyncFailureHidden")] get; }
[Export ("favorite")]
bool Favorite { [Bind ("isFavorite")] get; }
[Mac (10, 15, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("burstIdentifier", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string BurstIdentifier { get; }
[Mac (10, 15, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("burstSelectionTypes")]
PHAssetBurstSelectionType BurstSelectionTypes { get; }
[Mac (10, 15, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("representsBurst")]
bool RepresentsBurst { get; }
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("canPerformEditOperation:")]
bool CanPerformEditOperation (PHAssetEditOperation editOperation);
[Export ("fetchAssetsInAssetCollection:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchAssets (PHAssetCollection assetCollection, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("fetchAssetsWithMediaType:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchAssets (PHAssetMediaType mediaType, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Export ("fetchAssetsWithLocalIdentifiers:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchAssetsUsingLocalIdentifiers (string[] identifiers, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Export ("fetchKeyAssetsInAssetCollection:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchKeyAssets (PHAssetCollection assetCollection, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("fetchAssetsWithBurstIdentifier:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchAssets (string burstIdentifier, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("fetchAssetsWithOptions:")]
PHFetchResult FetchAssets ([NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 8, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 11, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 11, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.UIKitForMac)]
[Advice ("This API is not available when using UIKit on macOS.")]
[Export ("fetchAssetsWithALAssetURLs:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchAssets (NSUrl[] assetUrls, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[iOS (9,0)]
[Export ("sourceType", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
PHAssetSourceType SourceType { get; }
[TV (11,0), iOS (11,0), Mac (10, 15, onlyOn64: true),]
[Export ("playbackStyle", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
PHAssetPlaybackStyle PlaybackStyle { get; }
[Field ("PHLocalIdentifierNotFound")]
NSString LocalIdentifierNotFound { get; }
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: -[PHAssetChangeRequest init]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x8165d150
[BaseType (typeof (PHChangeRequest))]
interface PHAssetChangeRequest {
//#if !MONOMAC
[Export ("creationRequestForAssetFromImage:")]
PHAssetChangeRequest FromImage (UIImage image);
[Export ("creationRequestForAssetFromImageAtFileURL:")]
PHAssetChangeRequest FromImage (NSUrl fileUrl);
[Export ("creationRequestForAssetFromVideoAtFileURL:")]
PHAssetChangeRequest FromVideo (NSUrl fileUrl);
[Export ("placeholderForCreatedAsset", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
PHObjectPlaceholder PlaceholderForCreatedAsset { get; }
[Export ("deleteAssets:")]
void DeleteAssets (PHAsset[] assets);
[Export ("changeRequestForAsset:")]
PHAssetChangeRequest ChangeRequest (PHAsset asset);
[Export ("creationDate", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSDate CreationDate { get; set; }
[Export ("location", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
CLLocation Location { get; set; }
[Export ("favorite", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool Favorite { [Bind ("isFavorite")] get; set; }
[Export ("hidden", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool Hidden { [Bind ("isHidden")] get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("contentEditingOutput", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
PHContentEditingOutput ContentEditingOutput { get; set; }
[Export ("revertAssetContentToOriginal")]
void RevertAssetContentToOriginal ();
[iOS (9,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (PHAssetChangeRequest))]
interface PHAssetCreationRequest
[Export ("creationRequestForAsset")]
PHAssetCreationRequest CreationRequestForAsset ();
// +(BOOL)supportsAssetResourceTypes:(NSArray<NSNumber * __nonnull> * __nonnull)types;
[Internal, Export ("supportsAssetResourceTypes:")]
bool _SupportsAssetResourceTypes (NSNumber[] types);
[Export ("addResourceWithType:fileURL:options:")]
void AddResource (PHAssetResourceType type, NSUrl fileURL, [NullAllowed] PHAssetResourceCreationOptions options);
[Export ("addResourceWithType:data:options:")]
void AddResource (PHAssetResourceType type, NSData data, [NullAllowed] PHAssetResourceCreationOptions options);
delegate void PHProgressHandler (double progress, ref bool stop);
[iOS (9,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // crashes: -[PHAssetResource init]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7f9e15884e90
interface PHAssetResource {
[Export ("type", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
PHAssetResourceType ResourceType { get; }
[Export ("assetLocalIdentifier")]
string AssetLocalIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("uniformTypeIdentifier")]
string UniformTypeIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("originalFilename")]
string OriginalFilename { get; }
[Export ("assetResourcesForAsset:")]
PHAssetResource[] GetAssetResources (PHAsset forAsset);
[iOS (9,1)]
[Export ("assetResourcesForLivePhoto:")]
PHAssetResource[] GetAssetResources (PHLivePhoto livePhoto);
[iOS (9,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface PHAssetResourceCreationOptions : NSCopying
[NullAllowed, Export ("originalFilename")]
string OriginalFilename { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("uniformTypeIdentifier")]
string UniformTypeIdentifier { get; set; }
[Export ("shouldMoveFile")]
bool ShouldMoveFile { get; set; }
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions {
[Export ("canHandleAdjustmentData", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
Func<PHAdjustmentData, bool> CanHandleAdjustmentData { get; set; }
[Export ("networkAccessAllowed", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool NetworkAccessAllowed { [Bind ("isNetworkAccessAllowed")] get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("progressHandler", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
PHProgressHandler ProgressHandler { get; set; }
[Field ("PHContentEditingInputResultIsInCloudKey")]
NSString ResultIsInCloudKey { get; }
[Field ("PHContentEditingInputCancelledKey")]
NSString CancelledKey { get; }
[Field ("PHContentEditingInputErrorKey")]
NSString InputErrorKey { get; }
delegate void PHContentEditingHandler (PHContentEditingInput contentEditingInput, NSDictionary requestStatusInfo);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (PHAsset))]
interface PHAssetContentEditingInputExtensions {
// TODO does this need an async attribute?
