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Created June 19, 2017 11:11
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A quick and dirty script for restructing GeServer GWC created tilesets from internal directory structure to TMS-like z/x/y structure. Optionally discarding "empty" files and dividing files into separate subdirectories (e.g based on admin-units) based on an index file Raw
import json
import os
import shutil
from time import time
# absolute path to gwc dir, e.g '/opt/geoserver/data/gwc' or 'c:/geoserver/data_dir/gwc'
TILEPATH = '<path_to_geoserver_gwc_dir>'
# All zoomfolders in os.path.join(TILPATH, TILELAYER) path that should be scanned,
def get_zoom(folder):
"""Extracts zoom value from zoom folder name.
The folder name is expected to be of the form:
return '%s' % int(folder.split('_')[-1])
def get_column_row(filepath, flavour='vanilla'):
"""Extracts tile row folder name + tile filename.
Flavour can be of type {gwc} or {diskcache}.
if flavour == 'gwc':
_x, _y = [n for n in filepath.split('_')]
x = int(_x)
y, ext = os.path.splitext(_y)
elif flavour == 'diskcache':
x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2 = filepath.split(os.path.sep)
x = int('%s%s%s' % (x0, x1, x2))
y, ext = os.path.splitext('%s%s%s' % (y0, y1, y2))
raise IOError('Unknown tileindex flavour - "%s"' % flavour)
return '%s' % x, '%s%s' % (int(y), ext)
def walk_tile_folders(tilepath, layername, zoomfolders, outfolder, ext, idxpath,
minsize=None, flavour=None):
"""Walks all given zoomfolders and copies tiles to TMS-like
`<outfolder>/<fileextension>/{z}/{x}/{y}.<fileextension>` folder structure.
- minimum file size in bytes can be specified - files smaller
than that will not be copied.
- idxpath can specify a directory with zoom-based index-files. The file name
must follow a pattern of `z<number>_index.json` with <number> indicating the
specific zoom level, e.g z10_index.json for zoom level 10, z1_index.json for
zoom level 1. The distribution index must be encoded in json and be in the
"z:x:y" : ["subdirs", "that this", "tile", "needs", "to be copied"],
"z:m:n" : ["this goes to one subdir only"],
If using the idxpath option and a tile is not specified in the zoomlevel's
indexfile, it will be discarded. Required subdirs are created automagically.
NB! will not reverse y-axis!
_extdir = os.path.join(outfolder, ext)
if not os.path.exists(_extdir):
for zoomfolder in zoomfolders:
start = time()
zoom = get_zoom(zoomfolder)
if idxpath:
idxfile = os.path.join(idxpath, 'z%s_index.json' % zoom)
with open(idxfile) as i:
idx = json.loads(
print 'Z=%s index loaded in %.2f seconds' % (zoom, time() - start, )
_def = []
idx = {}
print 'Z=%s no index loaded' % zoom
_def = ['']
start = time()
inzpath = os.path.join(tilepath, layername, zoomfolder)
numtiles = 0
discarded = 0
print 'Copy %s -> %s:' % (inzpath, zoom),
for thisdir, subdirs, files in os.walk(inzpath, topdown=False):
for tilefile in files:
if os.path.splitext(tilefile)[-1] == '.%s' % ext:
src = os.path.join(thisdir, tilefile)
size = os.path.getsize(src)
if (minsize != None and size > minsize) or minsize == None:
x, y = get_column_row(
os.path.relpath(src, inzpath), flavour)
key = '%s:%s:%s' % (zoom, x, y.rstrip('.%s' % ext))
distdirs = idx.get(key, _def)
for distdir in distdirs:
_distdir = os.path.join(_extdir, distdir)
if not os.path.exists(_distdir):
_zdir = os.path.join(_distdir, zoom)
if not os.path.exists(_zdir):
_xdir = os.path.join(_zdir, x)
if not os.path.exists(_xdir):
dst = os.path.join(_xdir, y)
shutil.copy2(src, dst)
numtiles += 1
discarded += 1
print 'copied %s files, discarded %s files in %.2f seconds' % (
numtiles, discarded, time() - start)
if __name__ == '__main__':
'<tilelayer_name>', # e.g 'topp_states'
'<outfolder>', # The path where tiles will be copied, e.g 'z:/data/tiles/mylayer'
'<file_format>', # only files w/ this extension will be considered, e.g 'jpeg' or 'geojson' or 'png'
None, # index file path if tiles need to be divided in separate directories, e.g based on admin units
None, # min file size thresold in bytes. Files smaller than this will not be copied.
'gwc' # or 'diskcache', the flavour of directory structure used for original tiles.
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