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Created March 13, 2016 23:43
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Angular Readme

My First Angular

Section 1

Best Practices

  • MV* separation
  • DRY
  • Don't hack

Don't write bad

  • Performance
  • Reusability
  • Square peg, round hole


  • Write the tests!
  • Doesn't have to be TDD

Broaden your understanding

  • Learning curve is steep!
  • Practice being curious
  • Refactor!

Read the source code!

  • Consumable
  • Error messages are bad! :(
  • Dissect the source

Section 2

# ng-repeat & ng-repeat-start

# in js
$scope.users = [
    {name:"mike", age: 23},
    {name:"jim", age: 33},
    {name:"larry", age: 43}

# html

<div ng-repeat-start="user in users">
    {{ }} - {{ user.age }}
<hr ng-repeat-end />

Array of Primative Types will barf so we need to override the key

# ng-repeat & ng-repeat-start

# in js
$scope.myarr = [1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8,9]

# $index is the zero base index of the array

# html

<div ng-repeat-start="element in myarr track by $index">
    {{ element }}
<hr ng-repeat-end />

Section 3


{{ | uppercase }}
{{ myfilter.intergerdate | date }}
<input ng-model="myfilter.str"> //=> 1457819077123
{{ myfilter.str | date }} //=> Mar 12, 2016

Filtering Objects

  $scope.mydata = {arr:[{name:"tom", age:42}, {name:"larry", age:56}]};

Piping the object through myfilter and filtering on allows for search on the name key in the object.

  • Filters can be chained see orderBy
  • Filters can be used in the controller app.controller('MainController', function($scope, $filter){})
  <input ng-model="">
  <div ng-repeat="user in mydata.arr | filter:myfilter | orderBy:'age' | limitTo:2">
    {{ user }}

Section 4

  • Constants can't be modified by a decorator but value can
app.constant('twitterAPI', {url: ''});
app.value('valService', function(){ return 'this is return from a fn'});

Section 5

  • Directives
    • Program the DOM

# directives can be in 4 forms


<div my-directive></div>

<div class="my-directive"></div>

<!-- my-directive -->

The directive is named in camelCase, in HTML it is hyphen-case (similar to what happens to data[:attributes] => data-attributes in rails)

  • Directives seem to behave a lot like view helpers that build html elements
  • TODO understand the 1 way and 2 way data binding with @ & = inside directives
    • @ takes the binding from inside the directive. The string is evaluated with interpolated data
    • = takes the binding of value of the string
    • & pass an expression down from parent controller
app.controller('MainController', function($scope){
  $ = { url: "http://someurl",
                   date: 'March 13, 2016' }
  $scope.callme = function(msg) {
                    console.log('you gave me: ' +msg);
<photo photo-src="photo.url"
  capstring="Taken on: {{}}"
  local-func="callme(msg)" />

Compile & Link Function in directives

  • Compile is applied to all instances of thing
    • compile will perform DOM manipulations on the template for all instances
    • after it will call link then it will call instance DOM manipulations
  • Link was using $observe to watch for changes
    • $observe is only available to the single instance

Section 6


  • ng-view is where the template will be inserted
  • routing can use #, #!, or HTMLPushState
  • Depending on style you don't have to register the controller in the route you can just define it in the template
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngRoute']);

app.controller('MainController', function($scope, $routeParams){
    // querystrings are added to the routeParams hash
    $scope.somedata = $routeParams.myparam;

    .when('/', {templateUrl: 'view.html'})
    // instead of having controller: 'MainController' in the hash
    // you can chain routes
    .when('/test/:myparam', {templateUrl: 'view2.html'})
    .otherwise({template: 'Couldn''t match a route'}); // catch all
<script type="text/ng-template" id="view.html">
<div ng-controller="MainController">view {{ somedata }}</div>

Section 7


  • Emit sends the event to the controller and controllers above
  • Broadcast sends the event to the controller and controllers down
  • if there is a string match registered with $scope.$on it will fire that method


  • execute an expression in angular from anywhere outside of angular

Section 8


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