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Created December 17, 2014 11:21
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javascript table of equality
<script type="text/javascript">
// italics for objects
(function (values) {
function toString(x) {
var v = x;
v = (v || v === "") ? JSON.stringify(v) : String(v);
if (typeof x === 'object') v = v.italics();
return v;
function describe (i,j) {
var v1 = values[i],
v2 = values[j];
if (i === j) {
if (Number.isNaN(v1)) {
return "NaN !== NaN by definition";
} else {
return "any value is equal to itself";
var a1,a2,s1,s2,cf;
if (v1 == null
|| v2 == null) {
return "undefined only equals to null (except itself)";
} else if (
typeof v1 === 'object'
&& typeof v2 === 'object') {
return "objects are compared by reference";
}else if (
typeof v1 === 'number'
|| typeof v1 === 'boolean'
|| typeof v2 === 'number'
|| typeof v2 === 'boolean') {
cf = Number;
} else {
cf = String;
function toPrimitive (v) {
var s = '', p;
if (v.constructor === cf) return "no conversion required";
if (typeof v === 'object') {
p = v.valueOf();
s += "valueOf: " + toString(p);
if (typeof p === 'object') {
s += " - non-primitive\n";
p = v.toString();
s += "toString: " + toString(p);
if (typeof p === 'object') {
s += " - non-primitive\n";
s += "Couldn't convert to primitive!\n";
} else {
s += "\n";
} else {
s += "\n";
s += "ToPrimitive(" + toString(v) + ") -> " + toString(p) + "\n";
} else {
p = v;
return s + + "(" + toString(p) + ") -> " + toString(cf(v));
a1 = cf(v1); s1 = toString(a1);
a2 = cf(v2); s2 = toString(a2);
return [
cf === Number ? "Having numbers or booleans" : "Having strings",
"<u>arg#1</u>: " + toString(v1),
"<u>arg#2</u>: " + toString(v2),
s1 + ' ' + (a1 === a2 ? '===' : '!==') + ' ' + s2
var h =
"<style>" +
"opaque{opacity:0.5}" +
"table{font-family:sans-serif}" +
"td{max-width:22px;min-width:22px;height:22px;overflow:hidden;border:1px solid silver}" +
".w{min-width:99px;max-width:99px}" +
".v{min-width:40px;max-width:40px}" +
".c{cursor:pointer;border:1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);border-radius:3px}" +
h += "<table>";
h += "<tr class='t'><td><i>falsy?</i></td>";
h += (v) {
return "<td>" + toString(v) + "</td>";
h += "<td class='v'>bool</td><td class='v'>num</td><td class='w'>string</td><td class='w'>valueOf</td><td class='w'>toString</td>";
h += "</tr>";
h += (vi, i) {
return (
"<tr>" +
"<td class='w " + (vi ? 'y' : 'n') + "'>" + toString(vi) + "</td>" + (vj, j) {
var c;
if (i == j) {
c = (Number.isNaN(vj) ? 'n' : 'q');
} else {
if (vi && vj
&& typeof vi === 'object'
&& typeof vj === 'object'
&& vi.toString() == vj.toString()) {
c = 'r';
} else {
c = (vi == vj ? 'y' : 'n');
return "<td class='c " + c + "' idx='" + [i,j] + "'></td>";
}).join('') +
"<td>" + Boolean(vi) + "</td><td>" + Number(vi) + "</td><td>" + String(vi) + "</td>" +
? "<td>" + toString(vi.valueOf()) + "</td><td>\"" + vi.toString() + "\"</td>"
: "<td>" + vi + "</td><td>\"" + vi + "\"</td>") +
h += "</table><div id='s'></div>";
document.body.innerHTML = h;
var t = document.querySelector('table'),
s = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length-1],
d = document.getElementById('s');
t.onmousemove = function(event) {
var g =;
if (!g.classList.contains('c')) return;
d.innerHTML = describe.apply(null,g.getAttribute('idx').split(','));
s.cssRules[0].selectorText = [
"tr:nth-child(" + (g.parentNode.rowIndex+1) + ") .c",
"td.c:nth-child(" + (g.cellIndex+1) + ")"
}([true, 1, '1', [1], ['1'], false, 0, '0', [0], ['0'], '', [], [[]], '-1', -1, [-1], ['-1'], {}, null, undefined, NaN]));
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