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Created May 6, 2012 09:29
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Save tjb0607/2621231 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Tjb0607's patch for SethBling's SkyGrid filter for MCEdit to fix reeds updating water/lava sources above.
# SkyGrid Filter by SethBling (Reed fix by tjb0607)
# Feel free to modify and reuse, but credit to SethBling would be nice.
from pymclevel import MCSchematic
from pymclevel import TileEntity
from pymclevel import TAG_Compound
from pymclevel import TAG_Short
from pymclevel import TAG_Byte
from pymclevel import TAG_String
import random
displayName = "SethBling's Sky Grid"
inputs = (
("Grid Length", (4, 1, 100)),
("World Type", ("Overworld",
def perform(level, box, options):
gridlength = options["Grid Length"]
worldtype = options["World Type"]
total = 0
cump = {}
if worldtype == "Overworld":
p = normalp()
elif worldtype == "Nether":
p = netherp()
# generate the cumulative distribution
for key, value in p.iteritems():
cump[key] = (total, total + value)
total += value
for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx, gridlength):
for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy, gridlength):
for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz, gridlength):
blockid = pickblock(cump, total)
if(blockid == 6 or blockid == 31 or blockid == 32 or blockid == 37 or
blockid == 38 or blockid == 39 or blockid == 40 or blockid == 83):
level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 3) #dirt
if(y < box.maxy):
level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z, blockid)
if(blockid == 83): #reeds
level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z, 9) #still water
elif(blockid == 81): #cactus
level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 12) #sand
if(y < box.maxy):
level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z, blockid)
if(y > box.miny):
level.setBlockAt(x, y-1, z, 106) # vines
elif(blockid == 115): #netherwart
level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 112)
if(y < box.maxy):
level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z, blockid)
elif(blockid == 9 or blockid == 11 or blockid == 79): #liquids
blockbelow = level.blockAt(x, y-3, z)
if(blockbelow == 83 or blockbelow == 81):
if(y < box.maxy):
level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z, blockid)
level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, blockid)
level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, blockid)
if(blockid == 54):
fillChestAt(level, x, y, z)
if(blockid == 52):
setSpawnerAt(level, worldtype, x, y, z)
if worldtype == "Overworld":
#generate end portal
dx = box.maxx - box.minx
dz = box.maxz - box.minz
middlex = box.minx + int(dx / 2 / gridlength) * gridlength
middlez = box.minz + int(dz / 2 / gridlength) * gridlength
y = box.miny + gridlength
if y <= box.maxy and middlex+4 <= box.maxx and middlez+4 <= box.maxz:
# set portal blocks
level.setBlockAt(middlex+1, y, middlez, 120)
level.setBlockAt(middlex+2, y, middlez, 120)
level.setBlockAt(middlex+3, y, middlez, 120)
level.setBlockAt(middlex, y, middlez+1, 120)
level.setBlockAt(middlex, y, middlez+2, 120)
level.setBlockAt(middlex, y, middlez+3, 120)
level.setBlockAt(middlex+1, y, middlez+4, 120)
level.setBlockAt(middlex+2, y, middlez+4, 120)
level.setBlockAt(middlex+3, y, middlez+4, 120)
level.setBlockAt(middlex+4, y, middlez+1, 120)
level.setBlockAt(middlex+4, y, middlez+2, 120)
level.setBlockAt(middlex+4, y, middlez+3, 120)
# set damage values
level.setBlockDataAt(middlex+1, y, middlez, 1)
level.setBlockDataAt(middlex+2, y, middlez, 1)
level.setBlockDataAt(middlex+3, y, middlez, 1)
level.setBlockDataAt(middlex, y, middlez+1, 1)
level.setBlockDataAt(middlex, y, middlez+2, 1)
level.setBlockDataAt(middlex, y, middlez+3, 1)
level.setBlockDataAt(middlex+1, y, middlez+4, 1)
level.setBlockDataAt(middlex+2, y, middlez+4, 1)
level.setBlockDataAt(middlex+3, y, middlez+4, 1)
level.setBlockDataAt(middlex+4, y, middlez+1, 1)
level.setBlockDataAt(middlex+4, y, middlez+2, 1)
level.setBlockDataAt(middlex+4, y, middlez+3, 1)
# returns an unnormalized probability distribution for blocks in the
# overworld
def normalp():
