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Created December 4, 2012 23:31
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  • Save tjFogarty/4210249 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tjFogarty/4210249 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A sort of image slider logic
// replace background image when user clicks on a thumbnail
$ 'click', function(e) {
var $this = $( this ),
$bgImage = $( '.current-section .bg-image' ),
oldSrc = $bgImage.attr( 'src' ),
newSrc = $this.find( 'img' ).attr( 'src' ),
marginValue = $this.width() + 20, // 20 for the 10px margin-left and right
newThumbnail = '<li><a href="#"><img src="' + oldSrc + '" class="scale-with-grid"></a></li>',
newBgImage = '<img src="' + newSrc + '" alt="" class="bg-image">';
// only append/prepend if the first thumnail is not animating
if( $( '.current-section #project-images > li:eq(0)' ).not(':animated') ) {
if( !$this.index() ) {
marginValue = -marginValue;
//add to end of list
.append( newThumbnail );
} else {
// add to start of list
.prepend( newThumbnail );
$( '.current-section #project-images > li:eq(0)' ).css( 'margin-left', -marginValue );
marginValue = 10;
//since we've added to the list, we need to get the latest version of it
$projectImages = $( '.current-section #project-images > li' );
'margin-left' : marginValue
}, 400, function() {
$bgImage.fadeOut( 200, function() {
$( this ).remove();
$content.prepend( newBgImage );
//implemenets the scalable full page bg on new bg image
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