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Last active December 31, 2023 17:13
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Supabase Auth Hook for MFA/TOTP/AAL2 account lock
-- create a table to track failed MFA verification attempts
create table if not exists hub_admin.mfa_failed_verification_attempts(
user_id uuid not null references auth.users(id) on delete cascade
, factor_id uuid not null
, failed_at timestamp with time zone not null default now()
, deleted_at timestamp with time zone
create index if not exists idx_mfa_failed_verification_attempts_user_id on hub_admin.mfa_failed_verification_attempts(user_id);
-- a database function that takes a jsonb event and returns a jsonb response
-- if the mfa attempt is valid, it soft-deletes previous failed attempts for this user & returns a decision to continue
-- if it's not valid & there's not too many attempts, it records the attempt and rejects with the count of remaining attempts
-- if it's too many, it locks the user account & returns an error
create or replace function hub_admin.hook_mfa_verification_attempt(event jsonb)
returns jsonb language plpgsql as $_$
max_attempts int = 10;
failed_attempts int;
if (event -> 'valid')::boolean is true then
-- soft-delete previous failed attempts for this user
deleted_at = now()
user_id = (event ->> 'user_id')::uuid;
return jsonb_build_object('decision', 'continue');
end if;
-- count the number of failed attempts for this user
count(*) + 1 into failed_attempts -- existing + this one
user_id = (event ->> 'user_id')::uuid
and deleted_at is null;
-- if it's not too many, record the attempt and error with the count of remaining attempts
if failed_attempts < max_attempts then
insert into hub_admin.mfa_failed_verification_attempts(user_id, factor_id)
values((event ->> 'user_id')::uuid, (event ->> 'factor_id')::uuid);
return jsonb_build_object(
'error', jsonb_build_object(
'http_code', 400,
'message' , 'You have ' || (max_attempts - failed_attempts) || ' attempts remaining.'
end if;
-- it's too many; lock the user account & reject
banned_until = '2100-01-01'
id = (event ->> 'user_id')::uuid;
return jsonb_build_object(
'decision', 'reject',
'message' , 'The account has been locked.'
-- soft delete all failed attempts for this user so they aren't instantly
-- re-banned if they fail their very first attempt after unlock
create or replace function hub_admin.delete_mfa_failed_verification_attempts()
returns trigger language plpgsql as $_$
deleted_at = now()
user_id =
and deleted_at is null;
return new;
-- a trigger that runs the above function when the user's banned_until column is updated
create or replace trigger delete_mfa_failed_verification_attempts
after update of banned_until
on auth.users
for each row
when (old.banned_until is distinct from new.banned_until and new.banned_until is null)
execute procedure hub_admin.delete_mfa_failed_verification_attempts();
-- permissions for the role that runs the hook:
grant all on schema hub_admin to supabase_auth_admin;
grant all on table hub_admin.mfa_failed_verification_attempts to supabase_auth_admin;
grant execute on function hub_admin.hook_mfa_verification_attempt to supabase_auth_admin;
-- if you need to revert for testing:
-- revoke all on schema hub_admin from supabase_auth_admin;
-- revoke all on table hub_admin.mfa_failed_verification_attempts from supabase_auth_admin;
-- revoke execute on function hub_admin.hook_mfa_verification_attempt from supabase_auth_admin;
-- drop function if exists hub_admin.hook_mfa_verification_attempt(jsonb) cascade;
-- drop function if exists hub_admin.delete_mfa_failed_verification_attempts() cascade;
-- drop table if exists hub_admin.mfa_failed_verification_attempts cascade;
select plan (1);
-- table to store test results b/c variables can't be used in pgtap 😭
create temporary table test_results (
name text primary key
, result boolean
, debug text
-- function to record test result when run inside a block with vars
create or replace function tests.record_result(name text, result boolean, debug text DEFAULT NULL)
returns void language plpgsql as $$