// [Async]
[Export ("requestContentEditingInputWithOptions:completionHandler:")]
nuint RequestContentEditingInput ([NullAllowed] PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions options, PHContentEditingHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("cancelContentEditingInputRequest:")]
void CancelContentEditingInputRequest (nuint requestID);
// TODO this was not changed in the diffs, but did not find this in the file
// [TV (10,0), Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true), iOS (8,0)]
// [Category]
// [BaseType (typeof (PHContentEditingOutput))]
// interface PHContentEditingOutput_PHAssetChangeRequest {
// [Export ("initWithPlaceholderForCreatedAsset:")]
// IntPtr Constructor (PHObjectPlaceholder placeholderForCreatedAsset);
// }
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (PHChangeRequest))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // fails when calling ToString (see below) and there are (static) API to create them
// NSInternalInconsistencyException Reason: This method can only be called from inside of -[PHPhotoLibrary performChanges:] or -[PHPhotoLibrary performChangeAndWait:]
interface PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest {
[Export ("creationRequestForAssetCollectionWithTitle:")]
PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest CreateAssetCollection (string title);
[Export ("placeholderForCreatedAssetCollection", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
PHObjectPlaceholder PlaceholderForCreatedAssetCollection { get; }
[Export ("deleteAssetCollections:")]
void DeleteAssetCollections (PHAssetCollection[] assetCollections);
[Export ("changeRequestForAssetCollection:")]
PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest ChangeRequest (PHAssetCollection assetCollection);
[Export ("changeRequestForAssetCollection:assets:")]
PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest ChangeRequest (PHAssetCollection assetCollection, PHFetchResult assets);
[Export ("title", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string Title { get; set; }
[Export ("addAssets:")]
void AddAssets (PHObject [] assets);
[Export ("insertAssets:atIndexes:")]
void InsertAssets (PHObject [] assets, NSIndexSet indexes);
[Export ("removeAssets:")]
void RemoveAssets (PHObject[] assets);
[Export ("removeAssetsAtIndexes:")]
void RemoveAssets (NSIndexSet indexes);
[Export ("replaceAssetsAtIndexes:withAssets:")]
void ReplaceAssets (NSIndexSet indexes, PHObject[] assets);
[Export ("moveAssetsAtIndexes:toIndex:")]
void MoveAssets (NSIndexSet fromIndexes, nuint toIndex);
[iOS (9,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface PHAssetResourceManager {
[Export ("defaultManager")]
PHAssetResourceManager DefaultManager { get; }
[Export ("requestDataForAssetResource:options:dataReceivedHandler:completionHandler:")]
int RequestData (PHAssetResource forResource, [NullAllowed] PHAssetResourceRequestOptions options, Action<NSData> handler, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("writeDataForAssetResource:toFile:options:completionHandler:")]
void WriteData (PHAssetResource forResource, NSUrl fileURL, [NullAllowed] PHAssetResourceRequestOptions options, Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("cancelDataRequest:")]
void CancelDataRequest (int requestID);
delegate void PHAssetResourceProgressHandler (double progress);
[iOS (9,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface PHAssetResourceRequestOptions : NSCopying {
[Export ("networkAccessAllowed")]
bool NetworkAccessAllowed { [Bind ("isNetworkAccessAllowed")] get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("progressHandler", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
PHAssetResourceProgressHandler ProgressHandler { get; set; }
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHChange {
[Export ("changeDetailsForObject:")]
PHObjectChangeDetails GetObjectChangeDetails ([NullAllowed] PHObject obj);
[Export ("changeDetailsForFetchResult:")]
PHFetchResultChangeDetails GetFetchResultChangeDetails (PHFetchResult obj);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHObjectChangeDetails {
[Export ("objectBeforeChanges", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSObject ObjectBeforeChanges { get; }
[Export ("objectAfterChanges", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSObject ObjectAfterChanges { get; }
[Export ("assetContentChanged")]
bool AssetContentChanged { get; }
[Export ("objectWasDeleted")]
bool ObjectWasDeleted { get; }
[iOS (13,0)]
[TV (13,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHChangeRequest {
[Export ("init")]
IntPtr Constructor ();
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
delegate void PHChangeDetailEnumerator (nuint fromIndex, nuint toIndex);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHFetchResultChangeDetails {
[Export ("fetchResultBeforeChanges", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
PHFetchResult FetchResultBeforeChanges { get; }
[Export ("fetchResultAfterChanges", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
PHFetchResult FetchResultAfterChanges { get; }
[Export ("hasIncrementalChanges", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool HasIncrementalChanges { get; }
