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Created March 10, 2016 17:22
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Group Expectations DTR
Group Member Names: Tyler, Slota, Jason Pilz, July Tran
When are group members available to work together? What hours can each group member work individually? Are there any personal time commitments that need to be discussed? We prefer after school and typically not too late.
How will group members communicate? How often will communication happen, and how will open lines of communication be maintained? Slack group, group text
Which feature(s) does each group member want to work on? Which feature(s) does each group member not want to work on? Pat Wey - practice writing the views, partials, helpers (not necessarily styling) Jill Donohue - front end, materialize, database Marlo Major - skeleton, bare bones logic
What does each group member hope to get out of the project? Jill - be comfortable with front end, git workflow Marlo - wants to know EXACTLY how each piece works in the project Pat - Git workflow
What is the agreed upon Git workflow? Who will review pull requests, and when? What project management tool will be used?
Tyler will review the PR's
We will use Waffle for project management
What is expected of group members when they run into problems implementing a feature?
Ask for help early. Make sure everyone is on the same page.
How does each group member want feedback (both positive and constructive) to be delivered?
Tranparency is key. Make sure to express how you are feeling about others work in a positive and constrcutive manner
Is there anything else the group should know about personal work/communication styles?
Leave the basement and take a walk every now and then
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