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A continuation that resumes automatically when the suspended task is cancelled.
import os.lock
/// `CancellingContinuation` is built on top of `CheckedContinuation` and
/// provides some additional features. It can be used as a drop-in replacement,
/// providing a similar API.
/// ## Automatic cancellation
/// When the suspended task is cancelled the continuation is automatically
/// resumed with a `CancellationError`. After that, normally resuming the
/// continuation from client is silently ignored.
/// Due to automatic cancellation only a throwing continuation is provided.
/// ## Conformance to `Equatable` and `Hashable`
/// `CancellingContinuation` values can be tested for equality. This makes
/// them suitable to manage waiting tasks. The values can be stored and
/// identified in containers. The values have reference semantics, yet can be
/// passed around between isolation domains.
public struct CancellingContinuation<T: Sendable>: Sendable, Hashable {
private let state = OSAllocatedUnfairLock(initialState: State.initial)
/// This id is process-unique.
public let id = uniqueIdentifier
/// Initial state: The underlying continuation itself is not yet created.
public init() {}
/// Await the result. If the optional closure is provided, it is called
/// synchronously before the task is suspended.
public func callAsFunction(
isolation: isolated (any Actor)? = #isolation,
function: String = #function,
_ body: ((CancellingContinuation<T>) -> Void)? = nil
) async throws -> sending T {
return try await withTaskCancellationHandler {
// The underlying CheckedContinuation is created:
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation(function: function) { continuation in
state.withLock { $0.set(continuation) }
} onCancel: {
state.withLock { $0.cancel() }
/// Behavior of `resume` is similar to CheckedContinuation/resume, with one
/// main difference: If the continuation has already been resumed, then
/// subsequent calls to resume will be silently ignored.
public func resume(with result: Result<T, any Error>) {
state.withLock { $0.resume(with: result) }
public func resume(returning value: sending T) { resume(with: .success(value)) }
public func resume(throwing error: any Error) { resume(with: .failure(error)) }
public func resume() where T == Void { resume(with: .success(())) }
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { hasher.combine(id) }
public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool { == }
/// The continuation's internal mutable state. Also defines three possible
/// events that trigger state transitions.
private enum State: Sendable {
/// This is the initial state before any cancel, await, or resume event.
case initial
/// Task has been cancelled before awaiting the continuation's result.
case scheduledCancel
/// The continuation has been resumed before it's result was awaited.
case scheduledResume(Result<T, any Error>)
/// Awaiting the continuation. No cancel or resume, yet.
case awaitingContinuation(CheckedContinuation<T, any Error>)
/// The continuation has been awaited and resumed.
case resumed
/// The continuation has been cancelled from the waiting task.
case resumedWithCancellation
/// Event: Client code began awaiting the continuation.
mutating func set(_ continuation: CheckedContinuation<T, any Error>) {
switch self {
case .initial:
self = .awaitingContinuation(continuation)
case .scheduledResume(let result):
continuation.resume(with: result)
self = .resumed
case .scheduledCancel:
continuation.resume(throwing: CancellationError())
self = .resumedWithCancellation
case .awaitingContinuation, .resumed, .resumedWithCancellation:
fatalError("SWIFT TASK CONTINUATION MISUSE: cancellingContinuation() tried to await the continuation more than once")
/// Event: Automatic cancellation by waiting task.
mutating func cancel() {
switch self {
case .initial, .scheduledCancel, .scheduledResume:
self = .scheduledCancel
case .awaitingContinuation(let continuation):
continuation.resume(throwing: CancellationError())
self = .resumedWithCancellation
case .resumed, .resumedWithCancellation:
break // ignored
/// Event: Client code did resume the continuation normally.
mutating func resume(with result: Result<T, any Error>) {
switch self {
case .initial:
self = .scheduledResume(result)
case .awaitingContinuation(let continuation):
continuation.resume(with: result)
self = .resumed
case .scheduledCancel, .resumedWithCancellation:
// resume ignored
case .scheduledResume, .resumed:
fatalError("SWIFT TASK CONTINUATION MISUSE: cancellingContinuation() tried to resume its continuation more than once")
/// See `CancellingContinuation`
public func withCancellingContinuation<T>(
isolation: isolated (any Actor)? = #isolation,
function: String = #function,
_ body: (CancellingContinuation<T>) -> Void
) async throws -> sending T {
try await withoutActuallyEscaping(body) { escapingClosure in
let continuation = CancellingContinuation<T>()
return try await continuation(function: function, escapingClosure)
private let identifierSource = OSAllocatedUnfairLock(initialState: 0)
private var uniqueIdentifier: Int { identifierSource.withLock { state in state += 1; return state }}
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