[Export ("removedIndexes", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSIndexSet RemovedIndexes { get; }
[Export ("removedObjects", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
PHObject[] RemovedObjects { get; }
[Export ("insertedIndexes", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSIndexSet InsertedIndexes { get; }
[Export ("insertedObjects", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
PHObject[] InsertedObjects { get; }
[Export ("changedIndexes", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSIndexSet ChangedIndexes { get; }
[Export ("changedObjects", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
PHObject[] ChangedObjects { get; }
[Export ("enumerateMovesWithBlock:")]
void EnumerateMoves (PHChangeDetailEnumerator handler);
[Export ("hasMoves", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool HasMoves { get; }
[Export ("changeDetailsFromFetchResult:toFetchResult:changedObjects:")]
PHFetchResultChangeDetails ChangeDetails (PHFetchResult fromResult, PHFetchResult toResult, PHObject[] changedObjects);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (PHObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // not user createable (calling description fails, see below) must be fetched by API
// NSInternalInconsistencyException Reason: PHCollection has no identifier
#if TVOS || XAMCORE_4_0
[Abstract] // Acording to docs: The abstract superclass for Photos asset collections and collection lists.
interface PHCollection {
[Export ("canContainAssets", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool CanContainAssets { get; }
[Export ("canContainCollections", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool CanContainCollections { get; }
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[Export ("localizedTitle", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string LocalizedTitle { get; }
[Export ("canPerformEditOperation:")]
bool CanPerformEditOperation (PHCollectionEditOperation anOperation);
[Export ("fetchCollectionsInCollectionList:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchCollections (PHCollectionList collectionList, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Export ("fetchTopLevelUserCollectionsWithOptions:")]
PHFetchResult FetchTopLevelUserCollections ([NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (PHCollection))]
interface PHAssetCollection {
[Export ("assetCollectionType")]
PHAssetCollectionType AssetCollectionType { get; }
[Export ("assetCollectionSubtype")]
PHAssetCollectionSubtype AssetCollectionSubtype { get; }
[Export ("estimatedAssetCount")]
nuint EstimatedAssetCount { get; }
[Export ("startDate", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSDate StartDate { get; }
[Export ("endDate", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSDate EndDate { get; }
[Export ("approximateLocation", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
CLLocation ApproximateLocation { get; }
[Export ("localizedLocationNames", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string[] LocalizedLocationNames { get; }
[Export ("fetchAssetCollectionsWithLocalIdentifiers:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchAssetCollections (string[] identifiers, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Export ("fetchAssetCollectionsWithType:subtype:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchAssetCollections (PHAssetCollectionType type, PHAssetCollectionSubtype subtype, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Export ("fetchAssetCollectionsContainingAsset:withType:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchAssetCollections (PHAsset asset, PHAssetCollectionType type, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Export ("fetchAssetCollectionsWithALAssetGroupURLs:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchAssetCollections (NSUrl[] assetGroupUrls, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Export ("fetchMomentsInMomentList:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchMoments (PHCollectionList momentList, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Export ("fetchMomentsWithOptions:")]
PHFetchResult FetchMoments ([NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Export ("transientAssetCollectionWithAssets:title:")]
PHAssetCollection GetTransientAssetCollection (PHAsset[] assets, string title);
[Export ("transientAssetCollectionWithAssetFetchResult:title:")]
PHAssetCollection GetTransientAssetCollection (PHFetchResult fetchResult, string title);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (PHCollection))]
interface PHCollectionList {
[Export ("collectionListType")]
PHCollectionListType CollectionListType { get; }
[Export ("collectionListSubtype")]
PHCollectionListSubtype CollectionListSubtype { get; }
[Export ("startDate", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSDate StartDate { get; }
[Export ("endDate", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSDate EndDate { get; }
[Export ("localizedLocationNames", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string[] LocalizedLocationNames { get; }