insert into test_results(name, result, debug) values (name, result, debug);
do $$
_user1 uuid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001';
_valid_user1_event jsonb = jsonb_build_object('user_id', _user1, 'factor_id', _factor1, 'valid', true);
_invalid_user1_event jsonb = jsonb_build_object('user_id', _user1, 'factor_id', _factor1, 'valid', false);
_user2 uuid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002';
_valid_user2_event jsonb = jsonb_build_object('user_id', _user2, 'factor_id', _factor2, 'valid', true);
_invalid_user2_event jsonb = jsonb_build_object('user_id', _user2, 'factor_id', _factor2, 'valid', false);
_result jsonb;
set search_path to 'hub_admin';
insert into auth.users(id) values (_user1), (_user2);
-- ensure we don't touch _user2's failed attempts
perform hook_mfa_verification_attempt(_invalid_user2_event);
perform hook_mfa_verification_attempt(_invalid_user2_event);
perform tests.record_result(
'Invalid event result'
, (select hook_mfa_verification_attempt(_invalid_user1_event)) -> 'error' ->> 'message' = '9'
perform tests.record_result(
'Valid event result'
, (select hook_mfa_verification_attempt(_valid_user1_event)) ->> 'decision' = 'continue'
perform tests.record_result(
'User2''s failed attempts aren''t touched'
, (select count(*) = 2 from mfa_failed_verification_attempts where user_id = _user2 and deleted_at is null)
-- 9 more failed attempts, the next will be the last
for _ in 1..9 loop
perform hook_mfa_verification_attempt(_invalid_user1_event);
end loop;
perform tests.record_result(
'9 failed attempts'
, (select count(*) = 9 from mfa_failed_verification_attempts where user_id = _user1 and deleted_at is null)
-- test account lock - 10th & final attempt
select hook_mfa_verification_attempt(_invalid_user1_event) into _result;
perform tests.record_result(
'Account locked response'
, _result ->> 'decision' = 'reject' and _result ->> 'message' = 'The account has been locked.'
-- , _result -> 'error' ->> 'message'
perform tests.record_result(
'User account is banned until 2100'
, (select banned_until >= '2100-01-01' from auth.users where id = _user1)
-- , (select banned_until is null from auth.users)
perform tests.record_result(
'User2''s failed attempts still aren''t touched'
, (select count(*) > 0 from mfa_failed_verification_attempts where user_id = _user2 and deleted_at is null)
select hook_mfa_verification_attempt(_invalid_user1_event) into _result;
perform tests.record_result(
'Account still locked'
, _result ->> 'decision' = 'reject' and _result ->> 'message' = 'The account has been locked.'
-- , _result
-- unban the user (failed attempt deletions taken care of by trigger)
update auth.users set banned_until = null where id = _user1;
-- unsuccessful attempt cause the user can't type
perform tests.record_result(
'User account unbanned; but user fail'
, (select hook_mfa_verification_attempt(_invalid_user1_event)) -> 'error' ->> 'message' = '9'
-- successful attempt clears out previous failed attempts
perform tests.record_result(
'User account unbanned; user succeeds'
, (select hook_mfa_verification_attempt(_valid_user1_event)) ->> 'decision' = 'continue'
-- cycle starts again
perform tests.record_result(
'User account unbanned; 9 new attempts'
, (select hook_mfa_verification_attempt(_invalid_user1_event)) -> 'error' ->> 'message' = '9'
set search_path to 'extensions';
select set_eq(
$$ select name, result, debug from test_results $$,
$$ select * from (values
('Invalid event result', true, null)
, ('Valid event result', true, null)
, ('User2''s failed attempts aren''t touched', true, null)
, ('9 failed attempts', true, null)
, ('Account locked response', true, null)
, ('User account is banned until 2100', true, null)
, ('User2''s failed attempts still aren''t touched', true, null)
, ('Account still locked', true, null)
, ('User account unbanned; but user fail', true, null)
, ('User account unbanned; user succeeds', true, null)
, ('User account unbanned; 9 new attempts', true, null)
) as t $$,
'MFA Auth hook tests:'
select * from finish();
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