// --- Mutable References --- // |
// &a = @$final initial |
// ref.mut : &a -> (a -> a) -> () |
ref.mut ref fn = (@$new * (fn (ref $new))) |
// these would ideally be automatically inserted by a compiler (a la implicit dups/erase): |
// ref.split : &a -> (&a, &a) |
ref.split ref = let x = (ref $z); (@$y x, @$z $y) |
// ref.drop : &a -> () |
ref.drop ref = (@$x * (ref $x)) |
// --- Abilities & Handlers --- // |
data Request = (Request.pure value) | (Request.yield data resume) |
// yield : {A} -> A -> A.return |
yield ability data = ( |
do (ref.mut ability @fn |
let handler = (fn $out); |
let out = (handler (Request.yield data @$handler @$cont $value)); |
@$value (@$out $handler out) |
) |
$cont |
) |
// handle : ({A} -> t) -> (Request A t -> u) -> u |
handle cb handler = |
let value = (cb (@$fin @$out handler)) |
let handler = ($fin $val); |
let val = (handler (Request.pure value)); |
(@$val $out val) |
// --- Try --- // |
data Try |
= (Try.throw. err) // -> ! |
// Try.throw : {Try e} -> e -> ! |
Try.throw .t err = (yield .t (Try.throw. err)) |
// Try : ({Try e} -> t) -> Result t e |
Try cb = (handle cb Try.handler) |
// Try.handler : Request e t -> Result t e |
Try.handler (Request.pure value) = (Ok value) |
Try.handler (Request.yield (Try.throw. err) *) = (Err err) |
// --- Usage --- // |
// validate : {Try String} -> Tree Nat -> Tree PosNat |
(validate .t (Leaf x)) = (Leaf (validate.n .t x)) |
(validate .t (Node x y)) = |
let (.t0, .t1) = (ref.split .t); |
(Node (validate .t0 x) (validate .t1 y)) |
// validate : {Try String} -> Nat -> PosNat |
(validate.n .t 0) = (Try.throw .t it_was_zero) |
(validate.n .t n) = (do (ref.drop .t) n) |
Option.unwrap .t (Some x) = (do (ref.drop .t) x) |
Option.unwrap .t None = (Try.throw .t unexpected_none) |
// --- Store --- // |
data Store |
= (Store.set. val) // -> () |
| (Store.get.) // -> t |
Store.get .s = (yield .s Store.get.) |
Store.set .s val = (yield .s (Store.set. val)) |
Store init cb = (handle cb (Store.handler init)) |
Store.handler * (Request.pure value) = value |
Store.handler * (Request.yield (Store.set. held) resume) = (resume (Store.handler held) *) |
Store.handler held (Request.yield (Store.get.) resume) = (resume (Store.handler held) held) |
// --- Branch --- // |
data Branch |
= Branch.branch. // -> 0 | 1 |
Branch.branch .b = (yield .b Branch.branch.) |
Branch cb = (handle cb Branch.handler) |
Branch.handler (Request.pure value) = (Leaf value) |
Branch.handler (Request.yield Branch.branch. resume) = (Node |
(resume Branch.handler 0) |
(resume Branch.handler 1) |
) |
// --- Seer --- // |
data Seer |
= (Seer.prophesize.) // -> t |
| (Seer.fulfill. x) // -> () |
Seer.prophesize .S = (yield .S Seer.prophesize.) |
Seer.fulfill .S x = (yield .S (Seer.fulfill. x)) |
Seer cb = (handle cb (Seer.handler *)) |
Seer.handler back (Request.pure value) = (do (back None) value) |
Seer.handler back (Request.yield (Seer.fulfill. x) resume) = (do (back (Some x)) (resume (Seer.handler *) *)) |
Seer.handler back (Request.yield (Seer.prophesize.) resume) = let v = $val; (resume (Seer.handler @$val (back v)) v) |
// --- Examples --- // |
main = (print_list @x x [ |
---------Try--------- |
(Try @.t (do (ref.drop .t) 123)) |
(Try @.t (Try.throw .t "uh oh")) |
(Try @.t (validate .t (Node (Node (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)) (Leaf 3)))) |
(Try @.t (validate .t (Node (Node (Leaf 1) (Leaf 0)) (Leaf 3)))) |
(Try @.t (validate .t (Node (Node (Leaf 0) (Leaf 0)) (Leaf 0)))) |
---------Store--------- |
(Store 1 @.s let (.s0, .s) = (ref.split .s); let (.s1, .s2) = (ref.split .s); |
let a = (Store.get .s0); |
(do (Store.set .s1 2) |
let b = (Store.get .s2); |
(a, b) |
)) |
---------Branch--------- |
(Branch @.b let (.b0, .b1) = (ref.split .b); |
let a = (Branch.branch .b0); |
let b = (Branch.branch .b1); |
(+ (* a 2) b) |
) |
---------Seer--------- |
(Seer @.S let (.S0, .S) = (ref.split .S); let (.S1, .S2) = (ref.split .S); |
let a = (Seer.prophesize .S0); // sees the future :O |
(do (Seer.fulfill .S1 123) // the prophecy is fulfilled |
let b = (Seer.prophesize .S2); // the end is nigh! |
(a, b) |
)) |
---------All-Together-Now--------- |
(Branch @.b let (.b0, .b) = (ref.split .b); let (.b1, .b2) = (ref.split .b); |
(Try @.t let (.t0, .t) = (ref.split .t); let (.t1, .t2) = (ref.split .t); |
(Seer @.S let (.S0, .S) = (ref.split .S); let (.S1, .S2) = (ref.split .S); |
(Store 1 @.s let (.s0, .s1) = (ref.split .s); |
let x = (Branch.branch .b0); |
let y = (Branch.branch .b1); |
(do (Store.set .s0 (Branch.branch .b2)) |
let x = (* x (Option.unwrap .t0 (Seer.prophesize .S0))); |
let x = (+ x y); |
let x = (* x (Option.unwrap .t1 (Seer.prophesize .S1))); |
(do (Seer.fulfill .S2 2) |
let x = (+ x (Store.get .s1)); |
(validate.n .t2 x) |
)))))) |
]) |
// --- Utilities --- // |
data Tree = (Leaf n) | (Node x y) |
data Option = (Some x) | None |
data Result_ = (Ok val) | (Err err) |
do * x = x |
print_list k (List.cons h t) = (print_list (k HVM.log h) t) |
print_list k (List.nil) = (k HVM.exit 0) |
it_was_zero = "it was zero :(" |
unexpected_none = "unexpected none?!" |
---------Try--------- = * |
---------Store--------- = * |
---------Branch--------- = * |
---------Seer--------- = * |
---------All-Together-Now--------- = * |