[Export ("fetchCollectionListsContainingCollection:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchCollectionLists (PHCollection collection, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Export ("fetchCollectionListsWithLocalIdentifiers:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchCollectionLists (string[] identifiers, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Export ("fetchCollectionListsWithType:subtype:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchCollectionLists (PHCollectionListType type, PHCollectionListSubtype subType, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Export ("fetchMomentListsWithSubtype:containingMoment:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchMomentLists (PHCollectionListSubtype subType, PHAssetCollection moment, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Will be removed in a future release")]
[Export ("fetchMomentListsWithSubtype:options:")]
PHFetchResult FetchMomentLists (PHCollectionListSubtype subType, [NullAllowed] PHFetchOptions options);
[Export ("transientCollectionListWithCollections:title:")]
PHCollectionList CreateTransientCollectionList (PHAssetCollection[] collections, string title);
[Export ("transientCollectionListWithCollectionsFetchResult:title:")]
PHCollectionList CreateTransientCollectionList (PHFetchResult fetchResult, string title);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (PHChangeRequest))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // sometimes crash when calling 'description'
// This method can only be called from inside of -[PHPhotoLibrary performChanges:] or -[PHPhotoLibrary performChangeAndWait:]
// as it ties to get 'title' which was never set (e.g. using FromCreationRequest)
interface PHCollectionListChangeRequest {
[Export ("creationRequestForCollectionListWithTitle:")]
PHCollectionListChangeRequest CreateAssetCollection (string title);
[Export ("placeholderForCreatedCollectionList", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
PHObjectPlaceholder PlaceholderForCreatedCollectionList { get; }
[Export ("deleteCollectionLists:")]
void DeleteCollectionLists (PHCollectionList[] collectionLists);
[Export ("changeRequestForCollectionList:")]
PHCollectionListChangeRequest ChangeRequest (PHCollectionList collectionList);
[Export ("changeRequestForCollectionList:childCollections:")]
PHCollectionListChangeRequest ChangeRequest (PHCollectionList collectionList, PHFetchResult childCollections);
[Export ("title", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string Title { get; set; }
[Export ("addChildCollections:")]
void AddChildCollections (PHCollection[] collections);
[Export ("insertChildCollections:atIndexes:")]
void InsertChildCollections (PHCollection[] collections, NSIndexSet indexes);
[Export ("removeChildCollections:")]
void RemoveChildCollections (PHCollection[] collections);
[Export ("removeChildCollectionsAtIndexes:")]
void RemoveChildCollections (NSIndexSet indexes);
[Export ("replaceChildCollectionsAtIndexes:withChildCollections:")]
void ReplaceChildCollection (NSIndexSet indexes, PHCollection[] collections);
[Export ("moveChildCollectionsAtIndexes:toIndex:")]
void MoveChildCollections (NSIndexSet indexes, nuint toIndex);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHContentEditingInput {
[Export ("mediaType")]
PHAssetMediaType MediaType { get; }
[Export ("mediaSubtypes")]
PHAssetMediaSubtype MediaSubtypes { get; }
[Export ("creationDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate CreationDate { get; }
[Export ("location", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
CLLocation Location { get; }
[Export ("uniformTypeIdentifier")]
string UniformTypeIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("adjustmentData", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
PHAdjustmentData AdjustmentData { get; }
[Export ("displaySizeImage", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSImage DisplaySizeImage { get; } // TODO Remove!!!
UIImage DisplaySizeImage { get; }
[Export ("fullSizeImageURL", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrl FullSizeImageUrl { get; }
[Export ("fullSizeImageOrientation")]
CoreImage.CIImageOrientation FullSizeImageOrientation { get; }
[Availability (Deprecated = Platform.iOS_9_0, Message="Use 'AudiovisualAsset' property instead.")]
[NullAllowed, Export ("avAsset", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
AVAsset AvAsset { get; }
[iOS (9,0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("audiovisualAsset", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
AVAsset AudiovisualAsset { get; }
[iOS (10,0), Mac (10,12)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("livePhoto", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
PHLivePhoto LivePhoto { get; }
[TV (11,0), iOS (11,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[Export ("playbackStyle", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
PHAssetPlaybackStyle PlaybackStyle { get; }
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHContentEditingOutput : NSCoding, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("initWithContentEditingInput:")]
IntPtr Constructor (PHContentEditingInput contentEditingInput);
// TODO should this be moved into a category attribute thing?
