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Created June 28, 2009 01:08
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* api helpers
implicit def boxNodeSeqToNodeSeq(in: Box[NodeSeq]): NodeSeq = {
in match {
case Full(n) => n
case Failure(msg, _, _) => <error>{msg}</error>
case _ => <error></error>
implicit def tupleSeqNodeToResponse(in: (String, Seq[Node])): LiftResponse = {
buildResponse(true, in._1, Empty, in._2)
implicit def putResponseInBox(in: LiftResponse): Box[LiftResponse] = Full(in)
def buildResponse(success: Boolean, rootname: String, msg: Box[NodeSeq], body: NodeSeq): LiftResponse = {
wrapXmlBody(rootname, body)
def wrapXmlBody(in: String, elems: NodeSeq): Elem = {
* The attribute name for success
def successAttrName: String = "success"
* The attribute name for operation
def operationAttrName: String = "operation"
* The attribute name for any msg attribute
def msgAttrName: String = "msg"
protected def operation: Option[NodeSeq] =
(for (req <- S.request) yield req.path.partPath match {
case _ :: name :: _ => name
case _ => ""
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