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Created January 23, 2015 11:00
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Update Teamcity Build Number based on package.json - (Powershell <= 2)
# These are project build parameters in TeamCity
# Depending on the branch, we will use different major/minor versions
$ser = New-Object System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
$json = Get-Content "package.json" | Out-String
$obj = $ser.DeserializeObject($json)
$majorVerion = ($obj['version'] -split "\.")[0]
$minorVerion = ($obj['version'] -split "\.")[1]
$buildCounter = ""
$buildNumber = "$majorVerion.$minorVerion.$buildCounter"
# This gets the name of the current Git branch.
$branch = ""
$buildMetadata = "";
# Sometimes the branch will be a full path, e.g., 'refs/heads/master'.
# If so we'll base our logic just on the last part.
if ($branch.Contains("/"))
$branch = $branch.substring($branch.lastIndexOf("/")).trim("/")
Write-Host "Branch: $branch"
if ($branch -eq "master")
$buildMetadata = ""
elseif ($branch -match "feature_.*")
$branch = $branch.replace("feature_", "")
$buildMetadata = "-${branch}"
elseif ($branch -match "feature-.*")
# If the branch starts with "feature-", just use the feature name
$branch = $branch.replace("feature-", "")
$buildMetadata = "-${branch}"
elseif ($branch -match "fix_.*")
$branch = $branch.replace("fix_", "")
$buildMetadata = "-${branch}"
$buildMetadata = "-${branch}"
$buildNumber = "$buildNumber$buildMetadata"
Write-Host "##teamcity[buildNumber '$buildNumber']"
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