[Export ("initWithPlaceholderForCreatedAsset:")]
IntPtr Constructor (PHObjectPlaceholder placeholderForCreatedAsset);
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("adjustmentData", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
PHAdjustmentData AdjustmentData { get; set; }
[Export ("renderedContentURL", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSUrl RenderedContentUrl { get; }
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHFetchOptions : NSCopying {
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("predicate", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSPredicate Predicate { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("sortDescriptors", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSSortDescriptor[] SortDescriptors { get; set; }
[Export ("includeHiddenAssets")]
bool IncludeHiddenAssets { get; set; }
[Mac (10, 15, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("includeAllBurstAssets", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool IncludeAllBurstAssets { get; set; }
[Export ("wantsIncrementalChangeDetails", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool WantsIncrementalChangeDetails { get; set; }
[iOS (9,0)]
[Export ("includeAssetSourceTypes", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
PHAssetSourceType IncludeAssetSourceTypes { get; set; }
[iOS (9,0)]
[Export ("fetchLimit", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nuint FetchLimit { get; set; }
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
delegate void PHFetchResultEnumerator (NSObject element, nuint elementIndex, out bool stop);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // crash when calling 'description' and seems to be only returned from iOS (not user created)
interface PHFetchResult : NSCopying {
[Export ("count")]
nint Count { get; }
[Export ("objectAtIndex:")]
NSObject ObjectAt (nint index);
[Internal, Export ("objectAtIndexedSubscript:")]
NSObject _ObjectAtIndexedSubscript (nint index);
[Export ("containsObject:")]
bool Contains (NSObject id);
[Export ("indexOfObject:")]
nint IndexOf (NSObject id);
[Export ("indexOfObject:inRange:")]
nint IndexOf (NSObject id, NSRange range);
[Export ("firstObject")]
NSObject firstObject { get; }
[Export ("lastObject")]
NSObject LastObject { get; }
[Internal, Export ("objectsAtIndexes:")]
IntPtr _ObjectsAt (NSIndexSet indexes);
[Export ("enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:")]
void Enumerate (PHFetchResultEnumerator handler);
[Export ("enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:")]
void Enumerate (NSEnumerationOptions opts, PHFetchResultEnumerator handler);
[Export ("enumerateObjectsAtIndexes:options:usingBlock:")]
void Enumerate (NSIndexSet idx, NSEnumerationOptions opts, PHFetchResultEnumerator handler);
[Export ("countOfAssetsWithMediaType:")]
nuint CountOfAssetsWithMediaType (PHAssetMediaType mediaType);
delegate void PHAssetImageProgressHandler (double progress, NSError error, out bool stop, NSDictionary info);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHImageRequestOptions : NSCopying {
[Export ("version", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
PHImageRequestOptionsVersion Version { get; set; }
[Export ("deliveryMode", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
PHImageRequestOptionsDeliveryMode DeliveryMode { get; set; }
[Export ("resizeMode", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
PHImageRequestOptionsResizeMode ResizeMode { get; set; }
[Export ("normalizedCropRect", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CGRect NormalizedCropRect { get; set; }
[Export ("networkAccessAllowed", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool NetworkAccessAllowed { [Bind ("isNetworkAccessAllowed")] get; set; }
[Export ("synchronous", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool Synchronous { [Bind ("isSynchronous")] get; set; }
[Export ("progressHandler", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)] [NullAllowed]
PHAssetImageProgressHandler ProgressHandler { get; set; }
delegate void PHAssetVideoProgressHandler (double progress, NSError error, out bool stop, NSDictionary info);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHVideoRequestOptions {
[Export ("networkAccessAllowed", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool NetworkAccessAllowed { [Bind ("isNetworkAccessAllowed")] get; set; }
[Export ("version", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
PHVideoRequestOptionsVersion Version { get; set; }
[Export ("deliveryMode", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
PHVideoRequestOptionsDeliveryMode DeliveryMode { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("progressHandler", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
PHAssetVideoProgressHandler ProgressHandler { get; set; }
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
interface PHImageKeys {
[Field ("PHImageResultIsInCloudKey")]
NSString ResultIsInCloud { get; }
[Field ("PHImageResultIsDegradedKey")]
NSString ResultIsDegraded { get; }
[Field ("PHImageCancelledKey")]
NSString Cancelled { get; }
[Field ("PHImageErrorKey")]
NSString Error { get; }
[Field ("PHImageResultRequestIDKey")]
NSString ResultRequestID { get; }
delegate void PHImageResultHandler (NSImage result, NSDictionary info);
delegate void PHImageResultHandler (UIImage result, NSDictionary info);
delegate void PHImageManagerRequestPlayerHandler (AVPlayerItem playerItem, NSDictionary info);
delegate void PHImageManagerRequestExportHandler (AVAssetExportSession exportSession, NSDictionary info);
#if XAMCORE_4_0
delegate void PHImageManagerRequestAVAssetHandler (AVAsset asset, AVAudioMix audioMix, NSDictionary info);
delegate void PHImageManagerRequestAvAssetHandler (AVAsset asset, AVAudioMix audioMix, NSDictionary info);
delegate void PHImageManagerRequestLivePhoto (PHLivePhoto livePhoto, NSDictionary info);
delegate void PHImageManagerRequestImageDataHandler ([NullAllowed] NSData imageData, [NullAllowed] string dataUTI, CGImagePropertyOrientation orientation, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary info);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHImageManager {
[Export ("defaultManager")]
PHImageManager DefaultManager { get; }
[Export ("requestImageForAsset:targetSize:contentMode:options:resultHandler:")]
int /* PHImageRequestID = int32_t */ RequestImageForAsset (PHAsset asset, CGSize targetSize, PHImageContentMode contentMode, [NullAllowed] PHImageRequestOptions options, PHImageResultHandler resultHandler);
