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Last active December 17, 2015 08:29
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Perform a simulation on a tilted detector using Odin.
Some simple functions TJ was using to fit ellipses. May be
useful, may not be.
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
def polar_to_cart(polar_points):
cart_points = np.zeros_like(polar_points)
cart_points[:,0] = polar_points[:,0] * np.cos(polar_points[:,1])
cart_points[:,1] = polar_points[:,0] * np.sin(polar_points[:,1])
return cart_points
def cart_to_polar(cart_points):
polar_points = np.zeros_like(cart_points)
polar_points[:,0] = np.sqrt( np.sum( np.power( cart_points, 2 ), axis=1) )
polar_points[:,1] = np.arctan2( cart_points[:,1], cart_points[:,0] )
return polar_points
def fit_ellipse(points, a0=1.0, b0=1.0, x00=0.0, y00=0.0, beta0=0.0):
Fit an set of points in 2D to the equation for an ellipse by least-squares
points : np.ndarray
An N x 2 array describing the (x,y) coordinates of the points to fit.
Optional Parameters
Correspond to the outputs -- they are initial guesses.
a, b : float
The major and minor axis parameters of the ellipse
x_0, y_0 : float
The center (x_0, y_0) of the ellipse.
beta : float
The angle of rotation from the x-axis to the ellipse major axis.
if not ( (points.shape[1] == 2) and (len(points.shape) == 2) ):
raise ValueError('mishapen `points`')
def objective(ellipse_params):
a, b, x_0, y_0, beta = ellipse_params
polar_points = cart_to_polar( points - np.array([x_0, y_0]) )
r_ellipse = evaluate_ellipse(polar_points[:,1], a, b, beta)
differences = r_ellipse - polar_points[:,0]
return differences
x0 = np.array([a0, b0, x00, y00, beta0])
opt, err = optimize.leastsq(objective, x0)
a, b, x_0, y_0, beta = opt
return a, b, x_0, y_0, beta
def evaluate_ellipse(theta, a, b, beta):
Evaluate r(theta) for an ellipse parameterized by (a, b, beta).
theta : float (or np.ndarray of floats)
The angle with respect to the x-axis, in radians.
a, b : float
The major and minor axis parameters of the ellipse
x_0, y_0 : float
The center (x_0, y_0) of the ellipse.
beta : float
The angle of rotation from the x-axis to the ellipse major axis.
r : float (or np.ndarray of floats)
The radius for each `theta`.
angle = theta + beta
r = a*b / np.sqrt( np.power(b*np.cos(angle), 2) + np.power(a*np.sin(angle), 2) )
return r
A simple script to perform a simulation on a tilted detector
using Odin. The tilt is applied in the slow-scan (y-axis)
direction. Note that small tilts can make a big difference
in the simulated pattern!
The output is a rings file, containing the simulated stuff.
-- TJL May 14 2013
import numpy as np
from odin import xray
from odin import structure
from odin.math2 import ER_rotation_matrix
# --------------------------------------------------------- #
# Manually set parameters -- change these #
traj = structure.load_coor('gold1k.coor') # or whatever
shp = (201,201) # choose number of pixels
distance = 20.0 # detector distance, pixel units
energy = 10.0 # keV
detector_tilt = 0.0 # in degrees
num_molecules = 10
num_shots = 1
q_values = [2.66, 3.07] # inv. Ang.
num_phi = 3600
output_fn = 'tilted.ring'
# --------------------------------------------------------- #
s = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
f = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
c = np.array([0.0, 0.0, distance])
# rotate s backwards `detector_tilt` degrees
R = ER_rotation_matrix(f, np.radians(detector_tilt))
s =, s)
print "Rotated s-vector to:", s
bg = xray.BasisGrid()
bg.add_grid_using_center(c, s, f, shp)
b = xray.Beam(None, energy=energy)
d = xray.Detector(bg, b)
print "Simulating onto tilted detector..."
ss = xray.Shotset.simulate(traj, d, num_molecules, num_shots)
r = ss.to_rings(q_values, num_phi)
print 'Wrote: %s' % output_fn
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