- Remove ibus
sudo apt purge ibus
sudo apt autoremove
- Install Sogou Pinyin and dependencies
# Download deb installer from https://shurufa.sogou.com/linux
sudo dpkg -i <sogou_xxx.deb>
sudo apt install -f
# Additional dependencies (refer to: https://shurufa.sogou.com/linux/guide)
sudo apt install libqt5qml5 libqt5quick5 libqt5quickwidgets5 qml-module-qtquick2 libgsettings-qt1
- Reboot
- At the login screen, when you type in the password, an icon shows up at the bottom-right of the screen. Click that icon to select 'Ubuntu on Xorg'. Then login.
- Right click the keyboard icon at the top-right of the screen, then click 'Configure', click '+', uncheck 'Only show current language', find 'sogoupinyin', click 'OK'.
- Done. Now you may switch to Sogou Pinyin via 'Ctrl-Space' hotkey.
That works. I think the key is to select 'Ubuntu on Xorg'. Thx a lot.