[Export ("cancelImageRequest:")]
void CancelImageRequest (int /* PHImageRequestID = int32_t */ requestID);
[Introduced (PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0)]
[Introduced (PlatformName.TvOS, 8, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0)]
[Export ("requestImageDataForAsset:options:resultHandler:")]
int /* PHImageRequestID = int32_t */ RequestImageData (PHAsset asset, [NullAllowed] PHImageRequestOptions options, PHImageDataHandler handler);
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("requestPlayerItemForVideo:options:resultHandler:")]
int /* PHImageRequestID = int32_t */ RequestPlayerItem (PHAsset asset, [NullAllowed] PHVideoRequestOptions options, PHImageManagerRequestPlayerHandler resultHandler);
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("requestExportSessionForVideo:options:exportPreset:resultHandler:")]
int /* PHImageRequestID = int32_t */ RequestExportSession (PHAsset asset, [NullAllowed] PHVideoRequestOptions options, string exportPreset, PHImageManagerRequestExportHandler resultHandler);
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("requestAVAssetForVideo:options:resultHandler:")]
#if XAMCORE_4_0
int /* PHImageRequestID = int32_t */ RequestAVAsset (PHAsset asset, [NullAllowed] PHVideoRequestOptions options, PHImageManagerRequestAVAssetHandler resultHandler);
int /* PHImageRequestID = int32_t */ RequestAvAsset (PHAsset asset, [NullAllowed] PHVideoRequestOptions options, PHImageManagerRequestAvAssetHandler resultHandler);
[Field ("PHImageManagerMaximumSize")]
CGSize MaximumSize { get; }
[iOS (9,1)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("requestLivePhotoForAsset:targetSize:contentMode:options:resultHandler:")]
int /* PHImageRequestID = int32_t */ RequestLivePhoto (PHAsset asset, CGSize targetSize, PHImageContentMode contentMode, [NullAllowed] PHLivePhotoRequestOptions options, PHImageManagerRequestLivePhoto resultHandler);
[TV (13,0), Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("requestImageDataAndOrientationForAsset:options:resultHandler:")]
int RequestImageDataAndOrientationForAsset (PHAsset asset, [NullAllowed] PHImageRequestOptions options, PHImageManagerRequestImageDataHandler resultHandler);
delegate void PHImageDataHandler (NSData data, NSString dataUti, CGImagePropertyOrientation orientation, NSDictionary info);
delegate void PHImageDataHandler (NSData data, NSString dataUti, UIImageOrientation orientation, NSDictionary info);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (PHImageManager))]
interface PHCachingImageManager {
[Export ("allowsCachingHighQualityImages", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
bool AllowsCachingHighQualityImages { get; set; }
[Export ("startCachingImagesForAssets:targetSize:contentMode:options:")]
void StartCaching (PHAsset [] assets, CGSize targetSize, PHImageContentMode contentMode, [NullAllowed] PHImageRequestOptions options);
[Export ("stopCachingImagesForAssets:targetSize:contentMode:options:")]
void StopCaching (PHAsset [] assets, CGSize targetSize, PHImageContentMode contentMode, [NullAllowed] PHImageRequestOptions options);
[Export ("stopCachingImagesForAllAssets")]
void StopCaching ();
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // doc -> "abstract base class"
// throws "NSInternalInconsistencyException Reason: PHObject has no identifier"
#if TVOS || XAMCORE_4_0
[Abstract] // Acording to docs: The abstract base class for Photos model objects (assets and collections).
interface PHObject : NSCopying {
[Export ("localIdentifier", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string LocalIdentifier { get; }
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (PHObject))]
interface PHObjectPlaceholder {
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver {
#if XAMCORE_2_0
[Export ("photoLibraryDidChange:")]
void PhotoLibraryDidChange (PHChange changeInstance);
interface IPHPhotoLibraryAvailabilityObserver {}
[TV (13,0), Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true), iOS (13,0)]
interface PHPhotoLibraryAvailabilityObserver {
// TODO Not sure why sharpie said this one was abstract
[Export ("photoLibraryDidBecomeUnavailable:")]
void PhotoLibraryDidBecomeUnavailable (PHPhotoLibrary photoLibrary);
delegate void PHPhotoLibraryCancellableChangeHandler (out bool cancel);
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // NSInternalInconsistencyException Reason: -[PHPhotoLibrary init] unsupported
interface PHPhotoLibrary {
[Export ("sharedPhotoLibrary")]
PHPhotoLibrary SharedPhotoLibrary { get; }
[Static, Export ("authorizationStatus")]
PHAuthorizationStatus AuthorizationStatus { get; }
[Static, Export ("requestAuthorization:")]
void RequestAuthorization (Action<PHAuthorizationStatus> handler);
// no [Async] since we're binding performChangesAndWait:error: too
[Export ("performChanges:completionHandler:")]
void PerformChanges (Action changeHandler, Action<bool, NSError> completionHandler);
[Export ("performChangesAndWait:error:")]
bool PerformChangesAndWait (Action changeHandler, out NSError error);
[Export ("registerChangeObserver:")]
void RegisterChangeObserver ([Protocolize] PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver observer);
[Export ("unregisterChangeObserver:")]
void UnregisterChangeObserver ([Protocolize] PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver observer);
[TV (13, 0), Mac (10, 15, onlyOn64: true), iOS (13, 0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("unavailabilityReason", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSError UnavailabilityReason { get; }
[TV (13,0), Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("registerAvailabilityObserver:")]
void RegisterAvailabilityObserver (IPHPhotoLibraryAvailabilityObserver observer);
[TV (13,0), Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("unregisterAvailabilityObserver:")]
void UnregisterAvailabilityObserver (IPHPhotoLibraryAvailabilityObserver observer);
// [Export ("registerChangeObserver:")]
// void RegisterChangeObserver (IPHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver observer);
// [Export ("unregisterChangeObserver:")]
// void UnregisterChangeObserver (IPHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver observer);
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.UIKitForMac)]
[Advice ("This API is not available when using UIKit on macOS.")]