p = {}
p[1] = 120 #stone
p[2] = 80 #grass
p[3] = 20 #dirt
p[9] = 10 #still water
p[11] = 5 #still lava
p[12] = 20 #sand
p[13] = 10 #gravel
p[14] = 10 #gold ore
p[15] = 20 #iron ore
p[16] = 40 #coal ore
p[17] = 100 #log
p[18] = 40 #leaves
p[20] = 1 #glass
p[21] = 5 #lapis ore
p[24] = 10 #sandstone
p[29] = 1 #sticky piston
p[30] = 10 #web
p[31] = 3 #shrub
p[32] = 3 #shrub
p[33] = 1 #piston
p[35] = 25 #wool
p[37] = 2 #yellow flower
p[38] = 2 #red flower
p[39] = 2 #brown mushroom
p[40] = 2 #red mushroom
p[46] = 2 #TNT
p[47] = 3 #bookshelves
p[48] = 5 #mossy cobblestone
p[49] = 5 #obsidian
p[52] = 1 #spawner
p[54] = 1 #chest
p[56] = 1 #diamond ore
p[73] = 8 #redstone ore
p[79] = 4 #ice
p[80] = 8 #snow
p[81] = 1 #cactus
p[82] = 20 #clay
p[83] = 15 #reeds
p[86] = 5 #pumpkin
p[103] = 5 #melon
p[110] = 15 #mycelium
return p
# returns an unnormalized probability distribution for blocks in the
# nether
def netherp():
p = {}
p[11] = 50 #still lava
p[13] = 30 #gravel
p[52] = 2 #mob spawner
p[54] = 1 #chest
p[87] = 300 #netherack
p[88] = 100 #soulsand
p[89] = 50 #glowstone
p[112] = 30 #netherbrick
p[113] = 10 #nether fence
p[114] = 15 #nether stairs
p[115] = 30 #netherwart
return p
# picks a random block from a cumulative distribution
def pickblock(cump, size):
r = random.random() * size
for key, value in cump.iteritems():
low, high = value
if r >= low and r < high:
return key
# creates a randomized mob spawner tile entity at a specified location
def setSpawnerAt(level, worldtype, x, y, z):
chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)
if worldtype=="Overworld":
spawns = overworldSpawns()
elif worldtype=="Nether":
spawns = netherSpawns()
spawnindex = randomInRange(0, len(spawns) - 1)
spawner = TileEntity.Create("MobSpawner")
TileEntity.setpos(spawner, (x, y, z))
spawner["Delay"] = TAG_Short(120)
spawner["EntityId"] = spawns[spawnindex]
def overworldSpawns():
return ["Creeper",
def netherSpawns():
return ["PigZombie",
# fills a chest with random goodies
def fillChestAt(level, x, y, z):
chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)
chest = TileEntity.Create("Chest")
TileEntity.setpos(chest, (x, y, z))
if(random.random() < 0.7):
chest["Items"].append(createItemInRange(256, 294)) #various weapons/random
if(random.random() < 0.7):
chest["Items"].append(createItemInRange(298, 317)) #various armor
if(random.random() < 0.7):
chest["Items"].append(createItemInRange(318, 350)) #various food/tools
if(random.random() < 0.3):
chest["Items"].append(createItemWithRandomDamage(383, 50, 52)) # various spawn eggs
if(random.random() < 0.9):
chest["Items"].append(createItemWithRandomDamage(383, 54, 62)) #various spawn eggs
if(random.random() < 0.4):
chest["Items"].append(createItemWithRandomDamage(383, 90, 96)) #various spawn eggs
if(random.random() < 0.1):
chest["Items"].append(createItemWithRandomDamage(383, 98, 98)) #ocelot spawn egg
if(random.random() < 0.1):
chest["Items"].append(createItemWithRandomDamage(383, 120, 120)) #villager spawn egg
if(random.random() < 0.7):
itemid = randomInRange(1, 5)
count = randomInRange(10, 64)
slot = randomInRange(0, 26)
blocks = createItem(itemid, count, 0, slot)
sapling = createItemWithRandomDamage(6, 0, 3)
sapling["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(randomInRange(0, 26))
# creates a random item in an item id range
def createItemInRange(minid, maxid, count=1):
itemid = randomInRange(minid, maxid)
slot = randomInRange(0, 26)
return createItem(itemid, count, 0, slot)
# creates an item with a randomized damage value
def createItemWithRandomDamage(itemid, mindmg, maxdmg, count=1):
dmg = randomInRange(mindmg, maxdmg)
slot = randomInRange(0, 26)
return createItem(itemid, count, dmg, slot)
# creates an item
def createItem(itemid, count=1, damage=0, slot=0):
item = TAG_Compound()
item["id"] = TAG_Short(itemid)
item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(damage)
item["Count"] = TAG_Byte(count)
item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(slot)
return item
# returns a random integer between minr and maxr, inclusive
def randomInRange(minr, maxr):
return int(random.random() * (maxr - minr + 1)) + minr
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