[BaseType (typeof (PHPhotoLibrary))]
interface PHPhotoLibrary_CloudIdentifiers {
[Export ("localIdentifiersForCloudIdentifiers:")]
string[] GetLocalIdentifiers (PHCloudIdentifier[] cloudIdentifiers);
[Export ("cloudIdentifiersForLocalIdentifiers:")]
PHCloudIdentifier[] GetCloudIdentifiers (string[] localIdentifiers);
[Field ("PHLocalIdentifierNotFound")]
NSString PHLocalIdentifierNotFound { get; }
[iOS (9,1)]
[TV (10,0)]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // NS_UNAVAILABLE
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface PHLivePhoto
//#if !MONOMAC
: NSSecureCoding, NSCopying
[Export ("size")]
CGSize Size { get; }
//#if !MONOMAC
[Export ("requestLivePhotoWithResourceFileURLs:placeholderImage:targetSize:contentMode:resultHandler:")]
int RequestLivePhoto (NSUrl[] fileUrls, [NullAllowed] UIImage image, CGSize targetSize, PHImageContentMode contentMode, PHLivePhotoRequestLivePhotoHandler resultHandler);
[Export ("cancelLivePhotoRequestWithRequestID:")]
void CancelLivePhotoRequest (int requestID);
[iOS (9,1)]
delegate void PHLivePhotoRequestLivePhotoHandler ([NullAllowed] PHLivePhoto livePhoto, NSDictionary info);
// [TV (10,0),Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true), iOS (9,1)]
// [BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
// [DisableDefaultCtor]
// interface PHLivePhoto : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
// [Mac (10,12, onlyOn64: true)]
// [Export ("size")]
// CGSize Size { get; }
// [Static]
// [Export ("requestLivePhotoWithResourceFileURLs:placeholderImage:targetSize:contentMode:resultHandler:")]
// int RequestLivePhoto (NSUrl[] fileURLs, [NullAllowed] UIImage image, CGSize targetSize, PHImageContentMode contentMode, PHLivePhotoRequestLivePhotoHandler resultHandler);
// [Static]
// [Export ("cancelLivePhotoRequestWithRequestID:")]
// void CancelLivePhotoRequest (int requestID);
// }
[iOS (8,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHLivePhotoRequestOptions : NSCopying {
[Export ("deliveryMode", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
PHImageRequestOptionsDeliveryMode DeliveryMode { get; set; }
[Export ("networkAccessAllowed")]
bool NetworkAccessAllowed { [Bind ("isNetworkAccessAllowed")] get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("progressHandler", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
PHAssetImageProgressHandler ProgressHandler { get; set; }
[iOS (10,0)]
[Export ("version", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
PHImageRequestOptionsVersion Version { get; set; }
[iOS (9,1)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,15, onlyOn64: true)]
interface PHLivePhotoInfo {
[Field ("PHLivePhotoInfoErrorKey")]
NSString ErrorKey { get; }
[Field ("PHLivePhotoInfoIsDegradedKey")]
NSString IsDegradedKey { get; }
[Field ("PHLivePhotoInfoCancelledKey")]
NSString CancelledKey { get; }
#if XAMCORE_4_0
delegate CIImage PHLivePhotoFrameProcessingBlock (IPHLivePhotoFrame frame, ref NSError error);
delegate CIImage PHLivePhotoFrameProcessingBlock2 (IPHLivePhotoFrame frame, ref NSError error);
[iOS (10,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // NS_UNAVAILABLE
interface PHLivePhotoEditingContext {
[Export ("initWithLivePhotoEditingInput:")]
IntPtr Constructor (PHContentEditingInput livePhotoInput);
[Export ("fullSizeImage")]
CIImage FullSizeImage { get; }
[Export ("duration")]
CMTime Duration { get; }
[Export ("photoTime")]
CMTime PhotoTime { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("frameProcessor", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
#if XAMCORE_4_0
PHLivePhotoFrameProcessingBlock FrameProcessor { get; set; }
PHLivePhotoFrameProcessingBlock2 FrameProcessor2 { get; set; }
[Export ("audioVolume")]
float AudioVolume { get; set; }
[Export ("orientation")]
CGImagePropertyOrientation Orientation { get; }
[Export ("prepareLivePhotoForPlaybackWithTargetSize:options:completionHandler:")]
void _PrepareLivePhotoForPlayback (CGSize targetSize, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options, Action<PHLivePhoto, NSError> handler);
[Wrap ("_PrepareLivePhotoForPlayback (targetSize, null, handler)")]
void PrepareLivePhotoForPlayback (CGSize targetSize, Action<PHLivePhoto, NSError> handler);
[Wrap ("_PrepareLivePhotoForPlayback (targetSize, (NSDictionary)options, handler)", IsVirtual = true)]
void PrepareLivePhotoForPlayback (CGSize targetSize, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> options, Action<PHLivePhoto, NSError> handler);
#if XAMCORE_2_0
// the API existed earlier but the key needed to create the strong dictionary did not work
[iOS (11,0)][TV (11,0)][Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
[Wrap ("_PrepareLivePhotoForPlayback (targetSize, options?.Dictionary, handler)")]
void PrepareLivePhotoForPlayback (CGSize targetSize, [NullAllowed] PHLivePhotoEditingOption options, Action<PHLivePhoto, NSError> handler);
[Export ("saveLivePhotoToOutput:options:completionHandler:")]
void _SaveLivePhoto (PHContentEditingOutput output, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary options, Action<bool, NSError> handler);
[Wrap ("_SaveLivePhoto (output, null, handler)")]
void SaveLivePhoto (PHContentEditingOutput output, Action<bool, NSError> handler);
[Wrap ("_SaveLivePhoto (output, options, handler)", IsVirtual = true)]
void SaveLivePhoto (PHContentEditingOutput output, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> options, Action<bool, NSError> handler);
#if XAMCORE_2_0
// the API existed earlier but the key needed to create the strong dictionary did not work
[iOS (11,0)][TV (11,0)][Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
[Wrap ("_SaveLivePhoto (output, options?.Dictionary, handler)")]
void SaveLivePhoto (PHContentEditingOutput output, [NullAllowed] PHLivePhotoEditingOption options, Action<bool, NSError> handler);
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
interface IPHLivePhotoFrame {}
[iOS (10,0)]
[TV (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
interface PHLivePhotoFrame {
[Export ("image")]
CIImage Image { get; }
[Export ("time")]
CMTime Time { get; }
[Export ("type")]
PHLivePhotoFrameType Type { get; }
[Export ("renderScale")]
nfloat RenderScale { get; }
#if XAMCORE_2_0 // fails to build with mac/classic
[iOS (11,0)]
[TV (11,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
interface PHLivePhotoEditingOptionKeys {
[Field ("PHLivePhotoShouldRenderAtPlaybackTime")]
NSString ShouldRenderAtPlaybackTimeKey { get; }
[iOS (11,0)]
[TV (11,0)]
[Mac (10,12, onlyOn64 : true)]
[StrongDictionary ("PHLivePhotoEditingOptionKeys")]
interface PHLivePhotoEditingOption {
bool ShouldRenderAtPlaybackTime { get; }
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.UIKitForMac)]
[Advice ("This API is not available when using UIKit on macOS.")]
[BaseType (typeof (PHAssetCollection))]
interface PHProject {
[Export ("projectExtensionData")]
NSData ProjectExtensionData { get; }
[Mac (10, 14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("hasProjectPreview")]
bool HasProjectPreview { get; }
[Unavailable (PlatformName.UIKitForMac)]
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[Advice ("This API is not available when using UIKit on macOS.")]
[BaseType (typeof (PHChangeRequest))]
interface PHProjectChangeRequest {
[Export ("initWithProject:")]
IntPtr Constructor (PHProject project);
[Export ("title")]
string Title { get; set; }
[Export ("projectExtensionData", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSData ProjectExtensionData { get; set; }
[Introduced (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 13)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 14)]
[Export ("setKeyAsset:")]
void SetKeyAsset ([NullAllowed] PHAsset keyAsset);
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("setProjectPreviewImage:")]
void SetProjectPreviewImage (NSImage previewImage);
[Mac (10,14, onlyOn64: true)]
[Export ("removeAssets:")]
void RemoveAssets (PHAsset [] /*id<NSFastEnumeration>*/ assets); //a collection of PHAsset objects
[Mac (10,13, onlyOn64 : true)]
[Unavailable (PlatformName.UIKitForMac)]
[Advice ("This API is not available when using UIKit on macOS.")]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface PHCloudIdentifier : NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("notFoundIdentifier")]
PHCloudIdentifier NotFoundIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("stringValue")]
string StringValue { get; }
[Export ("initWithStringValue:")]
IntPtr Constructor (string stringValue);
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